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Full text of "Edison Microfilm Reel 259"

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Compilation  ©  2007  LexisNexis  Academic  &  Library 
a  division  of  Reed  Elsevier  Inc.  All  nghts  reserved. 


Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 
Senior  Editor 

Brian  C.  Shipley 
Theresa  M.  Collins 
Linda  E.  Endersby 

David  A.  Ranzan 
Indexing  Editor 

Janette  Pardo 
Richard  Mizelle 
Peter  Mikulas 

Paul  B.  Israel 
Director  and  General  Editor 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
National  Park  Service,  Edison  National  Historic  Site 
New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 

A  UPA  Collection  from 

w  LexisNexis* 

7500  Old  Georgetown  Road  •  Bcilicsda,  MD  20814-6126 
Edison  signature  used  with  permission  of  MeGraw-Edison  Company 

Thomas  A.  Ellison  Papers 

Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
endorsed  by 

National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission 
18  June  1981 

Copyright  ©  2007  by  Rutgers,  The  State  University 

All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  publication  including  any  portion  of  the  guide  and 
index  or  of  the  microfilm  may  be  reproduced,  stored  in  a  retrieval  system,  or  transmitted  in  any 
form  by  any  means-graphic,  electronic,  mechanical,  or  chemical,  including  photocopying, 
recording  or  taping,  or  information  storage  and  retrieval  systems— without  written  permission  ot 
Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey. 

The  original  documents  in  this  edition  are  from  the  archives  at  the  Edison  National 
Historic  Site  at  West  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

ISBN  978-0-88692-887-2 


Director  and  General  Editor 

Paul  Israel 

Senior  Editor 
Thomas  Jeffrey 

Associate  Editors 
Louis  Carlat 
Theresa  Collins 

Assistant  Editor 
David  Hochfelder 

Indexing  Editor 
David  Ranzan 

Consulting  Editor 
Linda  Endersby 

Visiting  Editor 
Amy  Flanders 

Editorial  Assistants 

Alexandra  Rimer 
Kelly  Enright 
Eric  Barry 

Outreach  and  Development 
(Edison  Across  the  Curriculum) 

Theresa  Collins 

Business  Manager 
Rachel  Wcissenburgcr 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
Richard  L.  McCormick 
Ziva  Galili 
Ann  Fabian 
Paul  Clemens 

New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Marc  Mappen 

National  Park  Service 

Maryanne  Gerbauckas 
Michelle  Ortwein 

Smithsonian  Institution 
Harold  Wallace 


Robert  Friedel,  University  of  Maryland 
Louis  Galambos,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Susan  Hockey,  Oxford  University 
Thomas  P.  Hughes,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
Ronald  Kline,  Cornell  University 
Robert  Rosenberg,  John  Wiley  &  Sons 
Marc  Rothenberg,  Joseph  Henry  Papers,  Smithsonian  Institution 
Philip  Scranton,  Rutgers  University/Hagley  Museum 
Merritt  Roe  Smith,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 


Wc  thankfully  acknowledge  the  vision  and  support  of  Rutgers  University  and  the 
Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers  Board  of  Sponsors. 

This  edition  was  made  possible  by  grant  hinds  provided  from  the  New  Jersey  Historical 
Commission,  National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission  and  The  National 
Endowment  for  the  Humanities.  Major  underwriting  has  been  provided  by  the  Barkley  Fund, 
through  the  National  Trust  for  the  Humanities,  and  by  The  Charles  Edison  Foundation. 

We  are  grateful  for  the  generous  support  of  the  IEEE  Foundation,  the  Hyde  ft  Watson 
Foundation,  the  Martinson  Family  Foundation,  and  the  GE  Foundation.  We  acknowledge  gifts 
from  many  other  individuals,  as  well  as  an  anonymous  donor;  the  Association  of  Edison 
Illuminating  Companies;  and  the  Edison  Electric  Institute.  For  the  assistance  of  all  these 
organizations  and  individuals,  as  well  as  for  the  indispensable  aid  of  archivists,  librarians, 
scholars,  and  collectors,  the  editors  are  most  grateful. 



A  Note  on  the  Sources 
The  pages  which  have  been 
filmed  are  the  best  copies 
available.  Every  technical 
effort  possible  has  been 
made  to  ensure  legibility. 


Reel  duplication  of  the  whole  or  of 
any  part  of  this  film  is  prohibited. 
In  lieu  of  transcripts,  however, 
enlarged  photocopies  of  selected 
items  contained  on  these  reels 
may  be  made  in  order  to  facilitate 



Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Phonograph  -  General  (E-14-69) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence,  interoffice  communications,  and 
other  documents  relating  to  the  commercial  and  technical  development  of 
Edison's  cylinder  and  disc  phonograph.  Included  are  letters  pertaining  to 
public  demonstrations  of  the  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph,  the  selection  of 
talent  and  music  for  recording,  customer  relations,  and  activities  among 
Edison’s  agents  and  competitors.  There  are  also  production  and  accounting 
reports,  along  with  a  letter  from  the  accounting  firm  of  Lybrand  Ross  Bros.  & 
Montgomery  regarding  a  project  to  systematize  operations  in  the  Disc 
Department.  In  addition,  there  are  numerous  letters  complaining  about  the 
musical  quality  and  limited  repertoire  of  Edison  recordings.  A  letter  from  Gov. 
George  H.  Hodges  of  Kansas  expresses  disappointment  "in  the  ordinary  class 
of  records  that  you  are  furnishing."  A  communication  by  Harry  T.  Shriver,  a 
neighbor  in  Llewellyn  Park,  is  one  of  several  commenting  on  the  need  for 
more  dance  music.  Other  correspondents  include  Secretary  of  State  William 
Jennings  Bryan,  who  agreed  to  make  a  series  of  recordings  for  Edison; 
Thomas  C.  Ballard,  an  early  phonograph  promoter;  newspaper  publisher 
Arthur  W.  Brisbane;  and  radio  and  television  pioneer  Lee  De  Forest. 
Numerous  undated  items  in  Edison's  hand,  including  evaluations  of  songs 
and  artists,  follow  the  dated  documents.  An  incomplete  set  of  the  minutes  of 
the  Amusement  Phonograph  Committee  appears  at  the  end  of  the  folder. 

Approximately  25  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected.  The 
material  not  selected  includes  unsolicited  suggestions  and  inquiries  from 
inventors  and  other  unsolicited  correspondence  receiving  no  substantive  reply 
from  Edison.  Also  not  selected  are  lists  of  phonograph  dealers,  letters  of 
transmittal  and  acknowledgment,  and  daily  and  weekly  reports  concerning 
quality  testing,  sales,  and  other  commercial  matters. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Phonograph  -  General  (E-14-69) 

^yy\a  Ck- .  _ 

The  following  inquiry  has  been  referred  to  the  Column, m£ 

SsjLL^i  s--" 

_ ' '  g  — ...  _ ';-  --:  v^txAs-  'i-o 

nJL^-A  KJ-^lSr^<L^ 

If  you  can  furnish  this  information,  I  shall  appreciate  it  veryjmuch. 

aSL*~~'  W  ^ 

1  ^0^,0-^  03>gfiJl  c.^ 

— r«~G£qfE3it0T,  "Answers.” 

jZg-Zo  ‘±31 


Jan.  2nd,  1914. 

I  received  a  call  this  morning  ever  the  telephone  from 

— • 

list  and  referred  him  to  the  Co r|  ban?Be^^pan^  ^  ffeber  ons  of  ■ 

Hew  xork  City.  .  “r*  “slSO-maohine  and  askea  that  they  send 

their  mainover  lo^fok  it  and  start  it  running. 

The  machine  was  received  on  "»4“e8**y  °*at?iB8£a9k'Bna 
the  man  went  over  to  Mr.  Be  ^notlced"?^^^ TacWne  was"  seratch- 
started  it  off.  Kr.  If?air  Th°  «nish  was  worn  off 

ed  and  looked  ^  * '“??  “K .  pSo^  below.  He  called  the 

with  did  not  think  well  of  this  idea  at  all. 

regularly.  then  Rather  soeed  and  then  run  up  above  80 

s°.*hS»8z°n;«  "«». «» *»  ■»»““ 18  Mexi!'  msl‘" 

to  him  and  is  in  very  poor  condition. 

Si-5S!  £5  t.oof  thoc.  ».«•  oracteS. 

&c™»  «i* «.?.  .« »« «.  «»*  «  *»•*-»* 

you  would  have  customers  receive. 

Jan.  3,  1914 

Mr.  Hirdj 

udinion  wiohea  tchhave'  throe  A-25Q  Bahogany  HionogrnjM 

aant  SJo?h«'S'«Cluh.  Maot  Orange,  to  ho  need  on  Monday 
night,  January  5. 

&*j?zgjsr~ fstrsi- ensu* 

Ur.  Barher  will  note  tliat  ono 
the  ball-rooia  on  too  upper  floor, 
the  large  rooa  dovni-atutlrs. 

of  thoae  inntrisnento  io  to  so  in 
ono  in  toe  library,  and  one  in 


It.  V.  Looming 

Capias  to  iieaaro.  Atteeswan,  Barber,  Hay  oh,  Bolnn 
Copy  to  Kr.  Maudo^oroft 


HELD  JANUARY  5,1914/ 






.CAT.  NO.. 




11803  ALL  ABOARD  FOR  DIXIELAND- "Hi gh  Jinlcs”  ™NES  &CUHO . 
11642  LULLABY 

11780  I  ’M  CRYING  JUST  FOR  YOU 


(a)  IN  DE  HORNIN' 











28192  10856  MENUET  OF  VALSE  BLUETTS  IViolin) 

28193  10344  LAST  ROSE  OF 

28194  11744  THE  LAWN  SV/ING 


JAS.  BURKE— Not  considered  suitable  forour  use. 

artist^rSes?^1^?  records  Be  recorded. 

The  Victor  February  Supplement  was  listened  to  and  it  was  the 
opinion  of  the  Committee  that  the  surface  of  these  records  is  goo 

t.™  **  —  -  «-« — —  ie;;rds 

heard  It  contained  20  twelve  inch  and  28  ten  inch  numbers. 

~  5 

reco-ended  tut  they  he  recorded. 


IRETON, Chairman . 

_ ram-.  “““ 

The  Phonograph  Co. 


Si  Exclusive  Edison  Distributers 

SnlnsiDoins  &  Offices  -  220  Sci.Wnbnsli  Avo. 

zL.  Ckk  4 

—  I  W-Xx  ‘,v 

Mr.  Wm.H.Meadowcroft,  ,  Cl****0**  £.4»*<***i 


Orange,  H.  J.  v  .  I 

My  dear  Mr.  Meadowcroft,  ^s#***1*"-  "*j? 

By  keeping  at.  it  perhafSs  we  can 
The  following  list  of  itte^re^ords  advertised 
I  have 

accomplish  something. 

and  once  on  sale  have  suddenly  ceased  co£)3 

endeavored  to  impress  Mr.  Edison  with  t&S-tnu . Wmgejsf  hastening 

their  revival  as  available  stock  and  now  I  write  to  you  to  say 
that  if  in  the  work  you  are  doing  incidental  to  records, you  can 
boost  any  yuu  would  better  fo  it  for  this  situation  is  rather  . 
desperate.  Many  of  these  stand-bys  have  been  out  of  stock 
long  enough  to  have  made  them  over  several  times  and  our 
inquiring  customers  can't  understand  it  at  all.  They  can  see 
how  a  record  would  be  out  of  stock  for  a  couple  of  weeks  but 
when  it  is  seven  and  eight  weeks  and,  in  the  case  of  "Annie 
Laurie"  three  months,  it  is  very  hard  for  us  to  explain. 

We  have  always  made  excellent  use  of  any  signed  letters 
you  sent  us  in  regard  to  records  and  if  you  have  your  old  time 
ingenuity  in  these  matters  you  will  frame  up  a  letter  that  we  can 
post  up  here  in  the  Sales  Department  which  will  serve  as  a  reason 
for  records  being  out  of  stock  so  long. 

I  am  sorry  not  to  have  seen  you  when  I  was  down  there 



the  other  day  but  I  didn't  have 
I  wanted  to  do. 

*  $ 
opportunity  to  do  half  what  §  £ 

With  kind  regards,  I  am 

Sincerely  yours. 


P.S.  The  new  German  tenor  records,  #83016  and  #83017 

CLM-ka  ) 
17,  are  J 

beautifully  sung  but  our  friends  are  unable  to  see  how  you 
dare  to  let  them  come  out  at  this  late  day  with  the  surface 
that  they  have.  Who  imposes  upon  Mr.  Edison  by  letting  him 
publish  star  performances  under  such  handicaps?  These  goods  are 
unsaleable  and  as  we  never  had  heard  them  before  last  week  and 
would  be  willing  to  get  along  without  them  until  they  were  right 
we  wonder  what  influence  is  at  work  in  the  plant  to  try  to 
injure  you  by  offering  anything  of  this  kind.  Get  out  a  couple 
of  them  and  listen  to  them  and  see  if  you  would  give  three  dollars 
each  for  such  results.  When  we  tell  the  public  that  Mr.  Edison 
has 'got  it"  now  and  you  send  us  smooth  records  like  you  did  for  a 
while  we  get  under  great  headway,  but  when  you  lower  your 
standards  for  a  few  days  and  permit  stuff  to  leave  the  plant 
that  no  one  wants  and  each  reproduction  serves  to  set  back  the 
progress  of  the  new  machine  some  one  ought  to  be  guarding  Mr. 
Edison's  interests  a  little  more  closely.  Some  day,  Old  Man, 

I  am  going  to  tell  you  something  very  interesting  about  what 
actually  hinged  and  was  decided  on  these  two  German  records. 

QcCtstwu  ■ 


The  Phonograph  Co. 

Exclusive  Edison  Distributers 

Salesrooms  &  Ofnces-229  So.  Wabash  Avo. 







/ 80072 






80099  S 



Jan, 10,  1914 

Mr.  Fdison:- 

obtain  some 
herewith  rem 

Cat. Mo. 









regard  to  Goodwin's  complaint  that  he  cannot 
of  the  earlier  selections  listed,  I  append 
arks  concerning  the  condition  of  the  selections 


Serial  llo.  Remarks 

Apple  Blossoms 

Flower  Song 

Moulds  now 
running. Small  stock 
on  hand.  Apple 
Blossoms  discarded 

1053 J  Making  up  more  moulds. 

Massa's  in  Cold  Ground  1035(’.Yorking  moulds  from  new 
Old  Folks  at  Home  1077#  Master  will  be  finished 

f  1/15/14 . 

Wedding  of  Winds 
On  the  High  Alps 

1256(  Wh«  Master  to  plate  1/12 
12821  Working  moulds  ready 
(  about  1/25/14 

la  Zingana 
Kiss  Waltz 

217l(  Stock  on  hand.  Canfill 
22601  orders  up  to  275  at 

Carry  me  back, etc. 
0  Promise  Me 

Silver  Threads 
Kiss  Waltz 

Hear  Ha  Morma 
La  Paloma 

Blbom  is  on  the  Rye 
Rocked  in  the  Cradle 

98l(Working  moulds  will 
1191 (be  ready  1/12/14 

1098(  Working  moulds  will 
1326(  be  ready  1/12/14 

1103 (Wh?  Master  plated  l/6. 
1196(working  moulds  will 

(  be  ready  about  1/17/14 

1052( Sub  Masters  printed 
1286 (  1/10/14.  Working 

(moulds  ready  1/15/14. 

Breams  of 
Hearer  My  God  to 

1288(  Working  mouD.ds  ready 

(  1/12/14 


80078  Melody  in  F  1309( Moulds  running. Small 

Humoresque  20631 stook  on  hand.  Moulds 

(are  discarded  frequently. 
(Mqking  upmore  of  Melody 
(in  F. 

80084  Serenade  Hoszkowski  258G(  Working  moulds  ready 
Evening  Star  1021 (  1/15/14 

80098  Call  ijie  your  Darlingl298(Sub  Masters  printed 

Annie  Laurie  2173(1/7/14. Working  moulds 

(ready  about  1/18/14. 

80099  Good-3ye  Sweet  Day  2314(Moulds  running. Discarded 

In  Old  Madrid  2122( frequently  on  In  Old 

(Madrid. Making  up  more 

80100  The  Rosary  2315 (Sub  Hesters  printed  1/7/14 

When  the  Robins  (  Working  moulds  ready 

Rest  2115(  1/18/14, 

80119  Depuis  le  jour  2463 (All  working  moulds  dis¬ 

carded  1/9/L4.  Will  make 
(new  prints  from  Master 
(Mould  1/10/14. If  cannot 
(repair  will  have  to  re¬ 
lease  new  Wh .Master. 

80121  On  Yonder  Rock  2110(Moulds  running. Small 

Soldiers  Chorus  2349( stock  on  hand.  Discarded 

(frequently  on"0n  Yonder 
(Rook.  Hew  working  moulds 
(completed  1/7/14 

80091  Itorts  &  Flowers  2642(  Sub  Masters  printed 

Genius  Loci  1263U./6/14.  Working  moulds 

(ready  about  1/17/14. 

82033  Home  SweetHorae  1100  (Sub  Masters  printed  1/8. 

The  Swallow  1308  (Working  moulds  ready 

(about  1/20/14. 

82511  Ave  Maria  1331(Sub  Masters  printed  l/6. 

Sweet  Spirit, Hear  (Working  moulds  ready 

My  Prayer  1097( about  1/18/14. 





Anvil  Chorus  1302 
Misereri  83.2 

Jioulds  running.  Small  stock 
on  hand.  3iaking  up  more  of 

We  have  filled  all  his  orders  for  Ho. 50089  and 




Hone  on  this  list  that  need  making  < 
time,  and  your  recent  releases  of  Whi-i 
the  catalog. 

r  at 

Act  7/t  'As 

~fJ\A *A--»  (dl&Aj i  ,7tfX*d  7/(<  j%£.8~<>V~  <7 

JaXXL  #^r'/Z>UlU.t  t*r»'~*e*~y  if'/£UA*ruc>  'h&ts£y 

tfar  M  /L/t4££~  ~d(fe*<-‘d-r' v  &&-*~**\  JWCbfaw,  Aj 

at  trfdr  &  d/  Jm. 

~7%t-'&a lL//tr>s  tj)  tC  Ji&l'/CtAt ^{fcO'A 

AuUC 4a  rt 

dp^y*'  '*/>&' 

Oj^jt^>  'O bfisbC  is)  AstJfcZb 

Tfef/  ^ Xi^td 

yhi JOtLOM^f  luofeto  ~t  -Us^-  7/X  ttUU-  *tr~  *?~Q/  - 

*CxJ?c  as  Ttf  /^-£A  £X&a^**  d* ‘it^'-'-ys’  djT 

TmCAs/Z  v  X  fbisQ  Xt'&t'fb-sC'  "X  tfetfa, 

<T?l.  X/u  .tJrve,  XLXjd'L'  /froru?  d&d<<^o 

dtpyy-AsV'£^-A'(-  '  -X>  Uund^u-d7 

■Xa^tC'  lU-d  dlun'XtXo  &dSts> 


/v-td  $*t~ 

#i\sLt*td-a  AstwOLXd  /L-<^ 

^  {Jb  Tptt/Lu/  CuA-~  d 

,.  XfrUtW'y 

JfetrnX flfcZA  4i  Xa#t  /feadfecfe^ 
pia  ***  fed 

7a  AXJtc  fex  jCdt  TrfOkt  f^yff  idCcd^Up^ 


GuU  u,,u 


wo-v&y  rmtyiJr 

^aMM*  t5 

r  Hi  " 

w£  «•*•* 


ally  food  Viot< 

Mr.  Y/ultor  Miller*. 

The  London  offioo  artvioo  forward inr  per 
o/a  Lusitania ,  two  cnon  oontninlnr  n  total  of  40  10” 

Spooicl  also  Masters  ao  per  master  lnfor  ation  moots 
herewith . 

Mr.  itayco  of  the  on  on  offioo  has  instruoted 
uo  to  p.'vltio  you  repartUnp  this  shipment.  Wo  niJ.l  nrranpe 
to  dol Ivor  those  masters  to  Mr.  Ori-aoo  as  nnitel,  u  .less  >•  1 
ad vino  us  to  the  contrary. 

Foiuucii  Dj;:-AP.rr.iiT 


hip  rau> 

inol . 

Copies  to  Ur.  Grimes 
"  ilayon 
"  Ed i non. 

The  Phonograph  Co. 

Exclusive  Edison  Distributers 

Chicago  Jan. 16, 1914. 

Mr.  Thomas  A. Edison, 
Orange ,  N.  J. 
My  dear  Mr.  Edison, 

I  send  you  herewith  our  Tango  "ad"  of 
yesterday  v/hich  runs  in  the  "American"  and  the  "Tribune"  Sunday. 
I  call  your  particular  attention  to  the  cuts  being  very  well 
done  for  newspaper  work. 

Yours  very  truly, 



January  19,  1914. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  N.J. 

(j -*ZCC*-*  C-^k-w- 

Dear  Mr.  Edison  : 


I  have  been  absent  from  mjr  office  for  two 
weeks,  whioh  ao counts  for  my  not  advising  you  of  my 
conclusions  regarding  the  phonograph '•businessmans 
Philadelphia.  ( t*jC*e-  Ur-tJ  C -V.  " 

As  you  know,  I  have  never  had  any  training 
in  a  strictly  conmercial  enterprise,  and  I  cannot  see 
how  I  could  give  the  time  and  attention  to  the  phono¬ 
graph  business  to  the  exclusion  of  my  many  other  mat¬ 
ters,  and,  therefore,  I  have  concluded  not  to  person¬ 
ally  go  into  it. 



I  have,  however,  talked  the  matter  over  with 
a  number  of  my  friends,  and  I  have  interested  a  young  man 
here  who  has  had  very  large  experience  substantially  on 
the  same  lines,  and  X  have  said  to  him  that  if  he  would 
raise  §50,000.  I  felt  sure  he  could  get  into  the  busi¬ 
ness  in  good  territory,  such  as  Philadelphia,  Baltimore 
or  Washington.  He  adviseB  me  that  he  thinks  he  can 
raise  the  money,  and  wants  to  know  what  terms  would  be 
given  him.  If  you  will  refer  this  matter  to  your 
Selling  Department,  and  have  them  advise  me  the  terms 
and  conditions  upon  which  they  would  open  an  account 
with  a  party  having  that  much  capital  to  start  with,  I 
will  take  the  matter  up  with  him,  and  will  advise  your 
Sales  Department  if  he  succeeds  in  getting  together  the 

I  am  sorry  I  do  not  feel  that  I  can  take  it 
up  personally,  as  you  know  nothing  would  please  me  better 
than  to  again  be  associated  with  you  and  your  enter¬ 
prises.  Perhaps  later  you  will  develop  something  in 
which  you  will  need  a  man  with  my  experience,  and  in  that 
case  I  shall  be  more  than  glad  to  confer  with  you  in 
relation  to  the  same. 


Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania 
Insurance  Department 

I  am  Bending  to  you  one  of  the  original  tin  foil  phono¬ 
graph  records  which  you  demonstrated  at  the  £at®n*' °ff ioe » 

April  19,1878,  when  my  father  was  present.  My  father  was  some¬ 
what  of  kn  antiquary.  (He  died  in  1898;  Thomas  C.  Donaldson) . 
This,  tin  foil  is  in  the  original  package  where  it  has  been 
since  '78.  (That  year,  by  the  way,  was  just  two  years  after 
my  birth). 

The  penoilings  on  the  yellow  wrapper  say  that  it  was 
the  first  public  exhibition;  that  the  Patent  Office,  examiners 
were  present,  with  Carl  Schurz,  Secretary  of  Interne  •  • 

If  I  recall  right  > my  father  once  said  that  Mr.  Depew  was  also 
present  and  talked  French  into  the  recorder. 

This  may  be  of  interest  to  you.  If  not,  return  it  and 
I'll  give  it  to  the  Franklin  Institute. 

Yours  truly. 

New  Grand  Hotel, 

Mr.  Y/.  H.  Meadowcroft, 

o/o  Thorras  A.  Edison, 

Last  spring,  just  e 

i  leaving  for  the  West,  I  received 

a  letter  from  Mr.  Edison,  inviting  me  over  to  see  him.  It  was  im¬ 
possible  at  that  time,  hut  could  come  any  time  in  the  near  future.  I 
am  the  man  who  followed  Col.  Roosevelt  through  Africa,  with  two  cow- 
hoys,  roped  and  tied  down  all  the  vicious  brutes  over  there.  I  am 
again  on  my  road  to  Erench  Congo,  YJest  Africa,  for  the  purpose  of  rop¬ 
ing  and  bringing  into  captivity  a  full  grown  gorilla,  and  other  wild 
beasts.  It  is  a  well-known  fact  that  the  gorilla  has  never  been  in 
oaptivity,  and  that  he  is  a  great  lover  of  music.  I  have  it  in  my 
mind  to  entice  him  into  the  open  by  giving  fcim  plenty  of  good  music. 

The  old  man  gorilla,  is  crazy  after  women  and  a  record  with  some  lady's 
voice  would  no  doubt  beguile  him  into  our  reach. 

I  am  writing  the  narrative  for  the  Sunday  papers  of  the  Un¬ 
ited  States,  six  of  the  Hearst  papers  having  already  contracted  for 
it,  and  it  will  be  the  most  widely  circulated  bit  of  news  that  has  come 
out  in  many  years.  I  was  of  the  opinion  that  Mr.  Edison  would  like  the 
free  advertising  for  his  new  records,  and  also  for  the  machine  to  take 
the  roar  of  the  animal.  At  any  rate,  I  should  be  glad  to  talk  it  over 
with  him,  and  give  him  such  publicity  as  would  a  hundred  times  more 
than  pay  for  the  instruments  that  he  might  be  willing  to  let  us  take 

You  can  call  me  up  at  any  time  at  the  New  Grand  Hotel,  31st 
and  Broadway,  providing  it  is  not  later  than  this  week. 

Very  respectfully  yours,  ^ 


5x0^,  <?0  Mr&ty  A^J 

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Hew  Grand  Hotel, 

Hew  York  City, 

Jan.  22,  1914. 

Mr.  W.  H.  Meadowcroft, 

Orange,  H.  J. 

Dear  Sir: 

Youre  of  the  21st  is  here,  and  will  say  X  will  he  here  in 
the  oity  next  week  and  would  he  very  much  pleased  to  go  over  to  your 
laboratory,  and  to  have  a  few  words  with  Mr.  Edison.  Monday  or  Tues¬ 
day  would  he  more  likely  to  find  me  with  time  at  my  disposal  than 
later  on. 

Very  respectfully  yours, 

-fan  -&PL  -&&£  <wt&Lg_ 

MAMrtd.  arf~  -$tU  -*•*  -&&  '*  ** 

aw.  asC-ei^ &5  &&  -  /of  &  4<re  ^&£*«^yty 

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sO/AA^  ^  -t^tsisvwfce^Q-  aaa.4.  ~74so  <e^-et  jj^  **-*^-*j  . 

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C.  B.HAYNCS  *  CO. 


Richmond. va.  Jan.  28th.  1914-. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  N.  J. 



Bear  Sir,- 

I  will  arrive  in  Orange  Monday  morning  together 
with  Father  Hanigan,  who  is  quite  a  noted  Priest  of  this  City, 
and  who  1b  an  enthusiastic  Phonograph  man.  He  has  bought 
both  Disc  and  Cylinder  of  your  machines  and  is  talking  of 
getting  a  Kinetoscope  for  his  orphan  schools.  He  has  been 
a  great  help  to  us  here,  and  is  very  desirous  of  meeting  you, 
and  I  hope  it  will  be  convenient  for  you  to  give  him  a  little 
of  your  valuable  time  on  Monday. 

Thanking  you,  I  am. 

Yours  very  truly, 


No rthants.  Talking  Machine  Society. 

Mr.  Meadowcrof t- 

1-  Song-  I  used  to  think  an  awful  lot  of  you”; 

II.  G.  aung  hy  Mias  Dunwoody-'  1/28/14- 

2-  Song-  Dear  little  forgot-me-not-”  j 

H.  G.  sung  hy  Miss  Duiiwoody-r  1/28/14- 

3-  Song-  "A  national  Call” 

II.  G.  sung  hy  Miss  Dunwoody-  1/28/14- 

4-  Song-  "Will  you  lore  me  then  as  now" 

II.  G.  sung  hy  Hiss  Dunwoody-  1/28/14- 

5-  Y/atching  and  Waiting" 

H.  G.  sung  hy  Miss  Dunwoody-  1/28/14 

6-  Dreams  of  Dreamland- 

11.  G.  sung  hy  Miss  Dunwoody-  i/28/14- 

7-  The  Titanic-  , 

H.  G.  sung  hy  Miss  Dunwoody-  1/28/14- 

8-  Dittlo  Thirty  One 

GOOD-  sung  hy  Miss  Dunwoody-  1/28/14- 

9-  The  Hymn  of  the  West  Virginians 

PAIR-  sung  hyMiss.  Dunwoody-  1/28/14- 

10- Little  Sweetheart  I'm  so  lonely 

PAIR  TO  GOOD-  sung  hy  Miss  Dunwoody  1/28/14- 

11-  In  the  Shadows-  PASSED  for  disc-  played' hy  Bing-  1/28/14-- 

12-  I  hear  you  calling  mo-  Passed  for -disc-  Sung  hy  Hayoe -3^8/14 

13-  Gregorian  Music  {see  letter)  heard  ion  Victor  records 

letter  to  Mr.  Meadowcrjoft- 

14-  "In  a  clock  store"  passed  for  diso-  heard  Victor  record 

( seycHayes  file) 

Hayes-  1/29/14- 

Ub  Va juuj 

^  ^  ^I>1  n  jiL.  n.^ufn^A^ 

aoce^f*  (r*L4=< 


nt-O  CC»W<  g»-it<^gT»»M«  ftyfawiuxt-'^f 

_ V\6>cwi  V>y>  a  (gfeoujCa.  (r^3EuEfct^~^Xvtt — : - 

_ s-~-‘~C&c» _ - 

.■_._  .olWS^*U.  „pt^.  .._^i^- 

_ oJt&toX^Juj 

]/\sx^y*t-  c*~  OAAit.aj(Ui — <dl  GiJb^Jk&tt& - 

W^.viu^L^— ^ u^HXa_ :3*&c=a£L-S?!^^  \+-*a\ 


Thomas  A.  Edisonjnc. 

Ora  nge  ,N.  J  .,U.  S.  A. 

Edison  Phonographs  and  R«cords^Edison  Prirnary  Batteries 
EdisonKinetoscopes  nndMolion  Kelure  Mms 
EdisonHome  Kinetoscopes  and  Motion  Picture  Tilms 
Edison  D ictatind  Machines.  Edison Kinetophones 
Edison  A.C.Rectifiers  and  Edison  House  Lighting  Controllers 

Dear  Sir: 

Ur.  G.  W.  Hallowell  has  been  appointed 
Manager  of  the  Traveling  Force  in  the‘Phonograph 
Sales  Department,  and  I  request  your  hearty 
oo-operation  with  him. 

Mr.  Hallowell  has  spent  the  past  two 
months  here  familiarizing  himself  with  our 
business.  He  is  not  an  old  phonograph  man,  and 
will  he  able  to  approach  our  selling  problems 
with  an  entirely  fresh  point  of  view.  He  will 
have  our  entire  organization  behind  him  and  X  am 
sure  that  we  can  count  on  your  hearty  support. 

With  best  wishes  for  the  Hew  Year,  I  am 

Yours  very  truly, 

ir  ^l'fi7/ZefZ^  «^X  4^f^l 

-ZUZZ&l  'Zi^- 

^  fir 

^  ''/jcAC^-  ^ 





Would  respectfully  adviBB  that  the  Recital 
arranged  for  at  Mark  on  H.nd.y  Ironing,  W  “■  *““» 

anoo.oom,  »«  Baring  an  att.ndano.  of  560,  *n. 
e.paelty  o,  tn.  ndl  n.lng  a  U«l.  Oror  800.  » 

,n.  andlonoo  ...  «U  that  conld  M  d.olrod,  ..  «*.  «*.  **»* 
fifty  «.  r-aln.d  aft.,  tn.  I.oltal,  and  oro.dod  aronnd 

tn.  Inotrument  on  tn.  .tag.,  ad**  »—»»•  a”**'1""-  *"* 

tat  tnat  «.  play  »»r.  Moon.,  onion  ..  did  nntil  akont  ton  tutrty, 

or  a  half  hour  after  the  Recital  was  f taished. 

There  were  representatives  from  Bamberger's, 
.-a..-,  and  tn.  latter  O.npany,  t.g.tMr  oitn  Odd  o-H  l"*1 
dealers,  present. 

I  feel  quite  certain  that  we  can  obtain  Borne 
retail  ropreent.tion,  *1*  rtl  1.  a  M  Mougnt  ny 

the  Recital  in  question. 

•Attached  hereto  are  cards  of  invitation,  and 

oopieB  of  the  program. 

There  are  one  or  two  matters  regarding  the 

Newark  situation  which  I  would  like  to  discus,  with  you  as  soon 
as  you  afford  me  an  opportunity. 

February  4,  1914 

Mr.  Edison^? 


You  will  receive  at  almost  any  time,  from  Joseph 
Button,  Hawaii,  a  holiday  souvenir- of  some  kind. 

Joseph  Dutton,  who  is  perhaps  better  known  as  Brother 
Dutton,  was  I  think  formerly  a  telegrapher  at  Memphis, 
Tenn.,  and  I  believe  that  he  wrote  you  personally  some 
years  ago.  The  correspondence  was  turned  over  to  this 
department  and  wa  have  since  kept  in  touch  with  him. 
Brother  Dutton  is  in  charge  of  the  leper  settlement 
at  Molokai,  having  devoted  his  life  to  that  work. 

On  two  or  three  occasions  we  have  sent  him  records 
for  an  Edison  Phonograph  that  he  has. 

If,  upon  the  receipt  of  a  souvenir  from  Brother 
Dutton,  you  could  find  it  possible  to  write  him  even 
a  few  words  in  your  own  handwriting  I  feel  that  he 
would  be  greatly  pleased.  Possibly  you  knew  him 
in  your  days  as  a  telegrapher. 

L.  C.  McCheaney. 

February  10th,  1914. 

Hr.  C.  Ii.  i.'ilson: 

Referring  to  your  memorandum  of  January  23rd  to 
Kr.  Edison,  re.  Mrs.  Ilsen's  work,  would  roBpeotfully  advise,  as  you 
already  know,  she  was  engaged  for  the  express  purpose  of  taking  up 
work  in  oonneotion  with  recitals  at  women's  olubs  and  other  or¬ 
ganizations  of  similar  oharaoter  throughout  the  country,  and  there 
was  a  distinct  understanding  that  there  wbb  to  he  no  commercialism 
connected  with  her  particular  work;  in  fact  this  phase  of  the  mas¬ 
ter  was  very  carefully  discussed  before  she  was  placed  in  the  field. 

Before  she  goes  to  any  one  of  the  cities  she 
has  been  Visiting,  we  have  endeavored  to  correspond  direct  from  ^his 
Office  with  the  women's  olubs  in  an  endeavor  to  secure  likely  pros- 
peots  which  she  follows  up  and  eventually  fives  recitals  from  which 
she  obtains  entree  into  other  circles,  and  I  havebeeninsistent 
that  loh'bers  located  in  the  cities  wnere  Mrs.  Xlsen  has 
refrain  from  doing  anything  at  all  whioh  would  interfere  with  her 
work  with  the  women's  olubB,  by  permitting  anything  ^atmiontbe 
considered  in  the  nature  of  advertising,  for  Just  so  soon  as  we  tie 
•  up  the  oommeroial  end  with  this  feature  of  I*s*  ° 

Juet  so  soon  will  that  particular  work  have  to  be  discontinued. 

This  is  alBO  true  with  lir.  Morgan,  because  in 
all  of  his  oorrespadence  with  ohurohes  and  other  organizations  he  ^ 
makes  clear  there  is  no  oommeroial  side  to  the  reoitals  he  is  giving. 

There  is  no  reason  if  you  so  desire  to  entirely 
ohange  the  oharaoter  of  this  work,  but  in  my  opinion  the  moment  you 
do  it  will  practioally  make  it  impossible  to  carry  out  the  original 
idea  in  its  entirety. 

Before  doing  anything  at  all  in  connection  with 
this  matter  X  would  like  to  receive  your  instructions  regarding  it. 

“  ( 


(fcO,/J ^  c-*?  r^,^/  •  .  <0^ 

^  J  p,**  cA/^  J  » 

fcjShj... . . 

— . .  .  7T  1 

ai.  cf.^9 . 

? — -  „  ^  - 

. sBAuluuu. 

^  y^x. ,  _  ^ 

fl^  CtA-vLj  £fctXsnJz.  <y^^f  -d  t*~X_oLo*L<j  / |  r.-t>'<  O^-  oz/  ~  _ 

jfctfc,  09x^j'.  tynoL-  OhL_^Q~JLIJ.  Vle^M0^  ^ 

Jax  -&Lw^ Jrufcz -zd. 

tSyd^Jl  ^  ■JyJLtML.^J cj  n^°  ^c/ 

<*  <J  AOcnJU_  @eJcSL-  Ja>  <^iza_  J&un*st__ 

'Idrf  QCy)<Jlu>a^  %J<~£ 

fyfaui*.  cUaa  iun*A  Uf-c/Jc^ia  tyli.aA/J- —  Q^  _ 

J-  %  /-/a** .Jjf  (^ Jaat^a  ULaJL.  J  «-**•<_-  a-dJUL— 
m<JLL  <,JJL  -codL  /  caj  avJi  l^.^^Jou<AAj  _ _ 

{~X>^  J&' 

,cifd  Sj)<o/u\ *sui_ac/- 


0>lc<-tj  Or  2—  (2^=yw-»  X  k*et>-<_c&  (M* 

—l  H-t  -wrti  ibtdmAh^# 

IOo\A^v  <J^W  £x  *** 

-\Q  u«  fe-OT^-Cf Z^CUjJL 

The  Phonograph  Co. 

Exclusive  Edison  Distributers 

February  10.1914. 

Mr  »W . H. Meadpw  croft 

Thos , A. Edison. Inc. 

I  was  very  glad  to  receive  ypur  kind  letter.and  much  elated 
over  the  fact lilt  Mr! Edison  took  such  interest  in  my  criticisms. 

On  the  whole  you  seem  to  agreel  with  me, except  that  you 
leave  yourself  open  for  a  splendid  argument 

be  made  aFkLe?  myself  .and  have  associated  with 

When  I  say  "our  instrument"  X  wish  to  convey  to  you  Just  what 

a  jr*. 

it  was  not  the  f3U^,°La?ewac|nt  dispose  of  them  although  people 
£  SKSni’tS  SSf  “  of  <•£.  »«=  sol.otions.ospeclally 

Martineili's  and  Sylva's.  .  .  ■ 

Bonei,who  has  been  singing  in  Italy,} 

ful  in  his  presentation  of 

The  Phonograph  Co. 

Exclusive  Edison  Distributors 
Salesrooms  &  Offtcos-229  So.Wnbash  Avo. 


tjqTIo  irn  Maschero  This  has  been  one  of  the  most  popular  operas  ###r 
' dur  ing^t  he^as t t  wo° seas ons .both  here  and  abroad, and  we  are  having  a 
^d  ®any  Aue^ts  for  selections  £om  this^opera.  ^ 

£Tjour '!w°  need  selections  from  the  Mh  later  french  operas, also 
more° coloratura  numbers, not  Ellen  Beach  Yaws  .however. 


is  bad. 

Please  do  not  take  these  criticisms  amiss. we  are  all  staunch 
champions  and  ane  P™»h  »f  an/St'’.”  aSnSlaSlo  about  «.  a 

Now  for  a  word  of  praise.^he  record  of  'Selections  from 

SSS*^SS».S:  JS. 

rdst  of  the  standards  operas  the  .same  way. 


With  befcfe  wished  for  success,!  remain 

Very  sincerely 

Concert  Director. 

-Cc "t^O  VUV'-t-'-- O-'S. 

_!tfck-  S - - 

|  ^  .'  "^T  cSi<^^y 

<d[  &&  “i 

.  CtZZzx-'  .'Zzj-J*  s^Ls  z/iAz^-X^zZ^  ^ //i, zCz, 

'Sv^v  /tlta^t-f  <^e 

ZZ-tZ  Z?Z-JsZ-t^— 

^  ALzJ  £z<l~zI_  (ZUZ^Z^^^Z  fZ<zzr<~y 

/(,  ■£.  ^ZC  ^h-xZ-t .■Z  /^£- 

s/s—  AAz-  ZZ<-S~zA  , 

's$u7  fy^‘ZZ-~rd'3-  @2  Ls  L  ■*- 

y^Z'/L  ZL  Y -3%Z 

ZU^I'Clcz/l/.  0 

fko-.  (PP^O-tOryrr  dJ^qd'Aasc^ 

«  f%z<TY  (/  A(  «  x 

i'  \Zaof&  Zlci-ajla.  d-OLtZb.  h-/Zu zu. 

;£&-  . 

/]kr &T3a°3  O'uSc.jh. 

•<  *-*&-$■  « 

"  fz>[((  „  tUlAJjZ, — - 

f  ZZoyg- 

:  s# 

’  f-ao&'j 


*£*/  .** 

4v-^LAL-  -V-c  fU',*-/^ 

(itfcJ^Kr zz^cl  t-^zL  y y/tJLI/^  zL  zU^zA-yi 

yj'j-Ct-xzee^Z-  j^Z-rz^zj  Zul-/^i 

mAinuwUMk . -tbe...-1.7th.-.,-ioi4. . 

Mr  Thomas  A  .  Edison  Se. 

Dear  Sir. 

Mr  Earl  Waldo  Marshall  or  as  he  is  known  in  ihe  Opera 
world  as  Si.  Qarlo  Marziali  made  some  records  in  your  recording 





T'  ^  (,■>’ 


^  J  ^  Jr 

>.  '^Lt-cL^‘ 

\  , 

O'  vtT 



i?,  i yti 


Aj  *.»  •w  ^Av.  -ACc  o-vrc/v 

i  L 

^Llv-  /^  CM^UC^W  » 


(9-vA^^crc-  -A*  / 


_  .  ^  ^  wAt  ^  /WeJwrfW 

iww0  wm^*«-^>Vi.-*-»  ,  .  JP-'  v  0  1 

^JU  ^  4  hu  (^  •  3  f— ^  ^  T  ~ 

,*A4®  A^ArA'  !&-  t*  ^  r-  vfr 
D  -1  ,.Xd  uti»~«5  *  ^  u  -r  Tf 

!>  .  ■  ) 

-  AoP  --.vmJL. 

I  rrs "**»-*  ;*  ~4  *-  Arf 
,.  A.  ?AA  -  +«~-  4^  * w*^  ^ 


*^CC44.  /Jo,  J  4-«W  *"  T'aT  "T  '  .  J  . 

6  a-a-  ^r-  -f-  k  t  A"’ 

wv^,  i  JLJtk.  hr  ^  ^-4^w 

'  W.U  -u*K—  &  -  ~  • 

i  -iL.< L  fcjju,;  i  t fa*  ^'Cu+.<j  ojr-^ 

§tcJU.  (  tfc,  fCLcdUrC'  <*jp  tKu  /5uifcw~  cfj'  ^ 

^vvJ/vA^T-'  '-'  «-*v£t-  vvtrt-vwW 

^uJt^  i  efcL  <lt.  S .  SLS  «-  Aa /  w^u^' 

tcT  iM-ceU-  /$  c-wO/Krv  ,/^n^  (>  (^crx^vvcu^ 

(X  ^J\foAv'  n/k-  /^tsote-  Vvluc1  «A-t-  n^-w'  U~  *W  A^tLUw^'fcm' 

"T  •'v  ~',y  -  '<"' 

VV^-caX-  J  i-^wte^u)  to 
/Lv<u{.  -'V'.  4^ 

£jl£  U  UvtCoSw-ctCfrv*-  /£<? 

Wwri'  ICo^^hV' 

,<n4«w  /fr  Ur 

c-e^-oCL  -ttuWfc- 

iM«. - ^ 

■  *Ur  0-  w  JUL  il  q^aJzb  \z  . 

JltuJtivU j  ij15^  rC'V^  '*^**dL'  u 

VVt^L  CU*  <|tfH 

^  ovw  eJ  * 


a~-\.  eU-  tS(Loi^tvi_£u-j 

^  Jf.  {bx*M^,  ^/f^. 

if  Jk*-^  wXe'  iSfLAC*fc<n -~\  vvl-m  j^«- 

■  0-u^-  «-  ^<u^»c.  ^  ct^  J  t*Z<L  ^u/f"  J  lV‘^'  ^ 

nv^weL-  i^‘Vl*/l-  ikssl^^X— t  &**-b  sJb.t*$L  ^aJJL.  ^Ce  cc}‘i)i&44 

A.  (A.  -tll^-fe  1V3  ^WW  W-3  tfc.  t^AtAU?  A0  > 

^  «  _*  4*  VC. 

The  National  Magazine 

February  19th, 
19  14 

],(r.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

West  Orange,  Hew  Jersey. 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison: — 

I  did  want-  to  get  down  and  see 
you  on  your  67th  birthday  concerning  my  sketch  for  the 
readers  of  the  NATIONAL. 

Hope  you  are  receiving  the 

magazine  regularly  and  that  you  have  had  time  to  look 
over  the  copy  of  "HEART  SONGS"  I  sent  you,  containing 
the  selections  of  over  25,000  people.  This  is  the 
kind  of  music  people  like  to  hear  now  and  then  on  the 
Edison  phonograph* 

With  cordial  best  wishes,  believe  me, 



Topeka,  Kansas,  pebruary  23,  1914 

T-ftom&a  A. Edison 

Orange,  H.J. 

J3sar  si! — After  trying  in  various  ways  to  obtain  definite 
information  aoout  on?  of  your  enterprises ,  operating  under  the  name  of 
Thomas  A. Edison,  Inc.,  and  meeting  with  evasive  answers,  X  am  ad¬ 
dressing  this  letter  to  Mr.  Jioison  personally,  ih  the  hope  that  it  may 
reach  somonewho  can  give  the  desired  information. 

Your  disc  phonograph,  Mr.  Edison,  is  the  most  perfect  machine 
ever  put  on  the  market  for  the  reproduction  of  sound,  out  why  can  we 
not  get  more  disc  records  for  use  in  this  machine? 

Our  local  dealer  assures  his  customers  that  no  records  are 
available.  He  is  always  "expecting  a  shipment  next  week."  We,  his 
customers  want  to  huy  records.  He  is  the  only  agent  in  town.  He  seems 
to  be  groping  in  the  dark — and  so  are  we. 

One  of  my  acquai  ntences  wrote  to  the  Thomas  A. Edison  corporatioA 
and  asked  why  the  local  finnft  has  no  records  (new  records).  The  reply  was 
evasive  and  unsatisfactory,  vaguely  promising  new  records  soon. 

Simply  as  a  matter  of  pride  in  the  splendid  achievments  of 
your  life,  Mr.  Edison,  it  is  worth  a  little  of  my  time  to  write  and 
ask  you  not  to  rD  low  this  wonderful  invention  of  yours  to  be  strangled 
by  shortage  of  reca-ds.  Your  machine  deserves  the  best  and  biggeBt 
collection  of  records  the  world  can  furnish.  It  desBvs3  these  not  merejr 
from  a  business  standpoint,  but  as  a  matter  of  historical  importance. 


V3  trf  \Cjz,  cxj-Lx-dr 

\n  hfb/w  — .  Lu£.  Xvcl&I — 

L.&-  iX&y  S^;*-Y  „_  <L'(Lj'C*'i  t  <L^O^  bA'C^C-^U'ar^J  ccA** 

_  IAXCCClS  &  aJ-*^rrCf  .  L'tJ't-'  CXi-C'  Ct  »•  / 

_ ^fJ-L^ccr&stxr 

_. T^-r  -  u't^v -  hr* 

_ >6-  Cl^Vrl-*^  . 

(  ^Hjtjj^v-1''^  <2Xr  WCutS  _^lvA,<'V"V 
_  _ felL^tJ' 

_ ,JL^lZt^9’XfX^--a^x.x^ ...... - 

iX«M>  /u&tjU  U.«~o~g. 

_ . „<iM^iLt<3 

_  C-VrCr€~-€L  . 

^  (SJLo'ftf  7. 

U  re-  tx-i.  «*w 

M\  u.i  _.U*  «CTf*y 

(k.^— cWfcfidsSt^^y- c'cy^ 
'^jtt*i  U^^TTT^  =  . i>. ,a«- cw*^.: 

U  ^  CZ.&r&r^.. 

^ _ .r^uA-T 

l>f0tCO6  .  <-0  sJ^r,  C&T't 

^.. ....  . ) . -  -  ■-  - .  • "  -; 

Mokhisson.  Plummjer  &  Company, 


Mr.  Thos.  A.  Edison, 
Menlo  Park, 

New  Jersey. 

A  few  danrago  Mr.  BarneB  called  on  the 
writer  and  showed  h>T  a  letter  from  you  regarding 
vour  birthday,  whVh  as  I  understand  was  on  the  18th 
of  the  month.  /he  writer  certainly  was  glad  to  see  | 
vour  signature. *  Knowing  that  your  memory  is  good,  /> 

vou  will  perhaps  remember  the  writer  in  connection 
with  Ed.  Johnson.  He  and  X  took  the  first  heavy 
Oast  Iron  talking  machine  ,  that  you  made  on  the  road,  k/k 
I  think  in  early  78  or  the  latter  part  of  77.  You,  (j 
then  had  a  little  office  in  New  York  City,  think  ^ 

it  was  Church  Street  or  W.  Broadway.  After  the 
new  Company  was  formed,  the  writer  with  an  Irishman,  ^ 
bv  the  name  of  McMahon, secured  through  Mr.  James  « 

Redpath,  the  Boston  Territory,  bought  a  machine  •  ' 

and  the  writer  exhibited  it  to  several  hundred  ^ 

thousand  people  in  Boston* 

My  partner  being  a  shrewd  Irishman, 
sold  our  interest  to  the  Old  South  Church,  but  - 

he  kept  the  check  of  $500.00,  and  the  writer  never  O* 

saw  any  of  it,  but  stayed  with  the  Old  South  Church 
for  qiite  a  while-  then  bought  a  new  machine  and  * 

brought  it  WeBt,  sold  it  in  Indiana.  In  1887  the 

writer  was  in  Boston,  went  into  the  Old  South  Church  ' 

and  purchased  the  original  maohine  aB  a  relic,  and 
a  few  weeks  ago  presented  it  to  the  Armour  Institute 
of  Chicago,  who  promised  to  give  it  a  prominent  place 
in  their  sohool.  , 

The  writer  knows  from  newspaper  reports 
that  you  have  been  very  successful  fringing  out  new 
inventions,  the  last  one  he  has  seen  is  the  Edison 
Phonograph, which  produces  music  without  any  interf eranoe . 
It  certainly  is  a  grand  maohine. 

The  writer  would  be  glad  to  hear  from  you 
when  you  have  a  few  minutes  only  to  spare  to  write. 

He  would  also  be  pleased  to  know  what  has  become  of  | 

Ed. Johnson.  Understand  that  he  bec«jne  wealthy.  The  i 
writerhas  been  piquing  along  on  a  small  salary  for  ^ 
35  years  here  in  Chicago.  He  being  about  six  monthB  _ 
older  than  yourself,  his. birthday  being  on  the  lBt  of  :;j| 

September.  w^shlng  yOU  a  xong  life  and  more  prosperity. 


^  z*"1 


Respectfully,  .  .  / '  ..  /J . 



jKy  )  yi'Li. 

W  Slt-Jt  (' 

u '  c 

"T  ~T~ 

rhywj  (M.  ^\ 

e=UAtj  rtz  (\  ^t£ia^OJi^  '  Ala/K 
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s AYr  -mt/fv^ . 

■  Sir  5=r'  KJtuAr  aA-  do-rnv  ~fcr 

t(J\l$n\  wwtr  k  Tki  &mr~~ 

ALujjfi  uAtAj  HAXjA^  _ 


ad^camm^  kAwmj  <uieA^^ 

Ct'nsccrl  crUA— 

CAVWMAUrfSk*  *  ■  (T 

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a.  Ka^Ia^^  *0^-^ 

ArUl/k  a  ^  /  — - - 



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The  Ideal  Republic. 

I  can  conceive  of  a  national  destiny  surpassing  the 
glories  of  the  present  and  the  past  -  a  destiny  which  meets  the 
responsibilities  or  to-day  and  measures  up  to  the  possibilities 
of  the  future.  Behold  a  republic,  resting  securely  upon  the 
foundation  stones  quarried  by  revolutionary  patriots  from  the 
mountain  of  eternal  truth  -  a  republic  applying  in  practice  and 
proclaiming  to  the  world  the  self-evident  propositions  that  all 
men  are  created  equal;  that  they  are  endowed  by  their  Creator 
with  inalienable  rights;  that  governments  are  instituted  ™ong 
men  to  secure  these  rights,  and  that  governments  derive  their  just 
powers  from  the  consent  of  the  governed.  Behold  a  republic  in 
which  civil  end  religious  liberty  stimulate  all  to  earnest  endeavor 
and  in  which  the  law  restrains  every  hand  uplifted  for  a  neighbor’s 
injury  -  a  republic  in  which  every  citizen  is  a  sovereign,  but  in 
which  no  one  cares  or  dares  to  wear  a  crown.  Behold  a  republic 
standing  erect  while  empires  all  around  are  bowed  beneath  the 
weight  of  their  own  armaments  -  a  republic  whose  flag  is  loved 
while  other  flags  are  only  feared.  Behold  a  republic  increasing  in 
population,  in  wealth,  in  strength  and  in  influence,  solving  the 
problems  of  civilization  and  hastening  the  coming  of  an  universal 
orotherhood  -  a  republic  which  shakes  thrones  and  dissolves  aris¬ 
tocracies  by  its  silent  example  and  gives  light  and  inspiration 
to  those  who  ait  in  darkness.  Behold  a  republic  gradually  but  sure¬ 
ly  becoming  the  supreme  moral  factor  in  tho  world’s  progress 
and  tho  accepted  arbiter  of  the  world’s  disputes  -  a  republic  whose 
history,  like  the  path  of  the  just,  ”  the  shining  light  that 
«hineth  more  and  more  unto  the  perfect  day." 

/fuarfehlS,  1914.  /> 


\  Orange ,  H.  J.  ^  %*>  *'  k***^. .... ^ 

Lear  Ur  ./Edison:  ^tAi  J^-U****'^*  jUt^Cy  4. 

y'  I  am  writing  to  you  about  a  matter  which  f  hope  ^ 

During  the  many  years  which  X  lived Yo'rkV  ] 
a  member  of  Grace  Church,  on  Broadway  and  tenth  street,  and  X 
[till  greatly  interested  in  it,  and  always  go  there  when  I  am 

The  music  there  is  exquisitely  beautiful.  It  con¬ 
sists  of  an  organ,  a  harp,  and  a  choir  of  men  and  boys.  During  the 
offertory  there  is  usually  a  solo  by  a  boy  twelve  or  thirteen  years 
old.  The  boy  soloist  at  present  has  such  voice,  that  he  eas 
commands  $500  a  night  for  singing  in  a  concert,  whenever  the  organii 
Mr.  Helfenstein,  allows  him  to  sing. 

of  the  same  grade  of  excellence  as  the  duet  of  CaruBO  and  Earrar  in 
"Madam  Butterfly",  or  Eames’s  "Ave  Maria";  with  the  idea  that  these 
disks  may  be  sold  under  control  of  the  Board  of  Missions  for  use  in  the 
missionary  work  of  the  Episcopal  Church  in  the  far  west,  in  China,  in 
the  Philippines  and  in  South  Africa  -  thus  giving  to  the  missionaries 
in  these  far  distant  lands,  the  opportunity  of  reproducing  this  beautiful 

part  of  their  church  services. 

In  order  that  the  music  may  be  put 

the  disk 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Esq., 


March  16,  1914. 

exactly  as  it  is  heard  in  Grace  Church,  it  will  he  necessary  that 
the  machinej-for  collecting  the  music,  and  transfering  it  to  the  dish, 
should  he  brought  to  Grace  Church.  And  in  order  that  the  disks  shall 
not  he  improper/yor  irrevently  used  or  tampered  with  in  any  way ,  it  is 
essential  that  the  manufacture  and  sale  of  the  disks,  should  he  unded 
the  control  of  the  Board  of  Missions  or  Mr.  HelfenBtein,  the  director 
of  music  at  Grace  Church. 

Will  you  kindly  have  some  one  of  your  assistants  advise  me 
whether  it  is  feasible  to  bring  the  machine  to  Grace  Church  for  collect- 
ing  the  music  there,  and  advise  me  with  whom  I  should  consult  in  a 
business  way,  with  reference  to  the  terms  under  which  the  diskscould 
be  manufactured? 

After  hearing  from  you,  I  will,  on  the  occassion  of  my 
next  visit  to  Hew  York  in  (April),  confer  with  such  person  as  you 

Trusting  that  this  matter  will  appeal  to  you  personally, 



C,  H.  UTLEY,  557  KAUs  ST.,  BUFFALO , 

This  idea  is  not  a  were  theory,  hut  the  result  of  several  years 
oxporieneo  both  at  ray  own  home- and  at  the  various  places  where  I  liavo  soon  the 
same  trouble  experienced.  The  idea  .is  strictly  original  -with  me,  so  far  as  X 
know.  Vi  1  you* kindly  consider  it  and  if  it  has  any  value  to  you,  make  mo 
what  you  consider  a  fair  offer.  I  haven't  sent  this  idea  to  any  other  party. 

Address — 

X).  i'.  Whitcomb, 

,51611  He  Caddon  Place, 

Hollywood,  California. 

very  truly. 

TWV  0^  ^  I^u  4^ 

JyJb^Jt  -&Ju  oJ^Ja^L  JbLk-  tc  wva.  O^ 
Vxrv^  -ut"  Urt^cl. 

JLul  ^  «uU*A~  -is  &Jc  lU^- 

a.  O-o-^JU  o^  ,  ~to  o-<LcL- 

Wo^uJL^  ~d  ^-o-  -&^~,  ^  -tW^  ^  crw_ 

tfU  JLojr  w  >L*^_  ^ 

to^  ad^4-  ^  ^ 

Ur^tyyt — 




MILANO  -  Via  Silvio  Pellico,  0 

)j'l/UCXJiA^  l~4Q f 

<5\  -h‘  (fUcxticuv.4  n 

(wfer^n.^x3  #7  /  id’fAJY^  cJ-y 

^ — i  ^  n  j 

■ttrct  5 

c/  tr&J  ta~ c. tLv-viJL. 

cdo\£cc$Oy  dt-vH  >■)  f(c.  vodjrtzJ.  aJyjtM' ,y 

V  3tlAiwJL  —  v~~fe^a^ 

(d (J^ t^CA-CCCL  —  (J^lA<lrs-- 

tct  ~tk.  d&t&L,  *d~ 

nnoUKMa  1 

<^J  -^i,c4L&£.JU.<k  Z*r  •£-> 

dUtzfa&X'  "diayH^  l9  &&JO£.cj(e~Jl  euj  V  -ddlt-  d<!  ^ . 
f'fe  ruLcJxdx)  fdeAs  ^oO  «*h  **fO  enc^ 

.(idLsVaX;  c,cm*jurfz&  •  "721  /oW’^7  drto^uJd 

/jbcud  dju\~  ^ / oo  A<d '  . 

V  __  s'&M.V  ^tdue.  cvitZtfTeLtiA&Ad  dT  My 

(JUV  c£o4J>G-3cJl  dJOl4sv\.Cj  tiz  " 

sTwovrffaajf  Tllty  ^  rT^k  Cl^y/ 

a  ^dutZvydbA  W'jd&vt. Jte:  - — 

Jfdlrf  .'O^'OTT)'^  <5ud  (d/  I'V'tJ-d  c-Otsl'-^. 
ist -I"  c-^iddhi.  ccsfid\s\^o~</~tsvy.  G  dtidM.  ad  ?KfAri' 

v/b  uJsh,  3  dvkM  dd  deke  ddr 

cajvfe.  cd?  ^yyA^od-e  <d ' 



MILANO  -  Via  Silvio  Pcllico,  0 

0  /l£<dL^JL  0  ■'hAM-  '^o'  a-Y^c^y^JL.  ^hcat~ 
'to  ->r^  cl  !<JL  cdUi  "AkA  '■yvkw>-d-&i-<) 

M/UajlI  try  ?P»-  ‘zdlo&'G-n-  Ao  ACl  'hr&'iki 

syvti~  ccS^  fcMjUcJZrv-  * 

3]jI.  ertrJL  .  H'lfL't  "'I'M.  r't-'ud. 

't^  U4j[  c<AJL-  oj  t(usj/j/eAjl.yL, f~  '7'><rZtl0  — 

'LsJUZu  (  &W JLci  L^_2 

(3 A  <)J^o  xrttf  oMcdifav-  v  -ALtsT 

3  yyxJd-xr^ttA  &2S*>  D  mM  ■<Lfrsfp-c.e&(^ 

+A.  ^^JteA/fcL'kuAjy .  * 

AjCtuLy  Jfr  ‘tt'XT  3i(L  0&^  #  * 

^  ^  y  yt&tffT 

QejJdiuluL  ^WVi  c\Jl  -Qrf,  Sojcnaw^. 1  ^  ^ 

civmt  er^-^l <*✓(/ cvrfta'te.  &&  ♦*'  &***&»- 

cLjL  c^Jifvn. 1  tt  tMl  4Z'*tAA  TitUumw 

in  v  c^ry^c£Yiie  A  nyA'twJs&ix?  y  ffi&yi  kla£-,Cc^-/)  ^ 

d&fe&^v  /  ’cJU&crt'L. 

L^,  C  w k,  -^oA?  *n«*C .  e^c^Spe 

X^U^JU A*  4e  tecJlftd  4£  jZ*. 

y&fcoi le  •  Jf?  *£&T*td  T^Ga,  ^t3rX~~  / 

UL  AJLc^ll  J  /0  (Ut^L  ,  'T&O  /W 

ZAZas)/,  C0'/>'i3tryK.  jftvKs  &*  / 0 

'«#*  -^A, 



Walter  Miller, o/o 
ThomaB  A. Edison, Ehc.  v 
#79  5tlj  Ave 

We  have  had  a  lafrge-number  of  people  ask  ua^if  it 
would  be  possible  to  get  that  record  of  Dr.  Morgan  tb*tt  you  had 
made  up  in  the  cylinder;  whefce  he  has  that  scriptupf  reading 
together  with  the  hymn,  "  Peaoe  Be  Still".  1  fep^T  confident 
that  this  would  prove  one  of  the  most  attract i ^"popular  numbers 
that  you  could  possibly  put  out  at  this  time/in  the  Disc. 

It  would  be  entirely  different  from  anything  that  youhave  so 
far  listed  and  inasmuch  as  we  have  very  fiJw records  of  a  sacred 
character,  it  would  fill  in  most  admira)*iy .  We  want  too,  a  Banjo 
a  Harp  and  Piano  boIo  Ahe  worst  way.  / 

t  harne  fitly  hope 
b  in  the\very  na« 

;#at  something  may  be  forthcom 
:  future. 

That  labt  spe^rSl  list  of  Dance  records  and  the  few 
songs  that  accompanied  it,  have  gone  like  wildfire.  We  had 
Mr.  Chas.  Daab  in  the  store  the  other  day  and  photographed  him 
listening  to  one  of  hie  records.  Had  a  long  talk  with  him  about 
his  making  up  some  bell  solos  which  he  said  he  would  be  very  glad 
indeed  to  see  you  about  when  he  got  back  to  New  York.  He  is  now 
traveling  with  the  BenHur  Company. 

We  have  hod  quite  a  call  latejy  t 
he  cylinder  and  a  number  of  our  oust 
i  expressed  a  wish  that  same  caild  be 

Id  be  secured  on  the  disc. 

Trusting  that  i 
forth  coming  in  the  very  ne; 
and  best  wishes,  believe  me 

Very  respectfully  yours, 


„  Sir.  Mioraas  A.  Edison  -  2. 

chargeable  to  different  operations  and  a  beginning  ha3  also 
been  made  with  the  charging  of  -iiateriala  and  supplies  to  the 
operations  for  which  they  are  used.  Costs  will  be  figured 
out  for  the  month  of  March  and  submitted  to  you  at  as  early 
a  date  as  feasible.  naturally  the  costs  for  the  first 
several  months  will  be  ascertained  somewhat  later  in  the 
month  than  will  be  the  case  after  everything  is  wording 

When  hr.  Lybrand  was  at  Orange  recently 
Mr.  Eckert  showed  him  a  copy  of  the  memorandum  of  March 
12th,  1914  on  which  you  had  noted  for  iSr'.  Eckert's  infor¬ 
mation  that  neither  Moore  or  Dinwiddie  are  to  be  permanent 
in  the  disc  manufacture.  In  this  memorandum  you  also 
referred  to  the  instructions  given  to  us  regarding  the  me¬ 
thod  of  organizing  the  accounts. 

There  was  no  thought  in  sending  out  this 
memorandum  that  it  would  either  disturb  the  present  factory 
organization  or  indicate  that  it  is  to  be  perinanent.  It 
seemed  to  be  very  desirable  to  separate  the  disc  accounts  on 
•  Ur.  Eckert's  books  into  a  certain  f ew  divisions  so  that  in¬ 
formation  respecting  the  costs  as  a  whole. would  be  avail¬ 
able  for  you  when  you  desired  such  information. 

&>  Su7v\wi4rvj  TTIarok' 

_ ,  ■  7b  I  u/%1 '6mm  h 

'Ba.d'Rimiw.fs  '  vJr*^  'y'\?0 



73  W  'RuMcufs 

siuiM*  "  nyhiM,-  ^ 

<f$aA  SurfaCs'L- 
UciicaAA  ^faczy^ 
fbck{  5s/t  oh'<n\  jr~\ 

~3~& L-i-y  " 

/3^4  R^i(f(c^\ 


VlaS'fc*'  C^u/jffy^ 

UllmloH  *wts  tnrAdfc^- 
7?  1 ^40  f/CTHS-  Su  rf*aj 

Sf/ltsoinms  'vte’h  So  ^evcf  at  JarO/^TtofliTt;, 
S UsTfa  (UCs  <•  ••  ,{  "  *  ° 

Cu/u  lol((  Sz^wi-s  /‘zft-C'f/VZ  , 
tf\kMv(nXPz  nAzq  h'qatfs.  (  ,  . 

l/tvj  hiiTL  CfiMC'Cmust c**7^ 

/$  Anliisihi/riL  imIl<zw  hidrfac  u/att/h 

M-  -  * 







iccepted,  neither  are  any  of  the  baritones  he 

Walter  Miller- 

Over  a  week  ago  1  replied  to  your  letter  about 
Pleisch,  to  go  ahead  on  basis  y«*u  suggest- 
Tosi-  He  can  use  De  Muro  as  a  tenor  in  concerted  pieces- 
The  concerted  pieces  can  be  in  French  or  Italian.  I  prefer 

Tommansi  not 

T+aiian  inav  be  off  but  if  would  not  hurt 

». **  m  ..i- 

Can  you  find  out  if  Urluss  sings  in  French  or  Italian- 
He  is  a  fine  tenor- 

Write  Tosi  for  fear  he  has  not  understood  that  the  several 
concerted  numbers  I  marked  to  be  sung  by  Anselmi  and  Labia 
each  is  to  be  considered  as  one  of  the  10  pieces  we  are  to 
get  from  Anselmi  eaoh  year. 

I  fear  he  may  think  we  want  these  extra  from  Anselmi  above 
the  10  per  year- 

I tBi sPimport£mtUthatd you^provide  Hayes^i th* 

S?T  and  not  ?o  spoil  records  by  having  too  much  volume  to 
the  instrumental  rausic- 

a*  4/2/14- 

Copy  Mr.  Edison's 

mfadow  croft 



things  have  stopped  investigation  we  sent  FOURTY  four  hundred  d ISC_ 



_  W«  H.  MEADOTCROFT. _ 

!  ki- 

s(aJ/L  (Mv  ten'll  ( ->u  1\j& 
(JjjJrh^  ru^t^A,  ifcchyj 1 

*yy^<^QAM  oU,  (  V 

Qyftfrl/uiLOsOul/y-r  OW/W 
dMJUJ^  -yka  ^/i|b  1^ia>g^U7i, 7^ 

^  /Pv  “VV'jvXcj^  vx^ix'h^,  <r^ 


yfjbJsiv\  j  ^  7  ^ 

CUO  1Xv\  'VIA jOJZJaw^  AyVvCt 

kl  /i/io-6^  _ _ 

'^UjU'iA  ^L^uiy(  'i/V\ 
/^ViaT  ^w  XXx/  cty  . 

rfi^j/cl  ^DMlc/lr\  *- 

Sig.  Umberto  E.  Tosi, 
V. llano,  Italy. 

Dear  Sir:- 

April  0,  1914 

Y/ish  to  acknowledge  your  favor  of  the  l6th  ult.  and 
I  communicated  the  information  you  gave  regarding  the  various 
artists  to  ifr.  Edison,  end  I  have  to-day  cabled  you  as  follows: 

“Jaume  -  Korooff  satisfactory.  Other 
pz’opoBitionB  of  16th  all  ri$it  If  Jaume  - 
Korsoff  can  be  secured.  Deliuro  satisfactory 
at  Jaume  fig-urea. " 

Mr.  Edison's  memo,  to  me  indicates  that  ho  is  not  particular 
about  securing  any  of  the  minor  artists  unlQBS  he  can  be  sure 
he  can  get  Jaume  and  Korsoff,  and  I  presume  it  is  really  not 
necessary  to  contract  the  minor  people  As  you  can  probably 
secure  them  whenever  desired  if  they  are  located  in  Milan,  but, 
of  course,  if  you  have  to  bring  them  from  some  outside  locality 
you  v/ill  have  to  guarantee  a  certain  amount.  If  the 
propositions  do  not  exceed  those  mentioned  in  your  letter  there 
7/ill  be  no  objections. 

In  regard  to  making  out  contracts  for  these  artists 
I  would  suggest  that  they  be  drawn  out  in  the  name  of  the 
Thomas  A.  Edison,  Incorporated,  Orange,  H.  J. 

I  am  also  in  receipt  today  of  your  letter  of  the 
27th,  and  I  will  communicate  the  information  you  have  sent  me 
in  regard  to  Gertrude  Rungo  to  Ur.  Edison, 

I  also  note  v/hat  you  say  in  your  letter  of  the  28th 
in  regard  to  Anselmi,  and  that  Mr?  Edison  does  not  wish  to 
record  AnBelmi  in  Milan,  at  least  for  the  first  year  of  his 
contract.  In  looking  over  the  various  instructions  Mr. 
Edison  has  given  me  I  do  not  find  any  instructions  to  this 
effect.  It  states  in  the  proposed  contract  Mr.  Edison  has 
drawn  up  that  "he  will  make  records  in  Milan  or  London,  or 
should  he  have  an  engagement  in  Mew  York  he  will  make  them  in 
that  city."  The  understanding  is  tht  we  are  to  have  the 
option  as  to  where  they  are  to  be  recorded,  either  in  Milan 

April  8,  1914. 

or  London,  for  the  reason  that  if  our  Milan  plant  iB  not  running 
it  would  he  much  cheaper  and  better  for  us  to  have  Anselmi  come 
to  London  than  it  would  he  for  us  to  ship  all  of  our  recording 
apparatus  to  Milan  to  record  his  records,  I  am  quite  sure  that 
Mr.  Edison  will  not  object,  if  our  recording  plant  in  Milan  is 
running  satisfactory,  to  make  his  records  there  if  we  conclude 
an  arrangement  with  him. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Mgr.  Recording  Department 

New  Yoric  Evening  Journal 
Oilteo  at  A.  BRISBANE 

April-  10th,  19^4. 


Thomas  A.  Edison,  Estl«» 

Orange,  N.  Z. 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison:  - 

I  near  that  for  once  in  your  life  you  are  taking  a  rest 

of  a  few  minutes  and  getting  some  fresh  air.  I  am  glad  of  it. 

X  am  ill  in  had,  talking  into  one  of  your  phonographs  with  the 

lights  turned  out,  attending  to  my  mail  5ust  as  well  as  though  I 
had  a  secretary  here  and  all  the  lights  going.  By  the  time  when 
I  get  up, tomorrow  morning  what  i  am  writing  now  on  your  machine 
will  he  in  type  for  me  to  correct.  I  have  just  written  a  letter 
to  games  Simpson,  the  head  of  Marshall  Eield,  describing  to  him  how 
your  machine  can  be  used  in  the  dark,  a  quiet  servant  always  at 
hand.  It  is  a  marvelous  thing,  ,and  writing  to  him  it  occurred  to  me 
that  I  ought  not  to  do  less  than  to  drop  a  line  to  you  and  thank 
you  for  what  you  have  done  to  make  busy  men  more  efficient.  You 
need  not  ana 'war  this,  of  course; 


My  Dear  Mr.  Maadowcrof t: 

Perhaps  ycu  will  remember  me  nfter  our  little 
trip  to  your  labratorie3  anti  my  subsequent  viuit,  and  you  may  there.' ore 
pardon  the  liberty  I  take  in  introducing  to  you  Mr.  Jaques  Kasner,  whose 
tone  in  violin  playing  is  of  peculiar  power.  I  thought  you  might  be  glad 
to  hear  him  or  to  have  Mr.  Edison  hear  him  —  it  will  really  be  a  pleasure 
for  him  and  perhaps  he  might  interest  you  in  your  record  department. 

Thanking  you  in  advance  for  your  arrangement  of  some  sort  of  an  inter¬ 
view  with  you  or  with  those  who  adjust  these  things. 

Memo  #170 

Product:-  BLUE  AMBEROL 

April  23,  1914. 

SUBJECT:-  Discussion  of 
cost  for  week  ending 

Mr.  W.  H.  Meadowcroft,  March  28th  1914. 


Dear  Sir:- 

Xn  reply  to  your  inquiry  as  to  the  principal 
causes  of  the  increased  cost  of  Blue  Amberol  Records  as 
indicated  by  the  report  for  the  week  ending  March  28th, 
1914,  allow  me  to  report  that  the  production  in  the 
Manufacturing  Department,  whi ch  makes  up  the  principal 
cost  of  these  records,  was  only  83000  for  the  entire  week. 

Necessarily,  our  organization  and  all  the  ex¬ 
penses  incident  thereto,  are  laid  out  on  a  scale  sufficient 
to  cover  a  much  larger  production  than  this.  Hence  when 
the  cost  of  this  layout  for  large  scale  production  has  to 
be  distributed  over  so  small  a  number  of  records  as  80000 
per  week,  the  cost  per  record  is  very  materially  increased. 

By  reference  to  your  previous  cost  reports, 
you  will  find  that  for  some  time  past  the  production  has 
been  much  larger  than  at  present.  As  follows: — 

For  we'ek  ending  March  21st, 
ii  ii  «  "  14th, 

it  it  «  "  7th, 

ii  'I  '•  Feb.  28th, 

ii  n  ii  21st, 

ii  ii  •'  ''  14th, 

ii  ii  ii  »  7  th, 

ii  ii  "  Jan.  31st, 









Secondly,  if  you  will  refer  far  enough  back  in 
these  reports  you  will  come  across  isolated  cases  wherein 
the  production  was  almost  as  low  as  at  present  and  the  cost 
was  about  11/. 

This  difference  is  explained  by  the  fact  that 
at  the  time  Mr.  Nehr  took  charge  of  the  Blue  Amberol  Record 
Manufacturing,  the  expenses  of  this  department  were  about 
35521  of 'the  productive  labor.  Subsequently  this  percentage 
has  increased  gradually  month  by  month,  until  the  expenses 
expressed  in  terms  of  "Productive  Labor",  average  about  70/6. 

Mr.  Meadowcroft, 
April  23,  1914. 
Page  -2- 

This  increased  percentage  of  expense. has  "been  caused 
hy  the  decrease  in  the  productive  labor  as  well  as  by 
actual  expense. increase. 

nevertheless,  it  has  been  necessary,  in  order 
to  hold  these  weekly  efficiency  reports  in  agreement  with 
the  actual  conditions  in  the  shop  to  increase  the  charges 
in  expenses  as  follows:-- 


Month  of  May  1913 

»  "  June  1913 

»  "  July  1913 

»  "  August  1913 

"  "  September  1913 

»  "  October  1913 

"  "  November  1.1913 

"  "  December  1913 

"  "  January  1914 

39  $ 




. -i 



+»w  f'^i"  'l’jrt 

*ti: . 



'runrfc-  A  V:""V'?  ' 

qt-  ma  ]  ' 

(X,u\  I 

o  <f  ->■ 



April  24,  1914. 

Messrs.  Xreton,  learning ,  Maxwell 

I.  C.UcChesney: 

At  a  conference  with  the  following  10  Disc  jobbers; 

H.  H.  Blish 

I. -  H.’  lucker 
H.  G.  Stanton 
Walter  H.  Kipp 
Vf.  0.  Pardee 
C.-  B.  Haynes 
Prank  E.  Bolway,  Sr. 

Frank  E.  Bolway,  Jr- 
B.  W.  Smith,  of  Clevel^i 
Mr.  Bloom,  "  if 

who  called  on  ns  Tuesday,  April  21st,  it  was  their  unanimous 
decision  that  the  following  he  adopted: 

1.  Adopt  new  design  eahinets  with  cane  grilles  for 
the  150,  200  and  250  types,  this  change  to  take  oifect  just 

as  soon  as  possible,  which  will  probably  not  be  until  -bout 
September  1st,  because  of  our  inability  to  get  new  design 
cabinets  in  sufficient  entities  before  that  time. 

2.  In  our  Fall  catalogue  continue  showing  the 
ntfl  R+vle  as  v;ell  as  new  style  ea*binets,  in  order  to  enaole 
the  jokers  and  dealers  to  dispose  of  suoh  of  the  old  style 
as  they  may  have  in  stock,  and  with  the  understanding  that 
m  fast  as  our  stock  of  the  old  style  cabinets  is  disposed 
of  we  will  advise  the  jobbers  that  no  more  of  them  can  oe 

3.  Adopt  as  soon  as  possible  the  tone  modifier, 

having  the  lever  come  out  at  the  side  of  the  cabinet  instead 
of  inSfront.  Establish  a  list  price  (X  told  cnem  *t  would 
be  about  $2)  on  these  tone  modifiers  as  extras,  so  that  if 
ciis+omrs  who  have  already  purchased  disc  macnines  desire 
o^e  of  them  they  can  obtain  it  and  equip  it  themselves.  Eor 
such  machines  as  the  jobbers  or  dealers  may  have  in  stock, 
supply  the  tone  modifier  to  them  at  jobbers  or  dealers^ 
nrices  they  to  equip  it  themselveB.  For  such  machines^we 
have  in  stock,  packed,  supply  the  tone  modifier  free  of  charge 
with  each  machine  shipped,  the  3oW3er  to  equip  these  tone 
modifiers  to  the  maohines  when  he  unpacks  uhem.  For  all 
suoh  machines  as  we  have  in  stock  n°t  p*°ked  °r  yT,e 

bu-flt  after  we  are  ready  to  supply  the  tone  modifier,  we 
win  equip  the  tone  modifier  to  them  at  no  extra  charge. 

Adopt  3 
design  250  cabinet. 

17  filing  system  as  shown  in  the  new 

5.  Adopt  new  style  cabinet  cover  stay  arm. 

6.  Discontinue  furnishing  albums  with  the  150  type , 
for  the  reason  that  in  a  great  many,  if  not  the  majority  of 
oases,  they  are  never  taken  by  the  customer  on  account  of 
their  preferring  some  other  style  of  album  or  some  other 
method  of  filing  records. 

I  am  sending  this  memo,  in  order  that  we  may  all 
have  a  reoord  of  the  matters  discussed  and  the  decision  ar¬ 
rived  at  by  the  jobbers  present,  so  that  in  case  any  dispute 
come  up  later  on  concerning  the  ohanges,  we  will  be  able  to 
refer  to  this  memorandum  and  advise  the  complainant  that  the 
ohanges  were  only  made  after  they  were  fully  approved  by  10 
of  the  leading  jobbers,  including  the  President  and  other  of¬ 
ficers  of  the  Jobbers  Association. 

Dear  Sir: 

I  trust  you  will  par 
of  one  of  the  first  Diamond 

WOOD  Elastic  Web  Co- 

elastic  WEBS  AND  CORDS 

jsTOUGHTON.  MASS.4/27/14 






J  Jr"**' 

_  -^^J4W35gE*-^ 

vefuTairo..  As  I  hsfve -  " 

,ne>  5? 

..  - - 

^  ^  t«TJ*  mHwH'4  l  I 

which  came  into  use  something  °v©^ 
friends  who  have  a  Victor,  I 

to  compare  both  machines.  Anyol^fferet  that  for  tone 
and  clearness,  your  latest  machine  has  all  the  advantage, 
the  one  thing  that  hurts  is,  there  is  very  little  choice  in  the 
records,  that  is,  of  the  high  class  singers.  The  Victor  has 
surely  got  us" beaten  a  block"  as  they  say.  Take  this  months 
records  for  Illustration,  there  is  not  a  single  record  of  any 
great  quality.  If  we  could  get  more  records  of  the  type,  "I  Hear 
you  Calling  Me"  it  would  be  a  source  of  great  pleasure.  I  have 
thought  seriously  lately  of  trading  my  machine  for  a  Victrola 
simply  to  get  the  higher  class  records.  It  may  be  possible  for 
you  to  enlighten  me,  and  you  may  have  records  that  I  know  noth¬ 
ing  of,  but  as  I  own  a  large  number  and  have  gone  over  the  long 
list  fairly  carefully.  I  think  I  am  right  in  saying  the  Edison 
has  the  best  talking  machine,  but  the  Victor  has  the  best  records 
and  I  am  sura  thousands  of  your  customers,  in  fast  I  know  a  great 
many  personally,  would  welcome  some  high  class  records,  if  it  was 
posdible  to  get  them.  Trust  you  will  bekind  enough  to  reply. 

Yours  truly, 

“  IA^  1 

April  27th,  1914. 

Ut.  Thos.  C.  Ballard,  f 
^llorrieson,  Plummer  &  Co., 

310-314  W.  Washington  St.  , 

Chicago,  Illinois. 

Dear  Sir; 

On  my  return  from  Florida,  I  find  your  favor 
of  the  25th  instant  among  the  mail  that  has  been  kept 
until  1  came  hack  to  the  Laboratory. 

I  am  glad  to  hear  from  you  after  so  many  years, 
also  to  learn  that  you  have  enjoyed  my  nevj  Disc  phonograph 
so  much.  As  you  were  one  of  the  pioneers  in  exhibiting 
the  old  tin  foil  machines  in  1878  you  will  realize  the 
development  that  has  taken  so  many  years  of  hard  work. 

With  kind  regards,  I  remain, 

Yours  very  truly, 

R&ert  '-'  , 

[he  Phonograph  Co. 

Exclusive  Edison  Distributors 

Chicago  April  30^,1914. 

-  ^  *  $  y  aN 

y  M'V 

Mr.  Wm . Meadowcr of t ,  ^ir 

Thomas  A.Edison,Inc., 

Orange, N.J. 

Dear  Mr.  Meadowcroft, 

You  get  so  many  letters  of  complaint 
(not  from  me  for  several  months  back)  that  I  thought 
perhaps  a  little  word  of  praise  might  fit  in  with  the 
kicks  I  know  you  are  getting.  I  want  to  say  that  X  am 
particularly  pleased  with  the  surfaces  on  #82037  and 
#82048  which  came  in  in  a  shipment  of  yesterday. 

With  kind  regards,  I  am 

jrC - cw-*  w/* 

ck  «* 

Qj~^&  t-s 

_ _  : _ i _ _ 

\JjZj,  \\CLSn*SvviJ-J^ 

Mr.  ire ton: 

I  am  attaching  copy  of  letter  to  Hafger  *  Blish  rela¬ 
tive  to  their  Becoming  jobbers  at  Sioux  City^  which  will  explain 
itself.  j 

Regarding  our  estaBlishing  a  jobber  at  Washington,  it 
might  Be  well  to  write  McKee  that  we  hav^  had  such  a  large  and 
flattering  proposition  made  us  By  another  concern  at  that  point 
to  establish  them  as  jobbers  that  we  may  consider  it  necessary 
to  take  some  action  in  the  matter,  either  in  the  way  of  telling 
them  that  we  will  accept  their  proposition  or  that  we  cannot  do 
so  Because  they  (the  McKee  Company)  had  already  approached  us 
in  the  matter,  ana,  while  they  preferred  not  starting  just  at 
this'  time  they  would  do  so  rather  than  have  someone  else  estab¬ 
lished  there,  and,  in  the  case  of  our  taking  the  latter  attitude, 
it  would  of  course  Be  necessary  for  them  (the  McKee  Co.)  to 
declare  themselves  at  once.  Such  a  letter  would  probably 
force  the  issue  with  the  MoKee  people  and  cause  them  to  deoide 
to  Become  jobbers  at  Washington  at  onoe. 

I  realize  that  it  is  really  not  necessary  to  have  two 
jobbers  as  close  as  Baltimore  and  Washington,  also,  that  owing 
to  the  present  reoord  situation  we  are  perhaps  not  in  a  position 
to  establish  any  more  jobbers,  but  as  our  business  from  already 
established  jobbers  has  alrerady  and  no  doubt  will  continue  to 
deorease,  and  as  we  are  now  aooumulating  quite  a  stock  of  oer- 
tain  types  of  machines ,  I  think  it  advisable  to  increase  our 
sales  all  we  oan,  by  establishing  new  jobbers  wherever  we  think 
it  neoessary  or  advisable  to  have  them;  but  not,  of  course,  to 
do  so  where  they  are  not  neoessary  or  will  oonflict  with  job¬ 
bers  already  established  or  with  any  understanding  we  may  have 

Mr.  Ireton-  2. 

had  with  them  conoerning  our  not  establishing  additional  job¬ 
bers  within  a  certain  radius  or  territory. 

What  progress  is  being  made  toward  establishing  a 
jobber  at  El  Paso,  Texas?  You  will  remember  you  had  some 
oorrospondenoe  from  a  party  who  desired  to  become  a  jobber  there 
Borne  two  or  three  weeks  ago. 

What  have  you  done  relative  to  trying  to  dispose 
of  the  150  or  200  type  t.- 250  Disc  ihonographs  in  weathered  oak 
oabinetB,  concerning  which  I  had  a  talk  with  you  a  week  or 
ten  days  ago? 

CHW/IWW  c*  H* 

(Copy  to  Mr.  Edison) 

X  enclose  letter  received 
from  Professor  Vladimir  Karapetoff 
of  Cornell,  for  such  action  as  seems 

You,  of  course,  know  of  him 
as  a  very  brilliant  and  capable  elec¬ 
trician  and  engineer,  and  what  is  rather 
unusual  he  is  a  pianist  of  great  charm. 

I  think  if  the  suggestion 
he  makes  be  favorably  entertained  the 
results  will  be  mutually  satisfactory; 
and  as  piano  records  have  been  as  a  rule 
anything  but  satisfactory,  he  may  be 
instrumental  in  making  progress  in  this 

Sincerely  yours, 

Mr.  Thos.  A.  Edison, 
Llewellyn  Park, 
-West  Orange. 


Sibley  College  of 
Mechanical  Engineering  ai 
the  Mechanic  Arts 

Hr.  Frank  J.  Sprague, 

Consulting  Engineer, 

165  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City, 

City.  (L  UL~jJ 

^  ^*4  ^4a 

o  hear  the  r 

my  aear  I1  E  p  had  an  opportunity  lately  to  hear  the 

new  Edison  Phonograph  with  tho  diamond  point ,  and  k  was  im¬ 
pressed  hy  the  improvement  in  the  rendition  of  piarao  ™*si0* 

^should  like  very  much  to  have  one  or  two  pieces  o^  my 
repertoire  recorded, for  this  now  machine,  and  I  am  taking  tne 
liberty  of  asking  ySu  to  bring  this  matter  to  Hr.  Edison's 
attention,  knowing  that  you  are  personally  (& 

I  am  enclosing  a  few  programsoi  my  former  recitals, wni^h 
you  may  send  to  him,  with  such  information 

my  playing  as  you  may  see  fit.  t  Wf.  LCc^l* 

Of  course,  X  do  not  claim  tb'Hara' [anywhere  the  fame  j?e°h- 
n-irma  as  the  professional  pianists  of  International  reputation,  / 
but  I  have  lmade°a  special  Study  of  the  touch  andthepianotone 
and  it  is  for  this  reason  thatl  expect  W  be  able  to  produce 
successful  records.  *\i 

You  understand,  of  course,  that  for  me  this  is  a  matter  of 
professional  interest  and  not  of  pecuniary  gain.  Perhaps  I 
could  arrange  to  come  to  their  factory  for  a  few  ■ days  during^-. 
the  summer,  and  work  with  them  until  I  get  a  rich  singing  tdne 
on  the  record.  I  have  heard  from  several  people  J^at 
piano  tone  is  especially  good,  and,  of  course,  this  ought V^o 
give  a  good  record.  ) 

X  would  not  take  any  very  difficult  piece,  but  some  well 
known  popular  work,  say  of  Chopin,  and  playitinav/ayin 
which  it  would  appeal  to  tho  average  buyer  of  phonograph 

Perhaps  tho  simplest  way  for  you  would  be  to  forward  this 
letter  to  Hr.  Edison  v/ith  such  further  comments  as  you  may  see 
fit  to  make. 

With  my  best  regards  and  hearty  wishes  to  yourself  and 
Mrs.  Sprague  in  which  Mrs.  Karapet off  joins  me,  I  am, 

Very  sincerely 'yours,  . 

May  2,  1914-. 

Messrs.  Grimes,  Briggs,  Hoffman,  Kiroher: 


Effeotive  today,  Mr.  Hird  will  be  Manager  of 
Disc  Reoord  Manufacturing  Department  and  will  have  full  charge  of 
the  entire  manufacture  of  Disc  reoords,  which  includes  supervision 
of  foremen  in  the  different  manufacturing  departments;  the  engaging 
and  discharging  of  employees  for  the  different  manufacturing  de¬ 
partments?  the  manner  in  which  work  in  the  different  departments 
is  to  bo  handled*  the  instructions  as  to  whioh  particular  moulds  aro 
to  be  operated;  the  matter  of  working  over-time  or  operating  a 
full  night  shift;  and  all  other  matters  pertaining  to  the  turning 
out  and  placing  in  stock  of  commercial  Diso  reoords  after  plated 
white  masters  have  been  approved  by  Mr.  Edison. 

Until  Mr.  Hird  gets  thoroughly  acquainted  and 
familiar  with  his  work,  Mr.  Moore  will  co-operate  with  and  render 
to  him  every  assistance  possible,  after  which  Hr.  Moore’s  duties 
will  be  only  on  the  experimental  and  technical  end-. 

The  placing  of  Mr.  Hird  in  this  position  gives 
him  full  power  and  makes  him  absolutely  responsible  for  the  manu- 
fature,  quality  and  production  of  Disc  reoords,  the  only  exception 
being  where  technical  questions  arise  relating  to  the  prooess,  and 
in  suoh  oases  he  is  to  refer  the  trouble  to  Mr.  Edison  for  solution 
and  instructions. 

Until  further  advised,  or  until  different 
arrangements  are  made,  Mr.  Hird  will  also  be  responsible  for  seeing 
that  suoh  reoorde  as  are  required  for  shipping  orders  are  given 
preference,  information  as  to  the  catalogue  numbers  of  these  reoordB 
required  being  furnished  him.  by  the  Sales  Department. 

Haw  materials  necessary  for  the  production  of 
Disc  reoords  will  continue  to  come  under  the  supervision  of  Mr. 
Baldwin,  ho  at  all  times  conferring  with  Mr.  Hird  as  to  what  the 
requirements  are,  how  far  ahead  we  should  provide  ourselves  with 
stock,  whether  ra w  materials  received  are  of  the  proper  quality,  eto,, 

CHW/lWW  C.  H.  Wilson 

Copies  to  Messrs.  T.  A.  Edison,  ChaB.  Edison, 
Dinwiddie,  Baldwin  Kuhnen,  Maxwell,  Ireton,  i 
Bains,  W.  Eokert,  Hutchison. 

TjfU/  &4^r\ 

. ;  tc A-t/t/o/h'  'mWjW  j^TAlfci/bUf 
(BbiA.  fi/udiUrL  vs  ~)W^  •  - 

7h-  dji  (tyiutf'i*- o 

i^)(K-(\^  j  (j 

~l%hc\(dti.  w^ytuXb 
i i  dM  '^'-iAjku'jcs 
Ik  fi^aA.  (X  ^ 

\j I  6  yX‘Ji  <ui'-.JJ--'U-i-/{^ 

(^WtECu  Ovjo. 

6A  dy  (S'!  hail  " 

O^uo  /Q^ovt^cX.  'is'd  (iJts/isOju^  Itj  c*.{joGtnr~ 
At.^cxi  (yUltdlr^f ,  Jr^y  £t  Ilm/Xs  OjytT'^  — 

yCuit/prtA^  JfvU'/r*  ^r-/~duui/h  ~J^i\ 

■  -"Vw’/r  ^  V; 

•JL  flljdeeMhJ  e  JL'ir.apt,  '’'"’^”5" 

„_  :fs^‘frss^:% 

-  ■  y$“**!  r^Lf>r^j7.-rl^,,-.,^  2  ‘t- 

l|y  dear  Mr.  EdiBon^^'®  u  f  M  L-**"' 

/  The  First  Freshyterian  OhuFch  at  Peek skill ,  ^ 1 

,  and 

a' vote  of  thanks  was  unanimously  given  w  £““*•'”■*1  “"T.  ICZ-v^T^now 

sx  svrrrca1  ssnsu’™  «.  « «- 

disc  machine.  ^  l0UB  experience  with t  he  yictrola  and 

«•»;*  *Lr?L^??5^o21:..r!S^s» “ ’»isa£;j;« 

puf^M  olj-r  »«*>. 

LsasssioEtf  ,;SoLfs;.d »,  w.u«  .»*  -*•»  j  t"  "•vssr 

5?  jaiiSinwsVt  s.^:  s=  sa  ffisfe  » «•■ 

phonograph.  Morgan's  visit  very  much  (t  entertained  him 




yours  very  sincerely , 

Assuring  you  of  my  heartfelt  interest  in  your  machine,  end  trusting  that 
you  will  give  us  plenty  of  Mozarf  Beethoven  and  Wagner  musio  in  the  near  future,  I 

Yours  very  truly, 

P.S.  Please  record.  Beethoven's  Egmont  overture  and  Mozart's  Bon  Juan,  of  which  you 
made  aaj»h^V«uuAd^Mt  records  on  your  old  oylinder  machines- 

(X  .  U/u^xfc. ,  „ 

iplA^'-i<^v.  /4tt-v».  Cj  Up2/f"  J 

~t  .-^dUptso  ^ 

'"^  /L^  ^  '%/  ^--c* 

''"fu-ww  JSL<~4-<i. 

Ms”"  ^"tv 


Hay  8,  3  914 


Kr.32d.ison  has  selected  the  fifteen  disc  records 
shown  on  attached  sheet  to  form  fourth  supplemental  list. 

The  object  in  preparing  an  additional,  list  at  this 
time  is  to  enable  you  to  advance  the  work  as  much  as  poeslbl 
but  it  is  understood  that  the  work  on  these  numbers  shall 
not  interfere  with  producing  regular  stock  records,  or  the 
third  supplemental  list. 

C. Copes  to  Messrs.  Edison, V/ilson,  Maxwell .HcChesney. 

6200  Sfestainater  Ave.,  Philadelphia 
May  9th,  1914 

i'l.  B.  Meadowcro't,  Esq 
Orange,  N.J. 

My  dear  Sir, 

1  was  iruch  obliged  for  your  kind  letter  and  have  salted  as  you  sugge 
ed.  I  now  enclose  herewith  a  letter  to  Mr  rdison  wh  ch  I  think  will  nut  ny  ideas 
plainly  before  h in  - 

you  will  see  I  do  not  wish  to  go  headlong  into  the  fatter,  in  'act 
doing-so  would  in  iry  opinion  spoil  the  whole  affair:  and  if  Mr  Sdi^n  thinks 
well  of  iry  proposition  y  think  I  could  be  of  material  assitance  to  hir  as  ny 
knowledge  of  irusic  is  very  wide 

Yours  truly 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Esq 
Orange,  R.J. 

Dear  Sir, 

As  I  cannot  very 
nut  on  naner  the  reasons  w) 

6200  lies tmins ter  live.,  Philadelphia 

conveniently  go  to  Orange  at  this  time  I  will  try  to 
biofc  induce  ns  to  suggest  a  better  class  of  music  for 

the  Phonograph 

I  very  iruch  regretted  having  the  Overture  to  Sairson  clayed  to  you,  as 
that  niece  o'-  music  is  not  suited  for  the  oiano.  In  order  to  appreciate  it,  it 
should  be  slaved  by  a  full  orchestra.  On  the  piano  it  so- r.ds  thin,  and  I  hardly 
wonder  at  your  not  carirg  for  it.  On  this  ground  that  piece  as  played  did  not 
exemplify  what  I  ireant. 

There  is  no  doubt  a  large  amount  of  trashy  nusic  is  on  the  market,  and 
equally  there  is  raSMtetJoubt  it  is  bought;  but  my  argument  is  .that  people 
would  buy  good  nusic-  if  offered,  and  that  trash  can  only  be  supplanted  by  the 
offer  of  the  good 

That  light  and  even  trashy  irusic-  must  to  some  extent  be  sunnlied  for 
the  phonogranh  is” undeniable,  but  I  claim  that  if  good  gusic, properly  performed, 
be  judiciously  placed  on  the  market  there  would  soon  be  a  sensible  decrease  in 
the  other. 

One  great  difficulty  about  the  music  which  I  urge  is  that  few  know  how 
it  should  be  performed.  Take  the  two  best  known  specimens  of  this  music-  the 
Hallelujah  Chorus  and  the  [,argo,  both  by  Handel;  they  are  played  much  too 
not  only  on  the  phonograph  but  also  at  concerts  and  the  time  marks  in  most  music, 
are  wrong.  In  quite  a  number  of  cases  where  I  have  succeeded  in  getting  them 
played  properly, the  admission  has  at  once  been  made  how  much  better  they  sound 

My  suggestion  is, that  you  employ  me  to  select  and  sunefcvise  the  per¬ 
formance  of  such  music.  This  would  not  take  all  my  time, and  of  course  compensaT 
tion  could  be  proportionate,  as  j  should  not  recommend  any  large  number  of  pieces  i 
at  first,  but  that  they  be  chosen  with  care,  looking  not  only  to  good  quality, but 
also  to  possibility  of  popularity.  Each  piece  should  be  such  as  to  appeal  not 
only  to  the  musically  educated  but  also  to  those  who  are  not.  n.y  experience  has  bei 
been  that  good  music  is  as  enthusiastically  enjoyed  by  the  non-musical  as  by  the 

As  to  my  musical  library,  I  do  not  see  yon  would  gain  gw*  by  owning  it 
as  there  is  much  in  it  which  would  be  of  little  use  to  you,  but  if  you  secured  ry 
services  I  should  use  such  parts  of  it  as  would  give  what  I  want  for  your  purposes 
An  incident  occurred  a  few  days  ago  which  forcibly  illustrates  iry  point. 

A  voung  lady  of  my  acquaitance  has  a  phonograph  which  she  much  enjoys, and  she 
has  a  good  knowledge  of  music.  Next  door  to  her  house  a  couple  moved  in  who  had  a 
Player  piano  on  which  the  trashiest  music  was  ratteld  off  much  to  her  disgust. 
Talking  with  the  wife  my  friend  suggested  some  better  music  among  other  pieces 
Handel’s  largo.  This  was  purchased  and  a  few  hints  as  to  tempo  given.  As  a  result 
rag  time  music  has  been  abandoned  and  good  music  rules.  This  is  one  instance 

I  cannot  help  the  feeling  that  if  the  phonograph  be  treated  as  a^ 
educational  factor  it  has  a  much  wider  field  that  at  present,  and  it  is  toA field 
I  should  devote  myself  if  you  and  I  come  to  terms,  as  I  think  I  may  say  without 
vanity  I  posses  irore  knowledge  on  this  point  than  irost 

On  the  simple  ground  of  practical  business  it  seems  to  me  there  is  much 
more  profit  in  discs  which  will  steadily  sell  for  years  than  there  is  in  those 
of  temporary  popularity 

Yours  truly 

0.  May  10,  1914. 

Mr.  William  H.  Meadowcroft, 

Thomas  A.  Edison, 
Orange,  N.  J. 

Orange,  N.  J. 

My  dear  Mr.  Meadowcroft:-  \vUL~-~~~ 

As  you  know  on  A???f  SthT  1914 ,  I  ^ 
Biennial  Program.  (See  enclosed  letter).  fixiS-*-*****  '• 

,, _ _ v,m,  HpHn>ited  I  was.  and  Mr. 

As  you  know  < 

You  may  remember  how  delighted  I  was,  and  Mr.  jfc 

sasir1’*!?  sss.'sisa  :=,issr 

!»«ni  tin  excerpt  from  the  Constitution  of  General  Federation  of 


enclosed  letter). 

Saturday,  went  to  Tiffin  arriving  there  9.30 




from  that. 

Tuesday,  Wednesday,  Thursday,  ^iday,  and  _ 
Saturday  I  was  extremely  busy  ^^niv^sUyT^lss  Laws  oflhe  Board  of 

SES«  rs*^- 

with  this  affair  still  ^ff't^plftform^  shTwould  still 

am  through  some  powerful  inf^“®”c!  the  history  of  the  Federation  had 
consider  me  victorious  as  never  in  the  Mj*°ry  frQm  :nany  states  were 

a  more  interesting  question  arisen,  ana  ua.uo  regsing  the  hsj>«  idea 

greatly  interested  ln ,^e ^m°of  advertising^ Mrs.  Ilsen  was  looking  for 
SSSJS  ^".?5eSlS  than  this  which  Fate  had  thrust 

upon  her". 

p  +vi»  University  who  is  scheduled  tfo  appear 
The  woman  Bean  of  the  Universi  y^  Qf  her  valuapie  time 

on  the  same  platform  that  I  «■, ,  Sa ve  me  chairraan  0f  the  Program 

yesterday,  and  told  me  intended  to  write  on  the  platform  with  me 

Committee  that  she  would  he  v®*ys£™nsidered  it  one  of  the  most  valua- 
and  the  Edison  diamond  Disc,  as rf the  words  of  the  Bihle,  "I  have  fought 
Pie  educators  in  the  world.  I  tattle  is  won.  There  is 

.  MStJ-lEM",  fh,*"juS  rinloh.d  .  long  lrtt.r  to  tu 

yours  sincerely, 

%/n  v \pf 

Fonchartrain  Hotel,  Detroit,  Mich. 

kfirUL*  7>  *  W* 
■far-frvy  W  MPIMM-uL- 

\$4l0i  OjCHt  ^iXuAlv  Hua 


Percy  V.  Pebbybacker , 

Cincinnati,  0.  May  9/1314. 

Hiss  Poppenheim,  Keystone  Magazine, 
Charleston,  S.C. 

My  dear  Mrs.  Pennybacker;- 

Over  a  hundred  years  ago  John  ilills,  PreB. 
of  the  Pennsylvania  University  3aid, "Discourse,  especially  short  dis¬ 
course,  should  be  so  obvious  that  every  one  could  understand,  and  more 
than  that,  it  should  be  so  clearly  put  that  there  could  not  be  the  sli 
slightest  possibility  of  any  one  misunderstanding."  Therefore,  I 
truat  that  this  letter  will  place' the  object  of  my  work  before  you  so 
clearly,  that  you  will  not'  misunderstand  it. 

"hen  Mrs.  Lawrence  Maxwell  on  April  8th  place!  me  on  her 
Biennial  Program  I  was  very  happy  until  April  29th,  when  I  received  a 
letter  from  her.  (Copy  enclosed) . 

Having  federated  two  clubs  a  number  of  years  ago,  and  having 
presented  the  educational  fieature  of  the  phonograph  first  to  the  Feder¬ 
ated  Clubs  of  Washington,  D.C.,  you  may  realize  my  loyalty  as  a  Club 
woman.  Knowing  that  the  lines  in  quotation  marks  in  no  way  applied  to 
my  work,  1-st  Thursday  I  arrived  in  Cincinnati  to  endeavor  to  readjust, 
this  extremely  distressing  condition  of  affairs,  regarding  ny  removal 
from  Mrs.  Maxwell's  Program.  For  you  see,  „.my  dear  Mrs.  Penny  backer, 
ns  I  have  appeared  on  platforms  of  Clubs,  federated  and  un federat ed 
during  my  year's  work,  it  is  but  right  that  I  should  resent  the  im¬ 
putation  t.h^t  I  have  used  said  platforms  for  advertising  commercialistic 
purooses.  Those  interested  in  the  Biennial,  with  whom  I  have  talked 
all  agree  that  my  work  is  educational  and  humanitarian  alone. 

It  is  regrettable  that  T  could  not  reach  you  for  a  personal 
interview.  You  may  remember  meeting  me  at  the  V/ashlngt on  Council 
last  Spring,  but  do  not  think  th-»t  the  work  I  was  then  doing  is  repre¬ 
sentative  of  what  I  am  now  engaged  in,  which  has  steadily  grown  in 
educational  strength  and  character.  Mrs.  Andrews  and  I  were  going  over 
those  first  days  a  couple  of  weeks  ago  in  Washington,  when  I  so  gladly 
t  old  her  I  was  to  appear  on  the  Biennial  Program. 

Thanking  you  for  your  kindly  consideration,  and  trusting  to  hear 
from  you  at  "your  earliest  convenience,  regarding  my  plnoe  on  the  Program, 
t  remain,  Yours  in  all  sincerity,  n,  (\  A 


My  address  wild  be,  TIotel  Pontchartrain,  Detroit,  Mich,  for  the  next 
ten  days. 


May  12,  1914. 

Thomas  A  .  Edison,  Esq 
Orange,  N.J. 

Dear  Sir: 

A  timely  pointer: 

If  a  man  buys  a  gin,  he  takes 
It  for  granted  that  he  can  obtain  any  time 
a  new  supply  of  ammunition  for  said  gun. 
The  same  privilege  I  expected  to  enjoy  when 
I  enlivened  my  home  with  one  of  your  Peer- 
loss  Diamond  Disc  Phonographs,  equipped 
with  a  select  number  of  records. 

For  a  while  I  could  replenish  my 
repertoire  from  Mr.Silverstone 's  stock,  but 
dinee  the  last  three  months  a  decided  dis¬ 
cord  between  demand  and  supply  in  the  Disc 
market  made  Itself  noticeable,  and  even 
Mr .Siiverstone's  memorable  birthday  trip  to 
Orange  brought  no  relief.  I  grant  that 
every  one  who  Is  so  happy  as  to  possess  one 
of  your  divine  Instruments  is  anxious  to 
get  new  records  from  time  to  time  and  that 
it  is  hardly  uossible  to  fill  the  enormous 
demand  —  I  say  hardly,  because  to  Thomas 
A.  Edison  nothing  seems  to  be  absolutely 

I  therefore  move  that  you  get  a 
hump  on  yourself,  Mr. Edison,  and.  furnish 
the  famished  host  of  admirers  of  your 
celebrated  phonograph  with  new  charming 
records.  The  Tango  fever  has  abated  some¬ 
what;  this  leaves  again  room  for  classical 
music,  of  which  there  is  surely  enough  in 
store  with  your  orchestra  and  the  illus¬ 
trious  company  of  soloists. 

Most  respectfully,  I  remain 
,  Yours  very  truly. 




—  V  P  «-c| 

CZ.-'X. ■_ 

Uv'cr.  ii/ocr^u 


g^C-t-K  .rj^C 

\/-\xk  LO  <£.  <0>t<=- 

<fc-J  >‘  t  J'»vr 

C^UCi- - L<|  Ovfi-CU'-L  cL  cU.^ 

d^G-pTfiJ  <-rO-\JL(L  b<c>  cc£~C<Z-  f"*» 

CU  C*.  tU-rXCU^,  C^-^*  I  Xj, 

O^Ctccf.  0X^X6.  .&&db *&*-■•&■ 
^  *4  L-^-4 



gggJ^AY  13-1914, 


I  have  just  made  up  listB  of  Jobbers  to  date' 





for  desk  use  of  the  officials  and  headB  of  Departments, 
ing  Mr.  Edison  or  you  would  like  a  copy,  I  arn  Bending  you 
herewith.  As  you  will  notice  where  Jobbers  are  handling  the 
Cylinder  line  only,  the  word  "Cylr."  appears  to  the  left  of 
the  name  and -address;  where  the  word  "both"  appears,  it  means 
that  such  Jobbers  are  handling  both  the  Disc  and  Cylinder 
goods.  There  is  only  one  Jobber  handling  the  Disc  line 

only--El  Paso  Phonograph  Company,  308  San  Antonio  Street, 

El  Paso,  Texas,  which  concern  has  just  been  accepted  by 
the  Sales  Department. 

Of  course,  changes  occur  occasionally  in  the 
matter  of  Jobbers  as  to  name  of  firm,  address,  or  addition 
of  new  Jobber  or  the  removal  of  Jobbers.  If  you  wish  us  to 
advise  you  as  to  these  changes,  we,  of  course,  will  be  glad  to 
do  so  or  if  you  prefer,  you  can  send  the  list  down  ooca.sionally 
to  be  checked  up. 




#  JOBBERS'  LIST _ MAY,  1914.  # 

#  # 

#  Superseding  all  Previous  Lists.  # 




Both. . . . , 

ii  juOBIIE 

Both  BOS  A1IGEU3S 


Talking  Machine  Co. 

W.  E.  Reyn  aid  s 


Southern  California  Music 
Pacific  Phonograph  Co. 


Cylr . 


Denver  Dry  Gooda  Co. 
Hext  Music  Co. 

1916  Third  Ave. 

167  Dauphin  St. 

Co .332  so, Broadway 

140  Geary  St. 

619  -  16th  St. 

15th  &  California  Sts 





Pardee-Ellenberger  Co.  Inc.  96  State  St. 


Cylr.  " 



The  Phonograph  Co. 

Eabson  Brothers 

James  I.  Lyons 

Putnam-Page  Co.,  Inc. 

Peoria  Phonograph  Co. 

229  SO.  Wabash  Ave, 

2845  W.  19th  St. 

25  V/.  Lake  St. 

211  So,  Adams  St. 
416  So.  Adams  St, 


Quincy  Phonograph  Co. 

411  Hampshire  St. 




Cylr .  SIOUX  CITY 

Both  BA1TGOR 


Both  " 

Kipp-Link  Phonograph  Co, 


Harger  &  Blish 

Harger  &  Blish 


Chandler  &  Co, 


E.F. Droop  &  Sons  Co. 

McKee  Instrument  Co. 

345  Massachusetts 
Avenue . 

811  Walnut  St. 

315  Court  St. 

84  Hammond  St, 

321  No.  Howard  St, 

310  No.  Eutaw  St. 


Cylr.  BOSTON 


Cylr .  LOWELL 


Eastern  Talking  Machine  Co,  177  Tremont  St. 

Iver  Johnson  Sporting  Goods  Co, 

163  Y/ashington  St. 

Pardee-Ellenherger  Co.  66  Batterymarch  St. 

Thomas  Warden  111  Central  St. 



American  Phonograph  Co.  252  Woodward  Ave. 


Cylr.  ST.  PAUL 


Laurence  H.  Lucker 

V/.  J.  Dyer  &  Bro, 

515  Marquette  Ave. 

21-23  W.  5th  St. 

Koehler  &  Hinrichs 

255  E.  3rd  St, 




Cylr .  " 

Both  ST.  LOUIS 

Sohmelzer  Arms  Co.  1214  Grand  Ave. 

Silverstone  Music  Co.  1124  Olive  St. 



Montana  Phono.  Co. 

Parchen  Drug  Co.  Propr, 
10S  Broadway 

Both  OMAHA 


Shultz  Bros.  1408  Earnom  St. 



John  B.  VaricK  Co.  809  Elm  Street 




Eclipse  Phonograph  Co. 

203  Washington  St. 

James  K.  O'Dea 

117  Ellison  St. 


Cylr.  " 




Pinch  &  Hahn 

W.  D.  Andrews 

632-34  Main  St. 

Heal,  Clark  &  Heal 

Elmira  Arms  Co, 

117  Main  St. 

Blackman  Talking  Machine  Co. 97  Chamhers  St. 

John  P.  Blackman  &  Son  2737  -  3rd  t 

I.  Davega,  Jr.,  Inc, 

125  V/.  125th  St. 


MV  YORK. .  .Continued. 

S.  B.  Davega  Co. 

Greenhut-Siegel-Cooper  Co. 

The  Phonograph  Corporation 

Cylr .  HEW  YORK  CITY 

Both  " 



Both  " 

Cylr.  UTICA 




Talking  Machine  Co. 

W.  D.  Andrews  Co. 

F.  E.  Bolway  &  Son 

Arthur  F,  Ferriss 

William  Harrison 


The  Phonograph  Co. 

The  Phonograph  Co. 

HayeB  Music  Co. 

831  Broadway 

6th  Ave.  &  18th  St. 

of  Manhattan 
443  Broadway 

97  Main  St.  E. 

216  E. Washington  St 

325  W. Payette  St. 

89  Washington  St. 

312  Columbia  St. 

418  Main  St. 

1260  Huron  Rd. 

422  Superior  St, 





Graves  Music  Co. 

111  Pourth  St. 




Girard  Fnonograph  Co. 

10th  &  Berks  Sts. 

Cylr . 


Louis  Buehn 

Penn  Phonograph  Co. 

825  Arch  St. 

17  s.  9th.  St. 



H.  A.  Weyaann  &  Son 

1010  Chestnut  St. 



Buehn  Phonograph  Co. 

713  Penn  Ave. 



Ackerman  &  Co. 

537  Linden  St. 



Technical  Supply  Co. 

Wyoming  Ave. 



W.  A.  Myers 

127-129  W.  3rd  St. 



Cylr.  PROVIDENCE  J.  A.  Poster  Co.  Weybosset  &  Dorrance  St. 

ti  ti  Samuels  &  Bro,  148  Weybosset  St. 


Both  MEMPHIS  Atwood  Phonograph  Co.  62  So.  Main  St. 


Both  DALLAS  Southern  Talking  Machine  Co.  1816  Main  St. 

Disc  Only  EL  PASO  El  Paso  Phonograph  Co.  308  San  Antonio  St. 

Cylr.  EL  PASO  W.  G.  V/alz  Co. 

Both  PORT  WORTH  Texas-Oklahoma  Phono.  Co.  828  Monroe  St. 


Houston  Phono.  Co, 

1008  Walker  Ave, 



Both  OGDEN  Proudfit  Sporting  Goods  Co,  351  -  24th  St, 

Cylr.  SAIT  LAKE  CITY  Consolidated  Music  Co.  109  S.  Main  St. 


Cylr.  BURLINGTON  American  Phonograph  Co.  124  College  St. 



C.  B.  Haynes  &  Co.  121  W, Broad  St. 




Pacific  Phono.  Co.,  N.  W.  311  Maritime  Bldg. 
Graves  Music  Company  909  Riverside  Ave. 



The  Phono.  Co.  of  Milwaukee  213-215  Second  st. 




Both  ST.  JOHN, II. B.  , 




Both  " 


C  A  .H  A  B  A  _j_ 

R.S. Williams  &  Sons  Co.,  Ltd.,  59  St. Peter  St. 

C.  Robitaille,  320  Rue  St.  Joseph. 

V/.H. Thorne  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  42  Prince  William  St. 

R.S. Williams  &  Sons  Co.,  Ltd.,  143  Yonge  St. 

Kent  Piano  Co.  558  Granville  St. 

R. S. Williams  &  Sons  Co.,  Ltd,,  421  McDermott  Ave, 

Babson  Bros,,  355  Portage  Ave, 

R.S. Williams  &  Sons  Co.  Ltd.,  308-llth  Ave.E. 

q>  jhas'fi' 

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oOUVU/y _ 




MMB.  GULBRA^MEN-CALVERT — Contralto  Sokht  " .  ' 

BRUCE  CALVERT— lecturer 

379  Hancock  Street,  cor.  Throop  Ave, 

BROOKLYN,  N.  y.  Telephone  Bedford  7553-M 

;ir.  Thomas  A.  Edison 
Branco  H  •  -7  • 

My  Dear  Mr.  Edison: — 


records  of  my  Worse  songs  y/ 
four  records  containing 
successful  that  you  wi 

,iay  14  1914 

for  the  opprtunity  of  making 
Phonograph.  I  have  made 
songs  which  I  hope  may  prove  so  sh 
need  some  more.  I  have  the  largest 
collection  of  Morse y^ngs  I  believe  now  in  this  country.  There 
are  hundreds  of  K q/y  Songs  and  Lyrics  just  as  beautiful  as 
the  ones  1  sung  for  recordB.  I  also  made  a  sample  record  of 
JrfgUrti  song  which  Mr..  Miller  will  send  to  you.  I  hope  you 
'will  like  all  my  songs  when  you  hear  them.  I  can  sing  English 
or  German  songs  as  well  as  Norse  any  time  you  need  them. 

Permit  me  also  to  express  my  appreciation  of 
people  in  the 

the  courtesy  and  efficiency  of  your^ecordlng  department  in 
New  York. 

And  so  I  remain  with  all  good  wishes, 




The  Gifted  Norwegian  Contralto 














The  Songs  of 
Ole  Bull 

Hugo  Wolf 




The  Picturesque  Hardanger  Costume  Sater  Jente 
or  Peasant  Girl  of  Norway. 


£  ,/:Sol-h  f!wy  /<1.  ffM- 

j/li ./  Vr/i.O't  j-!' , 

Jhf/ttttxL  2$  It  udUfAjAhA  ~t/wt 
IS  U 

O-  t  iff  t/fc'O 

(UufiL  a?  ip  sf  Uu7ie&.l,^u>i  Lo 

?i->i/j[<lt-.-  ts&  4'U'1~  0-£t lu*>  jLz-phjjf,  O'-A  t&fj 

’iPdju,  lA 

,  'It's;  d>  ifa-'y  JlMiUoli'  i-y  '?■' ■'■••••■  -  *6 

/,./ .. , .  ^  a  uc  G>~~  Jm  c Si  iUrTOccL 
lut-  ■& 

thnifi&J-'i-  A^dyjly-'n-u  io-aSpL^uJj 
CLta^iX-lyA-* _ Jpta7>LLui^ 

Osi;  Co/f'upy/Ap  f/  /-'I'D  fJ^tGplu  iJ~ 

lilit-x.  I  /‘'i-'  A  J  S^  cdo^U)  &  A&u^ddLtL- 

fh^v-LLd'i  oduc.o  tfd  hu>  7-’ql  !} 

laMJkt.  lf~  Pb  ly-t'-t-^- 1~  < 

.  .  c/QAfl  _ 

Do i 


/U  ^.-V,  #  Pi^/% 

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/iMoUisoj-s-fy  flit  A  iX-j  nit,  wUntjtL 

'Ifi.  LtaJ-J^jL  y/J fi-lf,  d^u  ttiorojS 
J  it-tf"  4LCl*  fA-i-  dy  es'.  4ltA,l~' 

Ca-7-^  lu>  Ji ,.^tp  y 

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-'  d'Oj pCTi'ty  ly/y  ~~/h/kt-~:  '-A  ~2ji  lo-ut. 

’  ojfftft/  t  (UM'UAd-lij  iA  co. 

!  l/sncT  ///£  £a0ug&j^~  %/■'<'  u> -t-/J 
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Gu~  U  olri-^J  hu.lL,  j/  uO  /l po-tn^ 

i  /aaaiJuA-qp^  yr~M.a 


^  :  f 

f-r  i&L-zzl  £-—£  . 

y  y 


hr-  PcLu 

'  -7a  CJ  C)  Cl  .  Coffer  fU-riv 

Cl .  C\jCumȣ-.  -fr'- - jxCbUicuC  - 

tee,.  .yu4.PVM)^l«^^' 

U rtlo 
■tied  . 

L  n  t,  ClX-CILX* <1 . '&<- 


Av-iiee.'  A-LC-loI 

r,ft_  S  -Utetd^ _ 

Ctr\'\  £.1,  C^Ctsf-e^'Lj  +&'(4c*s..  .  - 

/ . 

^  xsjH  _/ 

May  14,  1914. 

Me8ar8.  Hird,  Meadowcroft,  Dickerson  &  Pile: 

Hereafter  Return 

Sheets  covering  Disc  Records  are  to  be  sent  to  Mr.  Hird,  and 
after  their  condition  haB  been  reported,  they  are  to  be 
sent  direot  to  Mr.  Meadowcroft  for  Mr.  Kdison's  perusal,  and 
Mr.  Meadowcroft  has  promised  to  return  them  to  mo  with  as 
little  delay  as  possible,  so  that  tho  customer  will  not  be 
kept  waiting  for  credit,  if  credit  is  to  be  allowed. 




Yours  vory  truly. 



Very  Special  For  Thursday 
A.  Goat  Sale 

rtL  n  t-  -  i-  00  42  Coats  at  $6.50  39  Coats  at  $7.50 

65  Coats  at  lpO.UU  ,  $17  -0  ,  j30  00.  JVo  C.  0.  D.’s,  Exchanges,  or  Approvals. 

A„  the  Coats  in  tilts  sale  Thursday  ^  t  *  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  and.  dreflse8,  ^eSt  variety  in  the 

It.  is  absolutely  impossible  for  you  to  ma  ^  ^  nfiw  moiels  n0  le{t  overs  or  old  styles  that  were  marked 

drived,  a  special  and  ex^aordinary- purchase  which  we  are  offering  a 

A  Third  to  a  Fourth  Tkeir  V alue 

The  Sale  Every  Columbus  Woman  Is  Awaiting ... 

■V  ■  It  s  Our  Greatest  Semi-Annual 

Extraordinary  Trimmed  Hat  Sale 

Coming  just  when  Summer  Millinthis  sale  will  create  a  sensation  fo 
ery  is  foremost  in  “Milady’s”  mind,r  value  giving. 

We  Will  Sell  ’500  Trimmed  Hats  Thursday 

In  order  to  do  this  we  have  reduced  every  dial  to  such  a  low price ;  it 
should  be  sold  between  9  A.  M  and  12  M.  If  it  is  "ot-  the  P™ef 
will  be  further  reduced  for  the  hours  of  12  M.  to3P.Mlf, 
still  here,  another  reduction  for  the  hours  of  3  to  S  P.  M.  Eac 
hears  a  ticket  similar  to  one  illustrated  here,  showing  prices  for  dif¬ 
ferent  hours  on  Thursday. 

Every  Stunning  Trimmed  Hat  Goes  in  This  Sale 
The  best  will  quicklv  be  chosen,  therefore  be  here  at 
9  A.  M.  No  hat  can  be  laid  aside  or  held  for  anyone, 
and  no  hat  after  being  sold  will  be  taken  back.  There 
is  nothing  reserved.  Choose  any  hat,  in  stock.  Got- 

r  - 

Remember!  This  Sale  for  One  Day  Only 

We  expect  the  largest  uttendunce  of  any  millmory  snle  or 
the  choicest,  selections  to  plan,  to  he  here  promptly  a.  t  9  a.  ....  •• 

Columbus  womenfolk  know  "The  Home  Store”  carries  only  high-class  millinery. 

Mra.  Hattie  Watkins 
Is  Now  in  Charge  of  the  Beauty  Parlors 
in  This  Store  > 

Mrs.  Watkins  is  an  export  in  scalp  treat¬ 
ments,  manicuring,  facial  massagc-aml  she  is 
-now  located  in  .  the  most  complete  Beauty 
Parlor  in  Central  Ohio.  ..  .  . 

(Fourth  Floor:) 

er  held  in  Columbus,  so  wo  advise  those  wanting 
i.  Window  and  pattern  lints  included. 

I  For  Tomorrow- A  Special  Prepared  Concert  t<>  Demonstrate  the  Superiority 

?  of  the  Edison  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph 

In  the  Edison  Shop  at  2  O’clock— Everyone  is  Cordially  Invited— Bring  Your  Friends  , 



Wo  expect  the  largest  attendance  of' nn'y  millinery. sale  over  held  in  Columbus,  so  wo  advise  those  wanting 
the  choicest,  sflegtioiig  to  plhn'to  he  here  proiaptly;  a.  t  !)am.  .Window  and  pattern  hats  included. 
Columbus  tvomenfolk  know:  "The  Home  $tore”  carries  only  high-class  millinery. 

For  Tomorrow — A  Special  Prepared  Concert  to  Demonstrate  the  Superiority 
of  the  Edison  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph 

In  the  Edison  Shop  at  2  O’clock- — Everyone  is  Cordially  Invited- — Bring  Your  Friends  ‘ 


2.  When  the  Robins  Nest  Again. .Howard  -o  7.  A  Bream . 

Soprano  and  Chorus.  Contralto  Solo. 

2.  Ah,  So  Pure — "Martha" . Flotow  8.  Celeste  Arda . 

Tenor  Soto.  Tenor  Boupi. 

4.  William  Tell  Overture. ......  Rossini  9.  Sympathy  . . 

Brass  Orchestra.  Soprano  and  Teno 


I  if  Would  You  Go  Back? 

I  To  the  hey  -winding  watch,  when  we  have  stem  winders  ? 

|  To  the  kerosene  lamp,  when  we  have  gas  and  electric  lights? 

!  To  the  horse  cars,  when  we  have  electric  cars  ? 

Why  huy  a  sound  reproducing  machine  that  requires  a  constant 
j  changing  of  needles  ? 

!  -  You  might  just  as  well  go  back  to  the  above  mentioned  things.  ’. 

This,  is  the  reproducer  that  Thomas 'A.  Edison  'worked 
34  years  to  produce.  A  reproducer  that  truly  reproduces 
music  as  it  should  be i  faithfully  bringing  out  all  the 

Anyone  may  acquire  a  $60.00,  $80.00,  $150.00,  $200.00  or 
$250. 00' Edition  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph  on  convenient  terms. 
It  will  he  worth  your  while  to  visit  the  Edison  Shop. 

Model A150, 
Price  $150  . 

Hear  Tkem  All-- Tken  Come  to  tke  Edison  Siiop  and  Hear 
1  tke  Edison  Diamond  Disc 

Y ou  will  agree  there  is  no  comparison.  The  beautiful  tone  qualities  are  to  be  round  only  in  the  Edison. 

The  first  impression  and  the  last  impression  you  recieve  from  the  new  Edison  is  one  of  music.  Music 
rightly  played  will  continue  to  be  your  continuous  thought, 

I'  ■*%,  **  The  Records 

Are  made  of  entirely  new  material— -being  practicallyunbreakable— ‘che  cliouiandta  rsproduscioa 
will  he  as  perfect  as  the  first. 

The  motor  is  stronger  and  more  costly  than  any  other  motor' with  the  result  that  the  beautiful 
'tone  qualities  are  perfectly  sustained  at  all  times. 

.•Ml  U  You  Must  Hear  This  Wonderful  New  Edison  to  Appreciate  It  , .  ' 

\  (The.  Edison  Shop,  Fourth  Floor.)  ,  ' 

Jtfforehouse -^fartests 


"if  in  all  Your  expearmenting 

’  if  you  aver  trie*  te  maKe  Phonograph  Racaria  - 

it  tie  paMiUle  t«  mold  them  < 

Slass, and  would  it  not  do  i 

,  1t  have  .lust  houghtone. 

with  all  noises  If  i' t  w 'T  riTTj^t  here  at  Ottawa 

Your  11^,2^12^1-2^^12^  Y'>\i  have  m-to 

I-TninTin  Yonr  new  J^^^tion 
a  ,»re at  step  lorwaru  in  sj.  -  -  yolvrs  truly 


.  _  J  oso-Horth  Main  Street 

A  nrV  {  _  ^  Ux**>caJ  ;  ^--Ottawa  Sanoas. 



Hopewell, N  .J. ,May  f0,1914. 

Mr.  Thos.  A.  Edison, 
East  Orange, 

II.  J . 

Dear  Sir: 

My  brother  and  I,  baritone  and  tenor,  were  given  a 
trial  in  your  laboratory  three  weoks  ago.  We  wore  told  that  it' 
we  proved  acceptable  we  would  hear  from  the  Company  in  two  weeks . 

As  we  know  you  give  your  personal  attention  to  every  record  as  a 
final  test,  we  venture  to  address  you  asking  wherin  wo  failed,  so 
that  wo  mav  strive  to  correct  whatever  the  trouble  is,  and  try 
again.  I  am  sure  you  will  agree  with  us,  that  it  is  but  natural  we 
should  be  anxious  to  know  whatever  our  faults  are,  as  we  may  •profit 
by  it.  .  ' 

We  hoped  60.  f or  favorable  results  from  our  hearing"  with  the 
Company.  We  work  under  such  disadvantages  in  a  little  .country  town, 
and  with  means  so  lira! tod  that  we  can  ill  afford  a  tryjp  to  Hew  York 
even  when  possible  to  secure  the  promise  of  hearings,  and  it  is 
doubly  discouraging  t*o  young  singers  like  us  to  bo  burned  down  and 
not  know  why. 

We  are  only  t(Jo  glad  of  any  criticism  prom  one  who  knows. 

Yours  very  respoctfully,  yjf 

i.  . 





Ls(X^y  A'*-  c 

Z2st— i^o- 


’.  c/c. 

-$nt*x — . 


MeaarB.  Hehr-Wurth-Payne-Watson-HcCheaney-Weber-Kuhnen  &  Baldwin 

A  special  meeting  of  the  Record 
Committee  was  held  Thursday  morning,  May  21st,  for  the 
purpoee  of  11 atoning  to  eight  Norwegian  selections,  and 
the  following  number a  were  approved: 

fa.*,  -  Venetians*  Serenade  &  Happen  var  den  Hammer 

?2.3  7-  Sidste  Reis 

y-j  33-  Han  Haas  aa*n  Lasse 

f2-  3  y  —  Ingrids  Vise  &  Kora  med  Vesor  ‘ 

72  3 *■ ■-  gynnoves  Sang 

Jeg  Lagdeinig-Paal  Paa  Haugam  Ha  du  Kji  Hoppa 
/z.?2--  Bissam-Ifjor  cf&aet-en  Liten  Out 
723  V-  Huldre  Lot  og  Huldre  aa  en  Ell  and 

,  Oulhrandaen 

A.  C.  IRKTOH. 

Heaora.  Ediaon-Wilson-Haxwell-Leonard-W.Miller-CronMiite-Stevens, 





Thomas  A.  Edison, 

near  Sirs,- 


Hew  Jersey, 
U.  S.  A. 

I  am  President  of  a  Club  which  haB  recently  purchased 
one  of  your  new  Diamond  Disc  Machines  and  I  trust  you  will 
consider  favorably  my  suggestion  that  you  provide  a  Record 
wit  Import ion  of  the  ProteBtant  Episcopal  service  upon  it.  I 

am  quite  certain  that  if  you  had  it  delivered  by  some  Clergyman 
with  a  fine  musical  voice  a  Record  could  be  produced  which 
would  be  very  greatly  in  demand  especially  for  summer  use  at 
watering  places  when  it  might  serve  as  a  very  agreeable  sub¬ 
stitute  for  Olerical  assistance. 

kthfully  yours, 

mjsic  bkpabtheht-  Hey  asth/14- 

Hr.  Thomas  P.  Westendorf 



Bear  sir;- 

Hr.  Edison  has  passed  year  selection  "I'll  take  you  home 
Eath  laen"  anti  it  will  appear  in  a  future  list  of  our  disc  selec¬ 
tions.  Will  also  add  that  it  ’.Till  he  sung  hy  a  good  singer. 

Very  truly  yours 

Music  Bept.  Bah. 


MAY  25,  1914. 



NO.  •  CAT.  NO. 

























2409  102 
















HO.  ■  CAT.  HO. 


2410  872 

2411  426 



















(Poor  rendition) 


(Bad  tone) 


(Discarded  on  Account  of  announcement) 



(Committee  decided  to  give  them  a  trial) 

(Committee  decided  to  have  this  quartet  mate  two  records) 

(Not  suitable  for  our  use) 





_ u. 

7  : 

^  ^ 

STr~L.~~*b~  l 

y  9  S—  /  ^ 

n  r~~y 

'^lI' 4^  ar~/~  J^  — ?~~~ 

A/  -  7^~ 

ffy~~'  f  asTr-A&s  ^w-  cr^-±A-  ^2C  <  »•  n-^-r£t^  ^-,  #  ‘ 

(ufeJL-  s*£*-*/  ^f~  *s£-r-~f~  $L-  /f-~~~f  Jj2»- 

^iJsfe  <w^«'c-  *$—  - - —  /1M^  /* 

^r*-n/f~  ^ y 

£u  /z. 

.  ^vZZEZ 

'Zr&azz  fc  jaztf 

^"£.  fcz.  ,T^ir 




*X~l^  v~~ 

'•dS~tu*&E^-  4-U 

!  kifeS^ 

/7~  _ ...<•  ^  ■  r  ■*- _ 

Tji  jrj-fcfe- 

, .  Lez-/#^  &#■  ~*~r~~ 




Wa.i-t  Mason 

Emporia, Kansas 

May  26 

Osar  Ur.  Bdlsoni  Xoup  Kind  letter  reoeived  >and-I  appreoiate 
your  lOOurteay.M  >a»  sending  you  two  of  ay  book,  or  prose 
'they  may  amuB#  you.during  '.par.  and  than. 

entitled  ■.■Buaineaa  Ppobo  Poena'  you  ,111  find  a  Paf.P.noo,  to  youp.elf 
on  page  71.  -aho-ing  -tho  adairatlon  I  have  for  you. 

=1  hop.  you.ill.llo-  nothing  to  interfer.-ith  your  good 

„f  ;th.  old  aonga.  I  Bhall- look  forward  to  them 
'-ith^eegornraa.'iand  'I  know  that  aultitud.a  of  people  -ill- be  delighted. 

—  . .. . . 

T  d.t  .into  a  new  -houaa  l  <»  no-  building  =1  one.  I 

ZIZL  -77  on;B:;°  ;r bay 

nany  -peoopde  ‘he  dooan''t  -ant.  .in  ordeP  to  get -the 

hav,  ■  al-aya .'liked 'the  .oylindep  peoopd.  best,  and  M 

-  ..........  — 

•  the  old  aonga.  I  peaain  . 

Thomas  A.  Edison  Jnc. 

Orange.N.  J..TJ.  S.  A. 

Edison  Phonographs  and  Records.  Edison  Primary  Balterie 
Edison  Kinetoscopes  andMotion  Picture  Films 
Edison  Home  Kinetoscopes  and  Motion  Picture  Films 
Edison  Dictating  Machines.  EdisonKinetophones 
Edison  A.C.Rectifiers  and  Edison  House  Lighting  Controller 


Our  attention  has  been  called  to  a  circular  issued 
by  the  Victor  Talking  Machine  Co.,  under  date  of 
19!4.  and  addressed  "To  the  Trade".  It  contains  a  statement 
to  the  effect  that  the  disc  phonographs  and  attachments  for 

in f ring ement s& o f ° thr ee° United*^ tate s  Patents  upon  which  suit 
District  Court  for  the  Southern  District  of  New  Y  r  . 

We  wish  to  assure  the  trade  that  a  °ar°f"1 
ination  of  these  three  patents  has  been  made  by  our  Patent 
Counsel  and  that  in  his  opinion  there  is  no  basis  yhatever 
for  any  charge  of  infringement  by  reason  or  the  “SO  or  sal 
of  our  anearatus.  Jobbers  and  Dealers  should  alarmed 
or  misled  by  any  circularised  statements  of  this  character 
and  in  case  of  any  suit  being  brought  against  them  or  of  any 
threats  being  made  they  should  immediately 
in  Wo  stand  ready  to  assume  the  defense  of  any  paten 
bought  against  any  jobber,  dealer  or  user  based  upon  the 
sale6 or  use  of  any  of  our  disc  phonograph  apparatus. 

Yours  very  truly, 


Hay  E8tli,  1914. 

Mr.  leemlngJ 

Mr.  Edis  aa.  would  like  you  to  have  figured 
out  for  him  the  total  number  of  disc  phonographs  shipped 
by  us  from  the  time  that  we  Commenced  shipping  them  up  to 
Saturday  of  last  week.  Chen  he  wishes  to  have  a 
memorandum  put  upon  the  daily  reports  at  the  end  of  each 
week  showing  how  many  diso  machines  were  shipped  during 
that  week.  ffhis  memorandum  should  be  put  upon  the  report 
for  the  end  of  the  week. 

He  does  not  wish  to  know  the  number  of  the 
different  models  shipped,  but  only  the  aggregate  number, 

The  idea  is,  that  he  wants  to  keep  Informed  as  to  the  total 
number  of  disc  phonographs  that  we  have  out  in  the  hands  of 
the  public,  so  that  he  can  figure  on  the  production  of  disc 
records.  Sherefore  we  will' start  with  a  total  number  up 
to  and  including  Saturday  last,  and  then  the  number  each 
week  following.  I  shall  taka  these  reports  as  they  come 
in  and  add  the  weekly  shipments,  so  that  at  the  end  of 
every  week  Mr.  Edison  will  know  the  total  number  of  diso 
phonographs  that  are  out  in  the  hands  of  the  puhlio.  If 
any  machines  are  returned,  these  of  course  should  he  daduotod. 

When  this  information  1b  ready  will  you  kindly 
send  it  to  me. 

W.  H.  Headoworoffc. 


CC  to  Messrs.  Wilson,  Ireton,  Montgomery. 


y  2  ***  s/*  ^ 




June  S,  ,1914. 

Mr.  Edison 

I  would  suggest  a  letter,  somewhat  along  the  follow¬ 
ing  lines :- 

"Some  of  our  dealers  have  acted  upon  the  advioe 
we  gave  to  all,  sometime  ago,  and  have  greatly  augmented 
their  sales  by  going  to  the  public  with  the  Edison  Diamond 
Disc,  instead  of  tacidly  awaiting  a  visit  in  their  stores. 

The  results  achieved  by  these, aggressive  ones,  over  the 
results  of  dealers  in  equally  valuable  territory  who  did 
not  conduct  such  a  campaign,  aptly  proves  the  wisdom  of 
this  suggestion. 

»It  seems  to  be  a  time-honored  custom,  on  the 
part  of  the  phonograph  trade,  to  rest  on  their  laurels  during 
the  Summer  months,  becauee  it  is  an  admitted  fact  that 
such  months  are  very  poor  sale  closing  ones. 

"As  a  matter  of  fact,  these  dull  months  can  be 
turned  to  excellent  account,  if  you  will  but  take  our 
advise,  or  follow  the  lead  of  those  who  have  already  demon¬ 
strated  the  practicability  of  this  scheme.  .f^U  send  you 
a  list  of  these  successful  ones,  if  you  so  desire. 

"The  following  suggestions  embrace  a  few  of  the  . 
plans  which  have  been  carried  out  very  successfully.  You 
will,  no  doubt,  be  able  to  make  up  many  more. 

"1.  Offer  to  the  management  of  hotels  in  your 
vicinity,  nightly  or  bi-weekly  reoitals  of  the  Edison 
Diamond  Disc,  on  their  verandaB  or  in  the  foyers.  Employ 
a  competent,  refined,  pretty  girl  to  take  charge  of  each 

machine  -  one  who  can  answer  questions  and  adroitly  distri¬ 
bute  printed  matter  to  those  who  ask  Buch  questions. 

"2.  Incidentally,  demonstrate  to  the  hotel  management 
the  value  and  superiority  of  the  machine  for  furnishing 
music  for  small  dances.  The  changes  are  greatly  in  your 
•  favor  to  effect  a  sale  for  this  purpose. 

"3.  Offer  to  lend  a  machine  and  a  competent  operator 
to  any  of  the  socially  prominent  ones  in  your  locality,  for 
aftiernoon  teas,  or  other  home  entertainment.  Be  sure  to  send 
along  some  of  the  modem  dance  records,  because  "all  roads 
lead  to  Rome"  thesedays.  Such  an  entertainment  is  very  apt 
to  be  followed  by  a  dance.  Dancers  are  very  partial  to  the 
Edison  Diamond  Disc,  because  its  tone  is  so  loud  and  clear, 
and  it  fills  a  comparatively  large  hall  as  satisfactorily 
asjfa  small  orchestra. 

"4.  Church  fairs  are  usually  susceptible  of  consider¬ 
able  and  a  Diamond  DIbc  is  more  than  welcome  as 

an  entertainer. 

"5.  Picnic  parties  seem  to  have  departed  from  the 
old-fashioned  "getting  oloser  to  nature"  regime.  They  are 
now  held  within  a  reasonable  distance  of  a  dancing  pavilion 
or  some  large  veranda,  and  an  Edison  Diamond  Disc  always 
makes  a  good  impression  by  its  presence. 

"6.  The  owners  of  private  yachts  are  especially 
susceptible,  because  an  Edison  Diamond  Disc  helps  to  while 
away  the  long  evenings.  JTheBe  people  are  usually  persona  of 
refinement  and  culture  -  the  class  among  which  the  Edison 
Diamond  Disc  is  exceedingly  popular.  The  use  of  the  machine 

and  a  few  records  on  a  short  cruise  is  all  that  is  necess¬ 
ary  to  make  a  sale. 

"7.  The  owners  and  oaptains  of  excursion  boats  do  not 
objeot,  and  in  fact,  are  more  than  glad  to  have  recitals 
given  on  the  decks  of  their  steamers.  This  always  attracts 
large  crowds  around  the  machine,  and  an  excellent  opportun¬ 
ity  is  presented  for  missionary  work. 

^8.  (Ab  many  more  leads  as  we  oon  think  up) 

"The  phenominal  growth  in  the  sales  of  automobiles  is 
largely  due  to  the  fact  that  manufacturers  and  dealers  have 
always  followed  the  policy  of  giving  free  demonstrations. 

If  automobiles  were  unknown  today,  and  someone  suddenly 
announced  he  had  perfected  such  a  device,  he  would  have  to 
demonstrate  the  machine  before  anyone  would  take  his  state¬ 
ment  seriously.  After  such  demonstration,  the  newspapers 
throughout  the  Country  would  herald  him  as  a  great  genius. 

But  notwithstanding  all  such  printed  advertisement,  he  would 
have  to  demonstrate  that  machine  to  every  individual  to  whom 
he  wished  to  sell,  before  he  could  make  a  sale. 

"It  costs  considerable  money  to  demonstrate  an  auto¬ 
mobile  -  money  for  tires,  gasoline,  wear  and  tire,  chauffeur, 
etc.  Yet  just  let  it  become  known  that  you  are  in  the  mar¬ 
ket,  or  think  that  you  will  be  in  the  market  for  an  auto¬ 
mobile,  and  you  can  spend  all  your  spare  time  for  the  next 
mo'hth  riding  around  in  the  demonstration  cars  of  the  various 
agents  in  this  vioinity. 

"You  will  noticcft^kh&t  the  automobile  manufacturers 
bring  out  their  new  sales  campaigns  during  the  Summer  months. 


The  1915  models  of  carB  will  appear  about  July  or  August. 

It  is  not  that  the  manufacturers  expect  to  affect  a  large 
number  of  sales  during  these  months,' but  the  placing  of  the 
new  models  in  the  hands  of' the  agents  at  such  time,  gives  the 
agents  an  opportunity  to  demonstrate  to  prospective  customers 
and  to  get  a  line  on  the  number  of  cars  he  will  be  able  to 
take  during  the  coming  year.  In  other  words,  these  agents 
grasp  the  opportunity  presented  during  the  vacation  period 
to  do  aggressive  work  for  the  coming  year. 

“In  the  early  days  of  the  automobile  business,  a  great 
many  persons  .evincBd  an  antipathy  for  them,  because  of  the 
evil  odor,  stiff  springs,  noise  and  lack  of  dependability. 
This  feeling  has  passed  away,  for  the  reason  that  today  an 
autorabbile  salesman  can  insure  clean,  comfortable,  quiet, 
uninterrupted  rides,  with  the  exception  of  a  puncture  now 
and  then.  Eventually,  even  this  difficulty  will  be  overcome. 

"A  great  many  persons  today  have  an  antipathy  for 
anything  in  the  talking. machine  family,  because  they  retain, 
in  their  minds,  the  wheezy,  scratching,  unsatisfactory 
sound  reproduction  inherent  with  all  such  machines ,  before 
the  introduction  of  the  Edison  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph.  A 
few  demonstrations  in  their  o wn  homes,  will  overcome  this 
antipathy  because  the  superior  tone  quality  and  the  faithful 
reproduction  of  the  overtones  places  the  Edison  Biamond 
Diso  Phonograph  far  ahead  of  any  talking  machines  in  existence 
today.  ' 

"You  can  have,  for  the  asking,  personal  interviews  and 

demonstration  opportunities  which,  in  other  lines  of  business 
.people  pay  to  have  opened  to  them.  For  instance,  in  England, 
if  a  man  is  introduced  to  a  capitalist  who  takes  up  his 
invention  or  proposition,  there  is  a  law  which  compels  an 
inventor  to  pay  a  commission  to  the  man  who  does  the  intro¬ 
ducing.  A  commission,  simply  for  the  opportunity  of  meeting 
surah'  people,  is  often  paid. 

"On  the  other  hand,  our  dealers  have  the  vast  music- 
loving  public,  to  the  most  exclusive  homes  of  whom  they  can 
have  entrfe. 

"We  thus  urge  upon  jtojji  the  necossity  for  active,  aggress¬ 
ive  demonstration  work  during  the  Summer  months.  You  will' 
surely  reap  your  regard  during  the  Fall  and  Winter." 

The  above  for  your  criticism. 




Baoh's  "God's  Time  is  the  Best"  was  the.  most  satis¬ 
factory  work  of  the  chorus  because  of  the  really  beau¬ 
tiful  quality  of  the  treble  voioes  and  the  excellent 
work  of  the  soloists,  notably  Miss  Bonner's.  Her  voice 
is  a  vibrant  contralto,  produced  by  an  excellent  method, 
and  she  has  a  manner  which  is  a  happy  combination  of  re¬ 
poseful  authority  and  charm. 

MUSICAL  COURIER,  May  6,  1914. 

In  Elizabeth  Bonner  was  revealed  a  phenomenal  voice, 
rich,  resonant,  of  marvelous  range  and  warmth  of  color. 

A  fine  career  has  been  prophesied  for  her  by  the  many 
musicians  and  critics  who  were  present.  She  stood  alone 
as  one"born  to  sing",  and  swept  the  audienoe  by  storm 
with  the  magic  of  her  glorious  voice. 

THE  STAR-’.YILMIHGTOH ,  June  24,  1913. 

Miss  Bonner  sang  with  ease  and  expression  that  pleased 
immensely.  Her  voice  is  one  of  unusual  power  and  beauty 
and  her  register  complete.  Her  solo  numbers  were  well 
seleoted  and  demonstrated  the  true  value  of  her  voice. 
Salter's  "The  Cry  of  Rachael,"  was  quite  tragic  and  dra¬ 
matically  given.  In  direct  contrast  to  this  was  Hildaoh's 
"Spring"  which  showed  the  beauty  of  her  voice  in  lighter 
work . 

PUBLIC  LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA ,  April  26,  1914. 

Elizabeth  C.  Bonner,  who  has  a  most  beautiful  contral¬ 
to  voice,  and  who  really  interpreted  songs  by  Tsohaikowski, 
Strauss  and  Harriet  Ware.  It  was  not  surprising  that  one 
encore  song  did  net  satisfy  the  audienoe,  who  insisted  upon 
its  repetition,  and  would  gladly  have  heard  more  and  more. 

THE  STAR- WILMINGTOH ,  April  19,  1914. 

Miss  Bonner's  exceptional  combination  of  a  magnificant 
voice,  strong  stage  presence  and  marked  dramatic  ability, 
made  her  supporting  part  fully  as  strong  as  the  leading 
part  of  Patienoe.  Her  solo-- "Silvered  is  the  Raven  Hair"- 
brought  four  enoores. 



Ihe  chorus  was  extremely  happy  in  its  selection  of 
assisting  soloist,  for  in  Elizabeth  C.  Bonner,  contralto, 
nothing  was  left  to  be  desired..  Miss  Bonner's  voice  is 
unusual  for  its  wealth  of  rioh,  vibrant  tone,  and  the 
beauty  of  her  voice  was  heard  to  particular  advantage  in 
the  Aria,  "Lend  Me  Your  Aid"  from  "Sansom  and  Delilah." 

\y  s  y  (AA, 

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. . 

Jersey  „  ^JK  ~~J’ 


Dear  Sir:-  '  t^T  H  ?  — ^  ft*  ‘ 

There  is  an  insistant  demand  in  our  territory  forf  rec 
on  tne  Disc  to  be  made  of  the  various  Odes  to  be  used  in  connect  1 
with  Secret  Order  work.  For  instance  the  Masonic  Fraternity  has 
over  600  Lodges  in  the  State  of  Iowa.  There  are  twelve  Musical 
numbers  that  are  used  in  this  work,  four  especially  of  4 

very  necessary.  1 

V/e  are  confident  tnat  most  every  Lodge  in  Iowa  could  oe 
sold  an  Edison  Disc  Phonogr<p.,  were  it  possible  to  supply  the 
necessary  selections  with  tj^e,  instrument.  J**^**‘^~ 

The  Ioffa*feSid  Lodge  is  holding  its  anp&al  communication 
or  convention,  herN  in  the  city  of  Des  Moines  aijjirnight  before 
last,  in  conferring  the  most  beautiful  Pa^>f%prl"°^alT?®s  ' 
an  Edison  A-?.350.00  Disc  Phonograph  was  tne  work.  The 

There  v/e  re  over  800  men  in  the  room  at  th< 
feel  confident  that  the  sentiment  created  by  means  of 
will  bring  us  numerous  inquiries  from  ail  over  ohesti 
from  Masters  of  Lodges  who  will  undoubtedly  have  in  m 

he  time  and  we 
if  that  experiment 
it  ate  of  Iowa, 
min'd  the 

we  were  promised  in"aPletter 'bT^TDolbeer ;  that  at  some  future 
time  such  records  as  would  be  necessary  for  uhis  kind  of  work 
would  be  forth  coming,  out  we  believe  that  owing  to  the  unusually 
large  field  from  a  sales  point  of  view,  that  something  ought  to 

i  may  we  expect?  A  mai 
by  Mr.  Dolbeer,  that  i 
je  necessary  for  this  1 






Thomas  A. Edison, Inc 


be  dor.e  at  once. 

In  this  connection  we  might  say  that  the  records  you 
would  make  for  this  purpose,  viouldn't  necessarily  have  to  be 
iaDeled  by  titles  s 

as  to  confine  their  sale  to  the  Masonic 
purposes,  as  the  selections  necessary  could  be  given  tneir 
proper  titles  and  enter  into  your  regular  catalog.  Bearer  My 
God  to  Thee",  beautifully  rendered  by  a  Male  Qpartette,  could  have 
sale  in  the  regular  catalog  as  wfell  as  for  Masonic  purposes..  j/ 
[election  "Solemn  strikes  the  Funeral  Hour". 

Very  truly  yours. 

So  could  the  selection  1 



Q  nrry'A°- 

3  0  r\  <Lry\  A  jiJU  J’Yl 

J^0  /j~4u^L  (JaJLua- 


#  S  o  t'S 


New  York  City,  June  14,  1914. 

Thomas  A_.  Edison,  Esq., 

Orange ,  N .  J . 

You  do  not  need  to  he  told  that  the  record  situation  is' very 
troublesome  and  in  a  desperate  condition.  The  jobbers  Executive 
Committee  assembled  in  New  York  June  14th,  have  met  in  a  spirit 
to  help  and  cooperate  with  you. 

It  was  thought  perhaps,  if  you  had  a  better  understanding 
how  jobbers  were  ordering  records  now,  you  could  make  up  your  cata¬ 
logue  faster  and  with  more  confidence.  The  jobbers  are  ordering 
very  carefully  and  conservatively  on  each  disc  record  and  they  want 
tO'  be  assured  that  the  records  they  are  now  ordering  are  sold  for 
good  and  for  all,  acdording  to  the  terms  of  your  present  contract; 
and  with  this  thorough  understanding  they  request  that  you  submit 
a  sample,  or  at  least  a  list  of  titles  that  you  hope  to  supply,  with 
the  price  (numbers  not  required  at  all)  and  they  will  send  in 
definite  orders  in  advance,  that  you  can  count  upon  as  actual  sales. 

Further,  they  will  guarantee  to  take  ‘at  least  sir  new  records 
a  week  in  the  quantities  ordered,  and  as  many  more  up  to  fifty 
per  month,  as  you.  can  possibly  get  out  between  now  and  Christmas. 

Further,  they  will  be  glad  to  take  those  which  you  find  it 
easiest  to  manufacture,  as  long  as  they  are  reasonably  varied  in 

Further,  the  Trade  does  not  require  the  present  printed  advance 
list,  Buch  as  June  list,  July  list,  etc.  Out  of  these  advance  orders 
they  send  you,  please  make  up  a  sufficient  quantity  to  cover  the 
orders  of  each  selection  wanted,  and  as  fast  as  you  make  Bix  records 
complete  on  the  Jobbers*  orders,  stack  them  in  boxes  and  start  them 
on  their  way  to  the  Jobbers,  with  the  cheapest  and  quickest  printed 

matter  available  therein  enclosed. 


The  jobbers  have  worked  out  a  plan  among  themselves  to  announce 
the  records  to  dealers  by  States:  every  jobber  shipping  dealers  in 
the  same  State  will  appoint  a  Monitor,  who  will  be  informed  by  each 
of  the  jobbers  interested  when  their  records  arrive.  'When  all  shipp¬ 
ing  into  a  given  state  have  received  their  records,  the  Monitor  will 
wire  the  day  and  hour  for  mailing  the  printed  lists  to  the  dealers 
for  their  orders  in  that  state,  delivering  to  the  dealers  as  fast 
as  the  orders  come  in. 

This  plan. will  leave  you  free  to  make  that  which  you  can 
manufacture  the  easiest,  and  should  result  in  a  continuous  flow 
of  new  things.  The  very  nature  of  this  distribution  will  tend  to 
keep  up  a  necessary  interest  and  enthUBiam. 

If  your  later  process  makes  it  easier  to  work  with  entirely 
new  selections,  we  would  rather  you  would  drop  the  old  numbers  that 
give  you  so  much  trouble  until  such  time  as  they  can  be  made  over 
by  your  latest  methods. 

It  is  absolutely  necessary  to  keep  up  the  appearance  ofma 
growing  list,  to  satisfy  the  public  that  have  already  purchased 
instruments.  The  present  owners  of  the  new  Disc  instruments  have 
been  promised,  and  disappointed  so  often,  that  we  are  losing  the 
invaluable  asset  of  their  personal  boost,  without  which  a  business  of 
this  kind  is  too  expensive  to  promote. 

(Signed)  H.  H.  Blish,  Chairman, 

C.  E.  Goodwin  H.  G.  Stanton, 
C.  B.  Haynes  B.  W.  Smith 
.  E.  B.  Silliman  I.-H.  luokor. 

Messrs/ Edison, \tre ton,  MeChesney,  Maxwe  11 ,  Hallowell,  Hird, 

Aoting  on  the  suggeations  shown  in  copy  of  minutes  hereto 
attached  of  the  Executive  Committee  of  the  Disc  Jobbers1  Association 
held  in  Hew  York  City  June  14th,  it  has  been  decided  to  adopt  the 
following  method  for  listing,  shipping  and  marketing  new  Disc  Records: 

1.  After  the  third  list  already  issued  is  completed,  dis¬ 
continue  the  present  method  of  issuing  records  in  lists  of  from  10 
to  15  each. 

2.  instead  of  issuing  the  proposed  fourth  list  of  15 
selections  and  fifth  list  of  18  selections  as  already  made  up  by 
us,  have  printed  at  once,  without  giving  the  catalogue  numbers, 
a  combined  list  of  50  reoords  (100  selections),  adding  to  the  33 
above  mentioned  17  additional  ones,  this  list  of  50  (100  selections) 
to  show  the  matchings  of  the  selections,  names  of  the  selections, 
prices  and  talent. 

3.  Mail  copies  of  these  listB  of  60  reoords  (100  selec¬ 
tions)  to  all  jobbers,  with  the  request  that  they  immediately  send, 
us  their  orders  for  the  auentity  of  each  selection  they  desire 
shipped  them  as  a  first  order;  these  lists  to  be  sent  to  jobbers 
after  Mr.  Blish,  as  President  of  the  Jobbers'  Association,  has 
written  a  letter  to  each  jobber  advising  of  the  aotion  taken  by 
the  Executive  Committee  and  explaining  to  them  the  new  plan  out¬ 
lined  herein  and  the  necessity  of  their  placing  orders  as  requested 
by  us  and  in  all  other  ways  cooperating  to  make  the  new  method  a 

4.  She  lists  of  probable  new  selections  sent  to  jobbers 
from  time  to  time  must  be  considered  absolutely  confidential  as 
between  the  jobbers  end  ourselves,  and  no  Jobber  will  be  permitted 
under  any  consideration  or  for  any  reason  to  divulge  the  contents 
of  these  lists  to  any  of  their  dealers  or  customers  until  uhey  have 
actually  reoeived  their  shipments  of  the  reoords  or  a  printed  list 
from  us  shovrin^;  wii&t  the  next  list  of  six  reoords  v/ill  consist  of- 

5.  Of  the  50  reoords  (100  selections)  liBted,  we  are 

to  go  ahead  -with  the  ones  farthest  advanced  so  far  as  working  moulds 
and  successful  manufacture  are  concerned,  and  just  as  soon  as  we  have 
manufactured  enough  to  complete  the  Orders  reoeived  from  jobbers, 
shipment  of  the  first  list  of  6  is  to  be  made,  and  thereafter  we 
are  to  ship,  if  possible,  six  new  records  weekly,  following  out 
the  same  plan  as  with  the  first  list  of  6. 

6.  It  is  believed  by  Mr.  McChesney  that  he  will  be  able 
to  get  out  supplements  of  each  list -of  6  records  in  time  to 
shipment  of  them  with  the  shipments  of  records  to  the  different  job 
bers,  but  in  case  this  cannot  be  done  the  jobbers  will  be  perfectly 
satisfied  if  we  simply  send  them  a  typewritten  or  cheaply  printed 
llS  showing  what  tL  selections  consist  of,  and  they  themselves  will 


get  out  printed  lists  to  circularize  their  dealers  with. 

7.  It  now  looks  as  though  the  jobbers"  orders  for  the 
third  list  of  9  selections  would  be  completed  by  June  25th  at  the 
latest,  therefore  it  is  believed  this  new  method  of  shipping  6  records 
weekly  can  begin  with  the  first  week  in  JuOy  and  continue  weekly 

8.  It  is,  of  oourse,  understood  that  we  may  find  it 
impossible  to  oontinue  regularly  with  the  6  records  per  week,  and 
if  such  is  the  case,  we  are  to  issue  the  6  reoords  at  just  as  short 
intervals  as  possible,  end  if  in  some  oases  we  find  it  necessary 

to  run  over  to  ten  days  to  get  out  one  lot  of  6,  we  should  resume 
the  next  week  with  an  additional  6  just  the  same.  In  other  words, 
the  following  out  of  the  shipment  of  6  weekly  is  not  compulsory  on 
our  part  or  absolutely  neoessary  to  the  jobbers,  the  one  thing  in 
view  being  to  get  out  lists  of  6  at  just  as  frequent  intervals  as 
they  can  be  manufactured,  instead  of  holding  the  list  up  until  we 
have  a  larger  quantity  ready  for  shipment. 

9.  A  circular  letter  is  to  be  sent  to  the  entire  Disc 
trade  advising  them  of  the  proposed  new  plan  and  the  issuing  of 
smaller  lists  at  more  frequent  intervals. 

10.  Concerning  the  selections  already  listed  in  our 
present  oatalogue  and  supplements,  which  for  some  reason  or  other 
we  have  been  unable  to  supply  for  several  months,  the  jobbers 
requested, and  we  have  agreed,  to  notify  the  trade  that  these  partic¬ 
ular  selections  are  temporarily  withdrawn  and  that  as  soon  aB  we 
are  able  to  furnish  them  they  will  be  properly  advised  and  they 

can  then  send  us  in  new  orders  for  them,  which  will  be  treated  in 
the  same  manner  as  their  orders  for  the  lists  of  6  reoords  eaoh 
issued  weekly  and  shipments  will  be  made  just  as  soon  as  we  have 
accumulated  a  sufficient  stock  to  fill  their  orders.  Ina^uch  as 
these  selections  will  only  be  withdrawn  temporarily/ 
stated  in  the  notification  to  the  trade  that  if  they  have  any  stock 
on  hand  they  are  not  returnable  under  any  consideration. 

11.  Under  the  proposed  new  method  there  can  be  no 
established  or  set  date  of  sale  adopted  for  the  entire  United  States, 
but  instead  the  reoords  will  have  to  go  on  sale  in  different  states 
on  such  dates  as  the  jobbers  interested  in  those  particular  states 
are  advised  by  the  Monitor  appointed  by  the  jobbers  for  those 
states  that  they  may  be  released. 

om/iot  °*  H* 

ckxttc.  C^cr^a  'Wh/ 

^1  ((jL~$j&.  4lAT^—  „  I 

....  -±^  U C-*-*25  <£/c^^u 

■  ffrcC.<2&H  - - ^ 

I  C&k.  £  u(^CrtJ^<W^1.  $&**■*!* 

T~  -  t'rhb  - -----  - 

. •■a- 

cUciZ-.  l.-t-eM-^-^**-**’ 

.  . 

"'  (VT/^. 


JUN  151914 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Inc 

Dear  Sirs:- 

Orange  N.J. 

**  QjrrSBURGH,  P/ 

-T  / 

__  u 

Since  I  bought  one  of  your  "A-200"  disc  instrument sV 
last  February  I  have  become  completely  convinced  ofirfchegj^sat 
possibilities  of  this  musical  instrument. 

Some  months  ago  I  gave  a  recital  witlr-rc  at  tne  / 
Sohenley  hotel  here  for  the  benefit  of  the  faculty  of  the  U* 

Carnegie  Institute,  and  all  were  delighted;  and  in  my  home 
it  is  a  source  of  much  pleasure  to  all  of  us.  / 

I  have  an  excellent  ,,Victrola,,  which  I  no  longer  / 
play  except  to  exhibit  the  superiority  of  tone  of  the  Edison.  V 
*  You  will  not  think  me  hyper  critioal  then  if  I 

speak  of  some  of  the  imperfections  in  my  instrument ,  or  rather 

in  the  records^^  ^  difficult  to  get  records  of  even  the  best 
singers,  Christine  Miller  for  instance,  in  which  some  of  the 
hiehei’  or  louder  notes  do  not  "blast"  -  I  dont  know  what  other 
term  to  use;  and  this  blasting  is  very  painful  to  the  ear. 

I  have  a  collection  of  some  sixty  of  the  best 
records  I  have  been  able  to  get  from  the  3.  Hamilton  Co. 

One  meohaioaL fault  is  serious  in  some  of  the  very 
purest-tone  records:  The  record  is  put  of  true.,  not  concentric 
with  the  center  hole.  This,  of  course,  causes  a  painful 

change  of  t0j®*Qorreot  this,  I  boredN out  the  discs  that  were 
faulty  in  this  respect,  and  put  a  device  on  the  reproducer;  QVI'1 
finally  recentered  the  discs,  p-11 

,  all  as  illustrated  below. 

Another  fault  in  some  of  the  reoords  that  would 
otherwise  be  good  to  listen  to  is  a  "scouring 'noise  -  not  an 
even  surface  noise,  but  louder  during  one  half  of  a  revolution 
theta,  the  other. 

.o-i  Mow,  with  regard  to  the  instrument,  I  fancy  the 
spring  needs  graphite;  I  detect  a  change  of  speed  sometimes 
unless  I  wind  up  for  every  tune .  Should  I  wind  for  every  tune  ? 

i  have  been  unable  to  get  records  that  I  want,  because 
3.  Hamilton  Co.  have  no  stock  of  them.  This  company  has  been  _  reoords  for  so  long  that  I  get  a  little  Impatient. 

In  closing  I  Just  want  to  say  that  in  my  home  we  are 
all  lovers  of  good  music,  nothing  is  tbo  good;  we  haver  buy  /1 
ragtime,  dance  music,  or  oomio  songs.  I  am  trying  to  get  a 

ragtime,  dance  music,  or  oomio  owis' 
collection  of  the  best  selections. 


0 . 

Vfotllv  **rV. 

^C-t-e]wivi£>tZ.|  e-t-K  iff-tA-r^A-4  ~  ' 

<4^vv\^ . o.£<*-wLl  2-  dc^ct*  ■ 

.  -QU*?*  . JU^  W ...a^e  "G  C 

_  l^e-  Jf^  ..  y^c. 

>»  <4-  CO  <SJL  bz  <L&T^r<rec& cdL  ] 

£c-c«*a2^*v&aJL^  «>o  v2.©-t ,  oi-ui-«e  (  <j 

LO(Wt|wLe.  -** 

_ /Ser_^W^ 


T«-Q  .  _Cf 

t».  c£L\x*-- 

"t"o  CXa*.  U$Z$si  b^Z$fi.t>  P*-MJ  fQ 

t^'^Kje'  V^*«v  -JO-  ^tn*-Lvw«<i 

(LuH^cc.ce,  C.<©-CjZI>^  c*>  fcr-«<-f£c.i.w  uc^ _ 

"fc.  $U-o-v<.«  <*-L*tcJk  l$X  US&r  cj>m» J-— 

uki^y  gLrCM' 

fabc(L  it  » *f\UUG  V  ,v«-  t&-rw  >‘-cf> 


<4^3J*-GC$  % 

iajh&JZ'Y  IW-cMts-e-.  (Q>x^«£ftZ'L.?d2S2jLj 

JC=  . 



IV.  vi  _  \JU-m  Axs?  vtif  • 

U  <u.  *e4-<cv  »a-o^  i>  tCC  / 

tu  £« 



June  23rd,  1914. 

Product:-  Blue  Amber ol  Records. 

Departments:-  Manufacturing  Department  #86. 

Record  Inspection  Dep't.  #18. 

Subject:-  Discussion  of  cost  for  week  ending  June  6,'14. 

She  cost  of  Blue  Amberol  Records 
as  delivered  to  stock  is  ;is>j?/lOOj*  per  record,  a  decrease 
of  l-ll/100ji  per  record  under  the  previous  week's  oost. 

ShisTnot  only  a  decrease  under 
the  previous  week's  cost,  but  it  is  also  a  decrease  under 
the  normal  cost  for  the  week  ending  May  16th,  when  we  had 
a  production  of  82000  records  per  week,  whereas  our  present 
production  is  only  56000  records  per  week. 

This  goes  to  show  that  in  harmoniz¬ 
ing  the  organization  with  the  small  production,  we  have  not 
only  curtailed  same  proportional  to  the  decreased  production, 
but  have  curtailed  same  more  than  the  decreased  production, 
which  is  a  very  favorable  sign. 


Eff  iff) 

•ferity  Engia 

June  26,  1914. 

Mr.  Edison:  / 

I  seem  to  hatfe  given  you  the  impression  that  I 
am  not  very  strong  for  ofar  traveling  men  giving  recitals. 

If  I  am  not  misteken,  I  was  responsible  for  the  first 
recitals  given  by  our  traveling  men,  for  in  the  summer  of 
1912  when  we  worked  up  a  sales  manual  for  the  traveling 
men  before  they  first  went  out  with  Diamond-Disc  samples, 
we  incorporated  the  idea  of  inviting  prominent  people  to 
come  to  the  hotel  and  hear  the  instrument  in  order  to  show 
prospective  dealers  how  it  was  received  hy  cultivated  people. 
Also,  in  December,  1912,  I  started  the  idea  of  giving  recitals 
at  women's  clubs,  as  you  will  note  from  the  attached. 

Furthermore,  I  formed  the  plan  (working  out  all 
of  the  details)  which  was  practiced  so  successfully  at 
Philadelphia,  and  whioh  was  followed  during  the  winter  and 
spring  as  our  method  of  getting  new  disc  representation. 

I  find  that  recently  this  plan  has  not  been  worked  very 
hard  because  of  the  season  and  the  expense  involved  but 
as  I  understand  it,  Mr.  Hallowell  is  going  to  have  the  men 
return  to  the  demonstration  method  immediately.  I  have 
suggested  to  Mr.  Hallowell  certain  modifications  of  the 
plan  which  I  believe  are  now  advisable,  and  he  has  promised 
to  incorporate  them  in  a  letter  to  the  traveling  men  which  I 
believe  he  plans  to  show  you  before  sending  it  out. 





1JL  ^-cXjCc., 

£l  scc^t-  £ 

_ _ 

*~Cs's-c£~  — -*<  I 


'  |  foe-  CO  CtJL<~<$^0-#  <£.( 

r^Cfcj  «rC^  L^'u3$j  foP 
U^  — . 

t  It— «_-. — ■ —  <5^ —  ._ 

Cl cc-ca  .  C^<Cfc.tA, 
-/  C*\>"*-1  04 

'  / 1  4 
l/hu>  C 


/"^TX Ccsst-si^  H-^ 

'  L"6?TC£.  “  ^LX^ffo-y 

^  UtAOUvO^f  't/  ^CvcjC-mJ 

KXFcC'Jri  p  <? 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Phonograph  -  General  (E-14-69) 

Everything  sung  by  Elizabeth  Spencer  is  a  de¬ 
light.  Her  voice  ie  simply  divine.  It  is  an 

commonplace,  «... 
reproduction  i 
voice  at  its  t 

in  most  singers.  We  < 

"phonograph"  as  applie 
this  instrument.  'He  always  speak  of  it  as  "The 
Edisona"— and  under  that  condensed  and  illumi¬ 
nating  will  sweep  away  all  rivals. 

The  name  would  save  thousands  of  dollars  in 
advertising  spaoe,and  in  salesmanship.  The 
salesman  would  not  have  to  explain  about  the 
Thos. A. Edison  Diamond  Diso  Phonographic  Music¬ 
al  Instrument.  Just  tho  name "Edisona"  would  tell 
the  whole  story’. 

Think  it  overt 

p,(nut  L£5^- 

j^^jt  &Jr  ,szm~TZj'<Z*  '&•* 

euu  et-  «*^ 

o£~&- j&  -*»€" 



Dr.  Frank  W.  Patch,  President 
Mrs.  E.  F.  Bowditch,  Vice  President 
F.  B.  Horne,  Vice  President 
Geo.  C.  Scott,  Treasurer 
F.  A.  Kendall,  Secretary  ‘ 







/T'HE  by-laws  of  the  fram- 

ASSOCIATION  state  that  the  putpose 
of  the  organization  is  :  “To  aid  in  perpet- 
uating  the  higher  interests  of  Framingham,” 

the  objects  of  the  Association  is  eligible  to 
This  is  surely  a  platform  broad  enough  for  all 

“  The  Higher  interests  of  Framingham”  means 
not  only  what  is  usually  understood  by  village 

Personal  :  If  you  arc  interested  in  these 
objects,  you  can  further  them  by  at  once  join¬ 
ing  the  Association.  With  membership  may 

he  inspiration  to  active  co-o] 
ucs  are,  for  adults,  one  d 

** Contributing”  members,  $5.00;  “Life” 
members,  $25.00. 

The  proper  naming  of  streets  and  roadways. 

Improving  street  signs,  poles,  lights.^  etc. 

The  removal  of  unsightly  fences  and  buildings, 
or  concealing  them  by  vines  and  shrubbery. 
The  regulating  or  removing  of  offensive  bill 

Regulating  or  limiting  public  dumping  places. 

The  preservation  of  groves  and  other  natural 

To  provide  opportunity  for  the  public  discus¬ 
sion  of  all  important  questions,  the  solution 
of  which  may  affect  the  vital  interests  of  our 

Finally  :  To  not  only  create  “a  more  beau¬ 
tiful  Framingham,”  but  to  promote  “all  the 
higher  interests  ”  of  our  Town. 

W.  S.  * 


V-**-*  h*1 

IIN0  VWK  5  .  ,  .  t 


;1^»  dWtr^ 

f„ly  s. 


►.**  U^-‘ 

4l££r&4‘  <■**"" 

Mjtf^Thoroas  A.  Edison,  ,  _ 

_:;r  ■■ 

I  consider  ngsel^ve^  being  t^°wne^£^ 

of  one  of  your  Disc  PS^ographs ” 

On  entertainingNj&yfrl^nds  have  had  iMese  inquiries. 

On  ashing  your  representative,. here,  have  Been  refeed  to  you^,,^rf 
The  questions  are,  when  wiir'youput  your  ^\,inch  recordsf  on  | 

the  market,  and  when  will  you  put  on  sale,  records  with  our  I 

National  Airs?  I  a^^ady^^^omewhera^o^7^'records  and 
if  we  can  expect  18  inch  records  soon  do  not  want  to  load  up 
with  any  more  of  the  10  inch.  X  have  heard  a  great  deal  of 



of  Edison  Phonographs  Recordsand  Supplies 

34-5  MASS.  AVE.,  _ 

Indianapolis. jlnd.  juiy  eth  1914 

Thos.  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  II.  J.  ^  ^ 

Doar  Sir:  M 

Knowing  that  you  are  the  master  of  tile 
situation  in  regard  to  the  new  disc  records  thdt 
are  going  to  he  produced,  I  thought  I  mi^ht  oe 
welcome  to  offer  some  suggestions  on  the  next  group 
of  disc  records  that  you  will  xorward  to  your 
jobbers  under  this  ne.wv arrangement .  I  e» 

J  I  noti&**4*~«*r ri-r^ufe  Inta^enje  { 

of  sacred  selections  \nd  patriotic  sele&Jion^.  and 
°I  think.  by  all  means, 

group  include  a  golSU^U^Wrs^*.  wese.  ia  jus jl  u^, 
also,  there  should  he  more  male  quartettes,  fholg  i^ 
another  item  of  great  Amportoco, 

Irtistsfafthe  aveS^phonogr^  ownor^^ways 
in  offering  these  suggest! 

trying  to  convoy  to  you  the.  avQrag^agi^^^  “  saving 
j „  from  the  phonograph  ownersv  I  am  not  saying 

2B  sSf  “ 

?  am  sure  that  they  will  bo  happily  received. 

Honing  I  have  not  over-stopped  my  bounds  in 
offering  these  suggestions,  and  extending  to  you  again 
my  deepest  appreciation  for  the  many  kindnesses  shown  m. 
and  assuring  you  also  that  I  fully  intend  to  make  good 
as  far  as  possible  in  this  territory,  I  remain 
Yours  truly 

.«  jV 


1,0-  0" 

kXxQjyi-  ]/C\a^  - 

^*f*$o>*  (<s£t} Uexaxd 

><U  ^  1/W1&&  1^-Ct-f  (^**-'**i 

l\  /  , 

!  (^CcXl£~4«^  /f  <>  «C<Fecv*t  ,^1'S^. 

J:»X6  jszie^e. 

v^rtfc  c£$*JL 

jj’O-cfs  UtS^k^cJL  H&C+-. 

(3  c<^e,  '-u 

i^s>f  _ 


)i$c-e*^>€k  £ 



i  have  been  with  the  Graves  Music  for  a  bout  five  years 
in  the  phonograph  demrtment  an  would  like  very  much,  to  - 

how  to  ovew  comthis,  i.  have  also  got.  some  thin  g  good  fof 

the  scraching  noise  that  the.  disc^machine  makes  it  takes  all 




the  machine 

in  spokane  to  prove  this 

ihave ithe^names  of  five  prominent 
'that  hajl  th'^tdison  disc 

i  will  let  me>Hedi^frdm  yjm"' in  regards  to  thii 

matter  i  remain 



MR  Nathaniel  Dunpliy 

otth  Graves  Music  00 

.  s' 

July  13,  1914. 

In  reply  to  your  memorandum  of  July  10th ,  re¬ 
garding  the  song  "They're  on  their  Hay  to  Uexico  heinj 
a  popular  selection: 

Please  note  that  on  the  evening  of  July  10th 
I  went  to  Hew  York  and  made  it  a  point  to  stop  at  each 
one  of  the  small  stores  on  Broadway  Between  Street — 

ojicL  s treat  <3  <vfc  thtis^Qi  tit  eacli  one 

oTlihoin  this  song  was  prominently  displayed  in  the  window 
and  also  inside,  and  in  one  of  the  stores  they  were  playing 
the  selection  on  the  piano.  later  on  at  the  lalac^ 
Theatre  the  selection  was  sung.  I  nave  several  times 
TTgfnnr e s  ent  where  they  were  dancing  to  this  tune.  I 
therefore  feel  that  it  is  a  popular  selection  because  it 
has  a  good  dancing  swing  to  it  and  also  Because  it  is 

H.  2.  leeming. 


Of CIA/yv\A$\aa'1  £>  cPr/P- 

P ixinvirf 

j  Qfa, . 


„  lie  .  GUO&b' 
iikoULi  ^'yv  y  jl  d\  &&dU('  dU*.c  ^ 

^Jir  flkoL  rf  JJ%  "  AtrUc  .  ^  «*  VM, 

\  yLo  (vJh.^  O^rf  Cm/.JvI  Jb>.<jfftA  */  2  ,  krflC.  erf 

X  J 16°  ?■  -fen.  J  &  •  J  )y><w  JpyhetAX.  ZZ  rfd* 

Zn\  /vi/O .  /  0 'vievl'U-  nUi. 

jad^QJm.  &  Z7  jrf*  ^  db»a.  ,JeAn  > 

J-  Jfrf^ 


pa  >  Q/aa*>  AAt^P 

/<k*  **ieL.'  J  p 

Vfisu  OMel  M  dtdvlj  jfos  'h*»* 

„  OwyjP  rfJ~  orf-  dswj  p(r'~  <3  ■ 

\3du  orf,  Ztrrf  f  Z  P* 

Zxrf ?  >•  7  Pi' 

2  )mm.  t.o^  ^rurfcvu~  Q'ltn-c.  rfi i'  Pmvi£o 



Brookfield  Center,  Conn.  July  IS 

!  EC  El  V  E  D 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison: - 

Mr.  Percy  F.  Morgan  and  his  assistant 
Mr.  Zink  have  just  been  through  our  town  with  your  wonder¬ 
ful  new  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph.  \  They  gave  to  a  goodly 
audience  in  our  church  a  delightfik  evening  of  good  music. 
Mr.  Morgan  tells  us  that  he  is  doirig  this  work  purely 
because  you  desire  to  have  the  people  of  the  country 
enjoy  this  splendid  new  instrument  with  you.  If  that  is 
true,  you  have  shown  not  only  the  great  genius  and  a  capa¬ 
city  for  immense  labor  and  concentration,  with  which  all 
Americans  associate  your  name,  but  a  kindly  human  heart 
which  will  make  your  memory  dear  when  the  more  spectac¬ 
ular  phases  of  your  life  may  have  been  forgotten.  Espec¬ 
ially  thoughtful  it  has  been  in  you  to  send  your  represen¬ 
tative  out  into  the  rural  districts,  where  every  bit  of 
good  music  is  eagerly  heard  and  every  ohance  for  culture 
greedily  seized.  Let  me  thank  you  warmly  for  our  share 
in  your  kindness,  adding  the  hope  that  your  good  deed  may 
bring  you  as  much  of  real  heart  satisfaction  as  it  has  us 
of  pleasure. 

With  very  best  wishes  for  your  continued  good 
health  and  many  years  of  activity,  I  am 

Thomas  A.  Edison  Esq. 

Orange,  N.  J. 

Very  sincerely  yours,.  _ 


,  CtrVLcJl 

0  . 

mate  friend  of  mine,  X  am  taking  the  liberty  of 
writing  you  to  see  if  you  cannot  arrange  to  Hear 
Mrs.  Hopkins  sing,  personally  yourself,  during  the 
month  of  August.  If  so,  we  will  make  a  run  up 
there  at  any  time  that  suits  your  convenience- 
I  think,  Mr.  Edison,  that  Mrs.  Hopkins  will  cer¬ 
tainly  make  good  on  your  machines  as  the  quality 
of  her  voice  is  so  pure;  and  beautiful.  Glen  Dill¬ 
ard  Gunn,  critic  of  the  Chicago  Tribune,  is  most 
enthusiastic  about  her.  Her  repertoire  is  quite 
large  and  I  trust  you  will  grant  me  the  favor  of 
hearing  her  yourself  during  the  month  of  August 
or  the  first  of  September. 

/  \ 

I . 

•our  memo. |  of  July  10,  1914,  referring 

Mr.  Edison: 

In  regard  to  your  n 
to  "popular  selections"  and  the  song:  "They're  on  Their  Way 
to  Mexico."  The  Record  Committee  approved  this  selection  for 
the  catalog,  hut  outside  of  being  a  part  of  that  action  I  do 
not  recollect  having  asserted  it  to  he  a  popular  tune.  It  is 
certain  I  have  not  considered  it  one,  therefore  I  am  unable 
to  reply  to  your  memo,  just  as  you  request.  Popular  selections 
is  an  uncertain  subject  to  state  fac^/s  about,  but  perhaps  a 
few  observations  will  do  under  the  ^circumstances: 

The  writer  of  "They’re  /n  Their  Way  to  Mexico"  wrote 
in  anticipation  of  an  event  thatf  never  happened.  The  song 
sold  pretty  well  while  the  int/rest  in  its  subject  lasted,  but 
it  never  was  a  popular  Bong  in  the  true  sense.  What  it  might 
have  become  had  there  been  wAr  with  Mexico  need  not  be 
considered  now.  The  fact  i l  the  song  died. 

The  term  "popular  selection"  is  very  often 
erroneously  used.  It  generally  needs  qualifications  if 
exactness  cf  statement  is  intended. 

I  prefer  to  tferm  a  selection  "popular"  (irrespective 
of  its  grade)  whVn  VC  is  in  demand  and  is  sung  and  enjoyed  by 
the  general  public  of  a  locality.  A  song  may  be  popular  in 
turn  at  different  localities.  It  may  have  had  its  day  in  the 
cities  and  may  still  flourish  in  the  outlying  districts. 

Eor  record  cataloging,  a  song  reaches  its  greatest 
commercial  value  in  a  locality  just  before  it  becomes  common, 

too  well  known. 


The  policy  of  endeavoring  to  anticipate  the 
popularity  of  selections  he.s  heen  thought  essential, 
especially  during  the  period  when  the  release  of  a  record  was 
far  removed  from  the  date  of  its  recording.  Some  good  guesses 
have  heen  made,  also  some  had  ones. 

Publishers  help  along  the  popularity  of  a  song  a 
great  deal,  though  they  sometimes  seem  to  proceed  as  if  it 
were  not  what  the  public  want,  hut  only  what  the  song  publishers 
want  the  public  to  have.  However,  it  is  quite  certain  that  a 
popular  song  is  generally  a  good  song  and  well  written,  no 
matter  how  it  is  classed. 

In  a  locality  when  a  song  is  of  recent  passed 
popularity  it  is  unsafe  to  figure  on  it  for  present 
commercial  results.  For  the  present  that  public  has  had 
enough  of  it. 

The  foregoing  is  doubtless  rather  irrelevant  to  the 
references  in  your  memo. ,  but  I  cannot  thirds  of  much  else  to 

W.  H.  A.  Cronkhite 


Braaa  Band  uiso  records! 

/  New  YORK  July  20,  1914  ^ 

...  ^CUM*  »  tfc*  1 

*  vu  <-=»  f-r?  r!xtZL- 

o  make  the  Following  suggest  ion&-  regarding/your  \  .,^-v* 

vir~  u— hj 

rerords  wherfe  the  entire  band  plays  th 

it  musical,  'i'he  solo  parts  of  the  record,  M*-foX  instance  -  th^ 

<V  ^-L*  •IteT  u-*v  dU-w-J-C^^V  V*"*?’ 

-ion  in  the  "Invitation  to  the  walBe"  is  nothing  short  of  (perfect; 

n  +  _  /  >  clUl*s  t- ctM-4. 

J--  j  t  r  UTj»flH4. 

”**the  afiund  produoed  oease^ to  be  musio; 

,  jmu^i  ts-uar 

fedely”  like  flitting  the  heed  of  an  empty 

barrel  with  a  stick. 

ItlOK.  HOW,  i  lOim  «■*«<<  v...o  - - “ 


an  excess-  of  o 


1  think  that  your  band  t 

its  if  it  were  augmented  by  a  few  more  players,  aniT  eatifmM^ that  played 
wind  instruoment would  play  a  little  more  moderatelyj^jjji^^ber  be  seated 
little  further  away  from  the  recording  horn  th^LWMJi  Wf  litions  which  oau 
the  excess  of  over-tones,  and  in  consequence  a  raucous  sound,  would  be 
eliminated,  as  each  instrument  would  retain  if  e  identity. 

xour  orchestral  records,  solo  instruments,  and  nearly  all 
vocal  records  are  perfect  -  if  you  would  only  get  some  out.  Since  the  1. 

-  ™int  where  I  have  lost  hope  of  your  ever  gettii 
Trusting  you  will  not  take  offence 

Bry  truly. 



f^jWd.  tiiWrt 


/yW>X  '%wa  c*A'<l1^ 

|W  tvis.  -yx-^M  §<  p 

>  taJ  I*™  i*  **r* ft'  r , 

^  ^  ^  r 

K  4i  (v»»  it"*  ^Jr-  M*11*  f* 

A -1-  . -t — •* 

'A*-U  Ccr«UL 

q  3,^-fcXG.e  »  G  f^r 


>k  by  Rida  Johnson  Young,.  Music  by  Victor  iieroeru 
ns  staged  under  personal  direction  of  Mr.  Frederic  A.  uisnop. 


Silas  Slick,  Captain  Dick's  servant . . 

Rudolfo,  keeper  of  the  Marionette  Theatre  ... 
Florenz,  secretary  to  the  Lieut. -Governor.... 

Lizzette,  a  casquette  girl . 

Ada,  a  quadroon  slave. . 

Fanchon,  a  flower  girl. . 

Nunnette,  a  flower  girl . 

Night  Watchman . 


Marietta,  Contcssa  u 
Quadroon  belles,  Lad 


Orchestra  and  Musical  Direction  In  charge  of  Mr.  Eue 

1.  Opening.  •  'Come  For  The  M 

2.  "Captain  Dick’B  Own  Infanti 

3.  “I’m  Coming  Here  To  Be  Ma 

4.  “Naughty  Marietta”....... . 

5.  Duet,  “It  Never  Can  Be  Love 
6-  Duet,  “l  We  IM  au  Anjlioe] 

. . . Captain  Dick 

’  Casouette  Maid*  and  Men 

. . Marietta 

"...Marietta  nnd  Captain  Dick 

. Silas  and  Lizzette 

. Marietta  and  Chorus 

. Company 

.  Opening 

Marry  A  Marionette  ' 
....  of  Old  Now  Orlc  ins 

•In The  Sweet  Bye-And-Bye” . - 

•Live  For  Today” . . . » 

•I’m  Falling  In  Love  With  Someone 
It’s  Pretty  Soft  For  Silas” . 

The  Quad 
la," Captain  Dick,  Etiej 

'.  Final 


ACT  I.-Lc  Place  D’Armes,  a  public  square 

APT  II  —f Scene  1  I  The  Marionette  Theatre  on  the  Bue  Corondelot. 
ACT  ll.—  (Scene  2.)  The  ball  room  of  the  J—  Dorre  Club 
(Night  of  the  Quadroon  Ball) 

The  Action  Takes  Place  in  New  Orleans,  Period  of  1760 


-  .H*a  y*  3rti-> 

CtfL«.  ^  W4v»c«  ^VoUVctuoWi 

QOwfc^  -  VfiSfesfrf,  &**>  '  ) 

ccuy  ^>*  v*-i4  &^j3 

L  ^JuiUi|  &f\ jpw"*A>* 

t6  t**V  U«  '"OM  't*'  l^+"  -wS^IAfcw-W 

c.a  vr^  lJ^  ,^J",kV,u* 

^  CL  ~W.ufi.  C^Cvvv-KMr  f^~JW 


« J5?v .  ..* .  . 

'TL.  •— ir  &<*■** ^  ^  ^  ’ 

“.  ~'  .  <&««JLfc 

Street  &  Finney  Inc  Advertising 

4.S-_WesyThirty-fourth  Street  New  York  ^ 

July  Twenty-Ninth 
Nineteen  Fourteen 


n  idea  that  people  c 

I  have  been  nursing 
but  would  like  to  be  read  to. 

X  believe  that  if  you  wore  to  have  a  rich-voioeV^otor 
the  masterpieces  of  the  great  authors  into  your  new  phonograph  wIl 
reoords  thereof,  you  would  be  able  to  sell  your  new  phonograph  in  large 

I  can  imagine  people  sitting  around  the  fireside,  of  an  eve- 
listening  to  Miaorables,  Oliver  Twist,  Hamlet,  Lear  or  Othello, 
wher^.i?  asked  to  read  these  books,  they  would  never  think  of  doing  it. 

I  oan  imagine  communities  buying  Jtour  new  phonograph  and 
these  reoords  and  holding  meetings  one  evening  each  week  in  the  country 
sohoolhouse  to  hear  the  reading  of  a  great  masterpiece. 

I  believe  there  are  enough  Ohatauqua  people  in  the  oountry, 
or  rather  people  of  that  type  to  make  these  records  a  great  success,  and 
I  further  believe  that  your  new  phonograph  and  these  reoords  wou 
taken  up  by  homes  that  never  thought  of  reading  great  books. 

Of  course,  there  are  mechanical  difficulties  to  be  overcome 
on  account  of  the  length  of  the  reoords  and  it  might  be  necessary  to  work 
oiroulating  libraries. 

But  the  main  thing  is  that  the  Edison  phonograph  needs  some 
big  mo r ohandiding  ideas  to  got  it  going. 

You  undoubtedly  have  the  best  phonograph  not ,  but  are  shy  on 
reoords,  or  at  least  people  think  you  are  shy  on  reoords. 

I  believe  we  have  an  idea  for  selling  your  new  phonograph  evei 
with  your  present  records  and  would  like  to  discuss  the  matter  with  you  or 
whoever  has  oharge  of  your  business  management. 

Thanking  you  for  your  oourteous  attention,  X  am 

Yours  truly ^ 


July  30,  1914. 


Mr.  Edison:- 

_  a=a*s«  sArJrsa^*”-Jss. 

our  Kecording  men  in  Vienna. 

"July  16th.,  1914. 

of  records  haa  a.  -very  ^tiv-e  records!  I  shall  immediately 

and  see.thatJLt  does^not  °epende60*  ^he  quality  of  product- . - 
IZ°,  en*  as  I  understand  ^^^^g^^Lnger^e  bothered 

Sethe6irn^,Worhingfflni^tsh^d  SunU^on^y^pp^ratus ^and 

so  will  know  the  condition  of  my  mac nomination  to  have  any- 
the  German  group  they  have  sho™  no  *aVe  not  secn  Mr.  Gall 

f  as  So.” .  s^ferStSA 

dition  to  you. 

«;"ssrirSis!."K?ss  «■«  - »«« 

and  poum  foolish, 

SiSmf gxTSiS'i'ssM  JS0;***!*- “KFsf^” 

■th.  la.t  letters  I  S».  . 

from  a  Vienna  newspaper  of  July  I3tn,  une  gis 
(when  translated  into  English),  as  follows.  . 

.American  house  now  engaged  in  law  suit."' 

"Y/ill  write  you  again  after  I  have  seen  Mr.  Gall. 

Yours  sincerely, 


The  foregoing  for  your 

A.  B. 

Copies  to  Messrs.  Y/ilson,  Maxwell,  Stevens  and  L.  V.  wcChesney 

Aug.  5,  1914. 

Hr*  Maxwell:  . 

U  1  m  tatv  to  M*  «W  «“  “•*  °f  *’,ls  *e,! 

Ior  „  Uttt.  «.**»  ond  root.  X»  -le“*  “'re6tle“*0 
tto  ooMUtot  mu  V  H M»lo  »  homo.  BoMx.  ox...  .. 
MM  u  rttMMt  lotto*  **»■  «“»'  “  T"1U“*  “ 

*.  1W  —  o«ool»*  »  tt»o  lotto* •  olt6r  *1»  « 

»»  1.  -*  MOW.  M.  -»  Of-*  tool.»  -ox.  o.totU.l-d 

to  «.  City  of  MM.  .1=0  of*  x»PW  you  MM  to  lottox. 

this  kind. 

( Copy  ; 

Mos are-  Maxwell  end  Hullowell: 

Aug.  5, 


Mote  ;ir.  Faison's  remarks  attached  to  reports 
from  salesman  Hatfield  concerning  dealers  in  lionet on  and  other 
towns  in  the  -rovinco  of  Hew  Brunswick. 

Eollow  Hatfield  up  on  the  largo  ooncorn  he  expects 
to  got  interested  in  the  3iso  product  in  the  various  towns 
whore  they  have  branches,  and  also  arrange  with  all  salesmen 
so  that  wherever  it  is  possible  demonstrations  will  be  givon 
to  the  owner  or  principal  member  of  the  ilitm  when  endeavoring 


H.  M.  BYLLESBY  &  CO. 



/J^l.  tjz u. 

^  15*.  "<  ^■x~ 


ie*joi  your  1(250,00  ^4, 

Hr.  Thoms s  A.  Edison, 

East  Orange ,  Hew  Jersey. 

Dear  Sir: — 

1  v;ish  to  inform  you  ff^FT’have  „ 

Edison  machines  which  is  giving  very  pood  satisfacti  -  „ 

the  music  very  much  better  than  that  of  the  Victrola.  kany  _  *y  yg 
friends,  however,  who  understand  music  bettor  than  I  do  seem  to  #, 

favor  the  Victrola,  and  therefore  I  am  of  the  opinion  that  some 
of  the  tones  on  the  Victrola  are  better  rendered  than  by  the  Edison. 

I  understand  that  on  the  Edison  records  the  indentations  are  « 

made  on  the  side  of  the  groove,  and  on  the  Victrola  records  the  h 

indentations  are  on  the  bottom  of  the  groove.  1  wish  to  write  a 

you  therefore  that,  if  you  made  a  double  record;  namely,  one  with  V 

the  same  apparatus  with  which  you  now  make  the  Edison  records  and  j 

one  with  apparatus  such  as  the  Victrola  people  use,  that  you  would  < 

have  the  combined  good  qualities  of  both  the  Edison  and  Victrola  _ | 

records.  Should  you  be  able  to  make  such  a  record,  it  would,  of - ' 

course,  be  necessary  to  have  the  two  needles  some  distance  apart,  ^ 

and  when  the  record  is  being  Played,  it  would  also v?otrola  noint  ^ 
adiust  the  distance  between  the  Edison  point  and  the  Victrola  point 
so  that  the  same  tones  would  be  played  simultaneously.  rs^ 

It  is  possible  and  very  likely  probable  that  this  idea  haL 
already  occurred  to  you,  and  if  it  is  a  new  one  I  hope  that  you 
will  experiment  along  the  lines  suggested,  m  order  to  make  t..e 
Edison  machine  more  perfect  than  it  is  at  present. 

Yours  very  truly. 



Attention  1b  called  to  Mr.  Edison's  comment 
In  regard  to  the  attached  general  letter  and  list  of 

I  notice  that  while  bulletins  are  printed  on 
the  cheap  letter  heade,  general  letters  are  printed  on 
the  regular  letter  heads.  Hereafter,  all  general  letters 
as  well  as  all  bulletins  should  be  printed  on  the  cheap 

With  reference  to  the  record  list  attached, 
it  is  pointed  out  by  Mr.  Edison  that  if  the  record  numbers 
had  been  put  on  single  space  the -list  of  records  and  the 
letter  could  both  have  been  plaoed  on  one  sheet  of J?aP0f- 
In  the  future,  where  this  is  possible,  please  see  that  it 
iB  done  and  kindly  study  every  circular  letter  and  list 
with  a  view  to  using  the  smallest  possible  quantity  of 

Some  time  ago  I  made  inquiry  as  to  what 
saving  could  be  effected  by  supplying  the  various  depart¬ 
ments  with  half  sheet  letter  heads  for  short  letters,  but 
it  seemed  to  be  the  opinion  at  that  time  that  no  very 
great  saving  oould  be  accomplished  by  this.  I  wish,  how- 
Iver.  that  you  would  take  this  up  with  Mr.  Berggren  again 
and  let  me  have  a  report. 

.  c.  to  Messrs. (ijdlson^  Wilson,  Berggren  and  Charles  Edison. 



Augxst  26,  1914. 

"life  offers  no  joy  like  a  friend; 

Fulfillment  and  prophecy  hi end 
In  the  throb  of  a  heart  with  its  own,- 
A  heart  where  we  know  and  are  known." 

Dear  Mr.  Edison, 

Duly  received  at  my  home  several  days  ago,  but  during 
my  absence,  a  splendid  Edison  Disc  Phonograph,  bringing  joy  to  my 
household  ard  renewing  our  youth! 

I  do  not  find  words  at  my  command  to  adequately  convey 
my  appreciation  of  your  gracious  compliment  and  the  distinction  it 

"Rude  am  I  in  speech, 

And  therefore  little  can  I  grace  my  cause 
In  speaking  for  myself"  - 

and  I  will  ask  you  to  accept  ihe  will  for  the  deed. 

The  instrument  has  high  intrinsic  value  to  me,  as  it  is 
a  suitable  companion  to  my  small  but  priceless  Edisonia  collection, 
including  an  autograph-photograph,  two  volumes  of  the  de  luxe 
edition  of  Edison’s  life  and^  Advent  urge ,  and  a  certain  scrap  of 
paper  on  which  is  drawn  in  pencil  a  "lay-out"  for  an  improved 
method  of  shifting  cars  in  terminal  yards,  which  I  am  keeping  in 
mind  for  the  future,  as  vrell  as  tigitly  in  hand. 

As  we  shall  listen  to  12ie  attractive  and  pleasing  feat¬ 
ures  produced  by  this  wonderful  phonograph,  we  cannot  be  unmind¬ 
ful  of  the  great  genius,  the  principia,  to  whom  the  world  is  so 
much  indebted  for  its  genuine  happiness  and  luxurious  mode  of  exist 
ing.  Hor  can  we  fail  to  appreciate  how  far  above  the  common  plane 

TAE  -  8-26-14.  2* 

is  the  real  value  of  this  gift,  coming,  as  it  does,  directly  from 
your  hands. 

I  thank  you  with  all  my  heart. 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Esq.., 

Llewellyn  Eark, 

Illinois  Central  railroad  company. 

Anna,  Ill.  8/  26-14. 

Edison  Phonograph  Co., 

Orange,  H.J. 

Dear  Sir: 

I  have- been  anxiously  watching  your  weekly  supplements 
see  pallet  Music  "  from  "William  fell"  and  Soldiers  ChoruE^ 

Also  "II  Trovatore",  Band. 

’  you  do  not  wish  to  use  both  side's  of  the  disc  fo^Xll  Trovatore" , 
according  to  my  Judgment,  an  exceptionally  fine  record  could  be  made 
/using  the  "Ballet  Music"  for  one  side  and  ^good  selection  from 
/il  Trovatore"  on  the  other. 

I  am  in  hopes. that  I  may  have  the/pleasure  of  possessing  one  or 
both  of  these  in  the  near  futAre^ 

Thanking  you  and ^remaining. 

Mb  SdU/nu 

rflu^&./iO'l  Ctr&lUJ  nlLuU  jxJ^CTlbiJ 

btu  @^rvVtirntJ//<L‘'L  arCLo  -tsj  JOjl. 

Zi;  kfi  u.'J  „  tcd.-atll’c/  U'U  1C uz, 

Jl^sm,k H/bfiyoi/  £  lc/\  ,  —  .  //%  tilabnuJ 

tAuJd  (Cb'ivCU'h  yL(Ld  CL  'f;  i'-  a  (r  Ci  (  i-Uci  /  silt 

"id  (J(  jLc-dtcni,  flluC  TCoicc  ct  f;^a.v 
Aio  pxstiri*  one -aids  Am/o  dUaa 
CA  Li.  T^Curu-trs’ ,  —  Mutii  l/ba'ci 

d<Ltji  '/U.  7  /Lei  c(l  ~Z,lUcC  tniyc.L' 
c/UtC  citcL  luyl  CL^p-rrv^  —  Muicnus 
'/fiUj*S^  itaJ  ICdd  '  -•  •  •  a  U  s  -;• 

$  fuun  n A  /u  aveL  !1(LL  ^hbccL^ 

i-U\  av  %.('■! 

o  r  (,(j  tO  Aiwj'  a  ^  ^  ^  "tW 
M.  c-co  taCibc  o(  CU  JZll-  <i  /ioVV  (&  ?>'i,  ’^C/ 

'Ki-u>  ff  iCjt  n  iui  TCi.  b  — - 

tCjt  H'fut  it-  ^  IV  C  l  o  r  >'■•(  <‘(  f(  £  u. 

H-fr-U  dxvUrCo  "L . t>  X'~%Lo  i'cLi  io-  -- 

v  rUnis 

°i  - 


■  (jS-&j32e^  «.Cc.b?e^ 

[cl  <£Ld>~*.v} 

CCS^-eoiA^  J-&T  (^x~  X, 

£rfLr£>-C&-<t .  &~VLt  — * 

_  J._. 

&  bx,Cfc  ’if. 

Copy  to  Mr.  Hayei 

on*^3***  c$z£j^^  '^j 
fohb  «—*  n*/TLi  ■ 

<^iiif  a^- 

Max-c<<~«  fuoy  «i 

£«*  X,  /«- * 

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^  *u, 

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o^°  77j2  Mh^*-**  T«-  4  ^  ^ 

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P^  ^  -i\  tiir& 

-fete  -fes*/*  ^0uPt!lZ  v  w(^4 


Mr.  Edison: 

Mr.  Goodwin  1b  on  from  Chicago,  and  Bays  they  are 
anxious  to  heat  out  the  Victor  with  a  new  dance.  It  Beems 
that  there  is  a  new  dance  which  is  already  being  taught  in 
New  York,  and  which  was  introduced  by  the  Imperial  Dancing 
Teachers  Congress  in  London,  called  the  "Rouli-Rouli. 11 
Goodwin  has  procured  a  copy  of  the  music  for  the  "Rouli- 
Rouli"  dance  and  says  that  if  we  can  rush  through  a  record 
of  it  they  want  to  use  it  in  connection  with  a  dancing 
demonstration  which  they  are  going  to  try  out  in  their  store. 

This  is  the  Becond  call  we  have  had  for  thiB  as  per  attached 
letter.  To  verify  the  actual  adoption  of  the  "Rouli-Rouli" 
in  New  York  Mr.  Goodwin  called  at  the  Chali  Normal  School 
of  Dancing  this  morning  (this  is  where  they  teach  the 
dancing  teachers  the  new  dances)  to  find  out  if  the 
recommendation  of  the  Dancing  Teachers  in  London  was  to 
be  adopted  here  and  he  found  the  "Rouli-Rouli"  was  going  to 
be  the  new  dance. 

I  think  we  ought  to  have  it  and  have  it  quick  if 
we  are  going  to  have  it  at  all. 

W.  H.  Miller 


Copy  to  Hayes 

jonsifL  Ad-veriisinv  Talks'  1 

aspect  is ^  . 

Austrian  •  I  am  a  great  believer  in  all 
rong  for-  forms  of  publicity— each  has  1 
1  Cracow.  ^  mission.  « 

Those  of  .  US  enrrqprprl  ,n  r 

Harr  I  sbur  g ,  Ps\  .September?,  1914.,  7 

Ihos.  A.  Edison,  Ino. 

Orange,  Hew  Jersey, 


I  have  been  a  great;  admirer  of  your  phonographs  for  years  and  "7 
fommerly  used  one  of  your  Standard  Models,  with  the  cylinder  record^, 
however,  X  have  passed  that  machine  up  for  the  more  recent  Diamond 
Disc  Phonograph,  and  cannot  eirpress  my  opinion  too  highly  of  it. 

My  purpose  in  writing  you  at  this  time,  is  to  offer  a  few 
suggestions,  which  although  I  have  no  reason  to  believe  you  will 
adopt,  I  do  think:  that  a  suggestion  coming  from  an  old  customer  will 
have  its  weight. 

In  the  production  of  your  Diamond  Disc  Heoords,  I  can  find  no 
fault,  and  am  hoping  that  you  will  produce  some  of  my  suggestion, 
hence  my  effort.  X  would  like  to  see  a  record  produced  containing 
Ehe  Peer  Guint  Suite;, which  would  probably  necessitate  one  similar 
to  Tbh  William  fell  Overture,  and  Blast's  Hungarian  Bhapsody. 

Another  record  that  I  would  like  to  have  is  with  The  Irish  Patrol, 
on- one  side,  and  She  Sootoh  Patrol,  on  the  other  side.  The  first 
mentioned  number  was  written  by  George  Puemer ,  while  the  latter  was 
written  by  A.G.Sharpe,  This  latter  production  was  played  last  season 
with  great  sucoess  by  Conway's  Band. 

Another  record  that  I  suggest,  is  another  Poster,  record  similar 
to  the  one  now  on  sale  containing:  Old  Polks  At  Home,  and  Massa's 
In  She  Cold  Cold  Ground;0  Por  this  reoord  I  would  suggest.  Old  Balok 
Joe,  Mid  My  Old  Kentucky  Home.  - - - 

Another  band  reoord  containing  The  Damnation  of  Paust.  One  A 
containing  The  Song  of  The  nightingale ,  as  played  by  Mr. Alexander^/ 
Saslavsky,  and  Mr  George  BarrereV  . 



I  heard  tills  selection  played  by  these  artists  in  ooxmeotion  with 
the  Hew  York  Symphony  Orohestra,  last  season  and  I  would  like  to 
have  it  reproduced  on  the  Edison. 

Another  record  with  the  Cello  solo.  Ess  Eied,  hy  Sillet,  as 
played  by  Bernard  Altschuler,  with  the  Russian  Symphony  Orohestra,  and 
still  one  more  a  Violin  solo,  Hartje  Karji;  hy  Hubay,  as  played 
hy  Mamillisn  Pilzei,  with  The  Russian  Symphony  Orchestra. 

These  are  some  of  the  more  desirable  selections  that  I  am  very 
anxious  to  add  to  my  already  large  collection.  Too  much  aannot  he 
said  in  praise  of  the  selections  that  I  have  already  purchased,  hut 
I  am  so  thoroughly  imbued  with  the  desire  to  possess  these  numbers 
I  have  mentioned  that  I  have  taken  the  liberty  to  write  you  this  letter 
and  ask  you  to  secure  these  productions,  which  are  bound  to  sell 
and  furthermore  would  receive  all  the  advertising  that  standard 
numbers  like  these  always  receive. 

you  have  produced  Home  Sweet  Home  The  World  Over,  hy  lampe, 
whioh  I  have  purchased,  lampe  wrote  a  better  one,  Songs  of  Scotland, 
which  would  sell  itself.  Set  it  out  and  I  will  buy. 

I  trust  that  you  will  give  my  desires  due  consideration,  X  have 
brought  about  the  sale  of  a  number  of  your  new  Piamond  Disc  EhonographB, 
without  hope  of  reward;  may  I  hope  to  Bee  these  reoords  I  have  asked 
for  on  the  market  this  season?  Hoping  that  the  time  is  not  long 
distant,  I  remain 

Very  truly  yours, 


-  £-  C'«.Cy£ 

x  ,y  ,* 
■r  y> !  y\  y 

A  -  ^  •  , 

*  'lV‘ 

^  <p-o»  LA.e  <3-t/ 

J ^ ,coLG4  fj^Cc<p-co 

l^c,Ji.  Cd'1*^  /CcU  &\-c:L  t*-~-  ¥  (X^k 

-  O^l  ^TlI*  -"  S'  <3-®-l<.  Itcuu, 

.LuS—^u.!^  USHjUf  Lw  cCc*  d£cW' 

_  cL^tU^E  k^h  itJL^  — -  3c«,ctfc^  t-e>> 

•  ■  "  f>  vU 


$U,  cat  _fccfl>4 “^-.Se  *C3l 

.{.M^aa,  ^C-C-C  d-^eC-^JLc  ~~~ 

.... . ^-(c£- (siu  k ©■ 

0  <r<£ec£-<F-tfc.C>l-  ' —  I 

KCb  fA-  <?-•<./ V*  ”^fco  ^2-^“>vcC,  Ik.<L  C*sS 

_c rfdUL ct-^j^LU. 

Mr.  Edison: 

I  expect  Anna  Case  to  arrive  within  the  next  week 
or  10  days  from  Europe  and  I  wish  you  would  let  me  know  at 
once  which  ones  of  the  last  three  numherB  you  would  like  Hiss 
Case  to  sing  over  and  have  Hayes  send  me  the  samples  so  that  I 
can  show  them  to  her. 

Your  reports  show  that  Serial  No.  3174  MuBetta 
Waltz  is  not  satisfactory,  hut  I  am  not  sure  about  serial  No. 
3172,  the  Boheme  selection. 

i.  Durand,  ireton  and  Hallow©  11: 

Sffipt.  9,  1914. 

I  am  keeping  a  scrapbook  of  newspaper  ana.  trade- 
paper  repor\rsUngebu8ine8S  conditions  for 

country .  It  ^intended  to  use  ™en~suoh  as  the 


to  .n  or  locality. 

very  rapidly  at  Yoragstown.  g”  x  c0.  in  Youngstown  were 

the  plants  of  the  Republic  Iron  *  ±  h  1iar  mill  that  had 

reported  in  full  was  put  in  operation  on  September 

been  idle  for  about  five  months  was  puPi  y  £  atown  sh0Qt  a  Tube 
1st.  with  considerable  black  and5 galvanized  sheet 

Co.  reportB  that  it  is  operating  ±  name  pie  Steel  Co.  , 

mills  to  practically  full  capacity ,th  °  |t  ten  of  its 

Youngstown,  is  operating  to  aboutSB^oi  number  than 

twelve  open-hearth  fumaoes  are  running^-  a  the 

for  some  time.  0n  should  write  all  tho  Youngstown 

Amusement  Phonograph  improved  situation  in 

dealers,  commenting  various  sneoial  plans  for  tho 

Youngstown, .  ^®itera^®°aC  ?ouSgstoTO  dealers  to  carry  out 

promotion  of  busine towTf ilel  should  be  examined  to  see  whether 
these  plans.  Ihe  town  i lies  sn  x  go  our  Ba.VQnce  oir- 

any  bow  representation  is  oeede,  sh0uld  be  pervaded  with 

oularizing  ahead  of of  th^boom  letters  should  be  sent 
the  boom  spirit.  Copies  of  the  boom^iev^  terrltory„  thltf, 

to  the  jobber  and  the  bravol^S  dealers  in  the  town 

regardless  of  whether  we  seeking  n  that  we  not  only 

or  looality  in  question.  Please  o< sar  a  inBt  the  localities 

desire  to  direct  increased  _  Be  11: iafao „iB£  to  oreate  an  optimistio 

I  do  not  know  that  Youngstom  Miahes^a^artioularly 

good  field  for  thesaleof  Diotating^teohines.^^t  ^  ly 

attention^ of^its^distributor^to  conditions  in  Youngstown. 


In  writing  letters  based  on  reports  that  we  get  here, 
there  is  always  a  possibility  that  the  reports  are  erroneous 
or  not  of  as  much  signifioanoe  as  we  ascribe  to  ‘them.  there¬ 
fore  oomments  on  speoifio  reports  should  have  combined  with 
fhem  enough  general  optimism  to  raalce  it  clear  that  we  do  not 
25  on  aSsiSle  incident  in  reaching  our  belief  in  the  approach 
of  a  period  of  unusual  prosperity. 

My  Borap-books  will  be  indexed  by  townB  as  well  as 
by  topios,  and  referenoe  to  the  sorap-books  a  few  minutes  each 
week  will  enable  you  to  post  yourselves  concerning  conditions 
in  any  of  the  towns  touched  on  in  the  reportB  I  receive. 

From  time  to  time  there  will  be  items  that  it  is 
impracticable  to  paste  in  the  Bcrfcp-book,  and  these  I  will  pass 
around  to  be  noted  and  returned.  Attached  hereto  are  items 
from  various  localities  showing  machinery  purchases  and  indus¬ 
trial  building.  Will  you  please  make  note  of  any  of  the 
items  that  you  think  oJ  be  utilized  in  the  manner  above  sug¬ 
gested  and  return  the  sheets  to  me. 

Particular  attention  should  at  the  present  time  be 
paid  to  Hew  England.  According  to  the  1fst  Agricultural 
Bulletin  oropB  are  good  in  every  Hew  England  State>  fhe  boot 
and  shoe  trade  seems  to  be  booming,  textile  manufacturing 
if  not  aatuallv,  booming  at  present  giveB  every  promise  and 
considerable  orders  are  being  placed  with  the  loom 
nomnanies  in  Hew  England.  There  also  seems  to  be  a  quickened 

demand  for  hardware  specialties,  not  only  for  export  but  also 
to  supply  part  of  the  domestic  consumption  that  has  heretofore 
been  supplied  by  Germany  and  England. 

Here  and  there  will  be  localities  to  avoid , 
count  of  bad  conditions.  Speaking  in  a  general  way ,  the  cotton 
growing  states  do  not  at  present  Justify  any special  sailing 
effort ,  and  there  are  occasional  townB  even  in  ° 

SJ  M  W»  In  routing  «mB.».nt  ph«noBjapl,  .al....n  it 
is  advisable  to  curtail  as  much  as  possible  the  expense  ox 
working  such  towns. 

I  will  have  on  file  in  my  office  the  August  22nd 
Bulletin  of  **  ^These^e  tL^wo 



Copies  to  Messrs l^Edlson1  and  Wilson. 


Thomas  J.  Edison  Co, 

We  are  wondering  who  is  the  gentleman  that  has  the  monumental 
nerve  to  stand  for  the  0.  K.  ing  of  the  list  of  Disc  records  which 
have  been  coming  out  on  the  supplement  lists.  We  started  out  to  order 
all  of  these  reoords  *■  hut  as  our  stock,  began  to  fill  up  with  a  lot 
of  unsaleable  records  this  has  been  stopped  in  a  hurry.  We  are 
wondering  if  Thomas  A.  is  away  on  his  vacation  and  the  children  are 
deciding  on  just  what  records  they  happen  to  like  without  any  thought 
to  what  is  going  to  sell.  Our  stock  is  complete  on  the  old  standard 
pieces  and  the  "pathetio"  ballads, now' "give  us  something  that  has  a 
little  steam  to  them.  If  you  don't  know  what  we  mean  take  a  glance 
at  your  best  sellers  in  your  monthly  lists  on  the  Edison  cylinder.  We 

in  raoney  not  t0  cerry  a  tounoh  of  dead  *t0<,k* 

Yours  truly , 

1  t  w  To  „  j 

h.  c.  oorsuch  *  Co. 


\  *A 
L,  A 

OvtA  1^°' 

The  Phonograph  Co. 

Exclusive  Edison  Distribulers 

- =>  -  Sept. 14, 191 

Mr.  Walter  Miller, 

Our  Overtures  have  been  criticised'  for  ^  *  * 

leaving  out  some  of  the  well-known  passage^  P  articular  i!y 
is  this  true  in  the  Rienzi  Overture.  /  //\r  J'  / 

Opr  customers  are  still  beggin^for  "CavalliegJa  y*  (y 
Rusticanna"  the  Sextette  from  "^jicia"  and  the/'^'  V  l 

Quartet  from  "Rlgolletto" . 

>  must  have  "The  Toymaker’ s 

/"A  Child's  Prayer",  "No  Candle 

Was  There  and  No  Fire"  and  the  j 
Birthday  of  a  King". 

,  this  is  not  born  of  my  c 

imagination,  but  there  is 

.  demand  for  these  things 

There  is  a  criticism  that  you  will  hop  into 
the  theme  through  your  instrumental  music  without  e 

proper  introduction.  This  ie  noticeable  in  Strauss' 
waltzes.  If  yoji  have  a  readon  for  this  please  reply  to 
this  paragraph  so  that  when  the  parties  who  chided  us  at 
it  call  we  shall  know  what  to  say  to  them. 

Yours  very 



September  16,  1914, 

Hr.  Hallowell: 

Pleat, a  note  Hr.  Edison's  comment  on  the 
attached  report  from  Thomas  in  which  the  latter  says  that  peo¬ 
ple  ask  why  we  don't  get  some  new  dance  music.  This  is  not 
the  first  time  that  Kr.  Thomas  has  commented  on  this,  and  X 
believe  that  Hr.  Silliman  once  or  twice  made  a  similar  report,. 
Some  few  days  ago  I  requested  you  to  get  in  touch  with  the 
;)obbere  and  see  that  their  E0-50  men  carry  the  same  records 
that  our  own  men  carry  -  including, all  of  the  new  dance  music 
and  other  new  popular  selections.  Will  yon  please  let  me  have, 
a  report  on  this  and  in  particular  let  me  know  what  records 
Thomas  is  carrying. 

C.  C.  to  Messrs.  Edison,  Wilson  and 





The  Phonograph  Co. 

Exclusive  Edison  Distributers  /  (\/\  J 

Salesrooms  &  Offices -229  So. WnbnshAvo.  ^ 

Chicago/ Sept. iJjJh.X  J  \ru 

^  \T 

j-  f  < 

lx  culse -upy^) v”  sKing  but4  we  would/^ijte  ,Vo  j 
'\<}‘/  \  jy  / 

icord  //8Q144  got  by.  The  Soprano  \Bplo 

by  ^f$an  Wiesil 
in  the  place 

l  of  11  Jerusalem"  by  Benjai 

::  t  iv 

(v&^sv  ’ 

^elcw^  t"  o  " 


\  - ^ 

General  ii&nager. ■> 

u  g 


J  iUHl 

•hi  ** 

455;  u 



u  ctw  6-r~sK_ 

00 \udk*  KftJ a  *<^rv«j  d~££'-*'v  M*4i4«^eCo 

<*  tfivvs  *U  d)-f  Hv^ 

.*«-•*«**  *f  ^  **+*+* 

$b  <*A*w*nfc  *|«***  I****  l*e~fj<*£* 

v6^  ^Juc~f>  y^t***' 

c)U|fe«^.  «|  TCnvv^  <ni  ^  lo  / <&«-**  !&**«**,  WC«-6T 

^  ca'I&a  *kv|  ©4rvvw|»«Wv^«|“?C^  ^  «Mrw«i— 

^  <#W  =.  2X  ^ 

ttu^U  W>wj^^  C*/  &*+"4-  IcL'k* 

&jr^«e^*X  ^  *-»  vuX’f  «C  iJ^itt' 

<VO«<tf  *•**  ^  - 


C^*  **&  V1W^%  ^^*5,  *»**•***** 

,*1  dicWE.  ^  (r^M.^i  t>« <«•  “*  «■** 

L  J  UL-  ^  -L w^’f  w  *■ 

t>«(ce  ct>v«w 

^du$  <-**«***>  CvU^  '=‘^<0^^  1j 
/>  „ 

%-Li  T-CctXC'Vi  9"  (fe^wwCsEj—**-^ 

0 cLaxfJ"  < 

September  17,  1914, 

Hr.  Ireton: 

Attached  find  oorbon  copy  of  letter  Hr. 

Edison  Is  today  writing  to  Hr.  John  Wanamakor  In  reply  to 
a  letter  from  the  latter,  stating  that  ho  will  be  In  How 
York  on  Tuesday  next  and  will  bo  pleased  to  hoar  the  Diamond 
Disc  at  that  time,  I  shall,  lot  you  know  as  soon  as  the  appoint¬ 
ment  proposed  by  Hr.  Edison  is  definitely  made.  You  should  hold 
yourself  in  readiness  to  be  on  tho  ground  Tuesday  morning,  so 
that  any  business  details  resulting  from  tho  interview  between 
Mr.  Edison  and  Mr.  V/enamaker  can  be  token  up  by  you  with  Hr. 
Wanamaker's  assistants. 

1  also  attach  carbon  copy  of  self-explanatory 
memorandum  to  Mr.  KoKoon. 

Mr.  Edison  will  prepare  a  list  of  the  records  to 
be  played  at  tho  demonstration  to  Mr.  TJanamakor. 


Syracuse,  N.Y.,  Gen'l.  Del., 
Sept,  n,  1914-. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Ml  son, Menlo  Park, 
orange,  N.J. 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison, 

Please  permit  me  to  say  that  I  have  just 
had  the  pleasure  of  listening  several  times  to  one  of  your  re¬ 
cent  pets-  The  Diamond  Disk.  Incidentally  I  may  also  remark  thatl 
heard  Mrs.  Ilsen's  very  high  grade  address  In  presenting  her  sub¬ 
ject.  ineffectiveness  she  Is  second  to  no  speaker  I  heard  at  the 
State  Fair,  for  which  she  came  to  this  city. 

The  Commissioners  of  the  Fair  gave  me  permis¬ 
sion  also,  to  speak  daily,  which  I  did  with  some  gratification  to 
myself  for  the  oportunity. 

Now  for  the  combination.  My  audiences  sang 
dally  from  cards,  which  I  presented  containing  our  own  words  writ* 
ten  to  popular  tunes.  Now  Mr.  Mison,  I  would  like  very  much, for 
giving  education  on  this  subject  and  I  belelve  it  would  be  for 
your  profit, If  you  could  produce  some  of  those  songs  on  your  re¬ 
cords  for  the  Diamond  Disk,  or  The  needle  Disk, according  as  they 
are  in  use  in  one  place  or  another,  in  schools  or  In  homes,  or 
elsewhere  .  Please  note  also  that  I  have  been  asked  for  films 
presentlng,intcenario/the  essence  or  the  material  of  my  message. 

I  am  confident  here  is  a  field  mostly  unworked,  and  greatly  In 
need  of  developing,  both  for  the  producer  and  the  consumer. 

Hoping  for  your  favorable  consideration,  I  am, 



X  &ntt=€tgamte  league  of  America 

j-  AlMi  A  crusade  against  the  use  of  cigarettes  and  tobacco  by  the  young.  SUPPORT!  From  the  public  which  the  League 

/  -  -  General  H-eadquarters,  1119  Woman’s  Temple,  Chicago 



j  ?r*.D«rii %nz%Wb. 

Rev^Chs^H.  Pstkburst,  D 

/  fcjffl'ia""*-**-1 

f  Rev.  LobUa  W.  Spresuo 

I  SsSk'. 

ZSten.O  L,ho.s,  Cd.r.ds 

t  P.  P.  Claxto.m,  U.  S.  Cora,  ol  Education. 

SSi; &£&$£&& 


airman,  JUDGE  LEROY  D.  CRANE,  New  Yprk 
C/nrra/^«^/ary.^L|ONARDyL.  NONES 


,_»S9rwai«B*n«,  .V  ' 



Jfcfc  f«6,,...._v.D?cEM.5iR.  31st, . . . 19ia_ 

/ /L,  <4 1 
/  6. 

Since  you  a 
kindly  aided  in  supporti 
readiness  to  speak  agai 

‘  Superintendents  of  Sunday  and  Public  Schools,  Principals  of  Grade  and  High  Schools,  Heads  of 
Private  Schools,  Secretaries  of  the  Y.  M..C.  A.  and  several  Physicians  who  heard  it,  gave  cordial  welcome  and 
emphatic  approval  to  my  message.  Business  men  Employers,  and  Large  Firms  add  their  commendation.  ■ 



B.  HAYNES  &  CO. 






CHIP  lmilSlIKS 










Mr.  Ireton: 

Vrcm  the  letters  I  have  been  receiving  here  lately 
it  seems  there  is  quite  a  demand,  for  patriotic  selections  and 
also  a  demand  for  "Pox-trots, "  a  new  dance  which  has  recently 
become  popular.  Would  like  to  know  if  it  would  be  advisable 
to  get  out  an  advance  list  of  Blue  Amberols  of  the  following 

GOD  SAVE  THE  KING  Qt-  V  U. Jjf*'  - 


MARRSILLAISE  - -f'A'r.'  - 

WACKT  AI £  RHINE  - A?/- 






.  -r 


"God  Save  the  King,"  "Marseillaise"  and  "Wucht  Am  Rhein" 
have  cl  ready  been  listed  and  will  appear  on  the  November 
Supplement,  but  it  would  do  no  harm  to  coll  public'  attention 
to  these  selections  twice.  There  is  also  a  liBt  of  British 
patriotic  selections  which  Mr.  Stevens  is  arranging  to  put  out 

on  the  English  market  which  might  be  added  to  this  list.  If 
you  consider  this  matter  favorably,  kindly  let  me  hoar  from  you. 

W.  H.  Miller 


Copies  to  Messrs.  Edison  and  Wilson 

Vvw  I  _  ^«-v?a* 

l/JJtX  ^0.-.-.  ■jJU^Au-  AjL<,l^vAy^tt>u/^  ^cw-d  /U^^X. 

CaSL^^u.  n^uct- 

aZT^  <W  y,  »  ■&*■  UJ^~\- 

l (Jj!  -*<>  ‘^“~  ®-  U’^fa  ~~ 

*t£**u  f  Aiw  ^-0^^  fe  lU  tkz  *+-  <Lk*m-  enJl^j 

flrvvx_  <\s-d^o-i^L,  bLt^vui.  Uo-(A_^tu  -Z  CuxcLwi^b^ 

^-y\_<5-~ri-cX^_  ^  *£&-*>- 

9jt  -l^  6-  <j  «*-o-«^  r^UA^j^.  ^ 

c>|^>il-ia-*C.  Cc/^  i  &-eJLj\s*  ifa  •4<^ejyf\mm. 

Uu^\,  —t-^\yG/T-C'4>/  '  ^  l£jj.  1  ( 

■it/isL.  rt! ,^/XAX.  CfiZ#J  “ 

^fcc.  a^cthv/-  Ae^eXlil  '■*>-*>•'{-  ^  *)  r«-e^ 

£U>  tfcL  ‘'G^XvvW^.  >n-«^cA."  ,  ^  ' 

-fe-C X-tA-»j  QZa^iLc.  A&k-AA/f+J CA-  gKaaJ^. 

-^>  livJL.  ^Vvxjz Xo-Ja^j  JL^k.  ZZ  &*r™-Z-. 

— fo2-A^c*  trvv.  ifco  cCa jxAyv^-t/La  j  ^  L&^sZa— 

cfosi  d^ALXy  UM,  G^tiaJUL  AXZZ+sx*.  0-  ‘Yo^Jr 



4  f  4"-  v 

4  .a 



j°“  VC;  " 

r  - / 1  v- 

A  r 


Se^ ember -2'4,  0914;  <•' 

,^-S  a/  fA‘  ,  / '  O'  ■  0 

!'Vr’.,^Vy  X4 

4*  yr  4  '*4  O  vr  ^  'J‘  .-•' 

I  favor  issuing  special  list® of  patriotic  ana  . 

_ _ t  cylinder  records.  Think  we  should  go  right 

aheadwith  the  selections  enumerated  by  Walter  Miller,  ard 
put  them  on  the  market  just  as  soon  as  the  records  are 
ready  for  Shipment.  The  British  patriotic  selections  made 
up  for  Mr.  Stevens  -should  be  included  as  they  will  meet 
with  ready  sale  in  Canada.  If  you  favor  this  plan,  please 
let  d»'  know  and  I  will  issue  a  bulletin  to  the  trade 
announcing  these  specials  and  advising  when  ready  for 







Owen  Sound,  Ont.  .Sept .  35/14 


Thos.  A.  Edison  (Inc.)  - - -  1/ 

Orange  N.  J.  **  1 

In  reference  to  the  output  of  Edison  Disc  Records,  I 
take  the  liberty  of  tnaking 

of  selesctions  ,  called 

The  records  you  ari 
ones,  but  they  are  not  all 
the  Canadian  trade.  For  insi 

a  heavy  demand  for  Patriotic  records,  that  is  'British  & 

Qjrvt  ^  V 

Canadian  ones, -.there  are  a  few  of  these  od  the  Blub  Amberol 
Rule  Brittania  ,  is  one  that  lis  called 


on  the  Disc  . 

for  ,  also  0  Canada  ,  and  thatJCrish  marching^^r^Its 

long  road  to  Tipperary". 

demand  for  morej  sacred  records 

!  also  have  ^uite 


There  seems  to  be  rather 

in  the  moderate  priced  records)  in  compa^fson^  with  the 

Hoping  you  will  take  these  suggestions  in  the  spirit 
in  which  they  are  offered,  so  as  to  help  >4je  Canadian  trade, 

Sincerely  lours 

J.  Kellestine 





C.  B 






RUlaSki1sA'  * 

Cllll*  BM1911K9 

















Dear  Sir,- 


:pt,  28th,  1914. 

Your  favor  of  the  23rd  inat.  received  and  t  K 
noted,  and  we  are  very  glad  to  know  that  the  records  L/  1 
that  we  called  ’.'/alter  Hiller' a  attention  to  has  been 
made,  and  we  certainly  hope  that  you  will  he  able  to 
put  them  out  soon.  7/e  are  going  to  watch  the  Blue 
Amberol  records  as  you  mention.  V/e  think  the  sale 
on  these  has  been  hurt  on  account  of  their  roughnesl 
and  untrueneso.  some  of  them  warble  on  the  cylinder 

The  writer  is  going  to  be  at  the  factory 
Monday  next,  and  I  want  you  to  let  me  know  at  that 
time,  ho w  many  bales  of  cotton  you  will  buy  to  heljj 
out  your  Dealers  through  the  South.  It  will  cos^ 

10 f!  per  pound  and  it  will  only  be  a  question  of  f 
when  you  can  reap  a  margin  on  it.  Besides  this  I 
be  one  of  the  greatest  advertisements  we  can  putN^ 

We  only  want  to  distribute  the  purchases  through  t 
customers  and  one  bale  each.  Average  cost  is  about 
$50.00  per  bale.  At  different  points  they  are  forming 
these  clubs,  and  we  will  only  use  them  where  we  have 
customers  handling  your  product.  \7e  have  bought  one 
bale  at  Bennettsville,  S.  C.  through  our  Dealer,  Sam 
J.  Pearson,  and  he  bought  this  bale  of  cotton  from  a 
farmer  who  bought  an  "Edison  Diamond  Disc. 

1  this 

Yours  very  truly, 


of  (Eiilmnlntit 

y0ur  letter  of  September  35th,  and  regret  very 
^  the  rules  I  am  not  permitted  to  fnrnieb 

loh  indeed  that  under  the  rules  I  am  no.  P« 
Directory  of-  Subordinate  Councils  of  our 

Order,  as  requested. 

Very  truly  youri 

Supreme  Secretary. 

•*-;*- H"** 

V*  ;  ^  1^4^ -jn* 

3  o/v« 

«,*w*  {C., 

m  4^  Tl0,€  --»*  i-fji,;.,  y£,-e 

L*Xi  u-  l"tMi  f~  ■ 

r  ,  .  |  JL-tiO.  «i 
*K»  ^1 

<£S~«  ~  i^+~- -■**■-* 
u  ctzzi  T 

.  -^t^,  >u^jUxA««?‘  *>•*'  o8|'" 

w- d ^  ^ 



Mtr  A  now  CROFT 




R.  R.  BOWKER  CO. 

241  WEST  37th  STREET^5' 

New  York 




s liner' e  point  oi' 

t'liof  of  3a: 

re  for  the  most'  still  unv;orked.  V-liile  in  Berlin  I 
look’d  a?  toe  :.ianafa<jtar*4.of  the ‘$aper  thin"  records, 
mounted  on  card,  and  in  London  investigated  the  Honeophone  ■• 
Loth  of  theta  having  elements  of  promise  imperfectly  v.orked 
out.  If  you  and  your  people  are  so  minded,  I  should  "oe 


R.  R.  BOWKER  CO. 

241  WEST  37th  STREET 

New  York 




September  30,  1914, 

Mr.  Hallowell:  \ 

You  rooolvoa  a  copy  of  my  memorandum  of 
r-optembar  2Bth,  addressed  to  Mr.  Kdlron  ana  r dating  to  the 
raoital  work  that  Is  to  be  aono  under  the  supervision  of  Mr. 

Riley.  Mr.  Edison  Btates  that  he  wants  thle  work  kept  en¬ 
tirely  separate  from  the  work  of  the  Solos  Department,  but 
states  that  when  you  Aoniro  recitals  given  in  certain  clubs, 
ohurchos,  etc.,  as  on  oia  to  your  efforts  to  get  aoalorB  In 
the  large  eltleo  where  Mr.  Riley's  men  will  work,  there  Is 
no  objection  to  taking  tho  matter  up  with  Mr.  Riley  -  thus 
avoiding  duplication  of  recital  work  by  his  men  and  your 

traveling  mon. 


cj=^rto--MQesre.  Raison, 
(Mondoworoft )ana  Iroton. 



It  1b  ray  teller  that  an  advertising  campaign 
In  at  least  a  limitod  number  of  nationally  distri¬ 
buted  publications  Is  vitally  neoessnry  for  the 
future  suooess  of  our  phonograph  business.  It  is 
necessary  chiefly,  to  show  the  trade  that  we  believe 
In  the  future  of  the  Edison  monograph;  that  our 
absenoe  from  the  advertising  pages  of  publications 
has  been  temporary  and  not  permanent. 

In  these  days  of  national  advertising  the 
dealer  looks  upon  the  advertising  of  manufacturers 
as  representing  the  latter's  attitude  toward  their 
goods.  If  the  manufacturer  persistently  and  con¬ 
sistently  advertises  his  product  he  wins  the  con¬ 
fidence  of  dealers  quicker  ana  to  a  greater  degree 
than  any  other  method  he  may  employ.  This  confidence 
is  retained  even  after  the  manufacturer  ceases  adver¬ 
tising,  but  it  is  lost  when  it  becomes  evident  to 
.the  dealer  that  the  manufacturer  is  no  longer  willing 
to  bnok  his  product  with  advertising. 

If  we  hope  to  build  up  our  phonograph  business 
we  must  advertise  nationally,  beginning  with  the 
largest  amount  we  can  afford  to  spend  and  continuing 
It  with  increased  appropriations  as  the  growth  of 
the  business  warrants.  The  advertising,  too,  must 
be  done  acoording  to  a  definite,  well-thougit  out 
plan,  which,  when  adopted,  should  be  consistently 
followed,  in  season  and  out. 

I  ask  your  favorable  consideration  to  the  ex¬ 
penditure  of  approximately  $8,000  per  month  for 
national  advertising,  this  to  begin  with  the 
October  publications  and  continue  at  that  rate 
for  eigit  months;  then  dropping  to  smaller  spaoe 
or  fewer  mediums  for  June,  July,  August  and  September, 
1915,  sponding  approximately  $5,000  each  in  those 
months.  Exhibit  A  shows  a  tentative  expenditure 
of  ? 8,500  a  month  in  twelve  national  publications. 

I  am  willing  to  admit  that  the  business  for  the 
year  beginning  next  October  may  not  show  a  profit 
proportionate  to  this  advertising  expenditure,  be¬ 
cause  we  have  lost  much  ground  with  oylinder  dealers, 
and  the  reoord  situation  will,  for  a  considerable  time, 
retard  the  diso  business.  But  this  expenditure  will 
make  that  for  the  year  following  more  oertain  of 
profit.  Advertising  expenditures  should  be  considered 
for  a  period  of  years  and  not  for  a  month  or  a  season, 
nothing  is  more  wasteful  of  money  than  spasmodic  advertising, 
either  in  time  or  the  use  of  publications.  Better  no 
advertising  at  all  than  the  hit-or-mlBs,  planless  kind. 

In  addition  to  asking  for  tbs  above  appropriation, 

I  want  your  oonsant  and  oo-operatlon  in  s  ponding  It  with 
advert laemonts  that  shall,  for  a  ysar  at  least,  adver¬ 
tise  the  cylinder  and  disc  lines  on  as  near  equal 
terms  as  possible.  This,  in  my  opinion,  1b  vital. 

We  must  do  What  we  can  to  stand  back  of  the  oyllnder 

line.  It  is  too  good  a  product  to  let  drift,  and 

drift  it  will  unless  we  advertise,  and  otherwise 

push  it. 

The  future  of  the  cylinder  lino  would  not  bo  suoh 
a  serious  matter  if  wo  could  do  an  equal,  or  greater 
amount,  of  business  with  the  dlso  to  replace  it,  but 
this  now  seems  impossible.  Consequently  wo  must  push 
the  cylinder. 

I  am  submitting  two  layouts  of  an  advertisement 
designed  to  show  hcW  we  may  advertise  both  types  of 
phonographs  on  an  oqual  basis,  and  without  disparaging 
ono  or  the  other.  These  layouts  aro  submitted  mcro 
for  the  purpose  of  illustration  than  for  adoption 
in  oxaotly  their  present  form. 

I  admit  that  an  advertisement  of  this  kind  is  not 
as  good  as  ono  that  would  advert iso  one  or  the  other 
lines,  but  we  are  confronted  with  a  practical  and 
not  an  ideal  condition,  and  must  work  accordingly. 

We  must  advertise  both  products  until  conditions 
make  something  different  advisable.  I  strongly 
urgo  that  this  be  done. 

In  asking  for  this  advertising  I  have  in  mind  the 
doalar  more  than  the  public.  Seven-tenths  of  the  value 
of  the  advertising  will  bs  in  its  effect  upon  the 
dealer,  and  the  cylinder  dealer  will  bo  particularly 
impressed.  Ho  will  look  at  our  now  oylindor  line 
from  a  dlfforent  angle  and  in  a  few  months  will  be¬ 
lieve  that  it  is  a  good  and  not  an  sbselete  product. 

Let  him  got  a  now  belief  in  the  cylinder  line  and 
his  business  will  lncrsaso  several  fold. 

As  on  evidence  of  the  present  low  dealer  interest 
in  the  oylindor  product  let  mo  oito  ono  instance.  We 
recently  received  reports  from  a  Jobber  selling  only 
our  oyllnder  line,  oovorlng  the  Edison  purchases  of 
his  dealers.  Several  hundred  dealers  were  reported 
upon  and  the  average  purchases  for  1913  were  loss 
than  $85. CO  per  dealer;  only  one  dealer  had  bought 
over  $1,000  worth  In  the  year.  When  dealers  occupying 
good  territory  report  the  sale  of  only  a  fow  dollars’ 
worth  of  Edison  goods  in  a  year,  and  this  is  happening 
in  hundreds  of  cases,  it  is  evident  that  our  dealer 
Interest  is  at  a  low  ebb.  We  must  not  belittle  this., 
condition,  for  ns  long  as  we  eell  our  product  through 
dealers  the  interest  of  the  lattor  is  of  the  utmost 
importance . 


You  may  be  dispoaed  to  critioiBe  the  eeleotion 
of  the  Saturday  Evening  Post,  Collier's,  Everybody's, 
Cosmopolitan,  lleClure's,  Munsoy’s,  American,  Metro¬ 
politan,  Had  Book,  Contury,  Scribner's  and  Barper’s 
Magazines  as  being  above  the  present  small  town 
and  country  field  of  the  cylinder  line ,  and  you 
would  probably  be  right .  It  ie  probably  true  that 
Comfort’s  two  million  circulation  reaches  more  small 
town  and  country  people  than  the  Saturday  Evening 
Post,  but  the  average  dealer  knows  the  Post  and  does 
not  know  Comfort.  The  twelve  publications  suggested 
are  known  to  every  dealer,  no  matter  where  locatod. 

Ho  may  not  get  them  in  his  own  home ,  but  he  knows 
them  as  the  greatest  publications  of  the  country, 
he  knows  what  it  costs  to  advertise  in  them  and  he 

stamps  the  manufacturer  who  usee  them  as  a  big  adver¬ 

tiser,  as  a  big  manufacturer. 

Under  these  conditions  wo  can  make  a  much  greater 
noise  in  telling  dealers  about  our  advertising  plans 
than  would  ho  possible  with  a  lot  of  lessor  known 
publications.  Wo  want  to  make  this  noise  just  as 
soon  as  you  decide  to  begin  advertising  in  the  fall. 

To  be  able  to  toll  dealerB  that  we  are  going  to 
begin  again  and  are  going  to  continue  indefinitely 
would  put  new  life  in  thousands  of  now  discouraged 
or  indifferent  dealora. 



The  following  schedule  suggests  the  use  of 
the  Saturday  Evening  Post  and  Collier's  once  In 
each  month,  and  having  Cosmopolitan,  Uunsey's, 
Metropolitan,  Century  and  Harper’ s  alternate  with 
Everybody's,  McClure's,  American,  Hed  Book  and 
Scribner’s.  Other  publications  maybe  substituted 
or  a  different  method  of  alternation  adopted. 

OCTOBEB.  1914 

Saturday  Evening  Post 




Fed  Book  (?) 

Scribner'  b 

1  page 

1/2  page 


2  ColB. 













Saturday  Evening  Post 


Uunsey's  (?) 

Metropolitan  (?) 





2  Cols . 










XECEMTOH.  1914 

Same  as-Ootoher,  1914 




Same  as  November,  1914 



.  1915 

Same  as  Ootobor,  1914 




Same  as  November,  1914 



.  1915 

Same  as  Octchor,  1914 




Sams  as  November,  1914 



Jims.  1915 

Mediums  and  spaoe  to  bo  determined  -  about  $5,000 
JULY.  1915 

Mediums  and  space  to  be  determined  -  about  $5,000 
AUGUST.  1915 

Mediums  and  space  to  be  determined  -  about  $5,000 

Mediums  and  space  to  bo  determined  -  about  $5,000 

men  businoBB  conditions  made  it  possible  I  would 
suggest  the  addition  of  $3,000  a  month  for  eight  months 
in  farm  papers,  and  still  later  about  the  same  amount 
for  advertising  in  typical  small  town  publicptions  like 
the  ladies  World. 


I  o'-’ 


<7(h/?uiA<it  {b/a\}cnf&  Stxcat' 

3%i&</e&/!ia,9>a<  Octol 

3  ifi« ^“3"  “y^n 

Crust  0^r*~**0'***\  w‘°‘ 

dneSuay  "r*  buifcart  and  -n. 
Eon  Diamond  Disc  rboiiogr. 
ia,  visited  the  factory  a 

U,*f  <&*C 


advert  ising  ir.  **C  ^  *™T~f 

.7e  were,  to  say  the  least,  disjointed  to  I 

find  that  no  publicity  campaign  oi  udver tieinC  ^4  been 
manned  out  for  this  city.  Tie  were  told  -*  ••—  \ 

«^'ct«d  -o  be  done  was  in  the  way  oi  recitals  before  \ 

clubs;  churches,  institutions  etc.  and  that  ^osBibly  these 

would  not  beein  until  la, -a  u *}&+  ) 

Toiie  v;«  ’.threat  the  factory,  Mr  Wilson  made 
mention  oi  the  fact  that  !!r.  John  ;«iwaa*«r  oi  Philadelphia  .  j 

o^thelis-o  inS” ew E’° o rk^ a 'V^HLy 
7  r^ii  and  that  they  at1  were  greatly  impressed  '«UJ>  the 
toca'  m  i  it ies  oi  the  instrument  .  In  view  oi  this  1  wou.d 
'  “ft  your  attention  the  fact  that  Hr.  Yanamaker 
las?  7'onday  delivered,  beiore  the  walnut  street  Busxness 
”en’s  ..Eso elation  oi  S>hiladelpbia(dt  toeir  meeting-,  a  talc 
on  advertising  and  made  .mention  during  this  ta.  .c  oa  h-v-*‘s 

v  i-n=ri  toe  SdiBOn  Diamond- Disc  Phonograph 
iW^ere  to  the  eiiect  that  this  inc  truss 

ra prior  to  anything  in  its  line  that  he  bad  ever  be.rd.  lie 
mentioned  in  the  course  oi  the  talk  another  Phonograph  con- 
cern^ho,  with  an  inferior  article,  had  built  up  a  trenenaoue 
,  orl  advertising  and  that  it  seemed  too  bad  that  the 

better  article  should  play  second  r' 2,^X1° It* 
publicity.  H- 

we  aontfe£fi? ?t&  ^  JtcSFth^^r  i  can  Public 

ave  extreme  coniidence  in  you  and  your  products  and  U  they 

ere  only  aware  oi  the  aact  that  rfou  rcanuj.aci.urea  a  uisc 
honogruoh,  the  sales  oi  same  would  increase  materially. 

.d  that  the  \ 

oi’  insufficient  \ 

Disc  and 

Yours  truly. 


"i  ill  you  Irindly  v 
i;b_t  ie  being  done,  ;  " 
grinding  sound  from  i 

'.7e  appreciate  the  fact  th^t  records  are 
ceasing  through  much*  clearer  and  smoother  than  in  the 
east,  out  people  are  also  getting,  more  critical  along 
this  line  and  v.e  Hire  to  have  some  authentic  word 
from  you  as  to  v.but  inr,  Sdison  or  his  associates  hope 
to  accorael isb  along  this  line  m  the  near  future,  it 
v.ould  hein  us  greatly  in  satisfying  this  cla,  s  of  peopl 



<W° *OFT. 

Yours  i 


i-v  '^jSMjAkaA^- 

ucU.CC  Q" 

^  vUz.ce 




SdUon,  SDianiontt  3)Uc  &%oaoy*aj>/!A- 

gyu&Jefr/!;**®*  u ctol'er  vth ,  m4, 

*yy/  A  I' 

ae cording  Department,  q^/  (  e 

Thomas  A.  Kdison,  Inc. .  «  \ 

Hew  Xrok  City, 

jossiblo  to  nut  through  a  bloc 
inly,  in  the  very  near  i'uture. 

Grand  Cpera  records  : 

,  _  CK,  Wca^v*>W,^3 

|  c|><P#-(!L, - - 

~—'"  iU 

•rtfj  ti  <•*  V'**^-®*'* 

os£^^  <k~  at£^~-Z£L, 

y^«-  ll^i 

w=*~.  ^  ^  <— ( 


yj 'leW7&  '  \ 

t t  t  c  _  Ux# 

™  <§e«^  M 

a><^ %  1  '  { 

0/  juaZJ^<^a^L  ~^a"'r 
^sk  ^<*&***~  ■**** 

j-t&tiaX&fy  _^_t  * 

C  \Stl£ 

■\\\N  r  ^  ^ 
IV*  <\V*  'v  J>r 

»’-  \'v  ;s<-  1  .  V‘ 

Y* 1  OotoTjei^lOth,  1914.  ^,uo‘ 

v*'  „  ^ 

4  O'  1' 

You  will  recall  that  a  year  c 

e  ago  we  entered  Into  J 

agreement  to  leaae  a  building  that  wae  to  he  erected  for  our  account 
at  Soho  Square,  London;  this  building  to  be  devoted  entirely  to  the 
use  of  our  London  Office.  The  builder  fcnnd  that  In  erectfcng  this 
building  it  interfered  with  the  light  of  the  adjoining  property.  As 
a  consequence,  the  builder  was  obliged  to  modify  the  plans  of  the 
buildlig  to  such  an  extent  as  to  make  It  entirely  unsuited  to  our  use 
and  we  refused  to  aocept  same. 

Some  time  afterward,  Hr.  Wagner  entered  Into  negotiations 

with  an  Idea  of  taking  over  an  entire  building  on  wardcmr  Street,  these 
premises  being  well  adapted  to  our  purposes.  Hr.  Wgner'B  Idea  was  to 
sub-let  a  portion  of  this  building.  When  It  was  decided  to^dlscontlne 
the  London  Recording  Plant,  which  would  neceosltate  our  flocupylng  only 
a  anil  portion  of  the  building  and  sub-letting  the  balance,  Hr.Wagner 
discontinued  negotiating  the  lease,  preferring  rather  to  lease  a  portion 
of  the  building.  Another  film  concern  (the  J.D.Walker  Company) 
rented  the  entire  building,  and  Hr.  Wagner  decided  that  It  would  be  nb- 
wise  to  rent  a  portion  of  the  building  from  the  Walker  people,  as  the 
Bdleon  Company  would  lose  Its  Identity  by  so  doing. 

in  a  letter  Just  reoelved  from  Hr.  Wagner,  dated  October  2nd, 
which  you  will  find  attached,  he  advised  as  having  found  a  building  next 
to  the  walker  premises,  whloh  he  believes  will  be  splendidly  suited  to 

Messrs.  Edison  and  WllBon  -  #2. 


our  needs,  as  per  particulars  given  in  his  letter. 

We  have  just  received  the  following  cablegram  from  Hr  .Warier: 

"Refer  my  letter  Becond  new  proposition  w&rdour  premises. 
Have  agreed  with  landlord  terms  lease  satisfactory  our  solicitors 
and  myself,  hut  lease  must  hear  directors  signatures  and  company 
seal.  4m  mailing  unofficial  copy  lease  today,  please  oahle  your 

approval  inmedia tely  received  so  we  canmohtain  landlord’s  consent 

begin  preparation  readiness  occupanoy  whilst  final  lease  copied 

here  end  completed  hy  you.  Minimum  terms  seven  years  option  ex¬ 
tent  ion  further  seven." 

When  the  copy  of  the  proposed  lease  which  Mr.  Wagner  advises 
in  his  cablegram  he  is  sending  today  is  received,  and  you  approve  same, 
we  can  then  cable  such  approval  to  Mr.  flagner  as  per  his  request. 

By  referring  to  Mr.  Wagner’s  letter,  you  will  note  that  he 
does  not  anticipate  any  trouble  in  connection  with  the  Soho  Building, 
as  it  is  reported  that  the  building  Pas  been  let  to  a  picture  theatre 


W  8 




Mr.  Walter  Miller, 

C/0  Thoe.  A.  Edison 
Orange,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Mr.  Millex, 

We  are  having  a  very  heavy  oedl  for  "My  Crony' 

Melody"  selection  by  orchestra  or  band.  I  believe,  that 
it  will  prove  the  biggeBt  kind  of  a  hit  if  you  were  to 
bo  record  it.  I  understand,  that  it  has. already  been  re¬ 
corded  in  the  song  and  I  look  for  a  big  sale  when  it  ap-^^  £- 

PearB’  Will  you  let.  me  know  whether  the  song  "hits 
now  so  popular  in  sheet  music  have/been  recorded.  "I  want  vw*  ic| 
—to  go  back  to  Michigan",  "Just  for  tonight.",  "Way  down 
on  Tampa  bay.",  "Oh  my  love."*  ".follow  the  crowd. ",  We 
have  had  a  number  of  quiries,  ay  to  the  reason  why  Anna^ 

Chandler,  Sophie  Tucker  and  Irerie 
nothing  as  yet  on  the  Disc. 

Franklin  have  recorded 

cry  on  the  jpart  of  the 
frtiets  singing,  that  almost 
'ferent  artist  would  help  out 
•  at  the  factory  ..Monday,  Mr  . 
the  Van  Epps  Banjo  Trios, 
we  cffluld  have  more  similar 
is  with  specialties  and  traps, 
>m,  would  add  greatly  to  the  / 

Case  here  October  36th.  and 
to  the  kind  of  a  "Hit"  she  makes 

There \1 
public,  that  we  \t 
any  kind  of  a  i 
in  the  catalogue \ 

Edison  played  for\ 
that  was  simply  ( 
ones  or  snappy  bs 
and  drums  interpole^l 
variet  y. 

We  are  1 

I  will  keep  you  poetise 
and  her  appearance. 

I  am  very  sorry  that  I  was  unable  to  get  down  to 
the  labratory,  as  there  were  a  number  of  things  that  I 
would  liked  to  have  talked  over  with  you,' but  I  was  press¬ 
ed  for  time  and  found  it  impossible  to  accomplish  even 
half  of  the  things  I  set  about  to  do. 

With  kindest  regards  and  best  wishes,  believe  me 

Very  truly  yours.  | 

HARGER  &  BLISH.  — ^ 



sfflcd  J%hwA'  <&/fy  AA  ~ 

y/yy  y^^c^'Am^aj  -sfy 
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y///yy/  /cb/i/k  Z/ 1 



Roger  W.Babson,  pi 

is.Oet,  3 ffl/J 

,,,,  .a  j/  i 

Bear  Hr.  Edison: 

I  Believe  you  could,  rnak 
coup  d'  etat  for  the  Edison  Bise 
Phonograph  hy  sending  some  one  to 
Europe  and  getting  a  personal  messj 
to  the  American  people  from  the 
crowned  heads,  relative  to  the  ~ 

I  Believe  that  a  Bright  fellow 
experience  in  obtaining  interview 
could  get  records  from  King  George, 
the  President  of  Prance,  Emperor 
William,  the  Osar  of  Kussia,  and  all 
the  rest. 

Furthermore,  I  Believe  these  - 
records  would  Be  splendid  sellers.  J 
Every  family  would  want  one  or  two,  M 
and  many  would  Buy  the  entire  set. 

Think  it  over.  I  speak  on  the  Euro¬ 
pean  situation  at  the  Technology  Club, 
17  Gramercy  Park,  next  Tuesday  night, 
and  if  you  wish  to  see  me,  1  can  come 
over  Wednesday  evening  on  my  way  to 
Philadelphia,  where  I  speak  on  Thursday, 

Sincerely  yours 

O'T',  /$ 






}&c  6<~^Z*Sco-^~  (C2-2-ti  cT"2-^ c 

«i^-,  ^  ;  ‘^'77^ 

^  /  -2^ 

Messrs.  Ireton,  Leonard,  Redfeam,  Eokert,  Smith,  L.O.llcChesney: 

We  frequently  receive  letters  from  individuals  who^’ 
diso  record  made  of  some  of  their  family  or  friendByand  as  the  pro¬ 
ducing  of  a  single  reoord  is  not  only  very  expensive,  hut  also 
interrupts  our  regular  work,  it  has  been  decided;  to  charge  the  fol¬ 
lowing  prices:  j 

Por  the  making  of  master  reoord  and  necessary  moulds 
from  which  to  make  a  commercial  record,  §50.00  for 
each  selection. 

For  the  commercial  records,  §5.00  eaoh. 

In  oases  where  several  selections  are  desired  made  and  a 
large  number  of  oommeroial  reoords  of  eaoh  selection  would  be  re¬ 
quired,  the  prioe  above  quoted  would  not  necessarily  apply  but  on 
the  contrary  speoial  prices  should  be  quoted,  dependent  on  the  num¬ 
ber  of  selections  to  be  madd  and  the  number  of  oommeroial  reoords 

to  be  taken.  Ihese  speoial  prioes  oan  only  be  arrived  at  by  c 
sidering  eaoh  request  individually. 

CHW/IW »  C.  H.  W. 

Copies  to  Messrs . MS  aison^  Maxwell  and  Chas.  Edison. 

Automobile  Manufacturers  _ 


Mr.  2.  J.  Berggreni 

Now  that  the  affairs  of  the  Douglas  Phonograph  Company 
have  teen  woundup,  I  hand  you  ty hearer  a  package  oontainlng  hooka, 
eto.,  which  x  have  been  holding  in  ray  possession  fbr  some  time  as 
Secretary  of  the  Douglas  phonograph  Company. 

This  package  oontains  the  following! 

3  Sank  Books;  one  containing.Cheok  #3040, drawn 
to  the  order  of  the  IT eff  Jersey  Patent  Com¬ 
pany,  amounting  to  $li791,64,  to  close  the 
account  with  the  Geraanla  Bank. 

1  Book  "Bills  Beoeivable". 

1  fidelity  Trust  Company  Check  Book. 

1  Stock  Book  and  Stock  Ledger. 

2  Share  Certificate  Books. 

2  Time  and  Pay-Roll  Books. 

1  Envelope  containing  correspondence,  drafts  of 
minutes,  etc. 

1  Douglas  Phonograph  Company  Seal. 

.  Kindly  acknowledge  receipt. 

Copy  to  Mr.  Bilson  and  Mr.  WilBon. 

dinky  and  old  fashioned  in  comparison  ':n.j  l.1  u yj  ;j  ml.bnn 

My  idea  -will  overcome  this;  and  people  carft  see  their  way  clear 
to  purchase  new  machines  when  they  all  ready  07/n  one  thatplays  the 
music  well;  hut  the  fact  is  they  don't  use  tham  because  they  don't 
like  the  looks. The  music  rendered  is  very  creditable. 

I  handled  the  Edison  line  here  for  three  "and 
done  some  business  too, as  Eilers  house  will  agree;"  Therefore  itis 
nothing  more  than  second  nature  that  I  should  be  very  zealous  to 
boost  the  Edison  line.  I  was  the  Edison  dealer  herB  when  the  new 
horn  and  the  four  minute  attachment  came  out  and  I  well  remember 
the  boost  it  give  thereoord  sales,  most  salesmen  live  on  these 
little  new  improvements  their  conoern  puts  into  the  line. 

I  am  going  to  be  very  frank  and  lay  a  proposition  be¬ 
fore  you  that  1  think  will  make  a  big  improvement  in  the  old 
machines,  as  well  as  to  cause  one  of  the  largest  sales  of  Edison 
records  that  anyone  has  ever  seen.  i 

My  plan  is  to  make  oabinets  to  place  the  old  machine 
in, which  will  give  a  hornless  type  of  machine  and  a  more  mod¬ 
ern  appearance  .  One  might  think  cabinets  would  be  to  expensive 

and  that  the  original  value  of  the  machine  would  not 
warrant  such  an  additional  expenditure  ;  hut  the  cabinet 
must  be  made  of  western  wood  and  stained  ,  grained  ,  or 
stippled.  They  must  be  oonfind  to  the  mission, straight  line 
type  so  as  to  not  to  conflict  with  the  sale  of  the  later, 
high  priced  hardwood  cased  machines.  I  have  produoed  models 
and  plans  of  cabinets  that  do  the  work  perfectly  involving 
some  original '.features  into  them  The  cost  of  these  models 
has  been  three  to  three  and  one  half  dollars  each  including 
new  horn  attachment  and  all,  complete.  So  you  can  see  that 
by  factory  and  quantity  production  they  could  be  placed  in 
homes  at  from  ten  to  twelve  dollars  .  A  price  which  many  . 
have  paid  for  record  cabinets  alone;  and  a  price  by  -which 
dealers  could  place  countless  numbers  of  them  ;  Thereby 
bringing  into  u;.:e  a  great  number  of  phonagraphs  that  are 
stored  away  in  a  garret  just  for  the .want  of  a  new  feature 
wich  would  act  as  a  great  stimulant  to  the  record  sales 
which  wouldbe  of  course  the  sole  aime. 

I  could  go  ahead  and  describe  indetail  my 
plan  but  I  think  I  have  said  enough  to  give  you  aniidea 
of  what  such  an  improvement  would  do  if  put  into  effect 
as  well  as  the  real  nead  of  the  improvement  for  the 
dealer  and  owner  of  these  machines.  I  don't  want  to  for¬ 
get  in  passing  to  state  that  I  have  worked  on  this  proposi¬ 
tion  for  a  long  time  and  that  I  have  every  thing  worked  out 
to  the  slightest, detail;  as  well  as  that  the  change  can  be 
made  in  the  machines  by  any  one  in  five  minuts. 

There  is  no  uneasyness  on  my  part  thatt  I 
will  not  be  remunerated  for  my  pains  and  thoughtfulness 
even  though  I  -have  taken  no  means  to  protect  myself  I  only  h 
hope  that  I  have  succeded  in  showing  you  the  usefulness  of 
my  idea  I  am 

Yours  Truly 

P.S.  Please  ansvjer  quickly. 

CAMDEN,  N.J-.u.s.AOctober  29,  1914. 

t  lines  (luring  the  month  of  November 
the  newspapers  of  your  city  will  carry  a  big 
Victor  advertisement,  which,  coming  at  the 
psychologic  moment,  will  result  in  a  great 
quantity  of  business  in  your  town. 

We  know,  and  you  know,  the  enormous  amount 
of  business  which  materialises  every  year  through 
our  national  magazine  advertising.  It  benefits 
all  Victor  Dealers  everywhaa^&^mt  this  newspaper 
advertising  is  another  mattei®.  It  creates  a 
specific  demand  in  a  specific  locality  -  yoursL 

The  business  resulting  from  this  advertis¬ 
ing  will  be  secured  by  you  and  by  the  other  Dea¬ 
lers  in  your  city  and  it  seems  to  us  that  you 
will  not  be  giving  yourself  a  square  deal  if 
you  don’t  make  the  strongest  possible  bid  for 
your  share  of  this  specially  created  business. 
You  should  advertise  your  ability  to  supply 
the  public  needs,  as  vigorously  as  we  advertise 
the  need  and  the  pleasures  of  havinga  Victor. 

Yodits  very  truly^  ^ 



of  the  Anna  Case  records  will  he  issued  ana  if  possible 
what  selections  she  has  recorded  for  us. 

We  have  made  a  campaign  of  advertising 

here  in  Bhiladelphia  to  popularize  Miss  Case's  name 
ana  are  having  big  demands  for  more  of  her  records . 

Would  appreciate  what  information  you 


Yours  very  truly. 


^**4?  k  *->  -Plainfield,  i-I.  J/,  11/6^14 


my  new  ilodel  A  250  Sdison  Disc  Liacl 

i  miss  some  of  thekold  favorites  from  the  Kecord  List  hut 
appreciate  the  vast  amount  of  time  and  labor  to  bring  the  list 
to  a  complete  condition,  \v.ould  like  to  f in d. fee 

g^-try-  T.iir1  &  KoseV .  "Little  Grey  Home-in  the  West",  appear 

lly  object  in  writing 
_  the  records  with  a  thin  cc 
'  clpihr— A-fi^end  o  t‘  mine  i 

^  ^5^-dliminates  evferv  "  mtside' 

•iting  ias  to  ask  your  opinion  as  to  coai 
;hin  coating  of  pure  glycerine  v.ith  a  co: 
mine  with  one  of  your  machines  says  it 
Ltsidey  sound.  Do  you  think  it  wise  to 

H*  J, 

100^-1-  •* 


Mr  Thomas  A.  liaison, 

V/e3t  Orange, 

How  Jersey. 

My  Dear  Sir;- 

Ono  of  my  salesmen  who  i-  - - ■-■  --  -—  „  -  . 

.„„„  .  „  T  .  T^niiv  of  this  city  tolls  mo  thi3  nomine  that  Mrs  Kelly  i- 
quito  discoursed  from  huyine  because  of  the  fact  t^t  you,  h^.tol^l  horthat 
no  playorpiano  was  worth  viiile.  ^ 

I  Know  that  you  must  have  a  high  ideal  rosardins  tone,  as  | 
evidenced  hy  your  new  disc  phonoeraph,  of  vaiich  the  I 

admirer,  and  X  think  perhaps  that  your  idea  of  all  playerpiangg^^^  V 
have  been  formed  by  hearing  those  that  did  not  have  the  proper  p«fa  -  uTh’ 
or  perhaps  by  1I0T  having  hoard  the  BEHlIIHft. 

Then  you  are  next  in  our  vicinity,  tfcy  not  ai^-U  uinTnllow 
the  writor  to  demonstrate  to  you  that  there  is  at  least  one  player  piano 
that  has  the  HULUIT  touch,  just  as  there  is  one  phonograph  that  has  the 

HUIUH  voice  firB  ^ufacturoo  their  playor  oomploto  in  thoir  mm 

2SWS  ^JCSirt.’yStS.t  is  SKSA. 

to  the  moohonioal  roasons  for  BEHHHIG  superiority. 

Trusting  that  you  will  receive  this  letter  in  the  spirit  with 
which  it  is  written  I  om,sir. 

Very  truly  youn, 


,6b, . 

tfer  BEinraJG  PIAltO  COMPAHY 

I  -nr-  HARGER  &  RUSH  "—”  j 




,  EDISON  . 



'  ^ 



Thos.  A.  Edison, Pergonal,  \  »  ’  .^<6- 

^mhos.  ; A  Edison,  Ino,ji - 

Orange,  N.J.  1  V  ^  ^ 

Dear  Ur.  Edison:- 

Some  months  ago  you  wrote  me  ove/ttour  ov^  ^  C  T 

signature,  promising  that  you  would  see  tha/fc\  before  "?  & 

verv  long,  special  records  would  be  issued  that  could  ,js  r 
be  used  by  the  masonic  order  in  their  ritualistic  work. 

X!e  as  you  know,  campaigned  the  Masters  of  every. 

Lodge  in  Iowa  last  June  and  are  again  addressing  a  lettei* 
to  the  Masters  of  each  lodge,  enclosing  a  facsimile  aspe: 
the  copy,  we  hand  you  herewith,  of  a  letter £■' e , 5P-e  °1 
the  Lodge  Masters  to  write  us,  as  to  how  inr 
considers  the  Edisor  Disc  in  Lodge  wcriT 

One  of  the  stumbling  blocks  P 
however ,  is  the  fact  that  there  are  no  i 
Masonic  records  listed  by  you.  \ 

There  are  somethings  such  asj 
"Nearer,  My  God,  To  Thee,"  that  can  be  i, 
which  are  now  3n  the  catalog,  but  there' 
that  realty" are  indespensiblej  suoh  as 

I  hand  you  herewith,  a  piece  _ 
the  Victor  company  got  out  about  a  year  ago  wlMoh 
you  what  they  are  listing  in  their  oata. 
that  if  you  could  have  four  -euch  recordi 
very  soon  that  it  would  surges ^y^u  as 
business  that  would  come  fri 
from  Masonic  Parties , 

The  Edison  Instrument  f1  v 

work  and  the  only  thing  lacking  is  th< 

rill  yor 
Miller  and  issue  i 




a  Place  in  (lie  Lodge  Room 

Waterloo  Lodge  No.  105 
A.  E.  and  A.  M. 

The  Edison  Fills 


Victor  Records 

for  exemplifying  the  work  of 

Cntereb  apprentice,  JfeUoto  Craft 
Jfeter  Hasson  Beg rees 

10-inch  Double-Faced  Records,  75c  Each 

The  Phonograph 

Exclusive  Edison  Distribul 

Salesrooms  &  Offices- 229  So.Wnbosh 

Chicago  November  11,1914. 

Mr. Thos.A. Edison,  *  \  _  >/ 

IWT-  KOATi.  ys.  cLe 5/  ~ 

Thos .A. Edison, Xne.  \  \  4,C 

Orange, N.  J.  ^  ^  & _ *— 

Dear  Sir:-  TjUa  lb 

}.5r.  Goodwin  has  asked^me  ^to^give  you^_^^e 
pression  of  our  public  rega^dii^  the  new  Disc  records, 
particularly  the  dollar  a^ha^i^f^opula^ 


c^ort  ***** 

We  find  that  our  patrons  taker  the  records  out, .A 

I'W*.  /  'V1^  \-4AS*~«Jb-£±-  J 

then  return  them  in  whole  q£^\ 

deed,  but  we  simply  can  not  fiU  up  our  whole  library  1 

of  music  with  records  by  Elizabeth  Spencer .Walter  i^n  Brunt 

U-<,  l K-r^*r«U  Uoe  &K  ^  C 

and  Thomas  Chalmers,  much  aF  fr§  like  thei£  voices U 

have  a  wider  selection,  and  t^ff^n^oioes.f 

We  feel  that  .ourQfe^rto  our  argument  Vi 
that  these  voices  record  so  perfectly.  That  is  also 
answer  to  our  public,  and  is  freely  admitted  by  all^ 
realize  the  difficulties  under  which  you  are  \<t£oring 
the  present  time,  but  we  do  hope  that  more  singers  with  as 
fine  voices  will  be  forthcoming. 

They  are  clamoring  for  more  records  sung  by 

Anna  Case. 


Mr  .T. A. Edison. 

They  also  aak  for  some  simple  songs,  and  string 
orchestras,  among  the  dollar  records. 

Since  the  Schubert  "Ave  Maria"  went  on  sale  we 
have  been  besieged  with  requests  for  piano  solos.  Every¬ 
one  considers  the  recording  of  both  violin  and  piano  most 

Next  on  our  "Request  List"  appear  "Bell  Solos." 
Wherever  the  bells  are  used  in  our  present  records,  the 
tones  are  so  rich  and  deep  that  they  give  promise  of  being 
most  successful  when  recorded  as  solos. 

Everyone  out  here  is  so  tremendously  enthusiastic 
about  your  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph,  and  so  intensely  jealous 
of  its  reputation,  both  artistically  and  commercially,  that 
„  simply  can  not  bear  to  see  the  other  "talking  machines  " 
chosen,  or  our  patrons  dis-satisfied,  because  of  our  lack 
of  repertoire  and  artists. 

Yours  very  truly, 


ln  Charge  Retail  Record  Department. 





Ya<$I t  Brokers 

cjLmV  lt>  r 

•  of.  the,  10th 

,10th  I  am  trjily  grateful  ^ 

all.  matter  your .  pernorial'-  attention,  fcL 
e  recipient  or  a  letter  from  you. 
what  extended  shop  experience,  I  can  cl 

i fficulties  which  you  must  experience  * 

to  some  extent  realize  the  di  fficulties  which  you  must  experience  * 

in  bringing  out  a\new  machine  and  in  building  up  and  inaintaiuging 
a  record  library  fbr  "sane."'  It  is  sueh  a  .splendid  musical  instrument 
however,  that  I  think  your  patrons  can  be  patient  in  waiting  for 
records.  I  am  very:  glad,  however,  to  be  able  to  get  my  much  desired" 
selections ;  and  have\ordered  from  my  dealer  today,  showing  him  your 
letter.  I  am  als\  much  pleased  to  rofce  that  other  new  records  ; 

which  I  have  long  do3i\od  are  coming  through. 

In  writings.!  would  take  the  liberty  to  make  two 
suggestions  concerning  tie  machine.  It  is  so  much  better  than 
I  ht.d  ever /supposed  a  phonograph  could,  be  made,  that  I  now  would 
like  to  3ee  it  porfoct.  STh?  •iutomatio  stop  on  the  *,1*50.00 
machine  works  splendidly  aitl  is  a  groat  convenience,  but  in  order 
to  play  through  my,  longer  reteords  I  have  to  put  up  with  a  very 
unpleasant  scratching  before it  at ops  the  machine  on  the  shorter 
records.  If  there  was  e.ome-  staple  adjustment,  right,  near  the 
hand  lever,  that  could  be  aft  "tJefore  starting  the  machine,1  it  would  / 
be  more  enjoyable  for  "concert"  \/ork.  .  Another  thing,  some  of  ..',  ,, 
my  ^records  sort  of  "blard"  or  "blast."  Pfcobably  due  to  the  . 

singer,  or  instrument  .being  too.netfr,  the  raeohanism  when ' producing,'/ ' 
the'.recordj  but  , it  has  occurred  to Ve/that-  if  the  horn  (if  that  la¬ 
the -proper  term  jfor,  the.  metal  horn  shaped  piece  under  the  revolving; 
table )  was  made  of  wood  6r;;  fibre’ thatVppssibly  there  would  .be  less 
tendency  for  such;  "  blare"  and  that;  u^ileasant  metallic  vibrations-.  ; 
might  also  be  eliminated. .. .  I  '  presume,  you  have. /already  tried  this 
•  all  out/  but  X  will:  make  ...the  BUggestionVany  way.-  . 

•  '  .  .Again  thanking  you,  'and  .assuring  you  of  the  real  pleasure 

which  my  entire,  family,  as  well'  'as  mysel  fX oeoure  from  this  instrument, 

I  im  ;  ■  'fours  very  truly,  \ 

-IM Ik  ^ 




w  *•  * -  |  | 

u  L— *-.  ^  ^  u*-^s=U 

/  P  — r — 0  ,V,.  £o«*-*  ct~r,<’' 

<U:  ’  £~  <t’^'*-*j  '  (J 

. £$~  u$~e&~s?- 

J^~**  d  QL4  4^Xp 

1  — ■  ^^(fvjE^Vw  OC>^ 

YC^<S^CrV~£*t  uO~i~ 


-  .«* 

“  - 

Boaretto  &  Remondini 

v/y  y  y 

\  tho  Uei 

/  Or. 

>y  y 

>  , . , 



Door  Si* 

^  /  MILANO^ilLjiPVfiinMr.  1‘IU.. 


4)  ^ 

,  ,  if' 

aeion  to  soe  acre 
some  of  th/uieci 

:t  and  \io  haire  been  sur prised/ with  the  perfe-ction 
apparatus  a^cL  still  more  pith  the  discs  in  a  way 
are  writing  |ou  this  letter . 

T;e  have  a  \erfect  ^knowledge  of  this  article  & 
nerce  in  Italy  \  Connies,  having  boon  in  the  husi 
e  many  years  &  a*/  knowing  the  importance  of  our 
we  are  making  formal  domand  to  know  if  your 

Agoncy  for  Italy 

king  bh\s  Forma: 
iuld  /o  deposed 
&  its  colonies 

If  you, think  it  possible  to  onter  into  negotiations 
we  bog  you  to  com/unicatojwith  u^yus  to  the  conditions  which 
yon  would  concede  this  to  us,  alloW  us  to  mention  that 
all  goods  will /b°  bought  by  sash  in  way  which  you  best  desire, 

&  wo  should  b f  glqfl  to  forward  you  our  business  references 
and  guarantee. 

uur  firm  intention  would  bo  to  open  a  big 
Showroom  of  the  importance  of  our  Uity  and  in  the  host 
position  and  to  have  with  this  a  noposit  to  onable  to  supply 
our  olionts  in  all  Italy. 

Thomas  isdlson. 


\7o  arc  certain  that  you  will  favour  us  in  this 
propitious  moment  which  offers  special  occasions  for 
American  industries,  and  wo  can  assure  you  that  from 
now  that  we  will  do  all  that  is  possible  to  obtain  the 
absolute  supremacy  to  your  articles  and  guorantoing 
a  big  turnover. 

At  tho  same  time  v/c  would  esteem  it  a  favour  if  yc 
would  kindly  forward  us  your  liencral  catalogues. 

Awaiting  your  esteemed  reply, 

17e  bog  t  '  remain, 

iourE  faithfully. 

\7e  noted  with  considerable  interest 
the  last  paragraph  of  your  letter  of  Hov.  11th. 

You  know,  we  fellows  out  here  on  the 
Firing  Line,  sometimes  hate  to  put  o.;r  selves  on  record 
for  fear  that  we  he  misunderstood.  What  might  he  en¬ 
thusiasm  at  one  end  might  he  construed  as  complaint  and 
criticism  at  the  other. 

We  are  glad  to  see  that  you  properly 
understand  our  correspondence  and  assure  you  that  any¬ 
thing  that  we  address  you  at  any  time,  is  inspired  only 
hy  enthusiasm  and  a  desire  for  the  good  of  the  business. 

Along  the  lines  of  your  suggestion, 
would  say,  that  the  Trade  have  been  hammering  us 
the  back  for  he  longest  time  for  something  in  the 
wav  of  specialty' s .  Mr.  Blish,  partly  took  it  up  with 
you  in  ETi~ret'ter“of  the  30th,  but  the  writer  wishes  to 
dwell, on  the  subject  of  some  Records  that  we  know  have 
been  through  the  Recording  Department  for  a  long  time. 
\  por  instance,  I  heard  some  piano  Records,  and  some 
V  ^'--Harp  Records,  when  I  was  at  Orange,  in  July.  Mr.  Blish, 

V _ hear  the  same  identical  Records  last  February.  We 

/=*have  had  promises  from  time  to  time  that  these  would  be 
/ —  issued,  but  they  don’t  come  through. 

I  know  that  if  we  could  get  those 
Piano  Records  that  I  heard  and  those  Harp  «eoords, 
just  one  double  combination  of  each,  that  we  would  be 
justified  in  sending  in  three  times  the. order  for  a 
firs  shipment  of  any  quantity  that  we  usually  order. 

#2  W.E.  M. 

The  Trade  are  just  crazy  for  something  of 
a  Special  Nature, as  a  Piano  Record  or  a  Harp  Record 
would  be/'  that  will  bring  out  the  beauty  of  the 
Edison  in  a  way  that  would  be  apparent  to  any  person, 
no  matter  how  sadly  lacking  they  might  be  as 
Musical  Critics, 

Yours  very  truly 


r. Thomas  A.EdI\ 

Thomas  A.T3dison.,,lnc*  - 
Orange.  K.J. 

2  S  =ss» 

SK  S'cSSwS  paper  anHacks  could  he  us4d  in  place  of  paper 
•astners  which  I  have  used. 

Kindly  let  me  know  if  you  think  the  index  is  practicable 
md  if  you  could  consider  the  use  of  them  on  your  machine. 

Thanking  you  for  a  reply  I  beg  to  remain. 

Yours  Very  Truly. 


Mr.  Uloolai: 

s,  *f-Bov.  17,  1014 

W 1 

OoploB  to  UoRsrs.  Hird ,  Hoorn,  Hoffman,  Baldwins 

We  have  roooivod  several  complaints  roaontly  from  our  trade 
that  Disc  rocords  are  arriving  at  destination  covered  with  du3t 
which  the  trade  bollerves  gets  into  our  shipping  oases  in  transit. 

Investigation  of  this  condition  points  to  tho  trouble  Doing 
caused  by  tho  duct  from  I£r.  Kofflnon's  grinding  operation  drifting 
through  tho  door  into  tho  Disc  ilocord  stockroom  and  settling  on 
tho  records  while  in  stock.  Subsequently  those  records  when 
ship pod  chafe  in  their  envelopes  and  undoubtedly  many  oi  tho  re¬ 
ports  wo  reoeivo  of  scratched  records  are  attributable  to  this 
dust  getting  on  thorn. 

I  want  you  to  immediately  arrange  to  have  tho  door  botwoen 
lir.  Hoffman's  department  and  the  DIbo  P.ooord  Stockroom  kept  olosod 
and  al IraDlso  records  coming  from  tho  Manufacturing  Dept,  should 
not  go  through  Hr.  Hoffman *b  department ,  but  should  ho  tokon  down 
through  tho  Bluo  Amborol  dtooferoom  and  up  to  tho  Disc  lieoord  stook- 
room  direct,  making  it  unnooesnary  to  open  the  aoor  between  Mr. 
Hoffman's  and  Hr.  Baldwin's  departments,  oxcopt  on  very  raro  oo- 
oaBions.  The  door  should  not  bo  looked  on  ucoount  of  the  iire 
laws  hut  notloos  should  be  put  on  each  oido  of  tho  door  that  any¬ 
body  wishing  to  go  into  the  next  department  should  do  bo  by  way 
of  tho  basement. 

It  might  also  bo  advisable  for  you  to  arrange  for  an  air  tube 
at  tho  table  in  tho  Disc  Hooord  Htookroom  whore  orders  are  made  up 
so  that  as  the  numbers  of  the  records  aro  ohockod  in  making  up  an 
order  tho  rubber  tube  can  bo  dirootod  at  the  record  atad  blow  off 
any  dust  that  has  settled  on  it.  Asoortain  whether  this  is  praotloal 
end  if  so  put  it  into  offoot. 


Copy  to  Mr .  Edison 

H.  T.  looming 

Thomas  A.  Edison ,  Inc. 

Urk  «***“  ^ 

phonograph  _  T-  -  -  ' 

Orange , 

-  fv^* 40  %^e 


36ar  ^ a.4^^' is  e^i'ffi^ook- 

ea  to  Jforeian  population,  *  say  >IocV.ed  advisedly,  for  without 
a  variation  the  prospective  purchaser  want  to  hear  how  it  reproduces 
his  mother  tongue,  were  he  even  as  fluent  with  the  language  he  has 

learned  hy  his  own  efforts. 

vihy  not  get  out  some  foreign  records,  we  certainly  as 

dealers,  need- the*  and' know  there  is  a  market  for  them. 

If  you  were  in  a  position  to  get  out  some  nnnisfe  records 
we  know  it  could  help  materially  our  machine  sales. 

Very  truly  yours 

The  Savolai 


Hov.  19,  1914 

The  Disc  records  that  become  defective  on  aocount  of  cracked 
varnish  are  mostly  traceable  to  blanks  that  have  been  repaired  by 
dipping  or  brushing. 

Mr.  Edison  would  like  to  have  the  rooords  that  are  made  from 
repaired  blanks  kept  in  stock  for  about  one  month  and  then  given 
an  eye  inspection  before  being  shipped,  but  as  it  would  be  very 
difficult  to  maintain  the  identity  of  these  reoords,  Mr.  Hird  will 
start  immediately  to  use  repaired  blanks  only  on  selections  being 
printed  from  fcherourrent  list  and  not  on  supplement  numbers.  This 
expedient  will  permit  a  great  many  of  those  records  to  remain  in 
stook  for  a  considerable  period  and  give  us  a  much  better  ohanoe  to 
discard  those  that  show  up  on  eye  inspection  when  being  taken  out 
for  shipping. 

Mr.  Baldwin  should  make  it  a  point  to  see  that  every  record 
takon  out  for  shipping  order  is  removed  from  its  envelope  and  given 
an  eye  inspection  before  it  iB  Bhipped. 

At  the  same  time  the eye  inspection  is  given  the  dust  oould  be 
removed  from  the  rooord  by  the  air  ourrent  whioh  Mr.  Hioolai  is 
arranging  to  provide. 

Copies  to 

E.  T.. looming 

JJ,  Greene,  ^Attorney. at* £au> 


SaUipolis,  Ohio,  'U^cry.  (  191  Af 



A)  clhjl,  if  J"  II 

y.,„  »  -j^,  yo 

there  suddenly  came  to  ...e  an  ica.|i,  an..  I  6a1--  j \hP 

Dear  Mr.  Edison 
Vie  have 
records  last 

EW  Kuhby,  what  do  you  thiMK?  I’ve  got  an  improvement 

Phonograph.  His  reply  was  a  laugh,  and  You  write  horn  ICpx  have.  J 
I  explained  my  idea  to  him,  and  he  thought  it  good,  so^Tt  is  ^y^havo 

bold  to  write  you.  ^  C yty  ^ 

I  have  always  noticed,  and  heard  many  persons  complain  of  that  ^  ' 
disagreeable  whirring,  grateing  noise  BEFORE  the  needle  strikes 
How  jay  idea  is  to  overcome  this,  and  it  seems  to  mo  that  it  can  oe 

Here  is  my  idea:  YJhen  the  aril  that  holds  the  needle,  Is  pushed  1 
over  to  the  left  as  far  as  it  will  go,  The  record  slipped  on,  and  the 
machine  started,  it  should  immediately  without  more  than  one  revolution, 
commence  playing  the  music.  To  accomplish  this,  all  records  should  be 
of  the  same  diameter  inside  ,  which  would  hold  good,  of  the  cylnndcrs  as 
well.  Machines  already  out,  could  he  equipped  with  a  set  screw  stop 
attachment.  I  hope  to  hear  from  you. 

Very  truly, 


V  JaJ 

14  Aj^y  pi. 

/Coital,  V\ 

f  /  Reformed  Y.P.S.C.B. 

,  /  i  V.'alkill ,  N.Y. 

/  ■>•  November  20th, 19 14. 

rf  A 

v/V  1/  cv 

^  /  novemoer  • 

/  V  #  Here  is  another  place  where  the  church  is  seldom 

J  j&pened  to  outside  entertainers,  unless  they  he  of  approv- 
k  •>  Wed/ciuality.  Our  concert  come  under  their  regular  concert 
/  Course,  and  the  instrument's  position  upon  this  ^3c  in" 
y  AX  v  Xlves  an  unusually  high  compliment  to  it.  The  ^  ta 
^  >  C/  /notld  for  its  musical  ability.  There  are  a  mm*,er 

V  ,1/  formers,  instrumantally  and  vocally  j  a  large  number  s..udy 
i  C  (if  w  muBici  many  teachers!  and  a  number  of  °PeJfa3U^"J;‘ 
W  ;"s.  Nearly  all  were  present,  and  our  concert  almost  com- 
\  Ulatelv  depopulated  the  motion  picture  theater.  There 

1  '  -Sle  manv  people  from  the  Halliday(Gail  Borden)  estate, 

Id  the  alienee  all  through  was  a  Hop-notch  assemblage. 
/  iach  selection  had  to  go  on  its  user  its,  and  it 

/.  t  j»the  great  delight  of  a  packed  church.  It  wnB  *  ^A  dis- 
(  0  V  rati“n  to  present  our  quality  before  such  a  musically  dis 
^  Jj  criminating  audience.  From  a  comparison  of  phonographs , 

'  /  as  voiced  by  the  people,  we  won  hands  down.  - 

«  iudged  and  approved  from  a  strict  musical  standpoint .and 

V\  the  message  sent  to  hr  .Edison  by  ^ese  people  was, - 
l  \  "Teli  him  tonight  wo  have  heard  real  music  . 

*  ty  Everybody  wan  greatly  pleased. 

t/  Everybody 



Thos.  A.  Pdi - 


G'entlexnen:  — 

iIBP©'-£AJNitU>  vu'ur-u’**.'" 

.  M3I  AM  oxd  importers 

"  sax  w  ^  t|  _____ ^ 

TOPRkJ.  KANSAS^Bovember  21st, 


... .  lio^f Mgr  •  o^ec°rdii|_^.^c^ 

»e  p^  ,  . 

fair  proportion  for  tos  large  |  t0  BRtisfy  our  customers'  -  - 

r»s.  a  .«».. 

.  Sv«y.».  »h.  TO.  “S' miS'  L”TOTc22%ut 

and  nothing  else.  there  is  not  one  of  these  customers 

over  two  hundred  machines  end  there  is  no  ^  ooon  Bongs. 

hut  what  are  complaining  a”  ^  g0odScoon  songs  in  the  entire 
I  don't  believe  there  are  twelve  E°°“  £' BrRgtime  coon  songs  and  tnis 
catalog.  Thai  is  to  say.  late  PWJe«  thf  laBt  Tango  record  and 
^t^ec-rT^ir^rfor  at  least  a  few  months. 

,010. «  ss  s_"s  srs  sts  « 

hear  from  you  in  regard  to  this  subject. 

With  kind  regards,  we  i 




;js  lu~ 

«*** £icrKxKt- 

lATi.  CU-^A— 

^ui  A 

Hr.  Thomas  A.  Edison,  '  4-  L.  QerW^  W-M 

ITT  O  ~a3 

Dear  Sir:-  f\'*.vWi»'4.  ^  \ 

I  was  favored  with  a  letter  from  you  dated  July  22nd . 

0arl  Flesch.  tS^er^y^hS^iltonr^Tle' 

o  Hamilton  Co“  your  agents  here.  I  said  that  it  was  in  my 
mind  to  write  and  do“ttlt«  • 

"musical  cranks1'  like  to  gat .  JiX*»  dxv>v\«A  u>fc.  ew\A.  «*“€*■ 

I  gave  a  little  concert  A  he  other  evlning  to^ome  &^ds  • 
Here  is  the  programme  <*■** 

881  ?" 

as:  as  -  <* 


82030 i  Even  Bravest  Heart  -  Eaust ,  Thomas  Chalmers. 

Those  are  very  satisfactory  records.  I  think  you  make  too 
few  records  of  what  I  will  call  ^^  RecoX/tHf  german- 
real  artists  or  Playedbyreal  artists  •  >duced  as  to 

^SJSi^^uSSi"Sr^*'.  *• be  splendidly 

performed  in  the  first  place . 

We  pray,  as  it  were,  for  more  musical  gems  by  real  artists  I 

U?fe,  cmft 

sning  toy4ome  fields.  1 

«*"  \ 

.*?. ..)..  Band  .  "  Vf<HC<£4«* 

lomas  Chalmers . 

beth  Spencer  and  (S^fJUg 
B.  Randolf  .  w  4L 

animent,  Carl  Elesoh.  ^ 

UU~^  *  '  '*’ 





q!/\cwv gi 

virCKT  ^ 


uvs-Vj  &4a44j< 

<£&,  -ccr  &-6**m~s- " 



Dear  Mr.  Edisi 

-  You  kncf/,  If  you  Aep  hammering  a Jiut  long  enough  a^fe 

hard  enough,  you'r|  bound  to  crack  it,  in  time.  ^ 

For  months  we've  been  dismayed  at  ?IndiW\ 

siles  of  the  Cylinder  line— in  spite  of  the  \ 

product  we  now  have.  A  product  that  stands  head  and 
shoulders  ahead  of  the  Victor. 

We've  lain  awake  nights  trying  to  find  the  needful 
stimulant-  or  hypodermic  to  injeot —  hopeless. 

This  summer,  on  my  trip  east,  I  visited 
Cleveland-  Boston  Jobbers  to  discuss  the  Cylinder 
question.  They  told  me  it  would  be  "love's  labor 
lost "to  try  to  revive  it. 

Even  at  the  factory  they  smiled  a  sad  sort  of  smile 
as  tho'  they  pitied  my  mis-applied  enthusiasm.  The 
onlv  fellow  who  warmed  up  at  all  and  seemed  to  believe 
?  taew  what  I  was  talking  about  was  your  son  Charles. 

We've  done  well  with  the  Disc  I  know--  but 
should  oontlnue  to  be  our  "Bread  and  butter  * 

qc  0f  ou-  Towa  towns  have  less  than  5oo  population 
Splendid  for  the  Cylinder  line— too  small  to  warrant  a 
Disc  investment. 

Well— I  think  I've  worked  ouiT a  plan  that  w*11 
shall  oommenoe  at  onoe  and  wage  themost  ^ el0nt lees 
campaign  I  ever  undertook-  until  Maroh  15th.  Will 
you  just  quietly  watch  our  Cylinder  purohases-to  see 
if  we  make  good. 

Ordinarly  it  would  be  policy  to  go  ahead  and  tell  you 
about  it  Afterwards,  if  I  made  good.  That  \  JLi  A^hateS 
I'm  doing  the  reverse—  you  know  that  a  fellow  just  hate*/ 
awfully  to  "eat  orow"— well,  now  that  I've  committed  my¬ 
self,  I've  simply  GOT  to  make  good— see! 

.,  * - —  *+^ 

-*.^£  &&f<~1  |>^->' 
1  ^  5t“*'Jl'' 

-_-A  -f  ^  <fe,fo<5-U|  •••W'  , 

^  ^  t  f  a 

l  ^  l^vc  4^A,.^^e^  ^  « 

»*•*- **“  *~1  {  t„4f„A~A 

W~~  U-A— -,  *  ^„«„J 

^  f’dS^ 

v.«* — i  “  v u  :  . ;  .  ,  i 

U.W.  A  — 

stu«  ITi 

1  -  0  rt)  •  - M-,.'tfc<e-*~  k+'~c'‘ 

30  4  *  ,y*  a*?  3.VV  *& 

cr^  1&& 

,  _^~a^  e 

fl  •  '"Tv  >  \ 1 

^XtXt&'fj’  ^£_  HJMT**'  ^***’ 

™3a  £^3PP  *  £  *1 

#3  T.A.E  Personal. 

j  involves  unremitting  toil  and  effort-  but  I  know  it  will  pay. 

Will  you  extend  me  your  confidence  by  personally  wishing 
me  suoceBB?  It  we  make  it  winn  in  Iowa —  then  it  will 
be  up  to  the  other  47  States  to  do  likewiee- 

Were  it  not  fotr  the  faot  that  suoh  a  request  would  obligate 
me  to  tell  all  about  it,  I'd  almost  be  tempted  to  ask  you 
to  instruct  l£o  Chesney  to  allow  us  a  thousand  dollar  ap¬ 
propriation-  to  be  oharged  to  the  sales  promotion  aooount. 

Very  truly  yours, 

_  .OdtAj  l 

‘Hie  ovak* 



'h^CtL  yC/-Lt,^ 

1"  41, 


An.  czk^tUL.  <Z^6-rH-ejf' 
s^yiy/h'  ^s£&-t4~y.C\s  yC't^C^C' , 

TCl^  ^jfc'-AE-'  'l^C^-tt'  di-'t—e-t-l-l. -^£-<£-<t.«'<2-4  . 

..^(C-iyi^a^c-^'t-  ^  yuZ^t* a-t-dLa^ . 

I  (&CC-oO-fut^  «-£-*—  • 

'^rv^-tCr  AAe^e- 

X"  /{tstcLsU*^  &<-V?\.04'  '‘-^<£'*'t-X<*-' 

|r  'rf'^Uu-V  .  XXa-  <a — 

•  /jy  &tLyt~/C.  isn-A>A- 

'  f  •  u nv^W^V  .  .  • 

yytM  yyi'U'^yiA^'  #yt*-*/C  ZZ<yZi**-itb.  .Xm-X  ,  . 

'/r&M  a**'  yi^-uir  c^n-sCcsC  t+j£r 

^y<ukfU  **tsp-rA  ^U. */u^A-ua-  , 

£#-c^L  ■'ht-C'd^s  s£&Z<— 



;  7~Cu  .  J  A^+va*'  <^2. 

ib(U'^  t^l-ubl-rj'l't-'  , 

^4ci/u  ^  tfff. 

/lU^  /£~  ■ 

\0t  \Qtfr  >Col '  cAt'O^/x^C**'  > 

j-f.  'Zct  /tw/4-  ^ 


(fi,  /£&sUyeU' 

^ oUX'tA&d*' ., . 

Npw  'iork  City 

November  2|5,  191J. 

DEC  1  1914 

JpbAts'fe:  Riley. 

c/:  $<*>  e'Af 

/  n  ^  y 1 

Vtest  Orange,,  I 

For  the  past  three  or  fou 

complaints  not  only  from  all  of  the  demonstrators  but  from  t 
dealers  from  whom  we  borrow  machines  as  well,  regarding  the/ 
conditions  of  these  machines  after  the  have  been  habdled  a  couple 
of  times  by  the  cart  rent  doing m 

r  hauling.  -  t  <Lli 

The  writer  has  investigated  these  complaints  i 
and  has  found  that  in  many  cases  the  legs  are  broken  or 
snlit  and  the  case  so  badly  mu  til  ted  that  it  renders  it  unsnlab^ 
and  this  of  course  means  that  we  have  to  fix  them  up  again, 
and  in  many  cases  thi3  means  that  the  instruments  have  to  bTT 
brought  in  here  and  Hr.  Keley  spend  as  much  .as  a  half  a  day  going 
over  them  and  putting  them  in  shape  again.  The  most  prevelent 
source  of  trouble  end  complaint  is  not  so  much  ^  the  me-E  case  as 
it  is  to  the  motor  and  horn.  In  many  cases  these  motors  have 
been  so  badly  damaged  that  it  has  taken  the  demonstrator  as  much 
as  two  hours  to  put  the  motor  back  in  shape  for  the  recital  and  b 
the  horn  in  a  couple  of  cases  was  so  badly  bent  that  it  was  necess 
ary  to  put  a  block  of  wood  under  it  and  bend  it  in  place. 

The  writer  has  watched  the  present  cattmen  load  and  unlaid  these 
instrumenWand  in  his  opinion  theg:  are  about  as  careful  as  any 
cartmen  would  be,  he  has  of  course  spoken  to  them  several  times 
and  thee  have  promised  to  do  better  but  the  complaints  still 
come  in'and  the  machines  are  getting  worse  every  day,  all  the 
cartmen  use  a  Heavy  pad  on  the  bottom  of  the  wagons  but  it  must 
be  due  to  the  way  that  they  are  taken  in  x 

the  halls  that  damages 

It  has  occurred  to  the  writer  that  if  we  could  get  a 
inuplii  i  rf  1  y-  *  car^j  we  could  do  the  delivering  ourselves  in 
both  New  York  and  Brooklyn  at  a  muchly  reduced  rate  and  with  a 
good  deal  more  satisfaction  to  all  parties  concerned  and  far* 
less  damaged  to  the  instruments.  .That  of  course  would  men/ 
far  more  efficiency  on  part  of fWteeflemonstrators  as  well  as/ 
better  pleased  dealers  and  a  considerably  smaller  cartage  bill. 
The  writer  has  taken  it  upon  himself  to  investigate  this  matter 
and  has  found  that  our  weekly  ealttage  bill  averages  about  Nine¬ 
ty  Dollars  a  week  in  addition  to  .the  time  that  the  men  spend 
in  getting  the  machines  in  shape  after  they  have  been  banged  fup . 

He  also  found  that  a  small  light  oat  say  a  lord  could  he  stored 
for  about  $25.00  a  month  including  all  necessary  attention 
and  he  imagines  that  wecould  secure  a  driver  and  a  helper  for 
about  twenty  five  dollards  a  week  for  the  two.  Makfing-a 
total  monthly  expense  of  about  One  Hundred  and  Twenty  Five 
Dollars  against  the  present  Three  Hundred  and  Sixty  Dollars 
that  we  are  now  spending.  Then  again  the  cars  would  be  much 
easier  riding  and  the  men  being  under  our  jurisdiction  we  would 
be  able  to  see  that  the  inachine^were  properly  handled. 

Then  again  there  have  been  several  cases  lately^*-  in 
which  the  cartmen  handling  our  trucking  have  not  gotten  the 

time  regardless  of  the  fact  that 
m  early  in  the  morning  and  they 
there  in  time.  In  two  cases  these 
_.ntil  late  that  night  when  the  recital 
jli.  „he  eiftemoon  and  this  necessitated  the  getting  of  another 
machine  rom  the  nearest  dealer  and  rushing  it  over  there  special. 

i  the  placi 
these  orders  are  given  to  tl 
always  say  that  they  will  b< 
ot  delivered 

The  writer  trusts  that  he  has  done  nothing  contrary  to 
your  in  this  matter  in  investigating  this  matter  but  this 
service  has  been  so  poor  that  this  other  occurred  to  him  and 
he  thought  he  would  take  the  matter  up  with  you  as  our  own 
delivery  service  would  make  things  easier  and  cheaper  all  around 
so  well  as  working  towards  greater  efficiency.  Awaiting 
your  advice  in  this  matter,  I  am, 

Very  truly  yours, 

'WV(A/  — _ 

Now,  the  last  part  of  your  letter  is 
f  not  quite  clear,  in  whioh  you  say,  that  if  we  do  not 
wish  to  wait  for  this  last  number,  that  you  think  we 
could  be  accommodated  byythe  factory,  in  a  week  or  10 
days.  We  would  not  want  to  intsrf erlof  course,  Mr. 
Hiller,  with  the  issue  by  you,  of  the  full  complete 
set  of  "Masonic"  Records,  but  ii  we  ooula  get  those 
that  are  available,  now,  it  would  be  very  agre  able 
to  us  to  be  able  to  receive,  in  a  week  or  10  days 
least  a  few  sample  sets,  if  nothing  mors  was  possible, 
v  in  order  that  we  might  use  them  ourselves  and  loan 
\them  to  such  dealers  as  have  deals  hanging. fire. 

Walter  F .  Miller,  N.Y. 

For  instance,  right  here  in  the  city  of  Des 
Moines,  we  have  a  deal  pending,  that  will  mean  the  sale 
of  at  least  four  i-250.00  Disc  Phonogrphs..  There  are 
six  "Masonic"  bodies  meeting  in  our  Temple,  tnat  is,— 
the  Commanc&y.the  Council,  the  Chapter,  the  Eastern 
Star  °U  two  Blue  Lodges,  and  it  is  the  purpose  of  the 
different  bodies  to  have  an  maiviciual  250  Disc  Phono 
graph  owned,  by  each  of  the  Blue  Lodges,  Chapt„r  snd 

you  can  see,  that  we've  been  "On  The  Job"  and 
have  been  working  hard.  If  you  can,  send  us  at  least 
one  set  of  what  you  have  ready.  We  certainly  wil  ap¬ 
preciate  it,  and  it  will  make  it  possible  for  us  to 
close  the  deal  we  now  have  on,  for  these  four. 



Thomas  A. Edison,  ^ 

Orange, Hew  Jersey. 

Bear  Sir: 

Why  do  yon  not  issue  a  few  records 
for  your  diso  phonograph, sung  by  Will  Oakland?For  instance; 
When  You  and  I  Were  Young  Maggie,  X  Will  Eemember  You  love 
in  My  Prayers  ,  etc  .  As  long  as  I  do  not  have  a  few 
selections  by  him  ,  I  feel  that  my  collection  of 
records  is  f rr  from  seems  as  though  an  old 
friend  is  missing.  I  know  I  am  putting  myBelf  in  the  "crank" 
olass  when  I  write  this;but  I’ve  waited  and  waited  hoping 
you  would  issue  some  reocrds  sung  by  him. Every  supplement 
you  have  issued, the  first  thing  I  looked  for  was  to  see 
if  there  waB  any. records  sung  by  him. 

Yours  truly. 

tdcv£  yyjyist^  yA- 
SUot  ytf  /yviX~  A&rf  _  ***"  *>* 

yyyi  y&h  OsM^^sCLyCtA^ 

.  QCHi,  SfzZ 

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a^ue{  M  ayOyy^.  Jfaji^  /uy*^ 

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Barger  *  BUd.  ^  ^  A«,».lon  of  «r.  BXl^.  L 

Dear  iff.  Blish: — 

We  have  received  the  new  Disc  and  Cylinder  recordcartfa-  » 
Ioks.  It  makes  me  so  mad,  Mr.  Elish,  to  look  at  jtfese  ca*Sloss 
that  I  am  afraid  to  trust  myself  to  write  the  Edi^°n  „e 

direct  for  I  would  he  afraid  they  would  have  me  rferrepffea  or 
off  the  dealers'  list,  so  to  relieve  myself  I  a&jsa^ting  you. 

Have  vou  noticed  these  catalogs?  Have  you  tried  to 
wait  on  a  Sil  ^rd  ^sterner  and  tried  to  find  a  record  in  this 
•hAnir?  T-f  vou  have ,  vou  will  agree  with  me,  that  if  this  catalog 
was  eotten^up  with  the  direct  purpose  in  view  of  h^d^a^p^f  u® 

Is  m^ch  as  possible  in  selling  records  they 

better  job  and  if  they  have  gotten  it  up  to  sell  recorus  oy  tney 
couldn't  do  a  worse  joh. 

Hnr  instance,  today  a  customer  came  in  for  cylinaer 


wait  on\er?  Not  in  a  thousand  years  from  the  catalog, ^  a®  ld 

records  we  have  in  stock  and  in  this  way  finally  wair  o 
in  a  way.  Another  customer  wanted  some _oomio  t-lhe. ?  ioi 
l0Ve  of  God  how  would  you  expect  us  to  find  XHjC.t  e 

Every  catalog  we  have  might  just  as  well  go  in  the  waste 



use  a  hook  of  this  kind* 

SSS53m>2  Kirir:  an 


Knowing  that  you  ar  e  identified  prominently  with  the 
Jobber' s  aeeooialionf/thought  it  might  do  some  good  to  call 
your  attention  to  these  matters. 

Pith  hind  regards,  I  am 

Your 8  respectfully, 

a  Styrair? 

Class  ffiife  motion  prturss,  Clean  lauoettille 

(D|ifra  anh  Sramatit  Attrartinna  Saakei 

.V  4  ■& 


fC^i  - .  % 

dS — >.  — )  r 

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-£ _ '  s^/Z-K  '^5*' 

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*•  y  s 



CeA^f^^  ^  ^  r>-  <^r 

t*  *~£  /■"  ^52-£^ 

4®^  y^--f ^^9-  0-#&e*K  epz<t> —  <5^!.  -'^« 

JL  £{J^  OVL^  ^ 

f)>  S** 

/&*?**  V *~~~f*- ' 

yfa  ^  S6.~s  44 

<S*^A  ,7^C  ^*/  S#~*S  ^e^^___ 

r^  (?*x^  t 

A  c'2^i  ^A ($  at-  A^^yA* ^  ^ 
c')~fyA>~(?  a  A*  <^>~  S^U  / 

y>  <^y£**+AUc*±-- 

x4^-<  -4  -'^  ^/4y==^-  ~ 

CAAI—  &(  ejz^  J^T  '"*** 

A *aA  ■'&***{  c~yA'  ^v )  • 

tA &  as^z,  AAq  f'2'd  <czA (j  Ay^ 

t-iy  ^ffAz^y-yL-f  ^  A*'?~ & 



December  2,^914. 

Dear  Sir;-  v 

r„ss  £;?  sscM  &src£ssv; 

the  increased  activity  of  your  ^Qi  several  very  fine  records 

« •*““■ of  ,our 

splendid  machine. 

What  I  wane  to  call  your  attention  to  ^^/^the 

time  is  the  deplorable  lack  of  record  QUARTETS .  Your 

most  interesting  branches  of  very  best,  and  your 

violin  solo  numbers  I  consider  among  civinK  attne  rendition  of  the 
splendid  instrument  has  succeeded  eiving_ Specially  in  the 

two  brief  String  quartets  i: n  yoi ur  : rf?®g£ givenPas  played  by  the 
delightful  record  Hayden  and  then  Beethoven. 

^s/^ast^wo^vementfwerrslmpCy  superb  and  several  of  my  friends 
have  remarked, 

-Why  don’t  they  get  out  more  of  those  beautiful  String 


How  your  records  are  ^°n|  ^^^^“uozir^o^Hayden!  per- 
ment  of  most  any  of  the  ^r  e‘B  0JfB®„  to  g;t  out  one  or  two  of 


sra-ss  h^-sot 
-h  Fi  r flrBt  wovement  of 

Beethoven’s  Opus  18  #4  is  one  of  his  best. 

1  could  write  at  considerable  length  on  this  . subject 
of  Chamber  Music  which  your  “^vi^the  opportunity  of  enjoying,, but 
reach  of  people  who  have  ^thKsts^only  I  ask  the  favor 

1  realize  other  hrancheshavetheir  enthusias  y^  ^  of 

&:  aar.;  S5.cii“ «•«  'h,no- 

Yours  sincerely 

Box  1631  Springfield,  Mass 



(§■ UK  aMj^ediu.  cLl^On  d> 

t,  A  /nt>  i'&C  JUsw%o*hcL*>  'k&A.  cLi^cdU^ 
rvw)«J<£  ucjo/n\  i>U>  .  ^toicua.  el^vvva/wtfU 
antvM  pUa.^jfo  g|  Zfc*  vw£- 

^  3^«ru)n  An**i- 'fo-W<c  fi,'tA“/ 

/bcvCT  fW  <^cc&$a,  tSvi-w 


/\jLttc^  vc  arn^  u-CC^vL 

OOxJL,  -O^fcL-  f^AWSU'O (.  *|^rf 

K  cn«v  (>-wji4Av**s|  ^<-'  o-j£fc*-^-«-«*-C 
v«  v«.*i 

^  oA^ec ... 

•tc,  a«,ou»ic. 

$.en**X*L*~  USZ&T 

ct_-  *c£  avr>  i  <X-M^  e  <^i^&(ic*iU~ 
O^.  - 

MW  - 


Kindly  let  ns  know  it  you  think  that  fill 
Oakland  will  soon  sing  on  the  Blue  inberol  oylinder 
the  pleoe  oalled  "take  this  letter  to  ny  mother,  far 
across  the  deep  blue  sea,* 

,  Very  truly  yours, 

M.  L.  &  H.K.  fisher. 


Messrs.  Edison,  Meadoworoft  aniKl^  V 
s/  •« 

Referring  to  attached. 

dealers'  agreement  in  several  differ^Jt^ays 

in  the  manner  indicated.  _ 

In  the  first  place,  onr  agreement  prohj^iti" 
allowing  discounts  to  anyone  except  a  legiti^A%^  M* 
from  allowing  a  discount  under  any  conditions  wha$$ 

In  the  second  place,  it  also  prohihi^  the  dispos 
our  machines  "as  premiums  or  by  lottery,  raffle  or  any Bp 
chance  on  in  any  other  way  whereby  they  would  be  aopiVdd 
or  indirectly  for  less  than  the  full  current  li^tWices^ 

that  dea^r 

In  the  third  place,  it  also  states  that  ieec&cs  mg. 

■'give  away  or  seU  or  offer  for  sale  directly  or  indirect^  phono£ 
graphs  at  less  than  current  list  prices  nor  allow  any, 
rebates  whatever". 

These  three  restrictions  in  our  agreement  make  it  impo 
for  us  to  permit  a  dealer  or  Jobber  to  sell  the  three  machines  in  / 
question  .t  dealer's  trio.,  and  I  certainly  do  act  think  ..  ought  ^ 
d.  so  direct,  as  it  acald  scoaer  or  later  t.  found  cat  by  son.  dealer 
„i  the.  ae  acald  be  in  trcubl.  tor  doing  .-.thing  curselte.  that  .. 

would  not  peril. it  our  dealers  to  do. 

,e  have  au-erou.  requests  like  this  fro.  different  sources, 
all  of  which  ..  hare  taraed  do™  and  1  think  ..  strictly  to  the  letter  of  oar  «re««t,  which  prohibit,  the 
allowing  of  a  discount  to  anyone  except  a  legitimate  legalised 
dealer . 




;.:r.  Thomas  A.  'Mi son. 
Orange  ,  Yew  Jersey . 

Bear  Sir:- 

;.,  to  hand.  T  wish  to  thank 

Yours  of  the  24th  ult .  ,  to  nana .  i  ,8-.  +Vl''' 

you  heartily  for  the  kind  interest  which  you  take  in  the 
welfare  of  our  Society.  ,  „  ,  .  .  . 

Vie  have  in  our  midst  many  very  talented  musician*  «no 
can  render  the  service  which  you  need  and  who  in  turn  are 
very  much  in  need  of  all  financial  assistance  possible. 

Would  it  perha.-s  he  possible  for  you  to  permit  me  an  and 
ienoe  with  you  for  some  Saturday,  when  X  could  better  acriunint 
you  with  the  needs  of  this  Organisation?  Saturday ,  it  the  on-} 
leisure  day  X  have  as  the  rest  of  tne  weer^I  am  occupied  .t 
the  factory  and  X  would  therefore  appreciate  a  short  inter 
view  on  that  day. 

Thanking  you  in  advance,  I  am 

Respectfully  yours, 

Managing  Director. 

>-'>oF’r' ,  , 

J.  P.  FOB  BBS' 


Thomas  A.  Edison,  Esq;  \Vr -u 

Orange,  IT.  J. 

Dear  Sir;-  1  have  one  of  your  heat  - - 

ccraplis  and  it  is  needless  for  me  to  tell  you^rt 
of  the  enjoyment  my  wife,  my  friends  and  my-\\ 
seif  find  in  it.^^  ^  age  ^  a  ch^ 

member  hut  not  considered  a  very  motive  one.  - 
-  want  to  offer  a  suggestion.  X  wish  you  woul 
_ n  ent  of  records  to  he  know 

,  „„ _ jggesuion.  j-  j— 

arrange  to  get  out  a  set  of  records  to  he  know$“  \/ 
Is  "The  Chuich  Service"  or  by  ^  °^®r 
priate  title.  These  to  consist  of  t\/o  records. 

On  one  side  of  the  first  one  to  he  a  ringing 
Anthem  and  on  the  other  side  the  hordsprayei^ 
and  the  23rd.  Psalm.  The  second  record  to  have 
on  one  side  a  religious  discourse  or  sermonette 
in  harmony  with  the  selection  mentioned.  The 
other  side  to  have  a  good  hymn  such  as  head 
K-inrny  light"  and  the  Benediction. 

Phonagraphic  records  aB  a  rule  are 
intended  for  the  lighter  side  of  life,  hife 
is  not  all  sunshine.  These  records  would ap 
peal  to  religious  and  semi-religious  people 
Ind  would  he  turned  to  hy  them  when  in  trouble,  , 
discouraged,  grief  stricken  and  feeling  the  nee cL 
of  divine  consolation  and  encouragement.  They , 
could  also  he  used  in  those  homes  where  they 
have  Privatisations.  j.  ^  ^  WQuld  gladi7 

do  hiB  part  towards  the  production  of  these 
records.  If  X  might  he  allowed  to  select  one 
I  would  choose  the  Rev.  Geo.  W.  Brewer,  pastor 
of  the  Holland  Memorial  church  Broad  Street 
Philadelphia.  His  address  is  2403  South  2lBt. 
street.  I  would  not  insist  onhis  selection. 

X  would  choose  him  because., -of  all  the  ministers__ 



f  2) 

whom  I  know  ana  have  heara,  he  has  the  clear¬ 
est,  most  pleasing  voice,  the  most  perfect 
enunciation  ana  is  an  eloquent  man. 

X  am  not  relate!  to  him  an!  shall  say . 
nothing  to  him  about  this  proposition.  He 
was  once  the  pastor  of  my  church  an!  also  of 
a  church  in  Columbus,  Ohio. 

If  this  suggestion  pleasesyou  ana 
you  aeci!e  to  carry  it  out  I  think  you  will 
again  have  a  large  portion  of  humanity  in  your 

With  kina  regaras,  I  am. 

Very  truly, 




Tie  took  the  book  of  instructions  you  sent  out  for  salesman,  and  condensed 
the  strongest  points  to  a  letter  of  two  pages,  and  it  has  been  the  means  of 
giving  the  people  the  most  intelligent  idea  of  what  the  Edison  really  is,  of 
anything  we  have  seen.  If  we  find  anyone-  interested  in  any  certain  point  about 
the  machine  and  think  we  have  not  had  time  enough  to  fully  explain  it,  we  at  once 
write  then  a  letter  about  it  ,  and  this  also  has  brought  good  results. 

7e  are  now  having  a  contest  with  the  Victor  people  at  our  Country  Club, 
the  money  from  the  different  entertainments  to  go  toward  buying  a  machine. 

7e  are  enclosing  a  write-up  of  the  Viotor  demonstration,  and  while  we  know 
we  have  the  best  machine,  we  will  have  to  admit  they  have  some  beautiful  records. 

The  Humoresque  and  Rigoletto  numbers  wore  fine,  and  we  couldn't  help  but 
think  how  much  finer  they  would  be  if  we  just  had  them.  Albert  Spauldings 
Humoresque  is  good,  but  Elman's  is  wonderful.  Wo  are  not  writing  this  in  a 
spirit  of  critioism,  for  we  oortainly  are  Edison  boosters,  but  we  do  believe 
in  the  old  saying  that  you  can  get  too  much  of  a  good  thing,  and  we  we  think 
it  would  be  a  good  thing  to  have  some  records  by  other  singers  than  HiBs  Spenoer 

Blakeslee  Drug  Co.,  Inc. 

OSKALOOSA,  IOWA. _ _ 101 

and  Hr. Van  Brunt.  Vo  thoroughly  appraciate  thoir  voioeB  and  that  thoy  record 
well,  but  we  would  like  to  be  able  to  Bay  wo  also  have  recordB  made  by  Evan  Tllliama, 
McCormick,  Gluck,  Homer  eto. 

7o  have  reordered  tho  fourth  time  on  the  new  dance  records,  and  we  feel  aure 
we  will  sell  the  machine  at  the  Country  Club,  aa  it  is  to  be  deoided  by  vote. 

'■To  sold  all  the  songs  of  the  nation's  tho  first  day  they  cane  in,  have  orderati 
the  Hawaiian  record  three  tines,  which  shows  we  think  that  people  want  more  of  a 
variety  than  we  have  been  getting. 

7e  realize  we  are  only  one  out  of  thousands  of  dealers ,  but  you  will  not  know 
the  different  conditions  unless  your  dealers  tell  you. 

Very  Truly, 

Blakeslee  Drug  Co. 


Department  nf  |Inhltr  Sealtl;  anil  8-nfeh) 

ftpriugfirlti.  Slttmilo 

that  it  vrould  only  ’ 

Bprinrf laid,  Illinois. 

December  "hi±d,  __  ^ 

fig-sSl^SZt- f- 

nt  h  n 

could  set  isusic  and  songs  8p 

:ion  nT  ?- 

-.hehastlo^hTstrai  and’ singers 

> ••««• any  of  tu*  &y 

3  disc  machine.  -TT™*’’  ^rTivTS  «^/L  G»* 

Music  House;  in  raga: 
my  cylinder  machine  : 

m£  u-. 

5,  trade  of  eor.e  hind, taking 

they  flatly  refuse  to  consider  the  matter  at  ad^  they  aaj  -h 
machine  is  no  mood  and  knock  it  in  every  M/ay  ^ 

I  am  writing  to  you  to  inquire  if  there  is  any '.  Way 
that  I  may  get  an  exchange  from  you  and  what  the  cost  would 
he.  Hoping  to  hear  from  you  at  an  early  date,  I  ara 

Yours  respectfully, 

All  Agreements  are  contingent  upon  Strikes,  Accioents  and  other  Delays, unavoioagie  or  beyono  Our  Control. 







DO  SO. 



Very  truly  yours. 


I  wrote  you  about  a  year  ago  try  and  get  you  to  produce  in 
records  more  of  the  comic  opera  selections.  I  see  that  occasionally 

one  appears  in  your  lists,  and  I  have  most  of  them  myself  and  may  say 
that  my  friends  on  hearing  them  always  ask  for  a  repetition. 

I  really  think  that  with  your  excellent  light  Opera  Company  that  you 
have  that  if  you  would  only  make  it  your  practice  to  include  say  a 
couple  of  these  records  in  your  monthly  production  that  you  would 
find  them  very  popular  with  the  public  as  the  operas  are  being  revived 
all  the  time  and  draw  as  large  crowds  as  ever. 

lake  for  example  such  of  the  comic  operas  as* A  Country  Girl'  San  Toy  ' 
The  Geisha*  Belle  of  New  York*  and  then  think  what  a  record  you  would 
have  if  you  would  have  Miss  Elizabeth  Spencer  sing  her  part  in  that 
wonderful  duet  from  Gilbert  &  Sullivans  'Yeomen  of  the  Guard'  called 
the* Merry  man  and  his  maid*  which  you  used  to  make  in  your  wax  records 
but  which  you  have  never  yet  produced  in  the  Blue  Amberol. 

Of  oourse  you  will  understand  that  these  are  just  meant  as  suggestions 
from  one  of  your  customers,  but  I  would  certainly  like  to  see  you 
take  them  up  definitely  all  the  same  and  give  us  a  treat  by  producing 
again  as  you  used  to  do  in  the  wax  records  some  of  the  favorites. 

Yours  very  truly 


k.~~4  -  J-f 

t-azL  ~ 

iCO,  Q*^1^  ■£^Sfe  '  l<— J  ' 

■A'  o^&c^d&trr  4pr^f 

Thorjks  A.  JSdison,  inc.,/{  /V) 

*  QJfc»w-  ^euwi.«^  •— ■ 

X”  \  We  are  enclosing  you  a  letter  S"~ i  mr  nf  our 

Disc  customers.  can  you  comply  with  his  requeshfin 
j  ^  %  xjegaraa  to  the  three  records  mentioned? 

|'  (_A  J  Thanking  you,  we  are, 

\  /  y.?ilr9,  yfW^ruly, 

^  A^0  *  _.  fJsUp)^  C-  B.  Haynes  &  Co. 

'&  t^pjAC#-0'  ^  ,  .  .  i, 

^  /U~,  U>s  ti  autrt. 

^  LrX— 7*  L^fct«-q%> 

m,  6fa— J 

^  ^*s*ter£zr2 

v  is 


*tCU  W<=v»YV»-»  * 

U^i  i 

oIsUqas  , 

,aJi^^}u^.  A  xJ^u^ 

I  dbv«**-  Mst- 

^  thaT  /W^aJL 

asu,  ^JJ^&C^y 

otrtL^  l  /irr^yjJ^  itAu^. 
rfcb<+s  /uuk^"  /atAu^ 

&-  A, ICA^Mj.  t  ZAu~- 

j  (Lcdtudly  /AA/yH^L^d,  sttl 

/i /<Ab 

JUO^  ^ 

MAsJUj^,  **  C*rfU**:r\s 

iUrS  cyJiU  JAtd( 

/atom  (UAArU 1—  ~(Auc.  AACJrAspC* .  $  * 

/uc^C  ^  ^luLj 
AytrU^Jdo  At  A#*d  s$t 
Jt^lltuL  tuoJ*  tru  tL*^- 
dm—,  'mt  /Uc/aM^l  A^-t 

tdu.  su^bd*. 

toll  aJM^Ao  that 

Ih/tldd.  CU^td  /$  AJ~frAi.  f  JAjl*' 

tto  /idJdT  cJjJa^  on/  ca^clcAa-. 
jl  Jbfrtr-O  /^/rAXctd-  A//~  ~tt<_ 

/imJM  m^T yva^lc^oJd^  docUa^- 


WUtM  0(A- 

adbn^ftt  '^/U- 

(tiuJL  At&d 

k  MaCM/ 

aJLccs  y  * 

<u*d  .Uf*fA * 


A^  **~*-c/ 

loit  yt/U/yCod--^ 

/A~  6/  fafTstdldt 

tfi  A/-'-*-'  . 

t  A^tfJ  "If 

Doc.  7, 


Mr.  J.  Forbes, 

Coshocton,  Ohio. 

Boar  Sir: 

Your  favor  of  the  3rd  instant  to  Kdison  was  recoivod, 
and  ho  rotiueats  us  to  say  that  wo  will  consider  your  suggestion, 
which  seems  to  he  good.  'Sc  have  already  recorded  two  selections 
of  the  hind  that  you  desire,  and  they  will  he  placed  on  our  selling 
list  heforo  a  great  while.*  fheso  will  ho  followed  by  other 
selections  of  a  similar  nature  later  on. 

2ho  two  records  that  we  refer  to  as  having  already  boon 
made  are  as  follows: 

St.  Luke,  23:  33-36-,  -  and  "Calvary"  - 
Rev.  Dr.  Chapman  &  Uixoa  Quartot- 

St.  Hark,  4:  35  -  41-,  and  "Peace  bn  Still"  - 
Rev.  Dr.-  Chap  mart  l.  ’iixed  Quartet . 

Yours  very  truly. 

Edison  Laboratory, 

■tfU/J/,  Deo.  .7 

I  have  an  Edison  diamond 

disc  machine.  It  is^finquestlAi 

maohine  for  reproducing  sound  that  has  eveiyb4a# 

number  of  otnere  of  xms  xype . uz/n.  r.i'yr  “ 

It  has  often  boen  said  that  if  there  was  only  one" 
would  be  -warranted  in  buying  an  instrument  for  "SweaPyn  ^ 
Even  if  you  have  not  Caruso,  Farrar,  Sembrich  ano^t! 




ID,  193.4 . 

Ur.  3.  J.  Krause,  Pres.  &  Trass. , 

The  Willis  Coal  ana  Killing  Co., 

710  Fullerton  Bail ding, 

St .  lov.i3  ,  J.Io . 

Dear  Sir: 

Your  favor  of  tin  7th  instant  to  Ur.  Season  was  received. 
He  requests  me  to  say  in  reply  that  we  have  recorded  nearly  overy 
selection  that  you  mention,  he  also  say3  that  if  the  dealers  vril.x 
stop  crying  for  the  miserable  dance  music,  he  •■•dll  get  &  chance  to 
manufacture  the  records  for  the  public. 

Yours  very  truly. 

As3t.  to  Mr.  Sdison. 

December  7,  1914. 

Mr.  Wilson : 

I  am  not  anxiouB  to  stir  up  strife.  In  foot,  I  have, 

I  am  quite  sure,  prevented  a  lot  of  it  from  being  stirred  up  in 
times  past. 

When  Ur.  Edison  gives  me  ordero,  I  tty  to  live  up  to  and 
oarty  them  out.  One  of  these  orders  read  that  no  electrically  driven 
phonographs  were  to  he  put  out  hy  us  until  he  passed  the  final 
model  subsequent  to  development,  on  which  we  are  now  engaged.  The 
difficulty  experienced  in  regulating  the  Alvae  purchased  hy  me 
for  the  special  purpose  in  San  Francisco,  plus  the  information 
that  we  do  supply  them  from  time  to  time,  prompted  me  ,  innocent  of 
any  idea  of  stirring  up  trouble  for  Ur.  Sdison  or  anyone  elec,  to 
ouggest  that,  as  Chief  Engineer,  I  send  down  a  Kotioe  requesting 
cessation  of  Atva  supplying  until  further  notice,  just  as  I  am 
sending  down  notices  concerning  the  rest  of  our  product  from  time 
to  time.  Ae  I  always  consult  Mr.  Edison  before  sending  down  notices 
of  import,  and  eepecially  as  ha  had  bean  so  positive  if  his  instruc¬ 
tions  regarding  electrically  driven  machines,  I  simply  consulted 
Mm  about  it,  prior  to  discussing  it  with  you.  The  memo,  was 
written  in  that  eplrlt  alone,  and  I  ain  sorry  it  caused  you  the  least 

Would  it  not  have  been  better  for  you  to  have  telephoned 

me  the  oontext  of  this  memo  you  have  sent  copies  of  to  Mr.  E. , 

Chas.  E.  teeming  oto.,.  rather  than  have  it  appear  to  all  oonoerned 
that  I  deliberately  and  with  malice  aforethought  oonoeived  and 
oarried  into  execution  a  deeply  laid  plot  to  annoy  you?  I  am  sure 
Mr.  Edison  would  have  boen  very  much  less  disturbed  by  suoh  pro¬ 
cedure.  However,  let's  forget  it  and  all  try  to  do  better  next  time. 
f  Mr.  Bdleoj  Chao  E. ,  teeming.) 

•'I  ■ 

I ; 

. .  - '  ty*f- 

Wi,  4y<UK. . “fexw . . <>r^r- . 

.  i  ' 

Xfcl.  i  Cu/-/^>-v'vv<^^  'YYv^Uc4-i~vC  )k-v  -X^^o— 

-  UTM^ 

_ L _ --  J 

,1  ^  y.u£t^^cLX,C 


•  .4^  ^  vut^f  ^■tsl'  ,  ^ 

j  4Lc  cLuUUv^U-Ua  (rV<UKX>^^ 

- !  .  UJ  .  / 

’o’VC-^-  ^-u.  ^  VlL'UC.  e^{~i-^-u~<i-  -^—  ■  ■  -  - 

.,  GD  u-jo  ou^tL  cLv-wv<~ 

fj ^  j  /U^|W<h<£^^  Msu-^Cuf-.  ^ . '6^ .  yu^i<f'i-<sC_. 

J)^A± . ^ . 

j  (  Ul^L.  .  .  ^  .  6L4-C 

. - 

/Ahi^jp tw _ .  MX-*  ,^/UO. 

^^A/W-'lc  X/J\,  '1/\^(U*/K-  'l’^~-Q—i**-~(t~Cji 

.  .C^**7-dL~-  ’yy^tyTj~ts\*-^U,i^'f~  }  0*^-'—<&—^ 

UK  If >L^>r^  ^ 

rtAr4=^ - Vt*6-c**£-£l_  . 


$Clc  si.  s-£ , 

'Ja'&aX^  _ — -^,  JOIax, 

-  -  yC^jJL  - . -  CkA^-K-JaJl-.A~. . .  C^-Ui :£< 

,'tj^X  /VUbW^  . 

.  -^^'i^=(prt — £ — yo— «-— — — . 

-C_) . L^  l-l.  Jj  ^ . 





Be-Port  on  Ur.  Wurth's  Cylinder  Hold  making  Plant. 

Plating  outfit  is  intact,  0.  K. 

Graphite  plating  machinery  need  slight  repairs. 

Plating  dynamos  are,  O.K. 

Lathes  for  turning  cylinder  moulds  are  O.K.  These  lathes 
are  located  in  #4  Building  (  Laboratory  Group) 

Engraving  Machine  needs  slight  repairs. 

All  molds,  both  master  and  working^  forking  molds 

the  exception  of  6  master  molds t/  which  were  in  operation 

at  time  of  fire. 

Master  molds  can  easily  be  replaced  by  Ur.  Geo.  Werner. 

All  we  are  waiting  for  is  word^to  where  to  locate,  at 
present  we  are  located  on  1st.  floor  24  Bldg. 

Will  require  about  lbOO^ft.  of  floor  space  in  new  location, 
providing  we  will  not  have  to  move  lathes  f *>»  H  Bldg. 

If  lathes  will  have  to  be  moved  will  require  about  380 
sq.  ft.  additional  space. 

December  11,1914. 

IV o  know  that  you  will  he  pleased  to 

ss  s  sx-ff  s^asS’Shs- 

of  Deceraher  lltft. 



”  4P»^  ■f  P'^' 



'>^fY  9f2t*-&*up.t. 


jC&t,  cu^>  ij^r  ■P^.ttymfk-'  «* 

V,c£t^r~.  J  ^z  ->vtcmit*+u~  y-t't<-  ■am 

7K^  ^  xUw  (j3  7  iW-^  ^  *-  ®^v- 

Jwu£)  &JjtjL*  Z>^  «.  -  >rX^  " 

Iftru^-yiic adov^  a2  ^us'hn^Jcfcc  ->i«c^k*t- 

-JLa~uJ  ~)XA.&sM-o^-  (2/IMX^x  co-m.  ^UOZuxa/  C &*A  Co^jftrrel-  '^>  -dtotj  < 

^  ,  ,.  __^  ^  ^  //  ^  ^.,  .*  /4s  J^'f.'-xs**  ,y^/  _  frs.&x/*Tt  Zr 

u-  &,{**i-t <Js~  ~ntt?ryf.  tic*  cl£& L 

(P&rfek'  ~™*  -jj-j -  --  ^ 

frAfcn/  xhs  A  3Wc/^  ^  j^j-rco/Ji. 

£4  .cLro  o^'ajuvu*.  JLjuJL 

jdU,  Co^/hc iu_  &yi!c«U’-k-  ‘ *-u*t  &-1/c&Z&t~- 

1/Lrusyi  ynkcCu 


$25  $40  $50 
$100  $150  $200 


\  y  '3-  ///<(, 

Q  .  i>aU^Crr^L  '. 

/£L  <- ^ 

tpfnjLe^ t/-  fcf  d.  Z^"2"  h 

L-VU.  p-en^-4.  £S^-C  (b^J~  oL<^AMub^^-& 
tyvi**-  i  #*'*w  (£a,  It  t^^AL 

isr-  fi-d~  iuis-ol^o  A-t-  <yt**4-  tynU^-eA  < 

3  4^.  t^uJLt  ^A  y-^- 
W~  ^  *•  v~^  ^7  h  .  j~. 

tfCc  fao.J*wyir^L~ 

U*M'  ^  yi 

£Z  *™  i*^ 

Qs^*~Jf\  b  yp  i 

V  zu*  ^  ZJ 

cfc~k  k  y-  3'U  joy*  _>  '  *j 

^tzJl'-K  ^  •* 

yri-*-  « 

Doc .  14  ,  1914. 

Hi 33  Hasel  ?.  Graff. 

1169  Platbush  Are . , 

Brooklyn,  H.  Y. 

Dear  Madam: 

Your  favor  of  the  7th  instant  to  Mr.  Edison  was  received. 
He  regrets  to  learn  that  you  wore  unfortunate  in  regard  to  some  of 
your  Diamond  Disc  Phonograph  records. 

If  you  will  send  mo  the  names  of  the  cracked  records,  we 
will  give  you  now  one3  for  them.  It  may  take  several  week3  for  you 
to  got  them  as  we  have  just  had  a  had  fire  and  our  record  department 
was  turned  out.  We  are  taking  immediate  steps  to  «ASHd,  however, 
and  will  prohatly  he  running  again  within  60  days . 

Yours  very  truly. 

Asst,  to  Mr.  Edison. 

PHINEAS  LEWINSON,  ~  \V  0  P'*  j, 

ATTORNEY  Sc  COUNSELOR  AT  LAW,  y\\}  "  r-  v ; 

§a£V!  f  f^’\ 

acember  16th,  1914. 

Mr.  W.  H.  Meadowcroft,  ^ 

c/o  Edison  Phonograph  Co., 

■West  Orange,  H.  1. 

Pear  Mr.  Meadowcroft: 

On  behalf  of  Miss  H.  PelphirwRaMch 

*ho  has  at  the  suggestion  of  Mr.  Edison  been  making  trial 
diBc  records  in  Hew  York  City,  for  the  purpose  as  Mr.  Edison 
suggested  when  Miss  BaUch  and  I  were  at  your  laboratory  at 
Orange  last  year,  of  perfecting  herself  in  the  art  of  record- 
ing  songs,  I  telephoned  you  about  a  m'onth  ago  to  enquire 
what  prospects  there  were  of  an  early  report  on  the  latest 
effort,  that  of  dune  17th,  1914.  At  that  time,  you  said  that 
Mr.  Edison  was  not  up-to-date  in  his  work  and  that  X  should 
communicate  with  you  a  month  later,  which  X  am  now  doing. 

Of  course,  I  have  read  of  Mr .Edison's  recent  troubles  and  I 
realize  that  he  must  be  still  further  behind  in  his  work,  so 
that  I  do  not  expect  nor  ask  for  any  report  now.  My  eqle  pur- 
\  pose  in  bothering  you  today  is  to  ask  your  suggestion  as  to 
\  just  What  x  Should  do  for  Miss  Ba«ch  in  the  -tter.  The  young 
/  lady  is  ready  and  anxious  for  more  work  for  the  Edison 




Mr .  Edison  said  to  her  on  her  (and  my)  visit  to  Orange, 
November,  1913,  Mr.  Edison  thought  very  highly  of  her  work 
and  voice,  and  said  that  the  Company  would  want  her  on  its 
list  of  artists.  As  her  manager,  it  is  my  duty  to  see  that 
this  is  done  and  X  am  so  bold  as  to  ask  your  assistance, 
welcoming  any  suggestion  you  may  have  to  make.  I  hope  that 
Mr.  Edison  is  well  and  adjusting  his  latest  difficulties  to 
hls  own  entire  satisfaction,  and  with  kindest  regards  to 
him,  and  to  yourself,  I  am, 

Yours  truly,  /Qn  - 

CcImj  ,n!!'  °  ' 


rOil/  1W*„ 

Mr.  Meadowcroft- 

Thin  lady  haB  made  two  regular  rj^orda  and 
both  rejected  by  Mr.  Edison.  The  principal  cause  TJ^ej ection^ 
were  the  selections  given  her  to  3ing 



a  3L.  +y*+**f 

r^X  -*U  — 

)  *  ^|vj£  ^ 

t^v  ^  W  y  ~  /  »fi- 


•  0  •te. 

4M.WO.  A 


.  .  T(va£W*  /a 

*  vJ*  ~  " 

£  CiV 


of  tho  Cylinder  product. 

The  Cylinder  line  is  on  the  wane, 
this  there  can  be  no  doubt.  We  have  given 
subject  very  serious  consideration  and  aoce 
ing  the  opinion  of  the  dealers  with -whom  we 

taken  the  matter  up  with,  we 

conclusion  that  the  entire. line  of  Cylinder  ma¬ 
chines  as  now  made  must  be  eliminated  for  the 

reason  that  they  do  not  compare  favorably  in  ap¬ 
pearance  or  price  with  other  Sound  Reproducing 
machines  on  the  market. 

If  you  will  at  least  give  us  equal 
values  we  feel  sure  that  the  sale  of  the  Cyl¬ 
inder  product  can  be  perpetuated.  The  present 
Amberola  V  has  proven  satisfactory  from  a  me¬ 
chanical  and  musical  standpoint.  We  would  sug¬ 
gest  that  you  use  this  motor  exclusively  on  the 
lower  priced. types  of  instruments. 

We  would  price  the  present  $80.00  ma¬ 
chine  at  #35.00  list.  The  same  motor  placed  in 
this  type  of  machine  on  legs  similar  in  type  to 
an  Amberola  III  to  list  at  #50.00.  .  At  #75.00  a 
full  'cabinet  machine-  with  this  ;  motor-,  with  o  ompart- 
ments  for'  holding  Records. 

•  '  Other  Companies  are  manufacturing  ma-  . 

chines,  fthe^types'i'as': described  in  the  fore- 


going  to  sell  at  the  prices  named.  There  is  no 
reason,,  therefore,  that  your  Company  cannot  do 
the  3amo. 

The  Cylinder  product  is  too  good  to 
let  die.  If  you  will  give  us  attractive  values, 
we  can  bring  the  Cylinder  business  back  to  vrhere 
it  was  several  years  ago.  This  is  absolutely  all 
that  is  necessary. 

Another  advantage  of  this  plan  is  in 
having  only  one  motor. 

We  hasten  this  communication  as  we  think 
it  is  an  opportune  time  to  make  the  very  necessary 
changes  in  the  line. 

Yours  very  truly, 


PER  ^  v — * — 



Rutgers  Coi 


.  l/ii.  Cr*Tic*~*v*y  exvTJ)  J0**'  cvM'c  * 

«u~*  «wf  <  ^czis^z-j- 

“'"I0/  _ 

Thisrtis  perhaps  an  inopportune  timd,  ^ 
right  afterjhe  tre^ncgnsj^os^you 

.«»«»■  trait.  you,,, .»jj.t  b,|t  vg,  ^^4^ 

trivial  wing,  vut  the^.o cession  to  do  a  thing 
/vjL — ^s-,¥*-irs^uw}  /Cp-fL*****,**,  'r~-*'t^tt^C- 

seems  to  come  r<ipel>  twice,  laid  the  occasion 

is  furni^&inn^TtMtlnce^f^l^  reel  til 

!ir.  Thomas  A 

lining  by 
,  fin  ordi 

>  great  cl 

5  and  greatly  pleased 
instrument,  I  have  a  criticism  to 
line  of  the  singers.  It  may  be 

fhilfe  I  was  struck  by  the  g 

rC>& h~a 


you  do  not  intend  taJ’fnto  the  opera  extensively,- 
it  may  not  be  worth  while  with  such  power¬ 
ful  competitors  as  the  Viotor  Company*  but  f 
if  you  do,  I  fear  that  you  would  do  your  oauje 
more  harm  than  good  with  one  of  the  double 
records  I  heard  last  night,  namely  the 

j  and  Anvil  Chorus  of  Verdi.  Occasionally 



Rutgers  College 

ically.  In  one  of  these,  also,  the  accompa¬ 
niment  was  mediocre  in  spots, -I  forget  which. 

If  you  care  to  forward  this  critiois 
to  whoever  has  charge  of  your  records,  it 
may  possibly  be  of  some  value. 

Permit  me  to  wish  you  a  speedy  res¬ 
toration  of  your  valuable  latioeatories  and 
a  long  life  of  successful  labor  in  the  prob¬ 
lems  and  victories  of  Science. 

fours  very  s truly 

£  (p. 


December  18th,  1914. 


My  dear  Sir:- 

fci  yfi&rr  ^ 

offcyears  x  have  watched  the  development 
i  sincere  well-wisher  and  admirer 

For  a  number  < 

of  your  many  projects  and  a..  -  - 

would  like  to  state  for  your  information  the  following  ideas, 
which  if  there  is  anything  in  them  X  hope  you  wilWperfeot^and 
carry  to  a  successful  conclusion. 

I  have  been  very  much  interested  iiUthe  development  of 
phonographs,  talking  machines,  etc.  Certain  mattets  have  come 
under  my  observation  wherein  some  of  the  larger  companys  have 
attempted  to  increase  the  volume  of  sound,  which  seems  to  be  one 
of  the  points  that  they  are  not  able  to  do  successfully,  so  that 
the  phonograph  could  be  used  in  the  larger  dance  halls,  where 
volume  of  sound  Is  necessary. 

Recently  I  took  one  of  your  old  cylinder  machines  and 
pasted  three  of  your  ordinary  size  records  together.  I  then  ex- 
tended  the  pivot  to  a  sufficient  distance  to  .-run  through  and  support 
these  three  records.  I  then  made  an  arrangement  of  tubing  similar 
to  that  which  I  will  attempt  to  draw  out  f°r 

It  will  thus  be  perceived  that  three  or  four  reproducers 
or  recorders  could  be  run  at  one  and  the  same  time.  I  rigged  up 
four  reproducers  in  this  way  after  a  fashion  and  then  took  a  record 
with  a  quartet,  each  voice  singing  independently  into  a  separate 
reproducer.  The  results  were  more  or  less  astonishing.  In  other 
words,  with  a  finely  balanced  quartet  each  individual  under  this 
system  could  produce  his  exact  voice  and  make  each  record  an  indiv¬ 
idual  record  avoiding  the  recording  through  one  horn.  Secondly, 
we  did  get  considerably  more  volume. 

I  have  said  enough  herein  that  if  there  be  anything 
in  the  matter  you  can  easily  work  it  out.  In  the  diagram  you  will 


S5  :2SSKTriioi.!*ary™d  tJe'SSte.t 

voice  (the  tenor)  at  1. 

"put  one  over"  on  the  Victor. 

Respectfully  your  well  wisher 

OfTs>.  UlC^r-^ 







«*#  P»^A 

Framingham  Improvement  Association 

ta  frCeJT  9  4»«WVwo-f  M«-e -o-r-^  uf"  izruc-toju^l^.  3  "“"t 

Editorial  CoriHiiittee,  Frederic  A.  Whiting  ,  '  J 

>UWJ-  u  u  4|***«^^ 

^tata 'streeT 

.,,  Frs  '  ' 

My  dear  Sir:  Your  letter  of  the  9th  d^reoted  to  my  v 
summer  home  at  Ogunquit, Maine, was  f&rw»4:dod  to  me  _ 

me  here.  Q%^  U  W*  ehtM^  Uo‘M  ,  <U 

I  am  pleased  thau my^r¥TeMLy\puggestions  in  re  a  tfettyr 
equality  of  voices  in  quartet  musio  etc  (not  to  have  one 
voice  or  instrument  dominate  the  others,)  meetB  your  ap- 
proval,as  I  was  not'  criticising  but  suggesting, based  on 
personal  experience  in  such  matters.  It  is  to  be  lamented'”*'**, 
that  any  voice, however  good, drowns  the  others  and  so  mars  J 
the  effect  and  spoils  the  reoord  for  the  discriminating. 

Mies  Spender* s  voice  is  always  a  delight - just  as  Van  f 

Brunt's,  (speaking  only  for  myself — and  you  have  all  tastes 
to  meet,)  is  an  offenee.  Now  I  am  enoloeing  Philip  Hale's 
report  of  the  singing  of  Miss  Florence  Hinkle, which  may 
interest  you.  My  sister  heard  MisB  Hinkle  and  says  that 
her  voioe  and  singing  are  wonderful, and  just  the  type  for 
the  Edison  records.  She  is  probably  free  from  the  Viotrola 
round-up  and  there  can  be  no  mistake  in  securing  her  now, 
to  sing  when  you  are  again  ready.  Some  of  the  opera  singers 
make, to  my  mind, very  unmusical  reoordB — skilful, but  not 
real  music;  but  Miss  Hinkle's  voioe  is  all  musio.  But  you 
can  read  what  Boston's  best  musio  critio  says. 

It  is  regretable  that  the  "Edisona"  (as  we  call  it,)  does 
not  yet  reproduce  the  piano  well — not  distinctly.  The  only 
reoord  I  have  that  does  the  piano  part  well  is  No. 80110 
— the  opening  phrase  of  the  Tarantelle.  If  that  muoh  oan  be 
reproduced  vividly, why  not  an  entire  piece?  A  day  or  two 
ago  I  bought  a  dozen  or  bo  records  (Victor)  of  Christmas 
musio  oto.  so  as  to  get  more  variety  than  your  list  affords, 
and  I  found  two  piano  pieoes  that  are  strong, distinct  and 
full— the  best  I've  ever  found — only  they  sound  as  if  the 
performer  used  a  poor  piano.  The  Edison  1b  free  from  this 
defect.  Note  this  piano  part  in  80110  and  you  will  see  what 
I  mean.  is  a  good  instrument.  So  if  you  oan  keep  to 
that  quality  of  tone  and  yet  give  full  and  dear  tone, it 
will  be  one  more  point  in  the  Edison  supremacy., and  there 



Sie  thousands  of  music  lovers  who  prefer  piano  music 
to  any  other-even  the  human  voice— and  there  . is  a  wide 
field  here  for  your  genius  to  possess. 

In  the  violin  and  cello  you  are  far  and  away  above  the 
victrola.  The  Spalding  records  are  a  delight.  I  wish  there 
were  more  like  82046. 

But  after  all,  the  wonder  of  your  eucceasliesUomy 
mind. )in  your  oapturing  the  human  voioe  so  perfectly, with 
rarely  any  hint  of  meohanism,and  none  of  the  tinny, wirey 
edge  that  is  apparent  in  most  of  the  records  of  all  other 
phonographs,— a  hint  of  metal  vibration  that  always  re¬ 
pelled  me, so  that  whenever  I  listened  to  the  ueusl  phov 
nograph  (Victor,  Columbia  etc.)  I  could  not  make  up  my  mind 
to  have  one  in  the  house;  it  would  "get  on  my  nerves. 

Then  The  Edisona  appeared  and  I  surrendered  "by  wholesale. " 

As  evidence  of  my  conversion,— I  have  bought  during  the  past 
six  months  or  so,  six  of  your  Diamond  Disc  XriBt rumenta . 

Last  week  two— one  of  them  to  go  to  a  son  in  0h*°7_an^ 
for  a  friend  at  Sudbury, Mass.  And  yesterday  I  senU  lady 
to  Thomas  &  Co.  who  will, I  think, buy  a  $250.  Edison.  So 
you  see  my  enthusiasm  takes  also  a  very 

"for  the  good  of  the  cause!"  That  is  why  I  may  be  permit¬ 
ted  to  occasionally  submit  a  kindly  suggestion.. After  my 
dislike  for  all  other  instruments  of  the  kind, it  is  a  good 
deal  to  say  that  my  Edisona  is  a  constant  source r®*1 
happiness  for  myself, my  family  and  **  gi™?Ca? 

not  mere  reproduction,  but  Music,— and  the  more musical 
the  listener  the  greater  the  appreciation  and  approval. 

Permit  me  to  express  my  profound  regret  that  you  have  so 
serious  a  fire  loss— a  loss  that  would  engulf  any  spirit. 

But  with  you — why  everybody  just  KNOWS  that  you  will  come 
out  of  the  flames, phoenix-like, unharmed  and  stronger  for 
even  higher  flights. 

Faithfully  yours,^ 




Symphony  Orchestra’s  Playing] 
of  Schoenberg  Pieces  Re- 
•  ceived  wim  Dignity. 

Pt/OAfO ,  -  / 

December  22nd,  1914 


Mr.  Edison: 

Regard  attached  report.  You  mention  the 

number  of  men  on  felon.  You  will  note  these  men  are 

working  in  Build  (forks,  2  men  working  c 

•  time  on  pro¬ 

working  over  time  cleaning  and  repairing 

This  department  is  not  under  my  jurisdiction.  These 
reports  are  made  out  by  Mr.  Wetzel  whom  I  have  here  following 
up  all  production  work  and  asked  him  to  incorporate  everything 
he  could  get  data  on  to  keep  you  informed  regarding  shafting 
and  hangers.  We  are  buying  everything  out  of  stock  but  it  was 
necessary  to  find  out  what  we  had  so  as  not  to  buy  material  we 
already  have  on  hand.  We  will  have  enough  shafting  and  hangers 
to  put  14  additional  millwrights  to  work  tomorrow  morning, 
Wednesday.  It  is  necessary  to  buy  quite  a  number  of  Babbit  boxes 
to.  fit  the  hangers.  The  hangers  had  to  be  repaired  and  also  some 
pulleys.  All  countershafts  had  to  be  taken  apart  and  fixed  up. 

We  are  not  stopping  any  production  here.  We  are 

increasing  on  this  as  rapidly  as  as  v 

in.  Will  be  able  to 

clean  most  of  it  up  this  week.  Will  be  able  to  lay  off  a  lot 
of  people  in  the  Assembling  Room  very  shortly  as  most  of  the 
material  has  been  sorted.  I  will  have  a  rigid  inspection  made 
of  all  work  that  we  do  here.  A  great  deal  of  these  parts  will 
have  to  be  sorapped  due  to  scale,  especially  gears  as  we  cannot 
use  material  that  has  been  scaled  in  the  fire  on  account  of  the 
motors  running  noisy. 


December  22nd,  1914. 

Mr.  Edison: 

■being  placed  in  position. 

This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  shafting  seemed  to 


All  the  work  is  progressing  very  rapidly. 



Dec.  22,  1914. 

Please  note  situation  as  found  'between  the  hours  of  7:30 

and  9  P.M.  throughout  the  factory  yesterday: 

JeWelMr!PDolanhhas  4  men  in  this  department,  14  men  are  workingover 
time  15  men  all  night  cleaning  machines  and  sorting  material. 
Jheihangel  referred  to  in  yesterday's  report  made  necessary  on 
account  of  the  high  speed  of  the  pulleys  on  the  line  shaft  have 
not  as  yet  been  completed. 

DrU12n!attery  carpenters  at  work.  Dolan  has  5  men  in  department 

Munson  has  8  men  working  over  time,  ^jnen  all  night  cleaning 
overhauling  machines.  The  motor  for  this  department  was  on  the 
floor  and  was  being  placed  in  position,  beveral  of  the  machines 
are  belted  and  can  be  operated  as  soon  as  motor  is  installed. 

Japan  Dept.  6th  floor 

Ho  work  being  carried  on. 

S.v.r.1  ..bln..  «n  b.  run  .. 
proper  shafting  and  power  is  in. 

Reproducer  Dept.  5th  floor 

6  men  working  all  night,  10  men  over  time, 
waiting  power  and  shafting. 

nearly  20  maohines 

Gear  Dept 

6th  floor 

xu  men  working  all  night.  4  men  over  time, 
waiting  power  and  shafting. 

B  or  10  machines 

Lathe  Jtept.  tirae.  About  30  machines  ready  to  pperate 

as  soon  as  power  and  shafting  is  in. 

ROTE-  In  the  3  departments  mentioned  above,  3  millwrights  were 

working  on  shafting  and  7  carpenters  on  shelving,  benches, etc. 

Grinding ^Dept^k^ih  floor^^  ^  mould  plates.  4  other  men  working 
over  time.  2  machines  have  been  belted  up  ready  to  run.  nr. 
has  three  men  in  the  department. 

Cabinet  Finishing  Dept.  4th  floor 
Ho  work  being  carried  on 

Phono.  Testing  Dept.  4th  floor 
Ho  work  being  carried  on 

Assembling  &^Stook^Room^3d^floor  aepartment .  30  men  working  over  time 

disassembling  machines,  21  men  over  time  sorting  material,  5 
all  night  sorting  material. 


1001  Er'v“‘iSn..  ...» "•l.s1??  “S*”";™.! 

*&5*fS  So  X'SKS  «£.?&»»  •»  »»«y 

Sheet  f S  Xlnfalfn?ght  cleaning  and  repairing  machines.  Dolan 
has  2  men  working  on  shafting. 

*  -*■  -  “  ”ieM 

Screw  Machine  2nd  ^loor  qhaftinr  etc.  Eo  other  work  being 

„e  belted  and  ready  to  : 

Shipping  Dept. 2nd  floor 

Ho  work  being  carried  on 

Packing  Dept.  2nd  floor 

Ho  work  being  carried  on 

PraSS  HoPwork3beSg°°arried  on  in  this  department 

T°01  RSeb;rLha°srfmen  working  over  time.  22  men  all  night 

JoT)Mnf  S^oSrr/night.  3  men  over  time 

\  over  time  cleaning 

Business  Dept.  Biag.  20  W°*k8 
Ho  work  being  carried  on 

Buffing  Dept.  Bldg  4  Works 
Hobody  working 

Pickling  Dept.  Phono.  Works 

3  men  working  all  night 

*161  "d  45  c  n  s 

X.  (L'g^Jt  -r-'^S^U  J  >v«J2c-i 

4  ^  iiLt'vt/' 

r)fiJ£€^<t~C,  2-  WU^V 

La  “"tSi 

Mr.  Edison: 

We  are  sending  you  to-day  trial  record  "by  Samiloff , 
dramatic  tenor.  This  tenor  has  the  routine  to  sing  some  of 
those  operatic  duets  forSoprano  and  Tenor  that  are  wanted. 

He  was  not  in  good  roice — you  can  figure  on  his 
voice  not  being  so  dark  or  covered. 

We  want  to  put  him  with  Battaggl,  dramatic  Soprano 
already  passed  for  certain  selections.  We  must  also  find 

a  suitable  lyric  T«nor  for  some  of  tlie  other  operatic  Soprano 
and  Tenor  duets.  Also  another  Baritone  who  haB  a  repertoire 
of  operas. 

Our  regular  laboratory  talent  is  insipid  in  this 
kind  of  work. 



Edison  and  Victor  Talking  Machines  and  Supplied 

Bicycles  and  Sewing  Machines  - 

j  .  tOr*. 


123  Maine  Street  QJc**-\ 


vat-  ^  Ln  ‘"3ie  J 

**"-  7^0  jT5>/f6 

$Sf  i^fiu1^-  tz>(£iic-  r72~~  MzL 

J  /' 

su*—  ^2^—0  <skf€o  <^'r\ 

^&r£*  J%L  wW\  sfe&z- 

<^Uy-*r£-  JgrrtA>q  i^K, 

7/ 1 

&■  '4  ^  -^V^X 

’-*-  *-  yCt^OO 

.  OjT  sy&XsCAs  /C2jC£*  A)  istc>asis{' —  ^yaa^y 

st  ^o<JL  -{t<y(^  -ACt^  /mSxi  wz^  7fja  /d&yj 
S^OtsM*.  ■■i^Cn'd  !J^  '£*~jfc.  ryi*AcA- 


/<2*££*  . 

■y-in^  'gr'fidL  %  yv-L&C.  '~^^r£<sh 

s  ^  ^  — i^- 

'&(tyodU-~  yj.*c*«*  <rz~*fr.  lM&+b 

^U^.^w*f^c»»-tEUC.  t*  K Z^un.  Ukt!.  v 

,  „  (L,  ir^e.  <fWC££ 

iChr  *-  ■**—  % 

/\£s^^tr-T-*--  ctV&^o  -^z-z 

c/^4-^  '  '  ' 

December  30th,  1914. 
RAB- 9-1596 

I  have  your  memorandum  on  /inspection.  X  fully 
appreciate  the  importance  of  this ,  apd  am  taking  every  pre¬ 
caution  to  see  that  we  do  not  manufacture  any  material  that 
cannot  he  used. 

I  received  the  first  drawings  this  morning.  I 
at  once  established  a  system.  The  Screw  Department  will  have 
a  travelling  inspector  who  will  make  it  his  business  to  go 
from  one  machine  to  the  other  inspecting  the  work  as  it  comes 
through,  thus  protecting  ourselves  against  making  a  great 
number  of  parts  should  any  of  the  cams  on  the  machine  shift. 

We  will  have  travelling  inspectors  on  all  other  operations  that 
can  be  put  on.  Some  of  the  operations,  however,  will  have  to 
be  sent  to  the  Inspection  room  for  both  rough  and  final 

I  am  using  the  inspectors  that  were  furnished  me 
and  in  addition  to  these  I  am  putting  two  of  our  inspectors 
to  keep  a  check  on  all  operations.  They  will  make  it  a  point 
to  travel  from  one  department  to  the  other  and  check  the  inspec¬ 
tion  that  has  already  been  made  by  those  furnished  me.  one 
will  be  Mr.  Abram  who  is  our  Chief  Inspector  here  and  the  other 
Mr.  Bdelhauser  who  has  been  tool  and  machine  inspector  and  also 
an  experimenter  for  you.  Both  of  them  are  very  able  men  and 
fully  realize  the  importance  of  work  in  connection  with 

There  is  no  doubt  but  what  you  realize  we  will  have 
to  be  extremely  careful  for  a  while  in  as  m&ch  as  all  machines 
have  been  through  the  fire  and  the  chances  are  the  alignment 
will  not  be  what  it  should  be;  then  again  dies,  jigs  and  other 
tools  are  not  the  same  as  if  they  were  just  being  made.  A  lot 
of  them  had  the  temper  drawn,  shrunk  and  warped  or  in  such  shape 
■we  may  have  to  discard  more  than  we  had  anticipated,  although 
we  are  watching  this  very  carefully  and  am  sure  we  will  get  along 
all  right  by  using  a  little  judgment  and  care. 

Crv'rgvrcn  — -  '  - 

<?&&&  //Kx/’&rr 

1 161  wri  Hi  S  Ut  330 

Alt)  , 

Beoember  Slat,  1914. 
RAB- 9-1600 

Mr.  Mam Bert: 

Regarding  the  attached  memorandum  Mr.  Edison  wrote; 

Please  tell  Mr.  Edison  I  am  putting  on  men  as  fast  as  practical. 
Some  of  the  operation  tools  are  not  yet  completed  and  we  are  shift¬ 
ing  from  one  tool  to  the  other  on  day  shift.  This  will  not  he 
practical  at  night  as  we  have  not  enough  men  to  take  care  of  this 
and  I  am  afraid  we  will  run  into  trouble. 

Tell  Mr.  Edison  not  to  he  alarmed;  that  X  will  show  him 
a  hig  production  very  soon  and  I  think  it  is  up  to  him  to  see  that 
we  get  cabinets.  As  soon  as  we  get  busy  here  we  will  eat  it  up 
alive.  Also  have  Mr.  Edison  inform  me  what  is  the  next  step  to 
take  after  we  get  tools  for  the  B-80.  Shall  we  tackle  the  Business 

-  .1 - 

Phonograph  next?  I  would  like  to  have  this  come  through  the 
regular  channel  so  there  will  be  no  misunderstanding. 

Also  tell  Mr.  Edison  that  small  tools  are  the  only  thing 
that  is  holding  us  up,  such  as  special  reamers,  gauges,  eto,  which 
X  was  not  familiar  with,  as  I  received  the  first  blue  prints 
yesterday  morning  and  was  informed  that  the  B-80  tools  were  all 
ready  for  manufacturing.  When  we  got  to  this  point  I  discovered 
it  was  not  the  case.  They  are  coming  through  very  rapidly  now. 


3L  ^  Or- 1  f  Lt 

XU  ^  J  Hi -ter  - 



Boston  Xobge,  Humber  Zen 

Settcuolent  uub  flrotectiuc  fflrtee  nf  f Uta 

10  Somerset  Street 

December  51st,  '14, 


Thomas  A.  Edison,  Esq., 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:-  ***-*"f 

The  writer  has  made  arrangements  tdl  s~''- 

your  Record  Department  on  Fifth  Avenue, von 
•j&an.  (Kth,  1915,  and  make  test  record  of  his 
voTce.  ‘i  am  leaving  Boston  today,  and  shall  remain 
Ln  New  York  until  Jan.  6th,  1915.  Monday,  I  have 
appointment  with  Mr.  Jell,  chairman  Record  Committee, 
Columbia  Graphophone  Company,  at  which  time  X  shall 
nake  test  record  for  his  consideration. 

I  do  not  wish  to  seem  at  all  presump¬ 
tuous  ln  thus  addressing  you,  nor  do  I  in  any  way 
Question  the  thorough  inspection  of  each  so  called, 
"testrecord ."  However,  X  can  peculiarly  appreciate 
that  you  are  overwhelmed  with  talent,  and  many  test 
records  result.  It  must,  ln  the  common  event  of  things, 
be  impossible  to  give  time  to  inspection  of  each 
record.  It  Is  for  THIS  reason  that  I  address  jrou, 
asking  that  YOU  cognise  my  most  paramount  desire  to 
be  placed  upon  the  corps  of  Edison  talent.  My  pro¬ 
fessional  work  has  embraced  rend'. t Lon  of  sentimental 
and  ragtime  songs,  and  song -reel tatlons  entirely. 

In  case,  you  give  my  tost  record  personal 
attention,  and  ln  case  I  am  accepted,  let  me  make 
mention  of  any  monetary  recompense,  by  stating  that 
your  offer  is  my  acceptance.  I  state  this  to  incul¬ 
cate  upon  your  mind  that  I  know  all  Edison  products, 
occupy  the  very  pinnacle  of  perfection,  and  THAT  is 
why  I  want  to  locate  with  the  Edison  Company;  and  ln 
the  beginning  am  willing  to  accept  small  monetary  gain. 

My  age  Is  26  years,  am  a  refined,  saga¬ 
cious  American.  I  possess  legal  education  obtained  ln 
Boston  University  School  of  Law.  Personality  Is  very 
good,  best  parentage,  son  of  deceased  clergyman.  The 
propitious  manipulation  of  every  minute  detail  Is  my  forte. 
I  can  afford  excellent  personal  references,  my  social 

Boston  ftobge,  Bumbet  TLcn 

Bcncuolcnt  utib  #rutcttiiiD'©ri>cr  of  Splits 
10  Somerset  Street 

standing  is  of  the  best.  Am  a  member  of  Boston  Lodge 
number  ten,  B.  P.  0.  Elks,  and  also  an  active  mem¬ 
ber  of  their  infallible  Visiting  Committee. 

I  want  to  thank  you  for  your  very 
kind  attention,  and  in  closing  state  that  you  will 
ever  find  me  willing,  ready,  and  "on  the  spot."  I 
am  a  hard  worker,  and  determined  to  succeed. 

Yours  very  respectfully. 

After  Vfed. - 154  Hosseter  Street, 

at  home - Dorchester,  Mass. 

P.  S.  I  shall  render  for  test  record,  novelty  song 
entitled:—  "OH  MY  LOVE,"  "cfroJl- 

,-roJ  UUt 

(^J  JL  Ccma, 

✓7  _ /.  .  |J/  t«UA/  C-*~ 

,  I  ,  L?  W? 

December  31,  1914.  «+— 

^ZI'^  *  -T‘ 

M rj,  Mea’dowcroft  :'^\  " — ‘  ^  <;lcL.^-VV 

V\U/>  /'Cfi-  Mr_  uurrjtfT  Vice  President  of  the  New 
York  Edison  Company,  is  tfery  desirous  of  making  one 
or  two  disc  records,  for  his  own  personal  use,  at  his 
own.  He  has  called  me  up,  and  asked  if  it  could  he 
arranged  so  that  he  can  go  to  Walter  Miller  b  Studio, 
and  make  suoh  reoord,  from  which,  subsequently ,  mould 
could  he  made,  and  later  a  record  printed  therefrom. 

The  New  York  Edison  people  would  he  willing  to  defray 
the  oost  of  such  record  or  records. 

:  our  way  clear  toward  doing  this,  and  would  also 
re  to  put  the  matter  up  to  Mr.  Edison. 

so  that  I  may  intelligently  advise  Mr.  Murray? 

incidentally,  it  might  he  of  interest  to  you  to  know 
that  Mr.  Murray  has  tried  recording  with  the  Edison 
Cylinder  Recording  Outfit,  hut  his  efforts  were  negativi 

“""the  western  union  telegraph  company 

26,000  OFFICES  IN  AMERICA  '"'cABLE  SERVICE  TO  manaqch 



SEND  thofoHowlnBmos»ag..ubJeott<)th.t<.rm.  ^  Dec  ember  31 ,  1914; « _ 191 

Tn  (Sent  to  all,  jokers,  both  Jia  and  Cylinder)  _ 

^aH'  ^A^"  8:30  P.  M.  December  31,  1914,  we  turned  out  finished 
^XlS'Uerol  records  at  the  old  stand  which  v^s  practically 
'  wiped  out  by  fire  on  night  of  December  9th.  Getting  teoiTH 

• -  the  ring  in  twenty-two  days  is  going-  8ome~  A  haPHr 

- Prosperous  TOT  bo  you  all.  ~ 

_ Gllff -fim - - - : - ED  IS  OH  AND  WTLSOJL - 1 - ‘ 

( Chg.  Inc)  _ . _ 

}}1aj  .  Co-ot<i  fl7U 

U  cw-  ***** 

— - 

,  r-,  MfADO&SW^OFT. 

JUrfO . -  -  - . . 

.^i  (‘•Zc-< to  «-.C.-CL 

4  ^  Wc'^^  - 

(ji.t^<r¥X*f  <S^^v-£- 



Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Phonograph  -  General  (E-14-69) 
Undated,  ca.  1914 

JLl  .(&• 


• . i  »  ^ 

cC  ""^  K^'iscee-C-^. 


U-«L*iiCtW  . CU"- 

vdt+****~\  ^ 

_  ^]/\LyA-2. 


_ jAU^f- 

V|^«^J&^  — fefe*— — 

fijLeunv*  £^U~  -  U 

_ a^^oJL _ 

_ cAty^A^  C^-V  _ 

191 *0 



_ &jc_^ _ tfy 



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\jjec&(  <rtLe>  I ?3«Ji  ^  ,  v 

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/  Jhc?^eda  ^^  ^o  U(W._ — ^ 

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7  y^-  (yy<a<istn  ^  y^v  fe<a£y) 

(7  %<u,c/t4  A(iM&)^t*w-' 

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Lh,  l  'v^r^ 

tfc  f^,Ol  «>-  ^  -* 

'  _  SU.eJ^/a  «*-  v^^«>»g 




Air  de  Didon  (Chers  Eyriena)  l££_§I2ZSn& 

„  ii  n  (Je  vaia  mourir)  " 

i.  ..  Cassandra  (Malheur eux  Boi)  Priae^Croie^  tn 

Wert  her  « 

"  dea  larmes  - — 

it  I'  lettrea  • - '  "~~ 

Imprecations  a  la  Euerre.  Attaqu^duJ^uUn 
Air  de  Marianne  VOuragan 

Printers  qui  commence  Saago Ln_&  Bali  la 
Mon  coeur  a'ouvre  a  ta  voix 
A!  non  Eernand  Ea  favorite 

1 '  amour  eat  enfant  dc  Eohome  Carjnen 

oartea  lOttawn.  feuntf  fUs 

Air  dei 

Sur  lea  ramparts  de  Seville 
Viens  avec  noua  petit 
Hymne  a  la  Liherte .. — 
j'ai  perdu  non  Eurydice 
Oh jet  de  non  amour 
Ah!  non  file 

La  J{ij£andi ere 

i|/P #--& 


T.b  Prophet e 


fodard  'Ko^ay 

Gluck  v/j-W-if  {-<** 

Ah!  non  ms  - ,7— 

“* a<  ^ 

Stances  iOHwim'*-  u  t 

,  L.'Jh/Ji 


Alexandre  Georg 

^  Tr 1 


„  Miarka 

Hymne  au  Soleil  - - - 

„  . ,  La  Caeca  - 

Prlt!re  - 7 -  „ 

Voua  le  saves  ma  tie  re  Cavalleriajuaticana  .,.aacu-,i.  . 

prappe,  frappe  (air  de  Zerline  )Don_Juan  ,  ^°zart 

Grand  air  de  Margaret  £?>  d‘— '  Lal°  s 

La  Givconda  PoncluelH  /\ 

Priere  - — 

\f  ,  ,  h  ^1  1  o«<>" 

Y  free  di  *  _Ko  ?1,. 

OUl '  -  '  “  " 

vr.  •  •• 


(Les  Eiorceaux  marquis  d'une  craix  x  ont  et&  crees 
Madam  Delna,  a  l'Opera-Comique  et  a  l'Opera). 

/O  . 

a  ■  -  . 

.  ’  •  ( 


1  t-OSLf 

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/  .  o  o  ^ 

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"Pi  O  K»C  GlT<3U/v>©to 

t}0  QJ^kaJ&'£>s  t 

‘tf'dd  CUxoa'C.rS^T  CTKVO 

10.0  iW4 

I  Z&*  (ixU  <~U-\cM\CO  ©T^cw^tjccl  t 

\^b"  (2^W>1<£&*0  - 

^<oo  M-c5>-T<>to 
I  S'  v^lmmo 




^  60 

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Pi<£UVid  dcct&OMi 
l3cv^v/<0-  WOrtO'W  KeXvAfc.  ©I^ 


i/U-ievvyCC  Oro 

I  t 

_  P1""*''”'  .  „  cr'rt- ^ Coc 

3  &rasnjo  KeV,V'-«<*-'i 

(V^  1  ^  " 

j.  id  £v-1k  / 


|  tC-C-C^VV  1  *W*^  Ux  C^WtC-tf  *^<!*>*  Uv«*^  ^  A 

r  CT 

5sw  Ss^fe. 




+L’- ,  ^ 

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■  „.An? 


rA-^tjl^jZ  £X£JL  M^Ct^C^aaac^g—4 
--,  ^,2  ^aSZLl>-3S:J. 




. ;t 


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O^v^Acj  ■  Mvitxjt/  Ko 

XO.Ca-1v  ^ 

J  C«w(o  4>i\i  ©AaJ^ - 


^jjjuAu/cljO  - 

J  "i-oA —  ^  «Wlr  *tf!Cu  ■ 

pijL  (Shelia jU/co  _ _ Cu~j  ats^  c*-«a_._aT^ 

r^'  -  tX^rA^ 

\/uXt?t.Lu,tLc'*<L>  nTo'oA-Lu-cLa^ 

L»  V>*V 

^dvJWJl.  .Jxjvaiw*  iAxvu  ^  0-i.v^U 

-A<Lu|  X*±aAJ~ 

A.J2-  ‘(Svj 



a4 - -fr*»  Cl  Vo  e^t^-Q 

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sj/Vulijd^cl.O  * - 

(ju^vj  WvCT^  ^-Uwv^t-.^  *k«-j 

JuL-  £>JU  ejvJ^'Crtj  fi-vU-vj  3  6JU  O-e.e-6  oa-v-^T-  ^ 

jurlxjvji.  jCLc  v«*«-ti  ci«n^-Avo*ec-e>  o  JI_a'"'c>6^-«a-i3T  a-'© 
/^LIj/wV  .  'ilvCo  .ru^Jjtn^.  ''C  o^tin)  a-Lc  ^Jv^U.  ot  a«> 

Cw-eJ  *{5  JV_»-  . 

j^^o^LUveLa-*  —  .  ^ — , 

0v7V _ ^e^v«^<Xwl*T*  oCrUJt^  O^Jou  -cfc. 

^^is^^oLty--  £  COvV  . 

— Q/tny  — 

(^.5.  QawvwcwV"  , _ —• 

'f'U  .vwv^'vw  i^Ui, 

(j-.^VAAA  'iXjL,  A>/W.^^Cv<^  0  O'l' - AV^VVVV^  OlA%.  *AA«CCw|«l 

/i)i>^4  ^lA/|o-v«-Cvwt>  Wf  ''CT  'fe^OVJL.  , 


G  q>  <w/V  O-e-e-t-w^  CMA^JkvC^ 

■^Xlju-^OtOU  J-J-LufLlJO  C$\JL  Va-o-^*Wi^ 

OJO  fixilo  . 

^jjp  iGnJl.  Va-OiX*.  tWJL  SS^^S^XwtkjLS  <Aaa< 

O.  (A*-&on.ol  cLcjj.v^o^X'  O'-JC-'jjLn  ^-c 

'1«*.(-J..t-  fo  CU^AJ^-O-K^fc  fc->-|  <^j.M.olv-w^ 

U  ^p-wi  ■Uruj'U&t.A*  Cl-1_lc>.cI  XtCTuJ.M.tL^ 

JUAtrv'-f-  el  <^6  . 

<2_  , 

5  AvC^etLv^^Vv  cvv.  ti  ^S  ^tl  /'3-'-j  .^p'l\«  C. /0^["vj'il\.oAA^ 
CiAJt.  jG/W'n/S  (L-eev^/vvcAr».iv|  aa/sP-A  (?”v)  J“vi  (S**&  jaIaAJj 

J-  .  V  -.(Oil  .0 

’ft*  /O  cxvvvje  *Vw-R  fc-v 

(jVa-ll-wclfc  vU-e-^>teAv\rJlAv^  • 


GjU!.Aaa.Jja  o|w^ 

J)  iuU>X 

edi.  a£ 

^Cx.  ~K^Ctb  J)  ~l+A-dU&~  -1*4  sIXjS^&aA.  ~to  corx^f: 

-<*%4JtA4A.  i  '  /  ~ftJty  .  C+t**. C 

iwtL.  14#  -Tula >o44£-  tv^x.  J  -&j*4*£ 

'J^L  tyV-/tZ^L>  -Jtlll.XH^'l^  -Cityrfh. 

ztu^tA^  /Laax. 

-4^«UM  -£4s-cj(iaa/^  c^^'' 

~T~ft€.  frvJtj  ~tA#(Z4 [&  2&J0-C 

TfjVMM  J6j-#^^  y^**?.„i  >^4*S  •<<*.'^4t  fttii<..  J?  fLa^/d 

'TiT  ~t£*-  -lyo**- 

^ '7444ZS9&4*.  xflu*X  -t4> 

A.  ^j*^***-4yy  e-i^^ttaL  '-L**aaA^€.  X&O&uaaj 

’ir&lA/VL  jd*444*  .  Sm*04^  l*AJ^ _ 

-^u4^i  J)  ~^AU-€  #££44. 

;  4*  &.  Iff  iM+ZeA 

^  aJUM-'Klh.  y,  l^*£*™*- 

-jdfcJ  Jy&-  ^c  JtL  W^****^,  ‘^Jk 

jprj  ^wo  -t^f  &>JiS  y'rt 

s&A*^e^  'pC-C  AHAAy*-  <*X'a&. 

jh.  y  #U££  <*jtju*n*~-**.  aAv^y 
/W-n-4^-  ^**n^*-&*-  h*2t~-^P  ^ca 

V~Viy  jP**  <^~***<  a^3, 

MCi^  cavu*>  c*as»a*. 

rP^y-  t iJj  &  ft#'*- 

®J}  &/s^  /U£-  coo^L^f 

..  -U^  aMt^  c^aM  A^joyJ^y  . 

^  V-  b<*J  JHJ  9^  -<4t**Z} 

aOou^p  /tfuw  ***** 

-la  ~uv*?F ^wa^t****.  . 

$+^-*L+*  J  -i^a~kcZ  *&*£  &*■* 
"whL  ^ 


'  JL 

-U49 cx  ^ 


J  >*** -  ^  , 

"du.  ^to^A-  3§r  to 

^  -i/u^C  CMO  J.9i*l  <&*-- 

rv  . 

J  hellion  l&fa*- j&_d^f****^ -&*&***  - 

a."-^  ^  ^  ^  *-  mr*  *^A 

^U  hL,  &f  *,.***+%&*} 

-iisJjk. _ J  bi2('a.»<  -the.  &L**rU*f  Jua^u* 

-ti*.  HA^te.  tv-lrfh,  0~Uaam^  -^t^.  a**A. 


^J^u.  aA****&>--  ^  -uAMi  %** 

Q-  C^Jy  **  AL+~**  A^c^ou^-  s~t&  - 

tU  r/^  *  *'  * 

iAyi^ayt  ~3  gmaa.  tto. 

TAe  PM~^.p  v<~££™- 

,„(1-n  -  S<*~~  bJtfirt  ~r„i. surtax  toT/oil 

].af  9>"*.  O'-raetfes - 

,177 -a-AAmein  EH-t"s«r »•«  r°> 

J^W  ^^cmMes 

\j  P2&  af  -f/t-e  f  r/fifs  7 fa  ye>es  s/-r  /~/ct-/da_ 

par  &sL4*e.  Ay  A/o^m. j 

-tvd/i C  "the.  /e^x^/te^/, 

J  ^■evtxC  -W+-VO  /g  /dtLo  /HxrLct^ 

.  -*«.  "the,  /A  M{.  ha~ 

"the,  , 

hxxjtjtxt*.  ~to  ^uulJ  'p/Le  /%&£Lct£m*e.  «<. 
sh^-n**.  A)  e^vdtj  ~pCjl  a^thco^ 

erf"  i a^uA  goasl 

- -£t*e  e&ujtJl 

.  I 

e(?shsrvtJ?a)  t^c  t£hi&ii_<sj  <9i/ 

!>  jB^£t£jL+y  -the.  aAtletJUCK., 

lv.  IV,  0-^t^tz^Aehji 

Urt  1m pcriahtf^  ftzftlS , 

~fc4*.  ^ 


$^*Uy  t 

etuf  iLjt  -U^U^L  ^ 

*uU  _ju^-i*~*-*& 

OJUL  <*L^  l*^fut*J 

^  6t5t  %  UeA*o  <Cuf+«- 

tU  u>ML 

4^,^U “■/  *4  f  ilin'  tj  ~  l£*  t  Sl^  iji 


^£t£  *^«y 

s'txse^wuj}  C&^^+tiZtas? -. 

farh+c  -fit,  touLatL^ 


h~"  DURING  the  demonstrations. 


"  Say  howRBUARKSoBy  S^aF®  ^fellows  over  there 
for  exhibiting  that  thing?  It'B  money  well  invested. 
Certainly. " 

"Another  gentlemen  saye,  "Why  dont  you  kill  it?" 

l't  if  eweet."  ^  ^  ('&*■  ^  f 

"Isn't  that  Sohurnan  Heinok,  singing  the  Rosary? 

Ho  that's  Christine  Killer,"  "Aren  'fhe-vs  tones  beautiful?" 

"Youv'e  got  some  opposition  over  here."  "oh,  no." 

"i  have  a  neighbor  on  one  aide  with  an  Edison  and 
one  on  the/  other  side  bombarding  me  with  a  Viotrola.  There 
is  absolutely  no  caomparieon  between  the  two  machines. 

Edison  Tojie  is  far  superior." 

»  My  isn't  that  awful?  It's  just  Ear  Splitting. 
I  wish  they  would  shut  that  Victrola  off." 

"S  pm  going  to  put  some  sand  in  that  fellows  / 

Motor  if  he  dbn't  shtlt  up."  I  have  got  it  all  arranged  Lf « 
and  ready  to  put  in." 

"Whatbs  that  a  Viotor  over  there?"  By  the 
Holy  Mud  such  a  tone." 

"I  inet  you  here  last  year  and  I  have  been 
talking  Edison  ever  since.  It's  got  them  all  skinned  on 
Tone. " 

"I  wish  they  would  close  that  Viotor  off,  it'e 
just  Bar  Splitting." 

"This  is  the  Edison#  iBn't  the  tone  beautiful?" 
It's  simply  wonderful."  I  have  never  hear  a  more  beautiful 

"You  know  I  would  like  to  trade  in  our  Viotor 
for  an; Edison  but  the  School  Board  will  not  let  *he 


children  raise  any  more  money  thie  winter  and  we  can't  get  the 
funds. " 

"Come  here  and  sit  down  with 

j—  il,  4=  Tin  rnl+.H  fill  mUBie  . " 

"Ian’ t  that  "Annie  Laurie"  perfectly  beautiful? 11 
"Won’t  y  u  play  it  over  again  for  me?" 

"How  distlnot  ever  note  oomeBoout.  bo  clear  and 
mellow  and  beautiful." 

"How  plain  every  word  is." 
evepy  word  of  it."  It  is  usually  very 
at and  the  wordB  on  other  machines. 

HWe  can  tinders tnnd 
difficult  to  under- 

"Kee  we  are  thinking  of  getting  a  Madine  for 
our  school,  and  it  will  certainly  be  an  Edison,  as  there  is 
no  comparison  in  tone." 

"  I  never  hear  a  more  beautiful  piano  tone. repro¬ 
duced.  "  C#8oo63jr 

HARflFR  A  mjsa 


77t  *v*=rs  -«« 


fcfr*  j» 

Mr.  Edi^ar **-<~“  U* 


'  J'iat  have  heerJ'  paired 

and  pr i C'e'^S4o" al|jjthe*r  e eorTTommit tee  cnn^scjlect  what  pieces 
they  like  for  the  next  supplement.  ^-CMs  right? 

Your  instructions  to  me  was  ,  to  j^repare  such  a  list 
when  the  committee  called  for  same. 

Por  the  "good  of  the  aeWx?,  X  think  this  should 
he  left  to  this  department,  as  we  know  as  well  a3  the  record 
qpmittee,  what  the  public  likes.,  the  last  two  supplements 

we  issued  have  beeen  commended  along  the  line- 

Another  thing,  this  will  necessitate  the  committee 
listening  to  all  the  records  that  you  have  passed  and  give  them 
the  opportunity  of  throwing  out  records  that  they  do  not  like . 

This  is  the  same  committee  that  passes  on  the  blue 
amherol  list,  namely  Mess.  Ireton,  Hiller,  Cronkhite ,  and 


V la  take  such  a  pride  in  our  work  that  we 
over  to  this  committee. 

hate  to  see  this  turned 

■<^1  <0*0  TJ 

ejfn  CUcjoZa  of  (%cuao/ey  of  Records. 

[  //y  d  cue- ) 

■&e>vUmcnta£  : 

Yocut  jSO-£o4  - 

/.  cU*-e*ffa  - 

7-7  i° 

n  tjlseudoMes  - 




H UivtorocoS  - 

VocclC'  ^otoi t 




.1  2eca*./c.fta 


*-«<  -  (S~j) 


„  (mciecj ) 

'■ 7°7 * 

Band . 


7}1  cut 




’■ 71 : 

o(  i4r '}  i  Li.  Auij/n  t  Cfnudt  u 

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.  -TIL/V.  .:hyf  /  ■ 

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jpisi*wM/U'i,ts^  hi  "farht 
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‘  (?UM+  O^d  $twu  <d~  7-  ZA  jh  y  ^ 



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U  iJoJl^M  asvd'  dd/MA  U  ^A^MAk  .  cd~  ,xa/^m  fiwtA. 

W,  £jt l  is  Jtrzi  jk ej~  M?  "  " 

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ya  &*>  h  <miaM,  3l>0  WosJm  <d~ >XOfyU  i&^vxJ^d. 

/O  Km  *  "  3JLy  "  *'  ■**/  "  "  : 

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Gvh  ,X0  ¥ fhrlM*> 

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)  )v7 (W-V  )  'fltrutsu  k  OjMklJ  Jwa.Jt £  .Xd^^o*-  £-rwv~ 

J  IyHaa^  X  /Uwo  J(rM  ^vi£trc>.c( ^v»o  <^~  .Zd/yln  hc-it*. 

IkToJlMA/tj  ^OAaJuJL  '  ' 

/  ')n&vu  /</  Pb  yyuju-  f/frO<jcd>  oJ~  ,20  ? hd^l, 

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/  J2  flrw*  k  wdu-  \ 9*0- Mo  oJ~  ,^^/^Av 

y  ,5>ncwu  / 

4^  k  ^  ^  ^nt/l 

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)  'flirwu.  Jt  s@tra.dxosAJ  -MM^Crtul  yn^fu^L  @  XOf^Ax  &>*■ 

^yd^Oi^Uj  (PiTUird/yL.  ^vt-wc^A/i. 

/._&**<  k:  yku/:  i*rwdv±  (d  >20? J**  Km. 

)  •'py\(MA~ 

Plating  Deft. 

Routing  of  Mould  rHRv  PLAT/ng-  P-OttiO  • 

Manager.  r  M.S,  Folsom 

Nr.  Hopper 

fee.  ttartdrs  f (■*«  " 
N.y,  Makes  set 
Nou  Id  Cards . 

orftfy;  Mw/t^rAiS  ■ 


_W4«M«trs  He/J 

(.ere  if  baths 

-Me  t  read) 

OrmfUit  Iihj  _ 

__  semied  a-*  VW 

_  'Bella,  i-veirj  G.. 
Tlati-^.  - 
Metal  Master 

Gla-ncy  , 

-  Laike^oo-^  - 

Metal  Master 
S+ripW  drowW* 
L-oa^ed -iCImned 

--ecofe  lw.ta.lJ- 
Setorded  . 

CJacoBus  • 

_  Microscopic  _ 

peiti.»  Y 

D«tk  Cards  fwJe 


.  p\cuU  Or, drill 

TT^e  „3»tk 


‘  HoSEY 

Eye  ks  (section 

|  3£cobi>s  -  Repairs  •wntdg  /f  heededj 

_j  H  fcMl 


V^as-tcv  Ti-rr,*-  Old  HtM 

female  No.  las c« 

-  3tr'lf>pl^  0~y. 
Tkale  stK.ffe4 


-  |4  Jirs  - 

This  Cow  jiletes 
plati-ajj  of  tfcwde 

2.4ms  i-m  Fas* 

I  Master  'TJnM 



Covitvol  ^bOVa  _ 
W  m  Med 
IfcjlVi  Cards  ^iaJe 

W«fs  poFiltf d 
LtWalwM-  6«aU 


-  'fREATrtENr 

Fast  ?Uliw^ 
Nick  El-  ~ 




■  Sr-r^F 



"Tone  oof  Mcl 

legale  Y  It.  M.  AkS 

New  ftwale  Low 
W.  NerJ  Tur-aed 
-  Fi-msW  fTcst 
PyjnTs  yytade 

kuld  C-nf/oIr 


Cevtrol  ^ 

Ti-we  l-x  -holed 

®ftt4  Cftvds  INde  A 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Phonograph  -  General  (E-14-69) 
Thomas  A.  Edison,  Inc. 
Amusement  Phonograph  Committee  Minutes 



it.en  of  the  49th'Ni 

Minutes  of  the  <l9th* Kcotins 
of  the 

Amusement  Phonograph  Committee 

Held  January  2,  1914 
at  10:00  A.  W. 

In  the  Executive  Committee  Room. 

C  licCheeney,  Ireton  and  Maxwell.  Ur. 

-  —  Aboent:  Messrs.  Stcveris, 

Preoent:  Messrs.  1..  u.  nvw,cm*»jr  > 
llallowell  present  part  of  the  time. 

Uolbeer,  Hird  and.Ilohr. 

Hr.  Ireton  brought  up  the  question  of 

With  reference  to  the  connection  for  «hc 

Eienta  for  the  preoent. 

.„d  — naJP. i-SSSS  ftS»3$33r 

ieverago^ln^gettlng  Shore  they  are  required. 

-  ‘;v« S^s^Si-t^T 

in  the  several  town o  indicated  by^j.r.  fca  representation  is 

number  of  dealers .  In  iwe  of  these  towns  «  «  ^  t  nddi_ 

not  ouf ficiontt  and  the  jobbers  will  be  require  v®xweir  gave 

tional  dealers  before  the  n&veviintiet_ h  expressed  his 

Hr.  IlallOTrell  a  list  of  towns  v/herellr.  Ed,  son  haeexpre^  ^ 

willingness  to  make  one  J ich^as  used  in New  York?  also  one 
of  tho  announcement  ad  which  was  used  i  ehortly  to  appear 


is6 our*" intention  as  soon 

could  include  the  names  of  dealers  at  yitehburg. 
thf fifteenth  of  this  month,  and  Y/hon  satisfactory  representation 

^thl6°There°liKeY,ise:  Sh^^uSaSS to^-S^tkfion 

haoheenobtnlncd?  the  announcement  advertising  will  be  run. 

\Y  .  liaxvmll 

Conies  to  all  committee  members  and  to  Kesora.  Edison. 
Wilson,  Bergeron,  Eckert,  Learning  and  Hutchison. 

Minutes  of  the  Both  Hooting 
of  the 

Amusement  Phonograph  Committee 
Held  January  0,  1914 
at  10:00  a.  M. 

In  the  Executive  Committee  Room. 

.  *  '  Moo.rn  i|oHr  Hird.h.  0  .  McChesney,  Wilson  and  Maxwell . 

SEKi  '  *E£V «S£  H.uor.11  ..H  xreton .  Mr. 

Millar  oallod  into  consultation. 

Mr;  Hehr  inquired  whether  he  in  author- 

discussion  it \*s  decided  that  those  moldo  should  be  wrapped  -  . 

itni  n.11  2-mi  nut  o  wax  moldo  except  Kimball  s  and  the  I*C*  • 
he  scrapped"  So  Mexican  2-minute  list  has  already  been  made 
over  on  the  Blue  Amberol . 

Mr.  Maxwell  Brought  up  Mr.  Wilson  memo¬ 
randum  concerning  the  change  hi  the  Amhorola  X.^ond  there  ensued 
^discussion  of  how  to  handle  this  change  «»*«  “  ihe 

about  1800  of  the  present  stylo  coming  throughthenhop.Ie 
thought  thin  would  probably  take  care  of  the  demand  between  now 

and  the  15th  of  Maroh  unless  Bab  son  P“t  in  a  ' ^stvlo. 

*»  *«»"««■ vss* s viss  asjStX;  ««. 

S;a5  S5  ?cSoo  L.  Cm  ?»  ;".lS*  U»  »r  return  privt- 

K  oS  tl.S  prel.St  MMNU’X.  ~  oufit  t.  olU.  .  I sap  ■ =f  ®u«t 

?„r.or4o~  °~“5s  r«ssrir,is%:  su»r 


Mr.  Baldwin  appeared  at  the  meeting  and  in- 

„„,r.d «  a  »  “f n« “\S*S«.- 

salesmen  explaining  about  the  folk  dance  records  and  informing 
them  under  whose  Buporvision  they  were  propared.  He  pill  oonsult 
Mr.  L.  C.  HcCheaney  in  regard  to  this. 

Mr.  Maxwell  brought  up  the  inquiry  of  Walter 
Klp„  a„.ut  *d.  •««*»»* „« *I‘"j **»■ „??$ “nSjnf 
StSlStrenttln ~ .SSJKS'nS- ‘.re  not  at  pron.Pt  nvatlatlo 

.  no-,  matchings.  Mr.  Wilson  thought  tliat  this  ohould  to 

t^furnioh  arii-tPofB0«cheSoloctiono‘in^rdcr  that  ho^ay  refer 
to  M  in  Siting  ^  Kipp.  Mr ^  ^^n^of  the 

whether  itjnightaot  be- a^ood  idea  lor  us^  ^  oamot  get 

dealers  with  whom  tL  old  matchings.  Mr.  V iloon  thought 

*35  *^“£5  SLrSS* otaLdVafhfwouidVlco  the  matter  up 
Itth  l^ed  Bateon  while  the  latter  is  here  within  the  next  day  or  so. 
Mr? Maxwell  thought  that  eomo  of  our  Hew  York  dealers  could  also 
act  as  an  outlet  for  these  old  matchings. 

1 3 ;  Maxwell  ' 


Copies  to  all  committee  members  and  to  Messrs .Edison,  Y/ils.on, 
Borggren,  Eckert,  Looming  and  Hutchison. 

Minutes  of  tho  Slot  Mooting 
of  tho 

Amusement  Phonograph  Committee 
Held  January  15,  1914 
at  10:00  A.  H. 

In  tho  Executive  Committee  Room. 

Present*  Meoors.  Hird,  L.  C.  UcCheoney,  Wilson,  Leaning  and  Maxwell. 
Absent:  Messrs.  Stevens,  Dolboer  and  Ircton.  Messrs.  HallowoU  and 
Nehr  preoent  port  of  the  time. 

Hr.  Maxwell  referred  to  requests  from  the  trade 
for  new  German  oolections  on  the  Blue  Amberol.  Ho  stated  that  Hr. 

W.  H.  Miller  is  of  the  opinion  that  it  will  bo  advisable  to  have 
these  mado  at  the  London  Laboratory,  as  he  thinks  better  talent  can 
be  obtained  over  there.  Hr.  McChecney  thought  it  would  be  better 
-to  have  tho  records  made  in  Mew  York  even  though  it  is  true  that 
Germans  after  they  have  been  over  here  a  while  speak  German  a 
little  differently  than  those  who  reside  in  Germany,  ire  pointed  out 
that  the  cbiof  sals  of  these  records  will  be  in  America.  Mr.  Max¬ 
well  stated  he  had  heard  of  some  complaint  out  in  haven port  tha  t 
some  of  our  German  records  were  too  high  German  for  tho  kind  of 
Germans  who  live  in  Davenport  and  vicinity.  Mr.  KcChosiiey  stated 
that  ho  known  a  man  on  one  of  the  German  papers  who  would  be  glad 
-to  co-operate  with  uo  in  chooing  popular  selections  and  with  Hr. 
Hiller  in  getting  talent.  Decided  after  discussion  that  Mr.  Mc- 
Chenney  communicate  these  facto  to  Mr;  Hiller  and  that  we  make 
about  twenty  now  Gorman  oelentiono;  Mr.  Ilaxwell  mentioned  that  . 
Silent  Might  in  German  is  one  that  has  been  suggested  by  Baboon 
Bros.,  San  Francisco. 

Hr-.  Looming  submitted  model  of  Amborola  X 
with  Fireside  mechanism  in  comparison  with  model  VIII.  Aftor 
discussion  it  was  decided  to  put  out  the  new  model  X  with  tho 
Fireside  mechanism  and  the  some  top  plate  as  heretofore  and  in  the 
same  cabinet  fini£fia.  In  order  to  make  a  greater  distinction  be¬ 
tween  the  VIII  and  X  it  was  decided  to  put  the  new  top  plate  on  the 
VIII  and  to  furnish  it  in  Golden  Oak,  polished.  To  distinguish 
between  the  VIII  and  VI,  it  was  decided  to  put  the  VI  out  in 
mahogany  only  and  with  a  maroon  colored  top  plate  in  tho  nevr  style. 

Hr.  Maxwell  road  memorandum  from  Mr.  Looming 
in  reference  to  the  connection  for  playing  lateral  cut  records. 

Aftor  discucoion  it  was  decided,  to  make  a  price  of  $1  to  jobbers, 
£1.25  to  dealers  and  £1.75  to  the  consumer,.  In  announcing  thio  to 
the  trade  wo  ohall  merely  sond  a  letter  to  each  of  the  disc  jobbers 
and  send  them  a  sample,  leaving  them  to  handle  tho  matter  with  tho 
dealers.  Hr.  Ilaxwell  will  prepare  the  letter  and  discuss  it  with 
the  legal  department  before  it  is  sent  out. 

vi.  Maxwell 



Copies  to  all  committee  members  and  to  Messrs.  Edison, 

Wilson,  Borggron,  Eckert,  Looming  and  Hutchioon. 


Minutes  of  the  52nd  Mooting- 
of  tho  < 

Aauacnent  Phono  Committee 
Hold  January  22,  1914 
In  the  Executive  Committoo  Room 
at  10:00  A.  H. 

Prooent:  Messrs.  Ilird,  L.  C.  McCheonoy ,  Leeming  and  Maxwell. 

Hr.  Rohr  was  cxcuoed  at  conmencemont  of  meeting.  Kr.  Hayeo 
was  called  into  consultation.  Absent:  Messrs.  Btovono,  Dolboer, 
Iroton  and  Hallowell. 

Hr.  Leers  ing  brought  up-  tho  question 
of  manufacturing  sehodulo  on  dine  instruments.  He  stated  that 
on  the  3-60  foi*  a  period  of  twelve  weeks  tho  weekly  sales  aver¬ 
aged  172  per  v/oek ,  but  for  the  past  throo  weeks  -  since  Christmas  - 
the  soles  have  boon  but  34  per  weok.  7/e  have  in  stock  343  of 
those  instruments  end  cabinets  in  sight  for  500  core  -  a  total  of 
843  in  sight.  Ur.  Looming  stated  that  there  in  some  ■possibility 
that  this  cabinet  will  have  to  bo  eliangod  to  accommodate  tho  new 
motor.  Thor ef ore,  after  discussion  it  was  deaided  not  to  make 
any  provisions  at  present  for  an  additional  manufacturing  oched- 
ulo  on  tho .3-60  cabinot.  A  manufacturing  schedule  of  ton  per  day 
will  be  maintained  on  this  instrument  until  conditions  juatify 
a  change  in  the  schedule. 

On  the  A- 80  we  have  1176  mahogany 
instruments  on  shipping  order  as  of  data  January  17th.  The  manu¬ 
facture  of  this  instrument  has  been  just  about  equal  to  tho 
shipping  orders  with  the  result  that  wo  have  maintained  a  tolor- 
ably  constant  quantity  on  shipping  order.  This  13  regarded  ao  a 
healthy  and  desirable  condition  in  view  of  the  contemplated 
ohange.  Models  of  the  now  motor,  self  contained,  and  the  new 
cabinet  will  bo  submitted  to  the  Laboratory  today  for  final 
approval.  As  coon  as  approved  by  tho  Laboratory  the  manufacturing 
department  desires  to  go  ahead  ordering  the  material.  7/o  have 
1610  mahogany  cabinets  of  tile  prooent  modol  in  sight  and  Kr.  . 
Looming  desires  authority  to  place  an  order  for  2000  of  tho  new 
cabinets  ao  coon  as  approved,  to  be  taken  an  needed.  Thin  will  ex¬ 
tend  our  present  sehodulo  forty  days  boyond  our  present  available 
cabinet  material.  The  Committee  recommended  that  this  order  bo 

Hr.  Looming  stated  there  is  no  present 
oocanion  to  take. any  action  on  A-150,  200  and  250.  Mr.  KoChooney 
offered  some  critic icm  of  tho  100  cabinot  and  expressed  an  opinion 
that  it  might  bo  ndvioablo  to  bring  out  a  different  cabinot  for 
next  fall.  Mr.  Leeming  pointed  out  that  tho  sales  on  this  in¬ 
strument  are  increasing. 

$ith  reforonco  to  A-275,  we  have  forty 
on  order  at  the  present  time  and  51  cabinets  in  sight.  Mr.  Looming 
suggested  that  an  order  be  placed  for  50  more  which  is  the  number 
of  tho  last  shop  order.  The  Committee  recommended  that  this  be 
done.  ■ 

On  the  A- 290  we  have  orders  for  ton  and  two 
,in  otoolc.  Decided  after  dineuuoioti  to  recommend  a  chop  ordor  for 

On  the  A-300  Mr.  Bird  otated  that  this  oeociB 
.  ^  rjottlnr'  slightly  more  sopular.  Vfo  have  oixteon  in  oiGht 

and  ohiSiS^ordolo  for  four'.  Decided  after  discussion  to  reo- 
onsnond  that  a  shop  ordor  for  25  additional  be  placed. 

in  the  nod  el  o  above  A-300  no  notion  needs  to 
bo  taken  at  the  present  tine  in  Mr.  Leaning* o  opinion. 

Hr.  Hayos  was  called  into  consultation.  Hr. 

SJSHS  of  S  Kioi  s 



to^HSoc^as^thfopinion^rtho  noxt 

with  the  Committee,  after  which  they  will  bo  submitted  to  Hr. 

M.  Maxwell 


Minute 8  of  the  53rd  Keating 
of  the 

Amusement  Phonograph  Committee 
Held  February  5 ,  1914 
at  10:00  A.  M. 

In  the  Executive  Committee  Room.. 

p.......  Messrs.  Bird,  L.  C.  McChcBney,  Wilson,  Looming,  _ 

frtlZ kJ Sell.  Mr.  Hehr  excused.  Absent:  Messrs.  Stevens 
and  Dolbeer.  Hr.  Hayes  was  called  into  consultation. 

In  view  of  the  expected  viBit  of  the  jobbers. 
Kr.' Wilson  brought  up.  tho  question  as  to _ what  extent  we  should 
confide  to  th«  the  changes  thatareo  ontemplated  ta°ur  line  * 

As  to  the  cylinder  it  was  decided  alter  discussion  thau  .fc 
should  submit  to  them  specimens  of  the  new  X  and  VIII,  also  oi 
the  VI  with  the  new  top  plate.  Mr.  Looming  will  prepare  a  mem 
randum  covering  the  various  changes  for  the  guidance  those 
who  come  in  touch  with  the  jobbers.  Decided  that -we  would  say 
to  the  jobbers  that  in  adopting  the  policy  of 

our  confidence  about  future  changes  it  must  be  with  the  under- 
standing  that  until  the  changes  become  effective  they  will  continue 
to  pushStho  models  that  we  are  able  to  furnish,  and  that  they  must 
not  expect  us  to  talce  back  any  instruments  because  of  changes  that 
we  make. 

Mr.  Learning  oallod  attention  to  tho  fact  that 
we  have  on.  hand  at  Glen  Ridge  67  A-200‘s  in  dull  finis}.,  mahogany. 
He  would  liko  to  close  out  tho  Glen  Ridge  storage  account  and 
suggested  that  tho  sales  department  see  if  orders  cannot  be  ob¬ 
tained  immediately  for  these  instruments.  Ur.  Hird  stated  that 
Milwaukee  Phonograph  Company  and  Pacific  Phonograph  Company  are 
somewhat  partial  to  this  finish.  Mr.  Maxwell  suggested  that  tho 
sales  department  write  these  jobbers  and  also  tho  Phonograph 
Company  at  Chicago  with  a  view  to  getting  orders  to  use  up  the  67 
instruments  at  Glen  Ridge. 

Mr.  Leeming  called  attention,  to  the  fact  that 
we  have  in  stock  192  A-250,n  in  weathered  oak.  Decided  after 
discussion  to  get  out  a  letter  to  the  trade  about  these  weathorod 
oak  cabinets.  Mr.  Leeming  will  send  a  memorandum  to  Hr.  Dolbeer 
on  tho  subject.  • 

Mr.  Hayes  submitted,  list  of  twolve  records  for 
the  next  supplement.  The  Committee  were  unanimous  in  expressing 
approval.  Mr.  Bird  will  Bee  that  these  numbers  are  rushed  through 
ae  rapidly  as  possible,  and  at  tho  next  meeting  the  probable  time 
at  which  the  supplement  can  be  announced  will  be  considered. 

Mr.  KcChesney" inquired  what  reference  should  be 
made  to  the  filing  facilities  in  our  disc  phonograph  in  view  of 
the  changes  that  may  be  made.  Decided  merely  to  refer  to  the 
faot  that  filing  facilities  are  afforded  in  the  A-200  and  up. 

Mr.  Maxwell  inquired  what  progress  has  been 
made  in  recording  German  records  in  Hew  York  an  deoided  in  a 
recent  committee  mooting.  Mr.  HcChonney  ntated  that  he  had  had 
the  matter  up  with  Mr.  Miller  but  had  not  yet  received  a  report. 

Mr.  Maxwell  requeoted  Mr.  Ircton  to  take  thiB' matter  up  with  Mr. 
Miller  at  the  record  committee  meeting  tonight. 

Mr.  Wilson  brought  up  the  question  of  scrapping 
all  wax  records.  Decided  after  diocuoaion  to  scrap  everything  hut 
French  and  German  and  ouch  foreign  records  as  the  foreign  depart¬ 
ment  dooiros.  • 

Mr.  Maxwell  brought  up  the  question  of  jobbere' 
demands  ^hat  we  take  back  records  of  the  old  matchings.  Decided 
after  diocuosion  whore  jobbers  aro  insistent,  and  after  being 
requested  to  get  out  special  lists  of  these  old  matchings,  still 
contend  that  they  cannot  get  rid  of  them,  wo  will  permit  the  return 
of  same  for  credit.  It  is  however  understood  that  special  effort 
must  be  made  to  got  them  to  isoue  a  special  list  of  those  records 
and  endeavor  to  sell  them. 

Mr.  Maxwell  read  letter  from  William  A.  Lucker 
of  St.  Paul,  inquiring  about  additional  Swedish  and  J'orwegian 
rooords.  Mr.  Lucker  otated  that  the  wax  records  in  these  languages 
have  boen  criticised  because  the  artistes  wore  not  natives.  Mr. 
Ireton  will  ascertain  from  Mr.  Killer  tonight  what  ho  can  do  in 
the  way  of  getting  Swedish  and  Korwegian  talent  nnd  will  also  in¬ 
vestigate  what  our  sales  have  been  In  the  past,  with  a  view  to 
determining  what  number  of  each  language  should  be  recorded. 

.  Mr.  1..  C.  McCheoney  brought  up  the  question  of 
notahing  the-disc  record  envelopes.  Ho  stated  that  thecont  is  no 
greater.  The  Committee  were  in  favor  of  notching  them  and  Mr. 
McChcsney  will  consult  Hr.  Edison  about  this. 

W.  Maxwell 

Copies  to  all  committee  members  and  to  Hessrs.  Edison, 
■Wilson ,  Berggren,  Eckert,  Learning  and  Hutchison. 

Mr.  Hird  reported  concerning  the  disc  . 
supplement  that  we  have  molds  at  work  for  seven  of  the  twelve 
records  proposed  for  the  next  supplement.  The  molds  for  the  other 
five  will  probably  be  ready  by  next  Thursday.  Thero  followed  an 
extended  discussion  of  the  manner  in  which  this  supplement  should 
be  announced.  Mr.  Wilson  and  Hr.  Dolbeer  wore  of  the  opinion 
that  we  ought  to  send  all  jobbers'  a  list  of  the  selections  and 
aBk  them  for  advance  orders.  Mr.  Maxwell  believed  that  the  jobbers 
would  ordor  in  such  largo  quantities  as  to  make  a  joke  of  our 
attempt  to  get  out  a  supplement,  and  that  it  would  be  better  to 
accumulate  a  reasonable  stock  of  tho  records  and  apportion  thorn 
to  the  jobbers  according  to  the  business  they  have  boon  doing. 
Decided  to  defer  a  final  decision  until  next  woe):  when  molds  for 
all  the  selections  are  working. 

There  oneuod  a  discussion  of  the'  progress 
that  is  being  made  in  completing  the  present  disc  catalog  and 
supplement.  Mr.  Hird  was  asked  to  make  a  report  on  the  numbers 
that  are  nyt  coining  through,  stating  tho  reason  in  each  case. 

Tho  question  of  renewing  the  return  allow¬ 
ance  on  machine  purchases  was  brought  up..  Mr.  Ireton  thought  that 
in  special  cases  where  we  desired  to  clean  up  the  wax  record 
stocks  of  dealers,  wo  ought  to  cut  out  tho  Jobber  and  malco  a 
deal  direct  with  tho  dealer.  He  thought  that  we  should  confine 
these  special  deals  to  a  good  sir.ed  rocord  return  alloviance  based 
exclusively  on  cylinder  machine  purchases  -  all  of  tho  machines 
on  which  the  allowance  is  made  to  be  taken  nt  one  timo.  It  is  a 
point  of  doubt  whether  thlB  would  not  involve  the  opening  up  of 
accounts  with  a  good  many  dealers.  Mr.  Maxwell  thought  that 
Mr.  Ireton  had  a  good  idea  and  believed  it  could  be  worked  out 
successfully  by  confining  the  proposition  to  dealers  who  would 
agreo  to  conduct  a  special  canvassing  campaign.  He  proposed  that 
the  scheme  be  tried  in  Ohio  along  with  a  limited  amount  of  adver¬ 
tising  in  tho  "Ohio  Farmer",  such  advertising  to  fit  in  with  tho 
canvassing  scheme  and  designed  to  aid  the  dealers  who  conduct  the 
canvassing.  Hr.  Wilson  pointed  out  that  so  far  ao  the  profits 
are  concerned,  we  would  bo  in  a  bettor  position  to  make  tho 
allowance  on  Blue  Aaberol  record  pure )m bob  than  on  machine  pur¬ 
chases.  Hr.  Ireton  argued,  however,  that  the . interests  of  the 
cylinder  buoineeo  will  bo  better  served  by  loading  the  dealers  up 
with  machines  than  by  loading  them  up  with  records.  Hr',  Maxwell 

suggested  that  Hr.  T/ilson,  Hr.  Bolbeer.-Kr.  HcChoBney,  Hr. 
Ireton  and  himself  each  think  over  thin  natter  between  now  and 
.the  next  meat  inf;  and  each  submit  a. plan.  Mr.  Wilson  agreed 
with  thiB  and  it  was  oo  decided. 


Copiee  to  all  committee  members  and  to  HeBorB.  Edison, 
Wilson,  Berggren,  Eckert,  Leemlng  and  Hutchison. 

Minuton  of  the  57th  Meeting 
of  the 

Amusement  Fhonogranh  Committee 
Hold  itaroh  5,  1914 
at  10  A.  U. 

In  the  Executive  Commit  tec-  Room. 

Prooent:  Messrs.  Hohr,  Bird,  TicGhesney,  Dolboor  andMaxwell. 
Absent:  Messrs.  StevcnB,  Hallowell  and  Ireton,  • 

Mr.  ifehr  stated  that  there  may  bo  about  three 
dayB  delay  in  the  proposed  date  of  getting  out  the  special 
oupplement  of  dance  records.  He  thinks  that  shipment  can  commence 
about  tho  20th. s 

Mr.  Hird  reported  with  reference  to  the  pro¬ 
poned  dine  supplement  that  we  have  4359  records  of  one  number. 
From  tii in  on  down  to  1020.  Trouble  in  being  experienced  with  the 
record  containing  the  selection  "Lead  Kindly  Light",  and  if  it  is 
included  in  the  supplement,  it  will  probably  hold  up  the  oupplo- 
ment.  Hr.  F.  K.  Dolboor  wsb  of  the  opinion  that  this  could  well 
be  omitted  an  well  an  any  other  of  the  $1.50  records  that  give 
trouble.  Mr.  Dolboer  stated  that  unions  a  definite  date  can  bo 
given  in  tho  near  future  ao  to  whon  this  supplement  will  bo 
ready  so  that  tho  trade  can  bo  advised,  he  io  inclinod  to  bolieve 
it  will  be  better  for  us  to  ship  tho  records  out  now  and  abandon 
tho  idea,  for  the  time  being,  of  getting  out  a  supplement.  Mr. 
Hird  was  inclinod  to  agree  with  this. 

Hr.  Dolboer  commented  on  the  condition  in  the 
factory  which  prevents  us  from  getting  goods  to  fill  orders.  Ho 
stated  that  the  A-200  Disc  io  the  only  ono  at  present  of  which 
we  have  any  stock  and  can  make  prompt  shipment.  .  Ho  called  atten¬ 
tion  to  the  fact  that  last  week  w«  got  135  A-SO'o  although  tho 
schedule  is  330/  Wo  huvo  oorao  1400  on  order  and  are  receiving  a 
great  many  demands  for  shipment  from  the  trade. 

There  followed  an  extended  discussion  of  tho 
record  situation.  Mr.  Dolboer  requested  Mr.  Itird  to  confer  with 
him  this,  afternoon  vrith-n  viow  to  making  a  tally  of  machines  and 
records  shipped  out,  so  that  if  possible  we  can  make  an  estimate 
of  what  our  requirements  for  records  during  the  next  few  months 
will  bo.  Mr.  Maxwell  requested  a  copy  of  this  estimate. 

V.  Maxwell 

Copies  to  all  comaittoo  members  and  to  Messrs.  Edison, 
Kokort,  Wilson,  Berggron,  Looming  and  Hutchison.' 



Pinutoo  of  tho  I'ootinp 
of  tho 

Araisomont  Phonograph  Coraalttaa 
Hold  April  23,  1914 

nt  10:00  A.  1’.  .  _ 

In  tho  T^socatlvo  Coiroittoo  Boom. 

§KR‘  ^ 

v  Yv.  I  rot  on  roforrol  to  tho  foot  thtst 

rodaoo  oar  procent a  ^'oductlon  Ik  lurRor.  It  lo 

sffi»  ^\ro$^r5ntrSTvfs  sss. 
ssr^ss*  « ™$HsL  s  x/s\r 

johborc  stated  Jitt-aotlere  «_r  ■  records  and  in  viov;  of 

lino  boenup©  they  ere  no^  oble  to  r  -  : r^^1.5S’for  uc  to  continue 
thin  foot  tho  aohboro  “Tftor  oonsidorotion  tho 

to  croeto  so  r^py  new  aioe  Aonlor..-.  ^  foot  thttt  our 

Comnlttoo  v;t.nofthG  opinion  thot 4*2??  rtreoethenod  In  the  post 
dice  representation  ha.  io  <;av3G«blo  for  tho  present 

Kirs  s  s^me™  «*  ** 

Eoro  offort  on  tho  cylindor  product. 

Sir.  Kowoll  rood  roororonanm  to  rr.  Villoon 

from  IT.  fitotono  b1)®^  ^^[^ironaumthut  ho  dll  try’ 

■w.  H.  milor  too  endorsed  on  this  neno™^  roooraa  ,,rs  done, 
to  rooora  ehpnt  t^onty  co  coon  t.c  tho  Ro:  nc^  ^  ^  Btsvons 

ssa^aHrfysr'**  c"SBOrtl°”’  “ 

foots.  Soria  of  thorn  ehlprcont 5  end  it  lo 

onrolGcsly  PRCfcod  ^LifoxipiSd condition.  Ho  thought 

errsas  rJs3«0SK  sjf&si  n«r 
£fsS»s  «sr,s^0“0” 

«„• -I-*™-*. 

cvimnla  to  ooch  iobbor,  t*nc\  ticcordlnfrly  &  flui'Hdoftt  nucibor 

bo  SrSSoi.  E;  Xreion  will  write  the  3jbhoro 

oar  action.  Shis  has  already  haon  iliccuocod  with 

tho  Jobbers  end  thoy  approve  of  thin  oethoa 

matt or.  It  is  hoped  that  soma  of  the  Jobborc  will  order  In 

atrareonto  In  this  finish  In  addition  to  tho  stanolo  and  thus  ^ 

enable  no  to  clooo  out  tho  lot.  Kr.  Iroton  will  notify  than;  01 

tho  United  quantity  wo  have  on  hand. 



to  all  oornmitteo  moBbers  end  to  I'oonra .  Edlcon, 
Berpp.-ron,  Kekert,  hoamlnp  and  Hutchison. 

Minutes  pf  'the  63rd  Meeting 
6?  the 

Amasoment  Phonograph  Commlttoe 
Hold  April  30,  1914 
at  10:00  A.  K. 

In  the  Ejtoeutlvo  Cormrltten  Boom. 

aeonoBney ,  Ireton  and  Meow  ell* 
Absent;  Mosers.  Stevens  and 

Present*  Mosers.  Hohr,  Hird,  I.  C. 

Mr.  Wilson  present  part  of  the  time. 


Mr.  Bird  reported  on  the  new  supple- 
+h,*  ail  of  tho  nanibers  hut  two  aro  working,  and  that  the 

decided  to  designate  tho  supplement  by  number. 

Mr.  Ireton  renuested  Mr.  Hlrd  and  Mr. 

of  thoee  Instructions. 

Kr.  Hehr  osllod  attention  to  tho  neod 
for  additional  mould  storage  space  ^  “f.4  ?o  So 

^o^rreo^^firwa^^l^ororthe  common  that  those 

records  may  bo  destroyed. 

Hossrs.  Hohr  and  Bird  wore  excused. 

With  reference  to  endeavoring  to  got 

the  1.0.0.  people  to  adopt  the  gbo*Ols  SS5&' 

Kr- Jfhet?oTc°®  JeSlS  mk  Kit  to  them  the  Morale  X  which 

gJ’ffiJS  l£vS3*~  *  — K“"*a  ^  B0e  1!r* 

Durand  on  this  point. 

Kr.  Hescwoll  diGOUBSea  at  length  bid  Mean  of 
tho  plan  which  diouia  ho  adopted  to  inorooBO  oar  cylinder  phono¬ 
graph  buBinose.  Heooro.  Iroton  sna  KcChosnoy  agreed  with  tho 
plan  of  oatllnoa  ona  folt  that  it  should  bo  put  into  execution 
in  at  loaot  novorol  otatoo  oq  Boon  sb  poo  Bible.  Hr.  Hastwell 
vjill  propero  a  lettor  to  jobbers  with  a  viow  to  sBcertoining  to 
wbat  oxtent  wo  oen  count  on  thoir  co-operation,  ona  will  ®Jbo 
outline  tho  plan  in  memorandum  form  not  only  with  a  view  to  oub 
ndttlng  it  to  Kceere.  Edison  ona  V.'llcon,  but  oleo  to  furnish  a 
bnois  for  working  out  the  noeoBoory  details  if  tho  plan  1b  op- 

Copios  to  all  comittoo  momborB  and  to  KeoBrs.  EaiBon, 
Wileon,  Berggran,  Eokort,  looming  and  Hutchieon 

Minutes  of  the  64th  Meeting 
of  the 

Amusement  Phonograph  Committee 
Held  May  14,  1914 
at  10:00  A.  M. 

In  the  Executive  Coinnltteo  Room, 



Messrs.  HoChesney,  Wilson,  Iroton  end  Maxwell. 
Stevens,  Hollowoll,  leonard,  Hehr  ana  Hird. 


Mr.  Maxwell  referred  to  the  disc  instruments 
(about  150  in  number)  in  Mission  finish  which  wo  aro  refinishing 
in  tho  so-dolled  Congo  finish,  and  asked  Mr.  Iroton  what  suooess 
he  had  had  in  placing  than  with  Jobbers.  Mr.  Iroton  stated  that 
he -had  wtltten  to  all  of  the  Jobbers  and  had  gotten  orderB  for 
15  of  the  instruments.  Some  of  tho  Jobbers  stated  that  they  did 
not  osro  to  order  a  sample.  Hr.  Maxwell  stated  that  Mr.  Wilson 
thought  we  ought  to  get  permission  to  ship  one  of  these  instru¬ 
ments  to  each  Jobber  ana  requested  Mr.  Iroton  to  write  all 
Jobbers  who  hove  not  ordered  sample?,  asking  that  they  let  us  send 
them  a  sample  ana  that  they  put  it  on  their  floor  ana  show  it  to 
their  trade  for  two  or  three  weeks,  whereupon  if  they  do  not  think 
the  instrument  will  sell,  return  it  ana  we  will  give  them  credit. 

On  the  other  hand,  if  they  think  it  will  sell,  keep  it  and  if^hey 
think  they  can  sell  more,  send  us  en  J*der  for  afow.  (Of  course, 
explain  to  them  that  we  have  only  a  limited  quantity). 

She  remainder  of  the  meeting  was  devoted  to  the 
question  of  advertising.  Hr.  MoChdsney  submitted  a  memorradum  ana 
schedule, -copies  Of  which  are  attached  to  the  mlnuteB  for  Messrs. 
Edison,  Wilson,  Ireton  ana  Maxwell. 

Mr.  Maxwell  was  of  tho  opinion  that  we  oouia  not 
do  full  Justice  to  either  disc  or  cylinder  in -the  same  advertise¬ 
ment,  ana  was  inclined  to  think  that  wo  should  confine  our 
cylinder  advertising  to  publications  that  reach  tho  P®°g*a  “  - 

rural  communities  and  perhaps  tho  industrial  classes.  He  referred 
to  the  fact  that  our  plan  for  establishing  special  canvassing  deal¬ 
ers  will  require  us  to  Bpona  for  a  time  6%  of  their  purchases  in 
advertising^  their  local  paporB  to  fit  in  with 
campaign.  Hr.  MoChosney  said  he  approved  of  this  but  he  wanted 
national  advertising  in  addition.  Hr.  Ireton  stated  that  ho 
realized  the  difficulties  attendant  qpon  up 

and  cylinder  in  the  some  advertisement,  but  he' ?Lt 
to  ua  to  demonstrate  to  the  cylinder  dealers  that  wo 
faith  in  the  oyllnder  product,  ana  that  we  could  not  domonst: rate 
this  more  conclusively  than  by  doing  some  extensive  cylinder: a 
vortising,  and  he  thought  wo  should  advertise  the  disc 
time*  Mr.  Wilson  was  called  Into  consultation#  Ho  stated  that  in 
hie  JpiSon  it  was  not  advisable  to  advertise  the  disc  and  cylinder 
in  the  same  advertisement.  He  thoroughly  approved  of  the  idea  of 
local  advortising  of  tho  cylinder  ir  oduot  for  dealers  who  will  do 

otmvasning.  Ha  thought,  however.  that  eomo  additional  odvertioiBg 
of  tho  cylinder  should  to  done,  end  ho  was  inclined  to  favor  tho 
oheaper  olatsc  of  mtigasineo  for  thie  advertising. 

Kr.  I'oChosnoy  stated  that  advertising  tho  cylinder 
in  tho  ohocper  publications  Which  cro  not  road  hy  doolors  would 
not  bovo  be  good  an  of foot  on  than bg  cons  cdvortlclnp  in  well 
known  publioationo  like  tho  Port,  Collier* e,  Coraopolitan,  etc. 

Ho  thought  that  tho  ovorago  cylinder  dealer  would  ro^horoooao 
ndvortioe  in  theoo  big  publications  taen  to  do  loool  advertising 
for  him  oe  outlinod  in  Mr.  Maxwell's  plan,  olthoaph  he  *Pt*®vod 
of-  the  latter.  Hr.  Wilson  and  Hr.  1  exwellthought  that  doalore 
ordinarily  would  much  prof or  looel  advertising. 

Er.  roChecney  reiterated  that  if  wo  will  plan  a 
campaign  in  tho  notional  Eoganinoa,  wo-cen  t®13. 

■if*  pwfl  thin  *7113.  do  ido re  to  reefi&aro  them  end  etlraolate  their 
intOTOBt  than1 anything  wo  can  do,  Hr.  Kerwoll  thought  that 
national  advert  1  Bing  wen  not  b  panBooa,  end  holievad  that  the  tine 
hoe  oono  when  we  must  rely  on  spec!  oily  Delected  cylinder  dorf.orG 
who  will  oenvoBB  and  fight  for  business  aggro b  s  iv rfy  in  th air 
rfirmAGti^e  torritorioB  end  thet  oar  pdvortiBin^  choald  bo  dovotod 
to^helr  interests,  Hr.  McCheeney  felt  that  wo 
BUOOOBB  of  tbiB  plan  bocauGO  he  did  not  heliovo  it  could  ho  put 
into  effect  rapidly  enough. 

Vr.  ircChOBney  stated  that  hit)  plan  of  notional 
advertising  really  did  not  naan  tho  expenditure  of  a  largo  Bum  for 
ovlinder  advertising.  Ho  argues  that  we  will  naturally  want  to 
do  some  notional  advertising  on  the  disc  o»awo  ®5®  “°i1^“rrinB 
any  additional  exoanse  when  we  give  part  of  tho  space  to  the 
cylinder.  Mr.  Maxwell  thought  tbiB  reasoning  anBOundbecaueewa 
would  oao  rifle©  the  effeotivenessofoar  disoadvertiBlng  forthe 

reason  that  we  would  have  to  modify  the  disc  copy  to  keep  from 
throwing  tho  cylinder  in  tho  Bhede  when  both  instruments  were 
advertised  in  the  same  advertisement.  Ho  stated  that  ho  c®aai,®®® 
no  effective  way  of  running  a  combined  disc  and  cylinder  ad  unless 
we  relied  on  striking  illustrations  and  Just  a  few  words  of  copy 
as  rfor  exairole  "Mr.  Edison  has  invented  two  new  sound  reproducing 
instruments^  She  Edison  Diamond  Disc  and  the  Edison  Diamond 
Amberola.  You  should  hoar  thorn  before  you  purchase  a  phonograph 
or  talking  machine."  Mr.  WilBon  was  very  positive  that  if  we  dH 
any  oombinBtien  advertlcing  we  would  have  to  eliminate  all  spec! 
fio  claims  and  nee  3ust  a  few  words  of  general  copy. 

Hr.  McCheeney  submitted  two  layouts  prepared  by 
Calkino  &  Holden  to  illustrate  both  th®  °2Lthe 

text  mentioned  both  instruments.  Mr.  Maxwell  liked  nailer  the 
layout  nor  the  copy.  Mr.  KOChesney  stated  that  it  ms  ® 

inuetration  of  one  nay  the  thing  oould  be  done..  Mr.  Wilson  and 

Mr.  Ireton  did  not  express  an  opinion  on  these  layouts. 

Decided  that  Mr.  KoCheeney's  recommendations  he  laid  before 
Mr.  Edison  together  with  the  opinions  of  the  various  members  of 
the  Committee,  and  et  Mr.  Edison's  convenience  the  Committee  con¬ 
fer  with  him  on  the  subject  of  advertising. 

W.  Maxwell 


Copies  to  all  members  of  the  corcmltteo  and  to  Messrs.. Edison, 
TVilson,  Berggrcn,  Eckert,  looming  and  Hutchison. 

Minatec  of  tho  G5tli  Hasting 
of  tho 

oomont  Phonogrqp  h  Committee 
Held  Hay  21,  1914 
at  10:00  A.  H*. 

In  tho  Executive  ConMtteo  Boom, 

Present:  Hescro.  1.  0.  KcChosney,  Iroton  and  Mratwolll  Abeant: 
Hessra.  Stovenfl,  Hollawell,  loo  car  a,  Hohr,  Bird.  , 

Ur.  Ireton  referrod  to  comment  which  has 
vnfm  njftfiQ  •hv  the  Victor  Company  in  regard  to  tho  breaking  of 
diamond  points  and  thoir  quotation  from  iontraotiono  leaned  bg 
hr  in'  ratrsrd  to  the  oere  of  reproducero.  Hr.  Iroton  was  or  tno 
opinion  fhot  tho  matter  ehooia  hotroatod  rstJ’o:L.1P1® 
vein.  Hr.  leonard  will  writs  something  along  that  line  for  the 
hoao®  organ  and  eubrait  it  for  consideration. 

Hr.  Iroton  read  letter  from  1.  Powell, 
tho  man  who  had  planned  to  organise  a  Jj1.1® 

in  Hew  Orleans .  He  does  not  consider  the  line  well  ao 

velopod  to  3no 1 1  fy  him  in  stating  ^ JobWnc  co™  in  How 
Orleans  bat  ie  willing  to  take  on  the  lino  eo  a  retell  aeaAcr 
S  Sle  it  in  connection  with  the  y^tor  providod  we  vdll 



Shore  onoaod  a  iliecuealon  of  the  work  that 

HrliR©Senrn  wac^onUeTlnto  OTnBaltotion.  end  will  give  the 

m  ssirsoirS"  Si«. «.  »»»  01*™*.^- 

ing  plan. 



Copies  to  all  oc 
Edison,  Wilson, 

Minutes  of  the  67th  Heating  l / 

of  tho 

Amusement  Phonograph  committee 
Hold  July  16,  1914 
Dt  10:00  A.  M. 

In  tho  Executive  Commit  teo  Hoom, 

Present:  Messrs.  leonard,  £*  C.  KoChosney  and  Maxwell.  Absent: 
MosBrOo  Stevens,  Hellowell  end  Iroton, 

Hr.  Z>.  C.  HoOheeney  oelloi  ettontion  to  echoing 
of  tho  Art  Motel  Company  of  Passaio  ,  H.  J.,  whereby  they  propose  to 
send  a  number  of  salesmen  out  on  tho  road  soiling  signs  to  dealers, 
tho  idea  being  to  got  several  manufacturers  to  give  the  Art  Motel 
Company  tho  names  of  dealers  bendllng  their  lines.  She  Art  Metal 
Company  will  then  get  up  suitable  metal  signs  with  dealers*  names  and 
addroBseB,  and  Bell  them  to  tho  dealers  -  the  orders  to  ho  handled 
through  tho  respective  manufacturers  or  their  jobbers.  Inasmuch  as 
this  proposition  involves  no  exponas  to  us  except  furnishing  tho 
Art  Motel  Company  with  a  list  of  our  dealers,  and  slnoo  tho  Art  Metal 
Company  lo  reported  to  bo  a  reputable  concern,  it  was  decided  to 
approve  tho  proposition,  Tho  orders  obtained  will  bo  turned  over  to 
oar  jobbers,  the  list  of  dealers'  names  to  be  returned  to  us.  She 
design  of  our  sign  will  bo  subjoot  to  our  approval,  Mr.  Maxwell  in¬ 
quired  whether  we  oould  get  separate  signs  for  both  diBO  and  cylinder. 
Mr.  MoChesnoy  thought  not.  It  wes  decided  that  tho  sign  read  some¬ 
thing  as  follows: 


•  Mr.  Maxwell  brought  up  for  discussion  the  question 
of  getting  out  bull ©tins  for  tbo  weekly  supplements  and  expressed  the 
opinion  that  tho  placard  whloh  we  are  now  preparing  whioh  says, 

"Shis  WEok'B  How  Edison  Diamond  Dieo  Records  Just  Received",  can  bo 
mado  to  answer  tho  purpose  while  we  continue  to  get  out  aix  rooordB 
nor  week.  There  onsaed  a  disouBBion  of  another  placard,  and  it  was 
dooided  to  print  on  tho  other  side  of  tho  placard  wo  are  now  getting 
oat  the  following: 

bo  that  the  dealer  on  tho  aay  ho  receives  hie  shipment  of  records 
aigmlavG  ono  side  of  tho  placard  in  his  window  and  then  uses  the 
other  aide.  The  elimination  of  the  bulletin  win  offeot  a  saving, 
counting  postage,  of  about  $100  T» r  week  or  $5C00  per  year. 

Hr.  HcChosnay  brought  up  the  question  of  the  new 
Blue  Aitiborol  record  catalog,  and  it  was  decided,  as  a  matter  of 
'  economy  and  In  oomplianoo  with  Mr.  Edison's  suggestion,  to  go  back 
to  tho  groop  classification  rather  than  retain  tho  fresont  alpha¬ 
betical  plan.  Mr.  MoChesnoy  suggested  tbat  thero  be  no  sub- 
divisions  of  vocal  selections  and  that  there  be  but  three  of  instru¬ 
mental,  v!b:  baitfl,  orohestra  and  ndsoelleneous.  Ho  believes  that 

this  will  serve  tha  convenience  of  users,  After  discussion  it  was 
aeoidea  to  use  this  classification. 

Mr.  KoChaenay  cubmlttoa  some  ftata  showing  tho 
business  dona  in  Canada  from  1907  tip  to  and  including  1913,  Hs 
stated  that  figure  a  showing  cost  of  doing  business  in  Canada  are  in 
oourse  of  preparation, 

'The  question  of  Blue  Aniorol  supplements  waa  brought 
up  by  Mr.  MoChesney,  and  ha  stated  that  the  form  which  we  recently 
oonmenoed  Using  will  effeot  a  saving  of  about  §18000  a  year.  He 
inquired  as  to  the  advisability  of  using  a  cheaper  quality  of  paper. 

Ho  believes  that  a  paper  could  be  obtained  on  whloh  the  half  tones 
would  print  fairly  well  and  whioh  would  offset  a  further  saving  of 
about  §3000  a  year  -  in  othor  words,  about  the  same  quality  of  paper 
that  is  now  used  in  the  Blue  Anfl> orol  record  catalog.  Decided  after 
disounsion  to  use  a  cheaper  grade  of  paper  in  future  Amborol 
record  supplements. 

In  pursuance  of  conference  heretofore  hold  tho 
Phonogram  will  bo  discontinued  with  tho  September  issue,  thus 
. effecting  a  saving  in  tho  neighborhood  of  §1000  per  year. 

Hr.  Hencwoll  brought  op  tho  question  of  tha  use  of 
printed  matter  by  deolors  and  tho  manner  in  which  it  is  distributed 
by  jobbers.  Decided  after  discussion  that  it  is  not  advisable  to 
got  out  a  latter  to  jobbers,  but  that  we  will  rely  on  our  traveling 
men  who  ora  starting  out  next  weak  to  obtain  the  desired  Information* 

Elio  descriptive  end  advertising  inserts  that  have  been 
going  out  with  Blue  Arab  or  ol  reoords  have  been  discontinued, 

Mr.  MoChesney  will  obtain  price  on  looeo  leaf  catalogs  and 
will  submit  comparative  statements  on  this  point  together  with  other 
suggestions  of  how  the  ooGt  of  printed  matter  con  bo  cut  down. 

W.  Maxwell 
Ohoirmai . 

Copies  to  all  committee  members  an*  to  Messrs.  Edison, 
Wilson,  Bergeron,  Eokert,  looming  and  Hutchison. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Phonograph  -  Edison  Gesellschaft  (E-14-70) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  relating  to  the  Edison  Gesellschaft, 
Edison’s  German  representative  for  phonographs,  motion  pictures,  numbering 
machines,  and  primary  batteries.  Also  included  are  items  pertaining  the 
Internationale  Kinoindustrie  Ausstellung  in  Budapest,  Hungary,  which 
requested  Edison  to  serve  as  honorary  president  of  their  exhibition  shortly 
before  the  outbreak  of  World  War  I.  Most  of  the  correspondence  is  by  Carl  H. 
Wilson,  vice  president  and  general  manager  of  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Inc.  The 
other  correspondents  are  Thomas  Graf,  managing  director  of  the  Edison 
Gesellschaft,  and  Walter  Stevens,  head  of  the  Foreign  Department  of  TAE, 
Inc.,  who  was  visiting  the  Edison  companies  in  Europe  during  the  winter  of 

All  of  the  documents  have  been  selected. 

(^0?\oxnoJi  CL.Sdwor 



FR I  ED  R ICHSTR.  10. 

January  21st,  1914 

Mr.  William  K.  Ueadowcroft, 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Laboratory, 
Orange  N.J • 

Tlear  Mr.  Meadowcroft, 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  kind  favour  of  the  9th  inst.  in 
which  you  advise  that  Mr.  Edison  desires  me  to  ascertain  whether 
or  not  Bosanquefs  Harmonium  is  still  made,  and  if  not,  whether 
it  would  he  made  to  order  and  the  price  of  same. 

You  will  note  that  I  have  moved  on  to  Berlin,  and  as  a  con¬ 
sequence  your  letter  was  forwarded  to  me.  X  am  sending  a  copy 
of  your  letter  to  Mr.  Wagner,  the  manager  of  our  London  office, 
asking  him  to  immediately  obtain  full  and  complete  information  in 
reference  to  the  harmonium,  and  he  undoubtedly  will  advise  me  at 
the  earliest  moment  as  to  the  result  of  his  investigation,  and  X 
in  turn  will  immediately  communicate  with  you.  You  may  rest  assu: 
that  this  matter  will  receive  prompt  and  careful  attention,  and 
with  kind  regards,  I  hog  to  remain, 

sincerely  Yours 


CsOfiomaA  CL.  Ediooru^ 

ED  ISDN  -  EES  ELLS  EHAFT  m.b.h. 



January  29,  1914. 

Mr.  William  H.  Meadoworof t , 
Thomas  A.  Edison  laboratory. 
Orange,  Mew  Jersey. 

Dear  Mr.  Meadoworoft  : 

In  further  reference  to  your  favor  of  the 
9th  inst.  in  which  you  advised  that  Mr.  Edison  was  desirous  of 
knowing  whether  or  not  BOSANQUET 1 S  HARMONIUM  was  still  being  made  : 

As  I  had  reached  Berlin  before  your  letter 
was  recoivod  at  london,  I  oommunioated  with  our  Manager,  Mr.  Wagner, 
asking  him  if  possible  to  obtain  full  information  in  reference 

I  find  that  this  harmonium  was  formerly  made, 
as  you  state  in  your  letter,  by  Messrs.  Henry  Brooks  &  Co.,  Piano 
Action  Manufacturers,  31-35  Cumberland  Market,  Regent  Park,  London, 
W. ,  and  these  people  were  succeeded  by  Messrs.  Brooks  ltd.,  over 
thirty  years  ago.  But  thoy  are  unable  to  give  us  any  information 
whatsoever  regarding  this  matter.  In  view  of  Mr.  Edison's  interest 
these  people  have  made  several  inquiries,  but  as  yet  are  not  in  a 
position  to  give  us  any  definite  information. 

Brooks  ltd. further  state  that  they  know  of 
no  instrument  on  the  market  tuned  to  "just  intonation".  They  are, 
however,  prosecuting  further  inquiries,  and  Mr.  Wagner  is  also 
using  his  best  endeavours  to  obtain  further  advice,  and  just  as 
soon  as  I  have  anything  to  report,  I  shall  be  vory  glad  to  do  so. 

Very  truly  yours. 

&.£< Kaon— 


When  in  Orange  Mr.  EdiBon  referred  to  me  through  Mr.  Meadow- 
croft  a  communication  from  a  Budapest  motion  picture  exhibition 
(Bie  Internationale  Kino-Industrie-AuBstellung) .  The  committee 
of  this  exhibition  wrote  Mr.  EdiBon  requesting  him  that  he  should 
accept  the  honorary  presidency  of  this  exhibition.  Mr.  Edison 

asked  my  advice  through  Mr.  Meadowcroft,  and  in  a  memorandum  I 
suggested  that  before  accepting  1  would  first  inquire  about  this 
exhibition  when  in  Budapest.  X  have  done  so  and  I  can  recommend 
that  Mr.  Edison  accept  the  honorary  presidency  which  can  be  ex¬ 
pressed  in  a  letter  to  the  exhibition  people. 

Mr.  Meadowcroft  has  all  the  correspondence  in  his  possession 
so  that  he  can  reply  direct. 

Very  truly  Yours 
Managing  Director 





July  14,  1914, 

I  am  referring  your  letter  of  June  27th 

t0  *.  m.a«»ro«.  ««*  118  '•«•“  ““  m  *m 

*». *. «*. 

W  th.  »»».  -  «■*  »»  ^  ,0  100 

the  matter. 

fours  very  truly. 

’  /v? 

**•  5 E41  go n&G e s ell oohaf t^  2j£" 

m9^rUnrs!8W.104&.  Oermeny, 

Dear  Graf: 

Vice  Pree.  &  Gen.  Mgr. 


October  E6,  1914. 

Mr.  Thomas  Graf,  llanaging  Director, 

Edison  Gesellsoheft,  m.b.H. ,  •  # 

Priedxichatrasse  10, 

Sci-lin,  Germany. 

Dear  Graf: 

It  is  probably  unnecessary  for  me  to  again  write  you  con¬ 
cerning  the  time  at  which  the  Berlin  lease  expires,  as  we  have  al¬ 
ready  done  so  in  several  letters  and  cables  sent  you  through  dif¬ 
ferent  channels.  Inasmuch,  however,  as  I  have  not  received  a  reply 
from  you  direct  to  any  of  my  letters  or  cables  on  the  subject.  I 
feel  compelled  to  do  so  because  of  a  letter  (copy  of  which  I  enclose) 
received  from  August  Hagelin.  Stockholm,  through  whom,  as  you  have 
already  been  adviced,  we  sent  a  cable  to  be  transmitted  to  you,  this 
being  one  of  the  precautions  we  took  to  make  sure  that  you  got  our 
instructions  in  the  matter  through  one  of  the  various  channels  by 
which  we  thought  it  possible  to  reaoh  you. 

In  your  cable  sent  through  nr.  Hagelin  you  again  say- 
"Rent  agreement  runs  until  30th  of  September  1915",  and  as  in 
several  of  your  letters  you  have  made  this  same  statement  I  have 
shout  come  to  the  conclusion  that  because  you  believed  this  to  be 
the  case  you  did  not  give  the  notice  instructed  by  us  on  or  before 
September  30th,  thereby  canceling  the  lease  as  of  March  81,  1916; 
and  if  you  did  not  do  this,  we  are  of  course  tied  up  not  only  until 

Mr.  'i'honiao  »raf-  8. 

September  PO,  10115,  an  your  advioos  have  indicated,  but  until 
i.ieroh  PI,  1016. 

you  will  perhaps  wonder  why  X  am  no  positive  about  the 
terms  of  thin  loaoo  no  far  as  cancellation  goos,  nlno  why  I  doubt 
your  abatement  that  wo  are  bound  until  Soptombor  00,  1016.  Iho 
beat  reason  X  can  give  for  thin  1b  tho  reading  of  such  portions  of 
the  duplicate  copy  of  lease  which  we  hoia  as  rolato  to  this  matter, 
uiso  letter  from  tr.  Orusoor  to  -ir.  ikrggron  dated  August  81,  1918, 
ell  of  which,  so  far  as  I  can  soe  plainly  state  that  tho  lease  tuns 
from  /prll  1,  1909,’  to  .\ttroh  31,  1918,  and  thereafter  renews  itsolf 
from  year  to  year  unless  we  give  sixjsonths  notice  before  tho 
expiration  of  any  one  year  that  wo  desire  to  termini  to  It.  f  rom 

March  31,  1918,  it  has  renewed  itsolf  yoar  by  yoar  for  the  reason 
that  wo  ha vo  not  given  the  nocoBaary  notice  of  six  months-nbdJtSaueo 
wo  aid  not  want  to  terminate  it;  but  this  yoar  we.  did  aosire  to 
terminate  it  and  thoro^nstmotod  you  to  give  the  six  months  notice 
of  termination,  and  to  be  euro -to  do  so  on  or  boforo  Soptombor  30th. 
You  should  have  access  to  tho  original  lease,  which  is  no  doubt  on 
file  at  tho  Berlin  offioo.  Blnotr  copy  of  Oruseor'o  letter 
acted  Auguot  81,  1918;  and  if  you  had  roforrod  to  thorn  when  thio 
question  of  terminating  tho  lease  was  brought  up  by  us.  I  cannot 
soo  why  or  how  you  should  hi.vo'tho  impression  that  wo  are  bound 
until  Soptombor  30th,  1916.  In  order  to  give  you  my  evidence 
for  being  so  positive  in  tho  conclusions  I  have  drawn,  I  am 
enclosing  copies  of  tho  paragraphs  of  tho  lease  which  rofor  to  tho 
term,  termination,  notice,  eto.,  also  copy  of  He.  Grusser’s  letter 
referred  to. 

Isr.  'Shoi/ioa  -Graf-  3. 

»■„  stall  U  wry  «ok  Mtappotatol  SI  the  ootlo.  of  o„»- 
ooliotioo  »oo  tot  ««>,  prior  to  EovtoXw  »«>.  oo  «M*  *•  **  »• 
relieved  of  tta  !».'«.  S»*  «•  »»•'«*  1  “  •“**"  W 
Stalota  to  hour  fi»  you  ot  the  -nsoot  poo.11.1.  — ■*»  00  to 
whether  or  tat  you  K»vo  the  torritatio*  »  »■«»**  W  «■•  «* 
if  tat  *s  tat:  6100#  »S  tae  »«  J-0"  «•  »»  Suprooolon  ttat  the 

■jjowre  way  truly. 



October  26,  1914. 

Ur.  Thomas  Graf,  ..ianaging  Li  rector, 

Ecison  Gesellsoliaft,  m.b.H. , 

JiVic-lrichatraEse  10, 

Berlin,  Germ; ny. 

Dear  Graf: 

I  have  yours  of  September  12th,  enclosing  copy  of  report 
sent  you  by  Ur.  Lehmann  showing  the  condition  of  affairs  at  his  of- 
fioe  when  he  was  compelled  to  leave  and  the  office  was  closed  on 
August  1st.  V?e  have  also  received  advices  from  other  sources  which 
to  a  large  extent  verify  lir.  Lehmann's  report. 

Lehmann's  report  of  course  shows  us  the  conditions  at  his 
office  at  the  time  he  left  and  give* us  some  idea  at  least  as  to  the 
shape  in  whioh  his  office  was  left,  which  information  is  valuable. 

I  do  not  think  it  necessary  to  go  into  details  oonoerning  this  report, 
as  I  have  already  advised  you  in  several  previous  communications  as 
to  our  aesire  oonoerning  this  office  and  am  daily  expecting  to  re¬ 
ceive  your  reply. 

Under  present  conditions  1  assume  it  will  he  impossible 
for  you  to  personally  do  anything  whatever  so  far  es  assisting  us  in 
obtaining  any  monies  deposited  at  Lehmann's  hank  or  any  of  the  books,- 
reoordB,  documents,  papers  on  hand  at  Mb  offloe  are  concerned,  and 
while  we  have  decided  to  do  nothing  at  present  in  the  way  of  attempt¬ 
ing  to  get  hold  of  these  offeotB,  I  presume  should  we  decide  to  do 

Hr.  Thomas  Gref- 

„  «  will  be  n.oc.n.r,  to  ho»«  It  don.  either  aireot  from  ter.  or 
through  Wagn°r* 

Iri  rcgera  to  Hilori.e  •*  io'nmann'B  office.  I  note  Mb 
report  ntntcn  to.,  .ore  p»i«  <n>  »  tb.  end  of  *»»t.  end  for  your 
information  I  mold  »d»lo.  tu.t  in  moron.,  to  .  roon.ot  from  *0. 
Donol  l.lf.  of  tt.  oonhierl  *  oemed  <»  *»■  «6  ■" 

,o.t  to  too  of  the  employ...  for  o  period  of  one  month  »fl*« 

September  lot;  ...  id  «~  •«*  “  °VMT  ***»*•• 

Ponoi,  for  «  period  of  thro,  laontho,  beslnnins  September  Jot.  ttoo. 
psyonto  have  boon  mod.  fro.  her.  nine,  that  ti»  dlroot  to  the  of.™ 
different  portico,  end  in  oil  on.  on..  «»  hove  .cited 
BohnowicdgKont  of  receipt.  m  th.  on.  one.  th,  .onoy  ««  rotnm.d 
v,it.h  the  notation  that  party  could  not  ho  lound. 

Yours  very  truly. 


s  Gun.  Ugr. 


Ootober  26,  1914. 

..  A.  E.  V/agner,  Uansger, 

Ihomas  A.  Edison,  Ita. , 

26  Clerltenwell  Road, 

London,  E.  C. ,  England. 

Dear  iAr-  Wognors 

I  duly  received  yours  of  Septeifcer  26th.  enclosing 
copy  of  letter  received  from  Amorioan  Embassy,  Mb.  and  letter 
fre„  P.n.1,  hnrlne  to  th.  Paris  oftio..  moat 

the  ....  tl.  I  .1.0  rod*™*  .  lotto*  1*0*  *•  «*•  “'»*  Selte"’'" 

Mth.  enclosing  copy  .1  xotoxt  fro.  a.  W—».  .1"“  *°S°X- 

....  to  the  Pari.  otfloo  situation,  copies  of  loth  of  »hlch  I  aa 

...losing  herenith  fox  your  Infox-ti.*-  1  ole.  .noth., 
letter  from  :»r.  «.f.  toted  Septet..  IBth  loopy  of  nhloh  I  .1.0 
enclose  1 ,  ft.  nhl.h  «U  not.  he  looting  thing.  a. 
they  ...  .t  tort.  fo.  th.  pro»»t.  1  «  •!»“  CPy  of  « 
..ply  to  »•  Oxaf's  letter.,  fro.  y»n  "1H  “«  ^ 

of  hath  yonfand  hi.  opinion  that  the..  1.  no  n.e.a.lty  for  to*in« 
any  farther  .t.p.  In  oonneetlen  «lth  thl.  offlo.  W.t  »t  pfont. 

I  ......  to  thl.  non  "1  th.  «ntt.S%»tll  eondltl.n.  ohnns. 

or  re  ...  In  .  tetter  po.ltl.n  to  go  Int.  P.ri.  end 

from  th.  Pari,  offlo.  »*  offo.t.  of  all  «ndn.  nothing  fnr- 
thor  can  he  done.  shoald  th.  tl»  arrlf  "hen  yo«  think  no  non  Sot 
in  th...  and.  mtho.t  too  -oh  W.«..  or  trontl.,  sot  ...rythlne 

;<ir.  i>.  y.  Wagner-  2. 

romovod  to  tho  London  office,  also  got  tho  money  on  deposit  with  the 
benfc  (which  you  will  note  Xohmann  stated  is  less  than  $1,000),  also 
tho  petty  oash  in  ilno.  Donel's  hands  ($20  to  $40).  I  wish  you  would 
so  sdvioc  mo  and  no  will  then  decide  on  what  further  action  to  take. 
lYhst  no  have  boon  trying  to  do  was  to  cut  down  all  ox-ponses  connected 
with  that  office,  and  inasmuch  as  this  has  boon  done  and  no  ono  is 
non  on  our  pay-roll  except  Lehmann,  also,  as  wo  aro  committed  for 
tho  rent  of  the  office  until  October  1,  1016,  and  will  give  notice 
as  called  for  in  the  agreement  six  months  prior  to  tnet  date  of  our 
intention  to  terminate  the  lease,  f  think  wo  have  perhaps  accomplished 
all  that  can  be  done  under  present  conditions. 

It  would  perhaps  be  better  if  the  keys  to  the  safe  (which 
are  now  in  the  possession  of  '!me.  Panel)  and  the  keys  to  the  office 
(which  ore  now  In  tho  possession  of  tho  landlord—  both  having  been 
turned  over  by  our  cashier.  Lend,  when  he  was  compelled  to  leave) 
were  in  our  possession,  but  from  what  hour  1  sayB  In  his  letters, 
theso  people  arc  both  reliable  parties  and  will  look  out  for  our 
interests  so  far  as  in  in  their  power.  Shoreforo,  I  do  not  ]mow 
but  tnat  we  are  Just  as  well  off  with  tho  keys  in  their  possession 
cs  wo  would  be  if  they  were  in  ours.  Jfturthcraoro ,  tho  letter  you 
roooivod  from  the  J'moriean  Embassy  at  Paris,  saying  that;  should 
occasion  arias  they  will  a©  all  in  tboir  power  to  protoot  our 
property,  indicates  that  no  aro  protootod  os  well  as  it  is  possi¬ 
ble  to  be  under  existing  conditions. 

Despite  all  I  have  said  about  lotting  matters  reBt  for 
tho  presont,  it  of  course  goes  without  saying  that  Just  as  soon  as 
poB Bible  and  expedient  yon  should  obtain  possession  of  at  least  all 

Jar.  A.  i\  Wagner  S. 

ouEh  on  hand,  documents,  records,  accounts,  correspondence,  oto. , 
now  at  the  Paris  offioe,  in  order  to  get  then  straightened  out  as 
rapidly  as  possible  ana  hnndlo  them  from  your  offioe.  I  presume 
there  aro  quite  a  number  of  accounts  receivable,  but  as  to  whether 
any  of  them  could  be  collected  at  this  time  or  not  is  a  question. 

Just  as  soon  as  you  hoar  from  the  Paris  dank  as  to  the 
amount  of  our  deposit  with  them  and  the  steps  necessary  to  be  taken 
by  us  in  order  to  obtain  it.  I  presume  you  will  lot  uo  know. 

Yours  very  truly. 

CHV// IWV/  Vice-free.  &  Gen.  mgr. 



Ilovembor  9,  1914. 

Ur.  Ehomae  Graf,  liana  ging  Birec|tor, 
Edison  GesellBChaft,  m.b.H., 
Eriedrichstrasse  10, 

Berlin,  S.iY. 48,  Germany. 

Bear  Ur.  Graf: 

Your  letter  of  Ootober  3rd,  although  evidently  somewhat 
delayed  enroute,  came  duly  to  hand,  and  as  it  touches  on  several 
different  matters  I  will  reply  to  it  taking  the  paragraphs  in 
■rotation,  ns  written. 

Re  paragraph  1:  You  have  advised  in  another  commun¬ 

ication  dated  October  13  that  you  have  forwarded  notice  of  ter¬ 
mination  of  Purls  lease  to  tfco  landlord,  and  we  will,  as  reouest- 
od  by  you,  also  forward  notice  of  this  termination  either  direct 
from  here  or  through  Ur.  Wagner.  You  will  ho  fully  advised  as 
to'  how  wo  will  handle  this  in  a  separate  lottor  which  will  be 
written  you  in  reply  to  yours  of  October  13th. 

Re  -paragraph  2:  We  fully  understand  that  for  the 

last  period  of  eix  months  for  which  the  lease  runs  the  rent  is 
paid  by  the  deposit  mado,  and  for  the  rent  prior  to  that  time 
we  will,  as  you  have  requested  in  your  oommuni cation  of  October 
13th t  arrango  to  malco  r.nymcnt  cither  direct  or  through  hr*  »*sgnor. 

Re  paragraph  3:  I  note  that  only  one,  perhaps  two, 

of  the  Paris  office  employees  had  not  rooeived  notice,  -:nci  tnat 
to  those  two  you  would  forward  notice  via  neutral  country  or 
through  Ur.  Wagner.  In  some  previous  communication  received 
from  you,  you  advised  that  the  salaries  oi  all  employees  had 
been  paid  up  to  September  1st,  and  as  in  my  letter  of  oertembor 
29th  I  advloed  you  that  we  had  deoided  to  remit  to  each  one  a 
part  of  his  salary  from  September  let  to  October  1st,  I  am  assum¬ 
ing  that  v:o  are  now  relieved  from  further  payments  to  any  of 
them,  with  the  exception  of  Ur.  Lehmann. 

Re  paragraph  4:  I  note  you  will  continue  paying  Vr. 

Lahmnnn 1  s  salary  until  you  receive  instructions  from  us.  ..e 
want  to  bo  perfectly  fair  with  Hr.  Lehmann  and,  as  stated  ip 
previous  communications,  would  like,  just  as  Boon  as  conditions 
will  permit,  to  employ  him  to  work  through  and  under  Hr.  Wagner  s 
office;  but  ae  it  is  so  uncertain  when  conditions  will  permit 

Hr.  Thomas  Graf-  2. 

this  and  in  view  of  his  being  unable  to  render  us  any  valuable 
assistance  under  present  conditions,  I  do  not  think  v,e  should  be 
exnected  to  continue  hie  salary  for  an  indefinite  period  of  time. 

It* therefore  seems  to  me  that  if  we , con^ b erallvand7 
+n  Tnmiprv  1  1915.  we  are  treating  him  very  liberally  ana 

doing  all,  if  not  more  than  could  be  expected.  Before  dediding 
definitely  on  this  date,  however,  X  should  like  your  opinion, 
and  you  might  also  talk  the  matter  over  with  Lehmann,  if  possible, 
and  see  what  he  has  to  say.  If  you  agree  with  my  views,  .... 
inasmuch  as  his  salary  is  at  present  being  paid  1?yfcy0u’I|0]J 
shoulfTcontinue  paying  his  salary  after 

do  not  agree,  or  if  there  is  any  reason  why  we  are  obligate,  to 

present  unfortunate  predicament. 

Concerning  our  own  business  heretofore  conducted  from 
the  Paris  office  as  well  as  the  Dictating  Machine  business 
conducted  by  Mr. ’Lehmann,  I  recently .received  a  Jitter  f within’ 
lehnann  dated  October  15th.  to  which  reply  will  be  within 

o^hrLttL^o'us’oSfour  reply™6  Ite^-SS-TS^d  A 

ff.SVS.S  Inter.-ts.  UJ>1 
concerned,  and  copy  of  our  lottor  to  lir.  Lehmann  will  luiiy 
explain  what  we  will  do  for  him  in  the  way  of  assisting  and 
protecting  him  on  the  Dictating  Machine  business. 

Pe  paragraph  S:  As  this  refers  altogether  to  the 

length  of  time  for  which  we  are  committed  to  rental  for  the 
Berlin  office,  and  as  I  have  already  in  several  letters  and 

provided  notioe  had  been  given  prior  to  September  SOth. 

you  say:  ''Regarding  Ur.  Stevens’  wrong  opinion 

concerning  the  term  of  notice,  I  decline  all  E^ponsibility, 

«  ^-dprBgS  ¥oBr  ra^iS^lbffiXlMfSa^Xart  from 
&$vrif  roaches  to  which  it  would  give  rise,  I  cannot  assume  the 
slightest  responsibility".  I  am  very  sorry  that  you  put  tnis, 
as  well  as  a  groat  many  othor  matterB,  up  to  Hr.  Stevens,  and 
in  this  particular  case  aotunlly  acouse  him  of  biting  wrong  con¬ 
cerning  the  term  of  notioe.  In  the  first  place,  as  I  not  only 
told  you  when  you  were  here  but  have  also  told  you v^+h^oause 
Hr.  Stevens  is  not  in  any  way  responsible,  nor  is  he  the  cause, 
for  any  action  we  have  takon  in  any  mattors  relating  to  the 
Berlin  or  Paris  office,  and  the  sooner  you  disabuse  your  mind 
of  this  idea  the  more  pleasantly  and  satisfactorily  will  we 

Ur.  Thomas  Graf-  3. 

bo  able  to  got  along.  i.!r.  Edisnn  and  myself  aro  the  only  ones 
responsible  for  anything  and  everything  that  is  being  done :  there¬ 
fore  •She  accusations,  insinuations  and  intimations  you  cast  toward 
Ur.  f  Wens  simply  rofloct  back  to  us,  and  wo  would  both  much 
nrofor  'getting  them  first-hand.  In  the  second  place,  so  far 
as  tho  term  of  notioe  is  concerned,  neither  Mr.  Stevens,  Mr. 

I  have  by  this  time  convinced  you,  through  sonding  you  copy  of 
the  lease  which  we  hold  and  copy  of  Grusser's  lottor  relating 
thereto.  She  copy  of  lease  was  of  course  in  German,  but  I  do 
not  think  a  mistake  was  made  in  translating  it,  and  if  we  did, 
Grusser's  letter,  which  was  in  English,  plainly  states  that  the 
date  notice  is  to  be  given  is  as  wo  interpret  it  in  the  copy  of 
lease.  I  am  still  awaiting  advice  from  you  as  to  just  whoro 
v/e  stand  on  this  lease  snd  whether,  because  of  notice  not  having 
been  given  at  the  proper  time,  wo  are  committed  to  tho  rent  until 
March  01,  1916. 

'  He  tiara  prank  6:  This  i3  self-explanatory  as  far  as 

it  goes,  and  as  your  cable  through  Hagelin,  which  was  received 
via  Stockholm  on  October  36th,  further  explains  about  employees, 

I  will  reply  to  it  in  a  sopamte  letter  and  not  touch  further 
on  the  matter  of  employees'  salaries,  ate. ,  in  this  communica¬ 

Ha  paragraph  7:  Hogarding  Mr.  Grussor,  I  note  he 
was  entitled  to  six  months'  notioe  and  7/e  are  therefore  committed 
to  his  salary  up  to  the  end  of 'March.  Hot  knowing  Mr.  Orusser 

personally,  I  of  course  cannot  form  an  opinion  as  to  his  value, 
but  from  what  I  have  learned  from  people  who  have  mot  him,  and 
relying  without  any  question  on  your  opinion,  ho  is  undoubtedly 
a  good  man,  and  if  conditions  are  ouch  after  March  31st  that  wo 
can  in  any  way  employ  him,  we  v/ill  bo  only  too  glad  to  do  so. 

In  one  of  your  previous  lettors  you  said  that  Thorhauor  and 
Grussor  would  be  very  glad  to  take  ever  tho  film  business  for 
Germany,  and  perhaps  a  plan  of  this  kind  could  be  satisfactorily 
worked  out,  or  if  Thorhauor  remains  with  us,  working  through  the 
London  office,  we  could  perhaps  mako  some  satisfactory  arrange¬ 
ment  with -Mr.  Grusser  to  handle  the  film  business  in  Germany 
and  at  tho  same  time  could  perhaps  mako  use  of  him  in  attending 
to  ouch  of  our  iiinetophone  business  ao  we  conduct  through  tho 
•Uno-Kopier-Gosollschaft.  I  do  not  so o,  howovor,  that  any  def¬ 
inite  decision  can  be  arrived  at  in  either  one  of  those  direc¬ 
tions  until  conditions  have  once  more  become  normal.  In  tho 
Meantime  you  might  suggest  to  Mr.  GruBser  that  ho  work  out  some 
kind  of  a  proposition  that  he  could  submit  to  ub  for  tho  handling 
of  the  picture  business  in  Germany.. 

He  paragraph  6:  Tills  also  is  in  reference  to  employees 

and  salaries,  and  as  your  cable  through  Hagelin  confirms  what  you 
say  in  this  paragraph,  acknowledgment  of  the  cable,  which  will 
be  made  in  a  separate  lottor,  makeB  it  unnecessary  to  make  any 
further  comments  in  this  communication. 

Ur..  Chomao  Graf-  4. 

Kg  parc-raph  9 :  Your  statements  that  Shorhauer  and 
Grusser  are  Kept  Way,  "etc.,  are  soir-oxplanatory  and  need  no 

Ke  paragraph  10:  As  this  simply  advises  that  no  ac¬ 
counts  payable  are  being  created  and  Itemizes  the  only  expenses, 
outside  of  salaries,  which  will  be  incurred,  which  expenses  so 
&«3  I  con  seo  wo  ctr©  ©pnunilil/ocl  "to,  thoro  is  no  roply  roouirod* 

Yours  very  truly. 


Vice-ires.  8=  Gen.  IAgr. 

Edison  General  File  Series 

1914.  Pohatcong  Railroad  Company  [not  selected]  (E-14-71) 

This  folder  contains  meeting  announcements  relating  to  the  Pohatcong 
Railroad  Co.  and  the  Warren  County  Warehouse  Co.  Both  firms  were 
affiliated  with  the  Edison  Portland  Cement  Co. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Politics  (E-14-72) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  concerning 
local  and  national  politics.  Included  is  a  request  from  conservationist  Gifford 
Pinchot,  who  was  running  for  the  U.S.  Senate  in  1914,  for  Edison  to  use  his 
influence  to  persuade  Henry  Ford  to  endorse  the  principles  of  the  Progressive 
Party.  Also  included  is  a  letter  from  Amos  R.  E.  Pinchot,  who  tried 
unsuccessfully  to  convince  Edison  to  endorse  his  brother's  candidacy.  In 
addition  there  is  a  communication  from  Secretary  of  State  William  Jennings 
Bryan,  along  with  Edison's  draft  response,  regarding  a  proposed  bill  to 
prevent  the  "dumping"  of  German  manufactured  goods  into  the  United  States. 

Less  than  5  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected.  The 
unselected  material  consists  primarily  of  unsolicited  correspondence  with  no 
substantive  reply  from  Edison. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison,  . 

Dear  Mr.  Edison: 


I  can  quite  understand  the  delicacy 
of  the  matter  of  your  approaching  Mr.  Pcrd  and, 
therefore,  I  quite  sympathise  with  your  letter 
of  April  29.  My  own  request  was  based  rather  on  e 
enthusiastic  desire  to  get  Pord  in  the  work  than 
on  strong  hope  that  it  could  he  accomplished. 

.  I  am  running , for  the  United  States 

Senate  in  Pennsylvania,  and  am  finding  a  great 
deal  of  satisfaction  in  the  work, .together  with 
the  confident  hope  that  we  have  a  fair  prospect 

Kev;  York  City. 

Ky  near  Kr.  iidison: 

My  brother  is  running  for  senator  In  Pennsylvania.  Borne  of 
his  friends  ana  hackers  have  suggested  to  ***> that  a  letter  of  en¬ 
dorsement  from  you.  to  he  used  in  the  newspapers  of  Pennsylvania 
and  in  his  campaign  hook,  would  he  of  the  very  greatest  help  to  him 
in  his  fight  against  Senator  Penrose.  if  you  would  he  willing  to 
write  such  a  letter,  and  have  the  time  to  do  so.  stating  your  opinion 
of  the  value  of  his  constructive  work  in  conservation,  his  character, 
qualifications,  etc.  will  you  send  it  to  me.  VJe  would  all  of  us  he 
most  grateful  to  you. 

Very  sincerely  yours. 

September  9,  1914, 

Mr.  Thomas  A*  Edison, 

Orange,  New  Jersey. 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison: 

The  reoeipt  is  acknowledged  of  your  letter  of 
September  1,  requesting  that  I  get  my  friends  in  Congress 
to  pass  a  bill  similar  to  the  one  the  Canadians  passed, 
to  prevent  "Dumping"  by  the  Germans  into  the  United  States 
of  America. 

You  refer  to  Canadian  Customs  Tariff,  R.  S.  1906, 
Section  IS. 

You  state  that  all  attempts  made  in  the  United  States 
to  start  the  manufacturing  of  any  of  the  standard  chemical 
productions  are  rendered  abortive  through  the  cutting  of 
prices  by  the  German  manufacturers,  and  suggest  that  this 
unfair  oonduct  might  be  prevented  through  a  "Dumping  Clause 
Amendment"  to  the  American  Tariff  Bill. 

In  reply,  I  beg  to  oall  your  attention  to  the  fact 
that  House  Bill  Humber  3321,  known  as  the  Underwood  Tariff 
Bill,  as  introduced  in  the  House  of  Representatives  April 

21,  1913,  included  a  "Dumping  Clause"  identical  with  that 
recommended  by  you.  This  provision,  which  was  sub-section 
R  of  Section  XV  of  the  bill,  was  stricken  out  by  the  Senate, 
and  in  Conference  the  action  of  the  Senate  was  adhered  to; 
so  that  the  Tariff  Law  as  enacted  and  approved  by  the 
President  does  not  include  this  "Dumping"  provision. 

It  would  seem  that  the  present  war  conditions  in 
Europe  would  hardly  admit  of  the  continuation  of  the  prac¬ 
tice  complained  of  by  you,  but  if  it  be  persisted  in,  and 
you  will  be  good  enough  to  call  my  attention  to  tho  matter 
prior  to  the  meeting  of  tho  next  Congress  in  December,  I 
would  be  glad  to  consider  what,  if  anything,  can  be  done 
by  the  Department  in  the  premises. 


jJOb  0*UO',aW 

louf i3-,Jir" 

ueJ^JL.^ke/  LOc*J  $,  <t dL 

fiod'  4  >o^j£>c«d  I^T 

\t£rU~S  ^  i>i^ieL  Ujy 

OtluAA^CtaAW  CsxJL 

'YiCrxA  u> 


\2jLQ>  dudt  uus  LA^Cri^ L 

Vzj-cO  l'L«-&6*  (ZuJ£ 

U cdU'U/  lico  cOfM*  l! 

u^  jLXi  ’6y(ao<L  C(\jt 
(Uw^<^  'rw.wwi^MVv  »... 

lyUlX  f'tak  et*\  ^ctt^  (5hJ£> 

&J*  CC*^  VH4*^ivv<|  j 


Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Port  Huron  (E-14-73) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  relating  to 
Port  Huron  Michigan,  where  Edison  lived  from  1854  to  186* Indu ded  ^re 
anneals  from  civic  and  charitable  organizations  and  letters  seeking 
rnformation  Tbout  Edison’s  childhood.  The  one  selected  item  for  1914 
contains  reminiscences  by  a  childhood  acquaintance. 


A  Journal  (or  Ellu  ::  luued  Once  a  Monlli 

141  East  Fifth  Si. 

Sept.  19, 

vna.  H.  Keadowcrof t , 
Edison  Laboratory, 
Orange,  M.  J. 

At  your  request,  under  separate  cover,  I 
am  forwarding  you  sample  copies  of  the 
jolly  E1K.  Any  information  regarding  the 
same  is  yours  for  the  ashing. 

The  sight  of  the  name  of  Thomas  A.  Edison 
has  always  sent  a  thrill  thru  my  being, 
for  I  was  born  and  brot  up  in  Port  Huron, 
Mich. ,  and  sat  with  Al.  in  school,  when 
Mr.  Crawford  was  teacher.  More  than  that, 
I  sold  poipers  for  him — the  Detroit  Free 
Press  and  Tribune — the  first  night  I 
called  out  "Fort  Morgan  tahen,  with  all 

-  the  particulars . "S  Those  were  days  never 
to  be  forgotten.  I  am  also  a  member  of 
"Old  Time  Telegraphers'  Association,"  of 
which  Mr. Edison  is  a  member. 

Kindly  remember  me  to  him. 

.  with  a  hand-shahe  over  the  miles, 

Yours  very  truly, 

Edison  General  File  Series 

1914.  Proudfoot’s  Commercial  Agency  [not  selected]  (E-14-74) 

This  folder  contains  commercial  reports  on  individuals,  companies, 
and  charitable  organizations. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Radio  [not  selected]  (E-14-75) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  relating  to 
the  technical  and  commercial  development  of  wireless  telegraphy  or  radio. 
The  items  for  1 914  consist  primarily  of  unsolicited  letters  and  news  clippings. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Real  Estate  [not  selected]  (E-14-76) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  relating  to  Edison's  real  estate 
holdings.  Also  included  are  unsolicited  letters  offering  to  sell  land  or 
construction  services.  Among  the  documents  for  1 914arenotlces  C  ^Yn Ik 
mortgage  payments  due  on  Edison's  property  at  1 0  Fifth  Avenue  in  New  York 


Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Religion  and  Spiritualism  (E-14-77) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  regarding 
Edison's  opinions  and  widely  publicized  statements  about  'mmortal'ty 
theology,  superstition,  and  related  subjects.  The  one  selected  item  is  an 
undated  letter  from  the  noted  spiritualist  Bert  Reese. 


230 iA&t&lfc'ff  ‘f/jt. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Secretary  [not  selected]  (E-14-78) 

This  folder  contains  letters  of  transmittal  and  acknowledgment, 
unsolicited  correspondence,  documents  concerning  the  whereabouts  of  other 
documents,  and  other  routine  items  relating  to  the  duties  of  Edison's  private 
secretary,  Harry  F.  Miller,  and  his  personal  assistant,  William  H.  Meadowcroft. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Stock  and  Bond  Offerings  (E-14-79) 

Thiq  folder  contains  correspondence,  prospectuses  and  |  other 

to  investments  by  his  wife,  Mina  Miller  Edison. 

Less  than  5  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected. 

CHAS.H.  JONES  8t  CO. 

Subject  to  prior  sale  we  offer 
all  or  any  part  of  $5,000  Edison  Portland  /j-  S 
Ccment  First  6s,  aue  1929  at  97i.  ana  t*  < 

accruea  interest. 

If  this  offering  is  not  of  inter 
to  yon,  we  wouia  appreciate  the  favor  conferrea 
if  you  cohia  inform  us  as  to  where  wo  might  be 
able  to  secure  a  market  for  these  bonds. 

Awaiting  your  reply,  we  are 
Very  truly  yours 

I4r.  W.  H.  Me  ad  Kic  ro  ft 
Orange,  H.J. 

B0ar  Sir: 




Hr.  H.  E.  Hiller,  Sec.  , 
Th03.  A.  Edison,  Inc.  , 
Orange,  N.  J. 

Dear  Sir- 


^  u 



Recently  we  offered  you  for  Mr.  Edi^Sn, 
|5000.  Edison  Storage  Battery  do.  5's,  at  90  fla£|i//  / 

He  write  to  ask  if  you  will  kindly  J 
make  us  a  bid  for  these  bonds  if  the  above  price  is 
not  satisfactory. 

Yours  very  truly, 

BIOREN  &  CO.  \  r 



Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Telephone  [not  selected]  (E-14-80) 

This  folder  contains  routine  unsolicited  correspondence  seeking 
Edison's  advice,  information,  or  assistance  on  matters  relating  to  telephones. 
None  of  the  letters  received  a  substantive  response  from  Edison. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Telescribe  (E-14-81) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  relating  to 
Edison’s  Telescribe,  a  device  for  recording  telephone  conversations.  Included 
are  two  letters  from  October  1914  pertaining  to  the  commercial  introduction 
of  the  machine.  Also  included  are  minutes  of  the  Dictating  Machine 
Committee,  chaired  by  William  Maxwell,  second  vice  president  of  Thomas  A. 
Edison,  Inc. 

Approximately  80  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected. 


Nov/  York, October  2,1914. 

W.  H.  Meadowcr  oft,.Esq, , 
Edison  Testing  Laboratories, 
Orange,  N.J. 

My  dear  Meadowcr oft: 

I  have  your  esteemed  favor  of  October  1st 
and  beg  to  thank  you  for  the  interesting  data  with  regard  to 
the  Telescribe.  I  shall  be  glad  to  make  note  of  this  in  ny 
review,  and  1  assume  that  there  is  no  objection  to  the  further 
use  of  the  article  with  the  photograph  in  a  publicity  way. 

With  regard  to  my  boy,  I  am  pleased  to  say  that  his  eyes 
are  now  in  better  shape  as  the  result  of  the  operation.  He  has 
boen  away  at  the  farm  for  nearly  five  months,  but  I  am  expecting 

him  and  my  wife  home  tomorrow. _  _ —J- - - - 


Yours  truly. 

With  regards. 


October  26,  1514. 

Ur.  Raymond  I,  Bried, 
311  Terrace  Street, 
Honesdale,  fa. 

Bear  Sir: 

The  Bureau  of  Information,  Society  for  Electrical,  recently  announced. 

. .  gjicT^s  zrtiSt  a.5S°s.ris ■ 

S3 &^3££^3ES1.«  is  following 
publicat 1 on s^ on^ the^d at e  s  given  interesting  and  inatructive: 

Slectrioal  World  -  Issue-  of  Oct.  10th 
Scientific  American  -  "  "  Sept.  1-th 

Office  Appliances  Magazine  -  oept.  Issue  - 
The  Talking  Mach.  World  -  Issue  of  Sept.  15th 
The  Rotarian  -  October  Issue. 

Account  of  the  far  reaching  effect  the  T«l«scribe 

g-jgas  a* 

accomplishments.  It  *•  Jnt"  pr0pheBy  for  the  utility  of  the 

phonograph, ^made^by^hin^ln ' 1878  at  the  time  of  its  original  announce¬ 

It  is  fitting  that  this  final  perfection  of  the  tele- 

iwrjwrs* sws&ws:  ss 

of  the  telephone. 

Thanking  you  for  your  interest,  we  are 
Very  truly  yours, 




Minutes  of  a  5pecial  Meeting 
of  the 

Dictating  Machine  Committee 
Held  January  13,  1914 
at  2:00  P.  I!. 

In  the  Executive  Committee  Room. 

Ah sent: 

Messrs.  L.  C.  McChesney,  Durand,  Leonard,  and  Maxwell. 
Mr.  Stevens.  Mr.  V*.  C.  Calkins  also  attended.. 

Mr.  Maxwell  referred  to  memorandum  from  Mr. 
Edison  to  the  effect  that  tho  latter  questioned  the^v/isdom  of 
advertising  an  article  Like  tho  Edison  Dictating  Machine  in  the 
sSay  Evening  Pont,  on  the  ground  that  big  business  men  don’t 
read  TU  Mr.  Edison  is  of  the  opinion  that  iron  Ago,  American 
Machinist  and  other  trade  papers  that  are  carefully  read  Ly  execu¬ 
tives  are  the  ones  in  which  to  advertise. 

Mr.  Maxwell  inquired  what  Hr.  Durand* o  ex¬ 
perience  had  been  on  the 'following  point:  »oes  the  interest  in 
the  dictating  machine  idea  usually  originate  with  one  olthc  °hief 
executives  or  with  some  subordinate.  Mr.  Durand  stated  that  m,  a 
rule  the  idea  starts  with  a  subordinate  who  wants  to  earn  the 
credit  of  suggesting  8  means  of.  economy  and t cl^trfde 
office.  There  followed  a  discussion  as  to  tho  way  in  which  traue 
papers  are  road  and  the  people  by  wnom  -hoy  are  read.  11  ”a*  . 

suggested  that  a  trade  paper  like  Iron  Ago.  for  example,  is  read 
for "thomotal  market,  but  there  is  some  question  an  to  whether  tho 
advertising  is  carefully  scanned. 

'  Mr.  Maxwell  otatod  that  ho  thought  Dun’s 

Heview  roaches  a  pretty  high  class  lot  of  e^e0^i^!3*  ^^vertioin;- 
Chesney  stated  that  wo  have  fflado  arrangemonts  to  do .  i 

in  this  publication.  Other  financial  papers  wero  discussed,  but 
it  is  folt  that  there  is  conoidorablo  waste  circulation 
hpeauso  thov  are  largely  road  by  those  whose  interest  in  financial 
Sere  is  solely  professional  and  who  would  not  be  extensive  - 
users,  if  users  at  all',  of  dictating  machines. 

Tho  Journal  of  Commerce,  How  York  City,  was 
mentioned  as  a  good  medium.  Mr.  Durand  otatod  that  this  is  wore 
or'  loos  of  a  Kcw  York  City  organ  and  that  if  we  used  it , 
toro  in  other  citico  would  domandthat  we  advertise  in  their  local 
papers,  which  of  course  io  out  of  tho  question. 

Hr*  Durand  stated  that  as.  tho  next  four, 
months  are  ordinarily  t*>  boot  four  “a*™  well 

dictating  machino  business,  and  as  our  diotributorn  arQ  very  wo 
satisfied  with  the  Saturday  Evening  Post  <Wisn»  ho  would  like 
4,  until  Mav  1st.  ‘bccauce  "to  stop  now,  in  nis  opinion, 

.  woul^hav^a^rathe^dL sorgan iz ing  effect  on  the  distributor,,,  f 

Hr.  Yf.  C.  Cal  Kino  thought  that  ho  could  got  an  analy- 
.  ^  nnfurdnv  Evening  Post  circulation,  and  it  was?  ou£^;o»tcu 

thatLdo  oo!  It^ac  opinion  of  the  Comitt  do  that  All.  the 
Pont  undoubtedly  has  a  lot  of  circulation  among  laboring  m  and 
others,  it  nevertheless  hao  an  enormous  circulation  ouong  businono 
men  and  narticularly  tho  minor  department  heads,  etc .  wi°f  it  han 
Sooner .  Sura^d >  o  oiepor ionc c .  are  tho  ones  who  ordinarily  start  to 
agitate  the  dictating  uaohine  idea  in  an  organization.  As  °°°n. 
Hr*  Calkins  submits  statistics  concerning  the  1  out,  tho  matter  will 
receive  further  consideration. 

Hr  Durand  brought  up  the  question  of  getting  out  a 
new  catalog  or 'booklet.  "Tho  Goose,  The  Typewriter  and  The  Wizard 
having  now' been  in  uso  for  about  two  years. _  Decided  to  nave 


to  bo  higher  priced  than  tVio  other.  If  this  thought  ®®?  b“  c® 

try  to  work  it  out  in  the  booklet. 

Kr.  Durand  Drought  u;i  tho  uuoi3tiori  Qf  :nhtnii  an  ur,,iliit 

c“LS”ut"f-s«r-;o??s^lrn  ss;  ss 
E-feuars a^np&rtrsssfjs^w^. 

bsfs*:  SfSrMMD^urTffi'oStrr 

W.  lUucwell 

Copies  to  all  committee  members  and  to  *««»*•<'  Bdiron  , 
Wilson.  Bcrssi'on,  Kckert,  Looming  and  Hutchison. 

Minutes  of  the  22nd  Meeting 
of  the 

Dictating  Machine  Comnittee 
Held  June  18^  1914 
In  the  Executive  Conmittee  Boi 

Iresemt:  Messrs.  I.  C.  MoChesney,  Brown,  Durand  and  Maxwell. 

Absent;  Mr.  Stevens. 

Mr.  Durand  submitted  the  following 


PHOPOSITIOM:  To  allow  $10  against  distributor's  loo al  . 

■  ■  — -  navartisina:  for  each  competition  machine 

in  active  use  replaced  by  an  Edison  and  taken 
hack  by  the  distributor,  and  returned  to  as, 
This  expenditure  not  to  be  connected  with 
oar  advertising  proposition,  but  to  bej o on- 
aider  ed  only  as  a  sales  plan  to  encourage 
these  exchanges  without  the  abuse  which  we 
believe  would  attend  an  inmediate  cash  allow¬ 
ance  for  a  returned  competitive  machine. 

ABSDHBBT:  Competitors  are  now  making  replacements  of 

~  Edison  machines  whioh  creates  comment,  *>®“ 

cause  few  oompetitio#  plants  are  replaced  hy 
our  distributors;  this  is  occasioned  by  the 
smaller  discount  (40%)  which  they  work  with, 
againBt  the  Dictaphone  jobbing  discount 
(55%)  allowed  to  their  stores. 

We  have  never  allowed  cash  credit  re¬ 
turned  competition  machines  -  (1)  _ 

the  opportunities  for  abuse  of  the  plan  were 
apparent;  (2)  because  the  caseB  calling  for 
this  action  were  not  os  many  as  now  when 
old  maohinee  are  wearing  out. 

An  advertising  allowance,  however,  seems  very 
logical  reward  for  this  enterprise  in  re¬ 
placing  competition  machines. 

First.  Advertising  allowances  do  not  offer 
the  same  encouragement  as  cash  allowances  to  , 
those  who  might  dishonestly  report  exchanged 

Second.  Whatever  the  effect  of  the  plan,  the 
money  would  he  spent  for  publicity,  whioh  can¬ 
not  be  considered  unnecessary. 

mviiT-fl  The  crectics  of  publicity  originating 
SthV  Sil  fer  Dy  the  distributors  is  to  he 

our  nresent  Faotory  Exchange  plan  allows  $10 
old  Edisons;  a  competition 
of  the  same  amount  oan  therefore  he  considered 
in  the  V£Z  class  in  regard  to  enterprise  and 
remaining  profit." 

Mr  Maxwell  stated  that  he  is  in  favor^of  the  , 
propose,  ollowsooo  |i  *SSrggg1>gS5^Sf 

encourage  distrihutors  to out  that  some  dis¬ 
not  properly  allowable.  Mr.  Durana  p  QBe  their  allowance 

trihutore,  such  as °*  Exhibits  at  business  chows, 

money  to  better  advantage  in  g  v__0ll  that  unless  the 

etc.  Mr.  McChesney  ®era®d  with  Mr.  „axweii  distributors  will 
allowance  is  confined  to  “^P^  that  does  not  properly  come 
oharge  up  a  B00ddealofexpenB9^tn^o^_tion  WQr^  Hr.  Durand 
under  the  head  advertising  an  m  which  would  expressly 
believes  that  a  letter  could  be  «  eal)le  to  this  allowance  J 

the  costs  ox  »  niT -thought  that  circularizing  expenditures 

ggS/KS  aSK»“ “  LulrtS'«Sul ».  *wn  «n  .1- 

the  matter  with  Mr.  Wilson. 

W.  Maxwell 



6  Minutes  of  the  23rd  Meeting 
a'  of  the 

.  J  Dictating  Machine  Commlttee- 

OlY  Held  August  1C,  1914  a 

u  at  8:00  P.  M.  /I 

C0Q-—  j 

Present:  Messrs.  Durand,  Holland  end  MMU.  Ahcont:  Mro. 
Brown,  I.  C.  HoChooney  ana  StovenB. 

Kr,  Dor and  submitted  tho  following  memoran¬ 
dum  In  regard  to  tho  TEIESORIBE: 

"Dvor  four  years  ago  Mr.  EDISOH  was 
in+nreeted  In  the  possibilities  of  recording  end  roproduo- 


the  IJISSCHIB  E*n 

"She  whole  subject  le  of  vital  Interest 
to  the  future  of  Voloowrltine.  She  present  art  seems  lmpos- 
slhle  of  Improvement  along  the  lines  of  direct  physical 
reoordlngi  By  electrical  means  we  megnlfy  end  Intensify  the 
voloe  which  lends  to  an  extended  and  more  P®?®1??  j!  *  e 
Dictating  Haobine,  now  unfortunately  sold  at  a  flBcre  ®o 
sm^l  atfto  he  ou$  of  proportion  to  the  expense  of  selling 
and  service," 

"Additional  Interest  is  added  by  Kr. 
Edison’s  historical  prediction  for  the  education  of  tho 
Phonographs  In  his  first  description  oijfoo  invf^tl™?nnn 

tolophono,  malting  that  instrument  a  matter  ^  record  instead 
of  limiting  its  use  only  to  conversational  chit-chat  . 

"At  first,  our  efforts  were  necessarily 

cial  use  then  opened  along  three  lines: 

1.  Rewording  at  a  dintnnoe  from 
the  maohlne  with  attendant  convenience  and  comfort} 

8,  Reproduction  from  low  records 
Which  when  magnified  can  ho  heard  without  the  use  of  the 
objeotlonablo  hearing  tubes; 

3,  Commercial  Telephone  oonversa- 
tions  could  he  recorded,  the  Dictating  Machine  1 being 
connected  with  the  desk  Instrument  so  as  to  act  as  an 
"eavesdropper"  on  the  line* 

"Avoiding  o'  MBtarbonoe  of  BaBlneos i 

After  careful  thouffht  it  bos  b90!L?0*?«+n??on 

oartoffiy  hOT^lffioalty  in  obtaining  the 
a  n^TinGtramont  with  untrained  moohnnioe. 
SSTSL? wSwS- *T5m«  booaaoe  It  would  ot  once 
bo  popular." 

"Tho  plan  Bagseetoa,  ond  for  ^$L^Jf£0£rG“ 

in  article  throo  in  the  foregoing. 

n-Ehie  dovioe  would  be  outside  tho  ™£*°^9n£®“2e 

aapartaoirto  Bl<t  ™;,™^SdK  lto“nto*mtl5n  Sil 


"She  Tolesoribe  for  Telephone,  ConvorBOtiono. 

wTiiie  we  do  not  expect  an  endorsement  of  the 
Bell  Solophono  C^pony,  we  antioipote^they^ill  not^S 
to  our  dovioe.  J3r*  J*  »  ^j  Orango  ond  witnoooad 
C0Kyn^tioS  inywhioh  it  too  impressed  upon  him  that 

SoSifal}0,  ^”  S5  SimectionB  on  tho  Telephone  Com- 

pany’o  linee  or  i  nntrumentB." 

rtjjjg  various  ubob  of  tolephono  oonvorootion 
teloBorihing  ere  sntlcipated  bb  followe: 

1.  verification  of  important  telephone 


the  transaction,  booauoe  there  la  no  rooora  of  pro^.000, 
or  quotations  upon  which  bUBlneBB  is  transacted.  It  lo 
ourprediotion  that  confirming  lottereof  oOTversation 
on  the  tolophono  when  marked  "Seleooribea  willjoeuBO 
a  wide  purohase  by  all  communicating  parties;  by  this 
advertisement  the  Bales  should  he  many. 

"feloBoriho  Prloo  $100  Hot  ahovo  B.D.M. 

V/e  proposo  to  charge  thio  price  in  anticipation 
of  the  limit oa  number  of  tho  TeloscriheB  «>at  will  he  eoia 
to  each  buelneos  house.  Probably  only  oneviouia  he  ro- 
quirod  in  an  office  building  like  ouro.  £or  thio  “ft, 
.  price  of  $60  to  the  trade  we  con  produoe  a 
Instrument  in  attractive  leather  cane  that  will  look  the 
value"  and  leave  os  a  handsome  profit. 

fhese  are  our  recommendations:" 

1.  Introduce  the  SoleBorlbo  for  rooordine 
commercial  telephone  conversations.  Ehin  will  give  the 
trade  on  opportunity  to  study  tho  telephone  moohanism 
hufftTA  owpliostlon  of  its  prinol^lofl  corrofi* 

noSeSo“k  wffi  if  a  more  difficult  problem,  because 
lltHea'JLB  with  personalities,  soryioe,  oomparieom 
with  competitors*  priceB  on  applianceo  not  bo  highly 

S.  Demonstrate  a  model  at  the  Chloago_ 

BaeinoBB  Show  on  September  8th;  in  this  way  we  will  °b- 
tain  b  line  on  ito  anticipated  popularity  end  eeouro  the 

priority  of  advortinoment  which  Eflieon  deoervoe. 

Respectfully  Bubmltted, 

Dictating  Machine  Department, 

August  10,  1914  Hale on  C.  Durand." 

md  explained  thathe  rocUyai  ^  to  ^iMt  the  Telonorlbo 

)rioo  at  the  l)”®?j!,^?!l.52tthoachi«jgo  BaBineBB  Show  noxt  month, 
R&.’S.’S'SS  K|  »  $£&  w  that  wo  ■»„<>  to  a. 
ihle  to  sell  the  apperatuB  for  $ioo. 

Mr. Maxwell  inquired  oonoerning  the  ti^t  f*re 

eing  made  at  tho  laboratory,  ana  Hr.  Holland  stated  that  it  would 
>e  some  little  time  before  they  are  completed. 

t+-  Tnoa  tho  opinion  of  all  prooent  that  it  ie  yet 
entirely  too  early  to  consider  what  quantity  should  Do  ordered 
•when  tho  first  mrmafootaring  oraor  is  pat  through. 

Shore  followed  on  esetonded  aisoassion  of  vorioas 

st'  the  present  time. 

W.  Hexwell 

frcsont:  Mooora.  Daren fl.  end  Maxwell.  Absent:  Mosers,  ot evens, 
i.  C.  McCheonoy  and  Brown. 

Mr.  Dor  end  submitted  the  following  memorandum 
which  woo  made  the  oab^oct  of  discussion: 

"Kr.  V.',  Koxwoll 

Chairman  Dictating  J*oehlno  Committee. 

Door  Slr:- 

At  tho  loot  Coranlttoo  mooting  you  decided  wo 
might  chow  tho  Tolosorlbo  (tho  instrument  for  recording 
tolepliono  messages)  ot  oar  Chicago  Show*  As  you  imow, 
we  hare  done  this,  and  hare  aloo  deroonotratod  in  several 
other  cities  besidoo  Chicago,  receiving  considerable 
newspaper  publicity. 

Oar  objeot  in  doing  this  was  to  feel  oat  the 
general  popularity  of  tho  device,  and  ascertain  whether 
oar  suggested  prloe  of  $200  for  the  Dictating  Meohine 
and  Telephone  Amplifying  aovico  complete,  was  about  the 
right  figure. 

1  am  able  to  report  that  everything  looks  very 
favorable  for  the  sale  of  tho  Tolosorlbo  alone  the  linos 
we  originated.  Oar  model  seems  to  bo  sacoessf!*l  In  evory 
way,  and  the  public  consider  tho  prloo  of  v-200  for  an 
instrument  of  this  kind  is  not  exoenolvo,  because  prao- 
tloally  one  of  thorn  weald  do  In  n  largo  office. 

Wo  hnvo  gono  ahead  with  oar  drawings  of  tho 
Tolosorlbo,  whioh  aro  now  practloally  complete,  wo  aro 
In  a  pooition  to  start  manafeotnre  on  tho  device  at  on 
early  date  If  oar  Committoo  passes  upon  it,  end  I  fool 
sure  Mr.  Edison  has  a  considerable  intoraot  in  the 
Tolesoribo  so  ho  will  approve  of  ito  prodaotion  ot  as 
early  a  date  os  possible* 

Tho  price  of  §200  for  tho  Toleseribe  proctioelly 
gives  as  $100  for  tho  Telephone  Amplifying  device,  raid 
there  ooald  be  no  question  eboat  this  being  o  vory  ample 
allowance,  which  will  givo  added  profit  to  thia  Deport¬ 
ment,  and  at  tho  same  time  provide  oar  distributors  with 
a  unique  canvassing  feature,  which  will  pat  money  in  their 
pockets,  and  help  tho  solo  of  oar  regalor  proaaot. 


Eurthormoro,  I  have  token  pains  to  hove  I*r. 
looming  ooouro  an  estimate  of  tha  coot  of  tools  for  the 
Teleeoribe.  end  hio  report  la  on  approximate  ohargo  of 
§600.  At  tho  figure  wo  Intend  to  char go  for  tho  Toloscrlba 
you  can  boo  wo  wools  prectionlly  only  havo  to  aoll  twenty 
or  twenty-five  CaleBeribos  to  oover  this  Initial  cost,  and 
1  on  cure  thot  o  nolo  of  oovorol  hondroa  ownlte  ub  qb  coon 
os  wo  can  mako  dol Ivory. 

Will  you  kindly  plaoo  a  momorendum  of  tho 
Bhovo  data  In  tho  form  of  Committeo  notes,  and  arrongo  far 
ua.  If  anything  further  hac  to  be  Sons,  to  procood  with  tho 
immufEOture  of  tho  ColOBorlbo  at  onoo. 

Yours  very  respectfully, 


At  the  request  of  Mr.  Koswoll.Kr.  Darnna  had  Ihr. 
Bodfoarn  confirm  tho  coot  of  tho  Colooorlhe  aa  approximately 
§26  to  ffhotres  A.  Edison,  Ino,  Mr.  Uloolal  also  confirmed  tho 
estimate  of  §800  on  tho  coot  of  the  tools, 

Mr.  Maxwell  Inquired  what  Kr»  Durand’s  Idea  was  as  to 
s  shop  order,  and  Mr.  Durand  otatod  that  he  thought  tho  chop  * 
order  ought  to  he  600  -  putting  through,  howovor,  only  60  of  tho 
Important  largo  ports  and  600  of  tho  small  onoo.  It  was  pointed 
out  by  Mr.  Durand  thot  in  this  way  wo  prectioally  run  no  risk 
of  having  dead  stock,  but  do  have  the  advent ego  that  production 
con  bo  easily  increased  if  ell  goes  well. 

Decided  after  further  consideration  that  Mr. 

Durand's  plane  In  regard  to  the  Eeleeoribe,  cs  eet  forth  in  his 
memorandum,  merit  approval. 

Vf.  J'axwell 


Copies  to  all  oommltteo  momhero  and  to  Mesors* 

Edison,  Wilson,  Borggron,  Eokort,  looming  and  Hutchison. 

Hr.  Durand  stated  that  he  fully: realises  the 

to  the  loo.  rM.lS*  **» 
aiBtrihators  lying  down  or  quitting. 

With  reference  to  clroularlzlnR,  Mr.  Darana 


^^y^ortuK  £gve  to  egrolee  any  ^ro^over  them^ 

wars »  ^*5*^ 


than  ray  other  economy  that  we  oouia  put  Into  e  ffeo  . 

Hr.  Maxwell  stated  that  he  had 

After  aisoueBlon  It  wbb  aeoiaed  that  wo  will, 
until  further  notice,  out  out  all  of  our  present  advertising  except 

In  the  -American  Agency  Bulletin  ana  the  national  Shorthand  Asso- 
oiation  where  we  are  obligated  under  yearly  contracts  which  have 
not  yet  expired. 

Shis  temporary  discontinuance  of  advertising  will 
mean  a  saving  of  about  $345  per  month. 

W.  Maxwell 


Copies  to  all  eonmittee  members  and  to  MessrB, 

Edison,  WilBon,  Berggron,  Eckert ,  looming  and  Hntohlson, 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Inc.  -  General  (E-14-82) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  relating  to 
the  organization  and  administration  of  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Inc.  and  its 
constituent  concerns.  Among  the  documents  for  1 914  is  a  list  of  departments 
as  of  March  1,  1914,  along  with  an  attached  list,  possibly  dating  from  1912, 
of  general  expense  classifications  and  "definitions  of  accounts."  Also  included 
are  undated  lists  of  foremen  of  the  departments  of  TAE  Inc.  and  the  Edison 
Phonograph  Works.  In  addition,  there  are  items  pertaining  to  complaints 
about  air  and  water  pollution  from  the  phonograph  and  battery  works  and  a 
report  concerning  construction  work  on  the  battery  plant  in  Silver  Lake,  New 

Approximately  50  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected.  The 
material  not  selected  includes  accounting  statements  and  routine  periodic 


Revised  -  March  1st,  1914. 

Both  Companies. 

1.  Bates  Numbering  Machine 

3.  Cabinet  Making 

2. Disc  Blank  Making 

4. Disc  Mould  Prelim¬ 

5.  Sapphire 

|  6.  Speaker  Assembling 
:  7.  Speaker  Parts 
8.  Japan  Cleaning 
!  9.  Phonograph  Assembling 

10 .  "  Paoking 

11.  "  Testing 

12.  Wax  Making 

16.  P.K.  Assembling 

19 .  Drill  Press 
JO.  Gear  Cutting 
Jl.  Grinding 
J2.  Japanning 

33.  Jobbing 

34.  Lathe 

13.  Musical  Record  | 


14.  Disc  Record  Moulding! 
•jl 5 .  Master  Mould  Making 

17.  Professional  Pilm 

,  M£g. 

18.  B.A.  Inspection 


noth  Companies,! 

25.  Hickel  Buffing 

26.  Hickel  Plating 

27 .  Polishing  &  Buffing 

28.  Punch  Press 

29.  Screw  Machine 

30.  Battery  Plant 

31.  Blacksmith 

32.  Box-making 

34.  Reoord  Stock  St 


35.  Home  Model  Pos¬ 
itive  Pilm  Mffe. 

36.  Phono.  Block- 

ing  St  Pinal  Equip¬ 

37.  Payroll 

38.  Advertising 

&  Printed  Porms 

39.  Draughting  & 


40.  Painting 

41.  Electrical  & 

42.  Chemical  Lao. 

43.  Carpenter  Shop 

45.  Tool  Stock 



Both  Companies. 

47.  Tool-r»akihg 

40.  Record  production, 
receiving  &  stock 

49.  Production,  receiv¬ 
ing  &  stock 

51.  Purchasing 

52.  Order 

53.  Aylesworth  -  Lab. 

54.  Shipping 

55.  Traffic 

56.  Administrative 

57.  Power  Plant 

58.  non-Divi sable 

69.  Stationery  Stock 

'  60.  Officials 

✓  61.  Credit 

✓  62.  Legal 

f  63.  Advertising 

/ 64.  Transcribing 
/ 65.  Miscellaneous 

66.  Kineto scope  and 

67.  Battery 

68.  Bates  Number¬ 
ing  Machine 

69.  Dictating  Mach. 


Works.  Incorporated.  Both  Companif 

70.  Amusement  Phono 


71.  H.P.  Kineto.  &  Film 


72.  Eleotrio  Motor  Sales 

73.  Kinetophone  Sales 




$axjD  J  ttilaJs  ' 

80.  -SteeWMWeel 

Working  ___ 

f/-  ' 

82.  Copper  Plating 
&  Dipping 

83.  Electric  Motor 

84.  Diamond  Grinding 

85.  Film  inspection 
86 1  Blue  Amherol  Record 

87.  Kinetophone  Film 

88.  P.  K.  Otoew 

89.  Recording 

90.  Ice  Plant 

91.  Gas  Plant 

92.  Water  Plant 

93.  Silver  Lake 

94.  Raw  &  Finished  Film 


Both  Companies, 

100.  Blank  Shaving 

101.  Disc  Wax  Sub.  Master 
-  Moulding 

102.  Cyl.  Wax  Sub.  Master 

The  Following  Pages  Are  the  Best  Available 


tplanati  on 

100  Officials 

'  Ex  a  out  It  --  I>9Dft  rtr 

IOX  Hoad  a 

103  Factory  Sups rv ini on 

103  Clerks 

. atC''  104  Office  Eoys  &■  Kosaongo r  a 
•  '1 105  _3tenographai-sj;&  TranVcrSl 


ing  Ertpensas  1 

llngr : Convex  ions,  Exhibitions  A  Pomopo^^t 

m  Telegraph  i  Telhphond 

3  22  stage 

freight. ^  .  Axpreas- 


table  Cartage 


Into rest 


132  Hrint 

136  .Sac  or 


sving  iixpansos 
,  i c .  Office  Mein  tonaneo 

140  Accomodation 

,  141 .  -  Sduca  ti  ons  1  *  *p¥  na  e 
142  •  Preliminary  Master  ■Ret 
147  Patterns-  A  Drawi  rigs 

i.ri  mental 

149'.  Kis.cel;  lane  ous’  !E?cp  ernes  3 

;  i^AraxaHAiica  o? 

150  Repairs  to  Buildings 



! killed  labor 



)t  of.  all  f  o rma  &  publii 
ing  I'epurtmont  direct  t< 
of. printing 'such  forms 
:tion  with  advertising. 

itions  issued  by  tho 
the- trade,  including' 


•chase  of  all  stationery  i- 
!  office  forms,  yellowing  : 


Elarjk  Books 
Blank  Cards 
Blank  Pads 
Bristol .board 
Copy-  books 
Carbon  paper 

Clips  (fasteners ) 
Envelopes  (all) 
Eraser 3 ' 


Paper  fa's • 
Paper  weij 
Pen  Holds: 


Printod  forms 
Rubber  stamps 
Rub  ter  land  3 
Rule  rs 

Ruling  Pens  . 
Scrap  book3 

Sealing  Wax' 

Piling  boxes 



Ink. Pads  . 

. Ink  stands 
Ink  oradicator  \ 
legal  cap  paper 

Kan-i  fold  papers 
I'emo  books 
Micilege  bottles 
Roto  books 
Oil  paner 
Pads.  ' 

Taper  (blank) 


Sponge  cups 

Stamps  (impression) 


Tape  .  •  . 

Tissue  paper  (blank) 
Tracing  paper 
Tracing  cl  oth  • 
Typewriter  ribbons 

_ \  •  _ • 

-K '  !*’ '  .‘i 

-t  i "  t:isc  ■ai Aireora-  sgor- 

Tnel&qoa  ,ths  oj 
ifiot  othc-r.’.-icfi 
■  oonau/Hofi'.  in  :oj 
p'rineip^l  iter 

Ac  Ida  ( for  jilso*  uso  on 

I'l’flitif  l‘03> 

Csifi '  ‘  3cal 

•  harden  in; 

ialca,  ruboi : 

■  i 

■Cans,  0.1.1  C-  Sp* 



C  ha  .to  is  , 






; hack  esv) 

Groove  ra 

all  iincia  oxoej 
mafcio  and' sites 



£  a»  ttiots'-b  4  ■  idi-tfstisanta-v-il.)  to 

aue  i'roti]  tirt.o  to  taper,  TSvj$ 

io!  cost  of  proD'iutns  v,nar.  eso'i' tfeinofi .  ■■  x. 

’ouohorv'  i:'.  '".jrrpi'nt;  or'  Iiiaurtueo  Sroosinma 
U I'Vbe/  ohsirgos.'  direct :  to  ; "Ineurcnce  , 



•  incj fldoa  -cost t  of  fnol 

:i£C?HIC  CURnTT ,  C-.VS  t.  al.-AV.  (r.’icJ'ir.god  cr  _  tr.‘, r.ef si-roc  i1 
Incjucos  „l?ctrlc<i'i3u^ron't>  Hag' snd  StJdair^o.'-tp&fi.Cso  ^  > 

-ff\  E  ,  ^ , 

'  P 


Larch  9th  1914 

To  satisfy  a  long  felt  want  of  those  who 
live  too  far  away  to  go  home  for  luncheon  at  lloon 
the  Company  has  b tar ted  a  Luncheon;  Service  and  a 
competent  chef  has  been  employed 

All  desiring  to  avail  themselves  of  this 
service-  will  please  give  advance  notice  to  the  chef 
on  the  fourth  floor  of  the  office  building  A  regular 
dinner  will  he  served  each  day.  for  which  the  charge 
Will  he  30*T  per  person. 

Those  not  desiring  the  regular  dinner  may 
ourchaee  sandwiches  eta.  at  coat  prices. 

Ho  oash  will  he  accepted  at  the  restaurant 
The  employees  must  settle  in  coupons  which  have  been 
provided  for  this  purpose..  These  coupons  can  he  . 
purchased  in  any  quantity  at  the  Cashi-r:s  Department 
on  the  second  fleer 

Kindly  pas3  this  notice  among  those  in  your 



Lieaa  .  Chas ,  Edison.  Hirdt  Henftt 
W  C. Smith,  Leeming.  Cheshire, 
Erwin,  II. Eckert,  Jubert.  Bale 
to  Hess .  Berggran  &  Staub . 




Wish  to  advise  the  manufacturing  of  Disc  Records 
has  "been  divided  into  the  following  Departments 

#2  -  Disc  Blank  yaking  Deperteisat 
Hoffman.  Voremaa 

This  includes  wax  blank  making,  phenol  rosin  making, 
powder  blank  making,  sub-master  .blank  making,  label  blank 
making,  varnish  making. 

#95  -  Mould  Vault 

In  charge  of  Sir  Xuhnen 

This  is  self-explanatory. 

#4  -  Disc  Mould  Preliminary  Department 
Mr.  Dinwiddle,  Foreman 

This  includes  white  master  preparing,  and  plating 
second  master  &  sub-master,  preliminary  bath. 

#81-  Disc  Mould  Finishing  Department 
Mr.  Grimes,  Foreman 

Includes  general  bath,  lathe  room,  mould  backing., 
celluloid  print  rooms.,  mould  repairing  (including  inspection) - 

Regarding  the  l&ttsr  operations, 
and  inspection  wish  to  advise  this  w< 
Department  #14',  but  the  labor,  •  •atari? 
connection  with  thane  operations  will 
as  it  is  part  of  the  mould  cost. 

Dept,  #81 

#14-  Disc  Record  Making 
Kr .  Moore,  Foreman 

Includes  powder  blank  (including  inspection  and  discard 
clearing  house),  transfer  plats  making,  tr.--r.sf or  blank  making, 
record  printing,  record  finishing,  -final  inspection. 

Gan 1 1  Me, no  . 


(#14  ~  Disc  Record  Making  -  continued) 

Hote:-  Mould  repairing  including  inspection;,  will 
toe  done  in  this  Deo&rtmeat,  but  all  labor,  material  or 
expense  will  be  charged  to  Department  #81,  as  noted  above 

#43  -  Finished  Stool:  Deportment 
In  charge  of  :•  r .  Baldwin. 

This  is  self-explanatory. 



On  March  fifth,  Mr.  Kammerhoff  came  to  me  with  various 
photographs  shov;ing  large  cracks  ana  other  defects  in  cement 
work  at  Silver  Lake.  I  was  amazed. 

On  the  morning  of  March  sixth.  Hr.  Kammerhoff  and  I 
went  to  Silver  Lake  and  inspected  the  entire  premises.  I 
could  scarcely  believe  my  own  eyes. 

We  returned  to  Orange.  After  lunch,  I  arranged  a 
meeting  of  Mr.  Bachman,  Mr.  Kammerhoff  and  myself,  in 
my  office,  and  the  difference  between  them  was  patched 

on  Monday  morning,  at  9.40,  Mr.  Bachman,  Mr.  Kammer¬ 
hoff  and  X  went  to  Silver  Lake,  and  again  inspected  the 
cerent  work.  Mr.  Bachman  was  ae  much  astonished  aD  I  was 
the  day  before. 

I  got  into  communication  with  Mr.  Mallory,  apprising 
him  of  the  defective  work.  At  my  request,  he  sent  out  Mr. 
Stevenson,  and  on  the  afternoon  of  March  10th,  Ur. 

Stevenson,  Mr.  Bachman,  Mr.  Kammerhoff  and  myself  went 
to  Silver  Lake.  Hr.  Stevenson's  findings  were  sufficiently 
important  to  warrant  the  request  that  Mr.  Mallory  send 
down  Dr.  Kiefer,  to  make  an  analysis  of  the  cement,  and 
hand  in  a  report  on  same. 

I  attach  hereto  report  of  Dr.  Kiefer,  dated  March 
19th,  1914,  to  which  in  turn  is  attached  his  analyses. 

Apparently,  no  cinders  were  placed  under  the  cone 
floors  or  foundations  of  the  roof  supports.  Even  if  this 
drainage  had  been  effected,  the  sewers  were  not  put  in  t< 
take  care  of  the  water.  The  fornications  of  the  supports 
were  also  inadequate,  many  of  them  having  cracks  and 
sunken.  The  floors  throughout  ail  the  hUildings  were  mor 
or  less  cracked,  and  this  condition  will  become  worse 
as  thegground  thaws.  Praotically  every  pit  in  the  entire 
works  leak  so  rapidly  as  to  make  them  entirely  useless 
for  the  purpose  for  which  they  were  intended.  Numerous 
attempts  to  repair  these  leaks  only  resulted  in  an 

floor.  Borings  under  the  ' 

The  large,  high- temperature  furnaces  are  built  on 
a  foundation  of  eighteen  inohes  of  concrete,  and  in  a 
veritable  quicksand  bog.  1  05,1  ^ raid '  v,ith 

resultant  in t erupt! am  of  the  process  of  iron  making.  The 
contains  walls  around  this  pit  are  inadequate  to  support 
the  pressure  of  the  surrounding  quicksand  earth.  The 
manufacturers  of-  these  furnaces  specified  not  less  than 
eighteen  Inch  wall  and  Ur.  Moyer  put  in  only  a  twelve- inch 
wall,  not  waterproofed. 


It  is  evident  that  all  pite  muet  ho  waterproofed 
with  consequent  diminution  of  available  apace  within  them, 
because  of  the  necessity  of  building  an  inner  envelope 
with  waterproofing  material  betwea.  th|  present  cement 
work  and  this  inner  envelope  of  cement  work.  This  is  being 
taken  care  of. 

trovieion  will  have  to  be  mode  to  shore  up 
•the  roof  supports  in  the  event  of  further  sinking  of  the 
foundations  of  same. 

side  v<filB  will  *130  have  to  be  supported 
if  they  settle  much  further. 

It  remains  to  be  seen  whether  much  of  the 
machinery,  furnaces,  etc.  will  not.  have  to  be  provided 
with  foundationer 

It  has  been  my  purpooe  to  simply  get  this 
data  together  for  your  guidance  on  return  and  to  take 
such  steps  toward  recommending  to  Kammerhoff  immediate 
action  on  waterproofing,  etc.  ns  are  necessary  to  enable 
his  work  to  progress  without  interruption. 

Ab  it  would  be  impracticable  for  you  to  judge 
dorrectly  as  to  what  should  be  done  from  a  report  without 
seeing  it  with  your  own  eyes.  X  am  simply  sending  you  this 
to  Charles  for  him  to  use  this  best  judgement  as  to  when 
to  call  it  to  your  attention  so  as  not  to  interfere  with 
your  vacation,  but  at  the  same  time,  to  familiarise  you 
with  the  conditions  in  a  matter  of  bo  much  importance. 


July  20,  1914 

Ur.  Edison; 

Hoarding  your  inquiry  to  Ur.  Looming  as  to 
when  celluloid  man  from  London  will  he  over: 

We  cabled  them  July  13  as  follows: 

"When  will  Mr.  Greenberg  call". 

we  have  not  heard  from  them  since,  and  we  be- 
liave  either  Honor  of  Mr.  Greenberg  himself  is  on 
the  way  to  us. 

C.  Hioolai 
a  -business  trip. 


P.  3. 

Mr.  Leeming  is  away  on 

C.  N, 

Replying  to  your  long  hand  memo,  on 


The  decision  of  the  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  specifically  specifies  that  the  increase 
in  rate  shall  only  apply  within  Central  Freight 
Association  Territory,  and  any  shipments  that  nay 
originate  outBide  of  the  above  zone  are  not  subject 
to  the  increase  allowed  by  the  Commission, 


Commerce  GommiBBion  In  the  advanoe  in  rate  case,  in  Official 
Classification  Territory,  would  say  that  the  decision  will 
not  in  any  way  effsot  our  interest,  as  the  increase  allowed 
hy  the  Commission  of  6$  applies  to  what  1b  known  as  Central 
Freight  Association  Territory  only,  ie:  that  territory  lying 
west  of  Buffalo  Pittsburgh  and  extending  to  the  Mississippi 
Biver.  We  are  looated  in  what  is  known  as  Trunk  line  Terri¬ 
tory,  and  the  Commission,  in  its  judgment  from  the  facts  be¬ 
fore  them,  decided  that  the  rates  in  this  territory  rendered 
a  fair  return  to  the  carriers  on  their  investment.  Therefore, 
it  will  not  be  necessary  for  us  to  increase  our  freight  allow¬ 
ances,  to  established  jobbers  of  our  amusement  produots,  nor 
will  it  effeot  our  primary  battery  business,  or  our  dic¬ 
tating  machine  business.  It  will  also  be  unnecessary  for  us 
to  pay  increased  rates  on  raw  material. 

I  am  informing  the  heads  of  our  BaleB  departments 
bo  that  they  can  intelligently  discuss  this  important  matter 
with  our  oust omers  if  called 

CC  to  Ur.  Wilson 
CC  to  Mr.  Bachnnnn 



Hr.  Bergeron j 

PleaBe  seouro  for  mo  a  certified  copy  of  resolution  of 
Board  of  Dir  oot  or  a  of  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Ino.  ??“ 

approving  tho  placing  of  a  contract  with  the  Michigan  Alkali 
Co.  of  Wyandotte,  Michigan  (Edward  Hill's  Son  &  Co.,  Xno.  sola 
agents,  64  Wall  3t.,  How  York  City)  for  our  entire  consumption 
of  76$  Caustio  Soda,  Between  November  1,  1914  and  December  31, 
1916;  the  total  quantity  to  bo  shipped  against  this  oontraot 
not  to  exceed  1S00  tons,  price  stfl.40  per  hundred  IbH. .basis 
60$  f.o.b.  their  Works,  Wyandotte,  Michigan,  freight  equalized 
with  Syracuse,  H.  Y.  Terms  net  in  60  days  from  date  of  oceh 
shipment  or  oash  loss  1$  in  10  days  from  date  of  each  shipment. 

The  material  to  be  shipped  against  this  contract  is  to 
conform  to  our  specifications. 


Copies  to  Messrs.  Edison, 

1,  T.  iteming 
Wilson,  Moadowoi'of t ,  Harry  Miller 


state  of  new Jersey. 


bureau  of  statistics 

1.  Name  of  corporation  or  firm, . 

2.  Is  it  intended  to  erect  a.  new  factory  buil 
old  one?  _ 

3.  Location  of  factory, 

4.  Kind  of  manufacturing  to  be  carried 

5.  If  new,  will  buildings  be  of  brick 

6.  Number  of 

7.  Kind  of  power  that  will  be  used?  - — — - 

8.  Total  cost  of  plant  (estimated),  $- - — - 

9.  Number  it  is  expected  will  be  employed  in  the.  beginning 

(estimated).  Males,  — - i  Femal<:s - — 

October  23rd,  1914. 

AB  requested,  I  return  herewith  the  Bulletin  of  the 
Association  of  Hat lo ml  Advertising  Manegers.  dflted  Ootoher  inh, 
1914,  the  subject  natter  of  which  ms  prepared  by  HrtJ.B.  Benson, 
Advertising  Manager  of  the  Rumely  Oompany,  of  la  Porte,  inu. 

I  teve  read  and  re-read  this  bulletin  and  am  frank  to 
say  that  from  an  exporter's  point  of  view  It  lB  on! 
written  articles  In  reference  to  the  situation  ^  South  America 
+>«.<■  r  uon  m  many  a  day.  As  you  have  undoubtedly  obeerveu, 

magazines  and  newspapers  are  publishing  an  exoes  slve  number  of 
articles  on  the  vender ful  market  which  tea  suddenly  been  thrown 
____  ,  _  onoth  Amerloa  on  account  of  the  present  European  war. 
Smy  of  the  writers  would  make  us  believe  tha*3™^*  American 
coffers  are  filled  to  overflowing  with  gold  which  the  meroh^ts 
of  those  countries  would  be  glad  to  turn  over  to  us  in  exchange 
for  our  products.  Of  course,  the  more  experl  enoed  exporters 
understand  that  many  of  these  artloles  are  written  by  p8°p’;® 
have  little  or  no  experience  In  the  export  trade  and  as  a  oonse 
quenoe,  such  articles  are  not  taken  seriously. 

When  reading  Mr.  Benson's  artlole,  I  Immediately  reoog- 
nlsed  that  here  was  a  man  "Speaking  as  one 

his  artlole  Mr.  Benson  gives  a  true  picture  of  present  conditions 
In  South  America,  and  his  statements  are  borne  out  by  reports  I  ■ 
continually  receiving  from  Mr.  Kennedy,  the  MaMger  Of  our  Argentlne 
Company.  In  one  of  his  letters.  Hr.  Kennedy  writes  as  follows, 

"During  the  month  of  December,  1913,  there  were  WO 
failures  In  Buenos  Aires.  One  German  concern  failed  for 
over  8,000,000  pesos  and  every  day  we  hear  of  others  being 
Involved  for  large  amounts.  The  country  l»^tlU  Buffer¬ 
ing  from  bad  conditions  and  everybody  Is  wondering  how  it 
le  going  to  end." 

Under  the  headings  "Cardinal  Prlnolples  to  Observe"  and 
"Common  Sense  Method  of  Sales  Development",  Mr.  BenBon  gives  advloe 
whioh  If  followed  hy  a  raamfaoturer  who  aitldpates  entering  the 
South  American  field,  would  save  him  from  the  pitfalls  that  oonfront 
those  who  expeat  to  enter  this  field  without  having  the  necessary 

Haturally,  nneh  of  the  Information,  contained  In  this 
bulletin  Is  not  new  to  the  experienced  manufacturer  or  exporter,  hut 
much  time  and  money  would  he  saved  to  concerns  whloh  oontemplate  en¬ 
tering  the  South  American  field  If  a  copy  of  this  bulletin  could  he 
plaoed  In  their  hands  and  they  would  follow  the  advloe  given  therein. 

Hr.  Edison  la  vary  nuoh  Interested  In  conditions  as  exist¬ 
ing  in  South  Amerloa,  and  more  particularly  In  Argentine.  I  am  there¬ 
of  e  taking  the  liberty  of  having  several  oopleB  of  this  bulletin 
one  of  whl oh  I  shall  send  to  Mr.  Edison.  I  am  also  sending  a  copy  to 
our  Vice-President  and  General  Manager,  Mr.C.H.V/llaon,  and  to  our 
Second  Vice-President,  Mr.  ifixwell. 

1  am  thoroughly  ocnvlnoed  that  If  Information  of  this 
character  could  be  substituted  for  the  nonsensical  trash  that  Is 
being  circulated  at  the  present  time  through  the  medium  of  our  news¬ 
papers  and  magazines,  the  average  reader  would  more  thoroughly  under¬ 
stand  the  exact  conditions  existing  In  south  Amerloa,  and  as  a  result, 
prospective  exporters  rould  be  greatly  benefited. 


Manager  Eorelgn  Departmait. 




Fifth  Avenue  Building  New-Yoric  City 


.  Number  :  307 


October  17th  1914— 

Mr.  J.  B.  Benson,  Advertising  Manager 
of  the  Rumely  Company  of 

one  of  the  members  of  our  Export  Committee, 
has  prepared  this  Bulletin  at  the  request 
of  the  Committee.  Ur.  Benson  spent  five 
vearB  in  Buenos-Aires ,  Argentine  Republic, 
as  advertising  manager  of  a  large  Company 
and  this  report,  based  as  it  is  upon  his 
actual  experience,  should  be  of  great  value 
to  our  members. 




■mmnntr..  TRANSLATION 


There  is  no  doubt  of  the  possibilitUsbefore  the^rican^^ 
mnrnrf&aturer  in  gaining  South-American  trade,  l)nt  P 

XTis^t  the^oluuon  to  the  market  by  any  means. 

Some  of  the  articles  tfcich  have  one 

American  trade  and  opportunities,  if  t^en^too  literally  ^  ^ 

SS  S“r.“i™  SrS  SS.,  «.  r*L«»  .<-!»  «*“««  *"“*« 

imported  from  European  agenoiee. 

beeSenTerLS-r-Ae^Sndfbas  the  facilities  for  talcing  Mediate 
advantage  of  the  opportunity. 

To  my  mind  the  most ^““"^“ft^^ro^^blfore  the  American 
American  export  ^  8h0W  that  the  market  is  there  if  goi 

SL  lt  has  brought  before  us  the  possibilities  which  have 


Bulletin  Humber  :  307 

Continuation  Sheet  : 

always  been  there,  with  perhaps  a  little  extra  induoement  on  aooount  of  the 
upsetting  of  foreign  contributors  to  that  trade. 

Again,  there  is  doubt^f  the  demand  tove  done 

«  “  «“*•  *• 

conditions  • 

The  Germans,  French  and  English  have  built  up  their  enormous 
foreign  trade  by  oonsi, *“*•**? T t^  busLes^  their 

credit  s1are'SgearedSup°to  the  prevail  tog  terns 

the  purchasing  power  of  South  American  Republics  is  lessened. 


Tust  a  word  on  the  situation  in  South  America  to-day,  noting 

in  worse  shape  financially  ri®\  j^g  intensified  the  situation 

by^cutting  off  the'f i^noial  support  which  is  expected  from  Europe  in  noma 

-  s  TO*sss^=  s«H2  S-Ss. 

shy  left. 

n  issue  of  $200*000*000  «ors  in  pster  «oi»,,  ralu.  t 

—  ■* 

.is.r.r^rri.r^scr^  s.  - 

evidently  a  wise  move. 

srSSSSSSv  ■ 

more  selling  until  things  were  on  a  saner  basis. 

Conditions  have  not  been  much  better  to  Brasil  and  Chile,martial 
law  havtog  been  declared  in  Bio  to  the  Spring  on  account  of  public 


Bulletin  Number  :  307  A. It. A .11. 

Continuation  sheet  : 

demonstrations  against  the  business  situation,  due  mostly  t 

fhe  tiolffon  the  robjertbut  tTl^J^^ou^the  way  things  stand, 
tone  of  articles  on  the  fUDJe0\”u  v  d  at  »u  win  not  let  this  deter 

it  r^tf a—  —  -  »*» 

IS  thubw  ahd  worth  going  after. 


ssjsrsaf-  ^rTssrAs.1 t’asr-s.- — 

rsf sr»d  s.:sa1sir.h„s;.i. • 

to  get  it. 

r  =  rS sriSSSsw- 

themselves  or  the  way  they  are  handled. 

dtnnfh  America  does  not  want  inferior  goods.  Price  is  — 
but  irsrfs  not  necessarily  ^  asset  «+**?££ 
do wn  there  than  low  prices.  I  do  not  mean  tnav  pr  oaltivation  0f  the 

«■  -  *** 

cost  of  living. 

«.  - 

things  up  after  a  slip-up. 

the  biggest  asset  in  getting  and  holding  South  American  trade. 


uMTS  «=w  rar-  as  ssrt=  ~  - 

participants  and  a  joke  to  the  natives. 

I  have  personally  been  approached  on  the  propoaition  and  have  Be^ 

the  effects  of  it  in  South  America  and  I  Know  how  senseless  they  are, 
generally  speaKing,  considering  the  amount  of  money  spent. 

la  it  not  obvious  that  we  can  hardly  expect  the  native  to tsKe 
these  investigation  trips  seriously  when,  apart  frommthe  fact  that 


Bulletin  number  307  A.N.A.H. 

Continuation  sheet  »  4 


is  too  contrary  to  custom  to  he  acted  upon  to  any  extent  ? 


bigger  asset  than  speed. 



in  the  way  of  development  -  say  from  the  time  toe  representative^ 
bri^t^y1^^  has  gone 

about  it  in  days  past. 

.  +n  ,,.iT.d  ...hen  i  was  in  South  America,  the  disregard  by 
the  American  manufacturer  generally  of  not  only  South  ^eric*n oondit  «■ 

“d  n6f3'^  fa3  refuse  f igure^tha^merchandising  methods  in  South 

JS2  muTbe^  -  there  as  they  are  here. 

There  were  so  many  ^acturere-  representative^  who  hom6 

had  over-sold  the  importer  -  their^ff^  ^  parti(jular  line  of  goods. 

i^Feln^Tasr-Te  *«“* 


The  American  manufacturer,  in  order  to  gain  a  firm  ^nd  lasting^  ^ 
foot-hold  in  that  trade  must  The  retail  dealer 

s.r..ns  si"^s»TSrr‘  "•*" 

s  sar-ias  «?•  *“■  •*“*  ***" 

entirely  jrpon  how  intelligently  he  analyses  the  field. 

KSw S^ZZ^iS?*****  <* «« «»*  »“•  “*  “™w‘ 


Bulletin  number  307 

Continuation  sheet  : 

an  importing  house.  It  will  he  a  question  whether  it  is  advisable  to  place 
with  one  of  the  larger  importers  or  with  one  of  the  smaller.  Sometimes 
the  smaller  importer  who  has  a  name  to  mai 
give  more  attention  to  distribution  a 

The  question  of  long  -  time  oredits  has  been  so  thoroughly  covered 
in  all  discussions  of  South  American  trade  that  there's  no  need  of  going 
into  detail  here.  In  the  matter  of  pasting,  marking  and  shipping  the  details 
are  easily  obtainable  for  the  different  countries. 


sis  preparation  of  catalogs  and  printed  matter,  it  is  much  better 
to  have  the  translation  done  in  the  country  in  which  the  books  will  be 
distributed,  by  someone  familiar  v/ith  the  trade.  It  is  very  easy  to  get  a 
book  in  English  TRANSCRIBED  into  Spanish  but  it  is  rather  hard  to  have  one • 
properly  TRANSLATED. 

With  full  co-operation  of  the  foaign  representative  or  agent , 
each  year's  catalog  or  miscelaneous  printed  matter  can  be  improved  upon  and 
be  reasonably  correct. 

When  I  was  in  South  America  all  matter  which  I  had  printed  in  the 
United  States  was  sent  up  here  in  Spanish,  in  dummy  form.  I  found  so  muCh 
worthless  printed  matter  being  sent  in  by  American  manufacturers  whose 
agency  we  held,  that  there  was  no  other  alternative.  I  work  the  same  way  now 
with  catalogs  we  put  out  for  our  foreign  branches  and  agencies. 

As  to  the  printing  and  engraving  of  the  jobs®  it  will  be  found 
worth  while  to  have  the  work  done  here  and  pay  the  duty  into  the  foreign 
country,  that  is,  for  anything  out  of  the  very  ordinary.  So  iong  as  the 
translation  is  laid  out  so  that  no  mistakes  can  be  made  in  the  composition 
or  make-up  at  this  end,  the  far  superior  work  done  here  will  be  worth  the 
effort.  For  ordinary  printing,  local  shops  do  good  enough  work. 

I  have  put  what  may  perhaps  be  considered  too  much  emphasis  on  the 
negative  side  -  on  the  other  hand,  much  which  has  been  written  haB  made  it 
ap^ar  that  there  is  nothing  to  it  but  to  go  down  and  pick  up  the  business 
on  our  own  terms.  It  is  easier  to  make  a  mess  of  export  business  than  a 

Very  truly  yours 

J.  B.  Benson 
T#  L*  Briggs 
F*  B*-  Feblman,  Chairman 

J«  B.  Benson 

December  10th,  1914. 

X  have  arranged  to  have  the  office  force  of  Phonograph 
Yn’orks  brought  over  to  the  fourth  floor  in  the  Battery  build- 
in  e  formerly  occupied  by  our  Engineering  Department.  The 
Engineering  Department  was  moved  elsewhere. 

Part  of  the  office  of  the  various  departments  are 
located  in  the  3rd,  4th  and  5th  floor  of  the  Battery.  They 
informed  me  now  they  have  ample  room  for  their  work.  I  also 
made  temporary  tables  to  be  used  as  deska. 

I  have  done  everything  possible  to  assist  Mr.  Wilson 
to  set  his  men  all  located.  X  also  want  you  to  remember  that 
I  am  one  of  your  employees  who  will  stand  by  you  to  the  last 
man  and  I  want  you  to  count  on  me  for  anything  I  may  be  able 
to  do  in  connection  with  reconstruction  of  new  buildings  or 
equipping  with  machinery.  I  have  quite  a  good  deal  to  do  at 
the  present  time  but  am  willing  to  take  on  more  and  organize 
or  do  anything  for  you  in  any  way  you  may  need  my  assistance. 

It  is  mv  desire  to  please  you  and  relieve  you  of  all 
possible  detail*  realizing  that  you  are  not  any  more  a  young 
mnn  and  that  you  have  a  great  deal  to  contend  with,  i  am 
willing  to  burden  a  great  deal  of  your  detail  which  I  am  most 

Please  do  not  hesitate  to  ask  me  for  anything  that 
I  can  do.  I  am  very  much  grieved  about  this  terrib_e  loss  you 
have  had  and  extend  my  sincere  sympathy.. 

Please  note  attached  letter  from  First  Ward  local 
Interest  Club  of  East  Orange,  on  which  Hr.  Edison  has  made 
notation,  also  Hicolai*s  report  concerning  the  water  from  our 
plant  which  is  discharged  into  the  brook  they  refer  to. 

I  note  Hicolai  refers  to  a  discharge  from  the  Storage 
Battery  plant  into  this  brook,  and  therefore  thought  it  best 
to  let  you  read the  letter  over  and  give  me  your  opinion  as 
to  what  reply  you  should  make  concerning  your  end  of  it. 


C.  H.  Vf. 


First  Ward  Local  Interest  Club  of  East  Orange 


HAMILTON /^GORDON ^  ^  Recording  Secretary 
JOHN  C.  WARNERLjnwKj:ornapondlna  Secretary 
EDWARD  H.  KONIGERnd  Awam  Treasurer 

Hon.  Thomas 

I’y  dear  air: 


;  Orange, 

Hew  Jersey. 

~n  view  of  the  proposed  reconstruction  of  your  buildings 
recently  destroved  hy  fire,  I  beg  leave  to  ask  your  co-operation  in  ofcr  JJ 
efforts  to  purify  the  water  of  the  3tream  flowing  through  your  phonogfapnj 
works,  by  turning  the  waste  from  your  factories  into  the  sewer  system  of  1 
Test  Orange,  or  such  other  proper  disposition  of  this  waste  as  may  seem 
most  desirable  and  practical  to  your  company. 

This  stream  known  as  the  Wig-Wain  Erook  or  Second  River,  has  its 
sources  arising  in  the  Orange  Mountains,  the  one  stream  flowing  along  the 
Ragle  Rock  Road  and  passing  through  the  yard  of  your  phonographic  works 
from  Alden  Street,  is  discharged  into  the  stream  on  Lakeside  Avenue  to 
the  north  of  the  railroad  tack  after  having  been  used  in  cooling  your 
engines  and  pressers,  and  is  there  joined  by  the  other  stream,  which 
coming  down  through  Llewellyn  Park  to  the  west  of  Park  Avenue,  flows  along 
the  railroad  track  and  near  your  storage  battery  building,  and  continuing 
on  from  Lakeside  Avenue  passes  through  a  portion  of  the  City  of  Orange 
until  it  enters  our  Pirst  Ward  of  East  Orange  and  flows  on  through  Watsessine 

Eor  sometime  past  the  inhabitants  of  our  Ward  have  been  annoyed  by 
the  offensive  odors  which  came  from  this  stream  and  by  the  discolored  water 
and  oily  waste  which  has  come  from  your  factories.  We  desire  to  make  this 
stream  of  practical  use  and  have  suggested  to  the  Essex  Park  ^otgnLsfsign 
that  they  establish  a  swimming  or  wading  pool  for  our  children,  ^and  ws  are 
assured  that  this  will  be  done  provided  the  stream  can  be  purified*  As  it 
is  the  children  are  often  injuriously  affected  after  wading  in  the  water. 

X  have  observed  that  for  sometime  past  there  has  been  an  almost 
constant  discharge  of  water  which  flows  from  under  the  driveway  leading  to 
the  office  of  the  Phonographic  Works  into  the  sidewalk  gutter  on  Lakewide 
Avenue,  and  also  on  Alden  Street  when  used  in  cooling  the  pressers,  and  in 
both  of  these  streams,  as  well  as  occasionally  in  the  gutter  on  Watchung 
Avenue,  I  have  seen  soiled  water,  oily  waste  and  colored  matter  which  came 
from  the  pipsii  from  these  factories.  I  also  learn  that  it  la  the  custom 
in  your  storage  battery  building  to  discharge  the  waste  from  your  chemical 
vats  into  this  stream,  and  I  have  observed  an  oily  waste  and  at  times  soiled 


First  Ward  Local  Interest  Club  of  East  Orange 




M.  DE  F°imE|T  SOVEREL^^  President 


DANIEL  HOYT  ^  Unwood  pjacc  Transportation 

CHARLES  H.  CLARK  p^k  Vice-President 

BLOOMFIELD  L.mELL  ,,  g  “  Corupl.tot 

LOUIS  McDAVIT  “  "  /Ind  Vice-President 

620  Sprintfdale  Avenue 


WM.  B.  DAILEY^  Glcnww^a^c»nd  Play  Grounds 

HAMILTON  A^ORDONie  ^Rccordlntf  Secretary 


S.  H.  QUACKENBUSHand  ^  Home  and  School 

JOHN  C.  WARNER^^^Corrapondlng  Secretary 


JAMES  B.  RAND  Burchard  Avcnue  Independence 



LOUIS  N.  DRANTBurchard  AvenueCeneral  We,farc 

REV.  EDW.  J.  HOLDEN  w  ^  HI**. 


WAYNE  M.  FRENCH  Membership 

231  Prospect  Street 

FRED’K  W.  McCOLLUM  Auditor 

THOMAS  G.  SCHRjVER^  Social 


water  v.hich  is  discharged  into  this  stream  to  the  llorth  of  the  railroad 
track  and  west  of  Lakeside  /venue. 

If  we  can  succeed  in  eliminating  all  the  impurities  and  offensive 
waste  from  the  water  of  this  stream,  we  shall  undoubtedly  be  able  to  give 
an  incentive  to  the  inhabitants  who  dwell  along  its  sides,  to  take  a  civic 
pride  in  keeping  it  in  good  condition  and  v/ill  be  enabled  to  put  this 
water  to  a  practical  use  by  our  children  and  others,  for  boating  and  wading. 

T.'e  should  be  very  much  gratified  if  thiB  matter  will  receive 
your  personal  attention,  and  that  in  making  your  plans  for  reconstruction 
you  will  have  regard  to  these  objectional  discharges,  and  we  shall  greatly 
appreciate  the  help  you  can  give  us  in  our  efforts  to  purify  this  stream. 

Kindly  favor  me  v/ith  an  acknowledgment  at  your  early  convenience, 
and  obi  ige  ’ 

Yours  very  truly, 






i.Cy  vts*~-v 

sist-Jtto  (JprfV**  eu*-.  rp&M^h- 

yi/jL  '/ui'L-X.  (ja^  fc+Vt-C  ^£^UH\  IA<-£ZuC  £$<- 

;  n^r>.  jt"v-  fb‘&'  fL*,tjA  w&t+C,  ^>maa4% 

i  tr  A-Wr^  “  (7^UL  'lurtL'rii-  ^'Ut^  eT't 

j  Zo  ..  e£tM^  J  A  6 .4*  "dL  y #•>/- 

,_£&€$ "XA-tL /jps£y IKU.  <SVt*_  ■ 

j oitcidta^jt.  jjt^.l&u.  /3 '  <^l£&<ud'  d 

[nMi  r  n..t&*. 

:  -u.  ^  ./"-^Mv  e<r*ijt£***A~. 

\  'Ur&iu*.  -t' iv.  £^c-  &\A-  ^,u-^CZZ  . 

j. _ ...  £&*-.  .  .c£+r4stt  .r-  .  -  -■■•-- . 

j  (J  7j/Us  v 

|  $Jvt^  y  'lurfdJZ.  C&t*  k$a*~- 

I  H'Vtft"'- — ._ . 

|  _ ; —  -  — 


December  16,  1914. 

Mr.  Leeming:  t  . 

Referring  to  attached  letter  fro.  th.  first  •«* 

Local  Interest  oluh  of  fast  Orange,  as  I  it  th. 
water  .hi.h  they  r.for  to  a,  flowing  fro-  our  plant  »  “ 

w  way  pollnt.d,  nor  ....  it  contain  «  — »  «  “f1  01 
any  hind.  fleas,  adrls.  ».  oonoerning  this  so  that 
r.pWi  or  perhaps  it  wnl.  »  »-»« 

and  let  ..  sign  it  a.  yio.-Ir.sld.nt*  Oenor.l  isnager. 

,  C.  H.  w. 





December  28,  1914. 

Mr.  R.  A.  Baohman: 

Water  discharged  from  plant  of  Edison  Storage  Battery 
Co.  into  brook.  Contamination  of  brook. 

There  are  two  outlets  from  this  plant  as  follows: 

Drain  Humber  One:  This  drain  was  laid  down  in  1905  at^the^time 

- ^Tig— original  four  story  building  was  erected.  It  is  located 

approximately  100  feet  north  of  Charles  St.  and  runs  under 
Ashland  Avenue , discharging  into  the  brook  in  the  rear  of 
dwelling  on  the  east  side  of  Ashland  Ave.  The  following 
departments  discharge  waste  water  into  this  drain: 

Part  plating 

'  Ribbon  plating  , 

Flake  plating  department,  Copper. Wash  water  and 
floor  drip. 

Rubber  treating  department 

Much  water 
formerly  going 
to  brook  now 
discharged  into 

Drain  Humber  Two :  Laid  down  in  January  1914  and  has  been  in  nsejiinoe 

- March  1914.  Starts  from  a  point  approximately  50  feet  east 

of  Valley  Road  near  the  south  side  of  annex  to  Hew  Crate 
building  and  passes  under  driveway.  Ashland  Avenue  and  arte 
HR  and  discharges  intd  brook  in  O’Rourke' s  Lumber  Yard. 

This  drain  is  constructed  of  24_inoh  ' tile  . 
sipned  to  take  care  of  the  waste  water  from  the  new  Crane 
Building  and  Annex.  Up  to  this  time  it  has  discharged  very 
little  waste  as  the  new  cranes  have  not  been  operated. 

Since  Septemberl914  we  have  as  you  know  water 

from  the  various  operations  in  annex  to  flush  the  toilets. 

This  water  comes  from  operations  as  follows: 

Washing  Hiokel  solution  from  drums  in  flake  plating 

WashinTand  finishing  Flake  in  Separator  Dept.  After 
reoovery  of  values  from  this  water  it  is  pumped  to  tank  on 
roof  and  disttibuted  to  various  toilets.  The  amount  available 
is  not  sufficient  to  meet  the  requirements  and  it  is  necessary 
to  use  water  from  the  town  mains  to  supplement  it.  It  is 
therefore  possible  to  state  positively  ^at  the _ "a|er  *rom 
the  two  departments  mentioned  above  is  discharged  into  the 
West  Orange  Sewer,  and  does  not  cause  any  contamination  of  the 


is  so  diluted  that  it  can  hardly  he  a  source  of  contamination. 
The  discharge  from  these  machines  is  clear,  without  and 

sss:  rr&sss&gg. 

operation,  but  is  similar  to  water  discharged  from  Part  Plating 
Dept .  ® 

from  Part  Plat¬ 
ing  Dept. 

Waste  from  Rib¬ 
bon  Plating 


Waste  'discharged 
from  Rubber  Treat¬ 
ing  Dept. 

A  considerable  quantity  of  water  is  used  here  to  remove 
all  traoes  of  the  Sodium  Hypochlorite  from  the  various 
rubber  parts.  The  waste  from  this  operation  oannot  be 
considered  as  a  source  of  contamination. 

Waste  from  Flake 
Plating  Dept. 

This  is  the  only 
source  of  contam¬ 

Yellow  rusty 

Ho  odor 

The  copper  wash  water  from  drums  in  this  department  con¬ 
stitutes  the  only  source  of  contamination  and  discoloration 
which  exists  in  water  discharged  into  the  brook  from  this 
factory.  As  you  know  the  copper  is  precipitated  from  this 
water  as  finely  divided  cement  copper,  by  contact  with 
scrap  iron  and  the  water  leaving  these  precipitating  tanks 
contains  iron  in  solution  as  Ferrous  Sulfate i-  •  This  water 
at  the  time  of  leaving  the  precipitating  tanks  has  a  slight 
green  color,  hardly  noticable  unless  compared  with  distilled 
water,  but  when  in  the  brook  and  in  contact  with  the  air 
the  Iron  becomes  ox&dized  and  forms  a  yellow  precipitate 
which  is  probably  Basic  Ferric  Sulfate.  This  discoloration 
of  the  water  is  very  niticahle  and  seems  to  increase  in 
intensity  along  the  course  of  the  brook.  We  have  examined 
samples  at  various  times  but  have  failed  to  deteot  any  odor. 

It  is  not  possible  to  use  this  water  for  flushing  toilets 
as  we  have  found  by  experiment  that  it  will  damage  the  iron 
pipes  and  fittings.  The  recovery  of  the  copper  in  wash 
water  is\ an  important  factor  in  the  cost  of  Flake,  the 
prooess  in  use  works  well, and  because  of  the  small  operating 
margin  it  is  doubtful  if  we  could  substitute  another  process. 

The  writer  of  the  attached  letter  to  Mr.  Edison  spent  some 
time  at  this  factory  last  }uly  and  went  over  the  ground 
inspecting  the  outlet  to  the  brook. 

Chemical  Laboratory 

per  T.D.Greenley 


j)  ^  - 

<jjOAj I  TW(  JX& 

«ct  U, 


OWl  &\*sf  - 

H&,  jQ^6nr«^«' 

'  lACtO  e*^vu 

Qlr^ct^  vcl  /vltiCnXf  <£<*''* 

Uaa^  'Ho  ^fetC4  < \ht. 

_ ^.auevtfj^  OttfcT.  **~y~ 

IM6VU  ©ci-Ski 

(^Xyut^-M-  h-4^T  v&-<£-%y\ 

'-jfcsL<ic,  <s&JuJ%&»stA  «c^vuje^*»  <WM<_  u  '*■'•^'*4 
bV/feZ^  j^ri  dy<  ^w^fce-lyr 
(^-cf,J:c4itc5.  Uj l*j£& 

. f«£ifrr 



-  I^c. 


-Cu. f 



r" . I 



-i  t 

■'  !  ! 







M- 10  '  ! 




M-  5 



M-  5 




M-  5 




M-  5 



M-  5  . 




M-  5 



M-  5 


Schaef  er 

Copper  Plating  &  Dipping 

M-  5 


B.  Ward 

Home  Film 

M-  5 

1  11 



M-  5 



H.  P.  K.  Screens 

M-  5 




M-  5  j 

'  14 

J.  Riley 


1  15 

Shipping  -  54 

M-  5 



II  l» 

M-15  ! 




M-  5 



H.  P.  K.  Testing 

to-  5 


Wta. Smith 

M-  5 





P.  K.  Stock 

m-  5  ,  : 


N  tl 




n  h 





M-  5 







Cab ,  Trimming 

M-  5 



Cab.  Finishing 

M-  5 



Snkr.  Assem.  Changed#103 

Works .M-  5 








M-  5  1  j' 



Blue  Amber ol 

M-  5 


Geo.  Weber 




Disc  Rec . 

w-  % 



Moulded  Masters 

M-  5  '  1 




M-  5  ! 






Me  Hiernan 

Film  Exchange 





M-  5 




M-  5 




m-  5  !  i 


Seeley  Tuoe 

&  Bob  Co. 

M-  5 



Rec.  &  Assem. 

M-  5 



Primary  Battery 





K-  5 


Pay  Roll  Audit. 

M-  5 


W.  H.  Miller 


M-  5 



10  5th  Ave. 

M-  5 



Piet,  etc:  Unfinished 

M-  5  1 




M-  5 




M-  5 




M-  5  j 


C.  Gumaer 

Diet.  Mach.  Stock 

M-  5  I 



Nat'l  Stock 

M-15  j 

!  54 



M-  5 


G.  H.  Baldwin 

Rec.  Stock 



S.  Briggs 

Silver  Lake  Warehouse 

If-,1?  i 



Chicago  warehouse 

M-15  fj 





FOp-BirroH _ 1  DEPARTMENT _ 








Ship.  Returned  Material 

u-  5 
M-  5 
M-  5 
M-  5 







4th.  floor  Stock 






















10  b 
















Langley  &  Branoh 

W.  E.  Smith 





G.  Baldwin 

Cab.  Finishing 

Spkr .  Dept. 

Box  Making  &  Yard 


Bates  Stook 
Cab  It 


Pay  Roll  Audit 
Bates  N.  Y.  Office 

4th.  Floor  Stock 
Stook  Changed  from#2b!no .to 


Ele»t'  B3 
H.  P.  K.  Screena 
Bee.  Office 
Spkr.  Aaaem. 


Silver  Lake  Storehouae 






p-  5 

M-  5 

p-  5 

P-  5 

M-  5 

p-  5 

P-  5 

P-  5 


P-  5 



P-  5 









P-  5 


M-  5 


P-  5 









m-  5 

M-  5 

M-  5 

M-  5 


)  P-  5 
P-  5 
p-  5 


M-  5 









P-  5 



?-  5 



Dept  #4 

P-  5 




p-  5 



Ship .Returned  Material. 

H-  5 











Elect . 





0.  Weber  &  Smith 


M-  5 




p-  5 



P.  K.  Stook 









p-  5 



M-  5 


Hun 8 on 

p-  5 






M-  5 




p-  5 


M-  5 































146  . 











Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Inc.  -  Fire  (E-14-83) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  concerning 
the  fire  of  December  9, 1914,  that  destroyed  or  damaged  more  than  half  of 
the  buildings  in  the  West  Orange  laboratory  complex  and  killed  employee 
William  H.  Troeber.  Many  of  the  letters  are  unsolicited  proposals  offering 
goods,  services,  or  assistance  in  conjunction  with  restocking  and  rebuilding 
the  plant.  There  are  also  numerous  communications  offering  expressions  of 
sympathy.  Many  of  the  incoming  letters  and  telegrams  bear  marginal 
comments  by  Edison,  some  in  a  humorous  vein,  about  his  reaction  to  the  fire, 
the  nature  and  extent  of  the  damage,  and  his  plans  for  repairing  damages  and 
resuming  production.  Several  items  pertain  to  appraisal  work  by  the  structural 
engineering  firm,  Condron  Co.  of  Chicago.  A  letter  by  architect  Cass  Gilbert 
concerns  his  involvement  with  a  special  committee,  formed  by  the  American 
Concrete  Institute,  to  investigate  the  fire.  In  addition  to  the  correspondence, 
there  are  lists  of  employees  who  worked  during  the  night  of  the  fire  and 
reports  regarding  the  condition  of  tools  and  machinery.  Also  included  is  an 
undated  note  by  Edison:  "Am  pretty  well  burned  out— but  tomorrow  there  will 
be  some  rapid  mobilizing  when  I  find  out  where  I  am  at."  An  inscription  on  the 
back  indicates  that  the  note  was  "written  by  T.A.E.  for  Press  at  height  of  fire. 

The  correspondents  include  motion  picture  executives  J.  Stuart 
Blackton  and  Sigmund  Lubin,  industrialists  Andrew  Carnegie  and  George 
Eastman,  longtime  Edison  associate  Herman  E.  Dick,  former  employee  Frank 
K  Dolbeer  of  the  Victor  Talking  Machine  Co.,  and  Edwin  W.  Rice,  Jr., 
president  of  the  General  Electric  Co.  Also  among  the  correspondents  are 
inventors  Thomas  Armat  and  Nikola  Tesla,  public  utility  executive  and  former 
secretary  of  the  U.S.  Treasury  George  B.  Cortelyou,  mining  entrepreneur, 
John  Hays  Hammond,  and  architect  Albert  Kahn. 

Approximately  20  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected, 
including  a  representative  sample  of  unsolicited  letters  bearing  marginalia  by 

Two  scrapbooks  of  newspaper  and  journal  clippings  relating  to  the  fire 
(Cat.  44,509  and  Cat.  44,510)  can  be  found  in  the  Scrapbook  Series. 
Additional  documents  regarding  the  fire  and  its  aftermath  can  be  found  in  the 
archival  record  group,  Edison  Phonograph  Works.  A  finding  aid  is  available 
from  the  Edison  National  Historic  Site. 





AT  238  MAIN  ST. 

C  12  KC© RANGE,  N.  J. 

GO  ILLS  DEC  9  10  .0  .  ^ 




-33*=^*  ■y' 



643aa  88  NL  1 

l«ree  part  of  Fori  plamt  and  many  important  faotorioa  elsewhere.  Vo 


force  and  can  giro  you  immediately  efficient  and  quick  ssrvloe.  Quicker  than  any 

one  elee.  If  you  hare  your  own  architectural  etaff  am 
advantageously  as  consulting  Architect.  Would  yeu  see 
on  my  ewn  responsibility  Please  advise. 

Albert  Kata,. 

certain  I  oan  serve  yeu 


3L_V«'+t'— rr  ^ 

|  1'  (V  I  ^to^ber  10,  1914. 

^  V*<fc*  VM-  *  J  Vf  ^  ,,  •  ' 

j  -ru*,  . , 

1  Ltifc»v~Sr~  “*  3o<\ 

vr*-  We  very  daeply/laympathize  iveltk  you  in  the  (jrf 

v  trouble  anjl  ombarraesment  t 


ce'fved  will  Fr^>  to  130  ni 
the  same  time  I  cannot  help  but  congratulate  you 
on  the  maganificent  fighting  spirit  that  refuses 
to  accept  defeat,  in  the  faco  of  misfortune  that 
would  daunt  most  men  -  a  spirit  which  will  cer- 
taihly  enable  you  to  recover  from  any  rcatorial 
loss  that  could  possibly  befall  you;  and  in  say¬ 
ing  this  I  am  sure  I  voice  the  universal  sentiment 
of  the  country. 

Tou  have  heard  from  tho  Hew  York  Edison  Com¬ 
pany,  and  Ur.  John  W.  Lieb  has  just  told  me  of 
their  having  offered  every  assistance  in  thoir 

(b^  ) 

With  kindest  rogards,  believe 

Ur.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Glenmont,  Llewellyn  Park, 
West  Orange,  H.  J. 



u ytJJ-  -j-  — * 

lyt^XsLr^.  \  <&Jk ■& 

U&.ijWMM'r.t i 
&l/.W/nr4"//l  wAG'd-H,* 

(k/n  m  (ntf,r&r>i/i:.<rm..,,n-,, 

£&/>?// '//ffition  ■till/. 

fyjotifmc/'  ty?tonf//<tcfttrerJ/fj/ 


Edison  Laboratories, 
Orange,  N.  5T. 

Attention  of 

Ur.  m.  C.  Hutchinson,  Chief  Engineer. 

Gentlemen  i 

If  there  is  work  that  we  can  do  for  you  in  the  way  of  building  duplicates 
of  the  special  machines  Which  we  have  made  under  the  direction  of  the  labora¬ 
tories  heretofore,  for  both  the  Storage  Battery  and  Phonograph  Works,  which 
you  may  require  to  replace  those  oonsumed  in  the  awful  fire  which  came  upon 
you  yesterday  we  would  be  pleased  to  hear  from  you.  At  the  present  monetot 
our  facilities  are  not  all  in  active  use  and  therefore  we  are  in  a  poeition 
to  give  any  of  your  order simmediate  attention.  With  the  experience  already 
gained  in  making  your  machines  we  oan  probably  serve  you  in  this  respeot  very 
muoh  better  than  anyone  else  Whom  you  might  oall. 



H ew  Y ork ,  He  c  emb  er  10 , 19 14 

IhnmaB  A.  Edison, Esq. , 

Edison  -“ab  oratories. 

Orange,  H.J. 

Beloved  Chief: 

Please  accept  ray  profound  expressions  of  regret  at 
your  terrible  loss.  It  is  altogether  too  bad,  but  I  know  that 
your  indomitable  spirit  will  soon  put  things  back  in  better  shape 
than  ever.  I  venture  to  suggest  that  you  send  out  a  little  per¬ 
sonal  message  to  all  of  your  friends  in  the  electrical  field, and 
Hr.  Nicholas,  one  of  the  Editors  of  the  Electrical  World,  is  bring¬ 
ing  this  over  so  that  he  can  secure  it  at  once.  It  can  be  very 
brief,  but  there  are  thousands  who  will  welcome  it  in  our  ranks. 

If  there  is  anything  that  I  can  do  personally,  please 
count  and  call  upon  roe. 

•E°sRrG=^vUCKER  New  Yor  SV*^'  O.  \<\\A 


dA{.^Jv3L» -^-J  * 

jU  ‘Y" —  " 

4^ — 

r  Ov^e.^  ^ 

I^vS.  ^A"  ic-^a 

L^r  «o^uv-U^ 


y~  ^  ?v  — Vo  ”  M  If 

.  -A^o  — y- 

^"^Vwal  V^vo»i  (V^aI?^ — <| 

I  -4 - A~^  _ _ OA^t 

^  Xxs^  J^oX'  (S^r^f  ^VMT 

^  ^  Vr*^  — / 

<j$Lb  _  ~^5tx  cvs-ovAi^S^U 

/V'v^v~-  vL^ 


■l^/  m5  ,'^_tt - - 

•  *-yiv’ — o 

r™A^ma|ns.  ^  ^ 

THOS  A  EDISON  ORANGE  /xc^B  ^  **  •  /I 


85  NY  B  2 
DA  NEW  YORK  DEC  10  l 

Q juJr^7^  x°^( 

c  A  COFFIN  Y/e. 

121  OP 

Ct-^3  C ,6VV«^  ^ 



S38  MAIN  ST. 

RECEIVED  AToranqe.  n  j 

S3  NY  0  59  *T1.‘ 

OA  NEW  YORK  DEV  10  LI'-*'-'-' 

THOS  A  EOISON  ORANGE  NJ  \xtJJl, t-i/vc-* 



cb  Nev/York  Ny  December  10th  1914 

We  are  prepare*  to  place  on  your  work  a  thorouchly  tre 
construction  oreanization  and  could  replace  your'Jlanl 
mechanical  equipment  very  rapidly  have  just  completed 
plant  of  similiar  construction  and  could  concenstrate 
_ -j.  -i — i  — n»«-  Tf  interested  telephone  our  off: 

~\C  |  28S  5flal"  8'" 

>rk  a  thoroughly  trained  engineering  and 

L  '  : '  -■ 



RECEIVED  AT  238  MAIN  ST.  i 

'  oRAN!^E-  N.  ^crivr  W^ir-tri-. 

r  - 





d  V 

he-  ^ 

'  0  Of*#”*  ■ 






£?  *-2-  ^  x  , 


<j  cr-w^/  J-  JffW 

I^T  JU-  0~hh"UL  cC  tucr^-^  <VL^  ^  Xv^r\rL^>fY 

4.CTU,  cruAV 

.L  .  ^  ^  -  -•  /-:  --  , 

d  oJj'tn..  cCX^cri^j 

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cruw  >/L  /  / 

O-^^jCc^  cul 

l\ro^s  -3  cc-iX-cL  ^  (  ^"1  ) 

f ,  %,  /2i.Cg£  Qa. 


Deoember  10th  1914. 

ast  Tad^vJ  ^ 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Dear  Sir: 

Your  messi 
over  again,  is  a  sermon 


#<  d —  Va  ke 

saying  you  7/ill  start  all  Cr..^ 

your  genius  to  he  reoognized  hy  the  English  speaking 



Your  courage  and  imagination  -  which  are 
the  two  most  powerful  factors  on  earth  -  are  not  ex¬ 
celled  in  any  other  human  being. 

I  well  remember  the  very  interesting 
afternoon  I  spent  with  you.,  looking  through  your  plant, 
and  X  trust  that  before  long  it  will  be  running  again 
full  blast,  and  that  you  will  not  suffer  financially, 
physically  or  mentally,  on  aooount  of  the  disaster  of 

With  my  very  best  wishes,  I  am, 
Yours  sincerely. 


December  10th,  1914. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  N.  J. 

Dear  Mr.  Edison: - 

I  am  deeply  grieved 
to  hear  of  your  loss,  hut  am  glad  to 
note  that  your  fighting  spirit  has 
escaped  damage  as  its  impairment  would 
he  an  international  calamity. 

Sincerely  yours. 






3  a  r 

75  NY  B  69 
DaWv  YORK  DEC  fO 


S  -r.SuoX  ^  ° 

jul  ^ 

THOS  A  EDISON  ORANGE  Nv^^^j  A ^  lo-v-uS^  CCr 


•  'C&sfvwCaL  /2c .kAcco  1 140A 

tt  i  a  tfW* 









\£UL  In.  5 

Mr.Thos  A. Edison. 

Orange, N.J.  ^ 

Permit  us  to  extend  to  you,  our  mostV- 
sincere  sympathy  and  regret, owing  to  the  misfortun£_. 
that  you  recently  had  by  the  burning  of  your  factories. 

We  assure  you  that  we  were  very  much 
grieved  to  learn  of  this,but  we  are  indeed  very  thank¬ 
ful  that  you  are  a  man  of  utmost  persistency  and  expect 
to  continue  the  manufacture  of  THE  EDISON  DISC  PHONOGRAPH. 

We  shall, however, continue  to  help  make  this 

new  invention  prominent, and  should  you  not  complete  your 
new  factory  in  as  short  as  time  as  you  expect, you  can 
count  on  us, as  one, to  be  with  you  just  the  same. 

Again  extending  to  you, our  deepest  sympathy, 
our  kindest  regards  and  best  wishes  for  your  ultimate 
success, we  are 

Yours  Very  Respt. 

“The  Only  PAY  NO  COMMISSION  Piano  Firm  In  Coshocton,  Ohio” 


Republican  Publishing  Co.,  Publishers 

Morristown,  Ten...,  Docelt]b9r  10th>  14 

Mr,  Thomas  A.  SdiBon, 

Orange,  N.J. 

Dear  Sirt- 

I  am  extremely  oorry  to  read  in  this  mornings  news  of 
the  loss  by  fire  of  your  plant.  X  am  an  owner  of  one  of 
your  cylinder  phonographs-Home  A-  and  a  lot  of  records 
which  I  will  prize  now  more  than  ever  for  I  suppose 
they  can  not  be  replaced.  Trusting  that  you  will  rise 
Phoenix  like  from  those  ashes  and  be  a  sourse  of  much 
happiness  to  others  with  your  phonographs,  records  etc., 
I  am  as  ever, 

Yours  sincerely, 

Walter  E.  Miller, 
care  drawer  "B" 

Uut/1 ■=*-.  U rJX. 

X  ***att. 

I  ..  i~‘  I1'-***' 

GAMJUEN,  N.  J-.u.s.a.  Decanter  10th,1914 

«•-  Laju*—  ' 

^,0  o-  fLtsurt*  c.o 


Secretary  to  Mr.  fhosl 

. " 

/  Orange,  H.J. 

U-«g~-<a4c  ' — • 

dear  Harrys 


It  is  impossible,  at  this  time,  for  me 
to  convey  the  feelings  whioh  surged  through  me 
this  morning  after  reading  the  accounts  of  the 
fire  which  took  place  at  the  plant  last  night, 
and,  while  I  have  wired  Mr.  Edison,  I  would  ask 
that  you  personally  convey  to  him  my  sincere 
sympathy  at  the  great  loss  which  has  occurred. 

He  is  a  very  wonderful  man  and  I  have  no  doubt 
but  what  he  will  bear  up  even  under  these  trying 
conditions,  and  I  sincerely  hope  that  some  ar¬ 
rangements  may  be  possible  which  will  permit  of 
your  rebuilding  and  resuming  operations  in  the 
very  near  future. 

May  I  ask  that  you  extend  to  Mr.  Meadow- 
croft  and  the  others  my  best  wishes  for  their  con¬ 
tinued  good  health,  and  hoping  things  may  right 
themselves  very  promptly,  and  with  kind  personal 
regards  to  your  goodself,  I  beg  to  remain. 

Yours  very  truly. 







v  i 

rt>-0  /a-'t_c-w-£u-vd  * 

121 3R  _ _ 

a^acrO-0  A-t-c^vcv^c»  « — er“T~~\_  ' 

'3-a  **~**i“1 

.West  Lynn,  Mass. 

In  Reply  Refer 

December  10,  1914. 

Ur.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Laboratory  of  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  M.J. 

My  dear  friend  Edison:- 

I  desire  to  express  my  sympathy  for  you  in  the  reported 
destruction  of  a  large  part  of  your  plant  by  fire.  I  know 
what  it  must  mean  to  have  built  up  industries  and  enterprises 
and  have  all  the  aooumulated  facilities  which  it  has  taken  so 
rauoh  effort  and;  so  long  a  time  to  produce  destroyed  in  a  few 
hours.  X  hope  the  loss  is  not  as  great  as  reported  in  the 
papers,  and  that  it  will  be  possible  to  make  a  good  start  again. 
With  highest  regards,  I  am, 

American  Express  Company, 



VSDi^-rl*  ^  T" 

^l30n;  cm-A  #  1  /* 

'-ttf  \L.  cA'&£XJV'  ^ri-  ^^t3- 

Ur^A^^rv/lKi  rreat  regret  tijat  I  lef^J^2Sw  **” 

morning  newspaper  of the  ,M  «**  ^'0Ur  ^  irl^ranSe- 

Kinaly  aueept  the  e^edionjg-ray  syngirth^ 

wishes  tovvaty.  3very  one  Imows  that  ;onr  h^gh 

stanlurcl  of  philosophy  will  oorr*  you  through  Jn^ordeal. 

Your  s 

It  is  with  extreme  regret  that  learned  of  your  losaz 
Permit  mesto  offer  you  the  use  of  a;  storage  shed  4  5ft. sc:  95ft..  two 

story  in' heigh th  it  is  a  strongly  "built  warehouse  and  has  ceilings 
aboutI2ft.  in  h  eighth,. 

Xou  may:  hare  this  shed  to  use  free.of  chargs  until 
31  ou  can  straighten  yourself  out. . 

It  is  Icing  side  of  the  D.L.&  W.  R.E.and  a  goodd. 
place  to  make  public  announcements  from  for  &  W.  traffic. 

If  I  oan  do  a  nything  for  you  yours  to  command 
Again  expressing  regret  at  the  unfortunate  occurance. 

and  wishing  you  a- speedy  recovery. 

With  Cordial,  good  wishes 
Very  sincerely 

'..fJt  Wj-X  3  ^  ,UC‘- 

RECEIVED  AT  s'-' Tel'  436vA?<f  ^\j  L 

57  NY  GC  43  bll^J0^Fn  j-  W«»y>op  J 





/  (Dtuj  Itund 

Df)oerab9r  llf  1914. 

clt  mii>  .tittclu-niiw  IKuUon  ^trcrl 
Ncto  QuvU  (IUj.  ^ 

It  «aa  with  great  Barrow  that  I 
learned  of  your  heavy  Ions.  I  ^mired 
immensely  your  pluck  and  courage  through¬ 
out  It  all;  you  certainly  proved  a  hero, 
U  41 d  also  Mrs.  Edison.  I  assure  you 
that  we  all  feel  very  deeply  for  you  at 

With  test  Vie  hen  for  your  future 
undertakings  i  believe  me, 

Very  sincerely  yours, 

Er.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Llewellyn  Park, 

West  Orango,  N.  J. 

27  William  Street. 

JtTtt  jZsdt  tf // 

^  61^  //,  ///*. 


3U0&SP'  ~T' — 

'  3  -iS^cvH/sr 

•  Lambie  Steel  Form  Co. 


.  299  BROADWAY 
New  York,  U.  5.  A. 

,  j*  ■= 
at-  *■ '  / 

My  dear  Sir:-  r*  ^ 

Fire  cannot  hurt  concrete, very  muc’ 
than  Death  could  obliterate  the  influence  of  your  great 

Mr.  Thomas  A. Edison, 
Lewellyh  Park 

I  have  about  a  hundred  tons  Blaw  Company 
Steel  Forms  at  Pittsburgh  and  at  Hasbrouck  Heights, H. J. 
They  are  not  quite  up  to  the  mark  of  perfection^ 
Carnegie  Steel  Company  are  now  making  for  rne,  but  are 
in  A1  condition.  They  are  8'  x  12"  units  and  are  in- 
tercbangebale  (clip  and  wedge  to-gether).  Bo  doubt 
they  might  come  in  handy  and  save  something  on  lumber. 
If  you  can  use  them  you  are  welcome  to  same  as  they 
are  not  quite  right  for  our  particular  work  of  snail 

There  must  be  some  solemn  pride  in  knowing 
that  probably  no  one  man  in  the  world  could  have  ment¬ 
ally  taken  your  great  fire  as  did  you  and  Mrs.  Edison. 

Your  friend,  Mr.  Austin  C.Dunham  of  Hart¬ 
ford,  Conn,  has  found  my  forms  toobe  of  great  advantage 
in  the  prosecution  of  his  prodject.  He  has  already 

Lambie  Steel  Form  Co. 

No.  299  BROADWAY 

Dec.  11iji1914 

built  several  houses' and  other  buildings  with  same. 


Interchangeable  Steel  Forms 

Basic  Patents  all  over  the  World 

For  Cast  Concrete  Houses  and  Buildings 


LAMBIE  STEE  1,  F  O  LI  M  CO. 



and  for  other 
The  forms  pr< 
windows  and 

where  tlicy 

The  chimney 

lining  encased 
crete  for  the  fl 

is  cast  at  last  operation,  being  an  extension  of  the  roof,  all  n 
weather,  both  outer  and  inner  forms  will  be  removed  from  the 
cy  are  poured  and  are  passed  up  to  form  the  next  story. 

:  no  .vires  or  bolts  through  our  walls,  costly  finishing  of  : 

iture  of  allowing  the  removal  of  all  perpendicular  (or  wall  pi 
l  day,  allowing  the  horizontal  (or  floor  plates)  to  remain  in  posi 
»  proper  “set”  and  strength,  saves  many  tons  of  extra  steel 
smooth  handsome  cast,  free  from  bolt-holes,  tie  wires,  etc.. 



The  Phillips  Company 



Au.-tomo.tic  Sprinklers  ^  K 

EartlcipatihR  Plan.' 

Mr.,  Ihomas  A.  Edison.\  *T 
Orange,  H.  J.  j/ 

"It'B  an  ill  wind  that  blows  no  one  no  good". 
We  provide  automatic  sprinklers  for  the  _  _ 

Your  friend  Henry  Ford  of  conrete,  hut 

Yours  very  truly, 

The  Vitagraph  Co. of  America 


December  11th,  1914. 

dr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  New  Jersey. 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison:- 

permit  me  to  express  my  sincere 
regret  and  also  that  of  The  Vitagraph  Company  of 
America  at  the  misfortune  which  has  been  visited 
upon  your  wonderful  plant,  and  be  assured  of  our 

,k  *,<^4  ct *&+*&■  **  f 


r,vV  feUW  ^  * 

qXojU**-***  cic*^  /6-f^’j/-'*^'*- 

Ua  — 

te  :  *  !M‘-  H% 

..  ■t  X‘“T~'~&" 

fL,&-*r*~~»,  ®+  tAi'K. 


Hew  York,  December  11,  1914. 

V.  II-.  Head owcr oft ,  "sq. , 

13d  is  on  Laboratory, 

Orange,  IT.  J. 

Dear  Kr.  Meadowcr oft : 

Please  note  the  enclosed  which  1  venture  to  send 
as  1  had  been  in  hopes  that  they  would  be  used.  Evidently  the  office 
boy  fell  down  on  the  job  as  he  had  plenty  of^Ume^to  meet  Mr  .Nicholas , 
and  I  would  still  be  glad  if  my  letter  could^reach  the  "Old  Han" . 

The  "Electrical  World"  makes  reference  this  week  to 
the  project  for  a  fireproof  museum  and  X  think  now  is  the  time  that 
this  project  should  be  driven  home  and  carried  out.  The  library  it¬ 
self  is  little  more  than  a  fire-trap,  and  it  makes  one's  heart  ache 
to  think  that  such  wonderful  records  of  the  creation  of  great  and  new 
are  so  exposed  to  destruction.  Let  us  work  together  on  puttine 

l'vruA'  JDe 

:twfc~«»  2aw,\.va.v  - 

jejHkes.  <«>•■<— «v  mw 

(Us  one  At  the|is  of  tout  ad- 
_  Vv’ciU  &<JL*t<ki«ueL  o-*  t“- 

ni'reps,  I  send  you  my  sjtapathy  in  the  10  3,3  of  ferour 
.  t  i-  fcl  ke.  Ue*^  ^  cji*vwirtvjtnt-*,est  i 
workshop/  It  is  not  only  a  personal  and  a  national 
0*«oKvw.oa‘  Vul  ukidX* w4“-vv.pT"  Ik* 
loss,  hut  £  world  loss,  for  you/havfe  been  <jne  of^ifia 
W  /ro-V  t\  OiiWtl®  tjyljCL  {*uJwp»  tiXfouaik*.  '<h,-.W 
greatest  bengfactora.  ^-» 

cLkt9  Ikvw  j-l*  *>'tt5(dded  to  my  admiration  for  you  as  a 
citizen,  is  the  recollection  of  your  kindness  to  my 

son,  John  Kays  Hammond,  Jr.,  when,  as  a  boy,  he 
spent  a  day  with  you  at  your  works.  His  meeting  with 

you,  and  the  kind  interest  you  showed  ,  were  an  in¬ 
spiration  to  him,  and  I  know  you  will  be  gratified 

to  learn  of  his  achievement  in  the  way  of  steering 

boats  by  wireless. 

My  wife  wishes  to  add  her  appreciation 
and  sympathy  for  Mrs.  Edison  and  yourself. 

Very  sincerely  yourB, 

The  Thompson  ^Norris  Company 

CoRinifiATKi)  1’aveu and  Shipping  Gases  ,mericm 


1? HOOK ixn3$Y.  Deo. IX, 1914. 

Mr.  William  H.  Medoworoft,  » 

o/o  Edison  Laboratory,' 

Orange,  N.  J.j 

My  dear  Mr.  Medowcroft, 

■  i  This  will 

the  firm  of  Thatcher  &  Son, 
the  wish  to  inspect  the 
Any  courtesies  that  you 
very  much  indeed. 

I  hardly  knjfw  what  to  say  concerning  the 
misfortune  you  have  all  had.  I /intended  to  write  Mr.  Edison 
personally,  but  perhaps  it  would  be  as  well  if  you  would  simply 
tell  him  how  much  I  regret  thyF misfortune  in  his  business 
and  how  sincerely  I  hope  to  s/e  restoration^  the  earliest 
practical  moment.  This  fire  I  serious  event  at  best  will*** 
alleviated  by  the  indomitabl/  energy  of  Mr.  Edison  himself 
and  by  the  faithfulness  and/efficiency  of  the  men  around  hin 

.troduce  Mr.  Thatcher  of 
foklvn.  Mr.  Thatcher  expressed 
recently  devastated,  by.  fire, 
sxtendf  to  him  I  will  appreciate 

/  Yours  truly 


Ivtr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Y'est  Orange,  E.J. 

Hear  Hr.  Edison: 

The  whole  country,  1  Enow,  is  extending  to  you  its 

’"i^v^d'rare  ability  which  you  have  shown  through  these  wany 

my  profound  regret  over  your  misfortune. 

T  have  noticed-  in  the  newspapers  quite  conflicting 

SrS/irLs  «££;«£ 

So  construction.  I  «ould  not  troop...  upon  you  _ 
as  against  hrick  construction,  for  instance. 

I  remain, 

Very  truly  yours, 


XL—**—  rr-  . 

i‘~  — -f  rr^v 


VVAA-U  <**■-" 


£dco  fri%  Q'rty/ 


g  THOMAS  A.  ELSTON  CO.,  Inc. 


||  Buildings  Torn  Down 

370  Dorchester  Avenue,  South  Boston 


AH  Kinds  of  Second-Hand  Buildlmi  Material  For  Sole  ^ 
Estimates  Furnished 

1911  December— 1L, -1914 

\  —  11=*  — 

s  A.  Edison,  p  j  *f\ 

oJJL  ,  'Z— 

West  Orange  ,  N.  J. 

sympathy  for  your  J-eat 

perts  here  in  Boston  in  the  line  of  clearing  up'Vuins. 

We  have  just  completed  clearing  up  all  the 
ruins  of  the  large  Naumkeag  Steam  Cotton  Company’s  mills 
at  Salem,  Mass.  We  can  cheerfully  refer  to  them,  and 
also  to  all  of  the  largest  Architects  and  Builders  in 

We  feel  quite  positive  that  we  < 
s  money  ,  and  we  would  he  pleased  to  go  c 

if  you  so  desire. 

ours  very  truly  , 






POSTAL  OR  W.  U _ 

Please  accept  our  deep  and  sincere  sympathy  in  the  great  disaster 
which  has  befallen  you  and  the  companies  of  which  you  are  the 
guiding  spirit.  If  it  is  within  our  power  to  be  of  any  service 
we  will  greatly  appreciate  your  calling  upon  us.  Knowing  well 
your  dauntless  spirit.,  we  do  not  doubt  your  great  energies  are 
given  wholly  to  reconstruction  and  not  at  all  to  dismay  or  con¬ 
templation  of  the  ruins  of  your  business.  Be  assured  the  elec¬ 
trical  fraternity  of  the  West  stands  absolutely  with  you  in 
sympathy  and  in  any  support  we  may  render. 

W.  A.  Layman,  President, 

Warier  Electric  Manufacturing  Co. 

AND  SENDER  ffALiJW  day  or  night  ^  Message 

U  Paid.  nME  (s.onhd)  WAGNER  ELEC.  MFG.  CO. 


My  dfearji^  ^  &U 

”  Allow  me  to  express  my  sincere  sympatbyffor  the 



very  severe  loss  which  you  have  just  suffered  by  fire  and  to  congratulate 
you  upon  the  characteristic  grit  you  have  shown  in  proposing  to  at 

V*.  Q—m**  ««•  ut~f  *^7“ 

O'  I  mly  be  permitted,  also,  jfo  congratulate  you  and 
the  other  stockholders  of  the  Edison  Storage  Battery  Co.  upon  their 
narrow  escape  and  hope  that  a  continually  increasing  demand  for  the 
battery  as  a  result  of  its  multiplying  uses  will  partly  recompense 
you  for  the  temporary  loss  of  business  in  your  other  departments. 









December  llt.h,  1914 

My  dear  Mr.  Edisons- 

I  have  been  absent 
from  the  city  and  just  returned, and 
cannot,  tell  you  how  great. ly  shocked 
I  was  to  learn  of  the  disastrous  fire 
at  your  plant,  and  hasten  to  offer 
my  sincerest  sympathy;  also  my  services, 

If  there  is  anything 
suspicious  about  the  origin  of  the  fire 
I  will  be  glad  to  give  it  my  personal 
attention  without  any  cost,  whatever, 
to  you.  Therefore,  if  you  have  any 
suspicion  concerning  thiB  fire,  be 
good  enough  to  let  me  know  and. I  am 
yourB  to  command. 

Trusting  that  the 
plant  will  be  rebuilt  on  a  larger 
scale  than  ever,  and  wishing  you  every 
success,  I  remain 

Sincerely  yours, 

Thomas  A.  EdiBon,  Esq., 
Orange , 

New  Jersey 



q3  O 

J&4?<s.  //~fr  '<?/*/ 

/Xzi-  (^/Uo  C?.  ^c/lAw-v  .'  Ivv^-  **"*  /C»-ewx_| 

<t/icKv_&e  Un  <s*m*  t^w«j  alLo^n 

-  ^  vv>aW  i-ir*'  cLt'«^yv*-<i  *^v. 

Vo-rt  (TIvw.  cJjXL  «*!f' 

,$cnsi'</  X 

Ct^L  ^ LL  VIA.  <2. 

<¥^  ^tz&-dL 

(/crLi/ls&M^  <2>  Lt'Ati  CC 

efUs  Civ  At?/  c/<2y  Lta-^i  Ct,?A  ^AlC  Qc<jyC>^ 
.jLcd^l/z  d£Lva.4  V/tiiiACtf  /t!ccG.'r  t//  tfirzx/ 

"o/u.Ld  ^te.  (S/lgctJ?  ^'/K.ttAAj  a^ww.  yi/Sr  : 

{//~Aa,u*.  V'Ulz//'  l^v/A  /U^hovtLe* 

Civ  L&7'l/caa«.  ct  S>1<AaaJ  Aof  //ccji  /t&tAS 
X/yiAC^e,  t  -  Xcvu-e  -X&^tAv 

.Ohm,,  tnu^ 

^klCLp/^lv'  ^l£-(^L(2.Vvv<Z-  yLot  \XCttXv  /^LLCiv&O  ^cdy/c-l/' 
~'/j/lsLu~e-a  e/2  fy#?/  -/vC?  (?eScvvuver/a  e/f  &s 

.  LLnvM  /^^c/  Lr2AS>vec  y  .  /%2 c/^U>^£t?  .  /Apcc/c, 

. /  .XL,  c^yCz.ts'  Atiz^y&yy  eu^y&^j 

ly  <%nc&2  <Xo  .  //>  'X'Xi  xXA&&v  f<X  'X<X 

^Xernjy  -X  .  XX  t&l/XjfinAv’ 

e£u%  . ' 

/eUvw  AcAy 

'//.  y  A2U2Ac6mX'  S'  ~^"\ 


December  11th,  1914. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Llewellyn  Park,  N.  J. 

Dear  Mr.  Edison: 

I  hope  your  fire  will  in  some  way  turn 
out  to  be  a  blessing  in  disguise. 

While  I  have  not  seen  much  of  you  of 
late,  it  is  simply  because  I  do  not  want  to  consume 
your  time  and  take  it  away  from  the  valuable  work  you 

are  doing. 

At  all  times  wishing  you  more  and  more 
power  and  more  and  more  success,  I  am. 

Yours  sincerely, 

'iU-‘ — _ 

SJL^  1 

\JOct-G-^  <dcj 





December  11,19^4. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 
East  Orange, 
Dear  Mr.  Edison*' 

Irange,  N.J. 



UV».  CA, 

to  expjKjas  my  sinoere  regret 

upon  hearing  of  your 

loss,  and  the  additional  burden  imposed  upon  one  who  has  for  many  years  v 
borne  many  times  his  share  of  the  world's  work.  I  hope  the  press  report s^r 
of  the  catastrophe  are  greatly  exaggerated,  and  that  the  interruptions  to 
your  many  interests  will  be  of  shorjduration. 

With  kindest  regards  and  best  wishes,’ I  am. 

Yours  very  truly. 

December  12,  1914 

Mr  .  Nicolai :  / 

Pleasennote  that  Hr.  Theodore  &.  Condronlof  the  Condron  Co.v 
Constructing  Engineers,  \ias  been  engaged  fop/a  period  oi'  one  week 
at  $60  (Fifty  Dollars)  per  day  to  render~areport  as  to  the  con¬ 
dition  of  our  various  concrete  structures  whioh  have  beon  damaged 
by  fire.  \ 

In  oonneotion  with  thiBT/fork,  please  note  I  have  arranged 
v/ith  llr.  Condron  to  meet  Mr.  Moyer  at  the  Biltmore  Hotel,  Hey/  York 
City,  tomorrow,  Deo.  13,  at  10\A.  K. 

The  above  is  called  W  your \pttention  beoause  in  placing  the 
order  this  afternoon  for  the  metal\sash  and  wire  glass  windows 
for  the  undamaged  portion  of  24  Bldg,  and  the  office  building, 
it  is  necessary  to  specify  to  the  manufacturers  of  the  sash 
that  they  are  to  secure  exact  measuroinents  from  the  Moyer  Engin¬ 
eering  and  Construction  Co.  and  if  they\vill  have  their  representa¬ 
tive  meet  Mr.  Moyer  at  the  Biltmore  at  10  o'clock  tomorrow  when 
he  confers  with  Mr. /Condron,  they  oan  sav\a  good  deal  of  time. 

Mr,  Moyer  has/ promised  to  have  the  building  planB  with  him 
when  he  goes  to  the  Biltmore  tomorrow. 

i ,  y 

Mehsxys.,  Edison,  Chas.  Edison,  Wilson,  Moyer 

Deo.  12,  1914. 

Sle  gmund  Dtibln ,  Kaq., 

Dub  in  Pilm  Co.. 

Philadelphia ,  Pa. 

Dear  Mr.  Dub  in: 

Allow  me  to  thank  you  for  your  kina  telegram  of 
sympathy  in  regard  to  the  recent  fire,  and  to  express  my  appre¬ 
ciation  of  the  offer  of  your  plant  to  help  me  out. 

I  think  wa  shall  he  able  to  pull  through  by  the 
use  of  a  -small  plant  near  us  ana  part  of  our  own  plant  that  was 
not  burned. 

Phe  fire  was  due  to  spontaneous  combustion  of 
film  stored  in  an  iron  box  which  was  some  distance  away  from 
any  heat.  You  had  better  separate  your  storage  a  long  way 
from  your  factory.  It  is  new  to  me  that  celluloid  will  self¬ 
fire.  You  had  better  take  precautions. 

Yours  very  truly. 


New  York.  December  12,  1914. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

West  Orange,  Hew  Jersey. 

Dear  Sir: 

X  want  to  thank  you  for  the  few  minutes  of  your  valuable 
time  given  me  yesterday  to  enable  me  to  present  to  you  a  proposal 
oovering  the  reconstruction  of  your  magnifioent  manufacturing  plant. 

Confirming  the  oonversation  yesterday  X  beg  to  advise  you 
that  our  present  organization  is  eminently  fitted  with  expert  engin¬ 
eers  oapable  of  effioiently  handling  all  of  the  many  different  phases 
of  engineering  and  oonstruotion  that  will  be  neoeBsary  to  conserve 
to  the  fullest  the  damaged  buildings.  Having  an  organization  of 
this  kind  we  sre  in  especially  gbod  shape  to  undertake  immediately 
both  the  engineering  and  the  oonstruotion.  I  am  very  sure  that  you 
appreciate  the  profoundness  of  the  engineering  problem  presented 
in  determining  just  the  best  and  moBt  eoonomioal  way  of  restoring 
the  damaged  reinforoed  oonorete  buildings.  We  are  prepared  to  render 
you  this  kind  of  servioe  and  in  addition  we  have  a  highly  trained 
oonstruotion  foroe  immediately  available.  , 

Our  master  and  servant  form  of  agreement  1b  particularly 
well  adapted  for  the  undertaking.  Under  this  form  of  agreement  we 
would  be  able  to  employ  as  many  of  your  employees  as  you  desired  to 
find  work  for;  we  being  in  position  to  provide  efficient  supervision 
in  directing  their  efforts  and  you  would  be  at  all  times  in  position 
to  control  the  rates  of  pay. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison 

Page  #2, 

Deo.  12,  1914, 

We  are  in  intimate  touoh  with  the  building  materials  market 
in  this  vioinity  so  that  we  oan  obtain  almost  immediately  b11  of  the 
materials  necessary.  All  of  our  purchasing  wouia  have  the  supervision 
of  your  purohasing  department  if  you  so  desired. 

After  seeing  you  yesterday  X  took  a  look  over  the  property 
ana, if  I  may  be  permitted  to  ao  so,  would  like  to  suggest  the  necess¬ 
ity  of  prompt  action  in  shoring  up  some  of  the  damaged  buiiaingB 
where  as  a  result  of  the  fire  it  appears  that  the  aotion  of  the 

reinforcing  has  been  ohsngea  from  that  contemplated  in  the  assign, 
resulting  in  reversal  of  the  stresses  with  the  result  that  oerta in 
members  are  now  subjected  to  tension  where  before  were  subjected  to 
compression  ana  vice  versa,  all  resulting  in  an  over  stressing  of 
both  Bteel  ana  concrete. 

I  beg  your  indulgence  in  writing  you  Bt  this  length  ana 
wouia  give  as  a  reason  for  bo  doing  the  very  brief  time  I  felt 
justified  in  taking  with  you  yesterday. 

I  left  with  you  yesterday  our  formal  proposal  oovering  the 
reconstruction  of  the  plant  ana  I  wouia  appreciate  the  opportunity 
of  going  over  this  with  you  or  your  representatives  at  any  time.  I 
am  very  sure  that  we  oan  be  of  the  greatest  Bervice  toyou  if  you  will 
entrust  us  with  the  entire  responsibility  of  the  engineering  ana 
the  reconstruction  end  equipment  of  your  plant  throughout. 

Thanking  you  for  this  opportunity  of  serving  you,  and  wait¬ 
ing  your  further  commands  in  thia  behalf,  I  am, 



v  v  chief  Engineer. 


Mr.  Holden: 


We  undoubtedly  had  more  or  less  apparatus  of  all 
kinds  belonging  to  outside  people  in  our  factory  for  repairs 
which  has  been  absolutely  destroyed.  Doubtless  within  the 
next  few  days  we  will  be  setting  letters  asking  what  we  pur¬ 
pose  doing  regarding  them,  and  I  would  like  your  opinion  in 
the  matter. 

Are  we  legally  bound  to  make  good?  If  it  is  simply 
a  ease  of  moral  obligation  I  will  get  the  heads  of  the  differ- 
ents  together  and  decide  what  action  to  take. 

CHW/IWW  C.  H.  W. 

(Copies  to  Messrs 

"Edisoii  and  Chas.  Edison) 

Chicago  Deo.  12,  1914. 


w-s»  fc*-  U*T">.T^  yu» 

“•“•Slr!-  oCjiY~^6*-*‘  u  ^  ^ 

The  reports  as  to  the  destruction  of  your  buildings  that  ^ 
we'  have  seen  in  the  papers  are  somewhat  conflicting.  We  have  all  the  ^ 
New  York  papers  giving  accounts  of  the  fire  and  if  you  would  kindly 
signify  to  us  which  one  of  these  is  most  to  be  relied  upon,  we  will  be  V 
under  many  obligations  to  you.  $ 

In  the  Chicago  Tribune  of  December  11  you  are  accredited 
with  some  remarks  and- we  are  sending  the  clipping  of  the  item  to  you  si  - 
for  verification.  We  know  you  must  be  intensely  occupied,  but  hope 
that  you  will  be  able  to  spare  a  moment  to  give  \—  J— “  * 

With  great  respect, 


Infusion  Steel  Process  Co. 

C.  A.  Coffin,  Esq., 

General  Electric  Co., 

30  Church  Street, 

Hew  Yo:fe  City. 

Uy  dear  Hr.  Coffin: 

Many  thahfcs  to  yon  for  your  hind  fie  a  sages 
of  sympathy  and  offer  of  assistance.  Both  of  them  were  received, 
and  I  am  deeply  gratified  to  learn  that  I  have  some  very  prac¬ 
tical  friends.  . 

I  shall  ho  hack  in  the  game  in  thirty  days. 
She  Lamp  Worts  has  already  sent  over  arc  and  search  lights,  and 
everything  4s  bussing  around  here.  In  a  few  days  I  shnlltnow 
where  I  an  at,  and  will  probably  want  cone  parts  made  at  Lynn. 

I  will  let  you  hnow  about  this  soon. 

With  hind  regards,  I  remain. 

Yours  very  truly. 

General  Hleetric  Co-., 

30  Chair  oh  St., 

Kq-,7  Yosfc  City. 

My  dear  Hr.  Sice: 

rjQt  mo  exp-ess  my  deer  appreciation  of  you* 
hind  message  of  sympathy  and  also  of  your  offer  of  assistance. 

I  want  to  fktaSkyon  for  your  hindnoss. 

The  lamp  Worfcs  leaned  r®  sons  search-lights, 

and  I  hay.  sot  a  hoot  of  .»  oo&l«s  daj.  «*  «>*“  “I> 

and  getting  thins,  in  order.  I  «M  «*>*  “«  *»“”  *  liU1* 
later  on.  I  hay.  a  rapid  »e.  on.  and  the  natiy.a  aro,»d  her. 
are  s*iing  cone  tall  American  hustling. 

Yours  very  truly. 

J.  W.  Scott,  Bsq. , 

Portland,  -Me. 

Dear  Scott: 

I  want  to  thank  yon  for  your  telegram  containing 
your  kind  cnssage  of  sympathy  in  regard  to  the  fire.  It  is  very 
ranch  appreciated. 

Keep  your  nerve  and  keep  on  going.  I  will  he  hack 
in  the  game  inside  of  30  days,  lie  have  ao  rainy  aen  clearing  out 
the  workjf  and  getting  things  in  shape  that  you  would  think  the 
place  had  been  attacked  by  a  corp3  of  the  Goraan  Amy. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Fred  M.  Kimball ,  Esq., 

General  Electric  Co., 

West  Bynn.  Hass. 

Bear  Kimball: 

Your  kind  message  of  sympathy  and  rogards  is  very 
much  appreciate,  and  I  want  to  than!  you  for  your  hind  offer  of 
assistance . 

«PUe  uorh  of  re-habilitation-is  making  great  pro¬ 
gress.  "rfe  are  working  big  gangs  of  men  day  and  night,  and  I  shall 
soon  be  in  the  game  again.  VTe  have  been  receiving  your  list  of 
seb.11  direct  current  motors  but  please  see  that  Headowcroft  gets 
the  list  as  I  shall  probably  wont  some. 

Yours  very  truly. 

December  12th,  1914. 

Mr.  Chari es  Vi.  Price, 

13  Park  Row, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr*  Prioe: 

I  beg  to  thank  you  for  your 
telegram  ana  to  express  my  appreciation  of  your 
kind  measage  of  sympathy  as  well  as  for  your 
offer  of  assistance. 

I  shall  be  back  in  the  game  in 
thirty  aaye.  Arc.  search  an4  incandescent  lamps 
are  booming  all  night,  and  so  many  men  at  work  that 
you  would  think  it  was  the  Berman  Army  in  Louvain. 

Yours  very  truly. 

December  12th,  1914 

Mr.  Chas.  H.  Ingersoll, 

315  Fourth  Avenue, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  wish  to  express  my  appreciation 
of  your  kind  letter  of  smypathy  in  regard  to  the  recent 
fire  here.  These  firee  and  other  darn  things  are  a 
part  of  the  game.  X  will  he  hack  at  it  again  in  a  very 
short  time. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Dec.  12th,  1914. 

Mr.  Andrew  Carnegie. 

#2  E.  91st  St., 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  friend  Carnegie: 

I  appreciate  rory  much 
your  note  of  sympathy  and  good  wishes.  «  was 
quite  some  fire. 

are  praotioally 
hotter  than  any 

Our  concrete  buildings 
ntact,  although  the  fire  was 
if  our  enemies  will  see  below. 

Yonrs  sincerely, 

Diamond  Machine  Co. 

Wellington  Bradshaw 













Diamond  Machine  Co. 

Globe  Mch,  &  Stamping  Co. 

O.K,  Polishing  Head 
O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

o.K.’  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.'  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  Tumbling  Barrel 
O.K.  "  " 

.1 . A. 



Tag  Ho.  Makers  Name  Machine  Ho. 

4326  Globe  Hch.  &  Stamping  Co. 

991  "  " .  "  "  " 

987  Emery  Wheel  Grinder 
986  "  "  " 

986  "  "  " 

9894  "  "  " 

9892  "  "  " 

9895  "  "  " 

983  Northampton  Moh.  Co.  No.  2 









Northampton  Bnery  Y/heel  Co. 
Cylinder  Grinding  Hch. 
Chicago  Hch.  Se  Tool  Co. 
Grinding  Lathe 
Hanning  Maxwell 
Disc  Grinder 
Jack  Spindle 


O.K,  Tumbling  Barrel 
O.K.’  "  " 

O.K.’  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 





O.K,  Polishing  Head 
O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 

O.K.  "  " 






Everything  in  Blacksmith  Shop  O.K. 


Japan  ovens  and  rack  are  in  perfect  cond/tion. 


3590  Oven  Fumaoe  #16  Amerioan  Gas  Fumaoe  Oo.  Mfg. 

3692  "  "  "  "  " 

Hone  Hof fie  Fumaoe  #17  "  "  "  "  " 

Hone  Soft  Metal  Fumaoe  #6  "  "  "  "  " 

Hone  Oil  Tempering  Furnace  #30  Amerioan  Gas  Furnace  Co.  Mfg. 

3596  Case  Hardening  Fumaoe  #1  "  n  " 

Hone  Cyanide  heating  fumaoe  made  in  factory 

lead  heating  fumaoe 
1  -  High  Pressure  Blower 

#2  Amerioan  Gas  Fumaoe  Co.  Mfg. 
#3  " 

Hone  1  Blacksmith  Forge  -  Buffalo  Forge  Co.  Mfg. 
it  »  "  Faotory  made 

"  1  Buffalo  TTnnfl  Forge  -  Buffalo  Forge  Co.  Mfg. 

«  i  Champion  Hand  Forge. 

Hone  1  Bulldog  Vioe  #96  -  Prentiss  Vioe  Co.  -  Mfgr. 

Hone  1  -  250  lbs.  Anvil 
»  1  -  244  "  " 

Hone  2  CaBt  Iron  anvil  blooks 
3561  1  awagglng  bio oh  &  stand 
3585  Steel  Shears  on  legs 



1831  ]?•  E.  Heed  Drill  Press 

Hone  Horton  Emery  Wheel  Grinder 

Hone  One  Blacksmith’s  oone  (oast  Iron) 

Hone  6  Oast  Iron  Tanks 

Hone  One  l/8»  Sheet  Iron  Sawdust  Box 

Hone  " 

n  »  Begulating  transformer  " 

i'i  "  Bheostat 


/'Ca  A/a&a*/ 

Supplimenting  conversation  over  the  telephone  with  one  of 
your  representatives  to-day,  we  herewith  enclose  one  of 
our  pamphlets  showing  construction  of  Oarage  and  Bungalow 
using  our  K3Y3D  ST7.3I  PLATS  as  re-enforcement  for  Concrete 
or  Stucco. 

If  you  will  advise  us  when  it  will  he  convenient  for 
you,  we  will  have  our  representative  call  on  you  with  samples 
and  explain  the  details. 

Hoping  to  he  favored  with  an  interview  at  an  early  data, 

Yours  Vary  Baspect fully, 

The  Andrew  Greis  Company  Inc. 

December  14,1914. 

Wm.  H.  Meadowcroft ,  Secretary, 

Thos.  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  N.J. 

Dear  Mr .Meadowcroft : 

I  learned,  incidently,  this  morning  that  T.  IT. 

Gilmore,  Chief  Engineer  of  V/estinghouse  Church  Kerr  &  Co.,  had 
some  conference  with  Mr.  Edison  last  Friday  concerning  the  re¬ 
building  of  the  burned  works,  and  while  you  may  think  that  my 
writing  in  connection  with  this  matter  is  butting  into  something 
that  does  not  concern  me,  I  nevertheless  am  going  to  take  a  chance 
on  it,  for  the  reason  that  after  having  looked  over  the  buildings, 
which  I  did,  you  will  remember,  the  morning  of  the  fire,  it  could 
be  readily  noticed  that  the  work  involving  the  re-building  would 
be  primarily  more  of  an  engineering  proposition  than  anything  else. 
The  question  of  how  to  figure  the  stresses  and  loads  and  how  to 
determine  whether  such  portions  of  the  buildings  which  remain  can 
be  safely  and  satisfactorily  used  must  be  done  by  engineers  who 
are  acquainted  with  this  kind  of  work  and  cannot  be  done  by  guess¬ 
work  or  a  2  ft.  rule. 

Having  followed  the  large  line  of  work  for  fifteen 
years  or  more,  which  W.C.K.&  Co.  has  undertaken  and  completed,  I 
can  say  without  any  hesitation  whatever,  that  they  are  expert b  when 
it  comes  down  to  re-inforced  concrete  construction.  They  have 
undertaken  work  of  this  kind,  which  is,  I  imagine,  greater  than 
anything  which  has  been  undertaken  in  the  world,  with  the  exception, 


possibly,  of  the  Panama  Canal. 

I  only  hope  that  some  arrangement  can  he  made  whereby 
they  can  have  charge  of  this  work  for  Ur.  Edison;  and  I  am  saying 
thiB  purely  from  a  dis-interested  standpoint,  although,  of  course, 
ray  past  associations  with  Mr.  Edison  are  of  such  a  character  that 
I  cannot  hut  desire  to  see  that  he  is  relieved  of  as  much  of  the 
responsibility  as  is  possible  and  that  the  work  iB  done  in  a  satis¬ 
factory  way,  with  the  utmost  despatch. 

The  W.C.K.  Co.  has,  to  my  knowledge,  now, a  com¬ 
petent  engineering  equipment  which  can  be  used  immediately  on 
this  work. 

With  kind  regards  and  trusting  the  above  will  be 
taken  in  the  proper  spirit,  as  I  am  sure  it  will  be,  X  am, 

Very  truly  yours. 


December  14th,  1914. 

Mr.  T.  Commerford  Martin,  Sec., 

National  Eleotric  light  Association, 

29  West  39th  Street, 

New  York  City. 

My  dear  Martin:- 

let  me  assure  you  of  my  deep  appreciation 
of  your  letter  of  sympathy  and  good  wishes.  I  aid  not  have 
time  to  see  Nicholas  of  the  Electrical  World  when  he  called. 

If  you  were  around  here  just  now  you 
would  see  some  tall  American  hustling.  1  have  about  twelve 
hundred  men  cleaning  up,  they  are  working  day  and  hight  with 
wrecking  cranes,  aro,  search  and  incandescent  lights,  and 
we  are  all  on  the  job  getting  ready  to  start  up  again,  which 
I  hope  to  do  within  the  next  thirty  days. 

There  ie  lots  of  ginger  in  the  oia  man 


Yours  very  truly. 

Dec.  14,  1914. 

5E.  Commorford  Martin,  Esq.,  bee  y. , 

National  Electric  Digit  Association, 

29  West  39th  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

Hy-'deaYiirtr.  Martin: 

Of  course  you  will  understand  the  reason  of  the 
delay  in  reply  to  yours  of  the  11th  instant.  Shis  great  misfortune 
has  overwhelmed  everybody*  with  work ,  as  the  Old  Man  is  right  on  the 
job  and  things  are  homing  around  here. 

You  may  well  imagine  that  we  wore  all  on  tenter¬ 
hooks  on  account  of  the  Dab  oratory,  hut  fortunately  that  was  saved 

Such  courage  as  Hr.  Edison  has  displayed  is  al¬ 
most  beyond  belief^ 

Would  that  we  had  a  fire-proof  museum  but  I  fear 

the  will  never  give  his  assent. 

Yours  very  truly. 

C.  G.  Kidder, 

27  'tfilliani  St., 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir: 

Allow  no  to  express  ray  appreciation 
of  sympathy  in  regard  to  the  recent  fire  at  ray 
you  for  your  good  wishes. 

5!he  work  of  rehabilitation  is  under 

Deo.  14,  1914. 

of  your  kind  me  ssage 
plant,  and  to  thank 

way ,  and  it  will  not 

he  long  before  everything  will  be  in  full  swing  again. 

Yours  vary  truly. 


B&TrYX  «31®tt9S» 


4r.  Thomas  A.  .Edison, 
Drange,  N.  J. 

„  .  _  jX^J  ropAnt  fire  at  your  plant  we  are  ■»—■ 

presuming  to  lomnunicate  with  you  reference  to  our  Automa  c 
pi  re  sprinkler  system. 

We  have  a  very  ingenuous  device  for  the  extinguish- 

best  protection  against  fire b  ^reduction  is  anywhere  from 

SlsAferss  s  ‘-a- 

tlae  equipment  will  conform. 

....  .  -o+vio-r  b  difficult  matter  to  explain  this  in 

writing  and  therefore,  ™  u* apa^him0 30 Minutes  ' 

oefPyourntimeV|nyaday°and  at  any  hour  most  convenient  to  you. 

We  appreciate  that  you  are  a  very  ln_ 

terest^to  Sr"  klndness'of  a  reply,  we 

"beg  to  remain, 

ir=  ^tr  tmlv  vours. 

December  14,1914. 

yr.  B.  3.  Phillips, 
Newark  Lumber  Company 
Bast  Hewark,  II  .J  . 

Dear  Mr.  PhlllipB: 

Allow  me  to  express  my  appreciation 
of  your  kina  message  of  sympathy  in  regard  to  the 
reoent  fire  at  my  plant  ana  to  thank  you  for  your 
good  wishes. 

Fortunately  1  have  been  able  to  get 
hoia  of  three  buildings  near  my  plant  bere.ana 
therefore.  I  don't  think  that  I  shall  need  to  make 
use  of  the  one  that  you  offer.  However,  allow  me  to 
thank  you  for  your  kina  offer  Just  the  Bame . 

Tours  very  truly, 

Deo.  14,  1914. 

Charles  C.  Goodrich,  Esq., 

60  Broadway, 

Saw  York  Ciiy 

Dear  Sir : 

Allow  me  to  express  ny  appreciation  of  your  hind  message 
of  sympathy  in  regard  to  the  recent  fire  at  my  plant ,  and  to  thank 
you  for  your  good  wishes. 

She  work  of  rehabilitation  is  under  way,  and  it  will  not 
he  long  before  everything  will  be  in  full  swing  again. 

Yours  very  truly , 

December  14,  1914 

Reporting  upon  tools,  jigs  and  material  for  the  B-80  machine: 

Mr.  0.  Weher  reports  that  the  jigs  under  hi.s  ^:^§e  are  in  very 
good  condition;  bushings  only  to  be  replaced ’^in^e 

ItSSASS  »d  •>«»  t..»  B».»  to  e»o 

them  preference  in  repairs. 

Mr.  Munson,  foreman  of  the  Drill  ^the^hav ePbeen  afcle^to 

tSS  SS  out!  as  i°s°theis  bui?dinJ\asiS* 

ES  Sf:sr£m  &  “  “ 

Mr.  Petrowitz  reports ^t^littl^ali^Sent  anfl^w’osi  pro- 
In  general  the  jigs  this ,  the  Central  Stamping  Co. 

SSS  >*»»»  *«  “•  “• 

ready  at  any  time  to  assist  us* 

There  are  no  cabinets,  all  having  ^“•j^g^three’or'^'four  weeks 
had  orders  out  for  dimension  s^ook  for  or£Lers  with 

no  springs  lor  tU.t»  io  iw* 

ssjfaa  s-srtrs  tzs&i.  *»- 

Our  grinding  machinery has  be  an  fomd  Sfspindles 

far  as  preliminary  examination  would  s  •  in^ioate  that  no  warp- 

s&ssr*? k.'I 

sasjr&S.' -“u“8  „ 

The  thread  milling  machines  are  now  ^^f^inltion^dj'r epair s . 

sa  *“ 

cutting  machinery  is  auso  “e 

not  locate  them  before  ae  they  were  In  the  unsafe  porti 
11  Bldgo  and  every  pressure  will  be  put  upon  these  two 
machines  to  get  them  in  working  condition  again. 

on  of  No* 
types  of 

She  dies  for  the  Disc  turntable  are  in  fairly  gooi  condition, 
stax  Our  hydraulio  press  will  have  to  he  overhauled,  also  the 
pump,  hut  we  find  that  the  Storage  Battery  has  eight  hydraulio 
presses.  One  will  do  all  we  will  want  for  sometime. 

In  feeneral  I  believe  we  are  in  very  good  shape  to  oonMan* 
oanufaoture  of  this  model  very  shortly. 


Copies  to  Messrs.  leeming,  V/.  1.  Eokert, 

C.  Hicolai 

0.  Weber,  Waterman,  Barfchurst 

Dec.  14th,  1914. 

Ur.  Frank  J.  Sprague. 

241  WeBt  Ena  A vo. , 

New  York  City. 

My  dear  Sprague: 

Why,  Sprague,  this  is  only 
a  game.  I  will  bechaok  in  60  days  playing  it 

Many  thanks  for  your  kind 
note  of  sympathy  and  good  wishes.  It  is  all 
very  greatly  appreciated. 

Very  truly  yours, 

Deo.  14th,  1914. 

The  Ufa.  ... 

Y7oolworth  Bldg-, 

Hew  York  City. 

My  dear  Ur.  Burns: 

Allow  me  to  express  my 
hrroreoiation  of  your  kind  message  of  sympathy 
if  regard  to  the  recent  fire  at  my  plant  and 
to  thank  you  for  your  good  words. 

The  fire  was  straight. 

A  lot  of  darned  oelluloid  "spontoinod"  and ex¬ 
ploded.  I  have  1500  men  oleaning  up,  and 
will  he  hack  in  the  game  in  60  days. 

I  have  i 
operators  working  for  me. 

a  of  your 

Very  truly  yours. 

Dec.  14th,  1914, 

Ur.  Henry  1.  Doherty, 

60  Wall  St., 

Mow  York  City. 

Dear  Ur.  Doherty: 

Allow  me  to  express  my  apprec-^ 
iation  of  your  kina  message  of  sympathy  in  re guru 
to  the  recent  fire  at  my  plant, aand  to  thank  you 
for  your  good  wishes. 

So  far  I  have  had  a  few  disasters 
which  I  have  managed  to  turn  to  my  own  benefit.  , 
This  last  one  is  a  tough  proposition.  However  1 
think  I  shall  be  back  in  the  game  m  record  time. 

How  you  can  stay  around  Wall  St. 
and  escape  nervous  prostration  is  beyohd  my  under¬ 

Very  truly  yours. 

December  14,1914. 

Mr.  P.  D.  lambie*. 
Lambie  Steel  Porto  Co. 
#299  Broadway 
Hew  York  City. 

Allow  me  to  express  my  appreciation  of 
your  kina  message  of  sympahty  in regard  to  the 
recent  fire  at  my  plant  and  to  thank  you  for 
your  good  v.i  Bhes  . 

I  am  glad  to  say  that  my  concrete  'build¬ 
ings  were  not  much  hurt,  ana  they  can  be  repaired. 
Wo  are  hard  at  work  now . 

Yours  very  truly. 

OFFICE  -  December  16th, 1914. 

3  ondr  o5^\  e: 

^ _ n.  engineer  of  24  building,  informs  me  from 

Mew  York*tn«'^»helllilC^oommunioatod  our  needs^o  Beveral 
manufacturers  of  circular  reinforooment^r  oonorete  columns. 

He  recommends  that  test  ho  cra/ucted  in  a  pronerly 
equipped  shop  to  find  out  the  beBt^ethod  of  placing  this 
reinforcement  on  a  column  alrea&fin  use. 

Mr.  Edison  has  authorised.  him  to  oonduot  tests,  not 
costing  more  than  Twenty-Fivf Dollars  ($26.00)  and  not  taking 
longer  than  one  day  to  attdnn  this  objeot. 

/s.  B.  1 

Concrete  Engineering  Comi 

k  v  December  15tji,;,  1914. 

o^kjU^er^tU  | 

.  Thomas  I.  Edison,  9 

West  Orange ,  flew,  Jersey: 


^^Sinoethe  .unfortunate  te^truct^iugf.  7  og^g^jj 
would  1  ike  *to,^^^e_someeOTlanet  ionofjfe^  matter 

conoreteCT^reproof  fac^lhj^db^burne^o  „U, 

would  likey^e^o^e^^J^oq^ 

ouiring  c^nt*f  a^L therefore,  if  you  U  find  k  minute  s  time 

much  appiWaflgT. —  ' 

^rfrfhlfthf&e  of  visiting  your  factory 
at  West  Orange  about  five  years  ago,  while  attending  Columbia 
University,  and  his  recollection  is  that  most  of  your  buildings 
at  that  time  were  mill  construction.  C-'y? 

Your  reply  to  the  above  will  b^teemed  an  especial 

favor . 

Yours  very  truly, 

concrete  compan’ 



and  Builders 

National  Construction  Co. 


and  Builders 


Wisconsin.  Hoping  that  you  will  give  this  natter  your  consideration,  and 
awaiting  an  early  reply,  I  remain 

Youre  respectfully. 

£c*  IS  1 

1  \Dr-  2u 


\l)r.  \riom  ,  a  ^ 

Lxrt>*>  i^rcrAjLi-CJL^  ~(jb _ orr»e -  kj  £U(« 

-^rcn-rv  V^o{i.'s  fvc^dL  <3.  -j-n 

1-TEyG’ _ cv«-^ _ H\~  .  ko-i  c5’r  “  *- 

_ So 


_ &Lctv.c-_Ur«-f _ ^xwtrrte/_. - 

. it*.  ,S|>£ji2«.  +C 

_ Scrl^w^  TO-e 

nme  u^h  l^-rsia.^ 

hfflA/-  Ljn-u_ _ b. _ - - 

.  ^ea.1  .  '4frtj0Tayr~£a  Cl  0vicrvc--rn-e^.4  .  a-mcmcj -  ..... 

A-  .  . Ceroc.  I'ct*  -<T 

_  . <fc{ _ -+1* . i/^vj  (x^l.  ..on6Q._--  ib..  .C«nC - 

_ 4c .....  +tx _ .^>i2riv"t _ . w*- ...... ZtXa.  nxaH.  ■£  l&A  _ 

_ c&o-^o^ _ n^A-k- _ o< _ - 

_ i4i'x>  ijOTv-g  ..tXgx-t _ ltb.Jo _ utAuJJ) - 

_ be  drrrx  €  LCn  _ _okrt,  C^£- _ Cu-^h — ye-i~j - 

- Vh  T  l.i*n/-n©C  tk  _ ..._..■ 

_ C> _ COrRo - kkkt.  rtW 

Deo.  16.  1914. 

Hr.  W.  A.  lawman.  Pros., 

Wagner  Bloctric  Manufacturing  Co.. 

St.  Douis,  Mo. 

Dear  Mr.  Day  nan; 

AHot  as  to  express  ny  appreciation  of  your 
kind  nea^ge  of  sympathy  in  regard  to  the  recent  fire  at  my  plant, 
and  to  thank  you  for  your  good  wishes. 

Shero  is  some  tall  hustling  goir^^t^thiB 
Tillage  and  I  will  he  hack  in  the  game  in  30  days . 

Please  mil  me  a  list  of  D.  C.  Motors  you  have 
in  stock,  new  and  second  hand,  running  from  5  to  100  horsepower. 
225  volts,  with  prices. 

Yours  very  truly. 

December  16,1914. 

Hr.  Charles  F.  Conn, 

o/o  Giant  Portland  Cement  Co. 

45th  ana  Chestnut  Sts. 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Dear  Sirjf' 

Allow  me  to  express  my  appreciation 
of  your  kind  message. of  sympathy  in  regard  to 
the  recent  fire  at  my  plant  ana  to  thank  you 
for  your  good  wishes. 


This  trouble  iB  nothing  oompared 
to  the  running  of  a  oement  works  foi*four 
years  on  a  65^  market. 

Tours  very  truly, 

***  U  -e-y'^*' 

7y  itf^c  /  ~Z  -?%^  &**  y*-  /~-~~ 

<p.  cZUuj^£--&—  'lt-*-tn*4?  7« —  ■*-«-*-*- 

j£n*->-~y'iL^-  jz  $*>■  £*&"***  ,  i£~//C-  ■*-*-*£■ - 

«•»'*-  <^/^ 

.<&&**-  -**-«£•  T^y^n^  -^' ‘^— 

*y$S\^rV-*—  ^A^U4'  /*•  y*-*»-^ . 

^/»fc  ^  ^ 


kiKoLh  T £51  A 

Honorable  Board  of  Fire  Commissioners, 
City  of  Newark,  N.  J. 




I  own  considerable  property  and  several  manufacturing 
plants  employing  several  hundred  people  in  the  Silver  lake 
section  of  Belleville.  Some  of  it  is  on  Belmont  Avenue  near 
Bloomfield  Avenue  and  some  on  Franklin  Street.  My  people  have 
conferred  with  the  New  Jersey  Fire  Alarm  Company  concerning 
the  installation  of  Auxiliary  Fire  Alarm  Boxes  throughout  the 
various  plants,  to  be  connected  to  your  Fire  Alarm  System 
through  private  boxes,  and  are  advised  by  them  that  in  view  of 
the  fact  that  these  properties  are  located  beyond  the  Newark 
City  lines,  it  will  be  necessary  to  secure  your  permission  for 
such  an  installation. 

In  view  of  the  proximity  of  these  properties  to  the 
Newark  line  and  the  possibility  of  extensive  conflagration, 
in  case  of  fire,  spreading  into  Newark,  and  also  in  view  of 
the  fact  that  there  are  now  installed  within  our  property 
six  fire  hydrants  connected  to  the  Newark  Water  System,  I 
am  especeally  desirous  of  securing  the  assistance  of  the  Newark 
Fire  Department,  with  its  modern  apparatus  and  efficient  orga¬ 
nization,  in  case  of  fire. 

I  therefore  respectfully  request  of  your  honorable 
body  the  sanction  necessary  for  the  installation  of  two  pri¬ 
vate  boxes  within  our  plant,  connected  with  the  Newark  Fire 
Alarm  System,  and  the  possible  extension  thereof  throughout 
the  plant  by  means  of  auziliary  boxes. 

X  will  be  glad  to  have  some  of  my  people  appear 
before  you  and  go  into  this  matterif  you  so  deBire. 

John  L.  Cochran 


601  WEST  115th  STREET 

with  great  pleas 
it  will  not  he  t 

again, and  I  suppose  that  all  of  the(l|imber  crowd  - 
you  a  little  about  the  "fire  proof  buildings. 

Your  determination  in  this  affair , recalls 
that  when  I  was  a  youngster  living  in  Memphis, I  spent  ■ 
deal  of  my  time  at  Krs  Speeds, and  you  at  that  time  had  f 
heart  from  liiosessipi  ,so  child  like, had  to  he  around.  At  tVat 
time  you  were  work*  ng  in  a  telegraph  office, and  you  were  very 
fond  of  wy  father  who  was  in  the  cottbh.. business  in  Front  St. 

Hoping  that  you  will  soon  have  larger  and  better 
buildings  than  over  and  all  back  at  work, I  remain 
Yours,  truly 

John  1. Cochran. 










Sloan  a  Chase 

E.  P.  17 • 

E.’  P.  W.’ 

Amor.  7/atch  Tool  Oo. 

Sapphire  Sawing  Machs.  5 

Special  lathes  for  6 

Boiling  Sapphire 

593  »  "  "  " 

394  .inn  n 

4835  Sloan  &  Chase’ 

4480  "  " 

Ho.  lag  "  n 

3745  Seneca  Palls  MEg .Co. 

4837  Garvin  S>  Co., 

4484  Ho  name 

lathe  Bench 
Brill  Press 
n  n 

Engine  Bathe 
Garvin  Miller 

large  Bench  Brill 






To  be  EelF 
Repair a a  troy ad 

Marne  of  Machinery 

Hill  Clark  Moh.Tool  Chicago  Bench  Hiller 

Sloan  &  Chase 

Sapphire  Cupping  Maoh, 
H.  Button  Becking  " 
C.  Button  ” 

C  ,r  Rounding  " 

J.  B.  H.  SBJPSOM 


HART)  WOOD  SAW  Mill. 

Maker  H.P. 

Sprague  10 

Burke  4 

»  4 

BPIKDIITS  #17  -1st  FIOOR 

Volta  Our  Ho. 

230  9220 

125  2782 

125  2781 


10  H.P.  230  Volts  Starting  Box 
4  "  125  "  "  " 

4  "  125  "  "  " 


#6  P.  3.  Ruboer  covered  .7 ire  600  ft. 

£3.4  »  '  «  “  »  400  " 


60  Amp.  Fused  ICnifo  Sv/itch  1 

50  ..  ..  t.  ..  2 

5$L0  "  Snap  Switch.  3 

piuo  cm?  PUPS 
Edison  Plug  Out  Out  2 




1/2  I  XIX 
l/2  IiRII 
3/4  II 

3/4"  Conduit  Elbows 
1/2  H  110 

60  ft. 
200  " 




1/2-  '  1  113  * 

3/4  1  " 

t.awp  SOOKESS 

3/ 8  Mala  Preaa  Sockets  Bryant  4 


150  T/att  Ha 2  da  Lamps 

16  Porcelain  Shades 

2  1/4 

7.  "  ' 

50?H  FLOOR. 

J.  E.  II.  S^MESOH , 



Can  he 

Destroyed  Repaired  0.  K.  Required 

2.  Emerson  Motor  Shunt. 

V.  110  Amp. 9  Type  #412  E.A. 
Speed  1800.1/16  H.E.  #892904 


J.  E.  H.  SIMPSOH 




things  will  come  out  satisfactory  In  the  end.  It  certainly 
was  a  sad  misfortune  hut  I  Know  you  can  master  the  situation. 

X  note  what  you  say  about  the  storing  of' films. 
I  have  learned  quite  a  hit  from  my  recent  fire  and  have 
already  built  separate  storage  vaults  out  on  my  country 
estate  which  are  considerable  distance  from  any  of  the 
buildings . 

If  there  is  anything  I  can  possibly  do  for  you, 
do  not  hesitate  to  call  on  me.- 

Tilth  my  best  greetings  of  the  season  and  the 
coming  New  Year,  beg  to  remain. 

Yours  very  truly. 


:  1914.;  :  .  ' 

Holland.  Letter  released  for  publication  Thursday,  Deo.  17. 

It  should  not  require  a  long  time  to  appraiso  the  estate  of  the 

late  John  Wendell  and. in  this  respect  it  differs  from  -  .  some  of  .  . 

the  very  .large  estate's  whiph  in  recent  years  have  boen  appraised  by 
the  authorities  to  asoertain  the  amount  of : tax  due  the  state.  Those 
who  know  something  of  Hew  York  city  real  estate  and  have  some  know¬ 
ledge  of  the  part  of  it  . which  is  owned  by.  the ■ Wendell  family  are  in-  ' 
dined  to  think. that  the  aggregate  appraisal  upon  the  entire  Wendell 
real  properties  will  be  considerably  in  excess  of  $60,000,000.  Rocon^T 
J3Pobdeot  lessons  in  the  -  vicinity 'of  the  Wendell  home  on 

Fifth  avenue  give  some  clue  to  the  value  of  a  portion  of  the  Wendell 
property.  One  department  store  has  invested  approximately  $5,000,000  -'. 
in  land  and  buildings  situated  upon  a  block  across  the  street  from 
the  Wendell  home.  Another. department  store  represents  an  investment. of  - 
nearly  $13,000,000;'  the  greater  part  of  this  being  the  value  of  the  \ 
Aand,  an  entire  block,  upon  which  the  white  marble  store  stands.  In¬ 
cidentally,  this  value  '  suggests  how  great  the  earning  capaoity  of 

the  shop  must  bo  in  order  to  gain  enough  to  moot  the  interest  ohax^ 
es  upon  this  investment.  Diagonally  across  the  street  from  the  Wen- 
•  dell  Plot  on  Fifth  avenue  another  department  store  is  investing  mil-  ,  • 

.  .'.jj-a-  would,  wot. .a_f  ow-. years  .ago  .-have .  cost... — - 


late  John  Wendell  and  In  this  respe'ot  it  differs'  from  acme  of  - .  ..... 

the  very -large  estates  which' in  rooont  years  have  boon  appraised  by  . 
the  authorities  to- ascertain  tho  amount  of : tax  due  the  state.  Those 
who  know  something  of  Hew  York  city  real  estate  and  have  some  know- 
lodgo  of  the  part  of  it  . which  ia  owned  by.  the  Wendoll  family  are  in¬ 
clined  to  think. that  the  aggregate  appraisal  upon  the  entire  Wendoll 
real  properties  will  be  considerably  in  excess  of  560,000,000.  Rocon^T 
;g£Tobd0ot  lessons  in  the  '  vicinity 'of  the  Wendell  home  on 

Fifth  avenue  give  some  clue  to  the  value  of  a,  portion  of  the  Wendoll 
property.  One  department  store  has  invested  approximately  $5,000,000 
in  land  and  buildings  situated  upon  a  blook  across  the  street  from 
the  Wendoll  home.  Another  department  store  represents  an  investment  of 
nearly  $13,000,000,  the  greater  part  of  this  being  the  value  of  the 
*Hand,  an  entire  blook,  upon  which  the  white  marble  store  stands. .  In¬ 
cidentally,  this  value  '  suggests  how  great  the  earning  capacity  of 
the  shop  must  bo  in  order  to  gain  enough  to  meet  tho  interest  charg¬ 
es  upon  this  investment.  Diagonally  across  the  street  from  the  Wen- 
dell  Plot  on  Fifth  avenue  another  department  store  is  investing  mil¬ 
lions,  although  its  undertaking  would  not, a  few  years  ago,  have  cost - 

50$  of  the  amount  which  must  now  be  invested. 

The  Wendell  properties  really  assume  a  sort  of  tontine  form.  There 
are  no,i  direct  hoirs,  Meither  Mr.  Wendell  nor  his  sistors  ever  married. 

Ae  one  after  another  of  the . owners  of  thg^perties  pass  away  those 
who  are  living  inherit,  hut  the  time  cannot  he  distant  when  all  this 
ownership  must  cease. 

What  are  called  the  eooentricities  of  Mr.  Wendoll  have  been  the 
subjeot  of  muoh  comment  since  his  death  recently.  But  those  who 
export  in  the  real  estate  business  have  long  been  of  the  opinion  that 
exclusive  and  successful  attention  to  real  estate  ae  a  business  deve¬ 
lops  not  so  much  eccentricity  as.  originality.  The  late  Dean  Hoffman, 
prominent  as  an  Episcopalian  clergyman  of  tooad  views  and  of  to 
reaohing  religious  influenoe,  was  .  a  man  of  entirely  different  type 
when  he  was  operating  in  real- estate,  a  he  , 

ted  about  $6,000, 000 .Mr.  »  *  Wendell  and  hie  •  were  not  so  accent, 

rio  as  original  in  their  determination  to  keep  whatever  real  property 
they  bought,  - relying  in  great  measure  upon  the  appreciation  or  the  so- 
called  unearned  increment  for  their  gains.  They  could  have  entertained 
in  splendor  and  there  is  no  family  in  Hew  York  who  could  overmatch  . 
them  in  the  magnificence  of  the  social  life  which  they  could  easily 


-have  lived,  but  their. house  sometimes  called  to .mind  the,  description  ^ 
of  the  house  deBoribed  by  Dickens  in  his  novel,  "Great  Expectation'? 
for  it  seemed  to  be  untenantod  and  if  daylight  ever  streamed  in  it 
must  have'  ponetrated  openings  whioh  were  not.  to  be  observed. 

How  muoh  of  the  Wendell  property  was  in  the  ownership  of  Ur. 
Wendell  and  how  much  of  it  was  the  undivided  ownership  of  himself  and 
'  hie  sisters  is  not  yet  .disclosed.  The  income  even  at  the  low  rata  es¬ 
tablished  by  Ur.  Wendell  for  rentals  must  have  been  very  large  and 
almost  all  of  it  was  reinvested-- in  new  real  ostate  propert/^ies.  Ur. 
Wendell  was  a  student  of  real  estate  development  and  his  opinion,  Bpo- 
ken  a  good  many  years  ago,  that,  property  on  Manhattan  Island  advanoos 
northward  and  in  value  every  ten  years  has  been  aooepted  as  axiomatic 
by  real  estate  experts.  The  property  as  a  whole  represents  one  of  the 
very  great  American  fortunes,  as  it  also  represents  a  perfeotly  ori¬ 
ginal  and  exclusive  manner. of  maintaining  and  increasing  it. 


Diagonally  across  the  street  from  the  Wendell  home  has  stood 
:  for  many  years- the  city  home  of  Frederick  W.  Vanderbilt^  When  it 
wae -built  the  architects  and  contractors  met  with  anjft  unexpected  diffi¬ 
culty,  for  it  was  discovered- that  some  ten  or  twelve  feet  below  the 
.  .  surface  ! an:  underground  stream  .of.  considerable  size  .flowed,  westerly. 


for  it  Beemed  to  be  untenantod  and.  if  daylight  ever  streamed  in  it 
must  have'  ponetrated  openings  whioh  wore  not.  to  he  observed. 

How  muoh  of  the  Wendell  property  was  in  the  ownership  of  Ur. 

Wendell  and  how  muoh  of  it  was  the  undivided  ownership  of  himself  and 
his  sisters  is  not  yet  .diaolosed,  The  ineom®  even  at  the  low  rata  es- 
tablished  by  Mr.  Wendell  for  rentals  must  have  been  very  large  and 
almost  all  of  it  was  reinvested^ in  new  real  ostate  propert/^iee.  Ur. 
Wendell  was  a  student  of  real  estate  development  and  his  opinion,  spo¬ 
ken  a  good  many  years  ago,  that  property  on  Manhattan  Island  advanoos 
northward  and  in  value  every  ten  years  has  been  accepted  as  axiomatic 
by  real  estate  experts.  The  property  as  a  whole  represents  one  of  the 
very  great  American  fortunes,  as  it  also  represents  a  perfectly  ori¬ 
ginal  and  exclusive  manner. of  maintaining  and  increasing  it. 


Diagonally  across  the  street  from  the  Wendell  home  has  stood 
for  many  years  the  city  home  of  Frederick  W.  Vanderbilt^  When  it 
was -built  the  architects  and  contractors  met  with  anf(  unexpected  diffi¬ 
culty,  for  it  was  discovered  that  some  ten  or  twelve  feet  below  the 

surface  an  underground  stream  of  considerable  oize  flowed  westerly,  . 

presutemky  ultimately  discharging  into  the  Hudson.  The  tear- 
ing  down  of  the  Vanderbilt  home  illustrates  the  extraordinary  movement 
of  real  estate  an  Manhattan  Island  in  recent  years.  It  also  illustra¬ 
ted  another  thing.  ;  The  Vanderbilt  family,  beginning  with  William 
H.  Vanderbilt,  for  years  resisted  the  encroachment  of  trade  upon  Fifth 
avenue.  The  late^  William  H.  Vanderbilt  believed  he  had  protected 
himself  with- reservations  and  contracts  which  would  forever  make  upper 
Fifth  avenue  immune  from  trade.  He  did  not  live  long  enough  to  dis¬ 
cover  that  the  movement  of 'trade  is  irresistible,  but  his  children 
have  discovered  this  to  be  true  and  Frederick  W.  Vanderbilt  is  cater¬ 
ed  by  many  to  be  the  ablest  of  the  sons  of  William  H.  Vanderbilt.  To 
bis  older  brothers,  however,  was  bequeathed  the  bulk  of  the 

Vanderbilt  railroad  interests.  If  the  axiom  attributed  to  John  Wen¬ 
dell  holds  goodwithin  the  next  twenty-five  years,  then  Ex-Senator 
Clark  and  Charles  U.  Schwab  will  be  discovered  to  have  "builded  wiser 
than  they. knew"  when  they  spent  millions  upon  their  oity  homes  in  the 
vicinity  of  Riverside  Drive,  for  trade  seems  to  be  slowly  but  surely 
reaching  toward  even  the  great  oity  home  whioh  Andrew  Carnegie  built. 


Although  the  recent  fire  whioh  consumed 

$3, 000, 000,  money 


"  -3- 

value,  of  the  great  plant  established  by  3tj»  Thomas  A.  Edison, 
Llfiwellyn  Park,  is  the  heaviest  lose  Mr.  Edison  has  probably  ever  been 
compelled  to  face,  yet  it  is  by  no  means  such  a  dead:  loss  as  was  one 
which  was  an  unhappy  experience  some  fifteen  years  ago.  This  loss  oan 
be  repaired.  Meanwhile,  Edison  is  in  reoeipt  of  an  income  which  in 
the  aggregate  reache^s  almost  fabulous  figures.  The  loss  which  oan 
never  be  repaired  And.  which  represented  practically,  all  that  Edison 
had  gained  from  his  incandescent  lights  was  the  destruction  of  hie 
plant  in  the  Hew  Jersey  mountains  at  the  very  moment  when  its  produot 
was  exactly  what  J*$k|on  expected  it  would  he  when  he  began  to  work  out 
tho  proposition  of  how  beet  to  secure  the  iron  ore  in  these  Hew  Jer- 
sey  mountains  which  was  of  a  peculiar  character,  Dollar  after  dollar 
of  his  capital  went  into  this  work.  His  system  involved  the  use 

of  magnetism  for  extracting  the  ore,  and  at  last  it  was  absolutely 
successful.  Just  at  that  time,  there  were  discover j^ie s  in  the  Lake 
Superior  region  of  great  bodies  of  that  particular  kind  of  ore  which 
could  be  mined  and  shipped  at  a  ooat  considerably  below  the  ficoBt  of  . 
producing  the  Edison  iron.  Of  course,  that  meant  the  ruin  of  his  ex¬ 
pected  industry.  Edison,  however^,  has  the  courage  of  genius  and  with 
a  loss  of  that  property  representing  something  like  $3,000,000,  he 
turned  to  other  things  and  these  are  now  yielding  him  a  yearly  in¬ 
come  surpassed  only  by  that  reoeived  by  ten  or  twelve  Amerioana.. . .  ^ 




Deoember  17th,  1914. 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  II.  J. , 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison: - 

On  my  way  up  from  the  South  I  was  startled  by  the  reports  of 
the  fire  in  your  works.  On  my  return  home  I  found  that  our  people  had 
expressed  their  sympathy  but  I  want  to  add  mine  personally  and  to  say 
to  you  that  I  can  sympathize  with  you  because  I  have  been  through  the 
ordeal  once  myself.  It  was  back  in  1887  when  our  plant  was  not  very 
large  but  it  was  all  the  plant  we  had.  You  have  my  best  wishes  for  an 
early  resumption  of  your  output  in  every  department.  If  we  can  be  of 
any  assistance  to  you  you  have  but  to  command  us. 

With  best  regards,  I  remain. 


aJJL  l urfc.w-U 
yj^JUL  (Hi. 

Dec.  18,  1914 

Mr.  Hiliol  Tesla , 

Metropolitan  BviildiHB, 

"ew  York  City. 

Hy  dear  Teala: 

Allow  aa  to  express  ay  appreciation  c£  your 
Icinf  aeaaaga  of  sympathy  in  regard  to  the  recent  i'irc  at  ray  plant, 
ana  to  th&nkbyoutiftrr  your  good  wishes. 

hg  are  doing  ooae  tall  hustling  around  here 
and  I  will  he  hack  in  the  gone  again  within  60  day3  . 

s  very  truly. 



18  ,  1914  . 

Hr.  John  1 .  Cochran, 

601  Wes-fc  noth  St., 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir: 

All  or  me  to  thank  yon  for  your  kin!  letter  of  encour¬ 
agement  and  goodwill.  Your  letter  recalls  days  in  Memphis 
which  seen  to  he  a  long  way  off  at  this  tine  . 

1  an  able  to  say  that  my  concrete  buildings  were  not 
much  damaged,  and  they  w:'ll  ho  easily  repaired.  5?he  lumber 
crowd  has  he  an  gotting  in  its  deadly  work  for  quick  erecting  of 
temporary  buildings. 

Your 3  very  truly, 

hr  addressed  direct  to  the.  Company? 

J.  Stone  &  Company, Limited, 

■~t  1 

T.  A.  Edison  Esq.,  tJr~  i 

Messrs  The  Edison  Storage  Battery  Co.,  W  t- \ 
Orange,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Mr.  Edison,  >fLt^v<rvI  ^  U^J  ,*  ^ 

'  The,  whole  of  Great  Britain  mourns  Jpr-y'Ou 

in  your  great  loss.  We  were  all  very  Borry^^^CL 

indeed  to  see  an  account  in  the  English  papers  a  few  da^yj5»«£~~ 
ago,  to  the  effect  that  the  whole  of  your  plant  had  been 
burnt  out,  and  it  was  indeed  very  fine  of  you  to  Bay  that 
you  would  immediately  start  to  huild  it  again. 

I  have  your  photograph,  which  you  gave  me  when  I 
had  the  pleasure  of  meeting  you  in  Orange  last  year,  framed 
in  my  office  in  London,  and  this  always  reminds  me  very  much 
of  the  kind  way  in  which  you  and  your  staff  treated  me  on 
my  first  visit  to  your  factory,  as  your  kind  welcome 
immediately  made  me  feel  quite  at  home. 

X  do  not  know  when  X  shall  be  coming  out  to  the 


States  again,  as  we  aVe  in  the  midBt  or  this  awful  war  and 
most  of  the  English  engineering  firms  are  turning  their  atten¬ 
tion  to  manufacturing  various  detailB  for  use  by  the  War 
Office  or  Admiralty.  We  are  now 

making  all  BortB  of  things,  working  night  and  day  in  many  of 
our  shops,  and  we  live  in  hopes  of  shewing  the  world,  at  a 
very  early  date,  that  Great  Britain  is  playing  an  important 
part  in  this  war  and  will  shew  Germany  that  they  are  not 
going  to  have  it  all  their  own  way. 

Kindly  remember  me  to  the  whole  of  your  staff  and 
1  look  forward  to  meeting  you  again  some  day  in  the  near 
future.  Trusting  you  are  quite  well  and  with  kindest 

regards  and  best  wishes  to  all. 

I  am,  Bear  lir.  EdiBon, 

YourB  faithfully. 

Hr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

My  dear  Hr.  Edison: 

^  _^r  tr«‘ 

I  have  received  word  from  Mr.  H.  C.  Turner, 

dent. of  the  Turner  Construction, informing  t 

;e  Institute, of  which  Mr.  Richard  L.  Humphrey  is  president, 
istigate  the  recent  fire  at  the  Edison  plant  at  Orange,  II.  J., 
and  also  notifying  me  of  my  selection  as  chairman  of  the  committee. 

A  meeting  of  the  committee  has  been  called  at  my  office  for  o.ov 
Monday  afternoon.  December  21st.  I  understand  of  course  that 
the  appointment  of  such  a  committee  meets  with  your  approval  but 
inasmuch  as  its  labors  will  of  course  take  it  into  the  investiga¬ 
tion  of  the  conditions  surrounding  the  fire  and  the  construction  of 
the  buildings,  I  would  like  to  have  your  personal  assurance  that 
you  approve  of  the  investigation  being  made. 

The  other  members  of  the  committee  are  Prof.  Ira 
H.  Woolson,  Consulting  Engineer  Rational  Board  of  Fire  Under¬ 
writers;  Mr.  Rudolph  P.  Miller,  formerly  Superintendent  of  Build¬ 
ings;  William  Higginson,  Architect;  Kr.  VI.  H.  Ham,  Consulting 
Engineer  for  French*  Hubbard,  Boston  and  Hr.  E.  J.  Moore,  Chief 
Engineer,  Turner  Construction  Co. 

Homing'  that  I  may  a 

irly  answer  from  you, 


Engines*  Condron  this  clay  reported  to  Mr.  Edison, 
relative  to  the  worijche  is^doing  under  your  supervision,  as  follows: 

(1)  Will  dictate  and  forward  a  complete  report  in  three  days. 

(2)  Our  team  reinforcements  passed  below  the  floor  line  instead 
of  three  quarters  of  an  inoh  from  top  of  floor. 

(3)  Our  beams  were  poured  separately  and  our  floors  also  separately 
instead  of  together  bo  as  to  form  one  homeogenious  mass  of  maximum 

(4)  Mr.  Condron  wishes  to  make  a  test  on  Ho.  24  Building  to  des¬ 
tination  by  sand  loading. 

(6)  He  wishes  to  obtain  dates  when  the  buildings  were  built. 

(6)  Diagonal  cracks  are  due  to  design  which  does  not  develop  and 
utilize  the  materials  moBt  efficiently. 

(ffi)  The  Shear  Bars  are  not  equally  spaced  as  they  should  be  to 
secure  uniform  strength  throughout. 

(8)  Ur;  Cnndron  will  return  when  he  receives  advice  from  Mr.  Edison 
or  voursel?  that  Mr.  Moyer  is  sufficiently  far  advanced  with  the 
preliminary  work  of  stripping  and  winding  the  column?/  beams,  etc. 
to  be  ready  to  have  Mr.  Cbndron  supervise  the  placing  of  the  first 

(9)  Relative  to  the  question  of  sand,  Mr.  Edison  stated  that  our 
sand  pit  wqs  94  per  cent  silica  plus  oxide  of  iron.  On  this  basis, 
Mr.  Condron  advised  that  the  sand  is  satisfactory.  Mr.  Edison  is 
having  same  retested  by  1.  Ott. 

(40)  Relative  to  the  proportions  of  sand,  stone  and  cement  to  be 
used,  Mr.  Condron  recommends  that  the  proportions  recommended  by  the 
Gunnite  Co. '"'be  adopted.  j 

(11)  Mr.  Condron  brought  up  the  point  that  the  glazing  of the  wi/ 
glass  into  She  window  frames  should  be  so  done  that  in  of  / 

another  fire,  the  glass  would  hold  fast  to  the  window  frames,  am 
though  very  badly  arched  due  to  the  heat.  W 




Newark,  N.  J.,  December  19,  1914. 

My  pear  Mr.  Eaison:- 

Uow  that  -the  clouds  have  rolled  away,  X  desire 
to  write  you  and  express  my  sincere  sympathy  at  the  enormous  loss 
and  the  great  misfortune  you  hove  suffered  in  the  burning  of  your 
mills.  You  are,  of  course,  rebounding  in  a  characteristic  way, 
and  you  are  a  lesson  to  us  all. 

Very  truly  yours, 

Laboratory  and  Shops 

Zj.  m. 

y^.  ^4A-  “•do°*19-14 

Mr.  Y.  A.  Edison,  { 

West  Orange,  N.J. 

Daar  Mr.  Edison:-  that  many  of  ns  are 

«  r-  3^  «- ^^ffSLu’S.’KJ'* 

2  S”»»S°ic?,SS^tS«fii?f»= » •«»«  m.  ««.• »« « 

““  ‘ JS  JSS 

building  was  the  ,la?f£?“^’in  large  white  figures.  At  that 
tm.ttheap”enog?wh  »«■  »ere  i  y™ 

STan^aST.  S.55lS.  ,hi._.t.t-™t  is  eh  »  r»  *»» 

the  ih.ur.hh.  srr  r.r~^  zvssfsr* 

•tm'  ““ 

television,  direct  energy,  heatless  lignite  , 

pioneers  are  needed.  ■busv  to  ever  recall  my  being 

.t  v.»  j.  ™«rs?»r«.sirps:,1isie 

S'S.S”  “hSf  you  ah.  hr.  «u»»y 

that  time.  nnnrv  word's  attorney,  Leslie  B. 

1 ‘fSTSE  SS»o Vaturlty  .«»!»  a  «* 

of  Adria  »wlth  ta8t  wishes  f0T/°^  respeotfullyr*8 

rtfnent  of 

Boar  Sir:- 

As  Director  of  the  Water  Deparftofet  of  the  City  of 
Orange,  X  wish  to  offer  a  suggestion  which  would  give  the  Edison 
Plant  the  same  fire  protection  as  is  now  enjoyed  hy  the  factories 
in  the  City  6f  Orange. 

I  would  recommend  the  laying  of  a  24-inch  water  mam 
through  the  City  of  Orange  to  the  corner  of  Alden  Street  and 
Watohung  Avenue,  with  a  hundred  pound  pressure  at/ftiat  point, 
and  you  to  lay  the  mains  in  West  Orange  around/nd  through  your 

plant  to  suit  yourself.  / 

As  this  would  cost  the  City  of  Brange  a  very  large  outlay 
of  money,  I  would  expect  in  return  a  extract  to  supply  J^h 
water  for TE' of  yearsTl^^^Xnuary  1st,  1917,  I  would 
s^;7^with^rTOr  than  you/have  been  using  in  the  past 
from  the  City  of  Orange,  and  afte^  January  1st ,1917,  hy  which  time 
(if  you  will  accept  the  proposition)  our  new  Eeservior  will  he 
finished,  I  wl>uld  expect  a  miniXn  consumption  of  50,000,000  cu.ft. 
per  year,  or,  if  you  so  desir^I  will  supply  you  with  your  entire 
water  needs,,  i  This  proposition  to  he  based  at  our  present  commercial 

l  ..  . . . 


department  of  ^trefeia  an*  fitliiic  Jmpobments 
(£«g  |WI,  ©«««,«,  jN. 


Thomas  A. Edison, Esq,  -2- 

water  rates* 

You  will  readily  see  that,  under  this  arrangement, 
there  would,  he  brought  to  your  door  an  adequate  fire  service 
for  your  present  and  future  needs  without  cost  of  a  dollar  to 

You  will  understand  that  this  is  simply  my  proposition, 
and  same  must  he  submitted  to, and  accepted  hy.the  Board  of 
Commissioners  of  the  City  of  Orange.  I  have  no  doubt,  however, 
but  that  the  Board  and  yourself  can  negotiate  an  agreement  along 
these  lines. 


December  21st,  1914. 

B.  Mambert:- 

/  In  conversation  over  the  phone  this  A.  M.  v/ith 

/ Mr  Struct  Eastern  Manager  of  the  Durand  Steel  Docker  company, 
I  ;as  advised  by  him  that  Mr.  Meadowcroft  is  very  anxious 
L  secuL  somfsteel  racks  and  Ur.  Struck  understands  that 
if  he  cannot  come  across  at  once  that  our  or de r 
nincpfl  elsewhere.  I  do  not  know  whether  Mr.  Meadowcroft 

S.  T~  .“  *»  l  ean  «1.  a  cr..t  oyer  tl»  . 

style  of  racks  that  were  used  in  our  ^^c  Hecord  Stock _P.oom 

for  storing  the  disc  record  stock  has  been  allotted  to  us. 


■hce'Y’  ^  ^  ^ 

n  ur 4-  4 

W.  Yort, 

«kK  |v 

,s  A •  Edison,  >*p»wi«wamrpf^n)«fc 

I  have  your  kind  favor  of  Deo.  12th.  All  of  oui 
e  anxious  to  help  you.  I  understand  that  Messrs. 
Morrison,  Beran,  Kimball  and  others  have  already 

I  write  this  additional  note  as  a  reminder.  Pleas 
do  not  forget  to  call  upon  us.  We  would  not  expect  to  make 
any  profit  out  of  any  work  which  you  see  fit  to  turn  over  to 
us  of  a  temporary  character. 

If  you  wish  to  see  any  of  us  at  any  time  we  are 
prepared  to  come  over  upon  receipt  of  a  telephone  or  telegrs 
message .  We  do  not  wish  to  inflict  our  presence  upon  you 
when  you  are  so  busy  unless  we  can  be  of  some  real  assist  an. 


Mr.  Charles  Edison: 

r  a  oommittes  composed  of  - 

Pass  Gilbert  Arohiteot  of  the  Woolworth  Bldg.  . 

r?  L  SSoy.  ?res.  American  Concrete  Ins.  &  Cons.  Engineer 
E  c.  Turner,  President  Turner  Construction  Co. 

I!*-  =•  ^^9En!h?rfrEngineSer0?umer  Construction  Co.  and 
t  o.  ^son.  ineSof  Aherthair  Construction  Co.  Boston, 

made  an  inspection  of  the  results  of  the  fire  on  our  concrete 


panels  and  beams  after  oonoreting. 

wrecking  same..  As  a  should  be  from  the  sides  of  beamB, 

■‘t"» «» *“oi“  ii~- 

suggestion  Ho.  5:  That  in  all  f?^^0  jOf^r^arB°oft large  obbss 

reenforoemsnt  instead  of  consisting  °^ar  Qf  small  bars  ofoqual 

section,  should  oonsistoflS  t  the  benefit  of  this 

oross-seotion.  Mr.  Casspointedout  tenaile  strength, 

oonstruotion  lay  in  S^otresses  due  to  expansion  under 
while  at  the  came  time  the  0t«|0?|ra^ea  of  concrete  and 
therefore  SSsellhrtenleloy  of  the  members  to  crack. 




spreading  of  fixe  from  floor  to  floor. 

r,  o  miat  in  rebuilding,  oar  A  should  he  taken  to 

to  gain  any  oonsidorahle  swoop. 

£STsS«:'  -  -* 
ISI^SsS:  S.& 


The  serious  shearing  of  our  columns  aato ^^^So^hf14®' 
SaKnlf^^jr^cture .^r  heat  Jg-g-  was 
in  the  main  works  with  ^f6“s^nasJ°uld  foroo  the  corner 

^sr?MX.;s*™'»spu ». »»  »*  * 

hold  good  throughout  the  investigation 


Reading  the  account  of  your  recent  fire  in  the 
Engineering  Hecord  I  was  very  much  impressed  with  the  fact  that  the 
solution  of  the  problem  presented  to  me  by  work  for  the  Hershey 
Chocolate  Company,  might  be  the  solution  of  the  problem  presented 
by  the  repairs  to  your  factory  buildings,  and  with  the  idea  of 
being  of  assistance  to  any  one  wh6  its /bo  unfortunate  as  to  have  a 
fire,  I  had  the  enclosed  photograph/ which  is  self  explanatory 
taken  yesterday  and  I  am  sending  you  the  same. 

Yours  very  truly, 

* i 


-z;z;r . 

1  can  furnish  andferect  |~ 

2  inch  Solid  fir#  Proof  Partition*  for  19J.Q-- 

27  cents  per  square  f 

These  parti  tiog^-wPS  germ  proof 
and  approved  by  the  BuLLdfng  Department  of 
Philadelphia,  finishe^in  Hard  White  or  Cement 
See  them  in  plaoeX&lata  &  Naehod's  Brewery, 
10th  St.  4  Montgomery  Avenue,  Quartermaster's 
'  Department  FirsiJiBgt.  Armory,  Broad  4  Callow- 
hill  Streets,  Charles  Casper's  Architects 
Office,  #48  North  15th  Street. 

Yours  truly 

3EUIQNT  534-2  0.  JOHN  S.  RAYNOR 

Mr.  Edison: 

Eo  date  our  Clearing  House  records  indicate  that  all 
preliminary  work  on  drawings,  patterns,  tools,  dies  and  machinery 
has  been  completed  on  El*  of  the  parts  comprising  this  mechanism, 
and  we  are  now  in  a  position  to  manufacture  these  parts  on  a 
commercial  basis. 

12/ £2/14. 

3.  B.  MAMBERT. 

Twenty-  se  c  ond , 
19  14. 

Hr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

West  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Sir: 

In  continuance  of  my  reports  to  you  on  repairs  for 
Building  No .24. 

I  am  sending  you  under  separate  cover  three  (S) 
sets  of  blue  prints  of  my  Figures  1  to  11,  inclusive,  made 
from  ink  drawings  which  have  been  slightly  revised  from  the 
original  sketches  accompanying  my.  first  report.  I  therefore 
wish  that  these  latest  prints  be  used  in  connection  with  any 
field  work  in  the  place  of  the  prints  left  with  you  on  Saturday 

With  reference  to  the  new  concrete  on  the  typical 
interior  columns,  I  find  that  there  will  be  quite  a  volume  of 
this  oonorete  and,  in  order  to  expedite  the  work,  advise  that 
round  sheet  metal  column  forms  be  rented  either  from  the  Des 
Lawlers  Column  Mold  Company  or  from  the  Blaw  Steel  Construction 
Company  -  both  of  which  concerns  have  New  York  offices.  And  that 
the  concrete  be  poured  in  the  usual  manner  around  the  spirals 
where  more  than  two  inches  of  oonorete  is  required  on  the  exterior 
of  the  columns.  These  molds  can  be  used  up  to  within  six  inches 
or  a  foot  below  the  bottoms  of  the  beams  and  all  oonorete  above 
this  level  can  then  be  placed  with  cement  gun.  By  following  this 
method  speed  will  be  gained  and  also  the  work  made  loss  expensive 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison  —  2  12/22/14 

than  if  three  or  more  inches  of  gunite  has  to  he  applied  t8 

I  will  plan  to  reach  your  plant  at  West  Orange 
either  on  Sunday  morning  next  or  Monday  morning,  whichever 
will  he  the  more  satisfactory  to  you.  Will  you,  therefore, 
fcindly  wire  me  on  Thursday  of  this  week  whether  it  will  he 
more  satisfactory  to  you  to  have  me  reach  your  plant  on  Sunday 
morning  or  on  Monday  morning  next. 

Yours  re 

sspect  fully, 

Mr.  Harry  D.  VTethling, 

Director  of  Streets  and  Public  Improvements, 

•  City  Hall,  Orange,  II.  J. 

Deer  Sir: 

Mr.  Edison  duly  received  yours  of  the  21st  and  referred 
same  to  me. 

I  would  much  prefer  talking  the  water  question  over  with 
you  personally,  rather  than  by  correspondence,  and  with  that  ob¬ 
ject  in  view  would  be  glad  to  have  you  call  on  me  at  the  Edison 
laboratory  any  time  that  will  suit  your  convenience,  or,  if  yon 
prefer,  I  will  try  to  coll  on  you  at  any  time  you  may  name. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Vice- ires.  &  Gen.  Mgr. 

if -a 

yrt?.  . 

£X&^\-c-<^0  JTo-iT 




Founders,  Machinists  and  Pattern  Makers 


Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

"Attention  of  Mr.  Meadowcroft." 
West  Orange,  N.  J. 

e  thank  you  for  your 

you  for  your  or'ier  given  oy  pnone  triia  mui-iuii. 
id  journal  bearings  prioe  to  be  $147.50  f.o.b. 

We  herewith  enclose  rough  sketch  of  cylinder  and  two 
Joufnal  bearings,  cylinder  to  be  four  (4* )  in  dia.  and  60“  long 
inside  measurement,  also  showing  the  trunions  cast  on  to  a  flange 
and  the  flanges  riveted  to  the  head  of  the  cylinder.  We  think 
/this  construction  of  the  flanges  would  be  more  acceptable  and 
stronger  than  a  spider. 

The  journals  will  be  about  4“  in  dia.,  and  the  journals 
will  be  machined  after  flanges  are  riveted  to  the  head  of  the  , 
cylinder  this  making  the  journal  true  to  the  axis  of  the  same. 

The  bearings  will  be  solid  pedestals  without  any  cap,  rAjr 
bored  out  to  suit  the  journal.  The  handhole  is  8“xl0“  and  is  W 
secured  by  means  of  a  crowfoot  and  bolt.  / 

Although  we  are  begining  the  Christmas  Holidays  we  Expect 
/to  have  this  work  complete  by  next  Wednesday  morning^£-Ai3rfeaad 
favorable,  and  we  can  ship  it  by  the  D.L.  &  W.  R^r-br  would  send) 
it  out  by  speoial  single  truok  for  the  sum  of  JfrffTOQ. _ 

Refering  to  the  matter  of  Gear  wheels  &  pinions  for  this 
machine  would  say  we  can  have  ready  for  the  same  time  of  ship¬ 
ment  a  30“  wheel  pitoh,  30“  pitch  line  and  pinion  six  (6)  y 
to  one  (1)  bored  but  not  keyseated*,  for  the  sum  of  $10.60. 

Awaiting  your  further  pleasure ,  we  are  ,  ^ 

^  V  ^  5> 

'  ■ 




Founders,  Machinists  and  Pattern  makers 


1914  . 

Ur.  Samuel  S.  Colt, 

17  3ssex  Avenue, 

Orange,  IT.  J. 

Dear  Sir-. 

Allow  mo  to  express  my  appreciation  of  your  kind  hessage 
of  sympathy  in  regard  to  the  recent  fire  at  ny  plant,  and  to  thank 
you  f  o  r  your  good  wishes . 

You  Should  come  lip  here  in  stout  two  weeks  and  see  our 
sqhene  for  repairing  the  hu^aings. 

')  ■  Yours  very  truly. 

Boo.  28,  1914. 

Looming  to  authorize  Hr.  Condron  to  order  Hr.  Hoyer  to  perform 
suoh  work  in  24  Building  as  is  nooossary  to  speedily  put  the 
building  in  condition  for  manufacturing.  Tho  fundamental 
basis  of  this  understanding  is  that  Hr.  Looming  is  the  only 
one  issuing  orders  to  Ur.  Hoyer,  and  that  all  orders  issued  by 
Hr.  Condron  are  the  same  as  if  issued  by  Mr.  Learning,  Mr.  Condron 
acting  as  Mr.  Learning's  agent.  Of  course,  Mr.  Condron  will 
advise  Mr.  Looming  in  writing  of  all  such  orders. 

T.  A.  Edison. 

Doc.  29,  19X4. 

all  openings  in  the  end  of  Ho.  24  Building,  towards  Ho.  19 
Building,  closed  up  with  trick.  This  is  to  reduce  the  fire 
hazard  to  a  minimum. 

Also  Mr.  Edison  is  asking  you  to  prepare  recommendations 
relative  to  enclosing  elevators, providing  proper  fire-doors,  etc., 
tut  this  work  is  to  te  done  after  all  other  work  necessary  for 
commercial  manufacture  has  teen  given  first  attention. 


Dear  Mr.  Edison :- 

k  u' 

°t~VCXLA  ) 

°j  factv'U 

,£<«*>  \w*>  n.Xf-U^ 
^\uTcCtx*\  ^'^u4"<^tTT 

f^ojT  «w- 

ias  been  some  1  i 



- -■---  -  ’~d  th{/  ales  sure 

,«We CU.JTS 

|ime  since  I  had 
lot  .Eorgoiflen  p.  and  I "assure 

J '  *  fiwT'auaAw  -  ■ 

It  Vms 

of  seeing  you,  but  I  hope  you  have 

you  that  I  have  not  and  sfeh  not  feet  you.  *  L 

2.0  -x^  Jn*  ehauuA  4  w  £  -left  'W*** 

I  handed  in  my  resigrfation  to  J.P.Horgaa  &  Co.,  last  June,  -So 
take  effect  December  Sls^vl^^vi^e^n 
first  of  January.  One  of  the  jjost  grgjjif  jring  things 


or  about., 

<«frV.  !A\i%X  \ 

of  the  most  gJ^tifying  things  about  my  six  \ 

rWte-fiM  _1a/uwJa&  UrdfTK. 

Wig  the  pleasure  of  becoming  ac^uaintepj 


years  stay  in  New  York  u..=  «-■ — ag— ••- 

personally  with  you;  aruMPc^An^t  ^ell  youTcow  muchJT  '4lua 

splendid  gift  that  you  made  meT-ast  y/ay.  so  much  to  my  stjijpjft.^...  . 
„  1».  «*™.  ».  ana  „  jjjF-* 

a  value  far  above  its  priceby  reason  e|f  its  naving  come  directly 


te-'  "" 

s  time  f or^u-Mjn.13 

!  of  them  temperamental,  and  after  a  long  ^sriod  of 

from  you, 

I  have  been  discontentel 

rest,  during  which  I  shall  visit  the  Orient,  I  shall  settle  again 
in  my  native  State,  Michigan,  male  in  g  my  home  at  Ann  Arbor,  and 
practicing  law  from  that  point,  in  case  my  services  are  deBired, 

'  as  I  hope  and  believe  they  will  be. 

I  have  read  with  much  interest  the  accounts  of  your  fire.  I 
think  you  are  not  so  constituted  that  expressions  of  sympathy  are 
not  so  needed  as  would  be  the  <caBe  with  others.  I  admire  the 

courageous  way  in  which  you  accepted  the  great  misfortune,  I  have 
also  read  more  or  less  of  the  influence  which  Mrs.  Edison  has  had 

over  you  in  restraining  you  from  over  work.  You  are  too  valuable 
a  nan  to  the  country  to  exhaust  your  vitality  by  excessive  mental 
effort;  and  I  have  some  notion  of  how  easy  that  can  he  done,  from 
my  own  personal  experience  last  year. 

Do  not  take  the  trouble  to  answer  this  letter,  for  I  know 

,,0u  are  a  very  busy  man. 

Wishing  you  the  compliments  of  the  season,  I  am. 

Very  sincerely  yours,  / 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  Esq., 

Orange,  Hew  Jersey, 



30,  1914. 

Messrs.  Ireton,  Leonard,  Michie,  Baldwin: 

It  has  heen  decided  that  as  soon  as  the  Blue  Amherol 
and  Disc  record  manufacturing  departments  are  ready  to  begin  man¬ 
ufacturing  Mr.  Baldwin  will  assume  the  duties  of  issuing  produc¬ 
tion  orders  to  these  manufacturing  departments,  not  only  for  records 
to  he  manufactured  Jhtt  are  on  the  supplement  lists,  hut  also  for 
records  to  he  manufactured  that  are  on  the  current  list. 

H.  T.  Deeming. 

Copies  to  Messrs.  Wilson,  Chss.  Edison,  Maxwell,  L.  C.  McChesney, 
Nehr,  Hird. 

Hicolai ,  Watermen,  Wilson. 

Owing  to  the  concentration  of  the  Draughting  Depart- 
„ent  Immediately  after  «.  lire.  It  la  alvis.tle  to  have  a  ce-operative 
understanding  of  tie  Draughting  Deportment  organisation. 

All  reauests  for  draughting  service  should  he  ad¬ 
dressed  to  Mr.  E.  H.  Simpson,  Chief  Draughtsman,  who  will  personal¬ 
ly  distribute  all  work. 

Conversely,  all  draughting  and  listing  work,  whether 
on  buildings,  equipment,  experimental  work  or  commercial  work 
under  the  supervision  of  the  Chief  Draughtsman. 

Deo.  31  •  191^=  • 

Po-pnrt  for  Deoember  30th 

ijoJiIumliturt- .  COMMERCIAL  BLANKS 

1300  C  ommerc ial  Blasts  finished . 


Ha,.  Vgfall  f  SoSKslt"* 

M  KS tf  tSl  25  Of  J0«  »«1— «*■ 

-For  the  old  regular  formula. 

j.  W.  Aylesworth. 

PhonecL to  me  11:30  A.M. 

1?  AItT)  M.|t>L 




”•  1|f- 


Stock  of  .trt.1.,  JSSTfe^a^"' 


stock  of 

=to”»e  CS”  tSS  L.  icoordios  Department,  Son  York.) 

Stock  of  materials,  utensils,  ^0S^^8rough&turninS 

cylinder  moulds,  reaming  ^“^ines,  eag  g  to  begin  operations 

rmSc^eT^^^  "*  tlantB 

are  on  hand. 

The  temporary  Pr°vi^^1^a^o.ra^  0^/^^  start  ed^^  ope  rat  ion 
^Vec!  KfaCSaged“e^Blf-  there  was  about  3.000  pounds 
°f  ^Ayiesworth’s  laboratory  recovered  and  repaired  the  necessary 

m°UliAlinmill^ight  York-he^8aftereproper1seasoning  and  700  good 
Commercial  shaving  begun  after  prop^  se^^  on*Dec>  29th. 

“•“SS  gSS  Ske”Snt*°.tlSa^L«f£‘»W  »«  »«•  Mtk> 

sufficient  for  &  eokodnle  of  1,000  per  day. 


a,  .mSe:“^“*H°?virir 

S»w ss*"te  -111 





'SB  2. 

get  up  and  with  the  ezoeption  of  pipe  connections  is  ready  to  operate. 

will  he  complete  on  Jan.  2nd. 

j.  w.  Aylesworth. 


ajfi.  ^^rp«.  W 



'w^*  ^r£r 

Repair  and  replacement  of  aluminium  wax  kettles  (want  five  - 
two  are  good  -  other  three  to  go  to  Lawrence)  used  on  commercial 
blanks .  Disc  morter  and  cylinder  morter  blanks  verbally  ordered 
from  Lawrence  &  gompany,  who  made  them  originally. 

If  estimates  are  wanted  on  these,  we  will  stop  him.  He  says 
it  takes  him  some  little  time  to  eet  the  aluminium. 

60  extra  heavy  tinned  iron  wax  fans.  (Lawrence  made  them  before.) 

6  Twenty  gal.  Brass  Kettles 

9  Fourteen  Qt.  Galv.  Iron  Pails 

6  Coffer,  wax  dippers  6  ft.  handle  (Lawrence  made  them  before.) 

24  Galv.  Ash  CanB,  large  size 

2  Four-Wheel  Trucks  "Handy"  standard  size 

2  Two-Wheel  ordinary  Freight  Trucks 

1  Grocers  Scoop  Scale  about  SOlbs.  capacity 

3  Stone  ware  Croohs  6  gal. 

2  Bentrifugal  Separating  Machines  -  to  be  sent  to  Delaval  Company 

for  repairs. 

1  Iron  Sink  24" 

|0  AIL  HO  4 

"  •  MATRRTA1  POR  WAX  -  '.TAMED. 

5  Sons  Coresln  Smith  &  Hiohols 
15  Sons  Steaoio  Acid  "  "  " 

1000  lbs.  Barnauba  Wax  north  Country  #3  S  &  M. 
30  bblB.  Reorystalized  Sal;  Soda 
1  rinnn  Canatio  Soda  (ground)  (Silver  lake) 
150  lbs.  Pure  Sliced  Aluminium  10  or  20  with  - 

U.S.  Al.  Co. 

All  these  have  been  ordered  through  Purchasing  Department, 

who  have  specification  on  the  materials. 

The  grade  of  oorosin  which  is  the  only  ono  we  can  get  now 
is  off  color  but  otherwise  O.K.  ana  is  the  fine  refined  oaokorite  not 
bleached.  These  quantities  are  approximately  3  mo.  supply,  except 
for  the  oil  soda,  which  is  about  6  mos. 

It  was  unfortunate  to  so  completely  cut  up  what  is  good  oon- 
cxet  up  there  and  what  is  medium  concrete.  I  would  like  to  preserve 
itoufe  with  as  little  work  as  possible  as  many  of  these  beams 
as  can  be  saved.  He  went  on  to  say  that  the  present  scheme 
that  was  being  put  into  effect  in  his  absence  would  robe  the  building 
as*  of  some  of  the  strength  that  it  did  not  cost  anything  to  have. 

He  also  went  on  to  describe  the  present  plan  of  putting  up 
angle  irons,  saying  they  would  hold  up  under  normal  conditions, 
and  that  our  fire  had  made  a  test  of  the  design. * 

Says  .he  understands  that  we  are  going  to  discontinue  the . 
use  of  the  cement  gun  and  that  the  beams  are  being  poured. 
Acknowledges  that  this  work  up  to  the  present  time  has  done  the 
beams  no  good. 

Said  he  wanted  to  see  Mr.  »U-  tut  that  /She  did  not 
want  to  see  him.  Also  said  that  he  did  not  know  whether  his 
use fullness  here  was  exhausted-said  he  had  been  deeply  interested 
in  the  work  and  is  still  interested;  also  that  we  needed  someone 
who  is  conservative  and  that  he  has  been  trying  to  act  in 
this  manner  from  the  first.  Said  it  was  owing  to  himself  and 
ourselves  that  we  have  an  understanding  as  to  whether  his  advice 
is  sufficient. 

Mr.  Chas.  Edison  said  that  the  cement  gun  work  would  not  stick 
and  that  was  the  reason  Mr.  Edison  decided  to  discontinue  it. 

Mr.  Condron  went  on  to  describe  from  the  sketch  he  had  nnxfcfcs 
teak  before  him  the  manner  in  which  he  told  the  Gun  people 
they  would  have  to  place  the  forms  and  support  them  from  the 
floor,  that  they  would  have  to  start  from  one  side  and  shoot 
in  the  gunite  and  when  they  got  that  side  shot  in  they  could 

put  up  this  form  on  this  side (referring  to  his  sketch)  and  fill 
this  part  in  here.  He  said  the  Gun  people  did  not  think  it  would 
toe  necessary,  hut  that  he  said  it  was  an  experiment  and  he  thought 
it  should  he  done  in  that  manner. 

Said  he  took  the  matter  up  with, Moyer  and  far.,  also  said  that 
nohody  before  has  ever  tried  to  puur  concrete  overhead. 

Said  that  Mr.  Leeming  asked  him  if  he  could  fill  the  Office 
Bldg,  columns  up  to  the  top  and  he  said  that  he  could  try  it. 

Also  said  that  it  was  a  very  serious  question  in  his  mind  whether 
they  had  done  anything  that  was  worth  while. 

Man  mho  Y/orked  during 

the  Might 

of  Fire 







Goodnow,  J. 


Rooney,  ,F. 

Baldwin,  Edw . 


Vreeland,  L. 


Grutuski ,  F . 


Edelhauser,  H, 


GrutuBki,  B. 


Midlon,  P. 


Harris,  Yfa. 


Bachman ,  V/ . 


Herman,  A. 


Bum,  T. 


Hixon,  C. 


Brawn,  C. 


Freeman,  D. 


David.  H. 


Smouse,  C. 




Seifert,  Chas. 


Mueller,  F. 




Baohman,  S. 


Boman,  Chas. 


Adams ,  J . 


Grimson,  0. 

12  78 

Eyres,  H. 


Conklin,  E. 


Leoni,  A, 


Saarls,  17. 


Dolan,  M.. 


Paiker,  A. 


Bachman,  \Y.G. 


Jacobs,  J. 


Poppa,  Geo. 


Sharkey,  J . 


Bayer,  0. 


Wenzel,  V. 


lorch,  \7. 


Foss,  Jas. 

Abrams,  G. 


Quinn,  J. 

Coman,  H. 


Carr,  J. 


Schenk,  B. 


MoGeorge ,  Robert 


Gaumer,  Wm. 


Foley,  John 


Reidel,  E. 


loma,  D. 


Zalanski ,  J . 


Samlin,  Gao . 


Benedict,  B. 


Quinn,  Jas. 


Aroher,  'N . 


Mar oca,  B. 


Ober,  J. 


Bush,  J. 


Pratt,  A.E. 


loehrs, Bernard 


Bedell,  E.E. 


Griff an,  J. 


Quinn,  G.H. 


lystrup,  J.Y7. 


Urich,  R.M. 


Stevens,  O.A. 


Graisenbaok,  £. 


Dohrmeyer,  W. 


Jlfry,  A. 


^Hheridge,  Ed. 


mm,  a. 


Courted,  Geo. 


Drury,  Wm. 


Good, Chas. 


Peiker,  J . 


Jones,  YY.B. 


Hennesy,  J. 


Chailiad;  iH . 


Attalah,  M. 


Si-lleta ,  M. 


Furgerson,  J . 


Zeik,  Ed.- 


J .  F .  Monahan  - 
George  Abram. 

T.  D.  Greenly* 

H.  H.  Smith  . 

Roy  G .  Mitchell- 
Arthur  Mudd- 
Maroue  Leltoh  * 

Martin  Charles 
James  W.  Knoblock . 

—  H .  ff.  Benstead  . 

Thomas  J.  Flynn. 

Fred  Roh. 

JohnCoggino  • 

John  L.  Butler  . 

■  H  See  Katz. 

George  Walsh. 

John  Anderson  > 

James  Sherrifck - - 

Frank  Evans » 

L .  W .  Burke  * 

Fred  J.  Desoh* 

Riohard  Kendall* 

Ben j .  H.  Hunt. 

George  Donahue* 

Duncan  Richardson  * 

M.  M.  Mohr  * 

_ R.  C .  Voale  . 

WT~W.  Winn"- 
Harry  Jubert* 

Llewellyn  George. 

Hv  I*.  Davisson. 

E.  J.  Ross, Jr.. 


Pro  bmd  233 

Latlias  165 

GrlndarB  34 

Profelare  8 

Mellero  62 

Soren  169 

Ttsnhllng  Bbl.  10 

Folding  a 

rimer?  Wheel  15 

Wiring  1 

Turning  6 

S3  hoars  4 

Tappers  25 

Reaming  6 

Burring  3 

Graving  3 

Forges  2 

Aosom  1 

Cutting  22 

Hohhlng  9 

Itotohlng  6 

Engraving  8 

AnvllB  2 

Furnace e  13 

Shapers  6 



Knurling  3 
slotting  1 
Plenum  3 

9  2 

IH  CEOASIOH  TO  S3  ’USBAITD  a  'J3T  tip 

Mr.  Nehr's  Division 

Dipping  Tank 

Cutting  Machines  ^ 

S  Motors  and.  one  Blpwerf Blower  at 
Printing  Machines  ^ 

3  Motors  &  3  Blowers (Buckley  shop)  J 
Extracting  tables  "\ 

\  Mould  Carrying  Boxes 
^Cushioning  Machines 
Spring  for  Cushioning  Machines 
Cushioning  Brushes 
"Wooden  Pulley 
Assotting  Booths 
Plaster  Baoking  Machines  ^ 

Plaster  Measures 
Plaster  Dippers 
Drying  Ovens 
Partitions  and  Walls 

Plaster.  Coating  Machines 
lettering  Machines 
Washing  Mandrels 
Polishing  Machines 

(PAGE  2) 


PA  GE  3 

Before  Can  Be 

Fire  Destroyed.  Repaired  O.K. 

Thread  Testing  Phonographs 

0  0 


4  4 

0  0 

Binooular  Miorosoope  1-1/ 2"  Obj. 

2  2 

0  0 


Phono,  with  defect  finding  equipment  43  01 

Kineto.  Testing  Machines 

Binooular  Miorosoope 

(Feb.  Supp. 
Working  Moulds ( 

2  2  0  0 

3  3  0  0 


Mould  Vault  location 

Powder  Press  Accumulator  1 
Powder  Press  Aooumulator  Pumps  1 
Powder  Press  Extra  Pump  1 
Alcohol  Pump  1 
'Turntable  or  scraping  off  moh.  8 

Extracting  machines  or 

mould  extractors  24 

Powder  auto  weighing  maoh.  3 
large  Ball  Pulverizer  1 
Still  (Recovered  Phenol)  1 

Small  Condenser 
large  Condenser 

Swing  Hammer  Pulverize: 

Powder  Weighing  Pans 
large  size  ash  cans 
3  burner  gas  plate 
Viscosity  meter  for  varnish 

100  lb. platform  and 
scoop  scaler 


Top  Plates 

Bottom  Plates 

Mould  rings 

Truck  (Phenol 

Pot  for  soalesfWeighing 

PAGE  5 

Before  2an  ]»«  . 

glra  Destroyed  Repaired 


















Scales  -  1000  lh. 


(PAGE  1) 

Mr.  Grime' 8  division 


Centering  Machines 
Celluloid  Dipper 
lathes  14"  Z  6'  Hamilton 
Copper  Mould  polishing  machine 
Diamond  Turning  Tools 
Celiuloid  sub  M.  Print  Press 
Suction  Pan 

Master  Mould  Steel  Plates 
Master  Mould  Print  Holders 
Mould  Assembling  Small  Tools 
Glass  Ware  for  table  silver  plating 













Thin  Copper  labels 
Master  labels 
Ploor  vacuum  cleaner 

Connter  shaft  variable  speed  8 

Master  gold  plating  sets— obsolete  process 
Carrier  Air  Conditioner  )  1 

3  ton  York  refrigerating  machine)  1 

Motor  for  regrigerating  )  1 

Repair  (per  Hird)  Test 

and  return  as  soon  as  possible)  14 

12  Hydraulic  Pressure  GaugeB  ) 

1,000  hydraulic  pump  and  accumulator  1 

6"  x  8"  Vacuum  pump  complete  3. 

Can  be 

Destroyed  Repaired  O.K. 
1  2 

0  0  1 
1  2 

0  0  9 

6  0  2 

0  0  10 

0  0  14 

1  0  0 

0  6  12 

0  0  12 


1  0  0 

0  0  8 

0  10 
0  0  1 

0  10 

2  12  0 

0  0,  1 

0  0  1 


Description  2il® — 

Drill  Press  3  Spindle  ’  1 

Vacuum  Stripping  Maohine  1 

Heating  &  Cooling  Plates  6 

Printing  Holders  for  Labels  4 

Dies  for  labels  2 

Plating  Holders  for  labels  6 

Motor  generator  sets  2 

Disc  Copper  Plating  Sets  84 

Chip  Removing  Machine  1 

Edison  motor  l/20  H.  P.  1 

2  Eclipse  Pressure  Reducing  valves  2 

2  Tyoos  Hydro  deik  fig  4082  2 

2  doz.  silk  wicks  for  above  24 

1  14  X  17  Hard  rubber  tray  1 

Can  be 

Destroyed  Repaired  O.E. 

0  0  1 
O'  0  1 

0  0  6 

0  0  4 

0  0  2 

0  0  6 

0  0  2 

SOfoO.K  including  42 

10  0 

2  0  0 

2  0  0 

0  0  24 

10  0 

16  Hard  Bristle  Floor  Brush-  2  lengths  of  hose  -See  Vacuum  cleaner  O.K. 

iff  MACHINES  IN  SPEAKER!7hAi>.  . 

BUILDING  #  11 

|oc  4th  Eloor 

to  he  repaired 


9977  Foote  Burt  &  Co.  -  Three  spindle  drill  prase 
6688  Garvin  Sour 

Prentiss  Too*'.*  Supply-  One 
739?  Pratt  &  Whitney  -  One 
734  ■  ■  One 

733  MoGeorge  Mfg.Co.  •»  One 

766  Hade„in  E.P2W.  small  One 

722  «  2  h"  ft. 

763  l  «  i  8  ‘ 

738  !  2  «.  2.. 

762  2"  1“  2  2  3. 

764  2  2  2  2,  „ 

761  "  "  H  ~  2" 

760  Sloan  &  Chase  ■  " ' 

749  "  2"  s 

744  2 

720  "  2 

743  5  2 

8964-  "  2 

746  2 

721  "  2 

3749  "  2 

No  Tag:  2',' 

„  716  Hade  in  E.P.W. 

•"  «"  «'  *"  special  3  spindle  drill  maoh  -  » 

No  Tag  2"  2"  n  5  2  I  2 

3016  2  2  -  g.  |  »'■  »•  >  -  ■■ 

?  all  Heed  Engine  lathe  special  for  die  cast  Rep.oups-  J 
,  863  Sloan  &  Chase  #|  Bench  lathe  * 

24l|.;  American  *atch  *6olSp°’i:B®“^elathe  ">• 

f.dur  "  s 

■»  bench  tapping 

.  1N0M00D  t" 

.  NO, GOOD  - 
.  to  he  repaired 


704  Brown  &  Sharp 
703  2 

702:.  ■  5" 

29065  "  " 

2896  "  ' 

7065  Pratt  &  Whitney 

706  "  2" 

707  7"  5 

708  7“  2 

709  ?“  2" 

3748  »  5“ 

No  Tag 

Hand  Hilling  Machine 

4326:  Sloan  &  Chase 
336H1  »”  2”. 

No  Tagr,  22 

4068  «  "B 

8897  Atoer;  Tool  Co. 
No  Tag  Sloan  &  Chase 

#72S  Hade  in  E.P.W. 
726  - 


,  911  *  St  #2 

334®  ..  #3 

9149  Made  in  E.P.W. 




email  special  milling  machine  -  To  be^  repaired 
Bench  emery  v/heel  stand 

Arbor  Prase  -  0.  K. 

*  **  0  •  E. 

special  machine  for  milling 
slot  in  Victor  ball  conn, 
speoial  machine  for  lapping  disc 

reproducer  weights  and  standard  plates 
speciel  for  tapping  std.  in  reproducer  weights 
Eoot  Press  -  To  be  repaired 

A'.  Johansen 

MVEHTOK r  03?  COMTE UTS  -BLD&  #18 

180  Ou. 


3?t.  of  2  7/16 
tt  ..  i  3/4 
"  •'  1  l/4 




48  24"  Hangers 

18  20  " 

12  16  " 


16  2  7/16  Couplings 

4  1  3/4  " 

3  1  l/4  " 


120  Cu.ft.  of  10"  Double  Thick  Belting 
288  "  "  "  6"  K  "  " 

264  " 
490  " 
320  " 
160  " 
160  " 



4"  Single 
3"  « 

2"  " 







20"  Monkey  \7renohes 
14"  »  " 

12"  »  " 


8"  Elat 


One  Roll  Top  Desk 

gOBHISUBE  ( 0  OH . ) 

Bwo  Drafting  Satie 
One  Office  Chair 
Swo  Stools 


One  Doaen  large  Pads 
it  ”  scratch  Pads 

l/2  "  Butcher  Boohs 

1,000  Piece  Work  Sime  Cards(Bishop) 
1,000  Bishop  Day  Work  Time  Cards 
One  Clock 


s{  'S/(Jyy‘ 



W.  R.  BARTLEY.  (f 

9883  ? 






Polishing  Head  to  ReBabbit 

Diamond  Disc  Grinder" 
Beasley  Disc  Grinder" 
Polishing  Head  " 

No  Makers  Name 
Watson  Stillman  Co. 
Watson  Stillman  Co. 
Zooker  Lovett  Lobe  Co. 
North  Ampton  Wheel  Co.. 

Diamond  Machine  Co. 


2050  Polishing  Head  No  Use 
2121  "  "  "  " 

2126  »  "  "  " 

Tag  Missing  "  "  "  " 

2086  "  "  "  " 

4974  ?  Tumbling  Barrell  Spindle 

No  Makers  Name 
Garvin  Machine  Co . 
Garvin  Machine  Co. 
Diamond  Machine  Co. 
Builders  Poundry  Co. 

(  1  Buffalo  Forge  Co.  Blower  may  he  used.  ) 

These  machines  are  no  use. 





#15  BUILD IUG  5th  FLOOR 




















Brill  Press 

•«  segouroey  Pool  Company 
»  0.  Allen  &  Co., 

"  Pratt  &  V/hitney 

Milling  Machine,  Pratt  &  ’.Thitney 

Pox  Mach. Co . 

Kempwith  Mach. 

Garter  &  Hake  Co., 

'  B  &  S 
3  &  S 
Profiles  Garvin 
#13  Garvin 

Pratt  &  Uhitney 
Paper  Cutting  Mach. 

Grinder  B  &  3. 


0.  IC. 


0.  K. 


Slight  Repair 
0.  H. 




















Ho  name  arill  press 

Saping  Machine 

ii  "  Garvin 

Universal  Grinder 
Spec .Grinder 
B  s-  3  Universal  Grinder 
Bliss  Press 
Emory  stand 

Spec.  V/lKs .  notching  Machine 









Spec.  \7ks.  Engraving  Machine 

All  Miso.  Ho  numbers 

1429  American  notch 

1430  " 

1438  "  " 

1426  ”  n 

1448  "  " 

lathe  7f2 
n  #2 
"  ir5 
"  #2 






0.  IC. 

0.  K. 


0.  K. 




BATES  DEBT.  Page  -2- 


American  Botch  Bathe  #2 



"  »  io 


it  «  7r2 


„  «  -  #3 


■  1443 

Spec.  V/ks  Milling  Machine 



























Lathes  in  Tool  Room 







Seneca  Falls 

John  Bogart  . 



Cataract  Harding 

Sloan  and  Chase 

Dwight  Slate 
DaVi  s 

Pratt  &  Whitney 
Sloan  and  Chase 

American  Watch  Tool  • 

American  Y/atch 







ll.  G. 








66  #11  Garvin 

62  Norman  Bench 

51  Cincinnati 

3226  #21  Garvin 

61  Brown  &  Sharpe 

60  Cincinnati  #0 

59  Brown  &  Sharpe 

57  Brown  S:  Sharpe  #1. 

8  #22  Garvin  Vertical 

9  Pratt  &  Whitney 

56  Duplex  #2. 







68  Water  Bros. 

67  Flather  Co . 

65  Pease  Co. 


76  Surface  Brown  &  Sharpe 

40  "  "  "  " 

3400  "  "  "  " 




No  Good 


Page  #2, 

No,  Lathes  in  Tool  Room. 


GRINDERS  (Cont'd.) 

47  Tool  Grinder  Brown  &  Sharpe 






ii  "  Dia.  Kachine  Co. 
#1  Brown  and  Sharpe 

#1  "  " 

Hob  Grinder  S  &  S 
Vie t  Y/hitney 
Brill  Grinder 


25.00  Poor 


73  Pratt  &  Y/hitney 

3397  Gould  &  Eberhard 

74  Pi’att  &  Whitney 

72  Cincinnati 

69  Pratt  &  Y/hitney 

3435  Gould  &  Eberhard 

9036  Rhodes  itfg.  Co.  Vertical 






77  P.  E.  Reed 
5603  Champion  20" 

75  No  Name 
70  "  " 

4100  Chas.  G.  Allen 

48  Garvin 

49  Pratt  &  Y/hitney 
8775  Newark  Second  Hand 

11  American  Radial 





5.  #18  Bliss 
5275  #3  Arbor 

30  #3 



Universal  Ho.l  Griitor 
Head  Broken,  -Counter  Shaft 
hont,  can  ho  ropairdd. 

3520  Universal  Ho.l  Grinder, 

Machine  in  fair  condition, 
over  Hoad  casting  broken. 

3522  Universal  Ho.l  Grinder 

Hoad  broken,  -Apron  broken, 
Hater  Sank  broken,  can  be 

*?9056  Universal  Ho.l  Grinder 

Machine  in  fair  condition 
Apron  broken,  can  b  e  repaired, 
over  Head  Shafting  bent. 

2474  Ho. 11  Plain  Grinder 

Maohine  in  fair  condition. 

Counter  Shafting  in  bad  condition. 


Ho. 11  Plain  Grinders, 

Bad  condition. Counter  Shaft  same. 

2476  Ho. 11  Plain  Grind, in  good  con¬ 
dition,  Counter  Shaft  same. 

95633  Morse  Plain  Grinder  in  fair 

condition.  Shaft  can  be  repaired. 

16943  Ho. 10  Plain  Grinder  in  bad  shape 

can  be  repaired.  Over  head  Counuer 
Shaft  will  have  -to  be  replaced. 

9048  Ho. 10  plain  Grinder  machine 
fair  shape.  Counter  Shaft  in 
condition,  shaft  will  have  to 

.  be 

9047  Ho. 10  Plain  Grinder  in  fairpondition 
shaft  Apron  broken.  Counter  shaft 
will  have  to  be  replaced. 


2466-2465-2469-2468-2467  can  be  repaired. 



9070-9372-54-4991-9069  and  one  number  damaged  so  you  can 
not  road.  Will  have  to  be  rebushed.  Can  bo  repaired. 

6.  Ho.  5  Sloan  &  Chase  Hoad  can  be  repaired. 


/  V ' 

\l  ■  1MCH..  1 

TOOLS  .  DIBS.  Et 

re..  POP-  J3-80 

:M?onA<ra  ea  story  beds. 

Bout . 

Tools  Kach. 

0PK3  &  inc. 

Bent.  Toole  V&nh. 

--Bono.  Aaeom. 

O.K.  o.x. 

Buffing  O.K.  O.K. 

unch  roc:) 

nictating  rnehino) 

Screw  i.sohino 

Blootrieal  ) 

)Ifot  rhonograph 


i’ilra  ) 


Phono.  Ponoir  ) 

"  Aaaemb. 





Brill  Proas 


U.K.  O.Z. 


Shoot  Petal 

O.K.  O.K. 

Jobbing  3oa  Brill  i)£ 


O.iC.  C.K. 

Tool  Making  working  in  i 

Finished  parts 


Cabinot  finishing 


Packing  and  Shipping 

-  — 

Jupan  Cleaning 

O.K.  O.K. 

Iliokel  Plating 

O.K.  O.K. 


—  — 

Fro duct ion  &  Stock 




BISO  ’•AC.Fjr?: 

cop  pbacf. 

Pilling - -  mln* 

First  Coat - ■  --■  •-"■■  —  ■"*'  "' — — 2  nin. 

Hake - - - - —  - - - - 

Second  Coat-- - %  3/-  nin* 

Bake - 

hashing - 3/4  nln- 

Cransfer - - 3  nin. 

Conch  ins- - - - 2  nin* 

Second  cleaning - 3  nin. 

Varnish - 2  nin. 

Cutting  transfer - - - - — - — - — — 2  niri* 

Striping - -?■.  ff.r— *. 

rpQoaTj  _ _ _ . _ . _ — _ _ _ 2  G  l/2  nin. 

Pining - 

First  Coat— - 

Couching - 

Second  cleaning- 

■1  nin. 
-3/4  nin. 


•TAT1  Aim  BIG 


First  Coat - - - 3/4  mln* 

Bake - 

Black - - -  x/4  "tea. 

TOTAL - * - - - 1  mln* 


First  Coat - x/2  min* 

Bake - - 


First  Coat - x/2  mln- 

TOTAL - x/2  min* 


First  Coat - - x/4 

Bake- — - - - - - - - - - 

Second  cleaning - x/g  ml°‘. 

Total- - 3/4  min‘ 


Filling- - x/2  min- 

First  Coating - - - 3/4  111111  • 

Bake - 

Second  Cleaning — — — - 1/2  mln^ 

TOTAL - 1  3/4  min* 



continued.  DISC  MACHIHB 


First  Coat - 

Bake - 

Second  Cleaning- 

1/2  min. 

-  3/4  min. 

-  1/2  min. 

-  1  3/4  min. 


Filling - 

First  Coat — - - - - 

Bake - 

Black - - 

Second  Cleaning - 


1/2  min. 

—  1  min. 

—  3  1/2  min. 

FirBt  Coat — — 


_ _ 3/4  min. 

.—  1/4  min, 
.—  1  min. 


40  Minutes, 



Filling; - 3  min. 

First  Coat - 1  l/2  min. 

Bake - 

Second  Coat - & - 1  1/2  min. 

Bake - 

Buhhing - 3  min. 

Washing - 3/4  min. 

Transfer - 3  min. 

Touching - 2  min. 

Black - 2  min. 

Second  Cleanings - 3  min. 

Varnish - 2  l/2  min. 

Bake - 

Third  Cleaning - 1  1/2  min. 

Cutting  Transfers - 2  min. 

Striping - 1  min. 

TOT AB -  26  3/4  min. 


First. .Ceat— - - - - - - - 1/2  mini 

Bake - 

Touch - 1/2  min. 

TOTAL - 1  min. 



oontinuda.  CYLINDER  MACHIHE 


Pilling - 

First  Coat- 

Bake  - 

Touching - 


2  min. 

1  1/2  min. 

4  1/2  min. 


Paintet!  in  4  1/2  minutes. 


Filling - 

First  coat - 

Bake - 

Second  Cleaning - - - 

TOTAL - - - 


Filling - - - 

First  Coat — — — — - - - 

Bake-— - - - 

Second  Coat — - - - - - - - — 

-  1  1/2  min. 

-  1/2  min. 

■-  1/2  min. 

-  1  1/2  min. 

-  4  min. 

1  min. 

1  1/2  min. 

1/2  min. 

2  min. 

—  1/2  min. 
1/2  min. 







continue  a.  CYLIOTEB  ItACHIHE  •( 

Touch - 1 - r-—  V2  rain*  ■ 

Blach . V2 

Second  Cleaning - V2  1,1111  ■  /  'v 

Varnish — . — - - - —  1  mln- 


Third  Cleaning - 2-7 2 

TOTAL - 9  min. 

GHATO  TOTAL . .  5  l/4  minutes. 



Filling — - - 2  min. 

First  Coat - 3  min. 

Bake - - - 

Second  Coat -  2  min. 

Bake - 

Kuhhing— - - 5  nvin’. 

Washing - 2  min. 

Transfer - - - 4  mln* 

Touching -  2  min. 

Black -  2 

Second  Cleaning - 1  l/2  min. 

Varnish - 3  min. 

Bake - 

Third  Cleaning - 11/2  min. 

Cut  Trans - 2  min- 

Striping - - - 2  mln.: — 

TOTAXj _ - —  35  min. 


Filling - 2  min. 

First  coat - - — - — — — - - —  2  min. 

Bake - - - 

Second  Coat - 2  min. 

Bake - - 

TOTAL _ 6  min. 



continued.  BUSIBESS  UWJHIHS 

mp?  PI ATE. 

Pill ins - 

First  Coat - 

Bake - - - 

Second  Coat - 

Bake - 

Bub  Bing - : - 

‘.'.'ashing - 

transfer - 

Touching - 

Black - 

Second  Clesning- 
VamishO - 

3  1/2  min. 

2  1/2  min. 

2  1/2  min. 

4  min. 

1  min. 

1  1/2  min. 

2  min. 

2  min. 

2  1/2  min. 
.  4  min. 

Bake - 

Third  Cleaning- 

2  min. 

27  1/2  min. 

agnail  a&sii-. 

Pilling - 

First  Coat- - 

Bake  - . . . 

Second  Coat— — 

Bake - 

BuVbing - 

Sashing - 

Transfer - 

Touching - 

1  min. 

2  min. 

1  1/2  min. 

1  min. 
l/4  min. 

1  1/2  min. 
1/2  min. 



continued.  BTJ3HT383  TIACHIIIFS 

Black . . 1  !/8  -in. 

TOTAL . . . 10  X/4  nin- 

nffrnp  bait  . 

First  Coat — 

Bake - 

Second  Coat- 
Bake  — 

1  1/4  min. 

1  min. 

2  1/4  nin. 


First  Clat - 

Bake-7 - 

.Touch  jpg-  -  — — 

3/4  min. 







cont  inue  d .  BUSIIIBSS  lAAOIIIHBS 


First  Coat - 1  nin* 

Bake - - - 

Second  Coat - 1  min* 

Bake - - 

TOTAL- -  2  min* 


First  Coat - 1  min. 

Bake - 

Second  Coat - 1  min. 

Bake  — - - 


First  Coat - 1  I/2  mln* 

Bake - - 

•TOTAL . . . 2  1/2  min. 


First  Coat - - - - - I/2  roi11* 

Bake— - - - - 

Second  Coat-— - - - - - l/2  mih. 

Bake - - 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Ltd.  (E-14-84) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  relating  to 
the  administration  of  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Ltd.  in  London,  as  well  as  the 
recording  of  phonograph  records  in  Great  Britain  and  Italy.  One  item  concerns 
the  appointment  of  Alfred  F.  Wagner  as  manager  of  TAE  Ltd.,  in  place  of  Paul 
H.  Cromelin.  The  other  two  selected  documents  are  by  Humbert  F.  Tos,  a 
musician  whom  Edison  sent  to  Europe  to  record  great  singers  One  ^ter  is 
a  birthday  greeting  to  Edison,  while  the  other  pertains  to  contract  negotiations 
with  Italian  tenor  Giuseppe  Anselmi. 

The  unselected  material  includes  lists  of  recordings  submitted  for 
Edison’s  approval. 

Jfessrs.  Maxwell,  pillar,  Holden,  lanahan,  F.  Baohmann,  Hardy, 

1.  W.  MoChesney,  Parrell,  Gill,  Dolbeer,  Hlra,  Durand,  Bedfearn, 

1.  C.  MoChesney,  Ireton,  Brown,  Berggren,  Eohert,  Juhert,  Davidson, 
learning.' Hudson.  Bogers.  Youmans,  Philips,  Cheshire,  Plimpton, 

W.  H.  Miller,  (&,  P.  UTIer}  W.  H.  Meadoworoft,  Hutohison,  B.a. 
Baohman,  Bee,  MhdcL:  “  ■  ■ 

In  a  letter  from  Mr.  Stevens  dated  Deo.  31st,  he  advises 
of  .the  appointment  by  him  cf  Mr.  A.  P.  Wagner  as  Manager  of  Thomas 
A.  Edison,  ltd. ,  london.  This  for  your  information  and  in  order 
to  enable  you  to  properly  address  Mr.  Wagner  as  Manager  in  any  future 
oorrespondenoe  you  may  have  with  the  London  office. 



NEW  YORK  °  « 
SIPNEY  °  ~  ° 

(jC^Kx-cy.  syyxs<J\j£_  efryt, 

C^y^rt  ^  / 

'fiuvY>^x*sfc 7  $  sieJe*,  -fc  ‘wT '^tu^  <d y&uA. 

CAAaskr^  jLc~yvC\r  JUaJI  4A>vi/iJ4ra^d ^&yv4*td  />y^n 

/Vt-Cd^.  ^tr  't#J<l&.  -wW  Sjbad~ ^L,  Wey  <Z£sri£^.*d!.  Aju.&cc+ 

jtfrydl(!A4^uq  /feU' 

'yyva^uf  '$&  'dc<tsyyu(iy  csv&wyue-td.  svvwt'  d^<Ji 

<zJu<r-  €?<JU.04<4  d&uA*. 

'yyt^. ^AA,el*-  ofly 

— -  r9-i&'  Uvvl^-  IrJ-L.  ^ 

1:.  01  SON  Ltd  ,  -  f  . 

/lldaM  ,  fibicL  /  /  -  /A  Ap  " 

fahSilFJ\4iA^  f*? 

}Ha  Hrt  (A&  c4\  J^^Sj 

('  HRm*>  arSk 

*Jnc‘  jlfaAdlk- 

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Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  Visitors  (E-14-85) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  with  individuals  planning  to  meet 
with  Edison,  arranging  for  others  to  meet  him,  or  thanking  Edison  for  a  recent 
meeting.  Among  the  documents  for  1 914  are  letters  of  introduction  for  Queen 
Eleonore  of  Bulgaria  and  British  actress  and  political  activist  Olga  Nethersole. 
Other  visitors  and  prospective  visitors  include  Prof.  Henry  Walcott  Farnum  of 
Yale,  Italian  composer  Luigi  Romano,  and  New  York  Edison  Co.  officials 
Nicholas  F.  Brady,  Thomas  E.  Murray,  and  Arthur  Williams. 

Less  than  10  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected.  Requests 
for  appointments  that  were  declined  by  Edison  and  letters  that  received  no 
reply  have  not  been  selected. 



Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 
Laboratory,  Valley  Road, 
West  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Mr.  Edisons- 

Prof.  Henry  W.  Farnam,  exchange  professor  for  Germany  this  year,  who 
expects  to  sail  in  about  a  month,  would  liko  very  much  to  visit  your  laboratory 
and  the  Orange  factory,  and  if  in  any  way  possible,  the  privilege  of  a  personal 
interviev/.  Prof.  Farnan  expects  to  come  to  Newark  on  Wednesday,  April  8th,  und 
he  would  like  to  c ana  out  to  Orange  in  the  afternoon.  You  will  remember  that  in 
1912  you  were  good  enough  to  extend  a  similar  privilege  to  Sir  Thomas  Oliver,  who 
is  an  intimate  friend  of  Prof.  Farnam' s,  and  I  am  sure  that  your  porsonal  kindness 
in  this  matter  would  be  very  highly  appreciated.  Prof.  Farnam  is  also  a  close 
friend  of  ex-Presidont  Taft  and  he  goos  abroad  this  year  as  the  Professor  on 
Economics  and  I  believe  that  some  of  his  lectures  are  on  the  development  of  Amer¬ 
ican  industries,  with  some  observations  on  American  inventions,  etc. 

Whatever  kindness  you  can  extend  to  Prof.  Farnam  will  bo  sincerely  ap¬ 
preciated  by  us  both. 

Anticipating  the  favor  of  an  early  reply,  I  remain, 

Very  truly  your b, 


Ur.  William  E.  lleadoworoft, 
laboratory  of  Thomas  a,  Edison, 

Orange,  IT.  J. 

Uy  dear  Ur.  Ueadowcroft!- 

I  want  to  thank  you  once  ir.oi 
Professor  Famam  and  myself  on  our  recent  visit  to  your  laboratory,  you 
will  please  express  our  regret  to  Ur.  Edison  that  we  could  not  have  seen 

1  remain, 


CertiH  O-  ^Vi 

June  2,  1914  . 

My  dear  Sir: 

I  enclose  a  copy  of  a  letter  I  have  written 
Miss  Olga  Nethersole,  who  is  now  at  the  Plaza  Hotel,  New  Yorjs 
City.  It  speaks  for  itself.  If  an  arrangement  could  be  made 
for  Miss  Nethersole  to  visit  Mr.  Edison,  I  am  sure  it 
would  do  much  to  help  spread  some,  of  his  ideas  concerning 
education,  in  which  I  am  also  interested  and  of  which  Miss 
Nethersole  has  a  keen  appreciation  and  is  in  a  position 
to  do  much  to  promote. 

I  know  how  busy  Mr.  Edison  is  and  ho w  valuable 
is  his  time,  and  I  am  sending  this  matter  to  you,  hoping 
that  if  it  is  possible  you  may  grant  the  favor  requested. 

With  kindest  regards  to  Mr.  Edison  and  all 
good  wishes,  I  am, 

The  Private  Secretary, 

To  Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 
C/o  Edison  laboratories, 
East  Orange,  N.J. 


My  dear  Mr.  Edison: 

X  take  great  pleasure  (in  introducing  Mi 

sass*.-  fnir.;-?  ?sf  ™r 

ss  x  r 

ssia1  *a  s^‘‘^3«4Vn°tr,si?.*s.  _ 

perhaps  did  more  than  any  one  single  influence  to  bring 
about  the  reformation  of  the  dilapidated  tenement  houses 
controlled  by  one  of  the  big  church  organisations  in 
m  ^  v__i,  rut'  oilc*  was  also  of  f^reat  service  to  the 
cause  of  ^ children  in  bringing  to  the  attention  o^the 
English  authorities  the  ne«d  f°5  c™*dr?|\8  She 

scs  sss 

to  our  work  hero,  she  has  been  of  great  service  i 
Denver  struggles. 

She  is  tremendously  interested  in  the  problems 
of  education  and  in  eome  of  the  things  w®  d^u“°*d’ 

%s«m  s!e  &  * 

Bonarfivor^ifit’ll.  possible  and  convenient,  if  you 
oould  meet  her. 

I  am  sending  copy  of  thio  letter  to  you  or 
vour  secretary.  Mies  Hethersole  is  at  the  llaaa  Hotel, 
New  York  City,  and  if  convenient  to  meet  her  at  all 
before  she  sails  for  England.  you  can  reach  her  there. 

ben  B.  LINDSEY 

Mr.  Thomao_A.  Edison, 

Llewellyn  Park, 

East  Orange,  H.J • 



Our  Engineer  of  Works  Mr.  V.  F.  Conversi  has 
often  expressed  himself  to  the  effect  that  he  would Very 
much  like  to  visit  the  Edison  Plant. 

I  have  been  employed  in  the  works  for  a  period 
of  about  eight  years  naturally  at  time* I  mention  the  works 
as  a  criterion. 

If  you  can  see  your  way  clear  to  invite  him 
and  myself  to  visit  the  Orange  Plant  I  would  appreciate 
it  very  much. 

Thanking  you  for  your  consideration,  I  am, 

Yours  respectfully, 


A*  T* 


j  tZjy,  dU^\  <£,  ^uv  &/&Z  *.  cr,^  j)  e/v 

J  v£-*-lC  Ajuul,  y${e^duj^.e-  tl*-  .  4  A^ 

Ojy^bjyeOxuA. ,  ^  /"'1^-=  /W/ 


’le-<^zy-A2+^0  /-J^C_<^4  ^ r 2-».,  -*c<?£n^6e_i  ^vj; 

£  Ivy 

Jc^i-o  <^4  adcJ-rt^, 

0  <*•  7^5 


1  -r^  *xr^«W'  x  ‘flr*JR  ^ 

r^Tf^^r  ir, l^a^v  ^  --o 
VSZ^  ^  tTa 


mT^  u-^i 


H.  L.  Horton  &  Co. 

Members  Nf.w York  Stock  Exchange 
60  Broadway 


J£„s%r/y  September  1st,  1914 

f\00'^  0 

Ur.  Thomas  A.  Edison 

Llewellyn  Park.  5 

Dear  Ur.  Ediaon:  ' 

I  would  be  pleased  to  have  you  appoint  a  time 
when  I  may  have  a  private  personal  interview  with  you  on  the 
subject  of  Alkaline  Storage  batteries. 

Suoh  an  interview  would  I  believe  result  in  great 
advantage  to  you. 

Yours  very  truly, 

W.  R.  Hinsdale. 

'2.10  yvi 

:*KW^W  .  r*- ****  ^‘'f/'*'"'*  ^ 

(/C^uy  &>  'S-t*-/  £ 'i  lr'  ‘ 

'■£*/&%#&  A  /h^/*  " 

yJA^c/;  -  On 

sp^y  ^&*/***^  ^  /C-e^-- 

.  ^  - 

yi/?’AC  —x 




RECEIVED  AT  f  7'  , 

67  NY  GC  39  RlQRANGE,  N.  J. 

SD  NEWYORK  DEC  14  1  14 




J  W  LIES.  ,618PM  \ 




3EI,  n’.J. 

/  26  NY  R  14  KL  • 



'  ,  ORANGE  NJ 



LQI  IGHcCAR  -'MeEL  AND;  AXLE  WORKS  11  35  AM  - 

Thomas  A.  Bdison  Bsq. 

Orange,  H. 
Dear  Ur.  Bdison:- 


srk,  H.  J.  Deoembor/lB,  1914. 

Tnr>£  3  . . . 

_  >*  ^  iu“  ^V-' 

The  hewer  of  this  Xetter  is  Ur.  George  W.  Khight.  an  en¬ 
gineer  of  standing  of  this  City,  who  desire,  to  meet  you.  I  will 
appreciate  it  if  you  can  arrange  to  gir.  him  an  audience. 

Yours  very  truly. 

lu  'C.c.UccUL 

Wm.  H.  Headoworoft,  Sec'y., 

Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  N.  J. 

My  dear  Mr.  Headoworoft: 

X  take  pleasure  in  asking  you  to  shake  hands  with 
Hr.  B.  S.  Summers  of  fort  Huron,  Mich.  Mr.  Summers  is  an  old  per¬ 
sonal  friend  of  our  General  Superintendent,  Hr;  James  P.  Sneddon, 
and  I  am  glad  to  say  that  Ur.  Summer’s  father  was  a  telegraph 
operator  way  hack  in  Hr.  Edison's  early  days  and  an  associate  of 
Hr.  Edison's;  consequently,  I  believe  that  Hr.  Summer's  acquaintance 
will  prove  of  interest. 

May  I  take  the  liberty  of  asking  you  to  arrange 
it  so  that  Mr.  Summers  can  meet  Hr.  Edison?  He  is  anxious  to  do 
this  for  specific  reasons  which  he  will  explain  to  Hr.  Edison  per¬ 
sonally.  X  might  add  that  as  nothing  of  a  financial  or  other  em¬ 
barrassing  nature  is  involved  in  this  matter,  you  need  not  hesitate 
to  accommodate  HT.  Summers  in  any  manner  whatsoever. 

With  kind  regards  and  trusting  you  will  have  a 
Happy  New  Year,  X  beg  to  remain, 

Edison  General  File  Series 

1914.  Warren  County  Warehouse  Company  [not  selected]  (E-14-8  ) 

This  folder  contains  routine  documents  pertaining  to  the  Warren  County 
Warehouse  Co  a  subsidiary  of  the  Edison  Portland  Cement  Co.  Among  the 
iterator  1914  is  a  notice  of  the  annual  stockholders  meeting,  along  with 
correspondence  concerning  stock  dividends. 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  West  Orange  Laboratory  (E-14-87) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  relating  to 
operations  at  the  West  Orange  laboratory.  Included  are  notes,  memoranda, 
and  interoffice  communications  by  Edison,  personal  assistant  William  H. 
Meadowcroft,  chief  engineer  Miller  Reese  Hutchison,  and  members  of  he 
technical  and  experimental  staff.  Some  of  the  documents  pertain  to  Charles 
Edison’s  work  at  the  laboratory.  There  are  also  references  to  the  organization 
of  a  new  fire  department  at  the  Edison  laboratory  in  October  1914,  two 
months  before  the  fire  that  destroyed  the  Edison  Phonograph  Works.  Also 
included  are  lists  of  employees  at  the  laboratory  and  phonograph  works  and 
correspondence  with  Steinway  &  Sons  concerning  repairs  to  a  grand  piano 
An  incomplete  set  of  minutes  of  the  Engineering  Dept.  Committee  appears  at 
the  end  of  the  folder. 

Approximately  20  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected.  The 
unselected  items  include  lists  of  furnishings  and  supplies  in  the  chemical 
laboratory  and  balance  room. 

January  2,  1914. 


Here  are  the  distributions  for  each 
week  of  the  time  charged  to  the  Laboratory,  for  the 
month  of  November.  I  will  send  over  December' s  a 
little  later. 

The  work  has  not  been  running  as  heavy 
from  the  Laboratory  recently,  as  it  did  for  a  time  - 
as  we  used  to  have  so  much  work  for  a  while  from  the 
Educational  Eilm  Dept.,  and  that  has  been  discontinued 
now,  and  also  Mr.  Meadowcroft  and  Hr.  Bing  have  not 
been  sending  over  as  many  long  jobs  of  copying  as  they 
did  for  a  while.  They  used  to  both  at  times  send  in 
copying  wo rk  which  would  keep  one  girl  busy  steadily 
for  perhaps  two  or  three  weeks  at  a  time,  on  just  the 
one  job;  but  their  work  has  been  lighter  recently. 

The  Laboratory  time  for  a  while  ran 
as  high  as  50,  60  and  70  or  more  hours  a  week  -  but 
of  late  it  has  run  about  30  or  40,  or  thereabouts. 

I  have  tallied  these  reports  with  the 
total  amount  charged  to  the  Laboratory  on  the  time 
reports  I  send  to  the  Accounting  Dept.,  so  if  there 
is  any  difference  when  you  receive  your  expense  sheets, 
you  will  understand  that  it  is  some  difference  the 
Accounting  Dept,  have  made,  and  not  in  my  reports 

I  trust  this  will  give  you  what  you 
desire,  and  remain, 


Ruth  coffin. 

more  work  all  the  time.  We  have  been  turning  out  quite  a 
number  of  prints  of  our  motion  picture  actors  and  actresses  , 
end  on  this  one  job  alone,  saved,  up  to  December  first, 
$200.00  dver  that  which  it  would  have  cost  us  to  have  had 
the  work  printed  outside. 

We  have  now  another  order  for  about  a  thousand 
printB  of  motion  picture  players,  which  would  cost  us  about 
$300 . 00 ,  if  made  outside,  from  which  we  would  make  $75.00 
over  and  above  the  price  it  would  cost  us  to  have  the  prints 
made  outside. 

Since  we  have  let  Glaister  go,  we  have,  no  one  in 
the  Works  that  can  make  lantern  slides  for  the  Home  F.  K.  , 
so  we  have  aesigned  this  job  to  Lyman.  This  will  necessit¬ 
ate  another  dark  room. 

You  remember  the  room  in  which  Dr.  Greene  used 
to  do  his  work.  It  is  not  being  used  for  anything  now.  Do 
you  mind  if  I  equip  this  room,  at  a  ooet  not  to  exceed 
§50.00,  and  let  Lyman  use  this  as  his  printing  room,  so  that 
he  can  do  the  negatives  and  the  lantern  klides  in  his 

present  dark  room? 

* —  A  1 

(■  .  I'-i  l  . .  . 

lA:1  H  f  ((  U'OrC.+  t  >>  ■■  it  ^AT\<*~C{  :  •  - 

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.  A*/yv  &  ^C: '  •  :,£  -  *  *'  ^^  "'•  '  *  ■'  y  -  *‘ ;  ’  ’ '  ' " 

■£/. !  t  w  e’t-Jfyi(cA\  „  i/l-crl  c'  .jJ-'SsGi*  ■•■*-'*  !/  '  •  A  -<r-  - 

*Lsf  ^c-  /  y  */ .  ^  y  *«6  ;  ~  -  •  •  ••  •* 

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t  lAUix  i/«.  e- . .  ..**£#  .  aW  yy  •••-•<  ^ 

.  ) iuA,  -J,H*1*UY.  . 


... «i,\ Lfs$&->  l/cAt- ..A 'i.  _43r*“?  ....... 


y&y/-&Cb  ttcj  -  Ccomajl  %****  t 

<J  . 

Jtf.  ep.cvy> M-VVC^J  J-4vV^  ^  *J  CtCC, 

tj-rt,  -  .  .e&et*^' t.i*  -  vt-  firc/Ct-fr 

Oo  a,CC  ^o^£c^yO  fti  u-l&cci.t'Yr 

trlJL  A-aaa/v  VaM, 

(HA  Also  T-yJlY  ywxhbi Ha. 

CUll  ^A/VmUJ/3  (jf  to  3  yl^rv^- 

Ru^l  o^rvrtn/N^^  \Ardt /Urtiirt 



&\jlj\VV\x  0-lV=#U 

^5b  "(r^j  -C >l\0^  pjC  OjQ 

AMaIjL  Ch  CM  AMaa r  /Vvxrfpu 

report  oh  rectifier 

Week  ending  January  29th,  1914. 

M.  R.  Hutchison,  EBq., 

Chief  Engineer. 

Ihe  past  week  has  been  one  of  rapid  progress.  After 
making  rough  experiments  with  the  new  Single  Armature  model  and 
locating  several  faults,  I  made  a  new  armature,  and  devised  a  better 
contact  collecting- scheme.  In  an  endeavor  to  eliminate  condenser 
troubles,  I  uBed  a  variable  inductance  in  series  with  the  A.C.  coils: 
In  testing  the  instrument,  I  certainly  did  not  spend  more  than  5 
minutes  in  adjustment  before  closing  the  circuit.  For  5  hours  60 
cells  were  charged  at  a  10  amp.  rate,  when  this  was  increased  to  16 
amps.  A  continuous  operation  of  24  hours  has  resulted,  the  recti¬ 
fier  still  operating  satisfactorily  at  this  rate  (15  amps).  Two 
adjustments  have  been  made.  One  as  the  "high  spots"  were  worn 
off  the  carbons,  another  as  the  pivot  screw  required. 

The  instrument  was  built  hurriedly  and  laminations 
were  used  only  in  the  armature.  The  heating  value  is  in  consequence 
high.  This  can  be  much  reduced.  The  carbon  contacts  were  taken  from 
a  disused  model  and  can  be  much  improved. 

Two  entirely  novel  features  distinguish  this  in¬ 
strument.  Mo  condenser  included  in_the_olrcuit,  mm  adjustment 
being  obtained  by  means  of  a  variable  induotance.  This  iB  the 
first  model  to  operate  successfully  under  such  conditions.  The  use 
of  capaoity  has  been  a  source  of  continued  trouble  in  every 
previous  effort,  and  its  elimination  one  of  the  most  trying  problems. 
The  effect  of  capacity  during  line  fluctuation  absolutely  destroys 


satisfactory  operation  in  the  oase  of  a  rectifier  of  the  desired 
output;  the  contacts  are  burned  up,  and  the  instrument  must  be  re¬ 
paired.  With  the  present  model,  using  no  capacity  in  the  circuit, 
flashing  is  almost  impossible  to  obtain  even  by  violence. 

In  no  other  instruments  using  copper-carbon  contacts,  has 
the  spark  been  in  any  way  affected  by  use  of  condensers.  In  this 
model  condensers  across  the  contacts  eliminates  sparking;  the  opera¬ 
tion  has  been  sparkless. 

Should  the  present  satisfactory  operation  continue,  a 
more  rugged  model  will  be  entirely  commercial.  The  cost  will  be 
small,  much  less  than  that  of  any  previous  model,  and  its  form  is 
neat,  compact,  and  strong. 

A  drawing  of  the  instrument  will  be  ready  for  you  in  a  day 
or  two.  The  scheme  is  as  follows :  - 

A  laminated  armature  carrying  strong  interchangeable  copper 
contacts  is  pivotted  between  the  consequent  poles  of  two  magnets 
formed  by  four  D.  C.  windings.  The  armature  vibrates  between  the 
four  remaining  poles  and  makes  contact  with  spring  carbon  contacts. 
Round  the  armature  is  the  A.  0.  Winding  and  in  series  with  this  wind* 
ing  is  a  coil  having  a  sliding  laminated  core,  used  to  vary  the  in¬ 
ductance.  The  inductance  is  used  to  balance  the  mechanical  lead 
due  to  the  spring  action  of  the  contacts  so  that  the  wave  used  is  at 
least  ISO  degrees  ahead  of  the  applied  voltage.  Suitable  windings 
can  probably  be  determined  experimentally,  to  fcliminste  this  induct¬ 
ance.  One  side  of  the  wave  only  is  used,  but  by  the  application  of 
independent  armature  springs,  both  sides  may  be  carried  from  the 
110  volt  line. 

An  inexpensive  attachment  has  been  fitted  to  the  amplified 
vibration  model  discarded  by  Mr.  Rudolf,  to  be  operated  with  sliding 

placa . 

Rectification  was  readily  obtained,  but  flashing  took 
The  operation  was  of  course  silent.  I  am  at  present 
engaged  in  making  a  detailed  drawing  of  the  sliding  contact  sketched 
out  by  you  some  days  ago.  This  will  be  submitted  to  you  immediate¬ 
ly  it  is  complete. 

A  Cutler  Hammer  circuit  breaker  was  adapted  to  a  relay  to 
give  a  time  return  action  after  opening  thd  circuit  in  case  of  a  flash. 
It  was  found  that  the  long  stroke  necessary  for  this  action  could  not 
be  obtained,  as  the  circuit  was  closed  too  quickly  to  allow  the  core 
to  fall.  The  breaker  in  this  case  was  useless  to  us.  By  a  suit¬ 
able  arrangement  of  a  second  relay  which  cut  out  the  solenoid  of  the 
breaker  independently  of  the  line  relay,  the  difficulty  was  overcome, 
and  a  discarded  magnetic  contact  proved  to  be  the  desired  attachment. 
This  outfit  is  now  in  successful  operation.  Any  disturbance  throws 
the  cirouit  breaker,  which  automatically  returns  slowly,  closing  the 
oircuit.  This  device  ensures  absolute  protection,  together  with  a 
continuous  operation. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Staff  Engineer. 

'■  Xsd/i/o  oj\ 


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,  107-109  EAST  14-T1.1  STREET 

SSr^i  YORK  t, 

f-°  -7(UTI  ' 

'CW  <L<~f  c— ^ 

Mr,  Thomas  ^  Edison, 



Attention  Mr.  t‘ra.  H.  Meadower 



Dear  Sir 

V»’e  beg  to  advi6e  you  that  fi 
your  ebonized  grand  piano  #66793  styli 
the  following  repairs  will  be-  necessary 

a  thorough  .and  satisfactory  condition ^viz:  H ew  strings,  pins,  new  ham¬ 
mers  and  rebushing  of  keys,  plate  to  be  rebronzed,  action  to  be  repaired, 
rebushed,  tone  and  action  regulated,  hardware  to  be  renickeiplated,  etc. 

The  expense  of  these  repairs  will  be  about  ?200,  carnages  £15 
each  way  extra,  we  making  no  charge  for  the  piano  loaned  in  the  interim 
nor  the  cartage  of  same. 

These  repairs  wi-l  take  about  six  to  eight  weeks  to  complete 
and  above  repairs  do  not  include  anything  to  be  done  to  case  or  exterior 
of  piano.. 

We  await  your  kind  reply  before  proceeding  with  repairs,  and 

are,  Dear  Sir,  *  ,{* 




very  truly, 


Apr.  1,  1914. 

Stairway  &  Sons, 

109  East  14th  St., 
rion  York  Oity,  Ii.  Y. 


Reforrlng  to  your  favor  of  tho  21tl'  ultimo  to  Hr.  Edison 
Inrogard  to  our  obonlzod  grand  piano  #66793,  style  V,  ncm  at  your  factory, 

I  hog  to  say  that  your  letter  uas  cent  doun  to  Hr.  Edison  for  his  lnstrootlons. 

Ho  has  sent  mo  a  memorandum  to  roquost  you  to  go  ahead  and 
mate)  tho  repairs  you  mention,  excopt  that  you  need  ::.ot  do-osythlng  to  the  oase, 
as  he  does  not  oaro  anything  about  the -appearance  of  tho  instrument. 

Yours  very  truly. 

,  Assistant  to  Hr.  Edison. 


t*j,  /  Vi 

/  C.  77.  Luhr, 

1/  P.  Brady, 

A.  II.  Pierman, 

^  C.  F.  Dally, 

>6.  A.  Holster, 

V  I.  F.  Ott, 

.  v'  C -  Haas, 
t'P.  Christenson, 

■,  1/  R.  Hudd, 

S  0 .  Jaoohl, 

^  F.  Clanoy, 

R.  Batzeuitch, 
Hiss  B. Dun woody, 
0.  Bing, 
i  C.  B.  Hayes, 

J  •  Flanagan , 

I.  Luder,  -• 
i-  Z-P.  Halpln, 

v  H.  H.  Holland, 

J .  T  .  Chesler, 

^  H.  H.  Simpson, 

J.  A.  Brophy, 
y  A.  H.  Kennedy,' 

/  C.  77.  Horton, 

C.  VI.  Tilth  ill , 

C.  F.  Spahn, 
i/  3.  Moore, 

H.  EdelhouBer, 
t7.  A-  Bonn, 
w  77.71. Dinwiddle, 
v  S.G.  Warner, 

L.  B.  Briggs, 

H.  V7.  Jones, 

G.  A*  House, 

v/  A.  B.  Heaerlin, 
J.  ?.  Fralio, 

/  C.  D.  Reis. 

^  J.  77.  Haller, 

T.  D.  Smith, 

V7.  0.  Lyman, 

H.  Allison, 

R.  Seville, 

D.  J.  Vanmarle, 
v  Geo.  Werner, 

54  So.  Valley  Rood, 

23  Head  3t., 

Hotel  Essex, 

159  Valley  Road, 

63  Riggs  Plaoe, 

34  Ridgewood  Ave., 

25  Frederick  Terrace, 
281  Watohung  Ave., 

29  V7eat  End  Ave., 

77  Watohung  Ave., 

116  So.  9th  St., 

■79  Watson  Ave. , 

348  So.  11th  3t . , 

310  E.  13th  St., 

497  Valley  Road, 

58  So.  14th  St., 

21  Horth  field  Rd., 

2  Carnegie  Ave., 

,21' Mt.  Pleasant  Ave., 
361  Glenwood  Ave., 

39  Llewellyn  Ave., 

114  Midland  Ave., 

Valley  Road  Hear  ParkAvo 
85  Valley  Road, 

45  Park  Ave . , 

129  Chestnut  St., 

•120  High  St., 

121  Watohung  Avo., 

136  Ho.  Walnut  St., 
Gastor  St . , 

35  Ht.  Vernon  Ave., 

29  So.  Walnut  St., 

11  Gastor  St., 

11  Gestor  St., 

26  Colombia  St., 

119  Horth  Park  ot . , 
Union  St.. 

154  Stewart  Ave., 

59  Pillot  PI., 

154  Claromont  Ave., 

175  Valley  Road, 

148  Eagle  Rook  Ave., 

119  Pork  St., 

93  Main  St . , 

Sfest  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
Long  Beaoh.L.X. 
West  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
Glenrldge,  H.J. 
Irvington,  H.J. 
WeBt  Orange, 

West  Orange, 

7/est  Orange, 
Newark , 

Hew  York, 

West  Orange, 
Hewark , 

West  Orange, 
East  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
East  Orange, 
West  Orange, 

West  Orange, 
West  Orange., 
West  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
77est  Orange, 
East  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
Orange , 

East  Orange, 
VIost  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
?/ost  Orange, 
East  Orange, 
Saybrook,  H.J. 
Arlington,  H.J. 
East  Orange, 
Verona,  H.J. 
West  Orange, 
West  Orange, 
FnBt  Orange, 
Elks  Home, 

Harried . 
Married . 
Married . 
Single . 




>  Married. 

•  Married. 

.  Married. 

.  Married. 

■  Married. 

•  Married. 

.  Married. 

■  Single . 

•  Single. 

•  Married. 

.  Married. 

■  Married. 

.  Single. 

•  Marriod. 

.  Single . 

.  Single . 

•  Single. 

•  Married. 
.  Single. 

.  Married. 
.  Single. 

-  Married. 
.  Married. 
.  Single. 

-  Marriod. 

-  Married. 
.  Married. 


The  Volunteer  Organization,  formerly  known  by  the  name 
Edison  Laboratory  Fire  Company,  is  hereby  disbanded. 

A  new  Department  is  hereby  substituted,  and  is  organized 
as  follows j 

CHIEF  ............ 







.  Charles  W.  Luhr 
..  A.  M.  Kennedy 
.  Fred  Ott 

.  )Wm.  Almquist 
.  J.  Francis 

1st  Floor  and  Front  Yard....H.  Barnes 

2nd  Floor . 0.  Harper 

3rd  Floor . Jos.  Ziemba 


1st  Floor  and  Yard  Load . (D.  Warden 

.-.j.  (R.  Jackson 

•  2nd  Floor . (C.  Hampson 

(Beo.  Ott 

3rd  Floor . (J.  Whelan 

(F.  Klenz 

HOSE  CARTt... . J.  Whelan 

-  F.  Klenz 

D.  Warden 
C.  Hampson 
R.  Jackson 

LADDER  MEN . J.  B“'-ns 

-  H.  Meilner 

H.  Coppel 

E.  Kolver 


1st  Floor . . . ......) 

2nd  Floor...- . ...)Dr.  G.  A.  House 

•  3rd  Floor _ _ Z.  Halpin 



Night . . 


Library  records  and  Mr.  Edison’s  Note  Books . . 


MR.  HUTCHISON’S  OFFICE  "  "  " _ !_ - 525 - 

DRAWING  ROOM  RECORDS _ "  " _ " - 525 - I_ 






1.  All  must  be  members  who  reside  within  a  reasonable  distance  of  the  Laboratory, 
and  who  must  some  to  the  Laboratory  immediately  at  sound  of  Box  23. 

2;  There  will  be  at  least  one  fire  drill  per  month. 

3.  The  alarm  system  must  be  tested  by  the  Electrician  weekly,  during  noon  hour  or 
after  hours. 

4.  Every  three  months,  the  hose  must  be  inspected,  tested  and  tagged,  showing 
date  of  Inspection,  by  Franois. 

8.  Any  employee  of  the  Laboratory,  discovering  a  fire,  should  break  the  glass 
on  the  nearest  fire  box. 


,,(P.  Brady 
.(J.  Fralich 

.(Charles  Dally 
(J.  Constable 

.(George  Meister 
(Chas.  Haas 

.(A.  B.  Mesrelin 
(C.  W.  Norton 

.(R.  H.  Simpson 
(C.  Ries 

.(Louis  Ott 
(0.  P.  Christensen 

,,(C.  B.  Hayes 
(W.  W.  Dinwiddle 

..(A.  Mueller 
(Arthur  Johnson 

,  ,L.  Lttder 
..Geo.  Werner 

1  tap  at  long  intervals — testing 


1  tap  three  times— 1st  Floor,  Machine  Shop 

2  taps  three  times— 2nd  Floor,  Machine  Shop 

3  taps  three  times— 3rd  Floor,  Machine  Shop 

4  taps  three  times— Library  and  Out-Buildings. 

Suppose  a  fire  occurs,  say,  on  the  third  floor: 

1.  Man  discovering  same  breaks  glass  on  nearest  box. 

2.  Breaking  of  the  glass  causes  bell  to  ring  three  taps,  then  pause,  another 
three  taps,  etc. 

3.  J.  Ziemba,  on  hearing  this,  runs  to  third  floor  hydrant,  helps  J.  Whelan 
uncoil  hose  and  stands  by  valve  prepared  to  turn  on  water  at  signal  from  Chief, 
Assistant  Chief,  Foreman  or  Assistant  Foreman,  whoever  is  in  charge,  the  man  of 
highest  rank  being  in  charge.  Ziemba  remains  by  hydrant  to  cut  off  water  on 

4.  Simultaneously.  Halpin.  on  third  floor,  and  Dr.  House  on  first  and  second 
floor,  hunt  for  Ur.  Edison,  each  on  his  respective  floor.  The  man  who  finds  him 
warns  him  and  stays  by  him  until  he  is  out  of  the  building. 

6.  Meanwhile,  the  ladder  men  will  have  erected  ladder  to  third  floor,  and  hose 
men  will  have  run  a  lead  of  hose  to  third  floor,  via  the  ladder,  the  hydrant  man 
standing  by  for  orders  to  turn  on  water,  and  to  turn  it  off  again  on  order  from 
commanding  officer. 

6.  J.  Francis,  on  sounding  of  bell,  stands  by  his  gas  valve,  prepared  to  shut 
off  the  gas  from  building.  Also  stands  by  sprinkler  valve  to  turn  off  water  on 
orders  from  commanding  officer. 

7.  All  Salvage  Corps  men  will  repair  at  once  to  their  respective  posts 
and  at  their  discretion  until  in  receipt  of  orders,  remove  their  charges 
to  a  safe  distance  from  the  building,  but  within  the  fence. 

8.  If  found  advisable,  the  commanding  officer  will  pull  or  order  pulled  the 
West  Orange  Fire  Box. 

9.  When  the  West  Orange  Fire  Department  arrives,  the  West  Orange 

Chief  takes  charge  and  our  men  stand  by  their  posts  under  orders  from 


10.  If  the  fire  should  occur  at  night,  the  glass  must  be  broken  and 

if  the  blaze  cannot  be  handled  by  the  night  force,  Fralich  pulls  Box  23 
and  Conroy  hunts  for  Mr.  Edison,  if  in  the  Laboratory.  Fralich  then 
opens  and  stands’  by  the  front  gate. 

11.  When  fire  drill  is  over,  roll  call  and  putting  away  of  all  appar¬ 
atus  is  in  order. 

12. '  Any  hose  that  has  been  wet  must  be  strung  up  on  the  derrick  on 
northeast  corner  of  Laboratory  roof,  for  drying.  Always  put  a  re¬ 
serve  hose  in  place  of  that  removed. 

Whenever  an  alarm  is  sounded,  whether  in  case  of  fire  or 
practice  drill  all  employees  should  immediately  leave  building  in  an 
orderly  manner.  Those  from  3rd  and  2nd  floor  should  march  down  the 
rear  stairway  to  the  first  floor  and  thence  down  the  yard  past  the 
Phono.  Works  Office  and  out  of  the  side  gate  to  the  street,  with  first 
floor  men. 

The  yard  in  the  Laboratory,  above  the  main  Machine  Shop  door 
must  bo  kept  clear  so  as  not  to  hamper  our  firemen  in  the  performance 
of  their  duties. 

To  seo  that  the  above  is  carried  out  properly  and  that  every 
cmployoo  has  left  his  respective  floor  the  following  are  appointed: 

1st  Floor . F.  Claney 

2nd  Floor . A.  Weinert 

3rd  Floor. 

.0.  Jacobi 

November  18,  1914. 

Mr.  Edison 

Plense  advise  me  ae  to  who  1b  in  charge  of  the 
job  on  which  George  Werner  ie  working  in  making  cylinder 
records  from  the  dioc.  He  and  the  man  who  came  over  from 
London  have  been  transferred,  I  understand,  from  the 
Laboratory  to  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Inc.  payroll,  and  are 
working  in  the  Kinetophone  studio,  as  it  is  quiet. 

If  the  job  is  a  Laboratory  job,  I  will  put  it 
on  my  list  to  follow  up  and  chock  up.  Just  what  are  your 
wishes  in  the  matter? 

You  will  remember  that  Kennedy  was  in  charge 
of  this  job'  while  it  was  up  in  Picrmsn'e  room,  but  he 
does  not  know  ae  to  whether  or  not  he  is  supposed  to 

continue  on  it. 


December  8,  19X4, 

Mr.  Wilson: 

Mr.  Charles  Edison  handed  me  the  following  memorandum 
as  a  suggestion  as  to  method  of  prooedure  regarding  the  phono¬ 
graph  engineer  and  his  duties.  Wont  you  please  read  it  and  let 
me  have  suoh  expressions  as  you  and  Mr.  Learning  wish  to  suggest? 

"Phonograph  Engineer:  Mr,  Constable, 

"  The  phonograph  engineer's  direot  superior  is  Mr.  Hutchison', 
Chief  Engineer, 

*  The  phonograph  engineer  has  charge  of  development  work 
on  all  types  of  phonograph  meohanismB. 

"  To  him  shall  be  referred  all  suggestions  for  improve¬ 
ments  or  ohanges  in  phono  meohanismB. 

11  He  shall  be  furnished  wijrti  oopies  of  all  oomplaints. 
regarding  meohanisms  originating  either  within  the  shops  or  in  the 

"Through  the  Sales  Dept,  he  must  keep  Informed  as  to  the 
public  demand  for  new  types, 

"  He  is  to  be  the  oustodion  of  all  drawings  and  specifica¬ 
tions  relating  to  phono  taeohanlsms,  the  said  drawings  to  be  kept 
in  files  in  the  Laboratory,  and  he  is  to  be  responsible  for  the 
condition  of  these  files. 

'  Only  suoh  drawings  as  are  actively  UBed  in  the  shops 
shall  he  given  out  by  him  to  parties  entitled  to  eame. 

"All  superceded  drawings  and  specifications  are  to  be 
returned  to  him  and  filed  immediately  on  delivery  of  new  drawings, 

"The  phpno  engineer  shall  supervise. all  work  from  Btart 
to  finish  that  relates  to  introducing  shanges  in  the  line,  inolui?.- 
ing  the  making  of  models,  working  drawings,  specifications,  automatio 
machine  design,  tool  design,  eto.  i.e. ,  all  work  preliminary  to 

/  _  u 


straight  manufacturing  operations. 

«  He  shall  he  indirectly  responsible  for  the  maintainanoe 


of  shop  standards  In  phono  manufacture,  and  for  t^anogresei-ons  of 
limitB,  in  that  he  shall,  from  time  to  time,  oonduot  "BurpriBe  testB 
which  would  show  up  deviations  from  the  same. 

"  The  results  of  these  tests  are  to  he  put  in  writing, 
copies  of  whioh  are  to  he  sent  to  Mr.  teeming  and  Mr.  Hutchison. 

«  He  shall  oolleot  and  keep  for  ready  reference  ail 
models  of  phono  mechanisms  that  are  made,  and  keep  records  as  to 
why  they  were  discarded  or  not  introduced. 

"  He  is  to  furnish  weekly  reports  to  Mr.  Edison  and  Mr. 
Hutchison  on  the  status  of  all  work  under  his  supervision." 

The  above  is  not  a  final  memorandum,  hut  simply  ideas 
whioh  have  come  to  Mr.  Ghas.  Edison  in  ah  effort  to  get  the  matter 
under  way.  It  is  not  intended  to  radically  upset  the  organization 
other  than  clearly  define  the  duties  and  responsibilities  of  the 
phonograph  engineer,  and  is  subjeot  to  detailed  instructions  to 
him  as  to  how  and  through  whom  he  is  to  proceed 

It  removed  the  drafting  department  from  the  Works  to  the 
Laboratory,  where  Mr.  Edison  Sr,  wishes  it  to  be,  sb  I  understand 

The  assistance  of  the  operating  tool  and  other  experts 
in  deoiding  upon  processes  of  manufacture  etc,  is,  of  course, 
expeoted  and  desired,  and  a  definite,  orderly  method  of  bringing 
this  about  must  be  devised  to  prevent  oonfusion  and  upsetting 
neoessary  organization. 

Before  aoting  in  this  matter,  it  is  my  desire  that  a  con¬ 
ference  be  called  between  Messrs  Wilson,  Leeming,Nioolai, Charles 
Edison,  Luhr  and  HutohiBon,  for  the  purpose  of  dearly  defining 

and  ayatematizing  the  entire  natter  ao  aa  to  bring  about  the 
deaire  of  Mr.  Thoe. A.Ediaon  with  a  minimum  of  oonfueion. 

When  we  have  worked  out  the  telephone  engineers  dutiee 
and  etatuB,  we  can  than  apply  the  aame  routine  to  the  kinetoBOope 
engineer,  dictating  machine  engineer,  and  whatever  additional 
Bubdiviaiona  and  aaaignmenta  may  be  deemed  advieable. 

It,  R.  Hutohiaon. 


i  L 


CAaAQ  ' 

OUJJxtClu |  .'yvu-sM dj 

"90^1  M/i  ^\y 
. iPjLu?isi\  'Vol7t^ 


'^yyyf^/)'4 - 

Deo.  31,  1914. 

if  r 


Messrs.  Bachman:  Charles  Edison:  Hutchison:  Deeming:  Duhr: 
Mambert:  Hioolai:  Waterman:  Wilson: 

Owing  to  tho  oonoontration  of  the  Draughting 
Department  immediately  after  the  fire,  it  is  advisable  to 
have  a  oo-operative  understanding  of  the  Draughting 
Department  organization. 

All  requests  for  Draughting  Service  should  he 
addressed  to  Mr.  3.  H.  Simpson,  Chief  Draughtsman,  who 
will  personally  distribute  all  work. 

Conversely,  all  draughting  and  listing  work, 
whether  on  buildings,  equipment,  experimental  work  or 
commercial  work,  an  under  the  supervision  of  the  Chief 

T.  A.  Edison. 

(bL-J-  1x0  ^Jr  \jlcu  ■a. 

(JFZZ^T*g~  '^er-^£c-  Xa 

(X*f  oini,  Ju?-*r(Le' 

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/:  T‘ 

/Z  x&ti./a  'tt.  st  -L  r^c-iyiAt-  .jisttst^t^ss/ 

Atr&^Csti.  Y  ^ .'M'i.-t/-s^p/' 

//if  "irtsi*  Sts/  52  S3>  ~/~' 

.4$* .  -<4«/  .  ..■ 

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stL-vT  £zt.S-C.  S^SS'ILa/-  SZiSj/tiS) te.*t  %£■■ 

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2.J  ef 


2.  Halpin 
C.  D.  Smith 
C.  \7.  Horton 
J.  n.  Hallor 
J.  B.  Rooford 
X'.  G.  Link 
Seaton  M.  Scott 
E.  Ilortor 

0.  E.  Liobog 

3.  L.  Gaum 
C.  D.  iiios 

A.  Bisque  (Boy) 
G.  L.  Ott 
II.  Diokorson 
A.  0.  Lams on 
■7.  V'olf 
R,  3.  Simpson 

25  Cambridge  St.,E.O. 

59  Pillot  XI.  T.'.O. 

XI  Gaston  St.  ?.'.0. 

154  Stewart  Avo. .Arlington 
130  Jerome  PI.  Bloomfield 
747  So.  16th  3t. , Hewark 
55  Hawthorne  St., Brooklyn 
129  Park  Avo. ,  Orange 
11.  Gaston  St.  17.  0. 

Deer  Hoad  Inn,  Orange 
Union  Avo . ,  Saybrook,  II. 
10  )?ark  Drive,  o. 

2  Cost  PI.,  ’.7.  0. 

Abbington  Ave.  £-•  10th  St. 
73  Cortlandt  St.,  II.  Y.  c. 
537  Bergon  St.,  Hewark 
25  Gaston  St.,  '  .  0. 

Tel. 187  H.  Arlington 

T01.3386-H  Elatbuah 

,  Bloomfield 

Tel. 2723  J. Orange 


II.  Xishor 
II.  A.  Beebe 
II.  A.  Curtiss 
71.  Olson 
C.  X.  Thumm 
J.  Caballero 
P.  V.  Skillman 
3.  K.  Dummor 
M  Gay 

I’.  J.  Uassoy 
J.  Gutsladt 
S.  Hughes 
X.  3 chub el 
X.  Chamberlain 
P.  Lewis 

Hiss  E.  Sohlaohtor 
Hiss  M.  Koohe 
Hiss  II.  Harsh 

566  Uarron  St.,  Hewark 
11  Edisonia  Terraco,  7.'.  0. 

8  Mo-Iinley  Avo.,  0. 

151  Valley  Ed.  \7.  0. 

31  Spruce  St.,  0. 

68  Hayward  St.,  Orange 

So.  Blvd.  Chatham,  II.  J. 

122  "atson  Avo.,  Hewark 
104  Smith  St.,  Hewark 

123  Sohoerer  Avo. ,  ilowark 

15  Boyd  St. ,  Hewark 
26  Meade  st..  Orange 

76  Clinton  St.,  Bloomfield 
174  Sanford  3t.  E.  0. 

21  Ashland  Terraco ,  0. 

16  William  St.,  Orange 
360  Valley  Road,  " .  0. 

33  Liberty  St.,  v.  0. 

July  23,  1914,  2;45  P.  11. 

present  -  Messrs.  Hioolai,  Luhr,  Warner,  Simpson,  Curtiss, 
Halpin,  Chesler,  Farrell. 

Absent  -  Messrs.  Hutohison,  Deeming  (Who  is  away  on  business 
trip)  and  L.  W«  MoOheeney. 


Mr.  Hioolai  states  that  he  has  tried  out  two  other  sohemes; 

One  of  which  is  placing  three  balls  in  the  take-up  reel,  backed 
up  by  springs,  and  one  in  which  he  is  putting  a  metal  spring 
behind  the  present  type  of  roller.  Finds  that  the  system  of  using 
three  balls  was  the  best  of  all  experiments  tried  out.  But  he  believes 
the  expense  of  cutting  these  three  slots  will  praotioally  preolude 
the  adoption  of  this.  The  roller  effect  backed  by  a  steel  spring 
worked  seoond  best,  and  is  now  in  test  in  the  Plant.  In  view  of 
the  faot  that  the  Home  p.K.  business  has  been  partly  abandoned,  it 
is  questionable  whether  it  would  be  advisable  to  make  this  change, 
whioh  is  a  matter  for  the  Engineering  Department  to  decide. 


This  ia  still  in  operation  in  the  film  plant,  and  is  working 
satisfactorily,  as  Mr.  Hioolai  reports.  There  were  no  oritioiems 
made  on  same. 


Curtiss  will  furnish  drawings  of  the  new  model  whioh  has  been  made 
up,  and  Mr.  Hioolai  will  have  Sharlow  Brothers  make  up  one-half 
dozen  for  approval  by  the  committee. 


Mr.  Luhr  reports  that  the  oaBtings  have  been  maohined,  and  the 
work  on  this  will  be  completed  early  next  week. 


The  ohanges  on  the  new  A-lOO  Model  are  well  under  way,  and  the 
maohine  will  be  submitted  for  approval  at  next  week's  meeting. 


Mr.  Hioolai  reports  that  he  has  not  received  engineering  notioe 
yet,  but  in  view  of  the  approval  of  the  committee  that  this  aome 

thread  he  adopted,  at  last  week's  meeting,  same  was  put  into 
produofion.  Mr.  Simpson  states  that  engineering  notice  is  on  the 
way  down  to  the  Works.  Mr.  Hioolai  states  that  a  very  great 
improvement  has  been  made  on  the  new  maohine  with  raok  and  screw. 

Hr.  Hioolai  reports  that  some  dissatisfaction  has  been  experienced 
as  to  the  lowering  and  lifting  knob  of  60  and  BO  types  diso.  He 
says  he  is  making  a  model  whioh  will  embody  the  use  of  the  same 
prinoiple  now  used  in  the  larger  type  of  discs,  in  other  words, 
using  a  wooden  handle  with  oam.  The  handle  necessarily  will  ha  veto , 
in  this  type  of  motor,  stand  pointing  down  towards  the  bottom  of 
cabinet,  and  in  lifting  the  horn,  same  will  stand  horizontal  in 
same  plane  as  the  speaker,  Shis  becomes  neoessary,  we  to  the 
limited  head  room  of  the  oabinet  oover.  Y/e  believe  that  this  method 
of  raising  and  lowering  the  horn  will  be  muoh  easier.  Model  of 
this  arrangement  will  be  submitted  at  a  subsequent  meeting. 


Hr .Halpin  reports  that  he  mixed  oil  with  dust,  and  after  running 
the  maohine  for  some  time,  states  that  regulation  was  good  in  both 


Mr.  Farrell  reports  that  a  form  letter,  requesting  opinions  from 
the  trade  as  to  whioh  drive  they  would  prefer  (belt  or  chain)  was 
sent  out,  and  the  replies,  after  being  tabulated,  indioate  tnat 
48  prefer  belt  drive,  16  prefer  the  chain  drive  und  14  are  non- 
committal.  Mr.  Hioolai  suggests  that  the  14  who  are  non-committal 
be  added  to  the  48  who  desire  belt  drive  .making  a  total  of  62  who 
desire  this  kind  of  drive.  Mr.  Luhr  suggested  that  the  belt  drive 
maohine  in  Mr.  Helpin' s  Department  be  tried  out  for  a  longer  period 
of  time.  Hr.  Hioolai  suggested  that  we  change  the  pulley  from 
oonoave  to  a  V  groove  pulley  on  the  maohine  whioh  Mr.  Halpin  now  has 
on  test  in  hie  department.  Mr.  luhr  will  see  that  this  is  aone ,  and 
report  will  be  submitted  at  next  meeting. 


It  was  decided  that  before  the  hinged  top  lamp  house  is  submitted  to 
the  underwriters,  further  teste  be  made  regarding  suitable  material 
for  rfnee  •/*  t -<•/-  f  as  mica  is  too  expensive  .Mioanite  will  not 

hold  together  and  some  question  is  raised  as  to  whether  Transite 
will  stand  up  under  the  heat.  This  test  will  also  aid  us  in  select¬ 
ing  the  proper  material  for  the  1915  Super-Kineto scope .  Mr.  Farrell 

reports  that  70  of  these  lamp  houses  are  in  stook,  and  126  on 
purchase  order. 


Two  models  of  this  universal  tool  were  submitted  by  Mr.  Simpson 
one  model  was  eliminated  and  the  following  suggestions  were  made 
by  the  Committee,  on  the  other:  That  round  end  of  the  present 
model  be  improved  by  adding  three  3  wrenoh  openings  for  1/G",  3/16" 
and  1/4"  Hexagon  nuts;  that  the  single  sorew  driver  end  be  im¬ 
proved  by  changing  same  to  Y  form,  embodying  alligator  wrenoh  in 
the  Y  and  two  sets  of  screw  drivers  at  each  end;  that  same  be  stamped 
Mr.  Luhr  will  have  another  model  made,  embodying  these  suggestions. 


Change  recommended  in  suggestion  coming  through,  to  change  the 
angle  of  the  present  carbon  holders,  will  eliminate  some  of  the 
reasons  for  asking  for  an  adjustable  carbon  holder,  as  the  change 
to  adjustable  holder  would  mean  redesigning  the  complete  apparatus. 

It  is  the  concensus  of  opinion  of  the  Committee  that  the  change  of 
angle  is  all  that  should  be  done . 


Mr.  Chesler  reports  that  he  is  operating  the  rectifiers  at  the 
15  ampere  rate,  and  they  seem  to  stand  up  under  this  load,  but  t hat- 
after  running  275  hours  continuously, the  current  becomes  very  un¬ 
steady,  and  he  had  to  shut  down.  Then  readjusted  all  units,  closing 
up  gaps  that  were  worn  and  put  back  on  ten  ampere  rate.  We  will  now 
see  how  long  it  can  be  run. 

The  42  units  are  coming  through  the  machine  shop,  and  will  probably 
be  assembled  by  the  next  meeting. 


Mr.  Farrell  suggests  to  the  Purchasing  Department  that  they  canvass 
the  export  houses  in  New  York  City  with  a  form  letter,  stating  that 
these  generators  are  for  sale,  eto. 


Same  oonditions  as  last  week. 

Same  as  last  week. 


Mr.  Halpin  reports  that  teBts  have  been  held  up  on  this  device, 
due  to  rush  of  other  wo  A.  Two  more  models  are  being  made  up, 
and  will  be  finished  in  a  day  or  a,  He  will  then  pur  same  on 
test,  and  report  at  next  meeting. 


Mr.  Chesler  reports  that  he  can  get  press,  and  this  machine  will 
be  finished  by  next  meeting. 


Mr.  Brophy  was  called  in  at  this  point,  and  he  reports  that  he 
sent  sketoh  on  this  device  down  to  llr.  Edison,  i'or  final  answer, 
but  same  has  not  yet  been  received  from  Mr.  Edison. 

Same  As  last  week. 

Mr.  Nicolai  states  that  a  memorandum  sent  out  By  Mr.  Wilson  today 
would  seem  to  indioate  that  the  Home  PM£.  Department  will  finally 
be  merged  with  the  Einetosoope  Department,  the  services  of  a  number 
of  employees  in  both  the  manufacturing  and  sales  end  of  this  Dep¬ 
artment  being  dispensed  with.  This  will  indioate  that  the  sale  of 
H.  P.  K.  does  not  warrant  any  great  expense  being  incurred  for  new 
models.  • 


Same  as  last  week. 


Hulpin  reports  that  this  is  same  as  last  week.  Tests  have  been 
held  up  due  to  preesure  of  other  work. 


Mr.  Hioolai  reports  that  drawings  have  been  reoeived  from  Mr. 

Langley,  and  order  has  been  issued  to  the  Tool  Boom  to  make  a  single 
notohing  die,  to  produce  models  for  test  before  going  ahead  with  ex¬ 
pensive  dies  for  punohing  out  both  stator  and  rotor. 


Mr.  Hioolai  has  taken  the  matter  up  with  the  Purohasing  Department 
but  has  reoeived  no  answer  yet. 


0.  K.  Has  been  covered  by  suggestion  to  make  this  ohange.  Engineering 
notice  on  same  has  been  issued. 

-  6  - 


me  has  Been  covered  By  suggeetion  which  has  Been  passed  today 


feed  to  each  point  and  which  would  also  determine _ the  size 
these  tube a  and  the, size  of  the  wicks  necessary  to  obtain  the 
desired  effect. 

There  Being  no  further  Business,  the  meeting  was  adjourned 
3:40  P.M. 


Gopies  to  Messrs.  Edi: 




t-t.  Luhr  re -parts  that  this  does  not  look  satisfactory,  and  it  is 
a question  as  to  whether  or  not  it  will  he.  However,  work  will 
go  on  the  same  and  report  handed  in  at  next  meeting. 


Mr.  Curtiss  reports  that  nothing  has  been  done  on  this  machine, 
as  far  as  the  development ' of  same  for  the  1915  Super-Kineto scope 
is  ooncerned,  due  to  the  rush  of  work  for  Hr.  Edison.  He  states 
however,  that  this  will  he  gone  after  at  the  very  first  op¬ 


Mr.  liioolai  states  that  a  representative  of  Shari ow  Brothers  called 
on  him  reoently,  and  raised  some  question  as  regards  the  assembly 
of  these  reels.  Mr. liioolai  straightened  him  out  on  the  point  in 
Question,  and  states  they  will  now  be  completed  within  a  week  or  so 


Mr.  Warner  reports  that  the  machine  hae  been  set  up,  and  has  been 
run  experimentally  for  two  days.  The  film  showed  some  sprocket 
picks,  and  he  was  working  to  eliminate  this  trouble.  The  last  bat 
of  film  mt  through  shows  hardly  any  of  this  trouble,  and  he 
expeots  that  by  tomorrow  it  s4.ll  be  entirely  eliminated,  when  the 
man  in  charge  of  this  work  at  the  Bilm  Plant  will  be  instructed 
in  the  operation  of  the  machine,  and  same  will  be  turned  over  to 
him  for  oommeroial  use.  Outside  of  these  occasional  sprocket 
ploks,  which  are  not  serious,  no  trouble  has  developed* 


This  is  still  in  Mr.  leeming’s  office,  awaiting  Mr.  Edison's  in¬ 
spection  and  approval* 

HEGUuATIOK  09  A -150  and  A-260  DISC  PUOHUJRAP.j..i . 

Ur.  Haipin  reports  ae  follows; 

"As  this  test  has  shown  no  apparent  difference  in 
regulation  between  the  machine  fitted  ,.ith  new  style 
governor  disc  sleeve  and  that  with  old  st.le  sleeve, 
it  is  recommended  that  the  test  he  discontinued." 

In  view  of  the  above,  the  Committee  decided  it  would  be  best 
for  Ur.  Haipin  to  bring  the  matter  to  Ur.  Edison's  attention, 
for  liiB  approval  in  discontinuing  the  tests. 

SAKE  ut  EEL  0?  DRIVE : 

Ur.  Haipin  reports  further  tests  have  been  made  on  this, 
owing  to  the  fact  that  the  trouble  with  large  magazines  has  not 
been  looked  into . 


Ur.  Haipin  reports  as  follows; 

"After  running  88  hours,  Transite  showed  no  deterioration. 
Test  was  discontinued  as  lamp  house  was  needed  for  other 

"On  the  1915  Model,  Transite  has  been  substituted  for 
Uioanite,  and  has  been  run  23  hours  to  date  -  average  our- 
rent  about  70  amperes." 

Hr.  Eioolai  suggested  that  this  be  run  for  72  hours  more,  ant  then 
if  it  still  shows  up  O.K. ,  suggestion  for  improvement  should  be 
put  through'  oovering  the  adoption  of  same. 

He  also  suggested  that  the  Uicanite  be  put  through  the  same  test, 
thus  making  a  comparative  test  on  the  two  materials. 

As  Hr.  HoChesney  was  absent,  no  report  oould  he  obtained,  as  to 
how  the  operators  seem' to  take  to  the  new  tool. 


Mr.  Cheeler  reported  that  this  reotifier  was  run  for  300  hours, 
but  was  shut  down  in  order  to  make  testa  on  another  reotifiSr 
whioh  Mr.  Durand  desired  tested  out.  The  test  of  thie  new  type 
of  reotifier  will  only  last  a  short  time,  and  he  will  start  test 
again  as  soon  as  it  has  been  taken  away. 

He  further  reports  that  the  42  units  are  being  assembled. 

ACgrayiMg  GEHEIM.20RS . 

ilr.  Hal oin  reports  that  ss  far  as  he  knows,  nothing  lias  been  lone 
in  the  matter  as  yet.  He  states,  however,  that  a  man  somewhere 
up  in  Maine  requested,  a  sample,  hut  Ur.  Hal  pin  had.  some  aifiioiilty 
in  obtaining  said  sample.  States  it  is  very  difficult  to  get  a 
real  wood  sample,  hut  he  will  keep  on  trying  until  he  does  find 


Same  as  last  week* 


Eothing  has  been  heard  fro;:  the  Cutler-Hammer  people  as  yet, 
and  after  discussion,  it  was  decided  by  the  Committee  that 
Ur.  Chester  better  get  in  . Ow oh  with  Hr.  hate  of  the  Cutler- 
Hammer  Comoauy  at  his  very  earliest  opportunity,  am  impress 
upon  him  the  necessity  of  having  these  twenty-five  unit  s  by  the 
15th  of  October.  Mr.  Chester  will  accordingly  arrange  ,  and 
report  at  ne:ct  meeting. 


Mr.  Hamer  states  that  he  has  received  five  lenses  from  the 
Gundlaoh  people,  five  from  the  Crown  optical  Company  urs  in 
transit,  oonsigned  to  us,  and  a  set  has  been  obtained  from  the 
Works.  All  these  lenses  from  the  different  people  above  enumer¬ 
ated  will  he  placed  on  test  as  soon  as  they  have  been  received 
by  us,  and  Mr.  earner  states  that  the  test  should  not  consume  more 
than  a  day  or  two  at  the  most,  at  which  time  a  report  will  be 
handed  in  by  him. 

Mr.  liaraer  v/iil  also  go  into  the  matter  of  having  flanges  put  on 
the  lenses,  to  enable  the  operator  to  know  just  what  side  goes 
into  the  lamp  house,  as  discussed  at  last  week's  meeting. 


Shis  is  being  taken  oare  of  by  Mr.  Langley . 


Mr.  Eicolai  received  a  report  from  Ur.  Davis  af  the  Eilm  inspection 
Department,  dated  August  llth,  as  follows: 

"The  film  gate  with  extension  on  tension  springs  is  holding 
up  in  good  shape  regarding  wear,  as  it  has  been  going  con¬ 
stantly  for  about  four  weeks/ 

Tiiere  has  been  no  noticeable  improvement  in  pictures  due 
to  this  device,  although  it  might  be  good  where  old  films 

-  4 

with  torn  perforation  are  projected,  as  in  a 
small  theatre." 

Ur.  Halpin  also  reported  that  he  has  run  a  1000  ft.  reel  377 
times,  and  one  extended  runner  shows  -wear,  but  the  film  is  in 
good  condition. 

In  view  of  the  report  of  Ur.  Davis  to  the  effect  that  there  is 
no  improvement  in  the  piotures,  it  was  decided  by  the  Committee  to 
drop  this  matter. 


Ur.Cheslsr  reports  that  this  machine  has  been  turned  over  to 
Ur.  ii'amer  in  connection  with  the  film  drying  maoniue .  Ur.  ..arner 
states  that  this  lias  been  set  up  and  wired,  in  connection  with 
the  drying  machine.  A  few  experimental  joints  have  been  made  in 
some  films,  using  this  raaohine ,  but  Ur.  earner  claims  the  tempera¬ 
ture  is  a  little  too  high,  but  goes  on  further  to  state  that  it  has 
not  been  properly  tried  out,  as  yet.  he  will  report  on  the  success 
attending  his  efforts  in  this  connection  at  the  next  meeting,  to¬ 
gether  with  r snort  on  the  operation  of  the  film  drying  maohine  . 

OHBAJ?  2HSEB  i’OR  Kj-HE'i’UoCOfS. 

The  following  report  from  Ur.  Kennedy,  dated  August  otn,  was 
read : 

Made  one  take  of  person  writing  title  in  usual  trade  mark 
rectangle,  with  monogram  corners  oa  blackboard,  which 
seemed  to  be  successful.  I  would  like  to  call  to  the 
Caminittee's  attention  the  fact  that  a  good  grade  of  slate 
blackboard  will  answer  this  purpose  admirably. 

"Ho  particular  difficulty  was  experienced  with  this,  and 
1  thiuic,  from  an  experimental  standpoint,  it  is  success¬ 
ful  and  is  completed. 

Hrom  a  commercial  standpoint,  there  remains  the .aseessity 
of  getting  a  party  with  good-looking  hands,  etoj,  and  one 
who  oan  write  legibly  on  a  blackboard." 


Mr.  Chesler  states  that  on  the  Model  D  machine,  there  is'  a  place 
for  the  eynohronizer  braoket  on  all  models.  Re  is  desirous  ox  as¬ 
certaining  whether  it  would  not  be  advisable  to  make  a  braoket  to 
go  into  this  place,  beoause  when  the  synchronizer  is  used  the  motor 
will  not  be  used.  Bill  look  up  the  bases  on  the  Model  D  to  determine 
whether  there  is  a  place  for  the  synchronizer  braoket  and  if  there  is. 

-  5  - 

it  may  be  utilized  for  motor  braoket.  This  will  be  reported  on  at 
next  meeting. 

As  to  the  test  Hr.  Halpin  ia  condiioting  on  the  motor  driven  machine, 
he  reports  a  a  follows; 

"After  running  447,000  feet  of  film  with  steel  bushing 
bearing  in  take  up  bracket,  a  new  take  up  bracket  with 
long  bearings  in  ousting  was  substituted,  with  this 
take  up,  4a  1000'  films  have  been  run.  ilo  examination, 
has  been  made  for  wear  as  yet." 


Hr.  lioChecney  being  absent,  no  report  could  be  obtained  on  these. 

Hr.  Eioolai  reports  that  the  Ciorks  have  reoeived  the  printed 
instructions  on  this. 


lir.  'Warner  states  that  Hr.  Deeming  communioated  with  the  Bausoh 
and  Rornb  Optical  Company  in  reference  to  his  last  report  on 
oondensers  tested  out,  which  condeneers  were  submitted  for  test 
by  several  different  manufacturers,  and  in  which  test  the  B  and  S 
lenses  proved  inferior  to  any  of  the  other  makes  of  lenses  submitted. 
The  Bausoh  and  bomb  people  quoted  Hr.  Deeming  a  new  price  of 
$.40  a  piece  on  oondensers,  as  against  $.45,  fcne  original  price .  They 
also  submitted  two  condenser  lenses  which  they  claimed  were  superior 
to  those  which  were  furnished  before.  These  two  condenser  lenses 
were  put  on  lest  in  Hr.  Halpin's  Department,  who  reported  as  follows; 

"6-l/2"  F  broke  after  50  minutes*  run  when  light  was 
extinguished  and  oondenssr  allowed  to  oool. 

7-1/2"  F  was  substituted  and  has  been  on  test  for 
tv/enty  hours.  To  date,  lamp  is  extinguished  about 
six  times  per  duy  and  lens  allowed  to  oool,  -fan  blow¬ 
ing  on  lens  hastens  oooling,  as  in  other  condenser  teats." 

lir.  Kioolai  says  that  Hr.  Deeming  prefers  to  deal  with  the  Bausoh 
and  bomb  people,  for  business  reasons. 


Mr.  Hieolai  reports  that  Mr.  Rangley's  Department  is  bending  every 
effort  towards  the  early  completion  of  this  job. 

There  being  no  further  new  business,  the  meeting  adjourned  at 
3:35  P.H. 





Present  -  Messrs.  Nicolai,  Luhr,  SimpBon,  Halpin,  WarndHand/ 
son.  Mr.  I.  W.  McChesney  came  in  later.  V\  jyV 

^3 —  '  ^ 

15"  HEEL  FOR  HOLDING  2000  FEES  OF  Fill!. 

Mr.  Halpin  reports  that  the  reel  worked  0.  K.  hut  that  the  methodvVfty' 
attaohing  the  film  to  the  huh  is  open  to  criticism.  v' 

Mr.  Nicolai  reports,  however,  that  Sharlow  Brothers  are  making  up  15 
of  these  reels  with  six  openings  on  the  huh,  three  of  which  are  right- 
handed  and  three  left-handed.  As  soon  as  we  get  these  fifteen  reels, 
we  are  going  to  put  them  in  the  hands  of  practical  operators  for  crit¬ 


Mr.  Nicolai  reports  that  the  film  drying  maohine  is  working  perfectly 
satisfactorily  ana  that  praotioally  an  our  "Rush  Film  ,  is  dried  on 
this  maohine.  After  a  little  further  test  of  the  maohine,  Mr. Nicolai 
win  he  in  a  position  to  recommend  ss  to  whether  or  not  we  should  in¬ 
crease  the  number  of  these  drying  machines,  to  take  care  of  all  our 

She  only  criticism  Mr.  Nioolai  now  finds  to  offer  is  the  faot  that  if 
film  is  allowed  to  remain  on  the  maohine  in  a  wet  condition  for  any 
length  of  time,  some  of  the  perforations  show  deformations,  due  to  the 
weight  of  the  film  ana  the  bottom  weight  coming  on  the  small  surface 
of  the  roners  on  the  overhead  driving  sprockets. 


This  has  been  returned  to  the  Factory  by  Mr.Bdison,  with  criticisms, 
among  which  being  that  he  wants  more  reoords  per  winding  and  which 
.  _ j*.*.  o  ..w  qtoMtid.  Thrf  BTirirsB  are  now  being 

,  and  as  soon  as  the  new  springs  are  iteceived  a?a,1*e  proper 

mnd  to  do  the  work,  the  maohine  will /bargain  submitted  for  criticism 

NEW  MODEL  H.  P.  K. 

ShiB  las  been  dropped  temporarily, 

Vine  to  the  cutting  down  of  foroe. 


The  commercial  type  of  this  device  has  been  started  on  in  the  Drawing 
Room,  to  deoide  upon  a  model  to  adapt  to  the  Super -Kineto  scope,  in  a 
practical  manner.  Subsequently,  we  will  tske  up  the  Model  D,  followed 

u  tie  M.  .««  SIWIO  Models.  On.  ».»  1.  devoting  MB  entire  «»« 
to  this  work. 

trahsiib  for  insulator  of  heat  inside  of  ims  HOUSES. 

stand  the  heat. 

^tI5rSl?..S”g*»?t;K  «T.o“t*Sn»«‘  ?«*S.Tc?  “SThi  s» 


Mr.  Simpson  will  therefore  draw  engineering  notice  to  cover. 


sis  S-JSSSJ.’S-  sreis^ir-“-*as^s  s. 

the  operators  need. 

_ _ FOR  SUPER. 

Mr.  Hutchison  asked  the  *» .stion  wg  in 

petitive  tests  revealed  8  ^f^th  oondensers  and  motion  picture  len- 
iS.’SI.SSh’ISl-lSJ  people  Mill  continue  to  get  our 
ness,  and  do  not  give  us  a  Letter  product. 

Mr-  Warner  reported  th®t .  eo^irmang  his  written^report^hand^^^^^^  ani 
weeks  ago,  he  made  oompetitiurtests  of  ail  .  th0Be  teBtB,  it  was 

^rtgtTnl  SSSffSA. 

very  muoh  B^rior  to  the  Bausoh  and  “fe»t  that  the  others  gave.  THIS 
SI°S?nSjli“o5™»ld  w  “lt?.»  report  *  Mr.Werner.  oow  of  nMol 
^  is  attaohed  hereto. 

Inter.  «.  mention  ....  ,H  if.SK JK5E*  £  S.’*' 

they  did  not  furnish  us  J^h  Letter  lens  sana  on  ^  the  beet  lens 
/matter  of  lenses,  they  stated  that  they  «  |iving  u8  toow 

/  that  we  could  Luy  for  the  money.  We  then  told  ^  ^  money>  Tliay 
what  they  could  do  in  the  way  or  nualitv  of  motion  picture  lens, 

over^with^ttoee° lense b j  moSn^in 

\  BUOh°manner  t^  wf  could  hot  readily  test  them  without  remounting. 

-  3  - 

Mr.  Warner  told  them  that  we  would  he  delighted  to  test  these  lenses 
if  they  could  get  them  over  right  away  with  the  proper  mounting  on 
them,  nothing  further  was  heard  from  them,  until  one  day  Mr. Warner 
was  asked  to  oome  down  to  Mr.  learning's  office,  and  this  same  man 
was  there  with  the  seme  lenses  in  the  same  condition  in  which  Mr. 

Warner  had  turned  them  down.  They  were  again  told  that  if  they  would 
mount  them  properly,  we  would  test  them.  Shis  was  about  three  or  four 
days  ago,  hut  sinoe  that  time  nothing  further  has  been  heard  from  them. 

We  pushing  the  Super-Einetosoope  through  the  Factory  as  fast  as 
we  can,  and  Mr.  Nicolai  is  getting  worried  about  the  lens  proposition 
Mr.  Hutchison  contended  that  as  Bausch  and  I6mb  have  not  been  able  to 
give  ua  good  lenses  up  to  date,  that  there  is  no  reason  to  believe  that 
they  can  give  Ub -good^lenSefiyoh’short  notice*  He  recommends  that  the 
best  lenses  found  in  the  tests,  of  condensers  and  lenses  be  ordered 
for  the  Super -Eire  to  scope.  It  is  hardly  fair  for  us  to  ask  competi¬ 
tive  manufacturing  concerns  to  send  lenses  in  here  for  test,  have  them 
do  so,  have  their  lenBes  prove  superior  to  the  lenses  we  have  been  us¬ 
ing,  and  not  give  them  a  show  for  the  business.  This  is,  of  course, 
done  without  any  oritioisms  to  the  Purchasing  Department  as  there  may 
be  commercial  reasons  why  Bausch  and  lomb  should  have  our  business  in 
preference  to  others.  But  from  the  standpoint  of  engineering,  we  cannot 
see  why  the  best  lens,  at  a  reasonable  prioe,  should  not  win  out. 

In  the  condenser  tests,  the  BauBoh  and  lomb  condensers  broke  bo  fre¬ 
quently,  four  of  them  having  broken  in  three  days,  that  Mr.  Halpin 
and  Mr.  Warner  got  tired  of  putting  them  in.  In  fact,  the  Bausch  and 
lomb  produot  is  very  muoh  inferior  to  the  other  products,  and  we  can¬ 
not  see  how,  at  any  prioe,  we  oould  afford  to  use  the  Bausch  and  lomb, 
when  we  can  get  so  muoh  better  goods  out  of  the  other  manufacturers. 


The  A.  C.  motor  has  been  finished,  and  is  now  on  test.  The  D.  C.  mo¬ 
tors  are  on  the  way,  the  armature  punchings  having  just  been  finished. 

Mr.  langley  will  please  attend  the  next  meeting  of  this  Committee,  on 
Thursday,  the  24th  instant,  and  submit  report  on  the  out-out  arrange¬ 
ment  for  the  A.  C.  motor  for  this  outfit. 

Also  the  progress  on  the  D*  C.  motors  at  that  date. 


The  Cutler -Banner  people  have  not,  as  yet,  given  us  any  further  data 
regarding  transformers  for  this  machine.  Mr.  Hutohison  oelled  up  the 
Hew  York  Office,  and  requested  immediate  attention  to  thiB  matter, 
under  penalty  of  their  losing  the  business. 


One  of  these  wss  designed  up,  hut  was  found  to  be  rather  awkward  for 
practical  use.  Mr.  Warner  thereupon  made  certain  suggestions  and  de- 

signs,  which  have  bean  incorporates  in  a  new  machine,  and  it  is  now 
in  U8e  in  connection  with  the  film  drying  machine,  and  thus  far  haB 
given  satisfaction,  Further  time  will  he  neoessary  to  determine  as 
to  whether  or  not  it  is  commercial. 


A  model  of  this  has  been  sent  down  to  Mr.  Nidolai's  offioe,  on  about 
the  ISth  instant.  ae  has  taken  steps  to  have  thiB  model  installed 
at  the  Bronx  Studio.  In  the  meantime,  the  Drafting  Room  is  laying 
out  a  commercial  manufacturing  type,  which  is  progressing. 

We  propose  to  substitute  our  1915  A.  C.  motor  on  this  machine. 


Mr.  Hutohison  received  a  letter  from  Mr.  Theiss,  requesting  a  motor- 
driven  projecting  machine,  curtain  dissolving  effect,  drum  and  tank 
equipment,  and  an  A.  C.  motor  for  title  printer.  Mr.  Nicolai  has  takaa 
steps  to  send  the  Model  D  motor-driven  machine  that  came  from  the  La¬ 
boratory,  to  the  Studio,  but  same  will  have  to  be  equipped  with  an  A.C. 
motor,  instead  of  the  D.C.motor  which  is  now  on  it.  He  will  bend 
every  effort  toward  getting  thiB  out,  as  soon  as  possible. 

The  curtain-dissolving  effeot,  produced  by  shutter,  was  handed  to  Mr. 
Iiuhr  by  Mr. Warner,  then  taken  away  from  Mr.  Buhr  by  Mr.  Warner,  and 
is  now  in  Mr.  Warner's  hands,  Mr*  -^uhr  refuses  to  give  a  statement 
as  to  what  date  it  oan  be  completed,  until  he  aeBS  the  device  again, 
and  knows  What  is  neoessary  to  be  done  to  it.  Mr.  Warner  willthere- 
fore  take  the  matter  up  with  Mr.  Luhr  at  onoe. 

The  drum  and  tank  equipment  matter  has  been  explained  by  Mr. Warner 
to  Mr.  MoKiernan,  at  the  Works,  and  Mr*  Nicolai  is  having  a  shop 
order  issued  to  oover  the  same,  and  will  push  it  through  as  quickly 
as  possible. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  adjourned. 


Copies  to  Mr.  Edison,  Air.  Wilson. 


MIHITCES  C. - -  _ 



Present:  Messrs.  Hioolai,  luhr,  Simpson,  Warner,  Iangley, 
ing  and  Hutchison. 

Absent:  Mr.  I.  W.  MoChesney,  detained  with  Western  Electric  vis¬ 
itors.  Mr.  Halpin. 


Hot  as  yet  reoeived  from  Sharlow  Brothers.  Mr.  Hioolai  will  chase 
it  up. 


The  latest  development  shows  that  the  leader,  with  which  we  thread 
the  machine,  dries  out  and  gets  brittle.  Frequently  it  ^®®ks‘It 
was  suggested  that  experiments  be  made  toward  using  the  same  kind 
of  material  from  which  the  iron  pockets  are  made  for  the  storage 
battery,  for  this  leader.  Mr.  Hioolai  thought  that  probably  he 
oould  find  an  old  perforating  tool  that  is  almost  ™«n  out,  and  by 
running  the  perforating  machine  slowly,  get  out  sufficient  length 
of  this  steel  to  make  a  leader.  He  will  look  into  thi® 
see  if  it  oan  be  done  without  danger  of  putting  the  maohine  out  of 

Mr.  Hioolai  also  found  that  a  wet  film,  without  any  apparent  reason, 
boot  times  gets  a  half  twist  in  it  between  the  bottom 
kets.  Also  finds  an  aooumulatlon  of  emulsion  on  the  rolls,  which 
have  to  be  cleaned  off  from  time  to  time.  He  says  it  comes  from  the 
edge  of  the  film,  The  maohine  is  still  in  its  experimental  stage, 
and  these  points  will  be  looked  into  immediately  and  corrected. 


The  spring  has  not  yet  been  reoeived  from  the  raanuf acturers. 

Some  changes  of  the  Korn  are  being  made  to  conform  to  Mr.  Edison's 
criticisms  regarding  the  lack  of  volume  from  the  old  type  horn  we 
had  lnthere^andwhen  the  model  is  sent  up,  these  new  improvements 
will  be  embodied  in  the  machine. 


All  the  drawings  for  the  attachment  of  this  device  to  the  1915 Su- 
are  in  the  shop,  and  a  model  is  being  maae.  a 
draftsman  is  now  working  on  the  attachment  for  the  Model  D  machine. 


Mr.  Iangley  reports  that  the  motor  for  the  Super -Kinatosc ope,  for 
operation  on  alternating  ourrents,  has  been  worked  up  and  thorough¬ 
ly  tried  out  from  the  standpoint  of  praotioal  utility  and  operation 
of  the  machine.  He  is  now  holding  it  up,  waiting  to  1b ar  from  the 
Peerless  Motor  Company  as  to  what  they  will  charge  us  for  starting 
switches,  of  their  design,  and  under  their  patents,  to  embody  in 
these  motors.  He  has  not,  as  yet,  heard  from  them.  He  feels  that 
we  should  go  slowly  in  this  matter  until  we  hear  from  them,  because 
if  they  try  to  charge  ub  any  fany  prioe  for  the  swib.ohes  as  they 
put  them  up,  it  would  be  better  for  us  to  manufacture  the  switches 
and  pay  them  a  royalty  for  manufacturing  said  switches,  under  their 
patents.  We  hope  to  have  some  action  in  regard  to  this  at  the  next 
meeting,  ancl  Mr.  Iangley  will  attend  the  next  meeting,  for  the  pur¬ 
pose  of  reporting  on  same. 

As  to  the  direct -our rent  motor  for  the  machine,  he  reports  that  he 
expeots  to  have  a  oomplete  motor  finished  within  the  coming  week, 
and  if  so,  will  have  a  report  on  same  by  the  next  meeting. 

Mr.  Iangley  reportB  tint  the  low-voltage  release  switch  on  the 
Super -Kin et os oo pe  does  not  operate  satisfactorily  on  alternating 
ourrent.  It  does  work  on  direct  current,  but  on  alternating  cur¬ 
rent  it  fails,  and  it  will  be  necessary  to  devise  another  combina¬ 
tion  to  be  of  service  on  alternating  ourrent.  Phis  will  be  taken 
up  at  once. 


Mr.  learning  entered  the  meeting  at  this  time,  ana  read  oyer  the 
minutes  of  the  last  meeting.  He  says  that  bb  far  as  he  is  oon- 
oerned.  there  is  no  reason  why  we  should  buy  from  Bausoh  and  lomb 
if  their  product  is  inferior  to  other  produots,  and  the  price  of 
the  other  product  is  within  our  means.  It  is  therefore  deoided 
to  order  25  assorted  focal  lengths  of  lenses  and  he  will  proceed 
at  onoe  to  get  lowest  net  prioes  on  Gundlaoh  lenBeB,  ana  endeavor 
to  work  them  in  on  our  product,  for  the  time  being,  at  least. 

Ihe  condensers  will  also  be  selected  according  to  quality  and  prioe 
from  various  manufacturers. 


She  Cutler-Hammer  people  sent  in  quotations  on  the  two  sizes  of 
transformer  for  the  Super-Kinetosoope.  Mr.  Date  oallea  up  Mr. 
Hutchison  on  the  22nd  instadfc,  asking  if  we  want  a  model  of  each 
of  the  sizes,  ana  Mr.  Hutchison  replied  in  ths  affirmative,  the 
models  to  be  sent  over  here  for  test,  on  saonsignment.  Ehe  letter 
containing  these  prioeB  has  been  referred  to  Mr.  Deeming,  ana  the 
Purchasing  Department,  for  their  attention. 



The  one  v/e  now  have  in  use,  on  the  drying  maohine,  is 

The  question  came  up  as  to  why  it  would  not  he  o  good  plan  to 
design  the  machine  from  the  commercial  standpoint,  and  after 
thoroughly  trying  it  out  and  satisfying  ourselves  that  it  would 
he  capable  off  being  handled  by  the  general  run  of  motion  picture 
operators,  put  it  out  as  a  commercial  produot  for  motion  picture 
houses,  instead  of  oementing  film,  as  now  takes  plaoe.  l'he  ques¬ 
tion  also  oame  up  as  to  why  they  oould  not  be  used  by  us  in  pieo- 
ing  together  short  pieces  of  film  and  running  them  through  the  print¬ 
ing  maohine,  using  up  short  lengths  that  are  now  scrapped  or  used 
for  other  purposes.  She  Committee  seemed  to  think  that  this  was 
thoroughly  practical,  and  therefore  the  Chief  Engineer  detailed  Mr. 
Kennedy  and  Mr.  Warner  to  work  up  a  thoroughly  practical  device, 
taking  it  up  with  Mr.  Hloolai  to  reduce  same  to  a  oonmeroial  status, 
endeavoring,  with  all  possible  speed,  to  get  something  whioh  we  oan 
put  out,  as  above.  The  8ommittee  was  unanimous  in  stating  that 
they  thought  this  would  make  a  very  good  product  for  whioh  a  ready 
sale  would  exist. 


Mr.  langley  stated  he  thought  that  the  present  motor  that  we  have 
designed  for  running  the  Super  JTinetosoope  oan  he  naed  for  running 
the  Model  D  maohine,  but  that  on  direct  current  with  a  speed  of 
1200,  it  may  be  necessary  tor  edesign  the  machine  so  as  to  put  more 
iron  in  the  magnetic  circuit,  to  prevent  the  motor  from  heating  up, it 
having  bean  designed  for  1800  H.  2.  M.  However,  he  will  conduct  ex¬ 
periments  to  ascertain  as  to  whether  this  is  necessary,  and  if  it  is 
not,  this  motor  will  be  used  on  the  Model  D  drive. 


The  motor  drive  fccr  the  Model  D  for  the  Studio,  is  oomplete,  with 
the  exception  of  the  alternating  current  motor,  on  which  Mr  .Langley 
is  now  at  work,  awaiting  some  castings  from  Mr.  Hicolai.  Mr.  Nioo- 
lai,  states  that  he  will  rush  these  castlings  through  at  once,  and 
Mr.  Langley  will  put  on  the  switch  which  he  now  has  in  stock,  so  that 
the  machine  will  probably  be  gotten  over  to  the  Studio  within  ten 

Mr.  Warner  submitted  a  developing  curtain  effect  apparatus,  v&ioh 
Mr.  Luhr  designed  up.  Mr*  Theias  haB  seen  thiB,  hut  wants  it  mounted 
on  an  angle  plate  instead  of  the  box  that  was  contemplated,  and  thds 
will  be  done  dnd'.thd  device  Sant "  theiStudicrdp  quicklysas 
possible.  The  design  of  the  apparatus  seems  to  he  0.  K. 

In  the  drum  and  tank  equipment,  the  legs  have  been  finished,  wait¬ 
ing  for  material  to  make  the  forks  out  of,  and  the  drum  work  will 
be  started  8B  quickly  as  possible.  Mr.  Nioolai  Is  putting  this 
through  the  Eaotory,  giving  it  personal  attention,  in  order  that 
the  qquipment  may  reaoh  the  Bronx  Studio  at  the  earliest  possible 

Driscoll  has  completed  the  air  filtering  apparatus  for  blower,  etc., 
and  the  same  has  been  accepted  by  tli®Studio  asbelng  0.  K. 

_  4  - 


Cost  of  tools,  Jigs,  et°‘  f°*  ^Ison^aa^nqSry^^to^HutoMBon 

was  Drought  up  that  we  -Orders  coming  in  from  time  to  time, 
parts  to  take  oare  of  repair  orders  ooming  f0r  these 

an d  that  hy  the  time  these  ^^0»?£5SW blen  need  up  in 
ohanges,  a  good  portion  °*_t?L_efore  aeaidea  to  recommend  that  the. 

SSgft.’KSSt*  0S.T0  55? mi  «»  *«1  »  "* 

ments • 

Engineering  notice  will  he  sent  out  accordingly. 

The  maohifle  will  he  known  as  the  Model  E. 


We  sent  out  a  printing  machine,  with^a^airectrCurrent ^“t^nftt* 

The  Bronx  Studio  rep°?^®aJ^®gnt  motorI  Mr.  Warner  requested  that 
must  have  an  alternating  current  : mou  ,oraer  that  we  may  use 

they  send  hack  the  i'ireot  currant  aB  we  could  find 

possible  l^but  ^ o*Mr 51i®®*on r e que  st£  ng^ ^  ^  * 
thot^the^matter^h^give^attention  at  his  earliest  convenience. 

There  being  no  further  business  before  the  Committee,  the  meeting 
was  adjourned. 

Copies  to  Mr.  Edison  and  Mr.  Wilson. 


Present:*  Messes.  Nicolai,  Warner,  Simpson,  Luhr,  Langley, 
MoChesney,  Parrell,  Halpin  and  Hutchison. 

Hot  as  yet  received  from  Shari ow  Brothers 

work  lets  up  a  little,  we  will  undertake  it  again. 


<rvi<»  new  serines  have  arrived  and  the  machine  is  being  equipped 

msck  asvtss  s 

for  approval. 


It  looks  very  much  as  if  Peaster  and  his  associates  are  going  to 
withdraw  their  proposition  on  this  matter,  and  we  are  at  p 
treading  water  on  same. 

Work  has  been  s topped  on  the  model,  drawings,  eto.  in  the  factory. 
electrical  equipment  por  SUPER-KINETOSCOPE 

The  first  alternating  current  motor  for. driving  the  Super-Kinetoscope 
in  nnw  un  in  Reuse' s  Department,  to  be  flitted  with  cones,  belts,  e  . 


the  14th  instant. 

Mr  Langley  submitted  a  model  of  a  centrifuge!  out-out  switch  for 
o ^alternating  current  motor  for  the  Super-Kinetoscope.  He 
states  that  the  Peerless  Company  wants  to  sell  us  the se  swi tehee 


Mr.  Redfearn  said  that  it  will  cost  to  manufacture  this  centrifugal 

?  -  2  - 

l  switch  which  Mr.  Langley  devised,  $.81,  including  all  overhead. 

This  would  he  without  royalty  to  the  Peerless  Company.  It  iB 
suggested  that  we  communicate  with  the  Peerless  Company,  to  see 
what  royalty  they  would  charge,  to  permit  ub  to  manufacture  our 
switch  under  their  patents. 

An  estimate  on  tools  for  making  Mr.  Langley's  type  of  switch  would 
cost  $400.00,  as  per  Otto  Weber's  figures. 

It  is  left  to  the  discretion  of  Mr.  Wilson  to  decide  as  to  whether 
or  not  we  should  proceed  hy  using  the  switches  that  will  he 
furnished  hy  the  Peerless  Company  at  the  above  prioes,  or  whether 
we  would  care  to  invest  the  money  in  the  tools,  and  secure  a  license 
under  the  Peerless  Company  patents  to  manufacture  our  own  type  of 
switch.  A  reply  to  this  from  Mr.  Wilson  is  respectfully  requested. 

This  switoh  is  the  only  thing  that  prevents  our  making  our  own 
shaving  machine  motors,  at  the  present  time,  as  we  are  tuyfhg  all 
these  shaving  machine  motors  from  the  Emerson  Company.  We  have 
all  the  tools  made  for  the  shaving  machine  motor,  and  further  manu¬ 
facture  is  being  held  up  because  of  this  switch. 

In  reference  to  the  low-voltage  release  switch  on  the  Super-Kineto- 

It  has  been  found  that  the  design  of  release  switch,  gotten  up 
by  Mr.  Gall,  operates  satisfactorily  on  direct  current,  but  it  does 
not  operate  on  alternating  current.  Inasmuch  as  the  majority 
ef  our  machines  are  alternating  current  machines,  it  is  necessary 
to  devise  some  form  of  out-out  which  will  operate  satisfactorily  on 
alternating  currents.  Several  experiments  have  been  made  in  the 
Electrical  Department,  but  a  satisfactory  switoh  for  this  purpose 
has  not  been  devised.  The  Cutter  Company,  Cutler-Hammer,  and  the 
Roller-Smith  Company  have  been  figuring  on  an  alternating  current 
cut-out,  to  be  used  in  connection  with  this  machine,  but  nothing 
satisfactory  has  as  yet  been  submitted. 

We  will  proceed  at  once  to  devise  some  sort  of  cut-out  which  can 
be  used  satisfactorily  on  the  machine. 

Mr.  McChesney  recommended  that  in  view  of  the  faot  that  we  do  not 
at  the  present  time,  have  a  cut-out  for  the  machine,  that  we  put  out 
the  Super-Kinetoscope  without  the  automatic  cut-out  on  the 
alternating  current  machines,  but  put  the  present  and  satisfactory 
form  of  cut-out  on  the  direct  current  machines.  ThiB  in  preference 
to  holding  up  the  entire  Super-KinetoBcope  awaiting  the  perfection  of 
an  alternating  current  cut-out  device. 

Before  the  next  meeting,  some  definite  action  will  have  been  taken 
in  the  matter,  and  reported  on. 


It  has  been  decided  to  use  Gundlach  lenses  on  the  first  26  machines. 
The  Bausoh  &  Lomb  people  have  submitted  a  condenser  which  they  claim 
is  superior  to  that  which  they  previously  furnished  ub,  and  inasmuch 
as  most  of  the  other  condeneers  oome  from  Europe,  we  dff  not  care,  at 
the  present  time,  to  throw;  the  Bausch  &  Lomb  people  down.  The  new 

Bausoh  &  Lomb  condenser  will  Be  put  on  teat  By  Mr.  Halpin,  at  once, 
and  report  handed  in. 

It  ie  suggested  that  when  writing  to  the  Bauach  &  LomB  people,  that 
Ur.  McChesney  put  in  a  paragraph,  stating  thatwe  have  decided  to  use 
Gundlach  lenses  on  our  Super-Kinetoscopes,  for  the  reason  that  the 
Bauach  &  LoraB  lenses  submitted  By  them  were  inferior  to  the  Gundlach 

Samples  from  Cutler-Hammer  hot  yet  received,  as  they  are  not  due. 
Mr.  Date  will  Be  out  here  next  Tuesday,  and  we  will  try  to  hurry 
delivery  on  these  samples. 


No  further  action  on  this,  owing  to  pressure  of  other  work. 


Mr.  Langley  reports  that  upon  receipt  of  Motor  case,  he  can  finish 
up  this  motor  very  quickly.  This  motor  also  calls  for  an  automatic 
cut-out  switch,  as  per  notes  on  "Motor  Drive  for  Bupaf-KinetOBcope" , 
of  laBt  meeting.  Mr.  Nicolai  reports  that  the  case  is  ready,  and 
will  Be  sent  to  Mr.  Langley's  Department,  at  once. 


The  motor  drive  for  the  Model  D  for  the  Studio  is  covered  in  the 
paragraph  above. 

Mr.  Warner  is  laying  out  the  support  for  the  dissolving  curtain 
effect,  and  expects  to  have  it  finished  within  a  day  or  two» 

In  the  drum  and  tank  equipment,  everything  is  ready,  except  the  drum. 
This  is  now  Being  worked  on. 


The  patterns  are  Being  made  for  the  proposed  improvements,  and  the 
work  is  under  way. 

A  suitable  motor  has,  at  last,  Been  found  for  this  printing  machine, 
and  we  expeot  to  make  delivery  to  the  Bronx  Studio,  on  Friday,  the 
9th  lnstatljt. 


Someone  submitted  an  idea  embodying  a  mica  window  placed  in  the 
door  of  the  magazines,  to  permit  of  the  film  Being  seen  within  the 
magazine,  to  enable  the  operator  to  know  how  near  the  end  of  the 
Him  he  is  getting.  The  Committee  looked  over  a  model  submitted 
But  it  was  decided  that  the  feature  is  not  of  sufficient  importance 
to  warrant  the  change  that,  it  would  necessitate  in  the  construction 
of  the  door. 


Mr.  MoChesney  submitted  a  letter  received  from  Mr.  E.  R.  Richardson, 
Editor  of  the  "Moving  Picture  World",  New  York  City,  in  whioh  he 
oriticizes,  on  the  Super-Kinetoscope,  the  raok  springs,  the  carbon 
damps,  the  condenser  oasing  and  the  take-up.  He  has  signified  his 
willingness  to  come  out  at  any  time  we  may  invite  him,  to  look  over 
the  machine,  for  the  purpose  of  getting  data  for  an  article  in  the 
"Moving  Picture  World"..  Mr.  Farrell  advises  that  thiB  man  has 
great  influence  with  operators  all  over  the  Country,  publishing 
hints,  etc,  for  operation  and  construction,  in  the  Projection 
Department  of  the  "Moving  Picture  World",  which  are  read  with  con¬ 
siderable  avidity  by  the  operators.  It  therefore  seems  important 
that  we  have  this  man's  good  opinion. 

He  will  be  invited  out  for  some  day  next  week,  and  a  general 
conference  between  those  interested,  take  plabe.  Mr.  McChesney 
and  Mr.  Farrell  will  consult  with  Mr.  Hutchison  some  day  next  week 
when  it  will  be  convenient  to  invite  Mr.  Richardson  out. 

The  Committee  inspected  and  approved  a  Home  P.K.  outfit  for 
advertising  novelty.  Consists  of  an  lnoandescent  lamp  Home  P.K. 
with  motor  drive  and  endless  40  foot  one  row  film,  with  magazine  box. 
Works  very  well  and  will  be  made  oomneroial  on  approval  of  Mr.  Edison. 

It  is  the  concensus  of  opinion  of  the  Committee  that  our  friction 
take-up  is  not  all  that  it  should  be,  especially  when  a  2,000  foot 
reel  is  put  on  the  maohine.  It  certainly  subjects  the  film  to 
more  of  a  strain  than  the  film  should  be  subjected  to,  but  this  was 
decided  upon  by  Mr.  Gall  as  being  the  best  take-up,  and  in  lieu  of 
better  advice  on  the  subject,  we  adopted  it.  However,  it  seems 
desirable  that  a  better  form  of  take-up  be  devised  in  the  future,  to 
overcome  the  oriticisras  with  whioh  the  friction  type  of  take-up 
has  met  throughout  the  Country. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  meeting  adjourned. 




Copies  to  Mr.  Edison  and  Mr.  Wilson 

imiUEES  01?  2H3  TWER 


15,  1914. 

Presents  llossrs  Gall,  Uioolai,  Into,  Warner,  Barrall,  SiWon,  ^ngley 
Halpin  and  Hutchison.  t 

Absent:  Uessrs.  leeming  and  1.  W.  LleChesney. 

15"  HERB  FOR  HOSDIHG  2000  PEST  OP  FIHl.  / 

Received  from  Shallow  Brothers,  hut  incorrectly  made.  Sent  bfc k  for 


Same  as  last  meeting.  Working  quite  well. 


a.  ««MM  vie.s  essembled  end  ready  lor  tost,  lot  i~g  ‘J  ‘«  “nt 

I  v^°srii.lsrsr»  ar*&tt9K.a  »stfc  «». 

:  £*?sa**;  ~  '■ 

top-plates,  in  place  of  cast-iron,  for  purposes  of  economy. 


Same  as  last  week. 


a.  “,is?«s£:  1S‘  1rS*‘;=iSL?io»y.i 

afternoon,  and  it  is  his  opinion  that  something  should  he  done  to  correct 
this  defect. 

Page  #2 

jtr  Gall  spoke  favorably  on  the  matter,  but  concurs  with  Ilr.  llioolai  that 
the  metho!Pof  moving  the  lens  is,  in  this  particular  case  too  pensive, 
and  can  be  the  subject  of  ro -design.  In  any  event,  it  00ll^°t. 
as  submitted  to  the  committee,  in  the  Super-iinetoscope.  xnere  i-  not 
room  ior  mount ins  it.  Attempts  vail  te  Me  to  f^opt  this  feature  on  the 
condensers  for  Super -Ainetoscope  for  trial,  and  In.  luhi  vail  h,.ve  this 
mounted  so  as  to  test. 


She  first  alternating  current  motor  has  been  put  together,  and  is  on  the 
machine . 

nr  Durand  lias  taken  up  the  matter  of  royalty,  with  the  Peerless  Company, 
S*t“tter  of  the  centrifugal  switch,  but  no  reply  has  yet  been  received. 

Phe  first  fifty  of  these  will  be  bought  from  the  Peerless  Company,  as  the 

October  12th. 


Ewo  direct  current  rolease  switches  will  be  made  u 
machine  this  week. 

Hr  Ian  ploy  reports  that  the  Cutler-Hammer  Company  have  submitted  an 

SioS1  if^SSped  Sth  dir ect1  current  cut-out  device  and  motor,  to 
30e  if  it  is  operative. 
gRj.UI3P0RI.I3R3  POR  SUPER- 311130030  OPE 

Delivery  of  sample  is  promised  between  the  first  and  tenth  of  llovember. 

„  .  j.  ttv  Kennedy  has  been  busy  on  the  phono  graph  demon¬ 

strators,  ^he  £?: not iVHhf  S?tunity  to  do  anything  father  in  this 


ghe  frame  hr.s  just  been  received,  and  is  beifag  assembled. 

and  installed  on  the 

Page  y3 

Studio  is  covered  in  the  paragraph 


She  motor  drive  for  the  Kodel  D  for 

She  dissolving  curtain  effect  has  Boon  finished,  with  means  of  mounting  on 
machine,  end  shipped  to  the  Studio  today. 

In  the  drum  and  tank  equipment,  everything  has  Been  completed  and  was 
shipped  on  the  14th  instant. 


Some  e-coeriments  have  Been  here  in  the  InBoratory  toward  the  resurrec- 

i0r  this  device  and,  during  odd  times,  we  put  one  together.  ^  -  g 

model,  it  ran  remarkably  well. 

t  S5%r*5b£ra:,a.raiafa’s  wu: 

msnts  as  necessary  emBodied  for  further  consideration. 


of  lining  up  the  sprockets. 

Phis  was  objected  to,  for  the  reason  that: 

1  The  size  of  aperture  plate  has  Been  changed  in  the 
Model  D,  now  Being  smaller  then  Before,  and' 

fe  .-Masras  rin&as  S41.:  «2r 

on  the  screen. 

&JE  -sssa  sissLtrxx  A Sf  S’ 

i Si  s 

a  c.  sssf s.’Sslsj  ss  ^  ^ ... 

for  the  same  gauge. 

Other  objections  to  this  device  were  found  last  Spring 
Hr.  Halpin  as  follows: 

e-design  of  the 

3  per  report  of 

1  The  aperture  gauge  itself  must  Be  perfectly  true  and,  with 
le  present  'punching  operation,  no  doubt  extra  operations  are  necessary 
3  obtain  this. 

2age  #4 

2. -  Ihe  lining  up  of  aperture  Interferes  with  the  ready 
lining  up  of  the  sprockets. 

3. -  She  two  screws  holding  aperture  bracket  to  mechanism 
head  are  not  both  available  with  the  gauge  in  place,  accordingly  one 
has  to  be  tightened  after  removing  the  gauge. 

4.-  Should  the  operator  attempt  to  move  framing  rod  when 
gauge  is  in  place ,  serious  damage  could  be  done  to  aperture  or  ius  p_ate. 
Shis  is  an  operation  which  should  not  take  place,  but  one  whicn  might  bo 
done  in  an  effort  to  hasten  v/ork  without  due  thought.  In  other  words, 
the  use  of  the  aperture  gauge  introduces  an  unnecessary  danger  to 
mechanism  head. 

Miere  being  no  farther  business  before  the  meeting,  it  adjourned 

at  4  2.  Hi 







As  far  as  the  machine  is 'concerned .  Hr,  Salt!-  reports  that  it  is  work  • 
in"-  finite  satisfactorily-,  bur  to  make  the  rcaonine  effective  the  Ao.. 
-joint  of  tho  room  and  the  temperature  must  be  -eept  constant  2o 
^ake  care  of  this,  Mr.  Warner  lias  asked  Mr  MeColloupn  ro  oat  a 
MTOttii  rioo  *t*o  discharge*  into  tho  duct.  in.  order  tliac  tne*  Ixuraiaity 
,*  be"  adjusted  at  7-111.  At  present,  the  tentporutmo  is  takenc^.i 
of  by  means  of  steam  coils.  Mr  Warner  report?  than  rho  oondir.j.on. 
in'1-  has  all  boon  laid  out  and  has  boen  awaiting  tne  completion  ox 
the  mechanically  operated  drying  maculae..  borers  spending  money  xor 
tho  necessary  blower,  etc,  to  take  care  of  thin  Mr.  Gull  S'-v.-osts 
that  wa  now  -.rooeod  to  work  tho  < 'acnino i  tne  air  condi lo  . 
venilatod  by  manual  regulation,  until  it  nas  ooon  aucercamo.-  ...’.. 
or  not  the  drying  machine  is  itself  in  such  e  state  of  oomplovx  r.*.  ... 
to  warrant  tho  automatic  conditioning  apparatus; 


irj. ,  jfioolai  reports  that  tho  model  is  ready,  and  is  now  awaiting  tho 
roturn  of  Mr  Edison,  for  inspection  and  further  comment  , 

-phs  additional  motor,  of  the  same  design,  having  two  springs  >  for 
application  to  tha  $§50.-00  model.  will  bo  ready  by  the  time  Mr  Edison 
returns . 


Tn  tho  lenses  of  over  three  i/iohos,  the  Gundlaeh  is  superior,  but  the 
Bausch  and  bomb  people  are  trying  to  build  a  Ions  ro  e;raal  or  surpass 
it.-  la  sizes  less  than  throe  inches,  -chore  xc  no-  enough  «uae--Oik.«> 

in  fevor  o f  the  Gun/llach  to  warrant  the  additional  orpojise.  so  wo  will  JJausoIi  and  losib  for  everything  up  to  three  inch  focal  lengths, 
and  Ctodlach  for  everything  over  three  inoh  focal  lengths.  until 
further  notice. 


She  CondoBser  mounts  oont  over  by  J  D  Elbert  of  San  Francisco 
California .  have  boor:  so  altered  as  to  -permit  of  their  being  applied 
to  tlia  Super.  -Kinetosoope  ■  Phis  preparation  has  been  completed  and 
the  mounts  liavo  been  sent  down  to  Hr  Hie Jlai  for  test 

.Hr-  Sail  suggests  that  a  good  deal  of  the  trouble  caused  in  the  break¬ 
ing  of  condensers  is  occasioned  by  draft  He  suggests  that  a  piece 
of  French  plate-glass  of  1/8 "  thioSsiess  and  flawless  be  slipped  in 
between  the  condenser  and  the  arc-  He  feels  that  this  piece  of  plate 
glass  will  protect  the  inside  condenser  from  breakage  quite  as  effect 
ively  as  the  mountings  above  referred  to. 

So  vie  will  make  an  exDeriront  (Hr.  Warner)  in  which  the  standard 
"iausoh  and  lornb  condanaox  will  be  put  into  the  Super  -Jttnetoaoopo  with 
the  regular  mounting .  end  with  the  plate  .glass  above  referred  to 
as  compared  with  another  test  with  the  new  conuensor  nvnuvfcing,  above 
referred  to.  without  plate  glass  a:)d  still  another  test  with  the  now 
condenser  mounting  with  tho  plate  glasB  Mr.  Warner  will  endeavor 
to  get  this  tent  finished  so'  as  to  report  at  the  nect  meeting. 


All  the  development  work  has  been  finished  for  A  C.  and  D.  C-.  motors 
for  the  Supor-BLnet oacope , 

As  to  tho  royalty  to  be  paid  to  the  Foer3.oas  Company  for  tho  operation 
under  their  nutants  in  tho  automatic  switch:  Mr,  Langley  reports  they 
have  stated  they  will  charge  ua  royalty  of  §.S5  each  for  the  first 
•five  hundred-  §c8b  each  for  the  nenfc  thousand-  and  %.1U  there¬ 
after  for  tho  life  of  the  patents 

Wo  have  boiwht  fifty  of  those  switches  which  will  have  to  be  changer.-, 
when  received,  to  our  conditions.  Mi-,  lEii.Vley  has  a  shop  order 
to  cover  the  labor  charge  on  tltooo  switches-  When  this  experiment 
has  been  made.  we  will  bo  able  to  determine  -as  to  whether  or  not  it 
win  be  cheaper  for  us  to  buy  the  switches  as  they  supply  thorn  to  us; 
and  alter,  paying  no  royalty,  or  to  ranks  them  ourselves  and  paying 
the  royalty- '  Shis  is  a  question  whloh  will  be  settlod  later . 

She  automatic  u„..toh  which  we  propose  to  use  on  the  Super  Einotoscopo 
motor  is  not  suited  for  use  on  the  .shaving  machine  motor-  neoessitat 
lug-  our  buying  a  cleaner  owltoh  from  the  same  coup  any  for  the  shaving 
machine  motor,  and  this  switch  is  considerably  inferior  to  the  switch 
wo  propose  to- use  for  the  Super  KLuetoscops  motor. 


1'he  -Alternating  Current  cut  -  -out  device  submitted  by  the  Cutler  .Hammer 
Como  any  has  been  criticised  by  Hr.  Gall  as  being  apt  to  produce  ex- 
oessive  noise  if  any  corrosion  or  dirt  takes  plaoe  between  the  magnet 

wit&  -the  switch,  tut  when  J-l°  5Ma  b0  chen-por  to  maim. 

*“  «* 


7  =  000  timas.  Tliare  i|  to  to  easily  renewed., 

points,  tut  they  are  ox  suon  .  nwitoh  has  teen  found 

when  occaaion  roauireB.  |0£e  endorse  the  low  voltago-  direct 


Hicolai  states  tnat  we ^cise  OTid  the other  for  Mr,  McChoeney.  to 

J^STSS^  «*  when  the  Under  . 

writers  go  through  the  machine* 




Hr.  Warner  submitted  a  sample  «fole°trio  ^^^hino^for  fig., 
v^ioh  ^een  in  given  to  under  stand  joints  have  /been 

states  ho  has  himself  hoen  unable  to  maJco  a 

made  without  the  J0®  ,  the :  use  of  cement*  and  recommends  that  if 

£3 in ’co^ecuon  with  the  wording  machine 

to  Hr*  Gall5 s  recomme:  lati  a>  we  turned  the  model  over  to  Mr  ■  Davis 
for  aotual  test.- 


Hr,  Langley  reporia  that  fds  will  be  ready  tomorrow,  the  39th  instant 

brohx  studio  wok: 

Motor  drive  for  -  he  Model  B  is  ccverod  in  the  Paragraph  above. 

». ««  -,«*  «$?■  i^nSf  ^  S&JSi 

‘5rt“fi“  ;  J  r*“ Sa*5  »•  *  *»  “« 


a?io  model  has  boon  ilaisbod  taift  it  ie  uov?  up  to  ifc- 
tho  wood.  «ork.  Expect  to  Rave  it  :-or  repo* 

!tiw  apo^tiUfc  vlx&o  is  otill  up  xx  tne  -a.* 
vrobJs,  Mr  well  win  ar.doa.'vor  vo  solve  tno 

Shore  peine;  no  fnrthor  business  bei'oia  tj: 
was  sd.jouraod  fat  4  00  P.  K- 

>  Coll'lltt 


o  Messrs  -  Edison-  Wilson..  end. 

rrrvtrmrmrR  fi.  1914o 

Present  = 
Absent  • 

Messrs o  Nioolaic  Ruhr,  SimpBon,  Warner,  Hatpin,  langley 
and  Hutohiaono 

Messrs o  Leeming..  LoWcMoCheBney,  Gall,  Parrell. 


l>e  reel  has  come  up  for  test  hut  at  theses ent  time.  «  have  ^ 
no  machine  in  the  Lahoratory  on  t  d  li  t  f  that  which  h»s 

ieefn  £a?  STSS* t^ers^l^e^cintinued  hy  the  next 


ri*i  sa.-jr*:  sr-Ms. 

hy  manual  regulation^ 


’=;  srissas:  »s  ffir-Si.  ..vss  «*.  *»*• 

the  next  meetings 


Mr.  Vfamer  report,  that  owing  to  tb.  foot  tbot  th.  l«p  on  tb. 


hy  this  afternoon  and  will  turn  it  over  to  Mr.  Halpin  to  tape  care  01 

The  Switches  have  been  received  (fifty  in  all)  hut  nothing  has  been 
done  in  the  way  of  changing  them  over  to  suit  our  conditions. 

Mr.  Langley  expects  to  feet  at  this  during  the  coming  week.  The  rest 
of  the  subject  can  he  dosed,,  until  further  notioeo 

low-voltage  release  switch  for  super-  .kiuetoscope 

ms  ars  i&sr-sva?  £8?“ 

rise  we  may  he  able  to  get  it  into  the  earne  space  that  is  now 
oooupied  Sfthe  direct  current  low-voltage  release  mechanism.  He 
is  experimenting  along  those  lines. 

h.  *,„«.»  ^aafrSrtrwws5‘-&”«^Si‘ 

■both  expect  to  send  in  model  switches. 





This  will  give  the  welding  machine  a  good  test. 

Mr.  Luhr  suggested  ^at  we  maFe^p^nother  one^of  these^welding^^ 

iSCM  prooeed^to^get'out'^maSine 
ideas  on  the  suhjeot. 


MM  Ml  delivered  to  the  Broox.  W.  HI  "!"»•  «*• 


1915  SUPER  KIMETC  0  % 

Mr,  Hioolai  males b  th  fol.  wit.  reports 

"All  that  we  were  wai  Ing  >r  to  assemble  the  first  machines  were  the 
"bevel  gears ,  These  re  .  iceived  today  They  look  fine.  They 
were  out  "by  the  Gleasc  Company  on  a  now  small  bevel  gear  planer  they 
have  just  produoed.  We  »"dered  twenty-five  Beta  of  geaTB  out  by 
them,  with  the  ultimate  object  of  determining  ao  to  whether  or  not  it 
will  bn  profitable  for  ub  to  buy  one  of  these  new  gear  cutting  machines 
for  our  work  throughout  the  Shop;" 

Hr.  Hioolai  further  goes  on  to  eay  that  the  appearanoo  is  exoellent 
and  when  he  h;.B  had  a  little  further  oxporianoe  with  the  gears,  he 
will  make  his  recommendations  accordingly- 

We  will  have  two  new  Super-Kinetoeoopes  out  within  the  next  ten  days, 
They  will  be  for  direot-ourrent  operation ,  Ono  of  them  io  for 
Mr.  McChesney  to  show  to  his  customers,  the  other  for  thd  underwriters 
to  criticize  Aa  soon  as  a  definite  owitoh  10  decided  Upon  fer  the 
alternating  current  type.,  a  machine  of  that  type  Outt  be  put  together 
within  a  few  dayB 

These  two  machines  that  are  now  being  put  together  will  alBO  prove  out 
all  the  tools  jigs.  etc.  for  the  manufacture  of  tho  Supor-Klndtcsrlfl).)# 
f,g  BOon  as  these  have  been  proved  out  by  thC3»  n-  '’ b,  we  Will  »* 
ready  to  go  ahead  and  produce  machines  in  quantity. 

Tho  tools  for  the  manufacture  of  the  Teleeoribe  are  coming  along  in 
good  shape.,  and  Mr.  Hioolai  expects  to.  have  the  toolo  out  in  about 


Charles  Edison  and  Constable  have  -'.ak-n  -ov/n  tho  proposed  navi  model 
"or  Amberola  X..  The  Legal  Department  is  now  working  on  it,  to  Bee 
whether  or  not  there  are  any  patentable  features  whioh  we  want  to 
cover.  It  has  been  submitted  to  Mr.  EdlBon,  and  he  seems  to  approve 

of  it,,  An  objection  has  been  raised  to  this  machine,  and  that  1b, 

the  governor  gear  is  made  of  fibre.  It  hao  been  our  experience  that 
all  fibre  gears  we  have  put  out  on  the  governor  have  hud  to  be 
Splacedwithin  a  short  time,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  material  does 
not  stand  up  to  the  work.  That  is  to  say,  it  warps,  Bats  out  of 
shape,  swells,  binds,  etc,,  and  has  in  the  past  been  a  souroe  of  con¬ 
siderable  trouble.  Our  repairmen  are  constantly  reportinstous 
that  in  their  travels  throughout  the  Country,  they  axe  ciorvtinii^ly 
removing  the  old  fibre  gears  from  the  Triumph  and  Opers 
have  been  shM  out  for  some  time,  and  are  putting  in 
instead.  It  is  therefore  advisable  to  look  into  this  matter  very, 
oarefully  before  adopting  it.  The  metal  gear  is  not  quite  ae  noise-, 
less  as  the  fibre,  but  1b  a  little  more  practical,  from  the  standpoint 
of  stunding  up  to' its  work. 

There  being  no  further  business  before  the  meeting;  it  adjourned 
at  4  P.M. 






NOVEMBER  19th„  1914. 

Present  -  Messrs.  Nioolai,  Farrell,  Simpson,  Halp: 
Langley,  ConBtr.ble  and  Hutchison. 


Absent  =.  Messrs.  Leeming.  L.W.McCheBney,  Luhr,  Warner. 


Mrc  Halpin  reported  that  some  difficulty  had  been  experienced 
with  the  reel.  On  re-aBsembly,  it  seemed  to  work  all  right, 
except  that  on  the  end  of  the  film  next  the  hub  it  tears  the 
sprocket  holeu.  He  is  to  determine  as  to  what  ouusos  thio 
trouble  and  report  on  aame  at  the  next  meeting. 


Mr.  Nicolai  reports  this  machine  is  running  O.K. ,  and  has 
been  for  the  past  two  weeks.  It  is  giving  no  trouble  at  all. 


This  was  submitted  to  Mr.  Edison.  He  objected  to  several 
features,  among  them  being  the  pressed  steel  top  plate,  etc., 
and  this  matter  will  receive  further  consideration  at  once. 

Mr.  Edison  has  stated  that  he  wants  to  work  on  it  himself. 

Three  of  these  switches  have  been  changed  over  for  embodiment 
in  the  three  model  Siiper-Kinetos copes  that  are  being  made  up 
as  samples.  Temporary  templetB  are  being  made  up  to  enable 
Langley  to  Change  over  the  balance  of  them  (47  in  all)  and  he 
Sheets  to  have  these  finished  up  within  a  week. 


Langley  reports  thut  development  has  progressed  to  the  extent 
of  being  able  to  see  daylight  on  thiB  alternating  current, 
low-voltage  release  mechanism’.  He  expects  to  have  model  ready 
for  submitting  to  the  Committee  by  next  week’ s  meeting. 

Thus  far,  we  have  not  received  anything  from  ' Dutler-Wor 
Ifthe  way  off  a  commercially  available  switch  t or  this 

turned  it  down. 


&  srs?^fs*.*&s52.r-y=  s— " 

report  from  him; 

"Tested  the  two  lenses  herewith.;  Seemed  to  stand,  the 
heat,  without  cracking,  but  did  not  ^ow  as  clear  a 
field  on  the  curtain  as  our  regular  ®tookn1®"°?B“  * 

Show  a  dark  spot  an  the  curtain  which  we  cannot  get 
rid  of  by  adjusting  the  lamp  or  lenses, 

Mr.  Halni-  brought  down  the  sample,  and  It  was  found  to  be 
quite  loose  in  its  mount- 

steps  will  be  taken  immediately  to  experiment  withthelens 
mounting  to  see  if  we  cannot  evolve  a  more  practical  propo 
sition  chat  will  hold  the  lens  perfectly  rigid,  and  ye* 
will  Prevent  the  lena  from  cracking.  Mr .  Farrell  states 
that  we  have  h  -d  a  great  dool  of  trouble  of  late  with  the 
lenses  cracking,  and  oomething  should  be  done  at  once  to 
overcome  this  difficulty. 

This  especially  applies  to  the  Super-Kinetoseope ,  because 
of  the  larger  arc  that  will  be  used,  and  therefore  .  e 
greater  heat  therefrom. 

Mr  Holpin  reports  that  he  is  also  testing  the  scheme  which 
fiiVi  i  evolved  for  putting  a  piece  of  French  plate  glasB 
between  tte  arc  and  the  condenser,  allowing  an  air  space 
exist  between  the  glass  and  the  condenser.  *  *  iix 

proceeding  in  Mr.  Hulpin* s  Department,  and  full  repoit  will 
be  submitted  at  the  next  meeting, 

Mr.  Gall  suggested  that  we  run  the  current  up  to  about 
eighty  amperes  in  making  these  condenser  teBts,  so  as  to 
have  theconditions  exceeding  those  that  occur  in  practice, 
and  be  on  the  safe  side. 

Mr  Langley  reports  that  the  Cutler-Hammer  people  sent  over 
twi>  transformers  ...  60  *o  60,  end  another  80  to  120  amperes. 

The  60  -.80  worked  out  very  well  indeed,  but  th® 

not  seem  to  be  a  very  good  rropoBicion-  Mr.  Gall  raised 

the  point  a •  to  whether  thar*  1b  really  a  market  for  an 


80  -120  transformer  in  this  Country,  Baying  that  if  vie  have 
occasion  to  furnish  the  Supei'-Kir.etoscope  to  Europe,  they 
can  heat  uo  out  on  transformer  construction,  as  far  s.e 
price  goes,  and  that  vie  had  better  sell  the  machine  without 
transformer  for  European  use. 

Therefore  the  Committee  has  decided  to  concentrate  at  present 
on  the  60  80  ampere  transformer, 

Mr.  Langley  will  therefore  return  the  80  120  ampere  trans¬ 

former  to  the  Cutler  Hammer  Company,  and  will  send  the  60  -  80 
transformer  over  to  the  Laboratory,  to  Mr.  Hulpin,.  Mr.Halpin 
has  the  proper  lamp  houBe,  etc,,  to  try  this  out  thoroughly 
with  one-inch  carbons  in  an  arc,  and  will  report  on  same  at 
the  next  meeting, 


The  attachment  that  was  intended  for  the  Bronx  has  been 
finished  and  sent  there,  Mr.  Gall  reports  that  the  machine 
runs  above  normal  speed  -  68  r-p,m  instead  of  60  r=pam. 
ji- ,  Gall  also  reports  that  Theiss  his  advised  him  that  the 
machine  does  not  start  up  promptly,  Ur.  Langley  brought  up 
the  point  that  possibly  the  belt  is  too  stiff ,  and  that  if 
a  more  flexible  belt  is  used,  the  condition  will  be  O.K. 

Mr,  Gall  is  going  to  take  one  of  these  flexible  belts  out 
to  the  Bronx,  and  try  it.  Further  report  will  be  made  at 
the  next  meeting. 

Hr-  Farrell  3ayo  that  he  has  quite  a  stack  of  mail  on  his 
desk  from  prospective  purchasers  of  Model  D  motor  attaenments, 
and  wanted  to  know  what  he  should  write  them. 

We  have  decided  that  we  would  test  the  apparatus  at  the  Brora: 
in  practical  service,  but  inasmuch  as  the  machine  at  the  Bronx 
is  not  run  very  often,  we  will  duplicate  this  outfit,  and  put 
it  down  in  Bavis*  place,  where  it  will  get  u  sure-enough 
run  in,  in  a  very  short  time. 

Mr,  Langley  will  therefore  get  thie  outfit  together. 


Ab  Mr. .Luhr  and  Mr.  Warner  are  both  absent,  there  is  no  report 
on  this. 


Mr.  Nioolai  reportB  that  two  of  the  Super-Kinetosoopes  are 
practically  finished  now,  Toole  appear  to  be  In  first-claBS 
condition  and  no  trouble  has  been  run  into,  in  assembly. 

The  third  one  will  be  made  up  by  next  Wednesday, 

on,  of  these  goes  to  the  Under;, ritere,  another  to  Hr.HcChesney 

^d  ?he  tlU?dSone  goes  to  Break,  of  San  Francisco. 

Jir  Gali  reports  that  he  looked  at  one  of  the  mechanisms^ 
this  new  product,  and  was  ^^■^^cut^etter.  and  the  whole 

MG/S  SSMIftTSS^S^  —  -  «• 

factory o 

Jir.  Uioolai  reports  progress  on  the  toolB. 




Mr.  Uioolai  will  report  on  -hie  next  week. 


Ur.  Hutchison  ospootoa  aut  out  cf^our  “*£“*2  at’ the 

s.’SJB .s^sjjs.:*  a  ss.aussi  & 

the  rear  of  the  cylind  .r  wo: rxi  ,  Maohine  Department  was 

^1:  ssEfeusS  sd^JsWi- 

work  loose  in  practice. 

.  .  i  nt-fcantion  to  the  tendenoy 

Mr.  Hutchison  also  desires  to  call  ^tt  reoordeJ,  la  its  frame, 
of  the  small  set  screw  which  that  the  flexible  tube 

to  work  loose.  Owing  t°  ”"®d  in  time  this  sorew  seems 
strain  all  comes  on  the  recorder,  in  eBted  that  a  more 

to  work  loose  and nim  the  recorder  in  its  mount  be 
substantial  method  of  clomping  tne 

Ur.  Uioolai  oueueete  Pt5|1“Lrt«?’2d  ?!prodJotr5iS“th2 

i’Sri  «.=  ro  colder  end  r.,r.„ 

due or . 

5  ; 


Mr.  McCheoney  wrote  a  nota,  in  his  absence,  stating  that  he 
ia  anxiouo  to  [ret  a  new  hand  rewinder  for  oule  with  the 
buper-Kinetoscope,.  and  hopes  exceedingly  that  it  will  noc 
be  necessary  to  sell  the  same  old  unsatisfactory  rewindar 
v;e  have  always  supplledas  part  of  our  standard  equipment  on 
projecting  m.-.enines. 

Mr.  Hutchison  called  attention  to  the  fact  that  Tuthill 
before  he  v/ar.t  to  South  Aw.  erica,  deviso-i  a  hand  reminder 
tewing  a,  V.  -*  gear  arroageasat ,  That  is  to  say.,  tlu-t  whoa 
firsc  winuif^j'JiP  tho  film  on  the  sra&ll  hub  of  the  raal.  the 
rc.-inde.  :/  —  "’speeded  up  so  as  to  not  anOce  this  part  of  tho 
rewinding  too  slow-  But  when  the  diameter  increased,  by 
ro-Bon  of  the  t'ilm  wound  upon  it:  a  nav:  gear  ratio  was 
instantly  thrown  in,  rendering  the  rewinding  very  much  less 
arduous  than  o.t  present 

Mr,  Siam  son  alee  remembered  this  design,  but  it  was  laid 
aside  when  Hr.  Tu thill  went  away,  lie  will  look  it  up  and 
see  if  it  o  mi  not  be  reduced  to  commercial  condition  by  the 
time  T,he  next  mating  is  hold. 


Vv„  Parrel"*  brought  up  a  memorandum  he  wrote  Mr.  Hutchison 
vainer  duv  of  .'Toverabor  11th,  for  bringing  up  at  the  next 
meeting  of  the  Engineering  Committee,  a»  follows: 

"What  provision  has  been  made  for  adjusting  the  legs 
of  the  Supsr -Ki n o t o 3  c  op  c ,  so  that  if  placed  on  ail 
uneven  floor,  or  one  slightly  on  an  angle,  all  four 
legs  will  fit  snug  and  close  to  the  floor?" 

hr.  Call  brought  up  the  point  that  this  machine. 'weighing 
about  p  .anus ,  should  be  treated  ww  *amo  no  la.thc 
in  a  machine  chon,  They  are  not  intended  to  be  moved 
around,  and  when”  one o  installed,  should  be  shimmed  up  and 
persunnentj.;-  bolted  to  the  floor'  so  as  to  have  a  good 
foundation,  Adjustable  features  on  the  lege  could  be  put 
on,  but  this  is  deemed  too  expensive  and  unnecessary  for  one 


The  machine  was  adopted  unanimously,  as  far  as  quality  of 
tone  reproduction  is  concerned,  but  details  of  its  construction 
are  being  redesigned  to  admit  of  more  economical  manufacture, 
etc.  This  is  on  the  drawing  board  at  the  present  time. 



A  model  was  submitted  by,E,  3,  Eoote  and  Company ,  154  Lake 
Chicago,  which  we  consider  superior  to  that  heretofore  used, 
and  we  recommend  that  this  be  adopted  a3  our  terminal  wire 


For  fooal  lengths  up  kt>  arid  including  three  inches,  Sau/ah 
and  Loot'd  1/4  oisa  regular  martin  picture  lens  tube.,  only 
without  jacket. 

Per  all  focal  lengths  over  three  irchc",  Gur.diuch  Manhattan 
Optical  Company’ v  No.  1  motion  picture  lo no. 

For  the  stario  lens  the-  same  lenses  now  supplied  with.  i.'.u 
Model  3  machine,  are  recommended. 

All  but  the  lenses  regularly  c  irried  in  stood 
r.nd  will  be  cTailabla  at  abort  notice  Where  lenses  o:' 
greater  focal  lengths  than  three  inches  are  required  tha 
Sales  Department  should  give  notice  to  the  Purchasing  Dept, 
at  the  earliest  possible  moment.  This  is  necessary,  been  so 
the  Oundlach  lenses  must  be  ordered,  as  wc  do  not  yst  wich 
to  stook  them., 

Bauach  Sc  lomb,  and  the  Crown  Optical  Company  are  about  to 
submit  lenses  fer  teat,  and  final  specifications  may  possibly 
be  changed,  by  the  result  of  thesa  tests. 

There  being  no  further  business  before  the  Committee,  it 
adjourned  at  4  1>  .11- 

a„  r„ 



Copies  to  llesuro „  Edison,  Wilson 

and  Durand., 


7n  ■  P  - 



NOVEMBER  07t.h,  19X4 

Present:.:  Messrs  Nioolai.  Farrell;  Simpson,  Gall,  Luhr, 
Langley,  Constable.  Warner  &  Hutchison. 

Absent:-  Messrs-  Leeming.-  L  W.McChesney  &  Halpin 


After  an  extended  line  of  experiments,  in  producing  a 
reel  hub  having  teats  in  conjunction  with  slots  for 
holding  the  bottom  ends  of  the  film  to  the  hub,  we  have 
found  that  in  every  instance  the  sprocket  holes  of  the 
film  have  been  torn  when  running  the  reel  in  the  project¬ 
ing  machine,  Mr,  Gall  raises  the  point  that  this  will 
not  obtain  if  the  teats  are  properly  placed  on  the  drum, 
and  therefore  Mr.  Gall  is  requested  to  design  up  Buch  a 
combination  as  he  thinks  will  work,  and  the  same  will  be 
tried,  lip  to  the  present,  we  have  met  with  no  success 
in  our  efforts  in  this  direction. 

Another  method  of  retaining  the  film  to  the  hub  has  been 
suggested  by  Mr.  Halpin,  and  it  looks  quite  reasonable. 

Mr.  Luhr  will  now  prooeed  to  make  up  a  reel  embodying  thiB 
new  feature,  and  the  same  will  be  put  up 'for  test. 

This  matter  is  not  one  of  great  importance,  but  simply 
an  effort  on  our. part  to  better  the  conditions  that  now 
obtain  throughout  the  United  States  in  holding  film  to  reelB. 


Mr,  Nioolai  reports  that  this  machine  is  running  satisfactorily 

Mr,  Constable  reports  that  the  A  100  Disc  Phonograph  is 
being  redesigned  in  certain  features,  and  he  expectB  to 
have  the  model  out  this  coming  week, 


Three  of  the  motorsc  made  by  us.  embodying  switches  purchased 
from  the  Peerless  Motor  Company,  which  said  switohes  have 
boen  ohangert  to  suit  our  requirnmentD  as  to  provide  better 


operation  are  in  work,  and  have  tested  out  satisfactorily. 

Mr.  Langley  reports  that  the  remaining  47  switches  are 
now  being  changed  over  to  embody  these  improvements  and 
after  suoh  change,  they  will  be  put  into  Btock  and  held 
for  future  use. 

Our  object  in  finishing  up  this  lot  of  50  is.  to  determine 
how  muoh  labor  is  neoesBary  to  change  over  the  switches, 
in  order  that  this  change-over  cost  may  be  added  to  the 
purchasing  oost.  to  determine  aB  to  whether  it  would  be 
better  for  us  to  make  our  own  Bwitch,  paying  royalty  to 
the  Peerless  People :  or  whether  it  would  be  better  to  buy 
the  switches  from  these  people  without  the  royalty  and 
change  them  over.  Mr.  Langley  expects  this  work  to  be 
finished  this  coming  week  and  all  figures  obtainable. 


Mr.  Gall  and  Mr.  Warner  report  that  they  just  have  finished 
a  series  of  tests  of  oondenser  lenses,  in  which  the  mounts 
are  of  considerable  mass.  Hr.  Gall  specifies  that  these 
mounts  should,  in  practice,  be  copper,  if  adopted.  The 
object  of  theheavy  mount  is,  when  it  becomes  heated  with 
the  condenser,  it  prevents  the  thin  edge  of  the  oondenBer 
from  cooling  too  rapidly.  Any  expedient,  such  as  the  use 
of  sheet  oopper  on  the  side  of  the  oondenssr  or  a  piece  of 
glass  on  the  side  of  the  condenser,  will  interfere  with  the 
oondenser,  optically,  It'must  be  supported  from  its 
periphery^  and  have  nothing  on  either  surface. 

Experiments  conducted  in  the  plaoing  of  a  sheet  of  glass 
between  the  arc  and  the  condenser  have  failed  thus  far,  for 
the  reason  that  it.  is  practically  inpossible  to  get  Sohott 
glass  that  '  .  optically  plane.  If  the  glass  put  in  between 
the  arc  end  the  condenser  is  not  perfectly  flat,  it  will  dis¬ 
tort  the  image.  Mr.  Warner  made  a  special  trip  to  Eimer  & 
Amend,  to  get  their  glass  expert  to  make  some  Bpeoial  thin 
plate  glaBS  pieces,  which  are  now  being  annealed,  and  which 
he  hopes  will  overcome  the  diffioulty- 

Mr.  Gall  has  conceived  the  idea  of  using  a  oondenser  of 
7«l/2"  focal  length,  instead  of  6-1/2".  This  will  remove 
the  arc  lamp  about  one  inch  further  from  the  oondenser,  and 
thereby  cut  down  the  heat  to  which  the  oondenser  is  subjected 
without  materially  affeoting  the  screen  illumination.  Then, 
if  we  are  able  to  get  the  proper  piece  of  glass  to  put  in 
between  the  arc  and  the  condenser,  we  hope  that  the  difficulty 
will  be  overcome. 


Every  manufacturer  of  motion  picture  maohines  is  experiencing 
the  Bsrae  difficulty  in  the  breaking  of  condenser  glasses. 

This  condition  has  arisen,  ty  reason  of  the  fact  that  in 
latter  day  practice  the  ubo  of  an  aro  which  takes  consider¬ 
ably  more  current  than  that  which  obtained  in  former  years, 
is  necessitated-,  Messrs,  Semon  Bache  &  Company ,  realizing 
this  difficulty  have  gone  into  a  very  comprehensive  series 
of  experiments  to  evolve  a  glaeB  that  will  stand  this  heat, 
without  cracking.  But  in  the  meantime,,  we  are  only  one  of 
a  number  who  are  meeting  with  this  difficulty,  and  everyone 
seems  to  be  trying  to  solve  it.  It  is  muoh  more  difficult 
than  appears  on  the  surface, 

Mr.  Gall  advises  that  he  does  not  expect  this  condition  to 
obtain  with  the  new  machine,  to  anything  like  the  extent  to 
whi oh  it  obtains  with  the  present  machine,,  for  the  reason 
that  he  usee  a  new  lens  system  whioh  doe3  not  employ  a  lens 
having  such  a  great  disparity  between  the  thickness  at  the 
centre  and  thickness  at  ths  edges.  Therefore,,  as  such  a 
lens  becomes  heated,  it  will  not  tend  to  break  as  rapidly  as 
does  one  of  the  present  construction. 

There  are  two  feasible  lens  systems  that  are  open  to  use, 
and  Mr  Gall  and  Mr.  Warner  are  now  at  work,  determining 
which  of  them  will  be  the  cheapest  to  adopt.  In  addition 
to  remedying  the  breaking  trouble  which  we  are  having,  to 
a  large  extent,  these  tvjo  now  systems  eliminate  the  ['ghost" 
effect  ■  i. e ,  the  appearance  of  the  carbons  on  the  screen. 

One  of  these  two  systems  under  consideration  has  been  adopted 
aB  standard  on  the  Continent .  where  very  much  higher  current 
is  used,  in  the  oro  than  on  this  Bide. 


Mr„  Langley  reports  that  the  80-120  ampere  transformer  haB 
been  sent  baok  to  the  Cutler  Hummer  Mfg,  Company,  and  the 
60-00  one  As  beine  tested  in  the  Kinetophone  Studio,  under 
the  direction  of  Mr,  Halpin.  In  fact,  the  transformer 
is  being  tested  at  the  same  time  that  the  condensers  are 
being  tested,  in  order  that  the  current  may  not  be  wasted 
by  applying  two  lamp  houses  Y/ith  current  for  thlB  purpose. 


MR.  GA11  took  the  softer  bolt  to  the  Bronx  Studio,  and  put  it 
on  the  motor  drive  machine.  They  report  back  that  the 
machine  in  now  all  right.  In  fact,  they  are  so  pleased  with 
it,  they  will  not  allow  ub  to  take  it  away  for  test  here  in 
Dav..s  Department*  We  are.  therefore,  maicing  up  a  motor 

drive  for  D,C  and  another  one  for  A.C.,  to  reduoe  it  to 
oommeroiai  practice  As  soon  ae  the  oastings  are  reoeived 
from  the  foundry-  work  will  he  started  on  them  at  once,  and 
every  effort  made  to  get  both  types  of  the  maohine  outfit 
the  earliest  poboihlt  date.  We  have  quite  a  deuand^for  a 
motor-driven  Model  D  attachment,  and  it  begins  to  look  as 
if  we  will  soor.  have  a  commercial  artiole  which  we  can 
supply o  hut  which  we  will  not  recommend D  for  the  reason 
that  insurance  lawB  governing  the  application  of  motor 
drive  to  a  motion  picture  maohine  are  too  otrigent  to  admit 
of  our  reaommending  anything  which  doee  not  live  up  to  that 
law  perfectly  To  live  up  to  the  law  would  necessitate 
‘an  entire  re-design  of  our  standard  maohine.  In  other  words 
we  do  not  want  to  get  in  wrong  with  the  Underwriter.  If. 
however,  an  owner  of  a  motion  picture  maohine  wants  to  buy 
a  motor-driven  attachment t  and  put  it  on  at  his  own  risk, 
it  is  up  to  him, 


Under  the  present  regime,  the  Studio  is  not  sufficiently 
far  ahead  of  negative  production  to  enable  us  to  inspect  the 
film  properly,  here  at  the  Works.  In  other  words,  a 
negative  coming  in,  in  the  morning,  munt  be  inspected  aid 
up^to  Jamison*  s  Department  before  noon  of  that  day.  Other 
work  may  have  piled  up  on  Davis  to  the  extent  of  his  having 
to  drop  it  and  go  into  the  one  or  two  reels  of  negative, 
with  resultant  interference.  We  hope  that  within  a  short 
time,  when  tho  fifth  etage,  etc,  has  been  installed  at  the 
Bronx  Studio,  that  the  Studio  will  be  able  to  get  ahead 
several  weeks  at  least  -  preferably  site  weeks  -  in  order 
that  thi-  negative  film  inspection  may  be  done  with  more 
thoroughness , 

Mr-  Warner's  time  is  praotioally  all  taken  up  inspecting 
negative  film,  along  with  Mr,  Davis.  That  is  to  say  his 
time  is  broken  up  b $  reason  of  constant  interruption  in  that 
he  ie  doing  here  at  the  Laboratory,  to  go  down  to  the  Film 
Plant  and  go  over  negatives  as  they  come  in,  Mr.  Davis  is 
ooneidered  by  Mr.  Gall  Mr.,  Hioolai  and  tho  rest  of  ue  aa 
being  thoroughly  competent  to  examine  and  criticize  negative 
film-  It  is  therefore  doubtful  qb  to  whether  it  is 
neoesBary  for  Mr  Warner  to  devote  so  much  time  to  that 
particular  work-  It  ,iu  therefore  suggested  that  we  try,  for 
a  week  or-  two-  having  Mr,  Davie  inspeot  the  film  alone,  and 
If  anything  should  arise  in  which  he  thinks  he  would  like  to 
have  the  cooperation  of  Mr  Warner,  he  will  call  on  him. 
Otherwise  Mr.  Davis  will  Inspeot  the  film  alone. 

This  will  enable  Hr.  Warner  to  prooeed  with  a  lot  of  work 
that  has  piled  up  on  him  in  development  and  other  lines. 


The  two  finished  Super-Kinetosoopeo  have  been  turned  over 
to  Mr.  Gall  by  Mr.  Nicolai,  for  oomprehensive  test  and 
ariticism.  One  of  them  is  in  the  Kinetophone  Studio,  on 
the  main  floor,,  and  the  other  one  is  in  the  P.K.  Testing 
Department.  It  is  proposed  to  substitute  a  plug  fuse 
instead  of  a  cartridge  fuse  on  the  Super<=Kinetosoope. 

Mr.  Gall  reports  that,  on  direct  current  of  high  or  low 
amperage,  there  is  no  flicker  whatever  on  the  soreen,  even 
when  there  is  no  film  in  the  machine,,  On  alternating 
current,  there  is  a  perceptible  flicker,  but  very  muoh 
less  than  anything  we  have  heretofore  seen,  but  more  than 
Mr.  Gall  will  be  satisfied  with,  Therefore,  he  has  in 
mind  a  special  form  of  shutter,  which  he  hopeB  will  eliminate 
even  this  small  amount  of  flicker.  Experimental  work 
thereon  is  proceeding t  and  we  hope  that  by  next  meeting  to 
have  a  definite  report  in  this  matter.  This  does  not  mean 
a  change  of  any  moment  or  hold  up  in  the  machines*  production., 

Mr.  Richardson  and  Mr.  Wiley  of  the  Motion  Picture  World, 
were  here  a  few  days,  and  we  gave  them  a  demonstration. 

They  expressed  themselves  as  being  highly  pleased  with  the 
machine,  and  Mr.  Richardson  stated  that  it  is  the  first  time 
in  his  life  he  had  ever  seen  a  flickerless  screen. 

Mr.  Richardson  wrote  quite  an  article,  whioh  will  soon  be 
published  in  the  Motion  Picture  World,  devoting  about  two 
pages  to  the  8upa?^Cinetoscope. 

Within  one  week’s  time,  we  hope  to  have  one  of  these  maohines 
all  ready  to  send  to  the  National  Board  of  Eire  Underwriters. 


Mr.  Langley  submitted  a  sample  from  the  Hart  Mfg.  Company 
of  Hartford,  Conn,,  on  an  alternating  current,  low^voltage 
release  switch.  Being  submitted  to  the  Committee,  it  was 
criticized  on  various  points. 

A  model,  wcrtafcfc*  of  Mr,  Langley’s  design  and  submitted  by 
him,  has  been  approved  for  further  investigation.  It  seems 
to  embody  all  necessary  Balient  features  of  a  successful 
switch.  With  this  approval,  Mr.  Langley  will  now  prooeed 

to  the  Committee  at  t  to  next  meeting,,  but  to  submit  it 
5  the  Chief  Engineer  ae  soona  sp  osaibl  eft  e  auon  oi  it  ie  is 

as  may  be  deemed  necessary,  The  »“* il  Serfs* ted 

of  it)  will  be  wit  through,  and  a  commercially  paries-lea 
typo  n»de  available  promptly*. 

The  Cutler  Hammer  Company  hove  boon  endeavor! rg  to  got  trio 
U.  end  of  their  business  interested  in  making  one  of  thos° 
awit-heB.  but  the  'low  York  and  has  not  done  so.  Hr. 
has  prefers  taken  It  up  with  MMee.  and  hopes  to  hove 
c  seaplo  submitted  to  us  by  the  next  meeting* 

It  locks  very  much  as  if  our  own  Ideas  in  this  oonneotioa 
are  better  than  those  we  can  gee  from  the  oubslde,  c,.l 
order  that  ro  delay  may  be  incurred  “Cents' 

rf  the  Super-  Kin  etOBeopo  for  u3e  on  elternating  reni-s, 

Kr»  langLqr  will  bend  every  effort  toward  getting  cut  tms 
model  Immediately. 


yr„  Hioolat  reports  that  tools  have  been  finished,  ana  t ho 
grt  icle  is  new  in  wc*.  Sc  this  paragraph  may  be  closed. 


The  model  spoken  of  in  last  meeting  has  been  sen*  do  m  to 
the  oest inn:  Department,  the  men  all  approve  ox  it,  and 
sum-estion  for  improves  ait,  embodying  this  design,  has  boon 
sent  uu.  Engineering  notice  is  being  prepared  on  same,  and 
will  be  issued  Saturday, 


Kr.  Hutchison  is  in  receipt  of  e  Eemorn.idum  from  Mr*  Durand 
stating  that  if  the  little  pan  for  r e o e i v Inc  then aai in ,;s 
x>  ix a  nr*  mQ/'hir,o  cylind sr  is  In  pise©',  'tfcslJ  fcho  bscl- 

yViLt;  J5£i  « tsr.2? IV ?mS ijSio^r 

Ha  has  .In  ...CM  *•  *111.  r.dl.l  “!?  i”A“  V'Suf 
of  the  recorder  and  the  reproducer.  same  in 

oorew  nay  enter  tliese  holes,  ana  tend  to  hold  the  same  in 
their  swivel  pleteB  more  securely. 

Uuon  motion  made  by  the  Chief  Engineer,  and  seconded  by 
“Cashed  members  of  the  * 

to  req-iout  lhal  Hr ,  K01.L~.1d  at-ond  the 
Engineering  Committee,  for  such  queetione  regarding 
Dictating  Machine  as  nay  come  up.  He  will  therefore  oe 
included  in  the  membership c  and  notice  sent  to  him  to 
attend  meetings  every  Thursday,  at  3  PJ1-. 


Other  manufacturers  of  motion  picture  projecting  machines 
are  supplying  rewinding  devices  with  their  macnines.  roe 
n-?  tVtesa  rewinding  devices  are  quite  clever,,  On  the  other 
hand  we  sunnly,  with  our  machine,,  an  antiquated  dovice  that 
although  it  operates,  cannot  he  compared  with  oo,^ 
rewinders  on  the  market- 

T*  in  therefore  considered  advisable  that  we  design  up  a 
htndrew;ndtnr  device  which  can  he  made  for  a  few  dollars 
-rd  emmiy  it' 'with  the  Super-Xinetoscope,  Something  that 
Will  hePa  credit  to  the  Super  Kinetoseope.,  This  is 

Lid  Mr,  Simpson  will  get.  together  on  this  proposition, 
conferring  with  Mr,  Gall,  and  see  if  something  practical 
cannot  he  designed  up.  before  the  next  meeting 

feature . 



rand  IOS  aOLDiHO  m  aan  u  ms  mm  raw  os  ms  m. 

kmt  jsrsa.’w  fiHr' 


Ket  down  In  between  the  two  sides  of  a  real 
it  Furthermore-  it  takes  time  -o  apply.  It  is  there 
foie  not  considered  practicable,  and  we  would  not  care  to 
take  it  up.  An  elastic  band  is  far  more  practicable. 

There  being  no  further  business  before  the  meeting.  it 
adjourned  at  4s3B  PX 




Copies  to  Messrs.  Edison,  Wilson,  Durand  and  Holland 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  World  War  I  (E-14-88) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  and  other  documents  relating  to 
Edison's  attitude  toward  World  War  I.  Included  is  correspondence  with 
financier  Jacob  H.  Schiff  of  Kuhn,  Loeb  &  Co.  and  Rabbi  Leo  M.  Franklin  of 
Detroit  regarding  Edison’s  opinion  about  the  role  of  Germany's  Jews  in 
brinqing  on  the  war.  Also  included  is  an  invitation  to  discuss  the  war  in  a 
roundtable  conference  convened  by  Lillian  D.  Wald  at  the  Henry  Street 
Settlement  in  New  York  City. 

Approximately  50  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected.  The 
unselected  material  consists  primarily  of  unsolicited  correspondence  and 

1  Arthur  street, 

Yonkers,  I!,  Y. 

Sept  18,  1914. 

T-ir.  Thomas  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  k.  J. 

Dear  Mr.  Edison: 

Kay  I  ask  you  to  perform  a  great 
service  for  humanity? 

In  the  enclosed  clipping  from  The 
Y/orld,  I  have  advocated  the  democritizetion  of  the 
war-making  power. 

I  have  said  that  no  aggreesive  war 
should  he  waged  except  after  war  had  been  declared 
by  direct  vote  of  the  people. 

Within  a  month,  I  have  put  these 
ideas  in  publications  having  1,150,000  circulation. 

If  the  ideas  appeal  to  you,  and  you 
will  endorse  then  in  your  own  handwriting,  I  will 
undertake  to  put  your  endorsement,  before  the  whole 


In  making  this  request  of  you,  I  am 
not  looking  for  "copy".  I  am  trying  to  do  some  good. 

I  enclose  stamped  envelope. 

Yours  Truly, 

rs  xruxy, 



!  QJL  $  cua*.  h.a 

’Jf  -a- 


OUvv  <2- <3 


<ijO- { — W\-£  "ta"* 

be  one  of  a  Bmall  group  of  people  to  coma  to  the 
Henry  Street  Settlement  for  a  round  table  confer¬ 
ence  on  the  war  on  Tuesday,  September  twenty-ninth. 
Miss  AddamB  and  1  hope  that  our  guests  will  meet 
us  at  luncheon  at  half-past  one,  remain  through 
the  afternoon  and  assemble  at  dinner  at  half-past 

We  suppose  that  never  before  has  Society 
been  self-conBcious  enough  carefully  to^note  the 
subtle  reactions  of  war,  inevitably  disastrous 
to  the  humane  instincts  which  had  been  asserting 
themselves  in  the  social  order.  We  feel  that, 
whatever  the  outcome  of  the .  conflict ,  we  are  con¬ 
cerned  that  certain  things  in  the  civilization  of 
Europe  and  in  each  of  the  warring  countries  shall 
not  perish. 

While  the  United  States  must,  as  a  nori-oombataitt 



nation  maintain  a  neutral  attitude,  so  much  is 
at  stake  ■  in  both  war  and  reconstruction  that  on 
the  day  when,  as  President  Wilson  has  said,  the 
nations  of  Europe  come  together  for  settlement, 
Americans  should,  as  freemen  and  democrats  and 
peace-lovers,  express  themselves  in  some  affirm¬ 
ative  way. 

This  round  table  is  suggested  as  a  means  by 
which,  in  humbleness  and  quiet,  some  of  us  who 
deal  with  the  social  fabrio  may  come  together  to 
olarify  our  minds  and,  if  .it  seems  wise,  to  act 
in  concert. 

Please  regard  the  meeting  as  a  matter  of 
confidence.  Kindly  reply  immediately,  and  by 
Wire  if  out  of  town. 

Sinoerely  yours 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Edison 
Llewellyn  Park 

Orange ,  H.  J .. 

ftluu  C&&W  *0-  tye&L-. 




list  of  those  invito*  by  Kies  Wald  and  Ulus  Adaem# 
to  participate  in  the  conference  at  the  Honry  Street 
Settlement,  September  R9,  1914 

Professor  Felix  Adler 
Kins  Emily  Baloh 
Hr.  Ernest  P.  Bioknell 
Hr.  Louie  Branfiain 
Hr.  Charles  8.  Crane 
Ur.  Edward  I.  Bovine 
Hr.  Thomas  A.  Edison 
President  Eliot 
Hr.  John  Gavit 
Bre.  John  a.  Clean 
President  Goodnow 
Rev.  John  Haynes  Holms 
Hr.  Hamilton  Holt 

Hr.  William  Been  Howells 
Sirs.  Florence  Kelley 
Hr.  Paul  U.  Kellogg 
Congressman  William  Kent 
Bean  Klrohwey 
Mies  Julia  Lnthrop 
Br.  Samuel  EoOune  Lindsay 
ltr.  Owen  8.  Lovojoy 
Judge  Julian  Hack 
Profoesor  Graham  Taylor 
President  Van  Blue 
Hr.  Korney  William# 

Rev.  Stephen  s.  Wise 

Oudenarder  Strasse  23-32 


83rd  Ootober  1914 

Bernard  A.  Klein,  Esq. 

o/o  Mr.  H.  P.  K)  ein 

178  Duane  Street 

New  York,  N.Y. 

Dear  Mr.  Klein: 

Your  letter  of  September  88th  regarding  your  trunk 
haa  come  duly  to  hand.  Your  trunk  was  returned  to  ua  by  Mesara. 
Bra ah  &  Rothenatein  on  the  Slat  of  Auguat  and,  on  September  19th, 
the  American  Express  do.  of  thia  city  caned  for  it  atating  that 
they  had  inatructiona  from  you  in  America  to  Bhip  thia  trunk  to 
your  New  York  addreaa.  We  turned  it  over  to  them  and  it  will 
doubtleaa  have  reached  you  aafely  in  the  meantime. 

I  Binceroly  trust  that  by  this  time  the  Amerioan 
newspapers  will  have  been  able  to  sooure  the  true  reportB  of  the 
brilliant  viotoriea  of  our  gallant  troopo  and  that  the  Ameriean 
public  will  get  the  actual  facts  about  this  terrible  war. 

With  kind  regards  to  your  father  and  yourself, 
Yours  ainoerely 

(signed)  Bergmann. 

—j-^1  0  -  g)  a,  Lnl- 


MOV.  10 1  y/W^  • 

Dear  Mr.  Edison; 

My  attention  has  been  called  to  an  interview  with  you. 
printed  recently  in  the  Detroit  Eree  Press,  which  has  astounded  me, 
for  i  can  hardly  believe,  from  what  I  know  of  you,  that  you  would 
willingly  slander  anyone  -  and  certainly  not  a  whole  people.  To 
say  that  the  Jews  in  Germany  are  responsible  for  this  terrible  war 
and  to  sustain  this  opinion  by  such  statements  and  reasons  as  have 
been  ascribed  to  you.  is.  to  put  it  mildly,  a  flighty  if  not  a  crim¬ 
inal  assertion,  and  I  shall  never  believe  that  you  are  capable  of 
this,  unless  you  tell  me  yourself  that  you  have  given  this  interview 
and  that  you  have  been  correctly  reported. 

Should  such  not  hot.  teen  tho  on..,  do  yon  not  fool  that 

yon  one  It  to  yourself,  if  *°  «““•  M 

hoe  so  seriously  hurt,  to  insist  «h.t  the  published  St. tenant  be 

withdrawn  or  oorree.ed  in  o.  proninen.  .  -»ner  «.  it  h.s  been  print*! 

With  assurances  of  este...  b.liet.  no,  dear  Mr.  Sdlson. 

Yours  faithfully. 



tvxvt,  vu&'f  A&JtL/ys  \i\&  CuJIkU 

($■<_£%  J-lCC CO't-usd&'ti  ^ 

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au-t S^rdu^C'*- _ o^Cfii )& 

{\AjCC$ t^tC  Wv  Q (9-CoCsU^^  — 

g^k^nfyyi  f  VXh^^t,<hT7C&j 

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rty&idk  ^jLOc<Sj 

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Kr*  "oZge^iTf jfon’6^ 

Ky  dear  Mr.  Edison:  U*  ^  ^ 

WLe-viw**^  'vv\<«»  L&'-i»A  Uf®v^  ■ 

I  trust  you  rlXl  pardoi*  i|e  for  presuming  to^^, 

tring  to  your  attention  a  matter  Jtbot  is  of  supreme  im-  ' 

portanoe  not  only  to  the  Jews  of  this  country,  hut  as 
well,  I  take  it,  to  yourself. 

X  refer  to  the  expression  of  opinion  ascribe( 
to  you  hy  the  Detroit  Free  Press  in  its  issue  of  Octobi 


26tb,  8nd  which  in  substance  you  hove  repudiated  in  yoi 
letter  to  Hr.  Jacob  H.  Sohiff  under  date  of  November  li 
Shat  I  did  not  think  you  were  correctly  quoted  in  tb 
iginal  article,  will  be  quite  plain  to  you  from  my  lettjer 
to  the  Free  Press  which  was  published  on  the 
the  publication  of  your  supposed  interview. 

I  would  not  trouble  you  with  this  matter  agaifc 
were  it  not  for  the  fact-  that  the  Free  Press  refuses  toi 
take  any  notice  of  your  letter  to  Mr.  Schiff,  on  the  grtjund^ 
that,  in  the  first  place  they  d<MF  not  have  personal  kno^leclegr. 
that  you  ever  wrote  such  a  letter,  and  in  the  second, 
they  clalf).  yon  denied  nothing  that  was  ascribed  to  you  in 
t  the  original  article.}  Both  of  tbeBe  positions,  It  seemsil'u^. 

rr°  <hn  / 


6-fc.  1 

1  4 


U,  are”*ridion 

‘o Howling  gj  ^ — 

In  view  of  the  foot  that  the  Jewish  people  have 
suffered  greatly  through  the  wide-spread  publication  of  the 
fact  that  a  man  of  your  authority  and  eminence  holds  them  in 
the  last  analysis  responsible  for  the  beginning  of  hostili¬ 
ties,  I  feel  that  it  will  be  a  matter  of  justice  to  them  and 
to  yourself  if  you  will  be  good  enough  to  write  either  to  the 
Free  Press  or  to  myself,  a  letter  saying,  as  you  did  to  Hr. 
Schiff.  that  the  article  in  oration  did  not  really  egress 

your  views  upon  this  subject. 

Thanking  you  in  advance  for  your  consideration  in 
the  matter,  and  assuring  you  of  my  high  personal  esteem,  I 
beg  to  remain. 

Very  truly  yours, 

<&■''  -2 

Hr.  Henry  Ford. 





German  “Military  Gangs”! 
Dominated  by  Jewish  ! 
Business  Men. 


Electrical  Genius  Dcolares  A 
Will  Benefit  Industrie 
ly  From  Contest. 

illson,  electrical  genius,  Sundi 
moral,  tho  conflict  in  Europe,  ni 



4f xtt 

Hov.  27th,  1914 

Bahbi  loo  H.  Franklin, 

Temple  Both  61,  ■ 

Detroit,  HidhiEon. 

My  dear  Sir:- 

.  Iam  in  receipt  of  year  favor  of  the  23rd  inotant, 

which  has  had  my  careful  consideration. 

:  let  mo  say  in  reply  that  it  would  he  simply  im¬ 
possible  to  deny  everything  that  appears  in  the  newspapers. 

of 'fat.  “ 

noMroas  *•  **"  b*“  **“  thal 

nou.r  6i™».  u»a  ar.  p«.w  s°”  °f 

ww  injurious  «.  a.  W  *«*  W  ““  1 

utter.4,  nor  <W  I  "ould  .tor  ar.u.  of  «*tori»«.  Ka-oy  four. 

I  fought  this  ful.ifiou.lon,  but  soon  founa  it  h0P»l==»  *»* 
gave  it  up. 

Don't  worry.  She  Jew  is  holding  up  in  this  bar, 

all  risht. 

yours  very  truly. 

— — r 

£7  dc 

/*7V~  , 

fiyp/ZT $a7  Skv eb-it*ttJ!-t$f~7  of  U-'S-^- 

&t  ^tZ  S&*xsrnjf«J’ 

y  s^nu^c**,  iHsuiuftxZf^  y«*"~4 

w  $r<s«/yf  e**™z, 

i?/7  tyvwM-<»A**f  a^uf  rfCui  fl/iA>&-^  rZs  'ZtraAf  ■ 

(i/Ap  atowtt/rf~  S*  U>SA.  «km«(C(  e^u  *W  StHoT  r>-e*%ZLeyy71’  ?<(o>0- 

C&SH  ^aZoatfr'  U't^O.  AH  fl&Of*4c, 
loi  Jfa-  oTiwuyfmo  fat  ^o0cjul~-  awf  off  flteZ 
Sawn.  <ZZtnA'  oj6£oto-~  a  fwr-^iuefy  Ayfpootfro 
iaf  720.  AoVu&&  gjpjtfyiany  n&ynp  * 

Edison  General  File  Series 
1914.  X-Rays  (E-14-89) 

This  folder  contains  correspondence  relating  to  the  development  of  x- 
rays.  The  selected  items  for  1914  are  primarily  by  medical  doctors  from  New 
York  City. 

Approximately  20  percent  of  the  documents  have  been  selected, 
including  all  letters  with  substantive  marginalia  by  Edison.  The  unselected 
material  consists  of  routine  requests  and  unsolicited  correspondence  seeking 
advice  or  information  about  x-rays. 

work  in  the  hope  of  finding  a  materiel  which  under  the  influence 
of  x-rays  will  fluoresce  with  a  sufficiently  powerful  actinic 
light  to  enable  us  to  photograph  the  fluorescent  screen  without 
unduly  long  exposures.  The  present  intensifying  screens  which 
are  made  with  calcium  tungstate  are  not  fast  enough,  and  we 
suspect  that  there  may  be  some  salt  which  may  give  a  good  actinic 
action  which  is  beyond  the  range  of  the  visible  spectrum  and 
which,  therefore,  has  not  been  noticed.  Years  ago  Mr.  Edison 
made  an  exhaustive  set  of  experiments  which  led  to  the  use  of 
calcium  tungstate.  Before  beginning  our  experiments,  we  would 
like  to  know  whether  Mr.  Edison's  observations  were  extended  to 
cover  the  photograohie  effect  as  well  as  the  visual  effect.  We, 
naturally,  do  not  want  to  duplicate  work  that  has  already  been 

'.Vonld  it  be  difficult  for  you  to  put  me  in 
touch  with  as  much  information  ns  possible  about  these  experiments. 

I  have  not  had  the  pleasure  of  meeting  Mr.  Edison  personally  and, 
therefore,  instead. of  taking  the  matter  up  directly  with  him,  I  am 
bothering  you  about  it. 

With  kindest  regards,  I  am. 


Reel  duplication  of  the  whole  or  of 
any  part  of  this  film  is  prohibited. 
In  lieu  of  transcripts,  however, 
enlarged  photocopies  of  selected 
items  contained  on  these  reels 
may  be  made  in  order  to  facilitate 

A  Note  on  the  Sources 
The  pages  which  have  been 
filmed  are  the  best  copies 
available.  Every  technical 
effort  possible  has  been 
made  to  ensure  legibility. 


Wc  thankfully  acknowledge  the  vision  and  support  of  Rutgers  University  and  the 
Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers  Board  of  Sponsors. 

This  edition  was  made  possible  by  grant  Kinds  provided  from  the  New  Jersey  Historical 
Commission,  National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission  and  The  National 
Endowment  for  the  Humanities.  Major  underwriting  has  been  provided  by  the  Barkley  Fund, 
through  the  National  Trust  Tor  the  Humanities,  and  by  The  Charles  Edison  Foundation. 

We  arc  grateful  for  the  generous  support  of  the  IEEE  Foundation,  the  Hyde  &  Watson 
Foundation,  the  Martinson  Family  Foundation,  and  the  GE  Foundation.  We  acknowledge  gifts 
from  many  other  individuals,  as  well  as  an  anonymous  donor;  the  Association  of  Edison 
Illuminating  Companies;  and  the  Edison  Electric  Institute.  For  the  assistance  of  all  these 
organizations  and  individuals,  as  well  as  for  the  indispensable  aid  of  archivists,  librarians, 
scholars,  and  collectors,  the  editors  are  most  grateful. 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey  National  Park  Service 

Richard  L.  McCormick  Maryanne  Gerbauckas 

ZivaGalili  Michelle  Ortwcin 

Ann  Fabian 

Paul  Clemens  Smithsonian  Institution 

Harold  Wallace 

New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Marc  Mappen 


Robert  Friedel,  University  of  Maryland 
Louis  Galambos,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Susan  Hockey,  Oxford  University 
Thomas  P.  Hughes,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
Ronald  Kline,  Cornell  University 
Robert  Rosenberg,  John  Wiley  &  Sons 
Mare  Rothenberg,  Joseph  Henry  Papers,  Smithsonian  Institution 
Philip  Scranton,  Rutgers  University/Hagley  Museum 
Merritt  Roe  Smith,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 


Director  and  General  Editor 

Paul  Israel 

Senior  Editor 
Thomas  Jeffrey 

Associate  Editors 
Louis  Carlat 
Theresa  Collins 

Assistant  Editor 
David  Hochfelder 

Indexing  Editor 
David  Ranzan 

Consulting  Editor 
Linda  Endersby 

Visiting  Editor 
Amy  Flanders 

Editorial  Assistants 
Alexandra  Rimer 
Kelly  Enright 
Eric  Barry 

Outreach  and  Development 
(Edison  Across  the  Curriculum) 

Theresa  Collins 

Business  Manager 
Rachel  Wcisscnburgcr 

Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers 

Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
endorsed  by 

National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission 
18  June  1981 

Copyright  ©  2007  by  Rutgers,  The  State  University 

All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  publication  including  any  portion  of  the  guide  and 
index  or  of  the  microfilm  may  be  reproduced,  stored  in  a  retrieval  system,  or  transmitted  in  any 
form  by  any  means— graphic,  electronic,  mechanical,  or  chemical,  including  photocopying, 
recording  or  taping,  or  information  storage  and  retrieval  systems — without  written  permission  of 
Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey. 

The  original  documents  in  this  edition  are  from  the  archives  at  the  Edison  National 
Historic  Site  at  West  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

ISBN  978-0-88692-887-2 

.  1?lp. 


Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 
Senior  Editor 

Brian  C.  Shipley 
Theresa  M.  Collins 
Linda  E.  Endersby 

David  A.  Ranzan 
Indexing  Editor 

Janette  Pardo 
Richard  Mizellc 
Peter  Mikulas 

Paul  B.  Israel 
Director  and  General  Editor 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
National  Park  Service,  Edison  National  Historic  Site 
New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Smithsonian  Institution 

A  UPA  Collection  from 


7500  Old  Georgetown  Rond  •  Bctliesdn,  MD  20814-6126 
Edison  signature  used  with  permission  of  MeGruw-Gdison  Company 

'"I"  III  I  I1 


Compilation  ©  2007  LexisNexis  Academic  &  Library  Solutions, 
a  division  of  Reed  Elsevier  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.